#maybe with some AMA type posts or screenshots
siffrins-therapist · 8 months
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I forgot about this one XD
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Yeah, I’m back on my Sims 4 bullshit! („ಡωಡ„) After an entire month I started to miss my Sim children. So, I decided to visit them once again and have some memorable screenshots, especially since I only started sharing my Sims experience from 5th and 6th generation. I’d be grateful if you checked it out one day, I think it can be somewhat investing! And there will be more content to come...
Recently I noted down in my little notebook all basic information and cool trivia about each of my Sim children, and I decided to share some of it here. There is a limit of only 10 pictures in one post, and I was afraid the post would be long but, to be fair, this is my blog and I’m doing what I want now! And, I will merely touch upon what is already established up to Delphini (gen 7). Again, there will be more in the future. Apologies in advance (ง ื▿ ื)ว
Generation one: Valentina Owl. I created her back in December 2019 when I got Discover University for Christmas! She’s a “human” Sim and I created her through a story option in CAS, and immediately started having a blast. I was not a huge fan of such USAmericanised concept of university but the game was fun. She was the only one who lived up to be an elder (and then die) because back then I thought I’m gonna have a game where my Sims age and stuff. That quickly didn’t work out for me because I missed her already and decided that I’m gonna fill my entire save with just Owl family. Valentina studied Communications and worked as a policewoman at the same time. A lonely workaholic with only her lavish garden, she finally settled for a relationship with Lilith Vatore. As I noticed in this post, there was no marriage so my entire bloodline comes from a bastard. Lovely! She died from receiving a flower arragement with Death Flower scent. Now she’s on the Gallery.
Generation two: Herbert Owl. He was the one who directly killed Valentina. He mastered Gardening like Valentina, and then Flower Arranging - unfortunate for her. Because of Lilith, he was a vampire - and to be fair, the consequences are haunting me to this day! So, a few trivia, maybe. He is super smart, lives in Glimmerbrook like the next two generations, and has a small garden in his house where he grows crops for husband’s, Morgyn Ember’s, potions. He prefers black and purple clothes, both in his human and vampire form. He wrote only one book in his life, translating to The Real Story of Valentina Owl - whether it’s to cover the murder or not remains a mystery. He makes flower arrangements to this day. Ah, he’s also immune to Sun thanks to one of his vampire perks! That sort of helped him take a better care of his son whom he loves very much.
Generation three: Harry Owl. There is not that much I can say about him. A perfectionist like his father (Herbert), he’s blond and wears both masculine and feminine clothes like his other father (Morgyn), but this is where the comparisons end. See, in my mind he wasn’t a good person, despite having a Compassionate trait. He cared for his grandmother’s (Valentina’s) garden only because of his father’s (Herbert’s) feelings; later he shun away gardening. As a teenager, he often used to drink plasma without permission even if he wasn’t thirsty. Of course, he was also a really bad father, often berating his son for not being “good enough” or not paying attention to him at all. All Harry cared about were his paintings that he was creating in his private office. He married Miverva Charm, started living with her family, and still decided to only socialise with her. No one really knows what made him choose her.
Generation four: Nereus Owl. Born a vampire, he cured himself out of vampirism as soon as he could and later became a spellcaster. All he ever did in life was seemed like a rebellion against his father - clothes, flacking off during studies, loving gardening and shuning away painting. Well, it seemed to his father that Nereus is doing this to spite him. Despite this borderline abuse (because how abusive can Sims really be?), Nereus claims his childhood was relatively happy. Of course, he has no clue where his Erratic trait came from! Or why he grew to be a Perfectionist as well. All he knows is that having over 11 different plants in his garden is what makes him happy and that he doesn’t care if his father approves of him anymore! You could see him for the first time here. What is more, as he grew older, he found that he loves playing the violin and his wife, L. Faba, supports him in any way she can. His natural hair colour is red; thanks, grey-haired Minerva - that one bit me in the ass for next three generations.
Generation five: Elijah Tane Owl. Vegetarian like his father, he was the first one to attend Foxbury instead of Britechester. His father Nereus claimed it should be Elijah’s choice what he wants to do in life, giving Elijah freedom Nereus never really had. Elijah studied Computer Science but was a man of many talents. He was a fan of Handiness, Cooking (especially grilling), and Fitness. He often played (and sang) serenades on a keyboard for his wife, Alessandra Robles, almost maxing out his Piano skill. What made him date Alessandra was a shared Vegetarian trait. His favourite colour accent in clothing is green. He grew six strawberry plants because he wished to have a daughter (yeah, only in Sims 4 lol). There are more info about him in my previous posts as it was this generation when I started publishing my game progress, starting with this one (although my main focus was on Salem).
Generation six: Salem Owl (previously Lavender Owl). There is tons and tons of posts about her, her wife Luna Villareal (both are adults, calm down FBI), and their five daughers: Amaryllis, Wisteria, Delphini (remember this one), Hemlock, and Poppy. All you need to know about her is that she is a hard-working mother who climbed her way to the top and even higher to secure the future of her daughers. She hoped for three children and played with On the Dark Ley-Line lot trait to perhaps have some vampire offspring. Instead, she had twins (Ama and Wis) first, and then triplets (Del, Hem, and Poppy) later! She taught her daughers instruments/skills like Piano, Pipe Organ, and Violin. Once she realised Wis and Hem were vampires, she started growing three Plasma fruit trees, with time maxing out her Gardening skill. She’s on very bad terms with her grandma, L. Faba, but tries to keep in touch with her grandpa, Nereus. She has a bad reputation because of her Insensitive trait and a handful of enemies. She’s sorry for what happened between Lilith and Valentina in the past but the Vatore twins don’t mind. She’s ginger, workaholic, has spiky ears, and a lot of freckles. She’s still very good friends with Vladislaus.
Generation seven (A): Amaryllis Owl. She’s colour-coded (pink) and her clothes and room reflect that. She wrote at least 10 books, has spiky ears after her mother (Salem), and is the older daugher in the house. Eventually, she married Candy Behr. Ama’s twin sister is Wisteria and they share the same eyeliner type. Despite having a twin, her skin tone is lighter than Wis’ but the same as Hem and Poppy’s. She inherited a feminine walk from her mother (Luna). Doesn’t know much about Vampire Lore despite having vampire sisters. She loved doing everything with her twin sister. Amaryllis used to be a naturally-born/spawned hybrid of a vampire and a spellcaster but settled for the latter.
Generation seven (B): Wisteria Owl. She’s colour-coded (purple) and her room reflects that. As a vampire, she aims for a gothic look, often wearing hats and gloves to hide from the sun (with time, she turned into a heliphobe). She’s an actress and a B-Lister. She has a pet frog in her room. To reach her room, one has to walk through Ama’s room first - and they’re both okay with that. Wis is the only one to have the same skin tone as her mother (Salem) and the same nose as her other mother (Luna). Her vampiric form changes her eye colour to glowing purple. She loved goign to karaoke bars with her older twin sister Ama, which led Wis to maxing out Singing skill. As a fully fledged vampire, she decided to reach out to Herbert - they’re good friends.
Generation seven (C): Delphini Owl. Same as Amaryllis - naturally-born/spawned hybrid of a vampire and a spellcaster but settled for the latter. She’s colour-coded (dark blue) and her clothes and room reflect that. She always knew she’s going to leave the house and eventually create more Owls. She pursued the rich life and moved out to Del Sol Valley, eventually becoming a Global Superstar. She used to work in a Musician Branch but quit after time - blame the Freegan trait. She has three cats and lives with her daugher Morgan, and her [Morgan’s] husband Kaito Kaneko, and their adopted son Leven Owl (all of which I’ll talk about another time). She received a lot of awards (meeting with fans, Perfect Llama to name the few) and is very happy that her daugher lives with her. She used to romance with Flower Bunny, and then Octavia Moon - althought the initial plan was to go after Octavia’s husband, Thorne. Del often drinks but since there’s no alcoholism in Sims 4, let’s pretent she likes to stay hydrated! She owes half of her success (or namely, money for and expensive house) to her mother Salem. Loves to sunbathe!
Generation seven (D): Hemlock Owl. She’s colour-coded (white) and her clothes and room reflect that. She’s a make-up enthusiast and a little spoiled by the rich life. Also, she’s very Squeamish and Noncommittal. Despite being a vampire, she’s not interested in improving Vampire Lore skill at all. In her vampire form, her eyes change to glowing white. Her face as as many freckles as her mother’s (Salem). She’s the middle child in the triplets business and her best friend is Poppy. She used to wear glasses as a child... What more can I say? She’s living the dream!
Generation seven (E): Poppy Owl. She’s colour-coded (red) and her clothes and room (and a neon light) reflect that. The youngest daughter in the house. Wild and a Bro, she’s the perfect candidate to hang out with. She’s the only child to be born a human - which most likely makes Luna very happy. She’s a robots enthusiast - not Robotics skill but only figurines of robots. She’s a Geek so what else should we expect? She has her own TV and a stereo in her room (as well as a bubble machine). Poppy often wears her PJs around the house because they’re the comfiest. Despite being a Bro, she doesn’t really have friends beside her family. She’s the one to walk the family dog, Milk.
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Camren AMA’s Timeline///(Long Ass Post)
I decided to make this post because I have not stopped thinking about a Lauren Instagram Live five days before the night of the AMA's last year. For that same reason, I am giving myself the task of doing this kind of Timeline where I will put everything I can about that night.
Before The AMA’s
Lauren’s IG Live:
This Live was very crazy for me, she posted it on October 4, 2018, I'm not sure if she recorded it or too late or too early, (although the Instagram database says it was at six in the morning), but it was A long video of almost an hour in which our moonchild talked a lot about politics and we could see her with Gracie and even when she had a cold. That live has caught my attention not because of its duration or what she talked about in that video, but because it was uploaded to her Instagram account just five days before the AMA's of that same month. We know that artists know about the presentations at various awards ceremonies long before the assists are revealed so I'm sure that when Lauren recorded that Live she "already knew" that she would have to accompany her PR to the ceremony, because let's be honest , she was that that day. Only the companion of her PR. 
A side note:  About this video, If someone of you folks remember another IG live from Lauren before the AMA’s please reblog this post with your answer, thanks.
Lauren’s story before the AMA’s (a day before):
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I think this story she did the night before the AMA's says it all. I have nothing but the image but I know she posted it on October 8 because it is the date that I saved it on my computer. Clarification: I don't have Camila's side before the AMA's because I decided to concentrate on Lauren before the ceremony rather than Camila. I think here begins my favorite part. I don't remember everything that happened on October 9 but I do remember that we were all very much looking forward to what would happen at the ceremony and if we were going to have a Camren or Normila and Laurmani encounter but ... we had nothing but a TMZ article about the girls I will post later. The stir that night began, much earlier. It started with this image:
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The seats of the artists and the distance that the girls would have throughout the ceremony. Lauren would be next to Ty and Tara to the right of the main stage about three rows or more from the center of the stage and Camila would be next to Roger and Taylor in the center row facing the stage in the front seats. I remember very well that nobody was very sure if Lauren would actually attend the ceremony until we saw the image. She attended and did it with her beard
During The AMA’s
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Camila attended the event with her father but paraded alone on the red carpet
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(Her top energy I see you, I kill you and wow she did) And here is where I will stop for a moment, because I think that at this point in the post, it is where we can see a before and after in this ceremony. I don't think we would have had what we had that night if it weren't for a video of a kiss that ran like lava rivers in the fandom and that made us all go crazy and of course, much more Camila Cabello
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The Tyren kiss. A kiss that should have fucked Camila a lot because that kiss was answered with this post:
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"Hairflips the pain away"
I don't think I have much more to say about it but this fucking kiss would have some crazy consequences later.
Lauren for Billboard:
Another realization of how nervous Lauren was before the ceremony. When she talked about the girls after Chelsea asked her about them, it's still very strange to see. Anxiety almost eats her alive but she overcame it. The ceremony began and the fandom had some curious images during the event.
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Taylor as the Camren godmother fairy
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And the best one or kind of
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The potato quality photo before Camila's presentation that showed us that the girls did see each other in the backstage and that caught the entire fandom’s attention, no doubt.
Lauren also posted videos of the ceremony, I will put the screenshots because I can't upload so many videos here without links other than YouTube (Tumblr you have to fix that).
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Camila singing Consequences
This is another point in this post where I decided to stop. I remember very well that before the presentation of Camila the fandom went into chaos because we hoped Lauren could stay at the performance but Tara armed her circus with Tyren who supposedly tried to show us that the couple in love left the ceremony "before" of Camila's presentation. 
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There’s a reason why Camila was so anxious before her performance too. Not only because she would sing Consequences but because she didn’t if certain green-eyed girl would be able to stayed at her performance.
But ... and the but is gigantic, out of nowhere, or maybe not, a player entered the party of the PR circus who threw down everything Tara tried to make us believe The fan
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Translation: She stayed until the end? The fan replied: She stayed until the end. This girl had taken a picture with Lauren and Camila that night
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Confirming in the first instance that Lauren did stay to see Camila's presentation and then completely denying that Lauren has stayed
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Translation: Hi. Lauren stayed until the end? Did she saw Camila? The Fan: No Oh godd Because of your picture all the people say she did it on Twitter The Fan: I wish Thanks
We all know that fans can’t screw up a narrative so this fan’s changed of mind wasn’t a surprise.
That was drama that was armed that night, another one, and I remember receiving many haters / astros saying that it was a lie, that Lauren did not stay who left with Ty and other fans saying that he did stay because there was one more proof of that:
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Alejandro looking at someone intensely during the presentation of Camila and that it was not Sinu or any other person but that looked a lot like our emerald green-eyed girl
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That video also caused controversy within the fandom, as was the fact that Lauren had teary eyes in her photo taken by the fan. From that fact they told me many things that night, that Lauren was up to marijuana, that she had a cold, that she was not present and others told me that she was crying before Camila's presentation because Tara did not allow her to stay at the performance but who did it thanks to Taylor Swift
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But the confirmation and the most relevant proof that Lauren did stay with Camila's performance was given by Camila herself:
After the AMA's
I think if there is one thing that the fandom and the rest of the world learned is: If you make Camila Cabello angry attentive to the consequences
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This has been our most real proof that the girls were together that night. After Tyren's circus and Tara's poor attempt to make us believe that the couple in love went to the club before Camila's presentation went to hell, the fandom had more details about what happened
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This image details that Camila had a visit in her hotel room (so Camren) that night and that she stayed until the other day. A fan again taking a picture with both girls in the hotel lobby
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Besides we had a lot of fun with the evidence that Tyren was PR all the time
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And we had a new feud with TMZ where they explain in an article that the girls were separated to "avoid" confrontations, as if they were at war. Bastards.
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I think we won't have something like what we had at the AMA's very soon last year. Or with the same controversy. What we do know is that girls are rebels. With this type of detail we can realize that if they punish them it is because they fight and do not remain silent as bastards like their artists to be, gagged, blind and deaf. They don't love the artists who face them because that means losing money that they can't afford to lose or the power they have over their represented but these girls with or without help were able to kick their asses Maverick and Tara and the entire fandom enjoyed it and celebrated and I hope we can have something similar someday. A thousand apologies for the long will, folks. Thank you for reading
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pushbuttontraffic · 3 years
Strategy to Increase Blog Traffic, Metrics, and Shifts with SEO in 2021 with Aja Frost
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- Hi, guys, I'm Kara, marketing associate here at Campaign Creators. If you're watching this, you're watching part two of our three part AMA series interviewing HubSpot's head of content SEO, Aja Frost. If you haven't watched part one, go ahead and watch that. We covered some great things on SEO, content strategy, and more. So let's get back into it. (upbeat music) You kind of answered my next question, but wondering if you want to elaborate more on it. But, yes, there's a lot of blog writers, content creators that are writing a lot of blogs, but don't necessarily have a strategy put in place, and they see the results, traffic isn't growing. What would you suggest for them to do next if they want to improve their traffic, but they just have a bunch of blogs now? What's the most efficient or effective way for them to use their time? - Yeah, I think my first step would be going to Google Search Console or a keyword research tool like Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz, you've got a bunch of options, and just looking at where you're currently getting traffic. What keywords you're currently ranking for. And being really honest with yourself about whether those keywords are actually ones you should be ranking for, whether they have the potential to drive qualified traffic or not. And if you find that there's some keywords that are good fits, I always think about it in two ways, good fit for your audience and good fit for your product. And for a keyword to be worth targeting it needs to have both. So if you find keywords that you're currently ranking for that meet those criteria, you can either work on improving the content and getting it to rank higher, or finding more good-fit keywords if you're already ranking highly for those. Like, what other keywords in this sphere can we rank for as well? And that's probably like, the simplest, this should take, you know, five hours of your time, activity that you can do, whether you're doing it once a month, or once a quarter, it's really easy. But it does, yeah, it requires being very, I don't know, just honest with yourself. - Intentional. - Yeah, honest and intentional because I think you can rank for a lot of keywords without having them be good-fit keywords. You can get a lot of traffic, but if it's not qualified traffic, it's like a vanity metric. - No customers, exactly. - Yeah, yeah, and if you are using GA and you have like custom goals or events set up and you're actually tracking conversions on the page or, you know, email subscribers, or like, any goal that you've set up, you can drill down even further and say, okay this page. Maybe it's in the 50th percentile for traffic, but it's in the 99th percentile for conversions. Why? How? What do I do to make more of these pages? - Yeah, yeah. And now that you're talking about conversion rates, traffic, I think another question that I wanted to ask was, what, besides traffic, is a very common metric that people use to determine whether their post is successful, are there any other maybe more important or relevant metrics that you use to determine or say like, yes, this blog post or this content I've created was a good idea and is proving success? What are some metrics that you would suggest tracking? - Yeah, so I think earlier when I touched on, okay, it's organic first, it's not organic only, we're also looking at these other things, our reporting metrics have, and I would argue that for everyone, your reporting metrics should line up very closely to your strategy and your goals. Like, they should be one and the same. If you want to do X, what you're tracking should be right there with it. So we're still, I'd say, organic traffic is still one of the first metrics that we look at, but we are also looking, and it depends on the type of content. So, let's say we've written something that is specifically designed to convert someone into a free user. Like, we have a free meetings tool, and so if someone's looking for how to schedule a meeting using Gmail, we know that person could be a great fit for our products. So that query might have 150 MSV, fairly low for our normal target keyword, but it's a perfect lead into the product. So for that post, we will look at organic traffic, we'll look at ranking for target keywords, but we're also going to look at, okay, last touch attribution for that product page. And even going so far as to say, like, did someone hit this blog post before they became a user? If so, we're going to attribute that to the blog post. So that would be one metric that we look at. We have a lot of more lead-gen oriented posts, kind of colloquially known as conversion bait. So for those we're looking at how many people hit a lead-gen thank you page from a blog post, yeah. For posts that are intended to kind of strengthen our point of view, or garner a lot of buzz, which tend not to have the most traffic because they're more like, future thinking or more timely. I think like a lot of what Nate Silver does is a really good example. I don't know if you read his website-- - No, I don't. - But he does a lot of political, of each piece of content so it will say like, this is designed, I mean it's not going to write out, this is designed to get links, but it will say-- - What's the goal? - Yeah, it'll say goal, like links, or legion, or academy sign-ups, whatever, and then we can look and say, okay, did that do what it was intended to do? - Got you. - So it makes it very easy to measure, yeah. - Yeah, it's a good way to organize, yes, did it accomplish a goal? No. It's really good that you're writing that out and everything. - Yeah. - Awesome, great tips. So we talked about metrics. Now that it is December, what is today, 10th? - 11th. - 11th, it's again, time is flying by. - Time is flying, yeah. - Now that we're coming to the new decade, 2020, do you feel like SEO is changing in the next upcoming year, do you feel like it's not? Or do you have any predictions of what you see SEO going in the next year? - Yeah, I think one thing that is starkly obvious when you use Google, is how much of the traditional SERP has disappeared. So SEO's talk about the 10 blue links, and that was, you know, standard Google, back in the day, type in a query, you get ten blue links. Maybe you'd have one or two ads at the top, but that was pretty much it. And now, I was on Twitter, the SEO Twitter community is fantastic. - Is it? - Yeah, people are-- - I had no idea. - It is my favorite pastime during the day. I spend a lot of time on SEO Twitter. Someone just made like an SEO, have you heard of an RPG? - No. - It's like an old-school computer game. Someone made one for SEO, Alexis Merkle, and published it on Twitter yesterday. - Love it. - Yeah, so that gives you an idea of the type of cool stuff that's coming up in this world. But yeah, someone posted a screenshot of, it was a Black Friday related query. I can't remember if it was like a product query or like, Black Friday deals or something like that, but it was massive, and all the way down at the very bottom was the first organic result. By organic, we mean something that's not an ad or a featured snippet, or a people also ask box, or knowledge grab, or media. Yeah, so Rand Fishkin calls this, "The rise of the zero click search," because Google is giving users so much information right on the SERP, they have no reason to click. And now, I think, for the first time ever, this year, more than half of desktop queries no longer result in a click. - That's a lot. - Yeah, it's a lot. And even if people are searching more, and more people are getting access to the internet, and the overall pie is growing, websites are increasingly getting a smaller slice of the pie. So I think it's every SEO's job, knowing that this is a trend, knowing that outside of Duck Duck Go, or Bing, having, you know, this incredible upward trajectory and displacing Google, it's going to keep happening. It's an irreversible trend. And how do you either get as big a piece of the pie as possible, meaning like, as much search activity, as many clicks are actually happening. How do you make sure that your website is getting as many as it can for the right queries? Or how do you find other sources of traffic that you own, that aren't reliant on Google, very hard to do, if you figure it out, let me know. (both laugh) - I was hoping you'd answer that one. - No, no, don't have answers to that. Just know that it's important and that someone should. Or how do you make your website so effective that it doesn't matter that you're getting fewer clicks, necessarily? You know, can you turn the lever in other ways? Can you increase conversion rates? Or create a new type of content that's more engaging? It's a really tough question, I think everyone's struggling with it. It's incredible to see entire market caps, you know, business market caps just tumble, like, TripAdvisor's a great example. Or like hotel booking websites, you know, once Google decided to go into the bookings or restaurant reservation games, you can take out an entire industry. That's a lot of power. So, you have to think about it, but I don't know if there are any easy answers. - Yeah, no, it's crazy how there's featured snippets. I'm starting to see now, well like, YouTube clips specifically, or even like, if you ask a question, it'll put the clip exactly at the video-- - The suggested clip, I know, it's crazy. - This is so specific to, yes, answering my question, but, yeah, it pushes down everything. There's like, I don't know what they're called, but all those questions that are-- - Yeah, the people also ask boxes. - Yeah, and I guess I didn't think about it until you mentioned it now, but it is becoming like, organic is at the bottom now, and so, yeah. If you have answers to-- - Yeah, let us know. - That would be a great answer to know, but a good thing to think about.. Read the full article
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worldjeongguk · 7 years
Smeraldo: What we know so far lol
The source code of the blog contains words like 스메랄도 = smeraldo and 석진꽃 = seokjin flower Ok, so the things I’m about to say are NOT PROVEN to have a relationship with BTS’s comeback, but the possibilities are high so stay with me cause I'll go quick in 5,6,7,8 (I’m so sorry)
credit to: @ / rosoidae on twitter! https://twitter.com/rosoidae 
There's a story called, 'La Città di smeraldo' that takes place in a small town in Italy in the 1500s-1600s. The story's about an 'ugly' man who hid in an old castle alone. Because of his looks he received lots of hate & cruelty while growing up, he never opened his heart to anyone. Whenever they tried to approach him, he hid in anger. His happiness was to plant flowers in his garden. 
One day a woman appeared near the man's castle. She jumped over the garden fence and stole a flower. this angered the man at first, so he watched his garden all night. But when he fell a sleep, the woman took another flower. This continued for several nights.
   The man pretended to be asleep and watched the woman steal a flower. He started becoming curious about the woman. He began waiting for her without realizing he kept waiting for her to come and the next day seemed a little brighter.
Following after her one day he realized that she was selling the flowers that she stole from him to make a living. The man desperately wanted to help the woman,  but he was afraid she would be terrified by the way he looks. He knew she would not love his 'grotesque' appearance.
   He came to a conclusion that the only way he would be able to help her is to let her continue stealing flowers from his garden.   The man decided to make a flower that doesn't exist on the planet, so that the woman could sell them at an expensive price.  
He began to make the flower in his castle. After many unsuccessful attempts, the man made a flower that didn't exist and filled his garden,but the woman stopped coming. No matter how long he waited, she never came to his garden. He eventually found out that the woman had died.
BigHit representatives revealed that bts' next comeback's theme will be about loving yourself. In the story the man did not love himself.   If he had loved himself he could have showed his face to the woman, and helped her before she had passed away.
THE RELATION TO BTS’S COMEBACK! (This is messy pls stay with me lol. AGAIN: CREDITS TO ALL OWNERS, MESSAGE ME IF YOU WANT ME TO TAKE IT DOWN! :))  For the upcoming paragraph, credits to: @ / rosoidae on Twitter
 Jin tweeted a selca today, holding the Smeraldo flowers. These flowers were, according to a screenshot, discovered on june 12, 2013; the day of BTS’s debut showcase stage.  The screenshot:
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It's  석진시 (seokjin o'clock = 12:04 because his birthday is december 4th) at the top of this screenshot (credits to @ /  xuichi on Twitter)
On Instagram, there is an account called flowersmeraldo (https://www.instagram.com/flowersmeraldo/)
It has posted a picture, that says in korean: “The true feelings that could not be expressed” The handwriting looks oddly like Jin’s writing, check for yourself:
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This account is believed to be owned by BTS, posting hints.
With the (fake) discovery of this smeraldo flower, the florist "Testesso" is gonna "open" a flower shop mid-september, I smell a comeback. (Check their captions and bio for more info since my Korean is very very poor!) 
The name of the blog is “te stesso”. If you translate the Italian phrase: “Ama te stesso” into English, you get “love yourself.” Haven’t we heard this before, guys? 
In every post, there’s a link to a certain website: www.flowersmeraldo.com This website leads you to a Korean Naver blog, which is also (obviously) believed to be owned by BTS.
The name of the blog is “te stesso”. If you translate the Italian phrase: “Ama te stesso” into English, you get “love yourself.” Haven’t we heard this before, guys?  Also,the meaning of the Smeraldo flower is "non potevo dire la verità,” which means "i couldn't tell the truth" or "the truth i couldn't tell.” They also have that phrase repeated on both the IG page and the blog itself.
Apparently Hobi once posted the source of the blog, and 
( credits to @ / ctrlbeat on twitter!) (upcoming info completely comes from their account!)
the source code of the blog contains words like:
 스메랄도 = smeraldo, and
석진꽃 = seokjin flower
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The blog posted an event asking people to submit stories with confessions to family or anyone and 7 people's stories will be relayed. The winner’s will receive a special gift (Apparently a bouquet and a card or something? I’m not sure and also tired)
The stories have to be emailed and submitted before august 15th, 10pm kst. The last Bon Voyage episode also happens to be on this day. Maybe it’s a special date? :)
There are 7 episodes on the blog explaining the history of Smeraldo and the 5th mentions a "William Ashbless" who is a fictional character, and a poet. The fictional William Ashbless from Italy created playing cards and the blog mentions "The flower card", influenced by Smeraldo flowers.  
The Smeraldo flowers were supposedly discovered in "La Città di smeraldo" = "The emerald city", commonly known from Wizard of Oz.
Lastly, this blog was created july 4, 2017, on the same day the BTS logo video was released.
It’s about to get even more confusing, I’m so sorry~
Well, The Smeraldo Acadamey, TSA for short, is a fictional academy. The academy was originally founded on sept. 12th 2013, on Rap Monster’s birthday. The first attendee was ‘Inbloom BTS’ Screenshot:
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 As you can see in the screenshot, their fourth anniversary is this year. So is BTS’s. Coincidence? I think not. 
if you email academysmeraldo@gmail (from the TSA FaceBook page) you get a reply from "Ashbless Will"
On the FaceBook page, there is also a post about Hawaii. Bon Voyage, I guess?
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(credits to user @ / nvrwlkln on Twitter)��
Here is the conference schedule:
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(credits to user @ / beiataehung on Twitter)  
We have arrived at the last paragraph of my longest post in the history of Tumblr, I’m proud of you for getting through all that!
The flowers on the edges of HYYH part 1 and 2, may be Smeraldo’s.
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(credits to user @ / shinebrightRM on Twitter!)
In the I Need U MV, do you guys remember Jin holding flower petals. Right. You see where I’m taking this. Also, they used EXACTLY the same flowers/flower petals in the I Need U shoot. Here are some pictures:
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(credits to user @ / namjoonned on Twitter!)
There’s also a Twitter account to match the blog and the Instagram account, https://twitter.com/FlowerSmeraldo . This account has posted something just 11 hours ago. Sadly enough I can’t really read Korean. Their last post said something about being open in September (I can SMELL a comeback)
CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE OFFICIALLY MADE IT TO THE END AND AS OF NOW, YOU ARE COMPLETELY UPDATED ON THE ONGOING THEORIES! I hoped you enjoyed reading it because I put A LOT of time and effort into translating, looking up, and overall typing to create this post. Let me know what you think about their upcoming comeback, because I’m super excited :)
And to BTS, if you’re reading this you owe me some aspirins (and some love) because I got a headache of all this typing damnit i love you bye
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wheretogofrmhere · 8 years
Ok disclaimer before you read I just typed this all up & realized it turned into a fucking novel lol so I just cut it off for now, but here is a recap of the week of the Gavin James concert bc that’s really the only time she posting anything related to/alluding to having something w/ Niall! And I’ll follow up in a bit with the rest about her (which shouldn’t be as long lol). But ok the night of the concert she first snapped/tweeted something ab Gavin- I don’t remember exactly now, but thinking it was like a screenshot of her phone while she was listening to Gavin & she tweeted “music kind of night🎤” & that part wasn’t really that extra or important but anyway so fast forward to later in the night & she didn’t post of Ni specifically (surprising since we know she loves the attention!) but I said they sat together at the show bc she snapped & tweeted an almost identical vid to the one he put on his insta! And on her twit that night she put up some vague ass tweets ab how “the ability to sit down & talk w/ someone for hrs, about anything & everything is more attractive to me then anything else” blah blah blah- obvi trying to stir the pot bc she knew they were papped together leaving Gavin James! And while it wasn’t much she did get a few haters on her twitter calling her out for her tweets saying she was just trying to get attention & play up her & Niall hanging out (which is true lol!) but she responded w/ a meme and said “when your in a great mood & someone tries you” & “people are so quick to jump to conclusions” basically trying to save face after being called out, bc they were completely right lol! So anyway the day after the concert she left to go on Holiday w/ her fam for thanksgiving & a couple nights later, still trying to draw out the attention & hype I’m sure, she posted a snap w/ her fam at dinner but she had This Town playing in the background! She also decided that wknd to post a bunch of pics/vids from her camera roll from the AMAs (which was the night before the Gavin James concert)! Again she didn’t post anything w/ Niall directly but from Niall’s (and his friends’ posts) It did kinda look like she was maybe at the same place or after party that he was! But just saying that last bit bc obvi we know from pics/vids of the show she did NOT sit w/ him like that article said! My guess is she maybe ran into Niall that night, who she seemingly hadn’t seen since last march when they were first seen together & the rumors first started, & she either wormed her way into getting an invite to Gavin James by mentioning they should hang out or something, or more than likely maybe Niall was chatting casually & just mentioned he was seeing Gavin’s concert & she immediately was all “Oh my god I’m going too we should meet up!” Obvi that part of AMA night is just speculation, but I’m just thinking she might have run into him at a party first & that’s what led to them hanging out (& being papped) the next night, bc from our end they hadn’t hung out in 8 months & it was totally out of nowhere! Anyway after that wk of the AMAs/Concert I think she realized the initial hype died down, the moment passed & literally no one cared about her at all, so she eventually quit snapping/tweeting alluding to having something w/ Niall! And follow-up coming lmao!
OH MY GOD wow she is something else lol 
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webart-studio · 5 years
Why Isn't Anybody Speaking About Reside Video Anymore? [Live Video 2019]
Reside video stays a core function of the highest social networks, however have you ever seen that the dwell video buzz might have cooled?
Why isn’t anybody speaking about dwell video anymore?
How do you have to be eager about dwell video and your social media technique in 2019?
We consider there are nonetheless vital alternatives to make use of dwell video to your benefit. This week on the Science of Social Media, we hope to present you some contemporary views and concepts on what dwell video might appear like for you and your model in 2019.
The State of Reside Video in 2019
When you assume again three years in the past to 2016, dwell video was in every single place.
Fb Reside had simply debuted, and also you had platforms like Periscope and Meerkat making waves as properly. Reside video appeared destined to be an enormous focus for social media and for advertising methods.
An emarketer examine confirmed that one in each three Web customers had watched a dwell video in 2016, and that quantity was double for the much-coveted millennial demographic. Reside video was going to be the way forward for how we interacted on social media.
Reside streaming video in 2016 (through emarketer)
What a distinction a number of years make, proper? Reside video appears to have gone from front-of-mind to back-of-mind for entrepreneurs and for the social networks themselves. Working example …
And the stats appear to level to a shift as properly — or maybe to a sign that dwell video by no means actually took off in the best way we thought it could. In accordance with the annual State of Social Media report that we conduct at Buffer, 25 % of manufacturers had posted a dwell video in 2016, and the quantity solely grew to 30% in 2017. Removed from the rocketship development that folks anticipated.
What’s extra, in our newest State of Social examine, dwell video wasn’t even talked about. As a substitute, manufacturers appear targeted on their total video technique … “dwell” included: 85% of manufacturers posted at the least one video final yr, and the vast majority of manufacturers used Fb, YouTube, and Instagram.
Video stats from the 2019 State of Social Media report
As a substitute of doubling down on dwell video particularly, manufacturers now take into account dwell video as certainly one of many various kinds of video distribution strategies. You will have dwell video alongside Tales and video advertisements and YouTube and a lot extra.
Video stays one of the vital partaking, finest changing forms of content material.
Reside video has turn into certainly one of many instruments in your video toolbox.
Virtually all the main social networks have dwell video in some type. Fb Reside continues to be going sturdy, as is Instagram dwell. Twitter continues to make use of dwell video actually efficiently with its Periscope product.
Plus, you have got locations like YouTube and Twitch, the place livestreaming is big.
Online game streaming alone has turn into a serious attraction with the rise of e-sports, and past video video games there are creators and influencers who’ve amassed large viewership numbers for his or her streams.
There’s even speak of Instagram testing out a co-watching function on the app, which might be a technique to dwell uncover Instagram movies collectively.
So the dwell video expertise continues to be one that’s precious and in-demand for social community customers. It would simply find yourself trying loads completely different than the live-everything world we predicted a number of years again.
Three Strategic Use Circumstances for Reside Video in 2019
It could be the case that fewer individuals are speaking about dwell video — it could have by no means reached the vital mass that everybody predicted, or it could be on the backburner in comparison with newer social community options and methods — however it’s not gone without end, not by any means.
Actually, dwell video is flourishing for specific niches and strategic use instances.
Traditionally, individuals watching movies on social media will follow a dwell video for 3x longer than different movies, so it’s no shock that social networks proceed to maintain this function going.
Listed here are three particular methods you would strive with the intention to benefit from dwell video in 2019.
1. Reside video is a go-to device for influencers.
Reside video is a really private medium, which caters completely to influencers and people who’re rising their private model. This group has an enormous vary: from teenage YouTuber stars to advertising personalities to rising politicians. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez lately livestreamed herself constructing IKEA furnishings, as an example.
Screenshot of congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez streaming dwell on Instagram (screenshot courtesy of Elle)
Many networks are even transferring to make dwell video a profitable alternative for influencers by permitting donations and ideas throughout livestreams of issues like gaming and AMAs.
2. Use dwell video for a Q&A together with your viewers
Due to the private nature of dwell video, there may be some actual energy behind the power to converse immediately with somebody.
This makes for a perfect outlet for a Q&A. Image a hearth chat. There’s an intimacy and an immediacy to these chats which dwell video does an ideal job of replicating: it makes it really feel way more real-time than many different mediums.
Manufacturers can benefit from this by holding Q&A classes with firm leaders or get-to-know-you classes with teammates.
Fast tip: If you’re operating a dwell Q&A we’ve discovered it to be actually useful to have an additional set of fingers on set. We are going to typically have a further teammate trying on the feedback to ensure everybody will get a response and to floor questions for the presenter to deal with on the video.
3. Reside video is nice for anybody who’s simply getting began with rising their presence on social media
One of many easiest options of dwell video is its visibility within the interface of all of the completely different social networks.
Take Instagram, for instance. If you stream a dwell video by your Instagram Tales, your Tales avatar will get moved instantly to the entrance of the road. Sometimes, the order of avatars is set by the Instagram algorithm. However with dwell video, your Story will get speedy entry to the primary spot.
Samples of what Instagram Reside video seems to be like and the way dwell movies get prioritized within the Tales interface
Equally on YouTube, dwell classes obtain further promotion with a noticeable, crimson LIVE badge in the principle feed and in suggestions.
Due to this elevated visibility, dwell video may be nice in case your model is simply getting began on social media. Not solely would you be capable to get precedence placement, however you’d even be harnessing a strong model connection together with your viewers.
Getting began with dwell video: The place to start
Now let’s get into the main points. For entrepreneurs, the principle social networks for dwell video are those you’d anticipate: Instagram, Fb, YouTube, and Twitter.
To get began on Instagram, you may comply with these steps:
Swiping from left to proper within the app, which opens up your digital camera.
On the backside of the digital camera display screen, you’ll see an inventory of choices. Scroll to the left and select “Reside” — its the one proper subsequent to “Regular.” Instagram will inform you what number of of your followers are on-line, which will provide you with a very good sense of the perfect timing in your livestream.
If you’re prepared to begin your steam, hit the massive white button.
You’ll be capable to inform that your stream is operating by the little pink “Reside” icon within the high left nook.
Bonus tip: You’ll want to verify your Instagram settings beforehand, too. As soon as an Instagram Reside video ends, it received’t seem in your feed except you toggle “Save Shared Photographs” on. This protects your content material to the Tales part of the app, the place you may share them together with your viewers.
On Fb,
You possibly can click on or faucet the “Reside” button proper subsequent to the first textual content field in your profile or web page.
This may open a brand new display screen with all of the dwell choices. You possibly can stream from a pc or from the app.
Within the Twitter app,
you may swipe left to proper from the house feed to open your digital camera. Then you definately’ll scroll proper to modify the digital camera from “Seize” to “Reside”. This will provide you with choices to get your livestream began.
And for YouTube,
out of your laptop, you may click on the recording icon on the high proper menu. This may current the choices to add a pre-recorded video or go dwell. The following display screen will enable you get going with the total dashboard of dwell choices for YouTube streaming.
Three Fast Suggestions for Reside Video Streaming
Run your dwell video for at the least 10 minutes. Many dwell movies go for 30 minutes-plus.
Promote your dwell video beforehand. You are able to do this with posts on Twitter or Fb, or use the brand new countdown sticker on Instagram Tales to advertise the time.
Contemplate sneaking in giveaways or unique data into your dwell stream as an incentive for individuals to hitch and hear in. You’ll want to plug these goodies within the promotion you do beforehand.
The way to say hiya to us
We’d all like to say hiya to you on social media – particularly Twitter!
Thanks for listening! Be happy to attach with our crew at Buffer on Twitter, Buffer on Fb, our Podcast homepage, or with the hashtag #bufferpodcast.
Benefit from the present? It’d imply the world to us in the event you’d be up for giving us a ranking and overview on iTunes!
About The Science of Social Media podcast
The Science of Social Media is your weekly sandbox for social media tales, insights, experimentation, and inspiration. Each Monday (and generally extra) we share probably the most cutting-edge social media advertising ways from manufacturers and influencers in each business. When you’re a social media crew of 1, enterprise proprietor, marketer, or somebody merely all in favour of social media advertising, you’re certain to search out one thing helpful in every episode.  It’s our hope that you just’ll be a part of our 27,000+ weekly iTunes listeners and rock your social media channels consequently!
The Science of Social Media is proudly made by the Buffer crew. Be happy to get in contact with us for any ideas, concepts, or suggestions.
Initially written Apr 29, 2019. Final up to date Apr 29, 2019
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