#mc's twin: henry parker
akp-1327 · 4 years
dear diary // chapter one
Hi, everyone! This is the first chapter of the new series I’ve started. I hope you enjoy and stick around for future chapters! 💕
Find a series “description” and other detailing here!
Word Count: ~ 5.3k
(*) Warnings: none
July 16th, 2020
Dear Diary,
Nothing would make me happier than to visit the city. The bright lights, the busy streets, the shops, the smell of car exhaust. For all the wonders I’d discover, for all the opportunities I’d face. For the experience, for the fun.
Living in a small town is boring. It’s the same, day after day. Then as soon as you bat an eye, you’ve turned eighteen and have barely left the state. Some would call me a hobbit, some would call me lazy. But it’s hard to get out of town when your family can’t really leave because of their job and you’re too scared to learn how to drive.
The diner that my parents own is great; awesome pancakes, delicious milkshakes, and every single pie flavor you could ever imagine. It’s called the Golden Griddle and it’s located right in the heart of Cedar Cove, Oregon. You’d have to be blind to miss the sunny yellow paint (that’s ever so slowly chipping away, but don’t tell my dad) smeared on the bricks.
Anyway. I’m Charlotte, but you knew that already, didn’t you? Of course you did. Well, if you needed a reminder of my sob-worthy life story...my brother and I are adopted. But you probably remembered that, right? Wow, I need to stop ranting about how you probably remember me. You’re a literal book for God’s sake.
Wait; back on topic. I want to go to see the city. So badly. Oh, and have I mentioned that I got accepted into my dream school? New York University, here I come. How have I not written about that yet? Holy crap. NYU preparations have been coming along nicely. I already have half my room packed and almost all my dorm stuff that my mom insists on buying. My brother Henry, too. He’s going to Ohio State on a football scholarship and a desire to pursue athletic training. Big dreams!
Me, you ask? Good gracious, Diary, stop interrupting! (Oh boy, I’m talking to myself. Skye would laugh...). I’m pursuing acting and theater, of course. A major in drama and a minor in production. I’m chasing the sun here, okay? I am a future Broadway star and actress with dreams as far as the eye can see!
I am ecstatic to make the big move at the beginning of August. More updates to come. Sorry if this ending was abrupt. My dad made his famous chili tonight and I gotta go get it while it’s hot and before Henry inhales it all like the vacuum he is.
Yours, Charlotte :)
The faint, familiar smell of spices filled my senses as I put the old and tattered diary down. It was a gift I got years and years ago from a friend, but I never used it. May as well start before the wild ride of my new life starts, right?
I threw my blonde hair into a bun as I walked out of my room, avoiding boxes piled up high on the floor. Right as I stepped into the hallway, however, my foot met a ball of fluff curled right outside my doorway.
“Aw, Cooper,” I cooed, leaning down and scooping the little snowball I called a dog into my arms, cradling him close, “you’re missing all the food downstairs, buddy!”
A small whimper came from him as I made my way down the stairs. Henry was spread out on the couch and watching some sort of European soccer, er, football on the TV.
“Hey, just in time!” Henry smiled, waving me over to sit next to him. I obliged, setting Cooper down onto the floor and taking a seat next to him. 
...It was crazy how he was twice my size. And how I was the older one by three whole minutes.
“What’s up, Henry?” I asked, nudging his arm. A laugh escaped his throat as he gestured to the screen and unpaused the video (wait, it was paused this entire time?). I watched the screen to see a player get hit in the head with a soccer ball.
“Hah!” Henry laughed, his deep pitch echoing off the walls. I gasped and swatted his arm.
“Henry! Laughing at someone else’s pain is so rude! What if he got a concussion that ended his career?” I said, a twinge of amusement in my tone. All in all, I loved to see my brother get all flustered. He was such a goody-two-shoes that even something like this comment would make him blow a gasket--
“He’s laughing, sis. I don’t think the dude’s hurt.” Henry said, his tone smug. Maybe college was finally really going to his head.
I shook my head with both surprise and disappointment as I stood up, gesturing for the walking vacuum to follow suit. “C’mon, knucklehead. Dinner’s almost ready.”
We both walked into the kitchen to see the finishing arrangements being set up for dinner; Mom was retrieving bowls and utensils as Dad strained the water from the elbow macaroni at the sink.
“You two are in here early,” Mom teased, giving us a side glare as she placed the bowls and spoons on the counter, “what about?”
A sweet, innocent smile crossed my face as I batted my eyelashes at her. “It just smells so good that I couldn’t stay away!”
“I’ve heard that one before, you jest. Come get your bowls.” Mom chuckled, stepping away. Henry and I grabbed a bowl right as Dad turned to us.
“Get it while it’s hot!” Dad said, grabbing a bowl of his own. Henry and I both dove for the noodles and chili, somehow managing to get our servings without making a complete mess like we usually do. It’s crazy to think of how people mature over time...
The old seats at the table squeaked as we all sat down and started to dig into our chili. A comfortable silence blanketed the table and just as I got used to it, Mom broke it.
“So, you two have been packing, yes? Even the stuff you aren’t bringing?” Mom asked sweetly, dabbing a napkin at the corners of her mouth. She’d always been the politest one in the family; too bad no one else at the table had her mannerisms.
“My room is basically packed except for some of my clothes and books,” I said in between chews of the (extremely hot) chili in my mouth, “but otherwise I’m good.”
Henry nodded and pointed his thumb at me, his eyes never leaving his bowl. “Mhmm.”
“That’s great! Your flights leave in only a matter of days!” Dad cheered, giving Mom a high five. It was such a weird but common thing to see parents do: act like teenagers.
“You sound excited about that?” Henry questioned. I looked over to see half his bowl already gone. 
Mom heaved a sigh.
“We’re excited for you both to finally experience the world. We can’t wait for your lives to truly start!” Mom said, a smile encompassing her features. Her kind, brown eyes flitted between Henry and me.
“You two have the world at your fingertips,” Dad added, glancing at Mom. They shared a fond look. 
At that moment, for the briefest second, I wished that I had a connection like that; a soulmate, someone who you could spill your heart out to. Someone who you could love and be loved by. Someone who’d want nothing more than to see you happy. 
Also at that moment, I decided that I would make it a small goal of mine to make this wish come true during my time at NYU.
My blankets were soft around my legs as I sat propped up against my pillows. Leila and I had been talking on the phone all night. I felt like I was in that moment in Mean Girls where Gretchen was switching between Cady, Karen, and Regina. Except...I wasn’t switching between anyone at the moment. 
Leila Maciel is my best friend. She’s someone with a sarcastic personality and a snarky remark to anything. She’s as smart as a whip and could, without a doubt, put you in your place if you stepped out of line with her intimidating strength. Though, she also has a soft and caring side that she only reveals to those who she deems trustworthy. A confident, kind, and bold girl indeed. 
We’ve been friends for our entire high school careers, but it feels like I’ve known her my entire life.
During our freshman year, Leila was in an extremely toxic relationship. Her ex-girlfriend, a “sweet” but a rather manipulative girl, was to blame for our friendship. This girl, Sadie, ticked all of Leila’s boxes; beautiful, smart, compassionate, sweet... 
Remember that Leila and I had only known each other for a month at this point.
Leila and Sadie’s relationship was adorable from the outside. Both bright-eyed and bushy-tailed freshmen with hearts in their eyes. It was something you’d see in a more realistic version of High School Musical because let’s be real...those movies aren’t realistic. (I still love them, though!)
About a year into their relationship, though, Sadie transformed from sweet to sour. She used Leila to get what she wanted like she was her very own puppet. Her antics ranged from cheating on tests to almost stealing a designer handbag before I intervened. Then, like the cherry on top of this extremely nasty sundae, Sadie revealed that she cheated on Leila with a college girl for the majority of their relationship. Let’s just say that their relationship was terminated seconds after that bombshell blew up.
Leila was broken for months. She truly believed that she loved Sadie, but upon further examination, I found that Leila felt guilty whenever she had the opportunity to say no. It had never been any sort of love; it was an obligation. Also after that relationship, Leila decided that instead of focusing on liking girls, she’d be open and love anyone. She was sick of limits.
So, here we are today.
Now, as we talked on the phone, I thought about how she’d also be going to NYU, majoring in business. We were roommates! It was like a dream come true.
“Uh, Charlotte?” Leila asked with a laugh. “You alive?”
Reality snapped back into place as I blinked my eyes rapidly. “Oh, uh, yeah. What’d you say?”
“Did you buy a fan for our dorm?” Leila asked monotonously. This made me laugh for some odd reason. “Dear Lord, what’s so funny?”
Honestly, though. What was funny, Charlotte? One could say that I was losing my mind.
“I don’t know, spur of the moment? But otherwise, yes; I got the one you pointed out at Target.” I said, surprising myself with how even my voice sounded. A familiar hum came from the other end of the line in response.
“Cool. Then you’re all set to go for next week?” Leila asked, her voice making it sound like she was smiling. I laughed again and nodded to myself.
“Yes!” Was all I could say.
Leila’s sigh was so loud that I could swear that I felt her breath through the phone. “You’re not stressing out over this, are you?”
My eyes widened at her question. Was I stressing out about this? I’d been packing for days on end without breaks. I had folded, re-folded, and re-re-folded all of my clothes several times in my duffel bag. I had splurged on so many things, like that fan Leila mentioned, without a second thought. I don’t think I’ve had a proper shower in almost a week; I was too busy being a nervous wreck.
“Maybe a little bit, but not too much,” I responded, my tone a bit somber as I tried to conceal my lie. My fingers twirled the fringed fabric of my tie blanket around as I waited for Leila’s retort.
“Stressing out over this is like a circle, Charlotte. It’s pointless,” Leila said, her voice starting to reveal her exhaustion, “and you need to relax. We’ll be fine.”
Thoughts buzzed through my mind as I contemplated her words. Would we be fine? Is “fine” even the correct word to describe this situation? How about rephrasing the entire statement entirely by saying “there is a chance that we’ll survive, but it definitely ain’t high.”? That version was more accurate, in all honesty. Moving across the country for school didn’t sound like a situation that could only earn the word “fine”.
“Aren��t you worried, though? A big city, a new city, a scary city...we’re diving into the deep end here, Leila! We have no idea what the hell we’re doing!” I panicked, squeezing my eyes closed.
Now it was Leila’s turn to laugh uncontrollably. Though, hers was more of a witch’s cackle.
“Wow, okay. First of all, we’ll stick together. Second, not knowing what we’re doing is all apart of the college experience. We’ll seriously be okay if we stick together.” Leila assured, still laughing - she never was the sympathetic type in these types of situations.
“If you think so, then I guess I need to believe it.” I yawned, tucking myself further into my blankets. Leila broke out into a yawn as well, making me think that she was actually tired for once (the girl was the definition of a night owl).
“We should get some sleep. We’ll have plenty of time to talk later.” Leila stated. I could imagine her rolling her brown eyes at her own words. A laugh escaped me instead of the hum I intended on.
“Jesus, why do you keep laughing? Why do you have so much energy?” Leila groaned, making my laughter subside.
“I honestly don’t know, I’m a complete and utter mess. We’ll text tomorrow?” I suspired, resting my arm over my eyes to completely block out this embarrassing reality.
“You bet. Love you lots.” Leila said. Her declarations of love truly became more meaningful after that whole spectacle with Sadie. She had a ginormous heart of gold beneath that rough exterior.
“Love you more! Good night!” I said, hanging up after she murmured a farewell. I tossed my phone onto the soft fabric of my blanket and stared up at the ceiling, a nostalgic feeling washing over me. All of the nights during elementary school where I’d do this exact thing, except I would be thinking about my Barbie dolls or my recess adventures. Now, I thought about the future and what waited for me.
College better live up to its well-known reputation.
Before I could comprehend what was even happening, I was standing in the middle of Portland’s airport with the arms of my family around me. 
Days legitimately whizzed past with nothing short of a greeting. I mean, it was already August 4th...somehow.
“You have all your bags, right?” Dad asked, his voice wavering the slightest bit. I looked down at my belongings for the fourth time; a large duffel bag of clothes, a chest full of dorm stuff and personal items (including that stupid fan, yes), and a very large and heavy carry-on stuffed with all of my technology. And, for the fourth time, I confirmed that I had everything.
“It’s all here, Dad. For the last time.” I giggled, shaking my head. He could only respond with his usual eye roll and grin.
“What about Leila? Are you completely positive that she’s on your flight?” Mom asked, her eyes inspecting mine. A sigh freed itself from my lungs as I nodded.
“She’s already waiting for me by the baggage area, Mom. You even saw her when we walked in, remember?” I stated, returning her inspecting gaze as she fondly smiled in remembrance.
My hands were reaching down to pick up my bags before Henry lightly punched my shoulder. “Wait, whoa, where’s the love, sis?”
“It’s hiding from you,” I teased, punching his shoulder before I pulled him close for a tight hug, “I’m gonna miss you bunches, you know.”
Henry’s grip tightened before he pulled back to show me the tears in his eyes. I gave him a sad smile, knowing that familiar look in his eye; he agreed but didn’t want to admit it.
“Don’t worry, Henry. I’ll only be a call away if you ever need to talk to me,” I said, putting my hands on his shoulders, “and I’ll be a nine hours’ drive away if you ever need me in person.”
He cracked a smile that was identical to my own and let out a deep breath that turned into a shaky laugh.
“Shut up, midget. Go catch your flight.” Henry laughed, shaking his head to compose himself. His blonde hair was tucked away in a red hat with a big, fancy ‘O’ embroidered in gray and black on its face. My heart swelled with pride to see it, too.
“Ditto!” I laughed while reaching down to grab my bags. “Well, I ought to get going. Leila’s been waiting on me for a while”
“Travel safely and call us when you land, no matter the time!” Mom said, hugging Dad and pulling Henry close. My eyes burned with tears as I nodded.
“Can do,” I shakily breathed, “I love you guys.”
Mom blew kisses my way and Dad smiled. Even Henry gave me a rare, genuine grin. I waved, and with a final glance, turned around and headed to the gate that was just behind me without looking back.
The weight of the bags in my hands doubled with each step towards Leila. She was sitting in the waiting area, her bags all around her, scrolling through her phone. Her straight black shoulder length hair was accessorized with a jade green headband, matching her comfy outfit that consisted of a matching jade green tee and a pair of workout leggings.
“Took you long enough, you slowpoke!” Leila smiled, patting the blue seat next to her as she tucked her phone in her backpack. I dropped my bags in relief as I sat down next to her. “How emotional were your parents?”
“Enough to make me almost cry?” I laughed, wiping the wetness below my eyes. “Well, maybe I did cry a little.”
Leila laughed and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. “It doesn’t take much to make you cry, Charlotte. But I am beyond glad to see that you held in most of your alligator tears.”
We both laughed, though our laughter faded after about a minute, turning into a stressed silence...
“We’re really doing this, aren’t we?” I said while taking a deep breath. After almost a year of building up the nerves, the day was finally here.  College...adulthood...life...
Leila turned to me, her eyes showing the most vulnerability that I’ve ever seen in them, and took a deep breath with me. “We may be crazy, but at least we’re crazy together.”
Bag security was a surprising breeze; little to no lines and no troubles. The security guys even smiled at me. Talk about weird.
Waiting for the flight time was tiring. I did, however, get a text from Henry saying that he’d successfully reached his gate and would be taking off for Ohio at dusk. So that was at least something to keep me occupied for a good two minutes.
Another distraction was to play matchmaker with Leila. It was our favorite pastime in high school, so why not continue the tradition?
“Ooh, that business guy over there wearing the red tie, and...” Leila trailed off, scanning the rows of seats until her eyes focused on a woman talking animatedly on the phone only a few feet away, “her.”
“Wait, the Adrian Raines-looking guy paired with that preppy woman?” I asked, my eyes narrowing. Leila hummed with approval next to me, making me cringe immediately; why, and how, would that work? They were polar opposites!
“Leila, listen. He looks like the type of guy that’d bite your head off if you gave him the wrong coffee order and she looks like the type of girl to organize a charity event. It’s all in the eyes and the cheekbones, even the eyebrows.” I explained, shaking my head. Leila, however, disagreed like she always did.
“They’d balance each other out. He’d soften up and she’d harden up. It’s that simple! Plus, it helps that they’re both very attractive...” Leila smirked, her eyes examining them both with a wistful sigh.
“And they’re probably much older than us, so don’t even get ahead of yourself.” I sighed, rolling my eyes. “But back on topic. Are you talking about the whole ‘opposites attract’ lore? Because that’s just not...plausible. Maybe it is in the movies--”
Leila let out an exasperated breath that hindered the rest of my thought. “It is plausible, though! Just think about how you would feel in this situation. Would you want a guy who has a prickly exterior and a mushy-gushy heart?”
My heart started to palpitate as my hands started to sweat. I have learned to loathe Leila’s ‘boy talk’ because it’d always turn into her setting me up with guys that were either way out of my league or guys that just didn’t meet my expectations.
Her question, though, did deserve some deep thought. I guess I can set my pride aside for a mere second and give her some sort of approbation...
So, the question on the table: did I really have a thing for those types of people? Snarky but also impossibly soft? I guess I’ve never really been invested in relationships of my own. The idea of romance, sure, but not for me. It just never really seemed as important as the ACT or my GPA. I’m starting to regret my valedictorian title; I focused so hard on my studies that I forgot about the fun aspect of high school like the average, rebellious boyfriend with a leather coat and a motorcycle.
“You know what, Leila?” I started, carefully testing this ground as to not lead her down the matchmaking rabbit hole, “I would like a guy like that. A sarcastic and snarky guy with a secret soft side? Yes, please. Oh, and glasses that he’d push up his nose when he was frustrated? Even better.”
An uncharacteristic snicker escaped Leila; she was never one to snicker like that, and now that I actually think about it, our boy talk always had that stereotypical effect on her. Man, this hobby was melting her brain. Is there any research out there on how the quietest whisper of romance can turn the human brain to goo? If so, I need to get my hands on it ASAP. 
“I knew that you had a thing for that! I’ve been scoping this out for years, Charlotte!”
Of course she has.
“Glad you’ve been looking out for me. That or stalking me, but that’s up to you.” I teased, bumping my shoulder with hers only to receive a tired groan in response.
“Oh, hush. You know exactly how damn predictable you can be sometimes. Don’t even try to contradict that, either.” Leila stated, giving me a side glare. I gave her a bright, innocent smile in response as I fiddled with my duffel bag’s handles.
My mouth opened to bring up another round of matchmaker, but I was overpowered by a loud speaker.
“Flight one-hundred two for New York boarding at gate fifty-six!” A voice said gently over the speakers. Leila and I instantly looked at each other with the same anxious looks that slightly weirded me out.
“Um, Leila--” I stammered, trailing off as Leila hopped up and started to grab her things. She wore the biggest and brightest smile when she glanced at me out of the corner of her eye.
“C’mon, slowpoke! We gotta go! Move those short legs of yours!” Leila beamed, grabbing my duffel bag with her open hand. Before I could retort, I was ushered into standing and walking towards the luggage area.
“Alright, eager one, slow down a bit?” I asked through a huff. Only two months off of the cheer team and away from drama and I’m already bent out of shape.
Leila threw my duffel bag and her own suitcase onto the conveyor belt and so I followed suit.
This...this entire experience was moving faster than I expected.
The plane ride wasn’t really all that exciting. Just Leila falling asleep on me, like I expected. Throw in a couple packs of peanuts, a dash of watching Dirty Dancing and Grease religiously, and a sprinkle of a baby’s obnoxious tantrum...and you end up with the definition of a typical plane ride.
Woo, college. Already kicking off with such an exciting start.
We were about thirty minutes out from The Big Apple when Leila finally woke up from her sleep. I felt my shoulder lighten and then felt the instant soreness from the five and a half hour flight.
“How’d you sleep?” I asked, busying myself by pausing Dirty Dancing on its second playthrough. Of course it was right as Baby started to awkwardly dance down the staircase and onto the bridge.
Leila’s response didn’t come when I thought it would, so I looked over to see if she fell back asleep on the plane’s wall. To my surprise, I saw that her eyes were glued to a figure a few seats over. 
The girl who sat there had this gorgeous auburn hair that cascaded over her shoulders. Her black headphones stood out against her pale complexion and revealed the slightest trace of taupe freckles scattered about her cheeks. Also from the girl’s side profile, you could just barely see the tint of matte black lipstick on her lips.
A gentle but teasing smile formed when I looked back over at a wide-eyed Leila, her cheeks now starting to redden with embarrassment.
“See someone you like over there?” I asked, softly nudging her arm with my own. She cleared her throat and blinked rapidly before turning her attention to me.
“I thought she was snoring?” Leila stammered, now rubbing her tired eyes. I looked back over at the girl - her head bobbing slightly to whatever she’d been playing on her laptop - and let out a laugh.
“Sorry to break it to you, Leila, but she’s completely awake.”
Leila whipped her head back around to see and then let another deep blush cover her cheeks. It was hard to notice against her olive skin, though it deepened enough to see from miles away.
“Okay, um, she was snoring a little bit ago. I swear on your life.” Leila said, pressing her hands to hide her bright red cheeks. 
I let out another laugh. She had never let herself get this flustered...ever. This was so rare that I’d only ever seen it once and that was back in high school. Leila locked eyes for a solid twenty seconds with a junior guy named Michael Harrison at lunch during our freshman year. She couldn’t stop blushing or stuttering for the rest of the day, and that’s not mentioning the dejected look she had when Michael walked out of the building with an unfamiliar girl on his arm after school.
As expected, Leila only responded to me with her notorious deadly side glare.
“Shut up right this instant, Charlotte Parker.” She hissed between her gritted teeth.
Did I listen? Of course not.
“Looks like Miss Maciel has been struck by Cupid’s arrow...” I teased, dramatically leaning into her lap with my hand against my forehead. She grumbled and leaned her head on her palm, looking out the window. After I sat up, I could see her brown eyes flit over in the girl’s direction every once in a while and couldn’t hold back my smile. Not teasing, but happy.
I knew that wistful look in her eye well enough to know that she’d been enamored.
The plane landed at about seven in the evening. Before getting off the plane, I looked over to the girl. She was frantically putting her computer away in it’s decorated case. I saw a patch with the familiar NYU bobcat...right next to another patch with the name “Skye” in this sort of horror-ish calligraphy.
“I think her name is Skye,” I said, leaning in to whisper to Leila, “and I think she’s going to NYU.”
Leila glanced over as she stuffed her neck pillow (that she never used) in her bag.
“Cool. Um...Skye, you said?” Leila said, a blush blooming across her cheeks again. 
I’m seriously loving this.
“Yep, Skye. Maybe she’s a freshman like us?” I said. Leila bit her thin bottom lip.
“Maybe,” Leila said, a smirk crossing over her features, “just...maybe.”
Waiting for our luggage was so boring. I decided that it was even worse than waiting for our fight.
“Ah, it’s mine!” I heard a girl a few feet away from my tired figure cheer. She rushed forward to grab a gaudy pink suitcase bedazzled with fake gems. Leila pretended to gag next to me.
“Gross,” Leila sighed, though her eyes suddenly lit up, “hey, wait, those are our bags!”
She pointed toward a cluster of familiar bags on the conveyor.
“Ah! C’mon!” I stammered, rushing forward and grabbing them. We both started to laugh as we lugged them off.
“Jesus, this is heavier than I remember.” Leila huffed, lifting her bag onto her shoulder. I did the same, though almost toppled over because of the weight.
“Are we sure that these are ours?” I asked, unzipping the duffel bag to see my familiar coat. Relief flooded my features as I looked back at Leila.
Her face was a sickly greenish pale.
“Uh, Charlotte, this...this isn’t...” Leila stuttered, carefully shuffling through the bag. There were lots of black sweaters and lots of striped shirts. A couple pairs of ripped jeans, a few rock band tees along with an NYU sweatshirt...and a tag on the strap.
I reached out for the black tag on the strap and flipped it over. It read...
“Leila, remember that girl from the plane?” I asked, showing her the tag. Her face immediately fell, though I could see the flame of hope flickering in her deep brown irises.
“Oh. My. God.” Leila groaned, taking the tag into her hand. “You’re kidding. Charlotte, this seriously isn’t happening right now.”
Despite her panicked state, I laughed. And laughed. And laughed.
“I’m officially calling you Eliza Schuyler because you are helpless!” I giggled, doubling over. Leila loudly sighed.
“No, no no no...” Leila whispered, zipping the bag closed, “how are we going to find her now? I bet she left already with my bag.”
I sadly let my laughter subside as I wiped the humored tears from my eyes, being careful to not let my light layer of mascara run or smudge into a huge mess. That was the last thing I needed right now.
“Alright. Well, I think we should wait and see if your bag is still here. We don’t know for sure that she has it,” I stated, patting Leila’s shoulder, “but if it doesn’t show, we’ll track this Skye girl down and give her the right bag. Okay?”
Leila nodded, her face still contorted with a mixed emotion of annoyance and helplessness.
“Welcome to New York, where we lose your freaking bags and make you chase after freaking girls that you like,” Leila mumbled in a bad imitation of a New York accent, pinching the bridge of her slender nose.
“So you do admit it! Aww!” I cooed, booping her nose. She caught my wrist and gave me another glare, though this one was downright teasing.
“Shut it or I will mercilessly write on your face tonight with a Sharpie while you sleep,” Leila teased, “but let’s get going. We still gotta find our dorm and the sun’s already starting to set.”
I nodded and gathered up my stuff, taking another look back at the conveyor...
“Oh, everyone’s gone?” I questioned, my eyes scanning the now empty area around us. Leila rolled her eyes and started to drag me along towards the masses of people with her free hand.
“Yes, but now let’s go find this girl before I lose my mind. I need my bag and I can bet that she needs hers.”
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Ian Nelson
Supernatural School Series
The idea behind this story sprouted from my daydreams after reading this story. However, this series focuses more on the relationship between Ian Nelson (The guy who played young Derek Hale in Teen Wolf) and the reader where they happened to be co-stars and Ian had always harbored a crush on the Reader. This series may also known as the Party Games series.
❅  Two Truths and a Lie ❅  Twenty Questions ❅  Would you Rather?
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Loki Laufeyson
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❅ Loki Dictionary
Loki Laufeyson., n.
Prince of Asgard., Rightful ruler of Jötunheim., Master Magician., Sorcerer., Trickster., Silvertongue., Agent of Chaos., god of mischief., god of lies
But there’s so much more to him than what meets the eye, isn’t there?
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❅ 1 AM
Established!Loki x Reader where Reader is an Enhanced whose ability is to foresee and experience a stranger’s death
❅ I can’t lose you  
Sometimes, you need to know when to step back or walk away
❅ Is this what [love] feels like?  
Because of a misunderstanding, Loki expects his relationship to burn down in flames but Reader kept on surprising him
Peter Parker
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❅ 5 Times Peter thought Tony was hugging him and that one time he actually did  
Based on this fanart, fanfiction about Tony Stark and Peter Parker’s relationship
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❅ Spring time : Jojo Dela Guerrera/Reader
Spring time madness for our lil ray of sunshine  
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❅ Party Games Series : Racetrack Higgins/Reader
How do you admit to yourself that you’ve fallen for someone? Through party games, of course. ❅ Truth or Dare
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Otome Games
Mr. Love Queen’s Choice/ Mr. Love Dream Date
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❅ MLQC Dictionary
It is after all, a love story in the form of dictionary, with entries from dialogue to epistolary, from aberrant to zenith, only a handful of which are longer than a page.
Mystic Messenger
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❅ Bright like you
A Luciel entry for @/gureishi’s June event for the Choi twins: #More than words 2021. There are more than enough meaning for your name but I think this one is the best meaning out of all...
❅ Give me the stars
Another Saeyoung entry for @/gureishi’s June event for the Choi twins: #More than words 2021. He loves her... and that scares him the most. 
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Felix Rosier
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❅ Soulmate AU 
Felix week ‘18 entry. Inspired by a friend’s dream where one bears a burden while the other bears hope.
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A little background of Lillian Sanguine, a character in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
❅ HPHM Veela!MC
Headcanons about MC being a veela
❅ HPHM Jacob
Hogwarts Mystery Event Day 5. MC’s dear old missing brother.
❅ HPHM Actor! AU
A little fun idea between writers
❅ HPHM Angst! AU
What’s life without little angsts?
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❅ Centerfold  
Coffee shop AU for Felix week ‘18. A single photo can convey what the heart can’t say.
❅ E correi  
5 instances Felix called you those words and the one time he meant it.
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❅ See you again  
This isn’t an illusion isn’t it? This isn’t a dream of a dream where your brother is right there, right within your reach, is it?
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TV Series
Once Upon A Time
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❅ Fascination : Peter Pan/Reader
“Why can’t I read you?”
❅ The Boy who could’ve been : Peter Pan/Reader
“Is this who you’ll be?”
❅ What is Happiness? : Henry Mills/Reader
“How do you define happiness?”
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❅ Scars : Emma Swan/Reader
Established Relationship! Where Emma asks for the meaning behind the scars
❅ It’s a mad, mad world : Peter Pan/Reader
Cursed!AU where Reader and Peter can’t stand each other
❅ Goodbye means : Peter Pan/Reader
Hero!AU where Peter Pan is one of the good guys and Reader sees the world in grey who happens to like Peter but does he like you as well?
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❅ Jealousy Series : Peter Pan/Reader
Cursed!Peter Pan x Reader where Peter learns that there are different types of jealousy existed...
❅ The First Type: “I’m jealous but I’ll live,”
❅  Seven Kisses Series : Peter Pan/Reader
Cursed!AU where Reader and Peter Pan was swept by the curse just like everyone else. Reader is the princess of the Underworld whose True Love happen to be the Prince of Lost Boys.
❅ First Kiss (On the back of her hand) ❅ Second Kiss (On her knees) ❅ Third Kiss (On the nose) ❅ Fourth Kiss (On the forehead) ❅ Fifth Kiss (On the cheek) ❅ Sixth Kiss (On the neck) ❅ Seventh Kiss (On the lips)
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The Flash
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❅ Even if it hurts? : Barry Allen/Caitlin Snow
“You pause for a minute and two then try again”
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The Umbrella Academy
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❅ 7 times he confessed and the 1 time she accepted his confession : Five Hargreeves/Reader
For all it’s worth, he just want to confess his feelings, dammit!
❅ When he’s drunk ❅ When he’s overwhelmed ❅ When he’s trying to apologize ❅ When there’s only one bed  ❅ When they’re dancing  ❅
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Original Works
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❅ 5 Stages
The rollercoaster of emotion called love
❅ 12:12  
‘Tis a story of a guy trying to slip through the cracks of a broken girl
❅ I grew up
At what cost?
❅ I wonder
It’s all fairytales and stories until...
❅ That Kind of love  
It’s not unrequited love, but it isn’t a requited love either...
Inner Musings
❅ Rain  ❅ Writers ❅ Comfort ❅ Notebook ❅ Hands ❅ Affection  ❅ Play Pretend  ❅ Tell me  ❅ How’s it like?  ❅
❅ Don’t tell me ❅ Vulnerable  ❅ What I truly mean  ❅ I only love three things  ❅ Melody  ❅
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❅ None yet ❅
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❅ None yet ❅
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❅ None yet ❅
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❅ Forget the Past Series
An original story of mine created back in high school which depict the story of five girls who experienced the same heartbreak, created a band to forget what they’ve been through while doing so, they had forgotten what it really means to live their lives....
❅ Fall
“What’s gonna make you fall?”
❅ If Only  
“Should I let my heart keep listening?”
❅ The 72nd Hunger Games Series
Before Katniss Everdeen volunteered for her sister’s place in the 74th Hunger Games and eventually igniting the flame of rebellion, there had already been several unfortunate children who had been fighting for their own little sparks.
❅ District 1 Female: Reaping Story
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ageeksnerdyworld · 6 years
WIP Masterlist...
Some anon recently asked me to detail what my OCs are from and since they’re mostly either DnD characters or from my own stories I thought I should make a list or whatever so here’s that I guess...
A Grain of Salt: The world is divided into five nations: Mutare, Ignisetus, Aquaria, Luxdale, and Mesmeria. Each nation’s peoples have a power exclusive to that area. They each have their own society, religion, customs, etc. etc. Mutare is the land of the shapeshifters who are even further divided into tribes. Ignisetus is home to the pyrokinetics. Aquaria is the home of the hydrokinetics. Luxdale is the most advanced nation being home to the electrokinetics. Lastly, Mesmeria is the kingdom nation of the mind controllers. MC is a teenage shifter boy named Jason Argus who travels to Mesmeria to search for his dad who was taken by a group of Scouts.
Lies We Live: Norse myth retelling. Set in actual Viking age Scandinavia. None of the characters know that they're the gods. Or that they are living out myths. Each god has a part to play. Fantasy epic styled story. Told by the character who is actually Saga.
Blood of My Blood: Dr. Alan Hendrickson clones himself and messes with genetics to create the perfect human being. Ends up with twins. The Gemini Project gets taken over by the government because they want to create better soldiers. Renames the kids Ares and Athena and begin training them. They’re pit against one another over and over. Horrible years of this pass. Ares runs away. Athena is ordered to track him down and kill him.
The Clockmaker’s Court: Kaia Delacroix is one fucked up adult. She saw her best friend Baylee get swallowed by a hole in her house when she was only eight. Years later she gets convinced to go back. When she does she gets pulled into the mysterious hole. A whole world exists on the other side. And so does a man with a fox for a pet claiming that Kaia is destined to save their world.
Maximum Security: Ryan Harding is falsely imprisoned for a murder he didn't commit. Doomed to serve a life sentence on a rock in the middle of the ocean. He makes some friends. Some enemies. Even falls in love. Tries his damnedest to survive long enough to find a way off. But the prison warden has something to say about all of that.
Die For You: A future where the government has implanted microchips into every citizen. Effectively controlling all of humanity from the moment they’re born. Also androids exist. They do everything menial that humans aren’t programmed to do anymore. And Connor DiFranco is just like everyone else. Completely content with this life. Everything is so much easier when every decision is made for you. That is until the DiFranco’s android, Henry, deactivates the chip.
This Glass House: College freshman Peter Choi doesn’t know what he wants from life. He doesn’t even know if he really wants to go to college. But he has an even bigger secret than that. He has the ability to see souls. And for some reason a lot of people’s souls have been leaving their bodies. Peter starts to investigate with the help of his best friend Warren Parker. Then Parker gets abducted by a black souled being called The Void.
We’re Human Too: A trio of female supernatural beings live together in an apartment in Cleveland. They’re trying to just get by in life. Kara Jacobs is a vampire who works as a comfort care worker in a hospital. Annette Paulsen is a ghost who haunts the building and works as a freelance writer. Henri Anders is a werewolf who is a beat cop in the Cleveland police department. They have to deal with various everyday stuff but also hunters, conspiracy theorists, wannabe werewolves, and rogue vamp nests.
And then there’s also The Forgotten but that has a blog all to itself.
0 notes
akp-1327 · 4 years
autumn breeze (ajay bhandari x mc)
Hello there, beautiful Choices Fandom!
Hi! This is my first time EVER sharing my writing. I hope you enjoy and that you and yours are well during this time <3 much love!
Pairing: Ajay Bhandari x f!MC (Charlotte Parker)
(Henry is Charlotte’s twin :)
Word Count: 1.2k
Synopsis: Ajay and Charlotte take a stroll through the park together on a blustery November evening.
The chilly evening autumn breeze blew through the park as Ajay and I walked hand-in-hand. It was a week before the opening night of the play; meaning that we wouldn’t have as much time together as we’d like. We decided that we’d spend the days leading up to Hell Week together in compensation for the lost time we’d spend tweaking the show.
“Look, Ajay! Look at the squirrels!” I squealed quietly, squeezing Ajay’s hand. He followed my gaze at the sight of the small animals skidding through the grass and chuckled.
“Can you speak the language of the squirrels, janu?” He asked. I watched as a teasing smirk spread across his face in my peripherals, sending a bolt of excitement down my spine.
“Of course not; I can barely juggle English and German as it is! What about you? Do you secretly communicate with squirrels?” I responded. His hand squeezed mine this time, gently pulling me closer.
“Sadly, I do not. Looks like we’re foreigners to them.” He said. I giggled and shook my head, though I pointed at another thing that moved ahead of us.
Ajay laughed. “One of those pooped on Mohit at the zoo once. It has since scarred him...”
I burst out into uncontrollable giggles. “Aw, poor Mo!”
Ajay was about to respond before a strong gust of wind came in from the east; the strength of the gust maneuvering underneath my three layers and sending a chill throughout my body.
“Holy cow, it’s windy today,” Ajay whined, pulling me closer to his side again, “are you cold?”
Despite my rosy cheeks, I shook my head. “I’m toasty. You?”
“Toasty.” He said mockingly, kissing my cold cheek and pulling away with a playful glare. “You’re sure you’re warm? Your cheek tells me otherwise.”
I smiled and pulled my scarf tighter with my free hand. “I am perfectly perfect, babe.”
He instantly softened at the nickname, a small and sweet glint in his eye shining. Common pet names like ‘baby’, ‘sugar’, or ‘honey’ weren’t really our thing, per se, though there was an oddity about ‘babe’ that just made Ajay melt. It was the funniest thing: the world’s most stubborn and uptight high schooler melting like ice cream in the sun when he’s called ‘babe’. This encouraged me to use it in addition to ‘sweetheart’ and ‘janu’, solely to witness this adorable reaction alone.
“So...now what do you wanna do?” Ajay asked. I shrugged.
“We can continue down this path and take the scenic route around, if you want. Or there’s a lake-type thing that way with a couple of benches. A little birdie told me that it could be pretty romantic.” I said, pointing towards a group of tall pine trees. Ajay smiled.
“Then let’s go that way.” He said sweetly, making a laugh bubble in my throat.
“I still can’t believe that you’ve never been to this park before. It’s a staple in Cedar Cove; like the aquarium you took me to!” I asked, strolling slowly with him. He shook his head, an amused sigh escaping his lips.
“I am not a huge outdoorsy person, Charlotte. Does my inexperience with parks and nature really surprise you?” He smirked. I sighed and leaned my head on his jacketed shoulder as we walked, tightly intertwining our fingers together.
“Sometimes it’s just weird to remember that we had two very distinct childhoods. I basically lived here when Henry and I were kids. I mean, I still do when I have the time. I love coming here, especially now with you.” I rambled with a nostalgic smile. Ajay hummed, squeezing my hand.
“I must say; there is something relaxing about being here. Maybe it’s the company, but I am starting to love the fresh air more and more.” He crooned. I gave him a loving kiss on his cheek and led him over to a bench that overlooked the small body of water, the sunset reflecting off of it perfectly as if it were in a movie.
“Beautiful…” I whispered, gazing at the soft orange hue of the sky reflecting off of the calm water. Ajay hummed in agreement once more, though I looked over to see his eyes trained on mine instead of the view in front of us. I instantly felt warmth surge into my face and a smile overtake my features.
“I agree. Absolutely stunning, breathtakingly gorgeous.” Ajay whispered, leaning in closer to me. I picked up on his hint and met him halfway, brushing my lips tenderly against his as I let my eyes drift closed. One of his soft hands came up to cup my cheek as he deepened it, letting his tongue gently swipe over my bottom lip. I felt that his lips were formed in a smile right before he pulled away. He leaned his forehead against mine softly. “You’re so magnificent, Charlotte. Sometimes it’s hard for me to believe such a beauty exists.”
“Ajay, you are too. Your beauty is unmatched.” I smiled, opening my eyes. His warm hand was still on my cheek, circling my cheekbone softly, and our hands were still wrapped together. “Don’t sell yourself short.”
He chuckled and planted a gentle kiss on my ruby red nose. “You’re sweet, too. And brilliant. And any other positive characteristic that exists on Earth.”
I smiled and moved my free hand to push his glasses up his nose. “Ditto.”
The bitter cold wind whipped again and this time I wasn’t so stealthy in hiding my violent shiver.
“So you are cold!” Ajay exclaimed, immediately bringing me into his arms, “Janu, why didn’t you say something?”
His hands took both of mine and wrapped them together tightly before I could respond. “We’re having so much fun! I didn’t want to ruin it by being cold.”
Ajay pulled back and started to unzip his coat. “Well, I’m plenty warm. Hold on,” He removed his coat and wrapped it tightly around me, returning me back to my place in his arms and re-wrapping his hands around mine. “is that better?”
I smiled bashfully at his gesture. “It will be, but aren’t you gonna get cold?”
I felt his lips press a feather light kiss to my forehead. “I’d rather have you be warm, especially with the play coming up in less than a week.” He said, gesturing to his sweatshirt. “Plus, I have a few layers on underneath this.”
I felt myself swoon deeper into his embrace. “Awww…” He chuckled, holding me tighter against his chest.
“Man that was awfully cheesy of me by giving you my coat. It could’ve been a scene in a Nicholas Sparks novel.” Ajay teased. I rolled my eyes lovingly and cuddled against him.
“Lucky for you that I absolutely loved it, cheesy or not.” I grinned. He chuckled, the sound warming my soul.
“I love you, freezycat.” He said sincerely. I sighed, pressing a kiss to the juncture of his jawline.
“I love you too, babe.” I beamed. He held me closer as we watched the sun sink below the horizon and the stars start to speckle the night sky, our conversations fading into the night air.
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