#mbfgw 3
reimulin · 9 months
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I can’t BELIEVE my big fat greek wedding 3 gave us the non-binary autistic icon that is Victory. I love them SO MUCH
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ygsunflower · 9 months
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So glad MBFGW3 and Special Ops: Lioness made her dye her hair to this darker color. It really compliments her well.
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brainonthebox · 9 months
Hot take about My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 (spoilers):
Gus and Alexandra were destined to fail as a couple. He was adventurous enough to leave for America and wanted to be with a woman who was willing to join him on that adventure.
Meanwhile, half of the six remaining villagers are Alexandra, her son, and her grandson. She's the complete opposite of Gus in terms of life goals.
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My big fat greek wedding 3 is coming out the day before my own third big fat wedding (to the same person. it’s an international affair)! I cannot cope with how exciting this is
amazing. incredible. I am ascending. 
this is the best
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filmhabits · 11 months
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My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 - Poster
Releases September 8, 2023 (USA)
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gemsofgreece · 6 months
what is your stance on "my big fat greek wedding"? i need to know! haha
It depends on which movie of the trilogy we are talking about!
I love the original MBFGW. It is very funny and many moments ring true. Idk if you are Greek, but this movie is very loved in Greece. It is not exactly exaggerated, however it is representing the Greeks of diaspora better than native Greeks, because Greeks of diaspora are a little more traditional. It is a common occurrence in immigrants trying to keep their culture and customs alive in a new place. Besides, it was released in 2002, 20 years ago, which was a time such a type of comedy felt very relevant and fresh.
Things are different now - MBFGW 2 and 3 are disappointingly underwhelming. They feel like Nia beats the dead horse again and again. I haven’t actually watched the 3rd but the 2nd movie was an utter disappointment to me. It was some random American teen dramedy with some sprinkles of “Greek misfit”(???? the daughter felt bad to be half-Greek although she was 100% indistinguishable from Americans???) and a few of the old jokes from the first movie regurgitated. Utter, utter disappointment.
I fear the flop of the second movie might have sabotaged the third one too. It is a shame because this one has two important elements: a) it was made solely in order to honour the last wish of Michael Constantine, who wanted his character’s ashes (Mr Portokalos 😢) to return to Greece, which was such a sweet and noble last wish and even nobler that they all did it for him, b) well, it was about the Portokalos family coming to Greece finally, this was such a huge opportunity to rejuvenate the movie series. And yet it flopped, because it’s 20 years after the first movie and the jokes are the same again and Greece is portrayed in a way that is now irrelevant and inaccurate for the sake of ethographic comedy. That’s what I have heard anyway - the movie gets bad reviews from Greeks and foreigners alike. I think it didn’t do well even inside Greece commercially. It’s a pity, especially because it was Constantine’s wish.
But what is a MBFGW movie without Mr Portokalos anyway, right? He was the star and the heart. The first one is a classic you never get tired of.
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caliphoria17 · 9 months
There's one written interview from forever ago for Stephanie Nur when she was doing spoken word poetry and theatre. She has had roles in small European feature films before moving to California. They're very different to what she's been cast in America. Maybe a little typecast playing wealthy upper class women like in North of the 10 but that's more comedy. Glad to see her in more comedy with My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
Hi, anon! I can totally understand her being typecast as an affluent woman—I’m assuming she’s the one who plays the heiress in the North of the 10, right? I just watched the trailer, obviously 😁 She definitely has the looks for it. And those eyes? Mesmerizing, as always. Plus, she has a certain elegance & regality to her (in my opinion, at least). It’s cool to see her in more movies, especially a sequel of one that’s pretty well known. I saw the trailer for MBFGW 3 at the theaters & it actually looked like a fun, family movie, so I hope it does well. I’m looking forward to her being given more opportunities to showcase her range as an actor.
(Also, I’m so impressed with her. She seems so smart on what I’ve read about her. Graduating with a MSc in Psych with honors? Damn. Add to that being a polyglot? Damn.)
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BTW, gotta look for that interview you mentioned. I’m intrigued.
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crazynerdandproud · 9 months
Is it just me or was Paris giving off lowkey major bi vibes in mbfgw 3?
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Some fun things that happened to me today/ I found out:
Eminem opened up a pop-up restaurant called Mom's spaghetti, where he serves Water or Soda, spaghetti, and spaghetti with meatballs.
Today, I guess I had rbf, and I walked by one of my coworkers and he said "Hey you dropped something." And when I looked he went "your smile" and it made me smile.
I was at walmart and I got in line and this guy rolls up behind me and I'm laughing in my head because he didn't look as old as his groceries suggested (10 cans of perishables, something green, and 3 bags of walnuts) and then he said the checkers name, gave it's Greek root, basically said everything is better Greek, is also Greek, and talked about how you have to find the greatness in life. I walked away laughing because the old man was cute & because the Dad from mbfgw is no longer a stereotype.
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