#mayhaps i'm just using the opportunity to overshare about my spotify wrapped again and what about it
ettadunham · 2 years
Tagged by @vexederolo, thanks!! 🤗 God, it's been ages since I've done one of these, but let's go!
Rules: shuffle your favourites playlist or music library and list the first 10 songs coming up, then tag 10 people!
Well, I just shuffled my 2022 spotify list, let's see what we've got here:
Big Bad Wolf by Roses & Revolutions
Love Me Blind by Thick as Thieves
This Machine by The Anix
Exorcism by Clarity
Miss Jackson by Panic! At The Disco feat. LOLO
Future Starts Slow by The Kills
Doctor by Truslow
Boats & Birds by Gregory and the Hawk
Every Day Is Exactly The Same by Elektrik People
Normally I'd just say "tagging anyone who wants to inflict their little lists on people and say it's from me", which still applies, but let's try and do it the traditional way too this time: @isagrimorie, @yennciri, @sugarbabywenkexing, @miralparis, @car0l-avenger-danvers, @arthurwilde, @olivias-cooke, @habibialkaysani, @cresmix, @coachlasso.
Bop. 🐱
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