#maybe writing adam smut will make me write erik smut
dreamsinmoonlight · 4 months
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If you have a request, just pick in the lists !
You can send your Request in my inbox, pick a character in the selection below (if it’s a poly characters please name them). You can then pick a scenario trope (one or two maximum) and finally if you want your request to have smut in it pick what you want in the kink list (let’s say not more than five). If you don’t want your request to contain smut but an idea in the kink list interest you I’ll make it fluff if you ask. If you want to give me a detailed request I take it too.
If you have other ideas for scenario or kink or even characters tell me in the comment and if I’m interested in writting about it I’ll add it to the list. 
Reader can be anything you want if you’re being specific (Male - Female - Gender Neutral // Whatever skin color, origins or body shape)
Characters I can write for 
Loki - President Loki - Jötun Loki - Thor - Steve - Bucky - Nat - Wanda - Scott - Bruce - Strange - Sam - Tony - Clint - Peter P - Adam (OLLA) - Erik Lehnsherr - David 8 Walter (Alien Covenant) - Brandon Sullivan (Shame) - Thomas Sharpe - Azazeal (Hex) - Ivar (modern day or not) - Ragnarssons - Poly characters.
Scenario List
Flinch away from touch
Being a sleepwalker
Being a sleeptalker
He/She/Them/They are touch starved
He/She/Them/They are clingy
Reader is a sex addict and doesn’t know how to tell the character(s)
Reader aways touching character(s)’s hair
Reader has a crush on an actor/actress that looks like the character.
Moving in a famous haunted house and meeting ghosts
Going on vacation with character(s) (choose a place)
Game night with character(s) turn into something else
Social class or power difference (master/slave // rich/poor...)
Friends with benefits
Reader or character(s) are turned into an animal (you choose) and the other(s) has to take care of her/him/them
Character(s) suffer from early orgasm/premature ejaculator and reader reassure him/her/them
Reader runs a marathon for a good cause
Reader being an actual porn actor/actress and character(s) want to know every details
Body swap
Reader defends character(s) from verbal/mental abuse
Reader is a famous youtuber and character(s) is a big fan and want to meet in a convention
Being jealous of the love reader gives him/her animals
Female reader or female character has a toy stuck inside of her and ask for help
Reader having three personnalities based on the Id/Ego/Superego
Reader has the power to see dead people and communicate with the other side
Being worshipped by reader
Being worshipped by charachter(s)
Can’t stop giving kisses
Curious reader has a hole in her wall eading to neighbor bedroom
Reader or character(s) constantly wet/having a boner all day because of their crush
Being attracted to natural scent
Character(s) discover that former actor/actress reader played in movie with nudity or horror in it (choose the movie)
Kink List
Reader having constantly cold hands and feets
Character(s) being needy for reader and constantly want his/her undivided attention
Reader hearing him/her/them moans
First time using a fu*k machine
Temperature play
Nipples worship/play
Soft dom/ Sub
Orgasm control/Orgasm denial
Praise kink
Being unable to see
Anal sex (men and women)
Food play
Group sex
Dry humping
Oral sex
P or V worship (solo or not)
Outdoor sex
Shower/bathtub/hot tub sex
Masturbation (solo or mutual)
Multiple orgasm
P in V
Cock warming
Double penetration (double vaginal or not)
Role play
Risk of getting caught
Anonymous sex
Mirror sex
Being tied up or tying up character(s)
I’m now waiting for your request !! Thanks to those who will Request, like and maybe reblog !
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Shiny tagged me and I love Shiny so I guess I gotta do the thing: “Fanfic Writer’s 20 Questions” lmao kill me
Thanks @shinyfire-0 , je t’adore despite my self-loathing
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
6, working on 7, don’t give me performance anxiety about it pls
2) What's your total AO3 word count?
86,334. And the file I’m working on right now has a wordcount of another 37,357 words to date. This is hilarious for several reasons. I got a Masters degree on less than 50,000 words in that file, so this qualifies me to be some special Masters degree of copyright-skirting pervert, does it not?
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Oh god. More than I have represented on AO3, because some of them date to my several past lives on Livejournal and FFN. The only thing I’ll admit to in public is the fact that I started out in X-Files fandom in the late 90′s and early 2000′s. On AO3, what I’ve got represented is mostly POTO but also one Star Trek Lower Decks and one Team Fortress 2. The TF2 thing is a repost of something I originally wrote in 2011, can you imagine? Jesus! I’m old and dull
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Hard not to say when I’ve only got 6 on AO3! Christine Triumphant is definitely the frontrunner, and her sequel right behind. I am pleasantly surprised by how many people liked my crackfic on the sole basis of the cookie recipe that it included. I really hope that they made the recipe because it’s really fucking good you guys. Make the cookies. There’s no good reason to make oatmeal raisin when could just as easily make oatmeal cranberry.
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I responded to absolutely everything up until I made friends in the fandom, and then I felt too self conscious to respond to everything THEY said just because, oh god, they know me, and I feel so seen, and it maybe hurts a little! Or maybe it hurts a lot! I love every stranger who comments, but when someone comments who ALSO knows stuff about my personal life, I don’t quite know how to formulate the phrase “thanks I love you” in a way that’s a tiny bit less cringey. I might never be able to. One day, maybe I will grow a new ability! That would be nice.
6) What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
As far as what’s already present on AO3 and not consigned to the dustbins of the 1990s? The thing I’m working on now, LOL! However, ! I wrote something pretty sad on anon which I plan to take un-anon during POTO Dark Week. I guess that’s the angstiest thing I’ve published to date. (Almost all the characters die LOL)
7) Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written?
I did. Back in the wild days, I did something that was technically a Doctor Who and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy crossover. However, I don’t think that is *really* a crossover given the fact that Douglas Adams worked on DW and crossed over both properties quite extensively in his own work. It was kind of a fun and funny story but I never actually finished it.
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I don’t think the commenter meant it as "hate,” per se, but one person did really dislike an early relationship that one character had in one of my stories, simply because it wasn’t the same relationship that the character entered into once they were in the right time/space/age to actually have it consensually. So yeah if you were trying to parse that, they hated the Raoul/Christine relationship that was a healthy learning and growth experience before the eventual Christine/Erik. I mean, I get it, but what are the odds that you find your soulmate right out of the gate? It’s more than OK if you have another few relationships beforehand, and those relationships can also be important and meaningful in their own way. So when I got those comments I kind of have to laugh. But like . . . I also hope that people know it’s OK to mess around and not get it right the first time.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not published . . . yet . . . LOL. Working on it.
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I have seen a sentence or two in other stories of the same fandom which made me think “HMMMM that’s a very specific thing to say” but the similarities ended there; and I can loan anyone a sentence until payday, it’s cool. You can take it.
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, and I was quite shocked and flattered that they offered. Someone translated my Star Trek Lower Decks story into Russian.
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I am a solitary creature and I deal very poorly with deadlines external from my day job. I don’t think I could hack it.
13) What's your all-time favourite ship?
All time? God, no. I love any pairing with chemistry. Certainly there are specific dynamics that I favor, and certain characters that I favor together for selfish reasons, but I’m quite sure that a good author could make any given character pairing work in a specific context.
14) What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Anything I started writing in college and didn’t finish. Most of that was Doctor Who stuff. I remember being really drawn to a couple different eras of stories. The Second Doctor I loved, particularly Jamie and Victoria. I wrote something for them which I DID finish but would never re-integrate into my current activity. Secondly, I loved Ace for so, so many reasons. Apparently I started writing several stories which included Ace but which I never finished (I just looked through my old files and was impressed/horrified at what I’d started but never completed writing). And of course, because this is a property which deals with time travel, there was a BIG FIC which involved SO many Doctors and Companions from different eras . . . I got reasonably far for a Big Bang event, but never finished, and backed out of the event; that was like more than a decade ago so I don’t even remember quite what I wanted to do with it except love all the characters. I’ll definitely never return to this, but I’ll also never stop wanting to see all the characters happy in the end.
15) What are your writing weaknesses?
Uh I have so many weaknesses I don’t know where to start. I actually had a dream once that someone reviewed each chapter of my stories with a totally accurate critique of what was going through my mind at the time -- not like flames, more like “gee I can tell you had a harder time with this chapter” -- “wow I can tell you weren’t as inspired in this part, and you repeated a lot of the same adverbs as in previous chapters” -- etc.
My strength, on the other hand: I find it easiest to write dialogue, particularly contentious or bitchy dialogue. I’m sure that says too much about me but whatever
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Only if I’m fluent, baby. I’m not out here trying to fuck it up with false cognates.
18) What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
The X-Files. This makes me feel so old.
19) What's your favorite fic you've written?
Man, I don’t quite know. Every written thing that’s come out of me has emerged under totally different circumstances from its neighbors. Each specific thing I’ve posted has at least a few sentences within it which I felt like HAD to be pushed out of my body onto paper/the screen, or else I had to scream them into the sky instead. At the same time, none of these things were particularly deep or meaningful; they were just a combination of words! I don’t actually expect anyone else to read them at all, much less to like them. They were just very specific details about imaginary humans interacting with each other, which felt meaningful to me at the time, and some of which had to do with processing feelings about something completely unrelated in my own life.
The concept of “favorite,” man! To be honest, there is some paranoid, anxious part of me that is scared that if I let “good” sentences out into the world for free, I’ll never again be able to generate “good” sentences in any other context . . . like there’s a finite reservoir of good-quality sentences that I can generate in my life, ever, and so if I let these go for free, I have less capital later on.
This is actually false. I’ve only found that since I’ve started dumping my writing out in the form of fanfic, I’ve started generating even more new ideas inside my arguably sick brainmeats. You DON’T have a finite reserve of resources. You only have to execute one thing at a time, and let that feed and  inform the thing that grows in your head afterwards. And in reality, it’s draughtsmanship: Practicing only makes you better.
20) Who do you tag?
I’m nobody!
Who are you?
Are you -- Nobody --too?
Then there's a pair of us!
Don't tell! they'd advertise – you know!
How dreary – to be – Somebody!
How public – like a Frog –
To tell one's name – the livelong June –
To an admiring Bog!
I’d say, apologies to Emily Dickinson, but I 100000% believe that she’d be a top tier fanfic poster if she had lived in our age.
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fanfoolishness · 3 years
Interview with a Fic Writer
Tagged by @novantinuum, thank you!
How many works do you have on AO3?
242 works. The actual fuck??? Wow, me. Of course, this does span about 9 years, so I guess that's not that insane?
What’s your total word count on AO3
549,737! But that averages out to only 2271 words per story, haha. You got me! I think I have less than 10 fics that have more than 1 chapter. I love one-shots, what can I say?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Oh, you want to get into this? All right. We'll get into this:
The X-Files, proto-fandom, ur-fandom, first OTP ever... yeah, 15-year-old me went. WILD. Many horrible Mulder/Scully stories, and some Doggett/Scully and character study stories as well. Mostly not very good, but with occasional flashes of decent writing. Really had a difficult time writing romantic feelings between 30+ year-olds given a) I did not date in high school and b) was 17 and not an emotionally stunted FBI agent.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - not a huge volume of stories, but definitely some very angsty Spuffy and Spike tales.
Harry Potter - just one published fic (Lupin grieving Sirius), and one with Snape and Harry having a heart to heart I could never quite get right.
Then came the dark times (vet school) where I was exhausted and hard at work for a few years and I thought, horribly, I might have outgrown fandom. Thank god for...
X-Men First Class and the undying love of Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr! I'd never fallen for a slash ship before but my god I fell hard for this one and wrote my first fandom smut and my first real AU (mutants with zombies) that I never finished.
Then.... let's see...
Quantum Leap drabbles!
Two Avatar the Last Airbender fics!
Agents of SHIELD fics, mostly focused on Coulson and FitzSimmons, and super angsty.
Bioshock Infinite sads (god I love writing the sad bad dad)!
And then the juggernauts of Mass Effect (my longest fic to date with 30 chapters!) and Dragon Age, which were endlessly productive and are still productive given the variety of different protagonists you can create, different choices, and different relationships to canon characters. I'm still working on a Hawke/Varric fic in the back of my mind here.
There's one random Gravity Falls fic (wish I could have got a little more obsessed with it, or gotten into it while it aired) of Stan sads, and one tiny Avengers ficlet of a sad Tony and Peter.
There's one Wheel of Time fic! Dammit I wanted Rand and Tam to reunite so much sooner than they did.
40-odd Steven Universe fics! So many SU fics!
One random Schitt's Creek fic of David and Patrick!
And finally, The Mandalorian, with 47 fics. Phew!!!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. The Invitation, The Mandalorian. Din Djarin finds himself in dreams that seem realer than real, reminding him of his loss, but he begins to find a sense of hope again. A promise is kept.
2. The Outstretched Hand, The Mandalorian. Din Djarin is a man of action, but sometimes, the quiet finds its way in. Din reckons with the aftermath of the events of Chapter 14, the Tragedy. (My very first Mando fic!)
3. Not the Sentimental Type, Steven Universe. Priyanka Maheswaran has long prided herself on keeping her emotions in check. But a mother's love can only grow, and sometimes it expands to people she never anticipated. Like the Universe boy.
4. Translation, The Mandalorian. Din Djarin was a man of few words, but many languages. Some might have thought the Child had no language at all. Din Djarin and the Child grow to understand each other.
5. Full Disclosure, Steven Universe. Just as the world begins to recover from Spinel's attack, Steven starts having nightmares. The more he ignores his fears, the worse they become, until he's left with no other choice but to ask for help. (My thoughts on what would drive Steven Universe Future, and I wasn't far off.)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I really try to! Even sometimes years later if I realize I've missed some. I appreciate each and every one, and have definitely made friendships through comments <3
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh, hell... I'm too lazy to link these but if anyone wants to read them let me know or find them on my AO3!
A Stopped Clock from Bioshock Infinite has Booker DeWitt ravaged by Korsakoff's amnesia from his long-standing alcoholism. Is Columbia real or imagined? Hard to say.
The Viscount's Way shows Varric Tethras having become his parent, and a cruel, hard viscount of Kirkwall.
Songs in the Key of Red shows how Cullen fared under the dark future in Redcliffe in DAI, and they write happy endings, don't they? shows what happened to Varric. Both horribly depressing in different ways!
Two by Two, Hands of Blue shows a not unexpected end to lyrium addiction :( Poor Cullen, he got a lot of angsty developments, didn't he?
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever written?
Never really got into crossovers or AUs. Just... meh for me!
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No, I don't think so.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Charles/Erik, Shepard/Garrus, Shepard/Liara, Shepard/Tali, a mess of different f/f femShep drabbles, and most of my Dragon Age pairings have gotten sexytimes. On the other hand I helped start the NoRomo Mando tag for the Mandalorian to help find non-pairing Mandalorian content. Depends on the pairing and the fandom, for sure.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope, thank goodness!
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think so! There used to be a Spanish-language wiki linking to some of my old X-Files stories XD
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but friends and I definitely will beta each others' things to help with sticky points.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
ALL-TIME? Just, why? So many ships I loved in years past turned out to have pretty damn problematic elements I didn't see at the time, so it's hard to say... Mulder/Scully actually has a ton of issues, Buffy/Spike obviously has issues... so maybe Hawke/Varric (except not canon!) or Garrus/Shepard or Brosca/Alistair.
What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Still need to finish my Hawke/Varric fic for after Adamant! I have 3 chapters written that I haven't posted. Maybe posting them will help inspire me....
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and POV writing from different characters; I feel fantastic writing Steven and Greg, though totally at sea trying to write from Connie's POV, randomly. But I think my dialogue and emotional beats are what people tend to tune in for. When I do write romance, it's usually very sweet and silly and pulled from life. I also love writing nature scenes and settings to help establish mood. Mood and emotion and catharsis are my bread and butter, and I like my poetic prose.
What are your writing weaknesses?
What the hell is a long, well-thought-out plot? Like what even is that???? My longest fic with 30 chapters is basically "Shepard has PTSD and hangs out with her crew. They have some funerals." THAT'S IT. How the heck people actually come up with plot that ties into the lore of a fandom I genuinely have no idea and it's the biggest thing that's held me back from finishing original work. I can come up with a setting and characters and then trying to make them do stuff that's more than just talking to other characters and deepening their relationships with them... how the fuck???
I also definitely have 10-20 words that I am in constant danger of reusing like every other paragraph, LOL!
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I don't speak any other languages so I always avoid it as much as possible. I've seen people describe sign differently in fics and picked one way to depict it that made sense to me for Grogu, but that's about it.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
The X-Files, of course!
What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Towards Another Day, the tale of how Cullen went from being a templar in Kirkwall to commander of the Inquisition, is definitely up there.
Reverberations is one of my rare multi-chaptered fics and one of my favorite for the catharsis at the end. It makes me tear up every time. 5 times Din and Grogu encounter the Dark Side, and one time they find the Light.
Either a world for the birds (Steven develops a closer relationship with his Uncle Andy, learning birdwatching along the way) or on the subject of rocks (Steven and Jasper finally reach a peace) might take the prize for favorite SU fic.
Tagging (if you’re super bored and would like a fun thing to do) fellow writers:
@lastwordbeforetheend, @runrundoyourstuff, @honestlyhufflepuff, @art3mys, and @fake-starwars-fan if you would like to play!
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