wifiwuxians · 2 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY XUE YANG!!!!!!! i think it's such a beautiful thing that all these sharp little delinquents got together to take this chaotic yearbook photo... and yet only like a third of them decided to look at the camera.
thank you so much to @falcities for being my partner in crime for this and tying the whole image together!!! and thank you to all the people who submitted their yang! i only know some tumblrs (the rest are twitter handles), but everyone's getting named >:)
first row: spicy, @chupenguin, rie4062, mda3star, @lanlanayang, wifiwuxians (that's me!), blubiboom, @falcities (that's my collaborator!), @baxiabells, @deathbyoctopi, @the-private-local-enemy, @hashichosha, @sugarapplebaby, nightmarenarzi second row: VKW_art, @robby-bobby-tommy, l1ghtbluedev1l, bored_knight, @mispronouncing-michaelangelo, @littleragondin, magic_nin, saintessmorgana third row: AhLiviio, xueyang4life, JUNG-juunn, @tricksterly-conduct, @silvysartfulness cherry on top: KittieRia
yang assembly and light background by me, embellishments, banner and name cards by Slom :)
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mdatriplestar · 5 years
owo I was late making artwork for Luffy’s birthday Artwork so im going to make a video of it so OWO <3
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mdatriplestar · 3 years
Watch "MDA3Star" on YouTube
Doing lots of animatics please check it out :3
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