#me 🤝 Charles Rowland
todolist-nothing07 · 4 months
Charles’ backstory really opened up a whole new can of trauma worms for me and I was not expecting to relate so hard. And if I said I was sobbing then what?
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slinkiezz · 1 month
Esther Finch 🤝 Me
Charles Rowland is in my brain and I need to bang my head against a wall
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crafteeauthor · 1 month
Me 🤝 Charles Rowland
"oh god what if I'm just like my father"
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todolist-nothing07 · 4 months
Merlin- the chicken is good. Mmm. Nice broth. What do you know about necromancy?- Emrys
And Crystal- Shatter proof film, huh? Trying to deter all the hamburglars? In other news do you know anything about the Devlin murders? -Palace
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