#maybe you’re just forgetful because you’re careless and not bc it’s a symptom of adhd
slutabed · 2 years
I am feeling v emotional about my adhd this weekend and idk what it is (could just be my monthly emotions tbh who knows)
but idk it seems like one of those ~issues~ that people don’t take as seriously so I should just be over it and able to adapt and soldier on with it but I still have so many emotions attached to it for myself, past and present. i have so much anger and sadness and fear and pride and joy tied up with it and what it means for who I was as a child and who I will be and who I am now.
it’s really not easy and I have some friends who have a diagnosis and have meds and just live their daily lives hardly ever thinking about it. and then I’m here feeling like it affects each and every part of me and I feel like I must be faking it, then, if I’m the only one who feels this way.
but in some ways I see myself reflected (even if it’s just a character I love in a fanfic! who is on a lowered dose of stimulants in this chapter of the fic and is Struggling and Overwhelmed and realizing how hard it would be to do life without his support system) and i think maybe I’m not lying or faking or being over the top and maybe this thing does affect me a lot.
i couldn’t take my right dose of meds the past couple of days bc of a mix up with a new doctor and my prescription and a pharmacy so I was on a lower dose for a couple days, which made me feel absolutely unbearable to be around, and then I wasn’t on anything yesterday and today which was alright except today I got my period too and was just absolutely overstimulated by everything at the beach, the discordant music from competing boom boxes and the too-cold wind that didn’t quite mask the sting of the too-hot sun and the way my sunscreen melted into my eyes and stung. it was a lot on top of the pain from my cramps and when I got home my parents wanted to talk and I just. i tried but I had to go lie down for an hour just to recover from the day. and it feels ridiculous to feel so lazy and tired when my brain is going a million miles an hour but that’s how it is and I’m just afraid I won’t be able to sleep tonight and. idk I lost the point of this post at some point
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autisticsidesau · 5 years
How does Remy find out he has Adhd? Also, how does the crew react to it?
So p much the entire crew suspects Remy might have adhd before Remy does. 
And they don’t really,,, say anything
Bc they feel like “yeah Remy is probably neurodivergent” but none of them really know how to approach it
So no one says anything and everyone but Remy has this unspoken agreement of “Remy probably has adhd but none of us are going to say anything about it”
However Logan isn’t aware of this unspoken agreement
Logan assumes that Remy has adhd and assumes that Remy is aware that he has adhd
(Remy is NOT aware he has adhd)
So Logan’s still tutoring Remy accept now they’re on much better terms
And one day Remy’s really struggling where he just. Can’t. Focus. And hes getting really upset with himself
And Logan’s really supportive, telling him that it’s okay, it’s understandable, he has adhd, he has trouble focusing, they can work with this.
Cue Remy’s “What? ADHD?”
Cuz Remy doesn’t have adhd???? He can’t have adhd right???
And so now Logan is also confused, because like “Oh I thought you were aware?”
And to which remy just straight up replies “I don’t have adhd, I don’t bounce off the walls and I’m not ru- well ok- I’m not that  rude-”
Logan: “Congrats. You’ve just listed off the main stereotypes of adhd without going into the actual criteria at all.” 
Remy: *winces* “Shit. Sorry.” 
And now Remy’s RSD is setting in-  
Logan: “Hey. No. Remy it’s okay. I’m just saying- look are you sure you don’t have adhd? I think it might be beneficial for you to look at the diagnostic criteria closer instead of just forming a conclusion based off of stereotypes.”
Remy: “uh. Ok, sure?”
Logan: “If you want- because you're having trouble focusing today- we can look at what adhd really is? Even if you don’t have it, Virgil and Patton do, and it’s good information to know.”
And now Remy takes a second to stop and consider this… and finds he can’t make a decision. 
Remy: “I… don’t know.”
Logan: *turns to his computer and opens up the NIMH website* “There are different types of ADHD: Hyperactive, which is what Patton is, Comorbid, which is what Virgil has, and Inattentive. Which- from what I can tell- you may fit into.”
Remy: “...okay?”
Logan: “listing the symptoms: overlooking details and making careless mistakes, having problems sustaining attention during lengthy tasks, failure to finish tasks, quickly looses focus after starting tasks, difficulties with deadlines, difficulties with managing time, lack of organizational skills, forgetfulness…”
Remy: *quickly losing focus and no longer listening*
Logan: “ahem” *looks pointedly at Remy*
Remy: “Huh?”
Logan: “seems to not listen when spoken too directly, forgetfulness, becoming distracted by unrelated thoughts or stimuli, Avoid or dislike tasks that require sustained mental effort, such as schoolwork or homework, or for teens and older adults, preparing reports, completing forms, or reviewing lengthy papers” 
Remy: “...but..okay so I only listened to like maybe half of those. But doesn’t everyone do that?”
Logan: “well to some degree, yes. But in people with ADHD these things are very prominent, and what makes ADHD a disorder is that the symptoms inhibit your daily function.”
Remy: “Oh.”
Logan: “Thoughts?”
Remy: “Uh, Logan?”
Logan: “Yes?”
Remy: “So it’s maybe, slightly, possibly, maybe, possible I have adhd.”
Logan: “Ah. What do you wish to do with this information?”
Remy: “I...I don’t know?”
Logan: *turns back to his computer* “Another common symptom of ADHD is indecision”
Remy: FUCK!
Librarian: “Shhhh!” 
Remy: “Sorry!”
When Remy eventually tells the rest of the group they’re all very supportive
They’re happy he’s figured it out and accepted it
They all offer support and love
And is it weird that Remy almost wants to cry?
He’s just… never had friends like this before
Good friends
Who get him
And he realizes he’s happy
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