#mc is still cute n cuddly tho!
driaswrld · 8 months
i love how you all think tsr reader is so cute n cuddly but lore accurate tsr mc is unhinged n has drawn that katana on several occasions to do more than js cut a bitch 😭
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"I'm a virgin." feat. Lucifer and Diavolo
Pairings: Lucifer x Female!Reader and Diavolo x Female!Reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: no real smut, very fluffy and cute, lucifer is drunk tho, edgeline suggestive stuff
A/N: For virgins, from a virgin. my religion said no
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After spending hours of fruitless tossing and turning in bed, trying to get warm beneath your piles of blankets, you finally gave up. Wrapping a cotton sheet around yourself, you dragged your shivering body from the bed and off to the room of the eldest brother.
If he was still awake, you would ask him why your room was so cold and how to fix it.
To your delight, dim lamplight glowed through the crevices in the door so you knocked softly. While you waited for a response, you detected soft music coming from inside and couldn't help the little smile you gave when you realized it was the vinyl you purchased for his birthday.
The door opened to reveal a sleepy and rather tipsy Lucifer; hair no longer perfectly slicked to one side, a gentle smile on his lips, a crystal glass on his ungloved hands, and the first few buttons of his shirt undone.
"Good evening, love. It's a bit late, is something wrong?"
His voice was so low and soft... you wondered just how much demonus he had consumed since he'd stalked up to his room after movie night.
"Nothing terrible, just my room is super cold and I don't know why." You responded, "Is there a way to change that? Is there such thing as a thermostat in the devildom?"
Lucifer pulled you into his room and shut the door behind you, "You'll find it's warmer in here, darling. Come sit with me."
It was much warmer in his room...
Plus, drunk Lucifer seemed much more cuddly than the usual 'metal rod up my ass so far I can taste it' Lucifer and you knew this wasn't a reoccurring opportunity.
You weren't exactly in the mood for alcohol, so when Lucifer offered you a glass, you shook your head and to your surprise, he shrugged and tossed it back effortlessly and joined you on the bed; pulling your form up close to his chest, arms crossed over your stomach, and pressing light kisses to your exposed ears and neck.
You whimpered softly, nervousness mounting as his hands began to wander your body. You loved Lucifer, honestly! But... having never been intimate with someone and on top of that, the demon you wouldn't mind losing your v-card to being in his intoxicated state...
Nervous couldn't begin to describe your feelings at the moment.
Hands, calloused from writing and work, gently caressed your sides until they became more adventurous; reaching up to touch your soft breasts and you panicked.
Sitting up quickly, you pushed his hands off and pulled your knees to your chest.
"Something wrong, darling? I apologize if I crossed any boundaries... I'll admit I've had a few too many glasses of demonus this evening. Excuse my forwardness."
"O-Oh... No, it's okay Luci... I-I just got a little nervous because I... um... I've never done anything like this before and I don't want to disappoint you." You nursed at your bottom lip uncomfortably, veering around the dreaded statement as though it were deer in headlights.
A beat.
"Meaning...? I'm afraid you've lost me, dear MC." He sat up as well, eyeing you as gently as possible.
He's gonna make me say it, isn't he? He really did have too much demonus... ugh. You thought, taking a mental deep breath.
"I'm... I'm a virgin."
Lucifer blinked in surprise, "You kiss so well... I never would've guessed. That's not a problem, however, MC. I'm honored. We can wait for as long as you need."
You couldn't help but crack a blushy smile and throw yourself into his arms for a hug, knocking the dark-haired demon back into the pillows; his own arms trapping you firmly against his broad chest while your giggles spilled into the air.
"I'm afraid you're just so lovely, it's difficult to keep my hands off, much less my eyes," He murmurs, "It's especially difficult with so much demonus. You'll forgive me, won't you, love?"
"You don't need to apologize Luci, but you do need to fix my refrigerator of a bedroom before tomorrow night, okay?"
"Why ever would I do that when you could just sleep here with me?"
After sharing a lovely evening at Ristorante Six with the Demon Lord himself, the two of you had opted to walk home instead of getting a ride from Barbatos, as the nighttime air was so refreshing and anything was better when you were arm-in-muscular arm with such a demon as Diavolo.
Unfortunately, you were still a few minutes away from the castle when out of nowhere, a storm settled right over your area and started dumping sheets of water onto the city streets with only a crash of thunder and a terrifyingly large bolt of lightning to serenade its arrival.
Diavolo immediately wrapped you in his jacket and took you up into a bridal carry before taking off towards his home.
He'd be damned if he allowed you to catch a cold on one of the nights you got to spend together.
The pair of you made it home soaking wet and giggling, the water running off your clothes soiling the freshly cleaned carpet in the main hall and causing the butler to sigh softly before wordlessly setting off to find some towels.
You gave the butler a sincerely apologetic look before Diavolo thanked him for the towels, wrapped a few around you and then himself, before scooping you up and carrying you to his room.
Diavolo was still laughing as he placed you on an armchair as though you were made of china before going to his closet to find some fresh clothes.
You used tissues to wipe away any remnants of makeup that lingered after the sky-given shower on the run home before undoing the elaborate hairstyle Asmodeus had done and stripping down to your underwear.
You sat on the chair again to wait for Diavolo's return from his massive closet and opted to watch the storm from his windows, snuggling in one of the massive towels that still smelled of the Demon Prince's musk.
"Silk or some of the finest cotton in the devildom, MC?" Diavolo called from the depths of his closet.
"You don't want just me in a towel?" You joked.
Diavolo poked his crimson crowned head back into the bedroom, "Oh believe me I'd love that but Barbatos would find it rather inappropriate... I'm feeling like cotton this evening, more breathable and less stiff, wouldn't you say, my dove?"
You nod and Diavolo smiles, noting your precious sleepy features.
When he exited the closet, you were surprised to he was shirtless with mauve cotton pajama pants.
Surprised, but not at all disappointed.
Your eyes twinkled as you took in his breathtaking physique as he made his way over to you. He gently pulled the towel down so he could pull the collar over your head and push your hands through the armholes.
He picked you up again and brought you to the four-poster bed, where he set you on the comfortable mattress before rolling in next to you and pulling you close to him.
"You looked absolutely divine tonight." He murmured, stroking your hair, "It's such a treat to get to spend time with you, you know? I wish I'd made you live with me when you first arrived here. Those brothers get to spend every day with you... how lucky."
You pressed your forehead against his own knowingly.
"That's why I cherish all of our moments together Dia. I've never been happier than when I'm with you."
You buried your face in his chest and gave a satisfied sigh when you felt his lips connect with the crown of your head.
The following silence was so addictingly warm and mellow, you hardly noticed the fact that the prince was leisurely sucking hickeys into your neck until one fang scraped the skin a bit harshly and you gave a startled whine.
You knew where this was going and you would be lying if you didn't admit you were a little more than terrified.
Diavolo was a big man...
He stopped his ministrations to see what the problem was, afraid he'd overstepped boundaries. You just... your skin just smelled so nice... he couldn't resist.
"Forgive me, dove. Did I hurt you?" He asked, concern lacing his tone.
"N-No, you just surprised me is all." You shook your head, but Diavolo wasn't satisfied.
You were tense.
"MC, are you scared of me?"
"What? No! Diavolo, I-I... I'm not afraid of you I just saw where this was going and I got nervous cuz... well..." You looked away, a blush forming on your features before you muttered, "I'm a virgin."
"I-I hope that's not a problem... I just get a bit nervous with this stuff, I d-don't know where to begin and of course, it would be horrible if I disappointed you-"
Diavolo silenced your ramble with a kiss, wrapping you in a firm embrace before pulling away.
"Oh my sweet dove, that's not a problem at all. If anything, I'm honored." He brushed a few strands of hair from your crimson face before kissing you, again and again, hoping to comfort you and stop that trembling lip before it gave way to tears.
"I promise dove, this doesn't change anything. It only makes you more of my precious, fragile dove and that's not a problem at all."
Diavolo rubbed your back and gave you one last squeeze before climbing over top of you and caging you against the bed.
"Shall we change it now or later?"
"My lord, I brought some tea to prevent either of you from catching a-"
Diavolo scrambled off of you, the look of a child caught in the act of mischief on his face.
"...cold. My lord, is this a bad time?"
"N-No, not at all Barbatos. I... think some tea is just what we need."
in conclusion, I want one
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Main 6 sleepover with MC (HCs)
(modern au)
Affection affection affection
Aisha and salim are so so welcoming and you feel at home immediately
But then they’re also the super embarrassing parents who show you baby pictures of asra. Cue asra blushing adorably before resigning himself to his fate and just joining in (they’re also probably the parents that give asra that Parent Grin when he introduces you as His friend if you’re not already dating)
You do loads of little miscellaneous activities like knitting snake sweaters for faust chimes and flamel and asra doing tarot readings and magic tricks for you
But movie time is the best because you get settled in together and it’s really just an excuse for you two to cuddle let’s be real
Asra pays attention to the movie like 5% and you the other 95%
Aisha and salim take a peek at you two and snap a quick pic to show you guys the next morning 
asra pretends to be embarrassed when they show you guys but you can bet when his parents leave it tucked on his desk he keeps it forever and completely ignores their pointed looks (they know he’s smiling when they turn away tho)
Get ready to be pampered, spoiled, fed, and blessed
Nadia is amazing her family is amazing and you guys have an amazing time
They probably have, like, their own outdoor spa bath and pool so (like in the game but with swimsuits on) you two have a bath together underneath the beautiful night sky until her siblings crash your little party 
nadia is annoyed until she sees you laughing at the chaos (or as much chaos as the satrinava family can have) in the backyard and she has to blush because it may be dark but you’re all the light she needs when you smile like that so she forgives her siblings just this once
Lots of music and dressing up in her extensive wardrobe. even though her clothes may not fit you she finds you gorgeous in any and all of them
Some sneaky gossiping about some people in your school coughcough the courtiers and lucio
A movie before sleeping because it’s the time you two start cuddling on her four poster canopy bed and if you fall asleep first nadia’s just gonna be peacefully gazing at you before her siblings sneak in and tease her and she’s got to shush them before you wake up she does not necessarily forgive them this time
It’s not exactly karaoke but it kinda is
You two have to start singing early because if it’s getting too late mazelinka will stomp right in and whack julian’s music player (and probably julian himself) with her spoon until it stops. then she’ll turn right around to you and smile and say “tell me if you need anything y/n”
A lot of dramatic renditions and reenactments of famous scenes like that lion king scene
Yes, the one where simba is held in the air by the monkey (fight to see who’s simba)
If you’re lucky (or not depending on how you see the situation) julian will get portia in as well and maybe get a video or two of your reenactments
Careful though, if you’re reenacting a romantic disney scene and get too into the character julian loses composure for a few moments and starts blushing and stammering like crazy
He’ll retaliate with intensity just as good though. after five minutes of spluttering 
you probably end up sleeping first though because he doesn’t sleep until 3am (“these eyebags are hard to maintain y/n” “then sleep so you dont have to maintain them” “w-wait i meant” “sleep”)
You two have loads of fun in the kitchen making dinner but hopefully not too much fun or else dinner’s gonna be compromised in favour of tiny food fights behind mazelinka’s back
definitely pranking julian if you’re up for it and you should be because pranking with portia is hilarious 
Gossip gossip gossip galore - portia knows things about everyone and you two end up laughing until you’re crying because she knows everything
It’s a double edged sword though because it usually means she’s weaseling something out of you by the end of the night or morning if you guys are up for those Deep 3am conversations
Playing with pepi is a must!! Soft cuddles!! Pictures!! 
pillow forts!!! you take over the whole living room and steal extra pillows and blankets from julian and mazelinka with the intent to return them but you two fall asleep before doing so and they don’t have the heart to wake you guys up
sleepovers with portia is everything - a good balance between laugh your heart out, wholesomeness, and deep talks 
Soft, pure but content night together
Muriel takes in stray animals and has some chickens so you two probably spend a good portion of your night doing the daily chores to care for them all and giving them the love! They! Deserve! 
And be sure to give muriel the love he deserves too!
He’s flustered about having you in his home but if the animals love you he can’t deny how it’s nice to have you around 
It’s illegal to move if one is sleeping on you and muriel is surprisingly obliging when you ask for something so you don’t have to move and wake them up tease him about being so Soft for his lil friends and he’ll blush
It’s practically community work because you take pictures of the animals and they’re good enough to put up as their adopt me pictures so sleepovers or just staying over in general is the most Wholesome Thing (and you sneak in some pictures of muriel with them too)
Actual sleep comes late because you both gotta tuck in all the children animals first
blatantly shows off his house to you but he really just wants you to be impressed because he wants you to have fun tonight and is lowkey highkey nervous you won’t 
Morga probably interrupts with an embarrassing one liner about lucio here and there so be prepared for the generic teenager “MUUUM!” yell
Melchior and Mercedes though? 👌 they are super cuddly and are precious precious babies and yes Lucio is jealous they end up spending a fair bit of time with you (he’s not jealous that you’re with them its the other way around of course) so be sure to invite him over to the cuddle session
You two probably do each other’s makeup and when lucio does yours he does his usual make up, then claims you should be honoured with this cute proud smirk on his face
play along and you’ll be fine, tease him about what the hell he’s done to you and he’ll mope
he tries to gossip but some of the stories he tells you is slightly... far fetched (”they say vulgora keeps worms in his pants” “lucio w h at”) 
but when he tells them to you, you start laughing and he finds that oh that’s cute you’re cute - so he’s upping the exaggeration just a bit here and there before adding “but let’s be real it’s definitely not true” because he still has to save face
writing this made me wish i could go to sleepovers lmao i hope you enjoyed!!
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