#me : sees yakshas r dead
nepentheseeker · 2 months
About 498 and the changes which I think could have been better
minor Spoilers ahead‼️‼️
I think this could be easily avoided actually . Taejin is evil no question about that . But the attempt to r*pe part wasn't actually necessary.
Let me explain- now Taejin is basically Shaman 2.0 in almost every aspect. PTJ could rather make him evil and smart . Now that he's the "owner" of Cheongliang, first what he had to do was gain more popularity among the villagers. Then his position as the new Shaman would be secured enough.
Now , knowing how much possessive Taejin is towards things that he this "belongs to him" , he'd obviously go for Vin , Seongji And Sujin . he'll never be able to convince Vin to join him . BUT Seongji knows that he can't stay in Cheongliang as James might come back to fight him - so if vin joins Taejin as his yaksha the villagers won't cause him any harm . So he advises him to do so . But vin doesn't understand him . He thinks Seongji is saying that as he got tired of babysitting them .So they get into an argument . And Seongji starts to have a panic attack and attacks Vin . Vin is shocked by this and as he doesn't know about Seongji's condition , he leaves immediately.
MEANWHILE, Taejin is totally aware of what's going on. Cause this is what he had planned - making Vin and Seongji Fight eachother to death so there's be no one in Cheongliang to go against him . But this isn't enough, so to execute his plan to the final stage he uses Sujin - he kills her and frames Seongji for her death (pretty much what happened in 498 but without that part ) only Jaewoo witnesses Taejin leaving the Seongji's Hut so he goes to the hut and sees Sujin dead and Seongji unconscious - he tries to wake him up but fails so he chases Taejin and asked him what he did to them and he sees the wound on Taejin's neck ( that Sujin made while she was struggling) and Jaewoo realises that and Taejin starts beating him up but as he can't take care of a corpse rn he tell Jaewoo to keep his mouth shut and doesn't kill him .
Vin reaches home and everything goes like 498.
it's still still sad and everything but I think this would've made Taejin's character a better villain?(By that I mean smart Villian who uses his brain and not DISGUSTING DISTURBING Villain)
And even the misunderstanding between Seongji and Vin would have made more sense. Cause after all Seongji did for Vin , I don't think Vin would kill him just because Seongji said that in 497 and 498 . But if he attacked him, he could do that.
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moonbyunniee · 2 years
i saw that your requests r open so i thought it'd be good if i sent mine! can you make like um childe, kaeya, xiao with a chubby gf? thank you in advance!!
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genshin characters x chubby s/o
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characters ➵ childe, kaeya, xiao
cw ➵ fluff, body issues
a/n ➵ sorry this took me so long, i was taking a break!! i've never actually written anything like this before my lovely so i'm sorry if there are any mistakes, etc.! but anyway this is a really cute idea!! have a magical rest of your week nonnie, stay safe🤍🐰
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childe - 达达利亚 ➵
one of the things the eleventh fatui harbinger absolutely adores about you is your weight
to put it simply, he loves how you're different from everyone else (not even in a bad way, more in a way that he gets more to love!)
he's probably pretty protective of you, because if you're insecure about your weight, he'd know it from the first glance
he'll never leave your side if you're uncomfortable
"darling y/n, i want you to know that you're absolutely drop-dead gorgeous whatever you look like, okay?"
he's also very proud to show you off regardless of what you look like, since he just feels extremely lucky to be with someone like you
if he sees that you're not eating as much as you usually do, or if something else is wrong, he'll know something's up and will immediately confront the situation
he'll pester you about what's wrong, to tell him if someone's upset you so he can go foul legacy on th-
but overall, childe is proud of you, doesn't care about your weight, and loves everything and anything about you <3
"y/n sweetie, i hope you believe me when i say i love you. i love you so much, you'll never know, and i mean that. and nothing about you or your weight or anything else will ever change that fact, got it? that's right!"
kaeya - 凯亚 ➵
kaeya alberich is known for sticking by your side, and his loyalty never wavers a single bit. ever.
so it's not hard to believe that he's your biggest supporter, your number one fan, your cheerleader
if anybody dared to make fun of you when he's around, he'll notice immediately and wrap his arms around you
while shooting them an icy glare and mentally scheming ways to end their life
"sshhh...now, now, my treasure y/n...you know you're perfect for me, don't you? don't let other people tell you otherwise."
he absolutely adores cuddling you, just wrapping his arms around you and breathing in your scent, the one that he loves so much
this man loves sleeping on your thighs - he feels like they're pillows of warmth
kaeya knows what it's like to have been shunned out of any sort of community before
so he'll always stick by your side, being the endless support for you that he never had
he's also always there to give you never-ending affirmations, simply sitting there and holding your hand in his while rubbing his thumb over your skin
"y/n...i want you to know that what you look like doesn't matter to me, okay? i'd love you if you're short, or tall, or chubby, or skinny - you're the same person on the inside i fall in love with day after day."
xiao - 魈 ➵
xiao, unlike childe and kaeya, is definitely much more of a quiet supporter
it's not like him, for example, to cuddle you where everyone can see
xiao believes that affection between the two of you should be a savoured, private act, and that other people's eyes are unworthy of seeing it
he's more likely to watch you go about your day to day life from afar, perhaps from a rooftop nearby, simply sitting and watching the love of his life being the love of his life
bonus points if he talks to himself and has an internal battle with his emotions because he doesn't like to show them
"they're so adorable...ugh, what am i saying?...but they are so adorable..."
however, this obviously doesn't mean he's just gonna leave you out to dry if he sees you getting uncomfortable for whatever reason in your skin
known as the vigilant yaksha for a reason, he's always got an eye out for trouble as well as for you
he'll immediately materialise next to you at the first sign of trouble, literally out of thin air
and he'll tenderly intertwine your fingers in his, his expression a cold and dangerous one as he glares at the offender, who cowers under his invisible force
"talk about my y/n that way ever again, and i'll make sure you never talk again. c'mon, y/n, let's go home."
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Can I request a blurb for Xiao? I was thinking: maybe he fought a mutated wopperflower, and got it by its nectar which has a like, truthserum-effect? The reader (preferably m! But gn is also fine of course) encounters him and insists on taking care of him in their house bcus its closer then the inn, and Xiao accidentally confesses while there (so like, reader and Xiao already Knew eachother for a While)
Let me love you, you funky little Yaksha man
truthful | xiao | genshin impact | study blurb
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description. whopperflowers near Dragonspine have, unfortunately, been interacting with the remnants of the false Albedo. in doing so, they've created... unexpected mutations, and have become quite aggressive. Xiao is one of their recent victims.
reader. gn!reader, no sex or gender mentions
warnings. blood, wound description, truth serum/mind altering drugs
an. Eyo. I'm half asleep. Had therapy today and cried like a bitch but felt so much better after a nap. I am refusing to do homework atm so take dis.
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the wind seemed to always settle down when xiao was around.
the wind settled suddenly, a stark contrast from its previous state, the current windstorm that assaulted the inn was gone in minutes- the hint to the arrival of a certain yaksha. you continued to work in your room, editing files and documents before bringing them to their desired owners.
"mondstadts alchemist seems to have gotten ahead of himself." xiaos voice broke through your concentration, the sound of a body collapsing on your bed followed quickly, a small groan of pain muffled in the fluffy blankets.
you turned around, shooting up from your seat once you noticed the crimson stains on xiaos body, leaking into the sheets and pooling to the floor.
"what was it this time." your shock was evident, rushing over to your bedside to grab the small case containing medical supplies, summoning a catalyst as you moved to the yakshas side.
"roll over, your chest seems to have gotten the worst of it." you heaved out, pushing the dead weight that didn't seem to feel like assisting you, your eyes caught sight of the large gash that opened his skin horizontally. red and irritated, the sides puffed up with a deep maroon shining with blood, a quick indication that there was venom or something of the sort attacking the wound, a small touch made the heat emanating from it leaving you worried as xiao hissed in pain.
"that hurts, you know." his eyes rolled over to you, watching at your catalyst started to glow with the light of your dendro vision, a comforting green emanating onto your skin. you continued your work, ignoring his comment and deciding to do your best with your vision, before using your kit as a last line of defense. worst comes to worst, you can manage to get a summons with madam ping to fix what you can't.
"green is your color." he starts, your eyebrow rose a bit, the comment wasn't in his nature. xiao didn't exactly give compliments freely... or have such an airy tone when speaking.
"shame you didn't get an anemo vision. would have suited you better," he continued, eyes closed as he feels the wound on his chest mending, a comfortable and soothing warmth soaked into his skin.
"seeing you free is a beautiful sight. the teal of anemo would compliment you even more..." he sighs, the sealing of his wound made it much more shallow than it was before.
"xiao, what did you fight? you aren't speaking like yourself." you wanted to understand what exactly is making him say these things, the flush of heat on your face made you feel dizzy, his words hitting a softer side to your heart.
"speaking like myself? i speak perfectly fine, these are my thoughts. i don't know why they keep coming out like this though. i can't control it... exactly." his face is a bright shade of red, dull golden eyes were wide and panicked, looking you over with a sense of urgency. he feared this would be the end of one of the few relationships he has left, that he's overstepped a boundary.
"you won't leave me, right? i'm sorry if i've overstepped, but please dont..don't... leave me." his voice is shaky, a broken whisper as a hand goes to wrap around your wrist gently, your palm open to allow your catalyst to hover above your hand. you softened your gaze at him, your free hand going to the one gripping your wrist before pulling it off, holding it softly as you thumbed his palm.
"no, i won't leave you." you sighed, closing his wound before going to the shallower gashes on his stomach, keeping an eye on his skin as it closed up with the envious color. the words leave him so effortlessly, and you realize the venom or poison that irritated his wound must have affected his mind, leaving him to speak his mind freely, without restraint.
"but, I need you to tell me what you fought. you mentioned albedo? did he attack you?" your voice was quiet as to not overwhelm him, moving your free hand from his to push his hair from his face, taking his hand back once again.
"no. the cryo flowers had a golden hue, and the flower pattern that belongs to him. experiments maybe. they're quite strong. I'm sorry if I've worried you."
"no, no you didn't worry too bad. but I don't think he was experimenting on the flowers either. i'll send a message to the knights, but on a more pressing matter, how are you feeling now?" you had finished his stomach, moving to his shoulders, fatigue taking a small toll on you as you yawned.
"better. you always make me better. thank you." he gives a small smile, and you give him one back.
"it's no issue. i do this because i care for you xiao." you smiled, watching his face flare up at your words, unable to hide the truth from you.
a comfortable silence fills the air, and you take the hint that xiao is done talking, his body haven gotten a bit more tender from how he was before.
it wasn't long before xiao spoke up again.
"i'm glad i came home today."
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xiao-isms · 3 years
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— hold it!
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character(s): xiao.
content: begging, prostate massage, overstimulation, praise kink, edging, fingering, xiao says 'please' and cries a lot.
word count: 1.2k words and 6.6k characters.
voicemail: i had lots of fun writing this! also first fic to reach 1k words woohoo. im not too familiar with soft doms so hopefully this is decent haha. enjoy!!!!! <3
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there he was: xiao, the high and mighty adeptus of liyue, on his knees practically begging for you. he stood in a rather compromising position: his legs were spread as wide as possible so you could see his hard, drooling cock while the upper half of his body laid flat on the queen sized bed. the entire scene was something suited for a cheap whore rather than a skilled yaksha such as himself, but he didn't mind-- not anymore; he'd thrown his pride out the window a long, long time ago. "please," he begged, turning his head just enough to meet your playful stare, "please touch me." you took a good look at the tiny form in front of you: his right cheek was smooshed against the cotton pillow and it made his delicate, blush-pink lips form into the cutest pout you'd ever seen. you couldn't deny him the thing he wanted most, not when he was looking at you so innocently. with a nod and gentle kiss to the man's small forehead, you got to work. you teased the tip of his cock, rubbing the pad of your thumb around the slit. you used the precum that had gathered to lubricate the rest of his dick and oh archons, xiao swore he never felt such euphoria. every little touch felt so good; every stroke of your hand, every quick kiss on the base of his cock, all the disgusting, filthy squelching noises you were making with his cock, everything.
he was so close, so close, so close, oh fuck—
"hnng, cumming, 'm, uhn, c-cumming!" he cried, but just as he was about to release all over the wrinkled bed sheets, your hand came to a halt just at the base of his needy dick. you held his shaft firmly and peered at him with a malicious glint in your lustful eyes. "ah, ah," you chuckled, "you cum when i say you can, okay?" fat tears rolled down the yaksha's now reddened face despite the slight nod he gave. he knew how cruel you could be, even if you babied him constantly— both in and outside the bedroom. "good boy, you behave so well, my love," you commended, kissing the hot tears that had risen once again in those beautiful amber eyes. this time, however, you took hold of xiao's milky thighs and pressed them down on the bed— with a few sucks and wet kisses here and there, of course. he was yours and you made that apparent every chance you got.
"here," you said with a gentle smile, lifting your fingers to the adeptus' pretty little mouth, "suck." he wrapped his lips around your digits with sudden verve and coated them in sticky, wet saliva while his tongue went underneath your middle and index finger and through the crevice, making sure to cover every part he possibly could. after a good three minutes of watching the other suck and lick your fingers like his life depended on it, you pulled away. xiao whined and pouted— in the way a child would during a tantrum because their toys got taken away. you shushed him with a ruffle of his thick turquoise hair. "sh, i’m gonna make you feel good, okay doll?" he huffed and buried his face in the white pillow but made a small noise of approval.
you went back towards his pert ass, spreading his soft cheeks. slowly, as not to hurt him, you slid your index finger in his hole to the knuckle. his body shivered, but you couldn’t pick up on any sign of discomfort so you slid it in and out rhythmically. once you were sure he was ready to take a second finger, you inserted your middle one. you scissored his barely open hole so gently, like you were afraid he’d break if you made one wrong move. “you okay, xiao?” you asked with concern laced in your voice. he could take it, he could take so much more than just two fingers—you knew that, you knew he could, but you always wanted him to be safe and comfortable. with you, he’d never have to feel the way he did for centuries; that was something you made sure of.
“y-yeah, i’m okay, keep going.” you let out a sigh of relief, one that you weren’t aware you were holding, and resumed your ministrations. almost fifteen minutes later, you had all four digits lodged into him and pumping in and out of his hole with an ever increasing pace. “mm, you’re so soft, baby. has anyone ever told you that, hm?” the corners of your lips turn upward with every subtly dirty word coming spilling from your mouth. he quivers and shakes his head, of course no one’s loved him, cared for him, touched him the way he allows you to.
the mere thought of that makes your chest swell with pride; you love knowing that you’re the only person xiao has been this intimate with and will continue to be such, for as long as the two of you live. a smirk plays on your lips and with just a small movement, you hit his prostate dead-on. he jumps and whimpers and whines as you abuse that sensitive nerve over and over again. “so good, you take it so well.” he turns away, a clear look of bashfulness on his flushed face, and moans into his pillow. his body seizes and he comes so, so close to orgasm but you stop him just in the nick of time. "n-no! please, please i-i wanna cum so b-bad!" you arch your brow at his pathetic pleas and he lets out a groan. xiao knows you won't let him cum, not just yet; you wanted to play with him for a little bit first, you always do. with a click of your tongue, you began to stroke his leaking length while continuing to rub on that spot that made him putty at your knees with the pad of your finger.
"a-ah! ooh, mm, too much! it's too much! you're g-gonna--fuck!-- break m-me!" fat tears streamed down the man's alabaster face and oh, he wanted to cum, he wanted to cum so, so badly. you were well aware of this and decided to toy with him just one more time— after all, it should be part of the fun, right?
"mm, i don't know, have you earned it?"
at that, he lets even bigger, blood-hot tears roll down his dusted cheeks. "yes!" he shouts. so desperate, so cute. "i've been good, r-really good! let me cum, please! please please please-" you cut him off with a rough kiss and he opens his mouth so your tongue can slip in. it feels like you're trying to shove your tongue down his throat and fuck, he's so hard and horny and hot, it feels so good. you jerk him off and slowly start to move your digits in his hole once more, pulling away from the kiss to look at him straight in the eye. "you gonna cum? yeah, be good and cum for me, xiao." your pace quickens and just as it does, the being below you spasms and cries as he cums all over his tummy, chest and face. the adeptus slumps into the mattress, exhausted. smiling, you remove your fingers from his hole and plop down beside him. "i love you," you announce in the quiet room, only filled with xiao's pants. he looks at you with a hint of adoration in his tired eyes. "y-yeah, love you t-too."
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goldenworldsabound · 3 years
Journey to Jueyun Karst
Wendy wants to go to Jueyun Karst, but Zhongli can’t take her or he risks revealing that Rex Lapis is still alive. He goes to a certain yaksha for help.
word count: 1336
content warnings: none
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In his usual spot at the top of the Wangshu Inn, Xiao felt something. A low buzz of familiar energy. He furrowed his brows but made no other movement, trying to understand what this was. He closed his eyes, sitting with it. It was an odd feeling.
"Greetings, Xiao. I hope you are well."
Xiao opened his eyes, turning around slowly, arms crossed.
"Who is it that speaks so familiarly to me?" He asked, allowing a flash of annoyance to cross his face at the sight of two humans. One, a woman with purple hair, was hanging off of the other and looking at Xiao with a hint of fear (good, Xiao thought, humans should stay far away from him for their own safety after all). The other was a tall man, with a stoic face and amber eyes-
Amber eyes.
Xiao's eyes went wide.
"I must be mistaken." He murmured, even though he hadn't spoken his conclusion aloud. "Who are you?"
Zhongli smiled. "And what if you were not mistaken, yaksha?" There was a warmth in that amber gaze that Xiao found himself trapped in.
"Is it really you?" Xiao asked.
Zhongli nodded. "I am Zhongli, consultant at the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, now. This is Wendy, my romantic partner." He extended a hand out to Xiao, revealing medicine in the gloved palm. "And this is for you."
"Romantic partner?" Xiao repeated in surprise, unable to help himself. He glanced to Wendy, who looked away as their eyes met, looking nervous still. While he could sense the energy flowing off of the Adeptus Rex Lapis, he sensed no such energy from Wendy. But he could not find it in himself to believe that Rex Lapis, his master, would become romantically entangled with a human. That seemed out of the question. He took the medicine from Zhongli, eyeing it for a moment before pocketing it, even as he awaited Zhongli's response.
"Yes. You sound surprised." A small smile.
"...I am surprised by a great many things about this encounter, master." Xiao responded, not returning the smile.
Zhongli put a hand over his mouth thoughtfully. "Understandable. I will implore you to keep this encounter to yourself. Rex Lapis is dead and gone."
Xiao took the hint, bowing his head dutifully. "Yes, master."
"I have a request for you." Zhongli continued. Xiao watched him, waiting patiently. "Wendy would like to visit Jueyun Karst to look for certain materials. It is dangerous for humans. I am sure you understand why I cannot take her there myself, despite my wishes to do so. Surely you sensed my presence before I introduced myself."
Xiao nodded. He had not been able to place the energy. But perhaps the other Adepti would be able to. Recalling Cloud Retainer's poor reaction to the death of Rex Lapis, he could understand why Zhongli would hesitate to allow her to know of his return. The others had not been much better, either.
"So, I have come to you, Xiao. To ask you to escort Wendy through Jueyun Karst."
Xiao was stunned by the request. He should have seen it coming. He should definitely have seen it coming. And yet - and yet. He was beside himself. Zhongli continued talking, oblivious to Xiao's emotional turmoil.
"She is very important to me. I could not live with myself if something were to happen to her. You are a trusted adepti and friend, and given your abilities you would be a good match for the job."
"She is a human?" Xiao interrupted, brain finally catching up enough to respond. "What business is so important that she must go to Jueyun Karst?" He levelled a glare at her. She shrank a bit, shifting to stand behind Zhongli a bit more.
This earned Xiao a harsh glare from Zhongli. Yes, this was definitely Morax in front of him.
"I apologize." He murmured. "But, no disrespect to either of you...I find this harder to believe than...the rest."
"Mm." Zhongli's expression softened. "I wanted to get to understand humans better. I want to live life as a human. It is a very human thing to fall in love."
Xiao regarded him dubiously, though he kept his face carefully blank. Normal for a human, yes, but for the Prime of the Adepti, the archon Rex Lapis? And to fall for a human, no less! It bothered Xiao in a way he couldn't place. He glanced at Wendy again, hoping to search out something in her that would explain to him why Rex Lapis had chosen her, of all humans. As he did so, she pressed her face into Zhongli's arm shyly. Like a child, he thought. But he supposed she had every right to be afraid of him, with how this interaction had gone.
Zhongli turned to her, pulling her to him.
"It's alright, Wendy. Xiao won't hurt you. I promise." He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Xiao couldn't help but stare, startled by the outright display of affection. "Not merely because he is sworn to a contract with me, but because of who he is." Xiao felt a pang at that. Those words were clearly intended for his ears as well.
"Is this a contract? Xiao asked.
"Of course. Did I not mention that she is of the utmost importance to me?" Zhongli replied, blinking at him.
"Yes. Then, what are the terms?"
"It is a contract between the three of us." Zhongli pulled back from embracing Wendy, grabbing her hand instead. "Wendy - as we discussed, you are to keep track of your Sigil of Permission at all times, and not to knowingly put yourself in danger."
"Even for a really important material?" Wendy asked, pouting a bit. Zhongli stared at her, and she relented with a sigh. "Yes, understood, agreed." Xiao felt a bit uneasy that this had to be a term in the contract.
"Very good." He pat her head gently with his free hand. "Xiao. You will protect Wendy from harm, and guide her in Jueyun Karst to gather materials and see what she would like to see. I cannot hold you fully accountable for any harm if she breaks her portion of the contract, but...I will require you do your best to keep her safe. I know what you are capable of, and I will consider that in determining if you have broken the contract, and what a suitable punishment will be."
Xiao nodded. "Understood, and agreed." This was understandable. Protecting a single human should not prove too difficult, even though he didn't particularly look forward to it. Surely she'd be extra careful due to the terms of the contract.
"Thank you. Now, what would you ask of me?" Zhongli asked, meeting his gaze.
Xiao thought hard before making his answer. He was doing something important for Rex Lapis. The possibilities of what he could ask for were large. But there was little he wanted these days.
"Deliver my medicine yourself, next time." Xiao asked after a quiet moment. Zhongli closed his eyes, nodding.
"Consider it done." Zhongli was satisfied with that, even as he considered it to be unequal to his own request. "Well, with everything settled. I'll see you two off."
"Hmph." Xiao crossed his arms, appraising Wendy again.
"R-right..." Wendy released Zhongli's hand, stepping forward to bow her head a bit at Xiao. "Thank you, Xiao先生..."
"Please don't be so formal." Xiao replied. "Let's go then." And he began to walk towards the elevator.
Wendy looked at Zhongli almost pleadingly, but he simply smiled at her.
"I'm sure you two will get along. I'll be back to find you tonight." He waved, indicating to her that he wasn't going to follow her any further. "I can't wait to see what sorts of materials you find."
Wendy popped up on her tippy toes to try and give Zhongli a kiss. He leaned down, indulging her in a quick peck.
"Thanks! Fingers crossed it'll be a whole lot!" And she ran after Xiao.
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