#is this going to be continued lol idk
seefasterdraws · 3 months
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from the homumiko mines
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shimmershy · 1 year
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Chara Week Day 5: Ghost
Every time I see that machine in the True Lab, I wonder if it could possibly be Chara's soul in there? Probably unlikely, but not impossible... It's interesting to think about what the implications of that would be.
A version with no text and then a version with just the machine, because I think it looks pretty cool and ominous alone as well.....
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sha-nwa · 1 year
call it even ch 3
“I hate him,” Marinette said, throwing her backpack down. “He’s awful. He’s cruel, manipulative, controlling—”
“I thought you had decided to give him a chance.” Alya climbed up through Marinette’s trap door and shut it behind her.
“That was last week. I’ve been right to despise him all along, actually.” Marinette plopped down in her computer chair, spinning until her dragging feet stopped her. “He sucks. He’s ruining my life.”
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reineydraws · 6 months
mishanks lotr au wip inspired by the march of the fellowship by divinesleep_24 on ao3 :) it's slow burn zolu + established mishanks! this piece is based on screenshots from the aragorn/arwen wedding ✨️✨️
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wikiangela · 2 months
fuck it friday
tagged by @tizniz @bidisasterbuckdiaz @honestlydarkprincess 💖💖
still on my bucktommy bs, I'll be back to buddie but i'm too obsessed with tommy/lou to think about anything else rn lol
so here's a bit of something short I'm wiriting for 7x05 from tommy's pov, idk what this is, what it's gonna be, but I wanna finish it tonight or maybe by the end of the weekend so posting it here to motivate myself and also tell me what y'all think bc the more i reread all of it the more i doubt myself lol
It took him some time, plus a lot of self-reflection and just taking it one step at a time, letting himself look at other men, this time consciously and sometimes deliberately, noticing how hot they are, how they make him feel. He let himself feel how they make him feel. It took a minute to stop feeling guilty and ashamed, and to rework all those internalized prejudices that had been ingrained in him his whole life.
He gave himself time, a lot of time, started with just chatting with guys on dating apps, later got the courage for some casual dates, and when he met the man who would be his first actual boyfriend, his first gay relationship, that he genuinely liked, he felt ready to pursue that. It didn’t work out then, that’s just life, but it was a good relationship, because he was ready for it. Now he feels settled and comfortable with himself, feels confident, and knows what he wants. And he wants- he wants love. He doesn’t want to put any pressure on any relationship he might start, but ultimately, that’s the goal. Love. 
He really doesn’t mind being this first to Evan. He likes Evan. He has those bright blue eyes that seem to shine their own light, and that wide, excited smile that makes it impossible not to smile back, with that adorable dimple accompanying it, that makes Tommy melt a little every time he sees it. Plus, those perfect, kissable lips he can’t wait to taste again, and the distinctive birthmark just adding to the charm. And he’s big and strong and so hot, too. And he’s just so nice, and so adorable and endearing, and he’s so easy to talk to. Tommy just wants to keep getting to know him, spend time with him, develop this relationship and see where it can go. And with any luck, maybe this one could last, could be something real.
The thing is, Tommy is ready for serious. He can take it slow, give Evan time to figure everything out, but he’d also like to know where he stands. He would never want to pressure him to come out before he’s ready, but he also knows he doesn’t want to be anyone’s dirty little secret. Been there, done that.
Still, he would be fine with keeping it just to him and Evan for now, for as long as Evan needs. But then…
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @thebravebitch @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @neverevan @weewootruck @loveyouanyway @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg @rogerzsteven @giddyupbuck @sunshinediaz @underwater-ninja-13 @exhuastedpigeon @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @theotherbuckley @buddieswhvre @dangerpronebuddie @diazsdimples @fortheloveofbuddie @hoodie-buck @your-catfish-friend @hippolotamus @daffi-990
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objectosexual · 7 months
I'm glad more of Tumblr is becoming more accepting of objectums + a lot of people are realizing that they're objectum themselves, but it really does feel like the current "in" thing right now so I hope this support for us continues even when people get tired of the eroticism of the machine
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bistaxx · 3 months
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zemoiii · 4 months
Emo boi
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manitapaleta · 1 year
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college aged marco and grant bc i know we’re about to get some saaad angst of them next ep 😭😭🥺
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jaxieus · 4 months
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sunlitriddle · 6 months
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Hey, quick question.
Shouldn't SOLDIER have dress uniforms? Follow up question: what would they look like?
Edit: inb4 Ever Crisis released their interpretation. No, I will not be making revisions.
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cankersoregirl · 4 months
Okay. So. I had a whole 1700+ word essay written about my thoughts on too many bl fans assuming actors are straight but it was very uhhh rant formatted and got too heated so I’m gonna try again and be a little more chill and concise abt it…
Let me get straight to the point. I didn’t mention fanservice or shipping real people in that little post I made (I wasn’t expecting it to get any notes tbh lmao) but that’s very much related to what I’m talking about. In my experience, being vehemently against fanservice and rps goes hand in hand with assuming these actors are straight which is of course heteronormativity (homophobia!).
Fanservice & shipping are a vital part to the bl ecosystem, and they aren’t going away any time soon. And I don’t mean because it’s great for promoting a product or an upcoming series (which, yes, it can be, not denying that) but fanservice, in fact, queers our perception of “truth” and “reality” when it comes to these actors’ lives. When an actor is purposefully vague about their relationship or sexuality, they’re able to simultaneously not put themselves at risk by being “out” in a more traditional/upfront (perhaps western…) sense while also being capable of being perceived as queer to some degree by their audience. Infinite homosexuality glitch! Shippers are important because they play a role in believing their fav bl couple are together for real aka they are gay for real (also it’s just fun to do…). Yes, some people overstep boundaries but for the most part people are capable of being respectful.
I see a lot of people say bl actors are absolutely not dating each other and 99% of them are straight and probably even homophobic etc. constantly but like… who told you that? If anything, a job where you’re perceived as gay while still being not out enough (having such a hard time phrasing what I mean by this lol) to keep your safety would be way more appealing to literal queer people right? And surely most actors know what they’re getting into by partaking? Yes there can be issues with fanservice, rps, etc. but I can’t help but notice everyone seems to be focused on the issues and never the benefits. Assuming the majority of bl actors are straight is just plain homophobic, and I might argue it’s counterproductive to resist and say it’s “none of my business” when they’re purposefully going out of their way to make it our business (if you’re not into fanservice/shipping that’s fine whatever but what I’m saying is they are trying to make a point to be visibly queer on some level). Yeah, not everyone is gay, I know. But I have a good feeling there’s a lot more queer people in the industry than most people assume.
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brekitten · 4 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Danny Phantom, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tim Drake/Danny Fenton Characters: Tim Drake, Danny Fenton Additional Tags: Fentonic 2024 (Danny Phantom), Love at First Sight, Scarves, mild stalking, Fluff, Attempted mugging, but then red robin swooped in and saved the day, so its fine, Stalking is Tim Drake's love language, mild gun violence, As in danny was threatened by a gun, but its all cool nothing happened Series: Part 23 of Cat Soulmates Fentonic 2024 Spoilers Summary:
Tim runs across a civilian on a rooftop. Said civilian gives him a scarf to keep him warm during the cold weather. Tim may have a crush.
Love At First Sight | Scarves
I wrote Day 23 before the event even started! So yay, didn't have to do it today. @catnek-writing-things was my beta, give her compliments!
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fistfuloflightning · 6 months
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With Wei Wuxian trapped in the Cold Springs and fearing the Lan elders hunting him, Lan Sizhui ran deeper in the mountains of the Cloud Recesses.
The cloud folk followed close behind, their presence like cold air to his senses. Soon they had driven him against a wall of stone, thousands of written lines carved deep into its skin. At the edge of his vision, he saw them move, writhe as if trying to reach for him.
The bearded Lan elder pressed him closer to that wall. “You cannot hurt me,” he exclaimed, holding Bichen up to the light. “I am of Lan Wangji’s blood, I am her son. I am Lan Sizhui.”
“We know none by that name,” the elder said once more, repeating what he had said when Lan Sizhui had first arrived. But this time, instead of turning him away from the gates, the elder drew his sword.
In a moment, clouds had drifted between them, obscuring him from their view. He stumbled back towards the stone wall. But curling tendrils wrapped around him, guiding him away from the carved lines that reached for him. To his surprise, he discovered the cloud nearest him was drifting apart. But before he could fear his cover vanishing, he saw how the scraps of white leapt and twisted about him with life of their own.
Cloud rabbits, Lan Sizhui recognized with, swift and wary. Their heads turned and their ears rose, pointing him away from the cloud-shrouded Lans and to a crack in the stone wall he had not seen. It ran from top to bottom, as though struck by a furious hand. And in that crack lay the narrowest path up.
A cloud rabbit leapt before him and onto the first step before regarding him with silent eyes.
He remembered his mother would summon them, in the early morning when the mist hung over his father’s river. Jiang Cheng would send ripples of water to make the clouds eddy, his laughter echoed in the rush of the currents. With a smile, Lan Wangji would merely make her rabbits faster and more agile. But Lan Sizhui had never seen them among the cloudy peaks they had been born from.
Even now she was protecting him in the only way she could. He tightened his grip around Bichen and followed where the rabbits led.
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
i don't like j0pper either but when people say joyce should've stayed with bob they always lose me because i have a hard time believing she even liked the man
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geekthefreakout · 14 days
The GaaNaru Letters (part 1 of ?)
AN: this might not be anything, but its been floating in my head. It's a tumblr post instead of going on Ao3 because it's lower commitment rn.
Dear Gaara,
Heh, it's weird calling you dear when we only kinda know each other. But Iruka-sensei said that's how letters are supposed to start. This is my first time writing to someone else- all my friends are in my village! Anyway, I just wanted to see how you are after that asswhooping I gave you! That's not me bragging, by the way. It's just. You seemed lonely. Like I told you back then, I know what that pain is like. I guess I want to help you with it. And I think you and me have something else in common, too. Do you know what I mean? Anyway, everyone knows that the Sand village only attacked the Leaf because Orochimaru-bastard was manipulating you, so I don't think we have to be enemies anymore. That snakey bastard killed the Third Hokage, but I heard he killed your Hokage too? I hope you get this and write back, maybe?
Love From, Uzumaki Naruto
Uzumaki Naruto,
I have been informed that honorifics are not required at the beginning of letters if one does not wish to include them. Unless this is one of the cultural differences between the Leaf and the Sand, you should not feel obliged to use "dear" for me. This is also my first time writing a letter to someone. I am not sure what to say, but I will answer your questions.
I think I do know what you mean, if you are referring to that red chakra that you summoned. Do you have a monster within you as well? It is difficult to imagine.
Orochimaru did indeed kill our kage, though the Sand Village has a Kazekage, rather than Hokage. Rather than in a great battle such as befell your leader, the Kazekage seems to have been murdered on the sly. That man was my father. I am told that most children mourn their fathers. I have not mourned anyone since Yas I was small, and I see no need to change that. Perhaps if my father did not try to assassinate me so often, I would feel differently. At any rate, my siblings are too afraid of me to press the issue.
You, however, are not afraid of me. Despite the damage I wrought on your friends and your village, you are still reaching out. I find myself wondering why? Perhaps we are not actively enemies, but we are not allies either. What use am I to you? Why should it matter to you that I am lonely?
Why did you weep for me, Uzumaki Naruto?
Gaara of the Desert
Dear Gaara,
I already said- I know what your kind of loneliness is like, and I want to help! It's not some big complicated thing. You don't have to have a use to me, you know? Except maybe to talk about stuff.
Like the monster thing. This is kind of a secret so I probably shouldn't confirm or deny that I have a giant demon fox sealed inside me, but I want to tell you. I've never met anyone like me before, you know? Even if yours is different, with the sand and the crazy laughing and all. Mine doesn't laugh, he's just mean and grumpy and scary. When did you first know about yours? Have you always been able to use its power?
I'm sorry about your dad. Not that he's dead, but that he was an asshole! And I guess that he's dead too. I can see how that would be complicated. Did he try to kill you because of your demon? It's not how I would do things. I don't know who my parents are, or were, but I hope they wouldn't do that to me. I think parents are supposed to support their kids no matter what!
I guess it makes sense for your siblings to be scared of you when you do scary things, but I heard you apologize to them back then. So if you're trying to do better by them, they should give you a chance!
I'm going on a journey with Pervy Sage soon to look for our next Hokage-- whoever it is better meet my approval, because I'll be the next Hokage after that, believe it! And I want to get the job from someone awesome. Anyway, if I'm not in the village I'm not sure how to get mail so if I don't reply for a while it's cuz I'm out there being awesome!
Also- didn't forget what you did. You tried to hurt my friends, and that's not okay. But I kicked your ass about it already, so as far as I'm concerned it's all settled. So don't keep thinking there's something bad between us!
Sincerely (This is a new sign off I learned. It's nicer than From!), Uzumaki Naruto
PS: Iruka-sensei said you're right about the "dear" thing, but your name looked kinda naked if I didn't write it, so I'm gonna keep using it, OK?
Uzumaki Naruto,
Your answers leave me with more questions, but I will continue asking them as long as you are amenable.
My demon is the One-tail, Shukaku. He does laugh a lot, though it is not a pleasant sound. I have always known about him, for his voice has always been in the back of my mind. Furthermore, I was told outright when I had a strong enough grasp of language. Your question implies that you have not always known about yours. You called it a demon fox- could it be the Nine-tails? Is he truly so quiet that you could be unaware of him? As for tapping into Shukaku's abitilities, that has not always been conscious on my part. He is often eager to emerge and inflict is insanity upon others, so if I fall asleep he will take over on his own.
Needless to say, I am seldom allowed to sleep.
Shukaku is one reason my father tried to kill me. The other is that I killed my mother the day I was born. My existence has always been fueled by blood. I am not sure if I can change that. Can my siblings be blamed for resenting me?
Are genin often involved in the selection of political figures in the Leaf? Perhaps that is more efficient. In the Sand, it seems that the council just sits and talks in circles. My team's sensei, Baki, has taken a leadership position there, but has not assumed the title of Kazekage. I assume it is because the council wants him free to keep an eye on me. They are not sure what I will do. I am not sure either. For now, I have tried to appease them with silence. I do not wander at night, and I have not hurt anybody since our return from the Leaf. I have kept to myself. I can't say if it is doing any good. Temari and Kankuro speak gently to me, but I see the fear in their eyes if I move unexpectedly.
You keep saying that you "kicked my ass." No one has ever done that before. Yet I seem to recall you being unable to move at the end as well. Did I "kick your ass" too?
It is interesting that you view our fight as an instrument of peace between us two. Perhaps if I let Kankuro hit me, he will stop jumping whenever I speak.
I like your new sign off, so I will use it.
Gaara of the Desert
TBC, possibly
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