#my candy love new gen thomas
mclzandaya · 5 months
My Candy Love New Gen - Episode 3 Guide
This episode cost me 1411 APs on Roy's (+Jason) route with jokers, without Archibald. 1212 on Amanda's route (didn't meet Jason), with jokers, with Archibald. 1431 on Devon's (+Jason) route with jokers, with Archibald.
Negative affinity result: - Neutral affinity result: = Positive affinity result: + Needs to be checked: *
Illustrations: 5 (See at the end.) None of them are automatic, you can get 2 of them in one playthrough if you're on Roy/Devon's route.
Archibald: You can find him at the west end of the shopping mall once you're done shopping. You have to ask him if he wants to come as well. (details at the shopping mall with Amanda.)
Outfits: The yellow jacket one is for Roy/Devon/Jason, the purple skirt one is for Amanda/Thomas.
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The answers for Devon and Thomas are translated from French, Thomas' answers may be incomplete. Amanda, Devon, Jason and Roy's guide are complete! Idk if I'll update Thomas' answers as I won't be playing his route anytime soon, if you have his exact answers (with personality) don't hesitate to message me/leave an ask!
DIALOGUE 1: (Everyone looked at me and applauded again.)
(I stared at the table, a bit embarrassed by all the attention.) 40 + Amanda and Elenda (I modestly nodded as a sign of thanks.) 40 + Thomas and Brune*(I joined in the applause, a smile on my face.) 40 + Roy, Devon and Elenda DIALOGUE 2: (choose the person you want to get the illu with) Devon: You can go with one of us, there will be enough of us to finish things up here...
Roy, how about a walk around the mall? 80 = Amanda, do you want to come with me? 80 = I'll admit that if you accompanied me, l'd feel more legitimate using this card... 80 = Thomas, do you want to go for a walk? 80 =
DIALOGUE 2 (bis): if you choose to go with Thomas You won't let yourself be surprised?* I wouldn't be able to function like that. I'd feel limited.* That's not a bad idea. I might try that. +*
Go to the mall to do the shopping.
OUTFIT CHOICE: Yellow for Roy/Devon/Jason. Purple for Thomas/Amanda.
A little window shopping before you go shopping can't hurt!
DIALOGUE 3 Amanda: With little cups, and everything... It's too cute, don't you think?
Sweet: It is pretty cute! 56 + Energetic: It is cute, but it's really expensive! 53 = Rebel: Funny, I wouldn't have thought that was your thing. 49 -
DIALOGUE 4: Amanda: And you? Is there anything you like?
I could definitely see myself wearing those overalls! = I like that little dress. It's elegant, and simple... = How do you think I'd look in those shorts? =
DIALOGUE 5: [...]
The drinks. That way, we'll have the heavy stuff at the bottom of the bag. = TRIGGER JASON'S ROUTE (see roy's route dialogue 6) The food. That way, we'll choose the rest in accordance. = Things to snack on. It's no use to carry heavy things around with us. =
To meet Archibald, you need to go to the west area of the shopping mall once you bought everything that you need, but before going back to the office! DIALOGUE 6: You aren't going to follow me there, right? 40 Oh, actually... do you want to come? 40 TAKI'S OUTFIT I can't be late. 40
DIALOGUE 3: [...]
Rebel: I'd say children's clothing store? 53 - Sweet: The game store, or the DVD one... 60 = Energetic: I'd say... None. It's the first time you''ve stepped a feet in here. 46 +
DIALOGUE 4: Devon: I mean, in general. I imagine that you haven't had the time to completely explore the shopping mall... 
I like home decor shops! =* Libraries. No shops fascinates me as much. = Any clothing store, I love it. =*
DIALOGUE 4: [...]
The drinks. That way, we'll have the heavy stuff at the bottom of the bag. = TRIGGER JASON'S ROUTE (see roy's route dialogue 6) The food. That way, we'll choose the rest in accordance. = Things to snack on. It's no use to carry heavy things around with us. =
DIALOGUE 3 I know Thomas offers you an ice cream I think?
I think I'm part of those people... * I don't mind at all. Here you go. = Is there a third option? idk*
DIALOGUE 4: [...]
The drinks. That way, we'll have the heavy stuff at the bottom of the bag. = TRIGGER JASON'S ROUTE (see roy's route dialogue 6) The food. That way, we'll choose the rest in accordance. = Things to snack on. It's no use to carry heavy things around with us. =
DIALOGUE 3 Roy: Everything looks good.
Energetic: Plus you can afford it! 53 =* Sweet: Yes, it's always a dilemma... 56 + Rebel: It's funny, I thought that great athletes paid attention to their diet... 49 -*
DIALOGUE 4: Hey! Can't you watch where you're going?!
Energetic: And you?! Can't you be polite?!* Sweet: I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention... = (Roy defends you) Rebel: Why don't you watch where you're going?! *
DIALOGUE 5: Roy: Well, it looks to be out of harms way.
Energetic: We make a good team! = Rebel: Thanks, but I could have handled that just fine on my own.* Sweet: Thanks. It's rather practical to be accompanied by a tall and strapping man like you. =
DIALOGUE 6: [...]
The drinks. That way, we'll have the heavy stuff at the bottom of the bag. = TRIGGER JASON'S ROUTE The food. That way, we'll choose the rest in accordance. = Things to snack on. It's no use to carry heavy things around with us. =
DIALOGUE 6 (bis): Jason: What am I going to do with my evening..? Certainly bore this poor gentleman until who knows when. 80 = I don't want to know. 80 = You, Sir, can come, if you want. 80 = JASON'S ILLUSTRATION
DIALOGUE 7: (this dialogue is slightly different on Amanda's route but it's the same outcome, idk about Thomas.) [...]
(Pizzas and mini-quiches to share.) = (We decided to take various pre-cooked dishes directly from a deli.) = (A whole assortment of little things to nibble on for an appetizer buffet.) =
Go back to the offices to drop off what you bought. (See Amanda's Dialogue 6 above for Taki's outfit before going back.)
DIALOGUE 8: [...]
I really want to have the party at my place. 80 TOWARDS DEVON OR ROY'S ILLU Let's go to the park! 80 TOWARDS AMANDA OR THOMAS' ILLU
Go take a shower.
Just go to your bedroom.
Go to your welcome party at the park!
DIALOGUE 9: Brune: Did you choose the park to avoid upsetting Amanda?
Sweet: Yeah, I thought it'd be best. 56 = Energetic: I found her idea of a neutral space a pretty good idea. 53 - Rebel: That's not really why I did it... 50 +
DIALOGUE 10: [...]
I'm one of the ninety percent of people who loves mini-quiches! = I confess that I am intrigued by the asparagus toasts... = I think I'm going to try your tapas, Brune... = I'll take some raw veggies! I want to save room for the cake. = towards amanda's illu?*
DIALOGUE 11: Brune: Let's say I'm in between... And you, Candy?
It's not really my passion either. = I love to cook! = I'm like you, Brune. =
DIALOGUE 12: [...]
So, Thomas, you have a motorcycle? TOWARDS THOMAS' ILLU Wouldn't it be time for dessert? TOWARDS AMANDA'S ILLU
DIALOGUE ???: thomas dialogue [...]
No, I think it's scary... * It never really tempted me. * I've never had the chance before, but I'd be curious to try! THOMAS ILLUSTRATION
DIALOGUE 13: [...]
What, it's not prestigious enough for you? 80 AMANDA'S ILLUSTRATION Come on! It's no fun alone! 80  Well, I'm going... If you don't come with me, it'll be even more ridiculous. 80
DIALOGUE 14: Amanda: The good times. When everything was easier...
Because things are complicated now? 40 = My mother was the one who took me to the park. 40 = It's true that everything seemed simpler when we were children. 40 =
It's time to party!
DIALOGUE 9: [...]
What do you think of Roy? =* And you..? Well, I mean... tell me a bit about yourself...? = And you, do you get along well with Devon? =* What do you think of Thomas? =*
And you, you seem to get along very well with Brune... = Do you get along well with Amanda? =*
Show Elenda, Roy and Devon around your house.
DIALOGUE 10: [...]
Energetic: I think I'd start by taking revenge on my ex. = Rebel: It's obvious: Id rob a bank. = Sweet: Maybe I could become an investigative journalist? =
DIALOGUE 11: Elenda: No, no, I'm kidding: I don't really want to know more.
Energetic: I wouldn't mind a few more details... 53 + Roy, - Devon Rebel: Me neither, l'm not sure I'm very interested... 50 + Devon and Elenda, - Roy Sweet: (I was careful not to share my opinion.) 55 =
DIALOGUE 12: [...]
I hope that the card is for Devon... 80 TOWARDS DEVON'S ILLUSTRATION (I wonder what this card'll have in store for me...) 40 (I hope that the card is for Roy...) 80 TOWARDS ROY'S ILLUSTRATION
DIALOGUE 13: [...]
You mentioned a wildcard a few seconds ago..? 80 (Delighted, I smiled at Devon from ear to ear.) 80 DEVON'S ILLUSTRATION Isn't it a little... inappropriate? 80
DIALOGUE 13: [...]
You mentioned a wildcard, didn't you..? 80 "Kiss", it can be on the cheek! 80 (After all, it's the game... Roy is attractive, here I go!) 80 ROY'S ILLUSTRATION
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My God, Thomas is a terrible texter😭😭😭😭
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mysilaan · 4 months
Hi!! Could I request some headcanons for Thomas (MCL NG), when he starts falling in love with Candy/Ysaline? 💕 Thank you
I had a hard time imagining it ‘cause… I DON’T KNOW ??? So I just decided to write some kind of ‘chapter 2’ of my last Thomas headcanon ⭐
(note : if you want to read the part.1, there's a "mcl ng headcanons" category on my blog to find it more easily)
As promised, after a long day at work, Thomas was waiting for you in order to give you a ride on his motorbike. You had to admit that you spent most of the day thinking about this long-awaited evening. You joined your colleague at the exit and greeted him with your best smile. “I hope I didn’t make you wait too long.” you asked. “It’s okay.” You were now used to Thomas' way of ‘making conversation’; you remembered how impolite you found him when you first joined Devenmentiel, but you eventually ended up understanding that it was not in his intention to be rude: it was just the way Thomas was. When you finally reached his motorcycle, he opened the trunk and handed you a black helmet as he put his on. You thanked him and put it on your head properly… or you thought so… Thomas’ hands approached your face without any warning. You stepped back a little, startled at first, but accepted it when you realized he just wanted to tighten the straps correctly. “Oh… Thank you.” The moment was a bit awkward as Thomas scrutinized your face to see if your helmet was on properly without saying anything. “We’re good.” he finally said. He hopped on his bike and gestured for you to do the same. You slid behind him and put your hands around his waist, which made him tense up a little. “Sorry! Do you want me to put my hands somewhere else?” “No, it’s fine… Which restaurant did you choose to go to?” “Oh, right !” You almost forgot to give him the address. Once you did, you both were ready to ride through the city. Feeling the motorcycle growl beneath you was absolutely thrilling, and as you finally started moving, the adrenaline filled your head. Thomas wasn’t riding too fast, considering he had a passenger, but he was still going at a thrilling speed to your delight. It wasn’t the first time you were riding a motorbike with someone, but the sensation was always the same: it was liberating and immensely soothing. You were even slightly disappointed when you parked up in front of the restaurant. As the two of you took off your helmets, Thomas was about to ask you what you thought about the ride, but seeing your ear-to-ear smile was answer enough. He smiled to himself, satisfied that you liked it, which you decided to express verbally anyway. “It was insane! I absolutely loved the sensation! I’m tempted to get my license and buy one myself now…” “Why don’t you?” he asked honestly as you were heading in the restaurant. “Uhh... Lack of time? Or will… I don’t really know. It's something I always wanted to do but never had the courage to. Watching other people is cool, but once I'm in control, I find it pretty terrifying... Same for cars, that’s why I still take the bus,” you laughed.
The conversation paused as a waiter led you to your table and gave you the menu, but Thomas continued it anyway. “I understand it seems scary, but at the beginning, you have instructors all around you. Once you understand how it works, it's easy to trust yourself.” “Yeah, I know… But the hardest part with these things is taking the first step.” Thomas simply nodded, his eyes were fixed on an invisible point, he was deeply thinking about something but his attention quickly went back to you. During the dinner, you had the chance to talk about things other than work with Thomas. It was mainly about motorcycles at first, but the subject ended up drifting away, and you found more interests in common to talk about. You listened to him talk about his passion for hacking things, with that rare spark in his eyes that always appeared when he talked about something he liked. In return, he listened to you talk about your hobbies with genuine interest. It felt nice having someone listen to you without being judgmental. You left the restaurant, knowing a little more about each other and wanting to know even more. It was a strange feeling, as if your mind were connected at that moment and that, without talking, you were telling the other that this won't be the last time you’d go out together. Something even scraped the back of your mind. Could you consider this a date? But you chased away the thought, blushing a little, hoping that the red-haired man beside you didn’t notice. When you approached the motorcycle again, Thomas didn’t get on immediately. “Hey, would you like to try riding it?” You thought you didn’t hear well. “What?” “You said you were hesitant to get one yourself. If you’d like to try and see how it feels, you can. I’ll still help with the controls, of course; I wouldn’t want you to wreck my bike.” Was it okay for you to accept? But before you could weigh the pros and cons, you nodded and approached the bike. “Your helmet.” Thomas reminded you before doing anything. You put it on, the right way this time, and hoped on the bike once again, but on the pilot seat this time. It felt so weird… Thomas sat behind you, leaning on you a bit to show you the commands. “Here you have the brake lever, and you press here to start the bike: it’s the starter pedal.” You listened intently to his instructions and looked up at the nearly empty parking lot in front of you. All you had to do was to go straight ahead, with Thomas’ help on top of that, but you were so scared to mess it up. “Keep your hands firmly on the handlebars, and like when you learn to ride a bicycle, watch straight ahead.”
His voice was calm as always, yet firm. He was really involved in his improvised role as motorcycle instructor. He continued to explain to you many other things, and you suddenly became aware of how close your bodies were, he was almost leaning over you, but wasn’t even noticing.  “Are you listening?” “Yes! Yes… sorry, I am… I’m just a little nervous.” “There’s no need, I’ll make the most of it, just try to hold the handlebar well.” “Alright.” You firmly grabbed the handlebars as if your life depended on it (which it did, in a way), and it felt like you were back in your younger days, learning to balance on a bicycle, except this one had a motor. You startled a little when Thomas’ hands wrapped yours, for safety reasons… “Let’s go.” he finally said, making the vehicle move forward. You weren’t going fast at all, but it was already quite hard to maintain the handlebar still and go straight ahead without damaging anything; thankfully, Thomas’ strong grip over yours helped to avoid any unnecessary accident. When he braked the motorcycle after a few meters, you let out a relieved sigh.  “Wow… It’s definitely harder than it seems. It was great though!” You couldn’t see Thomas’ face behind you, but you could swear you felt him chuckle a little against your back. “I can’t say you did well but I hoped it gave you the will to learn now.” “Thank God I know you… If it had been me before, I would never set foot on a motorcycle again!” you joked. “Sorry.” Thomas was sorry? Now that was unusual. “I was just joking, don’t worry!” He didn’t answer, but knowing him, he probably just nodded. You got off the bike to give Thomas his place back, and took yours behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist one more time. The ride back to your house was as thrilling as the one to the restaurant, but the mood had changed a bit. The air around you was chilly, yet you couldn’t help but feel warm against Thomas. Despite the city being filled with motor and honking noises, you were in your own bubble, shared with the man in front of you, shutting out any noise coming from outside. It felt like you were on a different planet. Letting him go of your embrace made you cold all of sudden, a shiver ran down your spine, but you had to accept that it was the end of your little trip. You handed back his helmet to Thomas, and offered him a sincere, gratifying smile. “Thank you for tonight… You didn’t have to do all that, but I’m thankful you did.” When you said that, something changed in Thomas' attitude but you couldn’t say exactly what. “You’re welcome. It was… nice?” You chuckled softly, knowing it was the best he could express his feelings. “Yeah, it was nice.” you repeated “Get home safe, thank you again. I’ll see you tomorrow!” You waved him off and headed home.As you searched for the right key to unlock your door, Thomas waited silently without moving. He was thinking that he’d like having other moments like this with you. He liked your presence and talking about anything with you. It really felt nice, but he couldn’t say why. When you finally opened your door and waved one last time at him, he watched you close your door, thinking that he was really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
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ryujinya · 5 months
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mawumidibus · 4 months
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kaumaxine · 7 months
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Thomas and Jason :v
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fievell · 2 months
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For you my dear thomettes ~ 🧡
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amaelya · 22 days
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lumen-anima · 1 month
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Feels Like Summer - Fanmade Summer Event 2024 - Thomas Rheault
If you blush any harder, I WILL call you a lobster.
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madeby-meru · 4 months
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eldaryasharbinger · 2 months
Thomas's Message after ep 6!
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They're so silly omg 😭😭🫶
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rey-mi · 5 months
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Amour sucre new gen boys. With some animals I thought fit them.
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I just saw the illustrations for the ep 7... Oh... My... GOD!!! I have no idea of the context and I don't wanna know because it'll be a spoiler for me, but damn those illus😩😩😩 what can I say... Jason's and Thomas' ones>>>>>>>🫠🫠🫠🫠 anyway Thomas is becoming my second favorite, at the beginning I thought it would be Roy but it's actually Thomas... He's so cute help🥲
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camkuroyama21 · 5 months
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let's go friends to lovers, let's gooo
they're the touch-starved x touchy™️
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asparavalentina · 5 months
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I'm already obsessed with this bunch of weirdos I swear I could make charts of them all day !! Some might not be in alignment with the characters since it's only the beginning and we don't know much about them. My favorite is clearly Thomas ( he is soo weird, I'm laughing my ass off everytime he speaks) !
Je suis déjà obsédée par cette bande de chelous, je pourrais vraiment passer ma vie à faire des charts sur eux !! C'est possible que parfois ça ne colle pas vraiment avec les personnages puisqu'on a pas encore beaucoup d'infos sur eux. En tout cas, mon préféré est clairement Thomas ( il est tellement bizarre, je suis pliée de rire à chaque fois) !
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mawumidibus · 2 months
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