#mcp splint ring
moss-opossum · 4 days
It took a very long time for them to arrive, but my thumb splints are here, they fit, and they keep my thumbs from subluxing while still allowing so much mobility!
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Image description: two pictures, one of Moss’s left hand and one of its right, each with a stainless steel ring splint over faer thumb’s metacarpophalangeal and IP joints, connected around the wrist with a stainless steel chain. Moss’s skin is pale and purplish in places, nis arms are hairy, and nis nails are painted a shiny purple. In the background of the first photo is a black folded hospital chair. /end description
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roboticchibitan · 1 year
Every time I start to lose hope for the world, someone around me does something incredibly kind.
I was looking at ring splints for my hypermobile joints, and I could afford one or two that I needed, but the splint for an MCP joint was juuuust out of my price range. And I mentioned this in a rant about the American healthcare system and one of my friends offered to help me buy it! And that was incredibly kind because with that joint, when it over extends it hurts for days and makes simple things like holding my phone or a cup of tea hurt.
My gf's coworker suddenly became responsible for her sister's children and had to completely change her way of living, and she couldn't afford all the school supplies they needed, so my gf told her to make an Amazon wishlist and then bought the entire wishlist.
Yesterday I was agonizing over a set of buttons, which is much less important, but it was for a project that had restored some of my sense of self and was the thing that broke my ongoing, low level depression that was making everything harder. And this morning I woke up to not one but two people offering to buy them for me. And in the grand scheme of things, that's probably less important but it came at a time when I was only just beginning to be less overwhelmed and easily upset by basically everything due things going on in my life. So it mattered a lot to me.
Not everyone is kind, that is true. But enough people are kind. The world is a better place than a lot of us think most of the time. And if no one around you is kind, don't let that stop you from being kind. Because as long as you are kind, you can say with absolute certainty, "People are kind. I know there are kind people out there because I am one of them."
I hope someone is kind to you today, and I hope when they are, that you notice it and take it and put it in your heart in a little cardboard box labeled "hope for humanity" and then keep that with you. Keep filling the box! There's lots of kindness to be found, and if you're struggling to find it, then make some yourself! And put that in the box.
Keep going, there is hope to be found.
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bones-n-bugs · 10 months
i have a question for physically disabled folks who use silver splints / ring splints
there's a lot of anxiety going on because i don't usually reach out like this - but im gonna try (/ lighthearted)
im an artist, and i have hEDS - the process of working towards an art and design diploma has made me realise the pain and weakness in my hands just keeps getting worse. i've been considering silver splints / ring splits to take stress off the joints my hands and avoid hyper extension for a good few years and it's now gotten to the point where im actively searching for some-
*however*- the items i can seem to find are extremely expensive, im prepared to save to be able to afford them, but i was wondering - does anyone know anywhere to access more affordable ones?
i can find pip joint + dip joint silver splints for £25-£40, but thumb mcp silver splints all seem to be £150+
i doubt this will get much interaction, but anything is appreciated -
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schaettchen · 11 months
I made ring splints! They’re so expensive to buy and I’m already throwing too much money at medical equipment so I decided I could learn to make them. I’m not sure if these will do as well as the oval 8s I’ve been using, since I do a lot of heavy lifting at work, but I’m excited to have learned some new skills. And they’re prettier than the oval 8s. I need a better cord for the thumb splint and I plan to do a bit of experimenting to see if I can get support for the CMC as well as the MCP joint on the thumb (and I need to make one for the left hand) but I’m super excited!
I made these out of steel using pliers, a ring mandrel, and a dremel tool. Happy to expand on my process if anyone has questions.
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Image IDs: five pictures of a light skinned hand wearing steel rings on the joints. Each finger has one figure eight shaped ring splint and the thumb has a larger one with a loop. The loop is attached to red cord around the wrist to secure the thumb splints. Each picture has a different hand position, showing the range of motion and there is one close up on the thumb splint.
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lesenbyan · 5 months
Trying to go to bed but instead scrolling looking at prices on a fucking mcp ring splint bc I am so tired of completely destroying my knuckles trying to pop them. It wasn't even intentional this time.
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sunkissedjewelsin · 3 years
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Arthritis Finger Splint Ring • Textured Ring • EDS splint • MCP splint • Help in joint pain • Knuckle Ring • Unisex Ring
Shop: https://www.etsy.com/in-en/listing/1018380566/arthritis-finger-splint-ring-textured?ref=shop_home_active_2&pro=1&frs=1
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rice-krispie-kin · 5 years
Ring Splints
Any of you amazing Zebras/hypermobile folk know of any good tutorials to make ring splints???
my MCP is dead 
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jemmabrown · 4 years
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So I don’t use my ring splints often unless I’m doing a specific activity like cooking or drawing. I put them on do the activity with protected finger joints then take them off again. It’s because they are really hard to get the fit right particularly for the DIP (ends of finger) joints. Put simply they just don’t stay on! I’ve had them adjusted countless times nothing has helped. So I can’t really risk using them outside in the real world because one will blatantly fall off and I’ll lose it! However today I have #ThoughtOutsideTheBox lol! I #dislocated my little finger yesterday (DIP) and then did quite a lot of typing so it’s really weak and sore. I’m going to a conference today and It needs splinting but it is really hard to immobilise the DIP successfully without buddy strapping or splinting the whole finger. So I thought outside the box I applied ring splint and have them taped it using @rocktape with NO TENSION to hold it to my pinky. It looks clunky but it’s preventing over extension of my DIP joint and stopping pretty much all lateral movement. Flexion is also a little limited at DIP but PIP and MCP have normal full range of movement. So far it’s staying put! I think the biggest challenge is going to be getting all the glue off my ring splint. I should be an OT! LOL #EDS #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Hypermobile #PinkyFinger #RingSplint #DislocatedDIP #RockTape @rocktape #splint #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #LooksOddButItWorks https://www.instagram.com/p/B8TD_dFBFaR/?igshid=1852efl0ix9fm
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nerdymedzebra · 6 years
Orficast Ring Splints!
Last month, my OT made me some splints out of Orficast! 
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by nerdy zebra (@nerdyzebra) on Apr 11, 2018 at 10:01am PDT
Caption: #OccupationalTherapy appointment today! My MCP joint has been hurting a ton lately and I showed my #OT the SIRIS #EDS #EhlersDanlos Splint from @silverringsplint that I'll be saving up forever for bc it is exactly what I need.. And he invented this on the spot! He works with #orficast so it's utterly different than metal, but i like it for what it is, and should be very helpful until I can afford a silver/metal one! Yay, OTs!
And I've just gone ahead and made a video about them too. Let me know if you have any questions! :) 
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schaettchen · 11 months
I started wearing braces on the joints in my hands and I would like to recommend a brace for the mcp and cmc joints in the thumb.
It’s called the actimove rhizo forte. I got it off Amazon for $60 for each side.
If you’re familiar with ring splints, the splint I need for those joints costs $375 for each side, so this is unbelievably affordable.
I have noticed a reduction in pain and it helps me not hyperextend the ip joint on the thumb. It is a rigid brace so it does get in the way for anything fiddly, but I find wearing them for some of the time improves stability overall.
I can’t use my cane with them because the brace wraps around the base of my palm. But I’m not a frequent cane user so that’s not a deal breaker for me.
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