paperbagedhead · 1 year
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hoonclub · 2 years
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geekpopnews · 4 months
Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre PGL Major Americas RMR
Descubra o que você precisa saber para acompanhar o PGL Major Americas RMR #PGLMajorAmericasRMR #PGLMajor #CS2 #Counter-Strike2
O primeiro RMR das Américas do Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) começa hoje, dia 1 de março. O PGL Major Americas RMR é o caminho para levar os times a disputa ao PGL Major Copenhage. O RMR Américas conta com 16 equipes no enfrentamento pelas 5 vagas ao primeiro Major de CS2. Sendo assim, o campeonato funciona em formato suiço, como a maioria dos campeonatos de Counter-Strike. Todas as primeiras partidas…
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hockeyrepair · 1 year
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Uncle Tito Kuya Duster Essan will NEVER make you thiccc socks. NEVER. Also, a fictional degenerate former lawyer Gordon Bombay will not touch any of my equipment. EVER. Lastly, Jan was better than Hans. I’ll fight anyone who disagrees 🦆🦆🦆 #Duster #Boots #Fake #MD1 #MD2 #Disney (at Bay Area Hockey Repair & Sharpening) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn8V3beLs5H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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waketoearth · 28 days
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dark blood birth.. happy birthday, queenie, u are one !!!
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bluebison2 · 2 months
Fire everyone, sack the board, it's decimate the troops time.
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frauenfootball · 2 years
CONCACAF Women's Championship 2022
Location & Dates: Monterrey, Mexico | 4 - 18 July 2022
Fixtures & Results: CONCACAF Website | Wikipedia
Social Media: Twitter | Instagram
Official Streams
Official Broadcasters List
CONCACAF Official YouTube Channel - Available in countries without commercial broadcasters (I think this is most places outside the Americas) - Live streams, full match replays, and highlights available - Playlist here
I have not checked the other sources. If you are somewhere with an official broadcaster, please watch through those official streams/channels so they know there is interest!
Download from Google Drive
Link and instructions available on my pinned post, but as mentioned, please watch through official streams/channels if available to you.
World Cup Qualification
This will also serve as CONCACAF’s qualification tournament for the 2023 World Cup.
The top 2 teams from each group will immediately qualify for the World Cup (4 direct slots), while the 3rd-place teams in each group will have another chance to qualify in the inter-confederation playoffs (2 playoff slots).
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polaroidsluv · 2 years
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3nn-express · 5 days
Euro Cup 2024 – Schedule and Fixtures.
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Euro Cup 2024 Schedule and Fixtures: The excitement is growing for one of the most anticipated football competitions in history the 2024 Euro Cup. The best football players in Europe will be displayed at this esteemed event, featuring 24 teams vying for victory on the biggest platform. Regardless of your interest in football, this guide will provide you with all the information you need about the schedule and fixtures for the 2024 Euro Cup.
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faeryaesther · 2 months
Honestly all of the matches by germany against japan were close in a sense but it showed that the german team only lacks experiences not the execution of the gameplay and I am honestly impressed. They have some great shots and rallies here and there but jpn team is just better at the decisive points.
>also waiting for kento to play 🙂‍↕️🫶🏻
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beardedalcoholic · 2 months
Medical Emergency
‘Medical Emergency, Navigation 4, Medical Emergency, Navigation 4.’
The message repeated over and over across the PA system of the Leviathan Class exploratory ship. A massive space fairing vessel dedicated to finding the edge of creation and everything in between the Galactic Edge was a marvel of multi-species engineering.
Fifteen different habitats built to within micro-specifications for the species they were meant to hold, seven multi species common areas built to accommodate every race on board. Enough FTL drives to be able to be fired in succession so when one batch went down another could be brought online so they didn’t even have to stop for a cool down period between jumps. Recycling processes efficient within .0001% allowing near as possible full self-sustainability for an indefinite amount of time.
The main drawback of such a marvel of galactic traversal being of course…the FUCKING size…larger than some moons, a population numbering more than some planets (or at least it felt that way) and yet somehow never enough personnel in the right places at the right times.
‘Of course the emergency is right inside the border of my territory, because why wouldn’t it be? And of course, it had to be JUST as I was about to go off shift.’ Thought MD1 Joseph Jarl, JJ to anyone who wanted to continue a comfortable existence, after all no one knew how best to take someone apart than the ones who had to put others back together.
Running at full human speed JJ flew down the various passages dodging, spinning, ducking and jumping around the many obstacles in his way with all the predatory grace humans were gifted with.
‘Ha! and mom always said it was a waste for a doctor to learn parkour.’ 
Sliding on one hip beneath the centaur like body of a Gravelin engineer and popping back up to a full run JJ jumped and thrust one foot out to run alongside a bulkhead when he came to a T-section of corridor, narrowly missing the heads of a group of Ranki environmental scientists as he fell from the wall and rolled to maintain momentum.
Slamming a hand to the Medical Bypass Badge on his chest, signaling the door immediately in front of him to open JJ slid to a stop inside Nav.Bay 4 eyes flicking around the space looking for the emergency.
Sharp ocean blue eyes registered three different species, one of which still tensed when in direct line of sight of his forward-facing predatory gaze. Attention landing on a group of navigators clustered in a small huddle JJ slung the med-pack off his back and approached the group.
Head held high, shoulders wide and a purpose in his stride JJ projected every ounce of authority he could dredge up from his years as a medical professional he could when he ordered the group to back up and give him some space to work with. Approaching the center of the group JJ noticed the Elental on the floor, curled into a ball and rocking back and forth while making small pathetic whining sounds while very obviously having a hard time breathing.
Dropping to one knee in front of the one species on board that most closely resembled a human JJ slowly reached out and rested a hand on the Elental’s shoulder. Being a species that stood on average around 6.5-7 feet tall he barely had to reach to grasp the rocking figure’s shoulder.
Elental were a bipedal race with nearly translucent skin in direct light, long sharply pointed ears, eyes that stretched from the bridge of a dual slit nose to where the temple would be on a human with three pupils each, mostly human proportioned faces and a universally slender build.
It was a very little-known fact but the first time the human council met an Elental the lead diplomat was in fact recorded on official record as having muttered the phrase ‘Fuck me we found Space Elves’… though the actual audio recording of this moment was very deeply buried beneath as much galactic red tape as was possible. Noticing there was no response to his touch JJ turned to the closest navigator and asked for any details on the medical emergency.
“We don’t really know Human JJ, he was trying to determine some FTL jump coordinates and the timing required to make them when he started shaking and his speech became rapid and somewhat slurred, he began shaking and clutching his, well it would be the stomach on you, but his main pulmonary area and his respiration began to rapidly increase. When he tried to walk away from his station he collapsed and that was when we called the emergency, is he sick?” The Fenra asked nervously after the quick report on what happened.
JJ would never admit it but seeing a three-foot alien that looked like were-shitzu nervous and scared was absolutely adorable.
“I don’t think so no…hold on,” Quickly determining that there was no external injuries JJ tried raising the Elental’s head to look into his face but his patient seemed to be in a stubborn mood.
Taking a chance JJ reached into his pocket and pulled out a simple twentieth century zippo, an antique passed down in his family that he kept in working condition and never went anywhere without.
Flicking it open with a sharp, practiced snap JJ kept the grin off his face when the Elental’s gaze snapped up at the sudden sound. With a flick of his thumb JJ lit the lighter and held it directly between his eyes. The Elental’s six pupils swiveled and in a rather disconcerting motion…fused into a single large pupil for each eye the size of an Old Earth quarter, totally focused on the flame a mere six inches away.
“What is your name?” JJ asked slowly, in a deep and calm voice that witnesses would later report had a strange resonance to it.
“E-e-ekariel” The Elental responded with a slight stutter, eyes locked on the tiny flame as JJ slowly began to move it back and forth.
“Listen to my voice Ekariel, listen to nothing but my voice, focus on the sound of my words and know nothing but my words…What do you feel Ekariel, what is beneath you right now?” This question spoken in the same deep resonating voice.
“Tell me what is in the now, what is beneath you at this very moment.”
“Deck plates.” The answer came out in a somewhat hurried response.
“Describe the deck plates Ekariel, what are they made of?” The flame moved slowly from left to right and back again, never going further than the outer reaches of the human’s own eyes…left eye, right eye back to left and repeat.
“Cold, metal, textured in small waves, rigid.” Ekariels voice came slightly stronger, less breathless and wheezing.
“What do you see Ekariel, describe what your eyes are telling you.”
“Fire, small flame, glittering eyes, blue stars and black holes.”
“What do you smell Ekariel, describe what you smell in the immediate area around you?” JJ asked as he pitched his voice slightly lower and slowed the waving of the lighter marginally.
“Four species…Musk, fur, water…Otorian species fresh from the hydrosphere…Dust, heat, insects…Lidarians recently from the arid habitats…mold, plant decay, rain…Jaguras from the forest dome…pheromones, sweat, spice, disinfectant…human recently in the medical bay.” Ekariels breathing slowed and stabilized as he spoke, voice gaining slightly more strength.
“What do you hear Ekariel, tell me what sounds you hear in this moment.” The flame now slowly traversed from one pupil to the other, no faster than before but slowly closing in on the middle of the human’s face.
“Typing, I can hear digits impacting sensor boards to the right…scratching, someone is writing equations long hand for accuracy checks near the forward portion of the bay…breathing, so many breathing patterns.” The Elental’s eyes never wavered from the flame, slowly tracking it back and forth, voice becoming stronger, limbs no longer shaking as bad though still quivering slightly.
“Focus on the breathing Ekariel.”
Now the flame only traversed from the inner corner of JJ’s eyes, never moving faster or slower, JJ’s voice becoming slightly deeper, seeming to hum and resonate more from his chest than his throat or mouth.
“Listen to the breaths around you, feel the air move as it is taken in and expelled…smell the breaths of those around you, those who would look after you…now slowly block them out…block out all the breaths but your own…tell me about your breaths Ekariel.” The lighter now barely moved past the outer edges of JJ’s nose.
“Three respiratory voids…expanding and filtering contaminants from the air…nutrients being stripped from the atmosphere into the blood stream…collapsing and expelling by-products of respiration…oxygen, nitrogen, helium being removed from the system via respiration…” Ekariel’s voice now had an almost sleeping dream like quality to it, low and slow.
“Tell me about the heartbeats Ekariel…how many do you feel?” The flame was still now, directly between JJ’s eyes, the focused and unblinking eyes of a predator staring directly into Ekariel’s own dilated pupils.
“I can only feel one heart beat…I can only feel my own heart.”
“Come back to us Ekariel…focus on my voice and with every beat of your heart come back to us…with every beat, shed the fear that imprisoned you and follow my voice.” JJ slowly began to back away from Ekariel as spoke, incrementally rolling onto his haunches as the Elental followed the flame.
Slowly JJ closed the lid to his antique lighter snuffing the flame. As if waking from a deep sleep Ekariel blinked and shook his head, pupils splitting back into two sets of three and eyes widening.
“Easy, easy, Ekariel… focus on the now, sight, smell, touch, hearing focus on those. Come on lad breath in…out…in…out, there you go, no don’t get up…lay down and focus, gather your thoughts.” JJ slowly eased the Elantel down fully onto the deck plates and raised his reverse jointed knees as best he could.
“Ekariel I need you to listen to me, listen to my voice…are you listening?” Ekariel nodded his head, looking up a JJ with a slightly dazed look on his face.
“You had a panic attack E.K. logs show you haven’t had a sufficient rest period for three cycles and in that time your nutritional intake has sharply declined. You are suffering from lack of rest and negligence of sustenance. As such I am removing you from the duty roster for the next four cycles and requiring you to report to the Galley Watch for every normal meal time where you will eat AT A MINIMUM a full standard meal of no less than one and a half again the daily nutritional requirement for at least two cycles. You are barred from any areas or activities relating to the navigation or piloting of this vessel…basically you are going to take the next four cycles to eat food, sleep, relax and either work on or find a hobby.” JJ finished with a small smile at the oddly shell-shocked look on Ekariel’s face.
After having received JJ’s report on the medical emergency and that Ekariel would be fine with a few cycles of rest and full meals the captain instigated a mandatory rotation of extended rest periods lasting at least three cycles unless otherwise noted by a Corpsman.
On paper the decision was to help the training and cross training of individuals by exposing them to a variety of new positions for longer periods of time and to potentially familiarize more of the crew with the inner workings of other departments and areas of the ship. In reality it was so the entire crew could have a chance to catch their breath and actually enjoy it before being thrown back into high stress situations, they were going to be on this ship for quite a long time after all, no need to have them burn themselves out so early in the voyage.
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notsoattractivearenti · 10 months
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Christian Pulisic
Bologna FC v AC Milan – 21.08.2023 | Lega Serie A MD1
give credit if you repost my gifs 😊
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hoonclub · 2 years
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racingliners · 9 days
Euro 2020 pics Part 2!
So as mentioned in the prev post, I had six different shifts across six of the eight matches Wembley hosted (ngl I got so lucky with my shift selection).
MD1 - Group Stage: England v Scotland
My first shift was for ingress (event organiser terminology for the spectators arriving at the stadium) at Scotland v England which... was an experience. Not gonna lie I was really relieved when it was announced that there was going to be a limit on spectators as part of the covid protocols bc I don't think I would have survived dealing with 90,000 Scotland and England fans at once 😭
(Also the irony of me being half-English/half-Scottish and getting Scotland v England as my first shift... the football gods clearly love me.)
I was fully expecting the journey to the stadium to be awful but bc I have to be there hours before kick-off it was fine, though I still saw some Scotland fans on the tube and they clocked my uniform and asked me about what I was doing and wished me luck for the day which was actually really sweet.
For my first shift manicure I did my nails a pastel lime green to match the accent colours on my uniform, going super super neutral (as volunteers representing UEFA we had to be neutral anyway, but for me even more so).
Genuinely I don't think I had ever seen so many people wearing kilts on one place (a couple of people were in formal highland dress, the rest were just in football shits, kilts and trainers, sadly there wasn't many bagpipes where I was)
The one thing I remember from the day was that were my group was stationed towards the back of the stadium was so windy. It was literally early June and I was having to do star jumps to keep myself warm (either I took my hoodie as a just in case or my Sister-in-Law told me to take it, either way I was so glad I had it on under my raincoat)
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As I wasn't on shift for egress (the bit where everyone leaves the stadium) I left just after kick-off with my packed lunch dinner and hot footed it back to my relatives place to avoid any carnage, pretty sure I was the only person in the whole city thrilled with a 0-0 draw dvhsjdvhdfjzhj
MD2 - Group Stage: Czech Republic v England
Besties for my second shift I came prepared. I had so much stuff in my backpack it was a good thing I was on shift for both Ingress and Egress as I struggled to fit my food bag into it before going home.
This shift was really fun as it was pretty minimal stakes, England were pretty much guaranteed to be through into the knockout stages so the spectators were mostly fine. For this shift I was based on Wembley way so I spent 90% of the time taking pictures of people with the stadium in the background. For my nails I went with a bright orange (it's my favourite colour so I had to fit it in at some point)
We were all stood down just before kick-off and were sent to the volunteer centre to have our meal, which was a sandwich, packet of crisps, fruit, chocolate, and at either this match or the next one we got some hot soup as well. The eating area was literally in the middle of Wembley arena (as in the bit where the concerts happen), which was wild but with social distancing they needed plenty of space. It was actually quite fun getting to decompress and chat with everyone.
Egress was super simple, just smiling and waving goodbye but some of us had light sticks which led to a bunch of us pretending we were in Star Wars, naturally. (I had a criminal amount of fun, sadly I had to hand the light stick back before I left).
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MD3 - Round of 16: Italy v Austria
So for this shift I got given a megaphone :D
It was so much fun, obviously I used it for Serious and Official Volunteering Messages, but I did have a bit of fun by saying Buona Sera to any Italian fans which... their costumes were so good. We had Mario and Luigi and some people dressed up as pizza slices. They brough such a great vibe and were just living their best lives and were really nice to all of us. The entrance I was posted at was at the Italian end so there wasn't that many Austria fans, but I did see one lady wearing a really pretty dirndl which I complemented her on.
This match started the recurring theme all of us had of "please don't go to extra time I want to get home before midnight"... none of them listened which was very rude and bc I was a bit weary of travelling round London super late at night I asked to leave early since my London based fam live on the other side of the city to Wembley and I got back safely!
For this match I did my nails bright pink, and if you ever want a good picture of your manicure take pictures on the tube bc the lighting will never let you down (especially if they're shimmery of sparkly)
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soov-archived · 2 years
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ENHYPEN (엔하이픈) is the final 7 members of the survival show I-LAND under BE:LIFT Lab, a joint label created by HYBE and CJ E&M Entertainment (previously known as BigHit Entertainment). The group consists of Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, Jungwon, and Ni-ki. ENHYPEN debuted on November 30th, 2020 with their mini-album “BORDER: DAY ONE” and title track “Given-Taken”.
🐈ꐚ YANG JUNGWON : ﹫jungLost
O4 liner, south-korean, leader of enhypen. never had a real talk with y/n, but sees her multiple times around hybe's building or at awards. has been simping over her since her profile was released. his grandmother was the first person to know about his crush :( thinks he shouldn't like y/n because he's not even her friend yet </3 internally fanboyed over her when she appeared in i-land's final ep.
🦌ꐚ LEE HEESEUNG : ﹫leehee
O1 liner, south-korean, member of enhypen. talked to y/n two or three times in their trainee days, only because beomgyu forced them to. he didn't got close to her back then, only after he debuted. justin bieber's annoying fanboy. knows about jungwon's crush.
🐈‍⬛ꐚ PARK JAY : ﹫therealjpark
O2 liner, korean-american, member of enhypen. also knew y/n since their trainee days, though he didn't talk to her because he was too scared to lmfao 😥😥 a nerd !!!!1!!1!1!! always talking about perfumes and colognes to someone. knows about jungwon's crush.
🦮ꐚ SiM JAKE : ﹫lalalayla
O2 liner, korean-australian, member of enhypen. met y/n in hybe's elevator! besties with april & chats with her only in english. a 10! he texts like a straight middle aged man, though. second person to know about jungwon's crush.
🐧ꐚ PARK SUNGHOON : ﹫icybyitzy
O2 liner, south-korean, member of enhypen. met y/n at hybe's cafeteria. was super shy when she said that she knew him from his ice skating career (they surprisingly never saw each other when they were trainees for bighit). got sunghooned thousands of times. doesn't know about jungwon's crush.
🦊ꐚ KiM SUNOO : ﹫sunkimoo
O3 liner, south-korean, member of enhypen. met y/n in a cosmetics shop (????). voon stan since day 1 (pun intended). a sunshine that gets extremely serious and quiet from time to time. pretty close to y/n! has to deal with jungwon sulking because he spends more time with her than jungwon ever did. knows about jungwon's crush.
🐆ꐚ NiSHiMURA RiKi : ﹫lilMikeJordan
O5 liner, japanese, enhypen's maknae. only saw y/n in i-land's final episode and at some awards — he never really talked to her. gushes over her dancing skills. had a small talk with mingyu in japanese once! only has the looks of a bad boy; in reality, he's super shy and kind. knows about jungwon's crush.
REi'S N⩇TES ⠀ DONE WITH THE PROFILES❕ we're getting closer to the first chapter ❕❕❕ and yes, i used this poorly made enha layout for their official account because i forgot how the layout before md1 was 🙁
TAGLiST ( CLOSED! ) @fadedluvv @hiqhkey @luvvelxy @sour-graps @4hysgf @mfbookishbitch-vhae @raimbows4u @ahnneyong @drunkjazed @ssseob @777wonz @kange3939 @byhsng @i-yeseo @riverkee @luvdokja @she-is-dreaming @chukiez1 @luveuly @zeraaax @eunbiland @mxristars @itznotshy
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mosneakers · 2 months
Feeling very nostalgic for The Sims 3 today. I remember recreating the Appaloosa Plains house from MD1-3 in my game because I loved it so much. I took me DAYS to recreate it because I had to keep switching between chapters to find all the good screenshots with all the rooms in the background lol. This was for my own story but I admire your building skills and sim style so greatly that I just had to have the same house and barn!
OMFG hahaaaa this makes me smile so darn big!!! 😭
I know the exact feeling you’re describing because I dabbled in taking on the task of rebuilding that same lot last summer! (Actually it was that whole cul-de-sac lol) it got a bit too daunting so I temporarily put it down.
But I would LOVE to see pictures if you’re up for sharing/still have them! I miss that house, and I’m excited for it to make its comeback in MMA 💗💗💗
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