#maybe whats putting me in this slump is that i havent *finished* my credentials
ceasarslegion · 2 years
Followers from slovenia portugal and germany how is the social culture around trans people where you live? And if you know, how easy would it be to get prescriptions transfered from overseas?
After speaking to one of my relatives from europe over christmas/hanukkah this year im uh,, seriously considering a major life change. Theres nothing really for what i want to do where i am and with what i have but if i could get into one of the grad schools that accepts foreigners for free overseas and get my masters and potentially a phd i could have a REAL shot at my more ambitious dreams
And like,, im 24 years old with no dependents. Whats stopping me? It would be a hell of a lot of work balancing going back to school and supporting myself independently in a foreign country but hey, i basically did that for my undergrad and i was fine. I got honours with distinction! I can do it again!
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