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@mc_one1 La chaleur du 12❤️ Merci à Tous !!! 🙏 Je Vous annonce que le Studio de la McTeam sera Ouvert ce Lundi 12 Décembre La 1ère semaine Toutes les prises de Voix seront Gratuites de 10 h à 18 h !!! Merci de bien Vouloir partager l’info ✅ #McTeam #NousSommesLeFutur Pour toutes Informations et Réservations voici le numéro à Contacter : +225 07 78 46 37 64 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmBF9AHqqSp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ursbearhug · 3 months
So I got banned(?) from using Instagram?
I posted a story venting my frustrations about MCTeams and got warning that my phrasing has been reported before and blablabla.
So now I can open the app and do literally nothing on it. I get notifications of my boyfriend messaging me there but I cannot open the messages nor refresh the tab, I cannot post or add other stories, I cannot refresh the dash.
Now, there is a chance that miss Cuckerberg let her app fell of the bike, which wouldn't be that surprising or new, but things are oddly convenient. Like, I've got my stories removed in the past without any warning purely because I said something akin to "men suck" or "fucking incel" (what a coincidence!), so yeah.
If you try messeging me and I don't respond, I'm not doing this out of malice. I will be *so* fucking upset if I lose my chat logs, his wealth will *not* protect his alien ass.
Peace I guess?
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kmlascl · 2 years
Lunar client minecraft download
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Lunar client minecraft download how to#
They can be won alongside by competing in events and gold can be exchanged for them. Tokens: Tokens are a new currency held by Teams that can be used to purchase special items from the Merchant NPC in spawn.Iron Feast: The same as the Feast event but limited to players wearing iron armor.You can build very close to the event and may even have to place blocks to get up to the platform which can add new strategies for securing and defending the capture zone. Feast: A KOTH style event that can take place anywhere within 512 blocks of spawn.The first team to capture the point a set amount of times wins the events and claims the prize. Once the point is captured, it refills loot into all of the scattered chests and gives the players time to fight over them while the point recharges. There are chests scattered around with loot that players can fight for, as well as a capture point in the center for teams to contest. End Point: A capture point and loot based event that takes place in the END dimension.
Lunar client minecraft download how to#
That is all that you want to be familiar with how to download and install Lunar Client for Minecraft in 2022.MCTeams Map #8 begins on Saturday (8/13) at 3:00PM EST. Whenever it is finished, you can send off Minecraft and see the Lunar Client menu. Presently, you should tap on the Green Launch button.Īt the point when you do this interestingly, a couple of essential records will be downloaded. Once chose, click on the ‘Select Version’ button. When you have effectively rolled out the improvements, click on the drop-down bolt situated close to the Launch button.Īt the point when you click on it, you will be shown all suitable forms of Minecraft.įor the unversed, the most recent variant of Lunar Client is Minecraft adaptations 1.7, 1.8, 1.12, 1.15, 1.16, and 1.17. You should apportion 1/3 of the Machine’s accessible RAM. Explore the Settings tab as shown in the above picture.Įnsure you have dispensed sufficient RAM. In the event that you don’t have any idea what changes should be made then follow the means that we have referenced underneath. When you have effectively installed Lunar Client for Minecraft, you should roll out a couple of improvements in the client settings for a smooth and continuous experience. How To Use Lunar Client in Minecraft In 2022? exe document to open it.Īt the point when you open it, you will be welcomed with a permit understanding which you should acknowledge by tapping on the ‘Concur’ button. Make a point to choose the right Operating situation while downloading the Lunar Client.Īt the point when you click on the download button, the Lunar Client installer will start downloading. In the first place, click on this connect to download Lunar Client. On the off chance that you don’t have the foggiest idea about the downloading system then, at that point, follow the means referenced underneath. How To Download and Install Lunar Client For Minecraftĭownloading and it is direct to install Lunar Client for Minecraft. There are tons of players who need to download Lunar Client for Minecraft yet they don’t have any idea how it is done and in the event that that is you, look no further as we have you covered. There is no rejecting that it is one of the most famous and generally utilized Minecraft clients yet it should be downloaded and installed physically on the grounds that it’s anything but an authority one. There are various eminent Minecraft players who have transferred recordings of them playing Minecraft utilizing the Lunar Client. The justification for why it turned into a moment hit among gamers is it is intended to make the interactivity smoother and better while playing Minecraft on Multiplayer servers. Lunar Client is one of the most sought-after informal Minecraft clients accessible on the web at the present time.
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bminus7 · 6 years
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Thank you @crossfitgames for another amazing experience. Big thank you to @swoodland53 and @thedavecastro for bringing back for my 3rd year. Every year gets better and can’t wait to do it again. - - - @cadremike thanks for the laughs, jokes, and commentary. Always a pleasure brother. - - - Thanks to everyone who reached out to me this week. Every text, message, and picture brought a smile to my face. I love you all and hope I made 2018 an experience I remember. #CrossFitGames #FitnessMC #Masters #Teens #MCTeam - - - 📸: @fraziergraphix <- always helping share our amazing story. (at Madison, Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmHs8TZBoT1/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q3bydcrjw94y
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whidchannel-blog · 4 years
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black and white express the soul of an artist
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leovaldezluver · 4 years
Piper when she...
Goes to the gym: Piper McLean
Tidies up: Piper McClean
Yells at someone: Piper McMean
Turned 13: Piper McTeen
Is eager: Piper McKeen
Joins a sports group: Piper McTeam
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bryceslahela · 3 years
team zayn made the best solo music: ilb mc, bloodbound mc, team Harry makes the best solo music: hss mc, weh mc, te mcteam niall makes the best solo music: baby bump mc, trr mcteam liam makes the best solo music: witness mc, passport to romance mc team Louis makes the best solo music: sunkissed mc
imma gonna offer some more additions and tell u what i think!!
team zayn: acor mc, te mc, weh mc, bb mc, th:m mc
team harry: oph mc, hero mc, moty mc, hss mc, baby bump mc
team niall: tf mc, wb mc, hfth mc, platinum mc
team liam: atv mc, ame mc, ilb mc, witness mc
team louis: roe mc, sunkissed mc, wishful thinking mc
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mcadventures-blog1 · 4 years
05/15: The Call
After months of searching, my hopes growing increasingly thinner as time went on, against all odds in this small town of little opportunity, I had finally obtained it: my first job. I'll never forget that fateful day. I had been applying practically everywhere in town, to no avail. I was 18, still living at home, feeling like a loser still mooching off my parents without a solid source of income and trying to pay off loans from my first semester of college. At first I was selective, only applying for the " cream of the crop" of minimum wage jobs. Local coffee shops, craft and convenience stores were my go-to's.
Yet not a single one responded. I called asking if they'd received my resume, most replied that they would be reviewing resumes shortly and would contact me within a week of they wanted an interview. After several weeks of this, I grew desperate. I needed something fast. So, I finally decided it was time for drastic measures. Going through the drive thru of perhaps the most infamous employer in the country, I spotted it: hiring now! There was even a snap code to apply. Oh boy. What was I about to get myself into.
Now, even though I hadn't had much success, I still was waiting on a few other options to come through before I resigned myself to the #mcwork life. However, fate had other plans. I received a call asking if I could come in for an interview that afternoon. So, hesitant as I was to accept the job, I dressed nice and prepared to make a good first impression. The interview process was very easy, and I think the fact that I was wearing more than just jeans and a t-shirt ( as I'd watch a few candidates before me come in wearing) pushed the mcmanager to hire me on the spot. I wasn't expecting that, and she didn't really give me time to think it over, just signed me up for orientation and paperwork and that was that.
As I slowly realized I was now a part of the mcteam, I was a little nervous but also relieved that my job search was over! I was going to be making more than minimum wage too! My plan was to save up nearly every penny, pay off my loans and have a few months worth of rent under my belt so my life as an individual, independent adult could finally begin! Little did I know what I was really in for...
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From Kevin McTeam (ugh)
 Honda’s “Impossible Dream” ad (Wieden+Kennedy, 2005/2010-update) for the UK market is a little hokey. It’s a guy in a racing suit with a mustache lipsyncing to an Andy Williams cover of a song from Man of La Mancha. But, as we follow this mysterious (yet generic) character through his quixotic journey, which improbably uses just about every product Honda makes, we find that it does an amazing job of visually articulating how Honda’s quest for innovation has been consistent throughout its history and across its operating divisions.  The first bike he gets on is the Honda Dream, which was widely credited with accelerating economic development in postwar Japan by giving people access to cheap, reliable, and fast transportation. He continues his journey with the fuel cell-powered FCX Clarity and the HondaJet (perhaps the most sophisticated and efficient Very Light Jet category business jet at the time of its release). When he ultimately reaches his destination, he is greeted by ASIMO, Honda’s humanoid robot (which was capable of voice and object recognition in the year 2000) and settles into a hot tub heated by a Honda solar power generation unit. This is a purpose-driven ad, in the sense that it is expressing Honda’s drive to better the world through continuous innovation, but it does not get ahead of itself by trying to invoke political or social concerns (beyond sustainability, which is firmly in Honda’s wheelhouse) The visuals are stunning, and there is a clear narrative progression that is paced with the music. Tone is tightly controlled, and it ranges from humorous to perilous. All in all, we think this is a strong ad and a great example of a successful umbrella branding strategy (the original 2005 version of the ad kicked off “The Power Of Dreams” campaign). 
-Sam, Kelsey, Dani, Haju
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funface2 · 5 years
Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Hilarious Mark Memes Only True Fans Will Understand – Screen Rant
Grey’s Anatomy is truly great. Aside from being able to convince pretty much every fan that they are now doctors after binge-watching the show, it also blessed us with a plethora of great characters, strong plot lines, and laugh-out-loud moments that are hard to forget. The show is also incredibly tragic, and we dare you to find a single fan out there who hasn’t shed a ton of tears over the course of the last few years. We’re still mending our broken hearts over some of these cry-worthy moments.
Related: Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Quotes That Will Stick With Us Forever
One of the characters that gave us all of the above was, of course, Mark Sloan. Doctor McSteamy might be gone, but he will never be forgotten. And because there’s no better cure for sadness than a good dose of laughter, we decided to honor Mark Sloan’s memory by presenting you with 10 hilarious memes.
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10 I Have The Perfect Solution!
It’s no secret to anyone that Dr. Sloan very much enjoyed the company of beautiful women. It’s part of who he was, and it made for a pretty awesome story of emotionally unavailable man meets witty woman who he falls deeply in love with — yes, we’re looking at you, Lexie Grey.
But before this love story happened, McSteamy was running around bedding pretty much every intern that came his way. We don’t want to judge what happens between consenting adults, but it the fact that McSteamy seemed to have more dalliances than patients was a little ridiculous.
9 It’s True In Our Minds
If you don’t own this mug, you might want to make your way to Amazon-land and get your own. Because let’s be honest, at least once in our lives, we were all thinking it. We ;ve gone to sleep thinking about Mark Sloan, and we woke up thinking about Mark Sloan. And in our minds, we were all dating him for a while.
It’s not the first time a mug represents a whole mood, but this one definitely takes the cake for the most relatable piece of kitchen hardware in the world. Just sayin’.
8 Naughty McSteamy
Whoever created this meme probably wasn’t the first person to think about this scenario. He’s a fictional doctor nicknamed McSteamy. Need we say more?
7 The Only Inspiration You’ll Ever Need
You know the old saying, “We don’t know what’s longer — a treadmill minute or a microwave minute?” Well, anyone who has spent anytime on a treadmill is probably going to lean towards the first option. Running is hard, and as much as we want to be fit and healthy and all that good stuff, sometimes we just don’t want to do it.
Thankfully, there is the perfect solution for fans of Grey’s Anatomy. You heard it here first — next time you’re running, just picture Mark Sloan waiting for you at the finish line, Guaranteed you’ll break your personal record. That’s the power of McSteamy!
6 How Can He Even Hold It?
The power of nicknames is very real. God bless Christina Yang and Meredith Grey back when they were young interns who very much struggled to keep it together in the presence of Derek, and later, Mark. Again, it’s not like we can blame them. Plus, if it weren’t for those two, most of these memes probably wouldn’t even exist.
Related: Grey’s Anatomy: 5 Best Character Arcs (& 5 Most Disappointing)
McSteamy is definitely a great nickname, first because it’s accurate, and second because it’s super accurate. We’re still trying to figure out how that bowl managed to stay whole and didn’t start melting.
5 The Dream Team
What happens when a McDreamy and a McSteamy congregate in the same space? One thing is for sure  — all the thermometers in a two-hundred mile radius would achieve temperatures never before recorded in the history of mankind. So much for climate change being a hoax!
Either way, this is the ideal mix to create what shall henceforth be known as a McAwesome mix. Look at those two — they look so happy together. Too bad Shonda Rhimes had to step in and ruin it. We still love her, though! After all, she did give us this dream team.
4 We Don’t Even Know
No shade and no disrespect towards all the brilliant actors and actresses that bring to life the magnificent characters we’ve seen on Grey’s Anatomy over the course of the past few years. Truly, if there is one show where there isn’t one core character and everyone matters at the same level, this would be it.
But with that being said…we have to admit that Christina’s departure and Mark’s death hurt the show. When you lose two charismatic characters, the fans are bound to feel it.
3 High School Mark Sloan
It’s always fun to imagine how the characters of a certain television show or movie would behave if we were to completely change the setting. Think if Riverdale happened in a hospital and, in this case, if Grey’s Anatomy took place in a high school. It’s a pretty fun thought experiment.
And in Mark’s case, we just so happen to think this meme hits the nail on the head. Insta-famous? Check. Making inappropriate jokes at the expense of teachers? Check. Questionable fashion choices? Double-check!
2 Nope.
Look, we’re still not over it, we will never be over, and no one will ever be over it. There were more than just a few heartbreaking deaths in the history of Grey’s Anatomy, and we get it. It’s a drama, and real-life isn’t perfect, and yada yada yada. Guess what? We’re still not over it!
Bless you, Shonda, for creating such a beautiful world, full of amazing characters. But why, oh why, do you insist on breaking our hearts time and time again? Mark Sloan deserved so much better.
1 Excuse Me…?
Because we don’t want to end this list on a sour note, we’ve decided to end it with a bang, bringing back the McTeam. Did you really expect for a list of memes about Mark Sloan to not include a McFlurry pun? Yeah, we thought so.
And now the question remains — if you had to choose between a delicious McFlurry and Dr. McDreamy and McSteamy, which way would your heart point to? Philosophical questions all around…
Next: Ranked: Every Romance In Grey’s Anatomy
Tags: grey’s anatomy
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Bài viết Grey’s Anatomy: 10 Hilarious Mark Memes Only True Fans Will Understand – Screen Rant đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Funface.
from Funface https://funface.net/funny-memes/greys-anatomy-10-hilarious-mark-memes-only-true-fans-will-understand-screen-rant/
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floofymuses-archive · 6 years
Okay but a song by Anthem Lights is always good for MEPs like this...
Y EAH SO Marinette muse is up...
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deputymcnuggets · 7 years
In the semi finals for a rocket league tourney, our game is gonna be streamed in ~5mins after this one is over if anyone wants to WATCH MCTEAM IN ACTION BOIIIII
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#realtestimonimutyara Apa sebenarnya yang korang akan rasa selepas mengamalkan Mutyara gugusan sumatera ini. Jom lihat apa kata mereka yang telah mengambil Jus Mutyara sebagai minuman wajip pada waktu pagi dan malam. Swipe left😊 #mutyarabahau #Mutyarafeedback #testimonimutyara #BerniagaBersamaTya #usahawanmutyara #WanitaMutyara #mamygojes #energybooster #tenaga #SihatItuNikmat #mutyarainsachet #TyaArifin #mcteam #ibuhebat #ibumoden https://www.instagram.com/p/CJwG9mVn4MH/?igshid=1xt726oqe6ib8
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bminus7 · 4 years
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Here’s a nice little throwback of me and my friend @joshyg27 having a couple cold brews on our way to the 2019 @crossfitgames. Kinda sad we won’t be doing it this year. 🥺 Josh what are you looking at?! 👀 - - - #crossfit #crossfitgames #mcteam #brother #notorious #BIG (at Madison, Wisconsin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBj0WLAgOGw/?igshid=17cv5433dzwbl
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advance-your-style · 9 years
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Habt einen schönen Tag ❤️ #flowers #ayslifestyle #modeblog #modeblog_de #modebloggerin #yourdailytreat #mcteam
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#mcteam #mcdream
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