#me @ me hey didn't u already write kid deceit
timeoutforthee · 6 years
I was going to work on something else but I saw this post, and my brain suddenly went “well we’re doing this now” and we did this for 1,438 wORDS
Sympathetic baby deceit, big bro!Virgil, and Balloon artist!Roman
Virgil did not particularly like carnivals. Yet here he was, on one of his precious, precious days off, no less. And why?
Because he was going to be good brother, dammit. And what would a good brother do? Not only would he go out to a carnival without complaining, he would win that snake plushie.
That’s what he told himself as he carefully aimed his throw.
Dolos had been speeding all around the carnival, while Virgil had kept his eye out, knowing eventually, somewhere, there would be a snake plushie, and his little brother would definitely want it. It was his job, as a good big brother, to get it for him. Dolos stood on his tiptoes, with his chin sitting on the counter, watching Virgil throw baseballs at the glass bottles.
“Aww,” he said, “I thought that one hit.”
“Yeah,” Virgil said, sending the booth owner a glare, “I thought it did, too.”
“Sorry!” The random girl said, with a smile that said she was not at all sorry, “Would you like to try again?”
Dolos glanced back at his brother. He had on an angry face, so he pulled himself away from the booth and grabbed on to his sleeve.
“Let’s go, you can’t spend all your tickets.”
“D, it’s fine-”
“But then you can’t go on anymore rides with me!”
Well. He’s got a point.
Virgil held out his hand, and Dolos grabbed it.
Really, this day had not been going to plan at all. It wasn’t just the snake. It had been drizzling off and on all day, so some of the rides were shut down. Dolos was just excited to wear his favorite poncho. Now the snake? Virgil could see his brother looking back at the booth out of the corner of his eye.
“Don’t worry,” Virgil said, “We can get another snake.”
Dolos had plenty of snake toys, it was just more fun to win one, and they both knew it.
Suddenly, they both heard someone call out “Balloons!” They turned to see someone Virgil’s age, maybe a little older, armed with a small air pump and balloons of all shapes and sizes. “Come get your balloon animals, any creature you want, I can create!”
A little girl in pigtails zoomed pass them, running up to him. She stopped in front of him, bouncing on the balls of her feet.
“Yes, step right up! What can I get you? A dragon? A witch? A dragon witch?”
“Seahorse?” The worker pauses, but then breaks out into a smile, “I can do that!” He starts pumping up the balloons, and as he starts twisting, another boy comes up to him. He presents the seahorse to the little girl with a flourish as more kids start surrounding him.
“Virgil…,” Dolos’s eyes are wide, “Do you think he can make me a snake?”
“...yes, D, I think he can make you a snake,” Virgil says as two boys slip on fire-breathing dragon bracelets to start a battle.
Dolos looks over at Virgil, who lets go of his hand. He walks up, shyly. His shyness is not helped by the fact that kids are now staring at him. Sometimes that happened with his eczema. The stares actually come in handy this time to, because it catches the attention of the carnival worker, who offers him a smile.
“And for you, good sir?”
Dolos giggles, before proudly saying, “A snake!”
The smile slips from the worker’s face. Virgil can feel himself starting to glare.
“Are you sure? You can have anything you want!” he sings out.
“But...I wanna snake…,” Dolos says, and now his lips is trembling and oh. If his little brother’s day is ruined because of this asshole-
The asshole in question looks up quickly. Virgil catches his eye and starts wildly gesturing in an attempt to say cut the shit and give him the snake. It works.
“Oh! A snake, marvelous choice!” He pulls out a yellow balloon, which matches Dolos’s poncho. He quickly blows it up and does a few twists, just to give it a head, before handing it over.
“Thaaaaaaank you!” Dolos says, running over to Virgil. “Virgil, look.”
Virgil is busy glaring.
He’s very satisfied to see the carnival worker falter and offer him a slightly shaky smile, like he’s not sure if Virgil is going to storm over to him in a blind rage. Good. Let him be afraid.
Virgil keeps his gaze steady.
Virgil turns to his brother, and offers him a smile.
“Wow!” he says, “That’s sooooo cool!”
“I know!” He holds the snake against his chest, “Look, it matches my poncho.”
“More amazing than the stupid stuffed green one.”
“Yes, much more amazing.”
Meanwhile, Roman is staring at them in confusion. He was sure that this scary emo kid was going to go full suburban mom on him about 5 seconds ago, and now he was cooing over his work? Of course, it wasn’t his best, and it wasn’t exactly because it was his work, but still…
Then the little kid turns his back and the older brother is back to glaring. He brings his fingers to his eyes, then flicks them so they’re pointing to Roman.
Okay. So he’s intimidating in a dorky kinda way. But still very intimidating. But it doesn’t matter, they’re gone now. That’s what Roman does, he offers kids a little joy, and then they’re on their way. It was why he loved working at the carnival.
“Waitwaitwait Wait!” Roman stopped at his car, frowning.
“Sorry, the balloons are already packed up-” he stops when he turns and sees a small, crying child. Oh no.
“It popped!” Dolos cries, trying to stop his lip from trembling, “Could I please maybe…?”
“Wait, you’re the kid who wanted that super cool snake, aren’t you?”
He sniffs, dabbing at his eyes, and nods.
His trunk of balloons technically is packed up, and he’s off the clock but it’s a snake.
“I can do that for you,” Roman says, opening his trunk and revealing a mess of equipment he has from all his different jobs.
“Whoa,” Dolos says, eyes wide, “It’s so colorful.”
“Well, join the carnival and your life becomes colorful.”
“Do not do that again,” Virgil says, running up to his little brother, “I turned around and you were gone.”
Dolos’s eyes went wide and innocent. “I’m sorry, V. I just saw the Balloon Man and I thought maybe-”
Virgil’s cheeks flushed, “D, you can’t just-”
Roman pulled out his air pump and found a spare yellow balloon. “It’s fine, honestly.” He fills the balloon with air and gives it a few twists before handing it over. Dolos beams.
“Let’s go,” Virgil says.
Roman smiles at them, before Virgil turns around and mouths the word “Stay” at him.
Wait. What? What did he do? He thought he fixed it. Did he not fix it? Was he in trouble? Oh God, was he going to get another soccer mom like lecture, he could not deal with that right now-
Before he can freak out any longer, Virgil is back.
“Sorry, I just had to get Dolos in the car,” he says, “I just wanted to...thank you. Or whatever.”
“...couldn’t you have done that in front of your brother?”
“Yes, but I couldn’t ask you how much I owe you in front of my brother.”
“How much you-it’s a snake. I’m like 90% sure I didn’t even need to make the head.”
“Oh no, Dolos would have loved it either way-”
“See? You don’t owe me anything.”
“Are you sure? I know you’re technically off, I didn’t even see you down here, we’re like two cars over, and D just took off when he saw you. I didn’t even see him for a while. Almost gave me a panic attack.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Roman pauses, “Actually, you know what would be helpful?”
“If your brother, or any of his friends have birthday parties? See if they need a balloon artist,” Roman pulls a card out of his pocket, handing it over.
“Roman’s Creations,” he reads off.
“That’s my name, by the way.”
Virgil nods, “Mine’s Virgil. I’ll let people know,” he smirks, “I’ll tell them you make the most amazing snakes.”
“Hey, if kids only want snakes…”
“Also, I’m...I’m sorry about earlier, it was dumb,” Virgil says, “I’m just a little...protective, is all.”
“I can tell,” Roman says, “I’ll tell you what, get me a gig and all is forgiven.”
“I can’t promise that. But I’ll see what I can do,” Virgil says, pocketing the card.
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