#mcsm petra discourse
mcsm-confessions · 4 months
A lot of you fans need to actually learn how to read into characters. I’ve seen so many confessions talking so much smack about Petra and how she’s a “boring” character with too much attention but that’s the point. She’s a character that has so much potential and got that potential. A lot of people mention how she was whiny and upset in season 2 but don’t ever take the time to realize that she is going through a lot. During the time span of a few years after season 1 it’s clear that their friend group had shifted, Jesse doing more duties inside of beacon town as well as Axel and Olivia. They get busy I understand that, I really do, but after years of being the one to place events and your friends to ignore them saying they’re busy is pretty hurtful. Not only that but you guys calling her character boring clearly don’t notice how complex it is. She’s a very important character for season 2, she is the parallel between her and Romeo and that’s important. Knowing season 2 is about distant friends make a lot of sense, and for her to have a lot of character development ,whether it good or bad, does not make her a boring character. You are entitled to your own opinions but they shouldn’t be shitting on a character you clearly cannot understand very well because you’re too small minded to understand it. It’s a kids game about blocks, it has some really good topics people need to learn, and if you can’t understand those concepts that’s put out there you need to do something serious deep diving. It’s just tiring seeing the Petra hate train but seeing the Romeo love express. Romeo is 12x worse than Petra in so many ways, shapes, and forms. He is a terrorist, he is a mad man, and he’s killed people just for his own enjoyment because he’s a whiny baby. Petra is just someone who doesn’t know how to control her emotions, she’s been by herself for so long she doesn’t understand how to talk about how she feels to others. When she finally figures it out, get out of her comfort zone, you guys shut her down and shit on her. She’s an emotional character whose friends are slowly distancing themselves while she is actively trying to be the one to start more interactions just to get shut down all over again. She has all the rights and reasons in the world to be upset, you guys just ignore it and talk shit because she’s a women. Anyways that’s all I gotta say.
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helmarok · 3 months
since it's a bit of a mini discussion rn... i don't like female jesse's voice acting. while cat taber was able to do SOME emotional scenes well, she falls flat. like a lot. like she sounds like a disney channel actress more often than not. and that's not to say patton oswalt's performance doesn't have flaws, because it does, but his feels like someone who knows what they're doing vs cat taber who sounds like, again, a disney channel actress. and her performance also makes female jesse seem a different personality from male. which isn't a huge deal but there is supposed to be like, no difference. like when they put the warning sign for the heckmouth down, jesse's response to the situation as a whole is wildly different, like female jesse should've been just as unhinged about it and i dislike how calm and collected she is vs the male one. you know, all that + the zionism thing.
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mcsm-confessions · 14 days
how long do we think it'll take before people get mad about petra's character arc again?
I certainly hope we don't find out.
Edit: As in we don't have a repeat of the Petra discourse that occurred when this blog first opened. There was some pretty awful fandom behavior that I do not wish to see repeated. I am all for respectful conversations where the characters are discussed. Not the bullying that people justified with it.
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mcsm-confessions · 4 months
i’d pick s1 jesstra/jetra over s2 jesstra/jetra ANYDAY. the cabin scene was cute and all, and as someone who’s been in petra’s situation several times, petra continuously lied to jesse’s face throughout the entirety of s2 and also talked down on their friends knowing that their friends are jesse’s biggest priority, and also she never actually considered jesse’s feelings. plus almost every dialogue option never criticizes petra for her behavior which AT ALL and instead just plays into her constant shittalk and stuff. i get petra being scared of abandonment and fearing her friends would leave her, but she literally made plans with jack to LEAVE beacontown (including jesse) and only admitted to it once jesse found out. also for the “she was gonna tell jesse later” thing, 1. that’s obviously not true and 2. literally on the walk to the icy palace petra says “this is why it would’ve been much easier if you hadnt found out like this” so that clears it up!!
asides from the constant negative talk-down about her friends she rants on about to jesse, some stuff she did also irked me (although it is irrelevant to jesse x petra) such as calling lukas and radar weak and finding xara’s breakdown stupid. like since petra’s an adventurous warrior that fights off monsters on a daily basis, i’d get she’d find someone as ‘scrawny’ as radar to be weak. but LUKAS?? that guy knows how to defend himself for sure. i seriously hate how lukas’ and petra’s friendship just basically went down the drain in season 2. and as for her reaction to xara’s breakdown, its so upsetting because she wasnt the one who was put in a maximum security prison for years on end with barely any rest, not to mention in a cell specifically designed for her that isolated her from all of the other prisoners; also didnt watch one of her best friends slowly die in front of her, and also wasnt the one who was yearning for rest for years just to find out her bed was gone. i hate how petra discarded the stuff lukas went through + xara’s trauma all while she kept dumping about her own stuff to jesse and always expecting a comforting response.
still love petra and jesstra though. its just s2 petra definitely irritated me at times, and i do know where she’s coming from, but its just my personal opinion
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mcsm-confessions · 4 months
I'm a woman. We are, in fact, flawed. We can still be likeable. Let Petra have flaws.
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mcsm-confessions · 4 months
MC:SM fans are some of the most SENSITIVE mfs I have ever met. Like??? Holy shit😭😭?? The way y'all act towards people having different opinions, or not understanding something the way YOU do, is embarrassing. I remember, back in the early days, people would HARASS you over not shipping Jetra or Lukesse, or having different opinions on those ships. Nowadays, people will scream and cry and write essays claiming there is a "Petra hate-train" just because 3 people criticized her character. Like you all are writing literal PARAGRAPHS upon PARAGRAPHS, talking about "Media Literacy" (Which, by the way, Media Literacy applies to MEDIA, as in the news, not FICTIONAL stories. Media Literacy literally means to analyze stories in the media to determine their credibility..) Re-focus this energy towards ur school works babes .. Not fictional block characters from a dead Minecraft game LMFAOAOAOAOAAOOAOA😭😭😭
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mcsm-confessions · 3 months
I hate Petra. At least in season 2. She's okay in season 1, but in season 2, she just downgraded.
In season 1, she was a good character to be honest. Good personality with a challenging mood and so much determination and bravery. She also cares about her friends a lot.
However, in season 2, Everything just sort of changed. She still has a bit of that warrior personality about her, plus the part where she cares about her friends, it just sort of shrank a tiny bit.
Also in season 2, she was worried about how "She hasn't found her thing" and she's worried about how their friends are sort of seperating. Her acts don't exactly help that though.
Don't get me wrong, I can understand her concerns completely. But what isn't helping is her not only talking down on her friends, (Both Radar and Lukas in the ice Palace) But she didn't tell Jesse that she was going out of town!
I get that the trip was supposed to be just for her to try and find her "thing", but at the very least, if you're concerned about your friends drifting off, THEN TELL THEM WHAT YOU'RE DOING. Especially if it involves you being away from them! Get involved with the meetings that happen every week!
It's okay to try and find your thing on your own, but notify someone! Especially if it involves you being away for some time!
I'm glad that Petra tried to find her thing in the end and be honest about it though.
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mcsm-confessions · 4 months
One thing you people need to actually understand is that the MCSM fandom is FULL of dick riders. You see Lukas ones everyday, you see Romeo ones all the time and not a single person really ever says anything. I have met so many Romeo dick riders who are just bad people it’s insane. So for you people to be like “oh Petra fans are such dick-riders” is actually insane?? Do you not worry about the Romeo dick riders who are (a lot of the time) not great people. I’ve seen a good few of them just say some of the most outrageous things. All I ever see if Petra fans defending her because you people can’t seem to understand character complexity. You can’t seem to grasp the concept that not EVERY character will have a positive character development, sometimes it takes them a while for that to happen. Of course it’s the same for Romeo in… some ways, but for the most part, if you NEVER took Romeo’s power away he wouldn’t have tried to be a good man again. Petra though out season 2 was trying to figure out ways to express her emotions to Jesse, to try and explain how she felt but it’s hard for someone who never actually spent time around people. It’s hard to express yourself when you never had anyone, then you end up finding a group that you love and then they slowly distance themselves from you. I’m not saying you can’t criticize a character at all, I’m saying if you want to try and criticize one don’t say the same shit over and over again. We don’t need more “she’s a boring character” we need more actual facts other than your opinion on her character when you like Lukas. Also I do have to add, if you call MCSM a “dog shit” game you need to get off the tags right? We don’t need to hear your opinions on a game you clearly don’t even enjoy, and if you’re insulting people’s art because you’re butt hurt, grow up. Anyways, Petra is a great character with a great development and the writers did fantastic on her. There are up and down moments for sure, but it isn’t her ENTIRE personality. Just because she was mean to a character a few times doesn’t make her a horrible character, no one said character development is always positive. She learns from mistakes, she understands what she had done, and she is trying to better herself. We all go through the same thing.
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mcsm-confessions · 4 months
Literally where is this wave of people hating Petra I am ONLY seeing the people being upset that people are hating Petra. I’m not saying it’s not happening but am I BLIND?
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mcsm-confessions · 4 months
Some Petra fans can't handle people criticizing Petra in s2,just because she complex doesn't mean her character writing is good,you guys need to accept she was a bad friend in s2 and treat her friends badly,like you guys defender her to much,she lie to Jesse face though s2 and was going to Ditch Jesse and her friend for Jack and not telling her/him until they found on their own,belittle lukas.
She only cared about how she wanted to hang out,like her friends hang out every week in order of the stone hall,when their not busy,she could easily hang out in their time,like I know she felt abandoned and hurt when her friends didn't have time for adventures,new flash they have their own lives and can't drop everything to go out and do adventures like the old days,I know she grow in s2 but some of her actions do get criticism in some options in s2,but still my point still stands she was a bad friend though s2 and care about her own feelings (sometimes with opinions Jesse)
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mcsm-confessions · 4 months
I believe the fandom has overlooked Petra’s character. it’s understandable why Petra gets mixed reactions from the fandom but at the same time some people find it annoying when Petra expressed her feelings of being alone and distant from her friends in S2. Petra is often viewed as someone bold and tough that they forgot she, as a person has insecurities too. It’s human to feel being alone from your friends. It’s human to express how you feel. I would say she’s one of the most misunderstood characters in the fandom. You can hate the character as you want, but the way she’s written serves as a reminder that nobody, even fictional blocky characters are perfect no matter what they seemed.
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mcsm-confessions · 4 months
I have a love hate relationship with Petra mainly in the second season. (YO THIS IS MEH OPINIONS AND HOW I INTERPRETED STUFF-)
I loved Petra in the first season I feel like she had a cool and good written character with always trying to help her friends and even others she doesn’t know like when she left to go help people when the witherstorm started to attack in the first episode. Even after when we get to the portal hallway in the second half of the first season it’s understandable why Petra is upset. She is annoyed and upset by the portal hallway and what I interpreted her feeling that she didn’t feel like she had a say in trying to get back home. So in my eyes I found it to be reasonable why she got upset.
Where I start to notice a change is when the second season starts. Having your friends drift away hurts and how Petra was close to her friends it makes sense on why she was feeling alone. However no matter the choices you make, no matter how much Jesse tries to help Petra it feels like she is pushing he/she away. Even when you choose all the options that help Petra she still takes it out on Jesse and constantly lied to em and felt that Petra wasn’t the best of a friend. When you go on an adventure again which is what she wanted as we hear in the first episode when we see her again in the mines. But it feels like she kinda ignores you during the adventure. The cabin scene was sweet and helped with the relationship with Jesse and Petra however one scene I don’t believe makes up for how she treated her other friends
There’s probably more to this topic but this is just what I thought about it (I’m sorry if some parts didn’t make sense or had poor grammar)
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mcsm-confessions · 4 months
Petra isn't perfect. And that's good. Let characters be flawed without labeling them as pure evil.
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mcsm-confessions · 4 months
I do wonder if partially the Petra discourse got so bad because of fandom culture around female characters, aka them getting critiqued a shit ton more than male characters, and that just caused some spiralling in the fandom.
Hoping I'm not reigniting it with this, it just occurred to me.
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mcsm-confessions · 4 months
this WILL get some flak but free speech baby
Season one is superior to season two.
S1 had so much (albeit rushed) character development, and every individual has complex personalities, not to mention flaws. I feel like S2 paints every character except for like maybe 3 people as one dimensional, or just straight up annoying: Jesse has the personality of cardboard, Lukas thinks he's a martyr now, and Radar is fucking stupid and an attention seeker (🤷‍♀️). Not to mention there was an absence of Axel and Olivia, which imo are some of the best characters in the trilogy. For other characters, Romeo is insufferably evil until like 5 minutes before the end of the game, Xara loves messing shit up, and Stella does a whole lotta nothing or fails literally everything.
i only tolerate Jack and Petra in S2, they're just sigmas unlike everyone else 😇
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mcsm-confessions · 4 months
well, analyzing this discourse about petra's "hate train" a little, i only came to the conclusion that both sides were exaggerated.
someone else said it before but there were only two or 3 posts calling her boring, yes, there were people who were more impartial than others, but they were opinions that you can ignore or see in every fandom daily.
i can understand that petra has a higher development than other characters, let's be honest but that doesn't mean that EVERYONE here should treat her like a princess (? petra is and has always been the most popular character, calling 3 or 5 anonymous critics a "hate train" is insane.
i'm just saying that sometimes people can get bored with something popular and focus on more personal things like characters they truly connect with, despite their quality in this case of writing.
I LOVE RADAR for example, but i know that some people call him annoying, stupid and even useless all the time and i continue with my life because those are not reasonable criticisms to debate, just hate.
i hope that both petra defenders and haters reach an agreement, i only saw petra fans crying because 2 or 3 of the hundreds in the fandom don't like her redhead.
and the "media literacy" thing is absurd, i can have the option of reading the most complex and artistic book in the world or a simple and entertaining book, and at the end of the day, the simple book will be more enjoyable and connective to me than the complex book, even if i had the knowledge to read such a book, the simplest one will gain my interest for some reason. and that's not a crime.
read eric stirpe's post, this discussion seems like a kindergarten fight.
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