#mcsm fandom criticism
mcsm-confessions · 3 days
I like M!Jesse x Petra and F!Jesse x Lukas, but the fandom seems so set that it should be M!Jesse x Lukas and F!Jesse x Petra, I'm scared to ever post any hetero fanart without people thinking I might be homophobic. I am a fan of M!Jesse x Lukas, a LGBTQ+ ally and I have friends that are LGBTQ+ but I've already seen someone in this fandom throw a huge fuss simply over which Jesse the fan remake chose to use, I'm scared of what people might think if I post straight pairings.
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mcsm-r0ckz · 2 days
Can we just not attack/hate on people's ships for one fucking day. Can we be mature about saying what ships we dislike for one fucking day. It's actually getting to the point where I wanna quit this fucking app. Who tf cares who ships what. Like yeah, I ship Axden, and?? As long as it's not illegal who cares. So let's stfu about ship hate and be fucking mature.
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radiantrookie · 26 days
Every fandom's worst nightmare
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And then the vid has millions of views with everyone agreeing with it
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rainy-dinosaur · 4 months
Hello MCSM fandom
I am currently rewriting MCSM I plan to expand with the lore Eric stripe has generously given us while also mixing what the game gives us and normal minecraft stuff
The fic is unbias with things like romance for example I will only add the canon ones
I do add some of my headcanons in the rewrite but I promise they never over take the plot it’s just silly little things I think the characters would do (example: you know Axel does not make his bed or Jesse smells like Ruben)
Anyways please give it a chance and leave some constructive criticism if you do I want to be a better writer
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becca4leafclover · 7 months
the problem with it being a Minecraft Movie is that movies are a lot more widespread and generalized. There's too much of an audience that will watch the Minecraft Movie, and they're going to be incredibly critical of it because of the way Minecraft works being rather odd to people who dont know it (and there's probably a LOT of people who don't know it, because while Minecraft is the #1 sold game of all time, it's also still a game most people over 30 don't know because its out of their generations.)
If they make a "realistic" Minecraft Movie, they're going to lose their actual playerbase though, because we want Block Game! Yes Jason Mamoa looks like Steve but I think players would riot if there was a live-action Minecraft Movie. But if they make it blocky animation or something, that's too stylized to realistically appeal to the greater audience. Disney 3D animation is one thing, the people and world and items all being made of cubes I think is too much of a stretch.
There's also the method of storytelling- Minecraft, as a game, has no plot. THAT'S THE ENTIRE SELLING POINT OF THE GAME! Any stories told within Minecraft are usually made with interpretations of the player, and often use ideas or mechanics not in the vanilla game (whether that is characters, builds, mods, or just the story itself not following the rules of the game)
And with this I think of Minecraft: Story Mode. Because that game literally was an early prototype of how this can all go.
Now don't get me wrong, I love MCSM! It's what got me into fandom in the first place and everything has gone downhill from there /lh. But the fact is, that 1. the storytelling was, well not the greatest, and 2. it's major plots all revolved with things that are straight up impossible in vanilla Minecraft. (The Witherstorm still is one of the coolest forces of destruction I've ever seen, but imagine THAT being summonable in the Block Game without mods? no way.) Not to mention the portal halls and world hopping, the specially enchanted flint and steel? Or don't get me started on what MCSM S2 was- if there's too much straying from the base game, the nicher the mechanics and genre get, and the more and more portions of the Minecraft playerbase you lose.
So whoever is producing this Minecraft Movie, kind of has to choose which audience they're going to cater to and which they're going to lose: the general greater movie-watching audience, who are probably only willing to tolerate a more "realistic" movie style or typical storytelling experience, or actual Minecraft fans in the blocky format and the general weirdness of telling a story in Minecraft.
A Minecraft TV Show can EASILY solve this conflict of genre!
These are wildly successful! When I'm describing Starlighter I literally tell people I help to make a TV show in Minecraft! This is not new! (The entire reason I got thinking about this was a photo of a fan meeting Aphmau, MumboJumbo, Valkrae, and a few more MCYTs I don't remember, in New Zealand where supposedly the Minecraft Movie is being filmed).
Making an official Minecraft TV Show, whether its on Netlfix or Cartoon Network or something else, narrows down the audience they're having to appeal to to an audience that ALREADY ENJOYS NICHE AND STYLIZED THINGS! Cause this can just be treated as a cartoon! I think of Tangled: The Series or the Big Hero 6 TV show that have their big original original format where the characters are introduced have their serious story, but these cartoons are allowed to be more stylized and silly (and yes ofc they have their serious plot but it's not the same as the formality of their full movies) or even The Owl House that had a darker, more grotesque (not in a bad way) style, but was still wildly successful because the audience for it was already prepared for weird new styles and worlds and don't mind (in fact I think a lot PREFER) unique storytelling styles like what Minecraft kind of needs!
I dont know where I'm going with this I just finally cracked the code of why I can't bring myself to be excited about the Minecraft Movie when I think it's going to be doomed, and it's because it's in the wrong format for what it needs. I can't believe they're reinventing the wheel with this JUST MAKE IT AN ANIMATED TV SHOW MCYT IS LITERALLY RIGHT THERE...
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soupandflowers · 3 months
oh my god?? people are still making mcsm art?????? after all this time???
im a hetalia blog but, mcsm holds such a special place in my heart. i was there when it released and i became obsessed with it when i was in middle school. oh man i remember several notable people and artists here, milleus was my inspiration and prettyxtheartist was around SO much. i was so deeply in love and fatuated with jesskas <3
ohhh my god i need to look through!!! apologies to my hetalia followers but, mcsm is SO special to me and i can't help but go back to it every once in a while
i need to take a trip down memory lane too like gravity falls, club penguin, and ninjago. my beautiful childhood memories of fandom <3
hello to u mcsm artists and fans!! i hope ur doing great!! i cant believe there are still people out there consistently making fanworks for this game that has now been long since forgotten and criticized. thanm you <3
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forest-of-thought · 4 years
I saw your post saying "yeah I'm 20 and like mcsm f yall" and I laughed so hard bc I'm 14 and get teased for making fanart for the game. My friends have told me to stop liking the game because it's for "babies" of whatever and I felt discouraged of making anymore art. But for some reason seeing that hashtag fills me with more encouragement that it doesn't matter how old I am and I can like it if I want. Ik this is random but i just wanted to let you know about that. Thank you and good day :)
I actually made that post 3 years ago - I’m 23 years old now, and I STILL love MCSM. 
And guess what? I know many other people my age who love Minecraft, who play it religiously every day, who love MCSM as well.
Don’t let the words of other people dictate what you can and can’t like. Nothing has an age limit when it comes to things geared towards a younger audience. The people who try and shame you for liking things you enjoy are the only “babies” here. 
People your age are obsessed with trying to be “adult” and will often be critical towards things that aren’t seen as “cool” by their peers and will often try and project that onto the other people around them. When I was a kid, I dealt with that in school as well. 
You’ll notice as you get older though and meet new people, that the stuff you heard from peers in school doesn’t really hold up socially as you’d expect it to. People in the “real world” don’t care if you love MCSM, cartoons, etc. Because nowadays everyone is into a range of different things and it’s essentially expected that fandoms will include a vast age range given internet culture. Chance are, your friends will most likely change their opinion when they get older and mature outside of that schoolyard mentality.
So keep drawing fanart, keeping talking about the game, and most importantly - keep enjoying it! It’s wonderful to have something that can connect with you so much that you like to express your love for it through your talents. Don’t be discouraged :) 
And side note: As someone who can often be critical towards games at times due to cheesy storytelling or characters, I assure you that MCSM is a very well written game that sadly gets unfair treatment due to it’s association with Minecraft and the stigma around it. I can tell your friends are only judging it based on appearances, because it honestly has some of the most well developed and interesting characters in Telltalegames and the effort put into it is definitely not your typical run of the mill children’s game. MCSM is one of a kind and deserves more praise than it gets. 
And thank you for your Ask, I’m glad I made you feel better. Your lovely response made me feel happy as well.
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the-fanaddict · 7 years
A, B, C, D, M, N, O, R, T, Y, and Z. Though, Z is optional since I've been told it's hard to find something to ramble about.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.Jesskas and Jetra (mcsm), heatstrid, the Love SquareTM (miraculous ladybug), and fishlout to name a fewB - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.I wasn’t into Jlaire at first, but honestly? I really like how they’ve developed and what they are in season 2. C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.Hoo boy. I guess Stricklake. Sorry but I don’t see the appeal of it. Especially when you consider how manipulative Strickler was in the first season. D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.Okay I will be honest. There are some aspects of Hiccstrid that I like, but overall it’s really meh for me. I like how casual they are in httyd2 but the way they got together in httyd1 was kinda cliche. M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.Fishlegs! We can nerd about dragons!N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).Httyd fandom: 1) open to criticism I guess? Rtte and httyd in general has flaws that need to be pointed out. 2) don’t be petty. Yeah rtte has flaws but at the same time don’t be extra about it pointing things out (idk how to put that into words) 3) what happened to Hiccup and Toothless? I miss the good hictooth content. O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?So I chose a hindi song called Pungi (from Agent Vinod). That song is very comedic and reminds me of Dagur in a way. R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?HICCUP AND TOOTHLESS NO QUESTION. T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? Httyd and Trollhunters take place in the same universe. Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?I see a lot of Star vs the Forces of Evil. It’s a show I want to eventually watch, but I haven’t got the motivation to. I’ve watched the first few episodes on a plane a ride and it seems cool. Also because of the Last Jedi, I see a lot of Star Wars stuff. Personally, Star Wars isn’t really my cup of tea, though I have seen empire strikes back and rogue one. Idk there’s a lot of content and it’s would to take me forever to catch up. That animated rebels show looks hella cool tho. Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)Minecraft story mode ramble becuase there is not of content in this fandom:I love that you can make Jesse’s character however you want it to be (forgiving or unforgiving, skeptical or optimistic, etc) Everyone has such amazing interpretations of Jesse and no one fights over ships becuase it’s their choice in the game. I love that Jesse’s gender doesn’t matter in the game and in shipping, in the end, it’s up to the player. Whether or not they ship Jesse with Petra or with Lukas.
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mcsm-confessions · 2 days
I got some shipping discourse for you guys. This Fandom has some BORING ship names. Maybe I'm spoiled by Ninjago and Monkie Kids names but I still struggle to remember the ship names for Jesse x Petra/Lukas depending on Jesse's gender.
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mcsm-confessions · 2 days
y’all need to talk about harper more. in general. ok?
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mcsm-confessions · 3 days
Can people stop hating on people over ships. It's getting annoying. Their block people.
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mcsm-confessions · 1 month
What if we *didn't* bully the crap out of each other every time someone shared a headcanon we didn't agree with???
Yes. Please. Do this.
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mcsm-confessions · 2 months
OK, because I want these to stop being mixed up:
JESSKAS is the ship name for any of the MALE Jesses being shipped with Lukas.
LUKESSE is the ship name for any of the FEMALE Jesses being shipped with Lukas.
Thank you, that is all.
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mcsm-confessions · 6 days
some of you need to stop force feeding axel ozempic when you draw him
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mcsm-confessions · 7 days
I came across few people who prefer Petra to be short despite her being the canonically tallest in the group (besides Axel). Just wanna ask why they prefer her to be short that way?
(Totally NOT gritting my teeth for this)
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mcsm-confessions · 2 months
Kinda crazy to me how Petra is commonly depicted by artists as shorter and slimmer than the rest of the cast despite her in-game model being taller than everyone (excluding characters like Axel ofc), like,,, isn’t she supposed to be the tank,,, she should look like the tank DRAW HER HUGE !
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