#let me ball in peace without also crying for a dead dude
todolist-nothing07 · 4 months
Charles’ backstory really opened up a whole new can of trauma worms for me and I was not expecting to relate so hard. And if I said I was sobbing then what?
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daddynegandesires · 3 years
Secrets chapter 3
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Summary: ellies birthday and mothers day is coming up as emotions and pent up anger are spiraling between you, negan, and jack while more and more secrets begin to unfold.
Warming: nsfw, fluff, kink, depression, abuse
Sorry for the late update on this chapter its kind of a short one ive just have been going through some personal things and havent found the motivation to finish this one yet.❤ i hope you all like it!❤
You and negan haven't spoke in a few days ellies birthday is today and you have been busy decorating. Negan is suppose to be picking up the cake at the store. jack has returned back from his "business trip" withq an odd hickey on his neck that keeps gawking at you everytime you speak to him. You want to avoid conflict because you arent so innocent yourself after what happen with negan last time you saw him but thats just not who you are....you have to confront him but you also dont want to ruin ellies day infront of everyone.
"Hey jack, do you mind helping me with this streamer" you called out to him from the ladder
"Sure hun" he took the streamer from your hand taping it up to the wall
"Thank you.....uh negan should be here soon with her cake" you said folding up the step ladder
"I could of went and grabbed it" he scoffs
"I uh..well sorry i didnt know it was a big deal" you try to laugh it off politely
"Dont even worry about it...." He walks past you ramming his ahoulder into you heading outside
Negan had arrive with the cake and so did a few of ellies friends and your mother. You and your mothers relationship really has never been that great but you try to make peace with it for ellies sake. Negan came in with a huge gift box all wrapped in pink with a bow.
" i thought we agreed nothing crazy" you whispered to him
"Whaat...can i not spoil my girl" negan grins at you
Ellie runs out of her room her eyes light up at the size of the gift her dad got her.
"Mommy look at this...its humongo!" She says messing with the bow
"I see honey..dont mess with it yet" you giggle
"Where is your boy toy.." His tongue slides across his bottom lip
You kept silent while negan stared you down waiting for a response but nothing came out his eyes were burning a hole through you he always knew when shit was up.
"Ah i see....the silent treatment" folding his arms
Negan walks off to go play with ellie and say hello to a few people when your mother walks up to you.
"Hey mom..." You say emotionless
"What is negan doing here.." She asks
"Mom...please dont. Thats ellies dad. I told you we are trying to work on things for ellies sake" you say annoyed.
"Well...once a cheater always a cheater. Im just saying" as she sips on her cup of wine walking away
A few hours have passed and ellie got to blow out her candles and eat cake. Jack still hasnt said much to you throughout the whole party and its more than obvious that negan is starting to catch on im just hoping he doesn't notice the hicky on his neck. Ellie has been bugging you about negans gift so you were going to let her open it.
"Ellie open it up over here sweetie so everyone can see" you say smiling
Ellie quikly rips the hot pink rapping paper off and squeals in excitement as she realizes its a electric scooter that she has been wanting. Negan was standing by your side with his hand sneakily rested on your lower back with a huge smile on his face.
"Oh my god you got me that scooter!!" Ellie begins jumping up and down
"Negan....those cost alot" you whispered in his ear
"dont worry about it....i got it taken car of" he says sternly
"Lets take it outside!!" Negans runs over and picks it up in excitment with all of the kids following him outside to ride on the scooter. You were throwing away dirty plates when jack came up to you
"So you want to explain why you and negan have been so close" he quietly says to you
You instantly start to burn with rage as he asks you that knowing he has been keeping things from you too and the fact his assistant melissa has been speaking to him inappropriately. You were holing the knife in your hand for cutting the cake reminding you of the incident that happened between you and negan once you found out he was cheating. you froze and gripped tightly on the knife thinking of how to approach this.
"You're a fucking whore..." He spat at you
"Jack.....get the fuck away from me" you quietly say
"Yeah i bet thats what you want.....so he can fuck you" he says through gritted teeth
"Its. Ellies. Birthday.....fucking knock it off we can settle this later" you slowly set the knife down unclenching your fist
Jack stands there glaring at you with his jaw clecnhed before giving up and walking away. You let out a sigh of relief and pour yourself a glass of wine. You take a sip closing your eyes feeling like everything is going in slomotion in that moment when you here yelling outside and notice its negan and jack. You drop your glass spilling your wine everywhere running outside.
"Back the fuck off man!" Jack yells with his fist balled up
"Ohh...you really want to go there dude..." Negan laughs
"You are fucking (y/n) and i know it!" Jack lunges towards him throwing a punch hitting negan in the face making him stumble
Negan catches his balace reaching up to his face touching where jack punched him in the mouth realizing he is bleeding negan licks the blood off his lips and lets out a sinister almost scary deep chuckle.
"Oh...you fucked up." Negan lunges towards jack football tackling him to the ground he starts punching jack over and over again blood all over his fists
"Negan!!!...no! Stop!" You rush over trying to pry negan off of jack
"Negan stop for ellie please!" You begin to cry struggling to finally get him off causing you to fall backwards with negan on you
"You are a dead fucking man!....now get the fuck off my property..." Negan threats
You push negan off to go check on jack you try to get jack to respond to you and see if he is okay but he just spits in your face shoving you away causing you to fall before you know it negan charges back over and starts beating the shit out of him all you can do is scream at them and cry. Through tear filled eyes you notice the cops rushing up the street pulling into the drive way the last thing you remember is the cops pulling negan off and everything went black.
Jack and negan were both arrested but were soon let go apparently i had fainted due to stress and dehydration they kept me in the hospital until i was better. You kicked jack out of the house and you haven't spoke to negan since ellies birthday. Things have been rough being alone for ahwile and ellie was getting upset about not seeing her dad.
Text from negan:
Hey....im coming by
You looked at your phone to see a text from negan but you just ignored it and continued to cook some food for ellie. There was a knock at the door you sighed annoyingly before unlocking the deadbolt and opening the door to negans innocent brown eyes staring back at you. before you could give him a chance to speak you shut the door in his face but he quickly caught it in time with his foot in the doorway before it closed.
"Negan...ellie should be home. She is still upset" you sigh
"Thats okay i want to make it up to you two" he says pushing the door open coming inside
You just stand there silent with your arms crossed untill you hear ellies bus coming down the road and before you know it she busts through the door yelling.
"Mommmyyyy! Happy mothers dayzz!" Ellies runs up to you handing you a picture she made at school
"Awe...thank you sweet heart its gorgeous" you took the pink paper from her smiling and when to hang it on the fridge
"Look i want to take you two out to dinner...its mothers day and you deserve it..look i know i fucked up but that asshole had it coming" negan says
"Negan dont.....go ask Ellie she is the real one you need to be apologizing to not me" you stare at the ground avoiding eye contact.
"Ohh ellie daddy wants to talk to you!" He walks off to her room
You, negan, and ellie were all out at dinner at your favorite steakhouse enjoying your meal when the waiter brought a bottle of wine
"Negan....i cant afford that" you quietly say
"Ah ah....you deserve it i mean you are the best mom ever" he winks at you popping the lid off pouring wine into your glass
"Thanks..." You shyly say before taking a sip
"So.....the school fired me" negan cleared his throat
You choked on your drink hearing the words that had just came out of negans mouth
"What?..how come" you say wipping wine off your chin
"Well....they dont want me as a coach anymore since what happened at ellies birthday. They say its wildly inappropriate and against policy to still have me there" he bites in his steak
"What are you going to do..." You ask worried
"Ohhh no biggie i always have things taken care of" he smiles at you
"If you need anything im here..." You look up at him
" i know....thank you" he reaches across the table holding your hand
The three of you finish up dinner afterwards you all go for a late walk through the park. It felt nice to get out and have some fresh air after what happended at the party. Your phone kept buzzing off the hook of texts from jack you kept trying to hide it from negan to not let him worry. You felt bad hiding it from negan but you knew it would start a fight but you also didnt want to let jack go without some talking. Negan took you and ellie back home ellie ran inside and got ready for bed.
"I know he is talking to you..." Negan says sternly while placing one hand against the wall beside your head
"Negan....can we not talk about this right now" you say turning your head away from him
"No!...you will look at me when im speaking to you" negan grabs ahold of your chin forcing you to look at him
"Yes....yes im still talking to him.." You say embarassed
"Why....he is such a load of whoreshit....im standing right infront of you (y/n)...im here now! Take me back please. Im an honest man now!" Negan growls
" get...off of me!" You scream and shove him away from you and begin to walk angrily down the road
"(Y/n) get back here now!...where the fuck do you think you are going!" Negan trys to catch up with you when it suddenly starts raining
"Negan stop trying so hard!...this is going nowhere!" You say crying
"Why do you keep saying that!...i want this to work!" Negan finally catches up to you grabbing you by the arm spinning you around
"......well i dont..." You choked on those words as they slipped out of your mouth it felt like your heart had just stopped for a split second it killed you to say that to negan but it had to be done
"You....dont want this." He said quietly and upset with rain drops running down his perfect face
"Negan....i.... I cant. You have to let me go" you say caressing his face" you said giving him a half smile with a single tear rolling down your cheek
"W....what about ellie.....thats my babygirl" Negan begans to tear up pulling you into a hug
"You can still be in ellies life.....i start therapy next tuesday" you say ending the hug
"You can talk to me (y/n)" negan sniffles
"There are just things that just feel easier letting out to a stranger sometimes..."
"I love you....." Negan says bresthlessly
"....i love you too but from a distance.....i have boundaries set now negan"
You and negan began to walk back to the house getting inside you hand him a towel to dry himself off. Negan follows you to the bedroom.
"There are still some of your clothes in the closet...." You say facing away from him
"You still have some of my old clothes here...." Negan opens the door seeing his shirts still hanging in the same spot before he moved out
"I didnt know if you still wanted them or not..." You say nervously
"Its okay. Thank you" negan takes off his soaking wet shirt switching it out with an old faded band shirt
"You can sleep on the couch if you would like..." You offer him
"You sure you are going to be okay with that?" He raises an eyebrow at you
"Yeah....plus its been lonely here just me and ellie" you chuckle handing him a blanket
Negan takes the blanket from you before turing around to open the bedroom door to leave. As soon as the door shut you quietly sobbed making sure it wasnt loud enough for negan to hear. You wiped your tears away before getting yourself ready for bed. You tossed and turned for most of the night your head filled with unnecessary thoughts and cenarios. You just wanted all of this pain to go away you dont know what you are doing with yourself anymore the only thing that keeps you holding on is ellie and negan.
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bratkook · 4 years
clairvoyant. (m) part nine.
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pairing: jungkook x reader , taehyung x reader
word count: 13k
warnings: lots of crying, mentions of sex, but nothing scandalous happens
author’s note: let me know what you think, i live off feedback and attention no cap lmaoo also this series is almost over and im upset and forcing myself to not drag it on
Jungkook is sat hunched on his bed, his feet dangling in front of him as his eyes focused on the floor. The sound of Taehyung slamming the dorm room shut made him flinch slightly, his body finally relaxing now that his room mate was gone.
He slumped back on the bed, his head nearly missing the wall behind him as he settled back into his sheets. He wiped his sweaty palms on his sweats, shutting his eyes and trying to calm his racing heart.
Taehyung had just chewed his ass out, he had been holding it in after you told him what had happened between you, Jungkook, and his stupid friend. You hadn’t meant to say anything at all but when you and Yoongi made it into your room Taehyung was already waiting there, taking note of your flustered appearance and thats when the questioning commenced. You had tried to play it down but with the way Yoongi looked Taehyung knew whatever happened had hurt you.
For the next few days Taehyung had just given Jungkook the silent treatment, ignoring when Jungkook asked him innocent questions or made small talk. Taehyung was petty, leaving the drawers to Jungkooks desk pulled out so Jungkook would ram his knee into them when he entered the room, not closing their room door fully when he left in the morning so Jungkook would have to decide if he wanted to drown out the noise of the hallway with his pillow or haul himself out of bed to shut it.
The last thing he had done was unplug his phone from the charger, successfully letting his phone die in order for the alarm to not wake him up on time for the class Taehyung knew he shared with you. Luckily Jungkook’s internal alarm had woke him up and that had apparently been the tipping point for Taehyung, his quick words and low jabs coming out and succeeding in wounding him.
Jungkook had never seen Taehyung as scary, or intimidating but the malice in his eyes as he tore him a new one made a fear creep up his spine. Never had he thought Taehyung was a violent man but when he had given him an open ended threat of not wanting to see him near you Jungkook decided that Taehyung was in fact very scary.
All the younger one could do was sit there and take it, refusing to make eye contact and silently praying that he wouldn’t get decked because even though Jungkook was buff he was also completely clueless on how to fight. His muscles were useless and he didn’t think he’d have it in him to even fight back if Taehyung swung first so when Tae stormed out it was a blessing.
A shuddering breath left him and before he knew it he was crying, his hands balling into fists as he felt the hot tears stream down his face. A small whine left his lips as he tried to get himself to stop crying like a fucking child, one of his fists slamming into the mattress beside him.
“Get yourself together.” His voice strained, aggressively wiping at the tears on his face as he sat up in bed again. His chest hiccuping and a few more tears slipping past his lashes. He had been holding that down for a while, not wanting to cry when Taehyung was there & still having some dignity left to not cry in the shower but he couldn’t sit here and act like he was the victim.
Jungkook took a deep inhale before standing up, going to his desk and swiping at his computers trackpad to see the time since his phone was lying dead on the desk. It was 7:30, Taehyung had apparently decided to become a morning person in order to tell him off.
He stared at his screen for another moment, he had half an hour to get ready for your shared class and he was dreading it. He had only seen you once since what happened but thanks to the fact that you had this class twice a week he was going to have to relive it again today. It didn’t help his nerves, seeing you ignore him entirely as you walked past his seat to go up to yours just made him want to fix everything.
Taehyungs threat still rung in his mind but considering that his friends words had been the reason he was in this predicament he decided that if Taehyung wanted to beat his ass then so be it.
He had made peace with the possibility of getting jumped by Taehyung, and possibly Yoongi as well because he seemed like the type to fight to kill if his friends needed him too.
He could feel the dark cloud of dread creeping up on him as he approached the cafe he had been avoiding, he had to suck it up and face it in order to do what he wanted. The cafe door felt like it weighed a thousand pounds as he pulled it open, the warmth of the building hitting his face, the smell of coffee making him realize how much he missed his morning cup.
Jungkook patiently waited in line, his eyes peeking behind the counter and thanking whoever was responsible for Jisoo not being on the clock. He ordered himself his typical americano, ordering your drink of choice as well, an iced coffee with white mocha and half and half, something he used to get you on the regular, before making his way to class.
His phone was still lying on his desk, charging this time, so he hoped he was early enough to class to be able to leave your drink without having to actually talk to you.
When he makes it past the students huddled around the door his eyes scan the upper row, sighing in relief when he doesn’t spot you in your seat. Jungkook sets his cup and backpack down at his desk, going up the steps until he reaches the last row. Jackson is sat at his seat next to yours, a very confused look on his face when he sees Jungkook approaching.
“Sorry dude, seats taken.” His reaches over, spreading his palm over the expanse of the desk top.
Jungkook hesitates as he holds the iced coffee, “Oh, yeah I know. This–uh, this is for Y/N.” Jackson relaxes at that, his hand coming back to rest on his own desk and a smile on his face, “Damn, I don’t get one too?”
Once again Jungkook blanks and his classmate takes pity on him, letting out a laugh, “I’m just teasing you. I’ll let her know you left it.”
“Okay.” He sighs, rolling his lips together as he sets the drink down, “I’ll just, uh, leave this here.”
He doesn’t wait for a response, nervously skipping down the stairs and sliding into his seat, his head immediately downcast and focusing on the shiny surface of his desk.
When you walk in its like he can sense it, his body tensing up, desperately wishing he had his phone so he could fiddle with it and not look as nervous as he feels. He spares a glance up at you when you pass his seat, seeing you with an oversized university hoodie and your hair in its natural state, your attention very clearly not on him.
As you walk up the steps you spot the iced coffee on your desk, smiling when you slide into your seat and turning towards Jackson, “Did you buy me this?”
Your hands grasp the cup, stirring the straw to properly mix the half and half into your drink and thats when you spot the black scribbling on the side. Jungkook being the name scrawled into your cup and you freeze.
“You wish I bought you coffee.” Jackson jokes, “Freshman dude got it for you.” He points down at Jungkook and he can feel the back of his head burning from the attention. This was a bad idea, why did he do this?
Your heart betrays you as it swells in your chest but you’re stronger than this, only letting yourself take a tiny sip, okay a gulp, before getting up from your seat. The ice in your drink rattles together as you clench it on your way down the steps, the class is filling up but the professor hasn’t walked in yet so you don’t draw attention to yourself.
Jungkook holds his breath when he hears your shoes against the floor, seeing you appear from the corner of his eye and he thinks you’re gonna talk to him but you keep walking until you’re stood by the teachers desk, right in front of him.
Thats when he properly looks up, his eyes widening when he sees you staring straight at him until you look down at the trashcan by the desk and drop your drink into there with a wet thunk. Your eyes meet his again and see the clear sadness in them, but again you’re stronger than this. A fucking iced coffee is not going to be his method to fix this, he had hurt you and if he wanted to make amends he was gonna have to try harder than this.
Jungkook crumbles under your stare, choosing to focus on his hands fidgeting on top of his desk as you went back to your seat.
Jackson sat there slack jawed, turning to you with wide eyes when you sat back down, “I fucking knew you had it out for him, you still sure you don’t want me to set him straight?”
Jungkook hears that too, sinking further into his seat and thanking his luck that the professor chooses now to walk in, saving him from having to hear an answer to Jacksons question.
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The rest of your day continues without a hitch, the practice exercises you had to do in your lighting studio class taking up your brain and letting you forget about the coffee dumping incident of this morning.
You exit your building and your hair gets swept up by the cold wind, your hands wrapping around it and holding it down. Taehyung spots you rewrapping your scarf and pushes off the building he was resting on, he was absolutely freezing as he waited for your final class of the day to end but he had grown to like seeing you at this hour. He approaches you, his smile hidden behind his own scarf but the way his eyes crinkle up let you know he’s grinning at your struggle. 
When he reaches out and grabs the ends of the scarf you give up, letting him wrap the material around your neck twice until its fully protected from the cold air.
“Thanks.” You mumble out, accepting the kiss he gives you and smiling when he lifts up the edge of the scarf to cover your lips.
“You’re welcome, how was class?”
He reaches into his pockets and pulls out a pack of hand warmers, giving you one that you clutch onto as he wraps his arm around you to pull you in for extra warmth.
“Good, every time I leave this class my love for natural lighting grows. I fucking hate soft boxes, like I get it, totally essential or whatever but nothing and I mean nothing will ever top the beauty of golden hour.”
Taehyung chuckles at your mini rant, another smile spreading across his face when you wrap both hands around his waist and give him a gentle squeeze. The position has you both waddling awkwardly towards your building but he doesn’t care.
You had yet to clarify what your feelings meant but Taehyung didn’t care, he was a patient man, especially when it came to you. He had told you how he felt and now the ball was in your court, whatever you chose to do with that information was okay with him but with the way you’re holding onto him like you don’t wanna let go, you don’t blame him for hoping you want the same as him.
“Golden hours when the suns kinda setting and everything is like glowing almost right?”
You hum against him, your chin resting on his chest as you look up at him and smile, “Yes, exactly right. The prettiest almost magical portraits come from that lighting.”
He grins right back down at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, “Teach me how to take photos one day, I wanna take a pretty almost magical portrait of you to make it my lock screen.”
He had been saying things like that often now and it just made you blush, not used to hearing Taehyung say such mushy cute things, the cute things you were accustomed to him saying was him calling you a twinkie as he stared at his cum leak out of you. It definitely took some getting used to, for sure.
“Sure, maybe you can replace the canvas of your ass with a picture of me instead.”
He laughs loudly as he remembers something, “I just might, Namjoon finally told me I had to cover up my ass or take it down because one of the students complained when he saw it one day. I currently have some post it notes over my butt cheeks as a compromise. I’m sure a photo of you would be nicer to stare at too it’ll give Jungkook a nice reminder to back off.”
You separate from him as you both enter your building, waving at Joy and entering your elevator, his hands being quick to grasp yours almost as if he just needed to keep touching you. “What do you mean?”
He clears his throat awkwardly, leading the way out of the elevator and towards your room, “I kinda...went off on him this morning?”
You gasp at him as you open up your door, waving at Wendy as you both step inside and start taking off your scarves and coats, “Taehyung, why?”
He gives you an innocent shrug, getting comfy on your bed and patting the space beside him so you can snuggle up, which you immediately do, “Im sorry, I was pissed okay. Theres no excuse for what him or his friends did and he has to know that acting like that is gonna get him his ass handed to him one day.”
The groan you let out just makes him laugh, especially when you bury your head on his chest. He wraps his arms around you, fingers raking through your hair as his eyes meet Wendys, shes smiling as she works on her laptop and he smiles back at her before looking back down at you when your head peaks up again.
“Is that why he did what he did this morning.” You speak more to yourself but Taehyung frowns, “What did he do?”
“Okay relax,” your hands pat his chest, “he just bought me an ice coffee. Left it on my desk, didn’t say a word to me, I threw it away in front of him though.”
“Did he seriously not get it?”
You sigh as you sit back up, reaching over for your laptop in order to pull up netflix for you guys to watch something, “I’m sure he got it loud and clear now.”
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Jungkook had in fact not got it loud and clear. In his defense this was the only thing he could think of doing that didn’t involve going up to you out of class and risking getting jumped, sure Jungkook was dumb but not dumb enough to believe he could take on Taehyung and Yoongi.
He had tried reaching out to you via text message but when his usual blue bubbles had turned green and never stated they were delivered he realized he had officially been blocked. You had also gone ahead and blocked him off your instagram as well, the only way he knew what you were up to was thanks to Eunwoo, the only one of his friends who was sympathizing with him.
So for the time being iced coffee was his way in, his pockets were hurting seeing you continue to toss drink after drink away in the trash but when the third time came around and you didn’t stomp down the steps and Kobe your drink into the trash in front of him he felt like he was making some progress.
Until class is dismissed that is. You were prepared, having all of your things prepacked and ready so when your professor let you go you could bolt right after him.
You had the drink in your hand, the majority of which you had consumed because you were a fiend for caffeine, your bag was thrown over your body haphazardly as you took the steps two at a time to match Jungkook’s pace.
He was halfway out the door when you reached the bottom, chasing after him as he made a sharp turn and continued down the hallway. You probably looked like a psychopath as you hunted down a giant freshman but you didn’t care.
He was completely oblivious to you as he exited the building, thinking he could relax when the fresh air met him and thats exactly when you pounce. Your finger coming out to jab him in the arm and he lets out a small yelp, his heart kicking up when he sees you step in front of him and the look on your face is not the one he had been expecting.
You’re breathing heavy from having to practically run after him, the plastic cup being crinkled in your grasp and he stares at it, trying a smile out when he sees that you had drank it.
“Stop this.”
Jungkook looks up at you again, his eyes wide in the classic Jungkook way and you have to look away, instead focusing on the center of his nose to not let his eyes sway you, “I just–“
“I didn’t throw it away today because someone told the professor I was dumping liquid into the trash and I’m not trying to get in trouble because you don’t know how to fucking act.”
Just as he thought he had made progress it all falls apart in front of him and his expression pains you, the look of utter defeat on his face hurts you.
“Im sorry, I’ve tried reaching out but you blocked me on everything.” He says the words so quickly, scared you’re going to cut him off again before he can speak.
“Of course I did Jungkook, you hurt me. I don’t want you to reach out. Don’t be simping over a slut like me, right?” You drop the iced coffee on the floor between you two before walking off, the cup stays standing up and thankfully not splashing all over his shoes and pants.
Jungkook just stands there, his cheeks turning red when he notices the attention he’s getting from the students that were walking by. His hand comes up to awkwardly rub the back of his neck, bending over to pick up the cup and dispose of it before he’s speed walking with his head down, no destination in mind.
There really was no way out of this for him, he wished he could be more assertive, confident even when it came to talking to you. Maybe then he would be able to properly explain himself before you cut him off and threw words in his face that he swore weren’t true.
Jungkooks chest ached, the seed of a crush that had burrowed its roots was barely hanging on. He was trying to keep it in tact but you and his friends had taken to digging and stabbing the soil surrounding it and now he was the one hurting.
He walks deeper into campus, arriving into the makeshift lounging area, a bunch of benches and tables set around with trees and plants scattered in between. Jungkook deems this spot is fine enough and hunkers down into the ironwood bench, his body hunching over as he rests his elbows on his knees with his head hanging low.
His eyes are shut for a minute or so, the small chatter of students around him filling his ears, the crunching of leaves being heard approaching him, and then the sound stops in front of him. Jungkook furrows his eyebrows, cracking an eye open and seeing a pair of tan strapped boots a few feet away from his, and thats when he lifts his head up and meets the blank stare of Yoongi.
The older one is stood there, a beanie on his head and his bag strapped on, an unreadable look on his face that only makes Jungkook nervous. Had you told Yoongi that he had bought you coffee and now he was going to get jumped? On campus? Really?
“You know,” Yoongi starts, his sharp eyes looming over Jungkook, taking in his appearance and look of pure sadness, “I’m normally a really understanding guy but I can’t for the life of me make sense to how you fucked up so badly.”
Jungkook can only swallow, not entirely sure where this conversation was leading to. Yoongi didn’t seem pissed, but he was usually really good at holding a pokerface.
Yoongi had been walking around campus, killing time between classes when he stumbled upon Jungkook looking like a wounded animal on the bench. He knew Jungkook had hurt you and if you didn’t want to give him the time of day anymore then that was your call, Yoongi being as observant as he always was, knew there was more to whatever the fuck happened. He had grown a soft spot for the kid and the time they had spent around each other let him see that what happened between you two was so very out of character for Jungkook.
He wanted to figure it out, blame it on his boredom or his love for problem solving, but he also knew that Jungkook most likely couldn’t talk to anyone right now so he also wanted to do this for him.
“Are you here to kick my ass?” Jungkook mumbles out softly, his mind already accepting defeat.
Yoongi frowns, “What? Kick your ass?”
When Jungkook nods, suddenly flinching when Yoongi starts to laugh, “You really think I could kick your ass? Thanks man.” Jungkook cracks a smile, letting himself relax now that he knows he knows Yoongi isn’t a physical threat. “Where are your friends?”
Yoongi ruffles his messy hair and readjusts his beanie as he waits for an answer, Jungkook sighs, rubbing his palms down his pants, “I don’t know, haven’t really talked to them much lately.”
After that evening Jungkook had distanced himself, it was the first time he ever raised his voice and Mingyu never expected it. He had only stayed in constant contact with Eunwoo but because his friends had formed their friendship before Jungkook joined the bunch he just felt it was best if he was the one to step back. He wasn’t sure if it was temporary or not but he wouldn’t be going back to acting like buddies unless something was discussed.
Yoongi hums, his hands gesturing to the spot beside him and Jungkook nods, reaching over and grabbing his bag to plop onto the floor by his feet. Yoongi chuckles to himself at the motion as he sits, how Jungkook was always so quick to accommodate for friends, and that’s exactly how he knows what he had done was very much not Jungkook.
“So are you gonna tell me what happened between you and Y/N?”
Jungkook gulps at the question, his heart not ready to rehash this again with Yoongi of all people, would he run to you and gossip over whatever he said?
“I mean you saw it all happen.” Jungkook mumbles out, referring to that evening when his group ran into you and Yoongi.
The older boy sighs, resting his elbows on his knees to lean forward slightly, his eyes focused on the hedges a few feet away because he knew Jungkook would squirm if he stared at him. “No, what I saw was your friend be a douchebag and Y/N telling you off. It feels like I’m missing a pretty big chunk of the picture.”
He can feel Jungkook fidget in his seat, his thighs rubbing against Yoongis as he tries to readjust himself. Jungkook feels like hes sat in front of the principles office after getting in trouble at school except Yoongi is far more terrifying than any school principle, even as hes sat there patiently waiting for Jungkook to say his half.
He just groans softly, his palms coming up to cup his eyes in shame, dropping back onto his lap as he leans fully against the bench, “I was an idiot, thats what happened.” Yoongi hums in agreement and Jungkook isn’t even offended at that, his mind being made in telling Yoongi everything he hadn’t been able to tell his friends. His friends hadn’t known that you were helping him with the girl problems he swore he had, his friends just thought Jungkook was swooned by you, his mind fixating on the relationship you had with his room mate and forming that into a mindless crush.
But he tells Yoongi all of it, tells him about the cafe meetings and text messages, leaving out details of any sexual activities you did but he admits to hoping his date with Jisoo didn’t work out because you were the one thing constantly on the back of him mind. How he had let his dumb friends influence his thinking when all he had wanted to do was come clean to you.
“I like her, so much Yoongi and I fucked it all up and the worst part is she thinks I saw her as this object I wanted to obtain but fuck–“ his eyes look up at the sky, frowning at the grey overcast, “theres no saving it is there?”
Yoongi licks his lips over as he stares at him, the distraught look on his face shows how sincere hes being and Yoongi doesn’t doubt him. He had been telling you about Jungkook’s feelings before this had all crashed and burned and its because he saw the way Jungkook acted around you compared to the moments he’d see him in passing.
“If I’m being honest, I think there was still a chance until you sealed the nail in your coffin when your friend called her a slut and you said nothing to defend her.” He shrugs at the expression on Jungkooks face, “Y/N’s stubborn, and I know she acts hard but if you really want to try to make this better no one can help you but you. I’m not going to give you tips or pointers because she’s my friend and if she wants you to keep your distance I’m going to respect that.”
Jungkook sighs with a nod, “I’ve brought her coffee these last few classes and she kept throwing them away and today she yelled at me for it.”
Yoongi laughs and Jungkook finally looks offended, a pout forming on his lips, “Dude really? You’re trying to buy her attention with coffee?”
“No thats not what I’m doing.”
“Hm, kinda is man. Have you tried not bolting out of class and going to talk to her like a human being.”
When Jungkook looks embarrassed at the realization that you had told your friends of his olympic worthy bolts Yoongi just laughs harder, his hand coming out to shove his shoulder playfully. He’s pulling out his phone, seeing the time and getting up, “I gotta get going to class but its just a suggestion, or you can talk to her out of class. These aren’t tips though, I swear.” He raised his hands in front of him before giving Jungkook a wave and walking away.
Jungkook waves back and sags into the bench when he’s gone, his hand coming up to ruffle his hair and he finds himself grinning for the first time in a while. If Yoongi told him to try then maybe he still had a chance.
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It’s not until a few days later, on the last Saturday of the month, that you realize you might need to speak to Jungkook. You’re sat at your desk at work, organizing files in their respective folders, you’re grumpy and anxious since today is the day where you would have to be Jimin’s plus one at his parent’s event. You love Jimin, really you do, but you’ve been to a handful of these events with him over the course of being his friend and his parents were not shy to lay on the back handed compliments and sly digs to get under yours and his skin.
The thought of having to be in a stuffy dress, surrounded by people all of which were insanely more financially stable than you could ever dream to be, trying to make small talk and going along with whatever lie Jimin decides to throw into the mix was making you irritable and your hands clammy.
“Okay, what’s your deal.” Yoongi challenged, his hands slamming down onto his own desk with a loud slap. He was officially fed up with you, having to hear the small remarks you let slip under your breath at literally anything he did or said today was pissing him off because he had done absolutely nothing to you.
His harsh tone snaps you out of your small grumpy haze, a pout forms on your lips as you sink into your chair and slowly spin to face him. The way you look in your chair cracks him, a smirk spreading across his face when he sees the dramatic change in emotion, “Are you on your period or something?” He teases.
That makes you sit up straight again, the scowl returning on your face as you stare him down, “I’m going to ignore how demeaning that question is, but for your information no, I’m not due until the 22nd you asshole.” You let your head hang back over the chairs headrest, the thoughts of the awaiting night flashing through your head, “I’m just dreading having to go help Jimin fulfill his wish of making his parents stare at us in horror.”
Yoongi hums at that, a curious look on his face as he just waits until you lift your head back up to give him another glance, “What?”
He only gives you a shrug, his eyebrows raising up softly as he sneaks a glance at the calendar icon on his computer screen that says its currently the 28th, “The 22nd huh?” That doesn’t give him a reaction at all, your mind was whirling too much from everything consuming your life so it doesn’t register, “Y/N, are you with child?”
That gives him the reaction he was hoping, your eyes bulging out as you whip back around to grab your phone from its place beside the computer. “Shut up,” you choke out, your now shaky hands unlocking the device and going directly for the period tracking app you had, the loading screen taking its sweet time until it finally opens up. The small dot on the circle calendar that shows your typical ovulation cycle and period cycle is now hovering a little past the date you were supposed to be starting said period.
“Oh god, can you imagine the offspring you and Taehyung would create, demon child I tell you.”
You only give him a weak laugh as you lock your phone again, late periods were fine, it’s not like they never happened to you before. Plus you were on birth control, always on top of making sure you took it at the same exact time everyday, even taking the placebo pills to not fall out of routine. But that sinking feeling still lingers in your gut, the realization that you and Taehyung actually hadn’t slept together since the night he asked you out on a date, how he had used a condom and finished on your face. Then comes the small flashes of the two mistakes you made on halloween night, fucking Jungkook without a condom and begging him to cum inside you.
“Yeah.” Is all you can muster out at his comment, he takes note of the forced smile on your face and can tell you’re starting to panic a little and he’s not sure why since the amount of times you’ve let Taehyung bust inside you has lead to one other pregnancy scare before. But when your now glassy eyes come back up to look at him, his own face falls, the unspoken question hanging in the air.
Was it Taehyung’s?
That same question haunts you the entire night, as you get to Jimin’s apartment and finish getting ready with him, the both of you decked out in expensive outfits that are down right insulting, not even him joking with you as you got into the car was enough to get you out of your head.
Jimin takes note of this, more so when you both arrive at the event, the way you cling onto his arm like you do during these things is normal but the way your eyes focus on the floor or chandeliers with a spaced out look on your face is not the norm. 
The way you float along side him as he talks to the majority of the people here, this being one of the rules his parents give him that he respects, you barely speak up. Its a stark contrast from the way you two usually behave at these events, he’s used to the way you add on the small white lies he tells, how meeting new people was exciting because you could come up with a brand new scandalous story on how you two met. Jimin refrains from that today, the spacey look on your face only making him worry.
It’s not until two of the shareholders he’s currently speaking to, out of formality, start to give you weird glances, possibly wondering if you were under the influence of something from how out of it you looked, that Jimin respectfully excuses the two of you.
His arm wraps around your waist as he leads you towards the hallway, out of earshot from the nosey guests here and the way you let him drag you away without any complaints only worries him further. When the soft music no longer reaches your ears you seem to come back, your eyes blinking as you focus back in on where you are, seeing Jimin stood in front of you with his hands on your shoulders as he presses you against the wall gently.
“Are you on anything?” He asks softly, his head peaking down to stare up at you, your eyes aren’t hazy anymore but its clear your mind still isn’t fully tuned in, “Y/N, you gotta let me know if you took something ‘cause you’re kind of scaring me sweetheart.”
His hands come up to cup your cheeks, turning your face up to properly look at him and something about the way he stares at you, worry  clear on his face and his lips pursed in concern, snaps something inside of you. Your eyes well up with tears, your lower lip trembling slightly as your face crumbles, hot tears spilling past your lashes and splashing against his hands still on your face.
“Jimin, I’m so fucked.” You garble out, the confession only making you cry harder which in turn makes Jimin even more worried. A few people attending the outrageous event pass you two in the hallway, giving you an odd glance but Jimin just glares at them, moving his body to cover you properly as you have a breakdown.
“What’s wrong?” His mind is desperately trying to remember if he saw you take anything, maybe you had drank something spiked, it could be a combination of things. “Did you drink too much champagne?” He tries to make light of the situation but his words only make you grip the lapels of his suit and tug him closer to you, burying your face into the black material.
Another sob leaves you, his hands wrapping around your body and holding you close, “Jimin.” You whine out, your voice sounding so broken and helpless and he knows something more serious is wrong. He glances behind him, into the full room, everyone mingling around with glasses in their hand and he spots his mom, grasping another flute of champagne as she stares directly at him and you.
She has the ever present disapproving stare on her face, watching her son holding you as you cry in a hallway. A few of the guests had jokingly mentioned your behavior to her in passing and the last thing she needed to hear was that her son and you were currently on drugs.
Jimin watches as she shakes her head and makes her way to another group of people, his jaw tensing at her judgmental gaze, “C’mon, lets get out of here.” He speaks to you softly, his fingers patting your head to get you to calm down, your breath hiccuping until you even it out slowly.
“O-okay, I’m sorry.”
He shushes you with a smile, grabbing your hand and leading you towards the back entrance of the building, “No, don’t be, I’ve been wanting to blow this joint for an hour now.”
Jimin knows he’s going to get the lecture of a lifetime for leaving but a couple of threats about his money being taken away seemed less important than his best friend having a mental breakdown. You let him drag you along the hallway, your other hand wiping underneath your eyes to try to fix your appearance any way you could.
By the time you two make it outside Jimin had already messaged the driver his parents had provided him with for the night, the black car already being parked out back. When you slip inside Jimin just asks him to take you both home, his fingers pushing the button to bring the partition up and you sink into the seat, avoiding his gaze.
The carpeted floors seems infinitely more interesting than you admitting to why you were absolutely losing your mind, you didn’t want say it out loud, scared that letting the words fill the air would somehow make them truthful. If you actually were with child like Yoongi had so kindly put it you wouldn’t know what to do, this had happened once before with Taehyung but you had gotten your period before you were even able to take a test so it had become kind of a joke.
But this, yeah this wasn’t funny, the possibility of being pregnant after sleeping with Jungkook when you two weren’t even talking any more was a nightmare and nothing could make this a laughing matter.
“You fucking scared me.” Jimin admits, resting his elbows on his knees as he leans forward in his seat, the layout of the car letting him directly face you. “Thought you took too many downers, you looked so out of it.”
You finally look up at him, your eyes red and burning from your tears and the mascara that bled into them, your cheeks are puffy and streaked up, a frown on your face when you see how sincere he looks. You hadn’t meant to scare him, you didn’t even realize how you were acting and the way anyone would perceive it. “I’m sorry.”
He waves off your apology, he didn’t need it, he was just relieved you had stopped crying, “Tell me what’s wrong.” Jimin watches as you chew on your bottom lip, your hands fidgeting on your lap as you give him a lame shrug. He stays silent, not wanting to speak until you fess up.
“I think,” You start, taking in a deep breath while your thumb scraped the nail polish off your index finger, “I might be pregnant.”
Jimin, much like Yoongi, knows how to keep his reactions in check, his face doesn’t move a muscle while he stares at you thoughtfully. His mind however is currently freaking out, trying to flick through any possible response he could give you that won’t end up making you cry again.
“Have you taken a test?”
“Okay, have you told Taehyung?”
The silence that fills the car at his second question lasts for what seems like forever, the way your face twists up at his name, your eyes once again filling up with tears as you stare at your best friend. That same unspoken question hanging in the air.
Was it Taehyung’s?
Jimin doesn’t need you to answer it, the look on your face is confirmation enough, your words inside the event and the way you clung to him as you cried was more than enough. He brings the partition down a crack and tells the driver to stop at a convenience store nearby instead, telling him to drop you guys off there and that you’d walk home since his apartment wasn’t far from there.
The pair of you must look like a sight, Jimin dressed in his black Armani suit while you stood in a black Alexander McQueen dress he had forced you to wear, it would look picture worthy if your under eyes weren’t caked in mascara and you weren’t standing in the aisle that held pregnancy tests. Jimin hovers beside you for a moment as you stare at all the different options, stepping aside for a minute only to come back with a small green basket that was full of different things.
You’re clutching onto a pink box that promised to let you know 6 days sooner, your eyes glancing down at the basket he held, “What’s all that?”
He lifts it up higher with a smile, “Well, tissues and your favorite comfort snacks in case you...you know,” he gestures with his hand, also not wanting to speak the cursed words out loud, “and alcohol to celebrate if you’re not.”
As you stare at the items you feel the urge to vomit out of nerves, the possibility of not being able to celebrate is very probable. Your hand clutches the box with more force, bending the cardboard material slightly. Jimin reaches out and peels it out of your grasp, taking it upon himself to reach past you and grab two more tests from different brands and stuffing them in the basket as well.
“I think you should call him.”
Thats all he tells you, a sympathetic smile on his face as he walks around you to go pay for everything, leaving you in the middle of the aisle. The lump in your throat is back again, your hands twitching by your side at the thought of having to talk to him. As much as you don’t want to see him, or talk to him, you know Jimins right. In the off chance that you were...you know... it would make sense to have him there, he was partially responsible so it wasn’t fair that you’d be the only one suffering through this.
With much hesitation you reach into your small crossbody purse and pull out your phone, the screen lighting up instantly and showing you the recent messages Taehyung had sent you, asking you when you’d be home from the event along with an invitation to watch movies at his dorm since Jungkook wouldn’t be there.
When you read his name your brows furrow, why wouldn’t he be there? If he was out with friends would he even want to talk to you, would he even care, the Jungkook you knew before would but you weren’t even sure if that was still the case. You opt for sending him a text, simple and to the point, it would give him the option of reading it and responding instead of having a forced conversation on the phone.
You unblock his number and open up your thread of messages, not being able to delete the entire thing after blocking him. After sending the message you lock your phone and stuff it back into your bag.
Y/N 11:28pm We need to talk, it’s important.
On the receiving end of things Jungkook is stood in the backyard of a party Eunwoo had forced him to go to, his room mate Moonbin was currently trying to force him to chug whatever concoction was in his cup.
“No, I’m good–“ Jungkook mumbles against the plastic, Moonbin not caring as he tips the cup up, the cold liquid hitting his lips as he squeezes them shut, spilling out and down his face, successfully soaking his shirt in the strong liquor.
Moonbin just laughs, pulling the cup away, his eyes looking at the large wet patch on Jungkook’s chest, “Oh shit, I’m sorry.”
Eunwoo rolls his eyes, playfully shoving his friends shoulder while Jungkook shakes his head, “It’s alright, I’ma just,” he motions his hand towards the house again, the both of them nodding in understanding.
Jungkook slips his way in between people, a small grimace on his face as he feels the way his shirt now sticks to his skin as he makes his way towards the bathroom. He didn’t know why he agreed to come to this party, he didn’t hate parties, but he was used to going to them with your group. They seemed less intimidating when he was surrounded by seven extra people, and as much as he liked Eunwoo and Moonbin, he didn’t feel entirely comfortable in this environment with them.
When he manages to get into the bathroom, luckily not occupied by lovers, he grabs a fist full of toilet paper, peeling his shirt off of his chest and wiping the excess moisture from his skin. His white shirt is officially ruined, stained a faint red color and reeking of–his lifts it up to his nose and sniffs–vodka he thinks?
After tossing the soiled napkins he rests against the sink, fishing his phone out of his pocket to glance at the time and when he sees your name flashing on his home screen he momentarily wonders if he had in fact drank the poison Moonbin has spilled on him.
You messaged him. You had unblocked his number. You wanted to talk, and apparently it was important.
He slides the message open, his fingers hovering over the screen as he thinks of how to properly respond. A loud bang comes from the door and he flinches, “Hold on!” He shouts out, typing out a one words response of where before hitting send and exiting the bathroom.
Jungkook ignores the man stood by the bathroom door, shoving past him and through the bodies of everyone in the living room as he heads for the front door. He doesn’t bother letting his friends know that he’s leaving, already out of the house and walking down the street of a neighborhood he wasn’t familiar with.
His phone is clutched in his hand as he walks, the two short vibrations making him pause as he brings it up to his face, seeing you tell him to meet you at Jimin’s as soon as he could.
You’re sat on Jimin’s couch, your phone resting on his coffee table, the screen lit up after you read the message Jungkook had sent ten minutes ago, confirmation that he was on his way. Jimin was stood in his kitchen, trying to occupy himself while the both of you waited, he had been opening and closing his cabinets and rearranging whatever was inside them for a few minutes now, the constant slamming of the wood would normally get to you but right now your eyes were just glued on the three tests resting beside your phone. They were still in their boxes, you could have taken them before Jungkook got here but you didn’t have it in you.
So when you hear three brisk knocks coming from Jimin’s front door you shoot up from your spot, ramming your shin on the coffee table in your haste to get to the door. You bend over with a groan, clutching your leg in pain while Jimin beats you to it, opening the door with a gentle greeting.
His face scrunches up when he catches a whiff of Jungkook, his hand waving in front of his face as his eyes catch onto the wet spot on his shirt, “Fun night?”
Jungkook looks down at his shirt as well, “No, not really.”
He steps inside and spots you stood by the couch, not exactly sure how you should greet each other. He takes notice of your outfit, the black dress looking elegant on you even without your heels on, and he briefly remembers you mentioning the event Jimin needed you to come with him to, “You look nice in that dress.” He can’t stop himself from complimenting you, even though it makes you squirm as you stand there.
You ignore the compliment entirely, rolling your lips together as you take a look down at the coffee table, reaching for one of the boxes and holding it close to your chest. Jungkook follows the motion, his head tilting slightly until his eyes decipher whats written on the box, “I might be pregnant.”
It takes him a minute, his mind wondering why you could have possibly text him to come talk about this, and then he’s also remembering the two dreadful mistakes that happened halloween night. The way he had no complaints about fucking you raw, the idea of cumming inside you spurring him on and he can’t believe he had let himself act that stupid.
Jungkook takes the few steps necessary to reach you, standing a foot in front of you with his eyes wide in that same classic Jungkook way, “Have you taken it yet?”
“No, I was waiting for you to get here.” He watches as your face grimaces, your fingers pinching your nose as the stench of vodka hits it, “You reek, are you drunk?”
He shakes his head immediately, his fingers pulling the damp fabric again and Jimin takes sympathy on him, pushing away from his spot lingering by the door to go to his room and fetch him a clean shirt to wear, coming out with a black shirt. He tosses it at Jungkook wordlessly before announcing that he’d be leaving to give the two of you some privacy.
You force yourself to look away while Jungkook yanks the liquor soaked shirt off of himself, not giving him a glance until he’s dressed again in your friend’s clothes. “Sorry, my friend spilt his drink on me before I left.”
That didn’t matter, you honestly didn’t care if he was drunk or not, this might be a little easier if the both of you were drunk. Your fingernails start to wedge underneath the seal of the box, peeling the cardboard flap open. Jungkook reaches forward and grabs the second test on the coffee table, his trembling hands mimicking your actions. His mind was currently blank, not yet coming to terms with the fact that you could be pregnant with his child. He couldn’t think about that right now, maybe in a bit he’d feel the dread that usually comes with this but for right now all he heard in his head was static.
“Are you gonna take all three?”
You toss the empty box onto the table, holding one of the small plastic sticks in your hand, rotating it in your grasp with uncertainty, “Maybe? Should I take two and save one for tomorrow just in case?”
Jungkook doesn’t know, he’s completely clueless on what to do but he finds himself nodding because sure, leaving one test up for chance for tomorrow morning seemed to ease some of the anxiety off your face. “Yeah, yeah that sounds good.”
When he pulls out the remaining test he feels the first hint of fear creep up his spine, the plastic feels heavy in his grasp, these stupid flimsy things held the answer on whether both of your lives would change or not. His brows push together as he reads the blue font on the edge of the stick, his mind now thinking of the what ifs.
He wants to throw up.
The sound of you walking towards the bathroom makes him look up from the test, seeing you standing at the edge of the hallway with an expectant look on your face, “Do you want me to come with you?” He manages to ask even though his throat feels dry.
You hold the test tighter in your hands, “Can you, I’m sorry I’m just kind of scared.”
Jungkook stands up straight, forcing his nerves away because you were whats important right now, he nods at you as he makes his way towards you, “Yeah, of course.” You thank him silently, hearing him trailing behind you as you enter Jimin’s bathroom, catching sight of yourself in his mirror and cringing at how you looked.
You set the two tests on the countertop, your eyes analyzing them, picking out the first one with the pink cap on the top of it. Jungkook can only stand there, watching as you walk towards the toilet thats right beside the sink, the dress you wear is long enough to fully cover you as you reach underneath it and tug your underwear down but he still finds himself looking away. He chooses to haul himself onto the countertop, a few feet away from you with his eyes glued to the obscure photo Jimin had hung up on the wall.
He hears the shuffling of your dress as you pick the material up around you, trying your best to bunch it up as you uncap the test and awkwardly wedge it between your thighs when you finally sit down. The idea of peeing in front of Jungkook, on a pregnancy test nonetheless, feels too domestic, too out of place for your current situation but it needs to be done.
You thank Jimin for forcing you to chug as much water as you did before he got here, your urge to pee aiding in the task. After a few seconds you pull the test out from between your legs, handing the plastic part to Jungkook and he hands you the second test, already uncapped as he sets the first one down gently on the black granite.
No words are exchanged as you do this, you just needed him here with you so you wouldn’t feel so alone, whatever you were feeling you knew he was feeling too and as much as you knew Jimin would be there for you, he wouldn’t be able to relate to these emotions right now.
Once the second test is done with and you’re no longer sat on the toilet, patting your hands dry after washing them you stand there, nibbling on your lip as Jungkook sets a timer for five minutes on his phone, “I can’t stand here and wait.”
He agrees, stepping his way out of the bathroom and motioning for you to follow him back out to the living room, plopping down onto the end of the couch. You walk around the coffee table, sitting on the opposite end of the same couch, bringing your legs up to clutch your knees to your chest as you rest your head on the back of the couch.
Five minutes feels like forever, the two of you lost in thought as his phone counts down the minutes. You can see Jungkook’s face, the way his hands are raking through his hair nervously, his nose twitching ever so often as a million emotions cross his face. God you didn’t want to be pregnant, not like this. The thought makes tears mist your eyes again, it starts as a silent cry, one or two tears slipping down your face undetected but once the dam is broken you can’t contain the sniffles you let out.
That catches Jungkook’s attention, his head whipping over to look at you, balled in on yourself as you cried, your shoulders shaking with every gasped breath you took. Seeing you look so broken and scared makes him slide his way over, not letting his uncertainty stop him from wrapping his arms around your body and bringing you into his chest.
For a brief moment he thinks you’re going to shove him back, but your arms let go of your legs as you let Jungkook hold you close, hearing his own breathing stuttering as he tries to hold in the tears he desperately wants to shed. “What are we supposed to do?” You sob, feeling his hands gently rub your back as your own hands finally wrap around his frame, needing all the comfort you could take.
“I don’t know,” he admits softly, his jaw clenching when that only makes you cry harder, “whatever you wanna do.”
You don’t believe that, “Really?” You rasp out between gasps, “So if I am and want to keep it you’re fine with that?”
He nods, licking his lips in thought, “Yes, if that’s what you want.” His hands pull you in tighter, “Like I said, whatever you wanna do.” Jungkook wanted kids eventually, ideally when he was married and had a good job, but if this was the cards life gave him and you wanted to keep it then so be it. The thought of this happening was scary, the image of having to tell his parents, of having to rethink the five year plan he had, having to potentially become responsible for a tiny human was frightening but he wasn’t going to force you to do anything, especially when he could only imagine what thoughts were swimming in your head.
When your breathing evens out, your hands still holding him close, he can’t get himself to revel in it, to enjoy the feeling of you holding him like you don’t hate his guts because he knows its just because of this. After this was done you’d go back to hating him, regardless of the outcome so when his timer rings out he dreads having to let you go.
The two of you pull apart from each other, your hands weakly rubbing away the stray tears as you stare at him, seeing his face is just as red from the silent tears he managed to shed. You share a look, a deep breath being let out between the both of you, you couldn’t put this off any longer so you force yourself to get up and somberly make your way back to the bathroom.
The light was left on, both of the used tests being face down since you and Jungkook couldn’t bare to stare at the small countdown on the tiny screen, you and him stand at the doorway, the reflection on the mirror showing just how distraught and unprepared you are for whatever the results are.
“Should we each flip one over?” He suggests, his fingers twitching at his sides, just wanting to get it over with.
“Yeah. Let’s do that.”
He reaches for the pink capped test and you grab the blue one, your fingers lingering on the sides of it with uncertainty, “On three.” He begins, seeing you nod in the mirror as you stare down at the stick.
The both of you flip the test over, mentally bracing yourself as your eyes make out the tiny words on the gray screen. A small gasp is shared between you two, eyes wide in disbelief you crane your neck over to read the words on the test Jungkook holds and he does the same, not wanting to react until you know they both say the same thing.
not pregnant
“Oh thank fuck.” He whispers out, the test falling out of his grasp and clattering against the floor. Jungkook crumbles against the sink, resting his weight on his elbows as his head hangs low. You let yourself finally take a breath, dropping your head back to stare at the ceiling with the test still clutched in your right hand. The turmoil in your brain halts for a second, no longer thinking of how your life is on a downward spiral just when it had finally seemed to fall together.
The bathroom is silent for a moment, the pair of you trying to compose yourselves from the roller coaster of emotions that transpired in the past 15 minutes. You weren’t pregnant, you weren’t going to become a mother and Jungkook wasn’t going to become a father. Thank fucking god.
“Would you really have let me keep it if I was?” You break the silence, leveling your head back down and staring at his hunched over frame, his own head peaking up to stare at you resting against the nearest wall of the bathroom.
“Yeah.” He admits quietly, sending you a small nod as he looks into your eyes with the utmost sincerity.
“Were you ready to be a dad?” You give him an incredulous look, once again not believing he’d be ready to uproot his entire life over one night together. Hell, you weren’t ready to be a mother, you were selfish and the only thing you were focused on was finishing school and not being in debt. Having a kid was not in your near future.
Jungkook stands up again, giving you a shrug and staring at the marble floors, “No, not at all,” The relief on his face is clear as he takes in a breath, “but considering I had no complaints about not wearing a condom I don’t think I’m in any place to tell you what to do with your body.”
That wasn’t an answer you had been expecting, and for a moment you’re reminded on the Jungkook you had developed a crush on, the one that was always so willing to sacrifice his own comfort to make his friends feel better. When you had been in this position with Taehyung, after knowing you were in the clear, you had text him asking him what he would have done if you were actually pregnant and all he had sent you was the cartoon meme of a lady tossing a child into the air like a basketball.
It had made you laugh because realistically, that would be the route you would take but hearing someone voice how it was indeed your choice was nice, comforting even. You’re grateful it didn’t have to come to that though, hypothetically you know what you would’ve done but if you actually were pregnant you’re not sure if that choice would change.
He stares at you again, seeing how your face looks at ease now, your eyes focused on your feet pressed against the cool marble floors. “I’m sorry.” He begins, scared of where this conversation would lead to but he needed to suck it up, he had to properly apologize to you. If you shouted at him and threw him out afterwards he could live with that, as long as he was finally able to speak to you.
“That I’m not pregnant?”
“No,”  he shakes his head, resting his back on the wall adjacent to the sink, seeing the realization sink into your face at what he was apologizing for, “I’m sorry for handling my emotions the way I did. For focusing on myself and not thinking of how it would affect you.”
A tiny scowl makes it way across your face, your free hand curling into a fist at your side but he looks about ready to barf so you let him continue, “I was scared of how our relationship would change after that morning, which sounds stupid now considering thats exactly what ended up happening because of me.” He’s forcing himself to maintain eye contact, not wanting to look away from you, “It was never my intention to make you feel like I was using you.”
He sees the flash of anger in your eyes at his words right before you bite, “How the hell did you think I would feel after that Jungkook? We sleep together and you immediately drop me, what did I do for you to treat me like that, should I not have asked you to have breakfast after?”
“No, god no. You didn’t do anything.” He wants to bang his head against the drywall, wanting to release his inner frustrations out on himself, “It was all me, I could feel the crush I had on you growing and I knew you didn’t want a relationship so I didn’t want to confess and then put you in an uncomfortable position. My friend’s got in my head-”
“Do you not have a mind of your own?”
He stops mid sentence, his head tilting slightly at your words, “What?”
You stand up straighter against the wall, your arms crossing under your chest while you glare at him, “You’re telling me that instead of doing what you wanted to do, you rely on whatever the hell your friends told you. The same friends that called me a slut I’m assuming.”
His face scrunches up at that, an apologetic look on it as he sighs, “I’m sorry-”
The hand you raise up stops him from apologizing again, “I don’t want to hear that, whatever you say now won’t change the fact that you did nothing when I needed you to.” He could say sorry a million times for the way his friend acted, tell you he fought him or yelled at him for what he said, none of that mattered because he had stayed silent in front of you. “I just want to know what they could’ve said that convinced you that treating me like this had a better outcome than admitting to a crush.”
Jungkooks eyes drop back down to the floor, landing on the forgotten pregnancy test laying beside his feet, the tip of his shoes pushing the plastic on the floor. He wants to go back to that day, he knows what his friends said shouldn’t have influenced him because he knew you, but the way they hounded him made him doubt everything. He had already been so unsure of the way he was reading things and their reaction just made him feel like he had no idea how to behave in situations that they claimed were regular occurrences for them.
“They told me I was stupid for thinking of telling you how I feel, that there was no way you’d see this as more than one night because you have Taehyung, to just let it go because you didn’t view sex the same way I probably did.”
His words just make you frown, “Jungkook, was I ever a bad friend to you?”
He shakes his head, his courage gone, no longer being able to look at you.
“Did I ever make you feel uncomfortable?”
Once again he shakes his head.
“So then why did you think you couldn’t talk to me. You know me better than any of your friends do, why were their opinions of me more important than yours?”
“I don’t know, but they shouldn’t have been. I was just scared of admitting my feelings.”
A sigh leaves your lips, you weren’t in the mood to shout at him, or argue, you were emotionally drained for the night. “You wanna know why I liked you Jungkook?”
He finally looks up again, his eyes dimming slightly at the word liked, past tense, you had liked him. “You’ve always been sweet to me, you trusted me enough to come to me for help, you always let us drag you along to places I could tell you didn’t want to be at just because you knew it would make one of us smile. Every time we hung out together I knew it was genuine, you were hanging out with me because you wanted to, not because you were expecting to get something out of it, but then you did this and it has me wondering if everything leading up to it was a lie.”
The hurt is evident on your face and Jungkook just wants to make it right, he doesn’t like being on the receiving end of this, “No I promise it wasn’t, I loved spending time with you, it wasn’t all for some end goal. You were the first person to make me feel comfortable in school.” He recalls the first day he saw you in your shared class, the way you had let him know he didn’t have to be wary talking to you, the open ended promise of a friendship before you parted ways.
“I literally gave you a black eye with my camera when I met you.”
“Yeah, but I deserved it right?”
That gets you to crack a smile, the way he scrunches up his face as he remembers the way your camera had felt when it sucker punched him in the face. He hadn’t deserved it, no one deserved to get a bloody nose and black eyes on their first day of college, you had just said that to hurt him.
“Yeah, you did.” You tease him, seeing the way he relaxes slightly when you let out a small laugh.
“I’m really sorry Y/N, I don’t expect you to forgive me, or not hate me anymore but I just needed you to know why I acted like a dumbass.”
The air falls silent once more, the both of you look utterly defeated, drained and vulnerable while you stand in the giant bathroom. You bring up the test that was still in your grasp, your lips pressing together as you reread the text. “Jungkook, you were ready to become a fucking dad, I don’t think I could totally hate your guts.”
Jungkook can feel his chest ache again, his hands clenching at his sides, urging the feeling to go away, he couldn’t think about the stupid seed of a crush still hanging on to his heart. The both of you had been through enough tonight, you admitting to not being able to hate him was good enough for him.
You push off the wall and toss the test into the trash bin by the toilet, Jungkook bends down and picks up the one on the floor, handing it to you as well. “Yeah really, you’re on thin ice though.”
The soft smile you give him makes him sigh in relief, “I’ll be on my best behavior. Scouts honor.”
You snort as you turn and walk out of the bathroom, hearing him flick the light off and follow you back out to the living room, you pass the coffee table and turn into the kitchen, pulling out the bottle of red wine Jimin had bought, grabbing the giant bag of chocolate chip cookies and wine opener as well before walking back out towards the couch.
Jungkook eyes the items in your hand, flopping onto the couch as you sit beside him, holding the bottle of wine between the two of you. You hand him the wine opener and he makes do, twisting the end of it into the cork and popping it open quickly, setting the device onto the coffee table, “To not becoming parents.”
The bottle is raised high between you as you smile, bringing it to your lips and taking a giant gulp of the fruity liquid, wiping your mouth as you hand it to Jungkook. He repeats what you do, taking a massive gulp and setting the bottle down with care, scared of spilling the red liquid on Jimin’s light couch.
To not becoming parents.
Somewhere in between finishing the bottle of wine, you find yourself sprawled out on the couch, your legs curled up by your chest with your head resting on Jungkook’s thigh. In turn his body is sinking into the couch, his head resting on the back of it, one of his hands laying on the arm rest while the other gently plays with your hair. You’re lazily munching on a cookie, the warm feeling of being wine drunk settled into your bones, Jungkook’s touch only aiding in making you feel sleepier.
“I think I’d be a really shitty mom.” You mumble out between chewing, your hand reaching down between your legs to stuff your hand into the cookie bag once more.
“What, why?”
Jungkook feels you shrug against his legs, “I don’t know, I’ve never really been maternal, kinda selfish.”
His eyes are shut, his cheeks are flushed and he feels warm but content, “Don’t say that, do you want kids?”
“Maybe, thats why it scares me though.” The thought of having a kid and being a lousy parent is what stopped you from visualizing a future with a family, you didn’t want to be a shitty mom. Flashes of the way you were raised flick behind your lids when you shut them, the strained relationship you have with your parents, the reality that some people really should’ve never become parents. The last thing you’d ever want to do is bring a child into the world and instead of nurturing it with unconditional love all you manage to do is tear them down.
“I think you’d be a great dad though.” 
Your words are quieter now, your eyes slipping shut as he hums in thought. You could picture Jungkook as a dad, married to someone just as sweet as he was, living near the beach or somewhere suburban. He’d be the kind of dad who took his kids to all their sporting events, teaching them a little bit of everything because Jungkook had that talent. To think that might have been kickstarted tonight if things had gone differently.
“You think so?” Its a soft question, almost as if he hadn’t meant to voice it at all but you mumble out a yes in response, smiling once more when you hear him sigh gently, almost picturing the grin thats surely on his face.
Silence falls over you two again, and for a moment you think maybe he had fallen asleep since you weren’t too far from it, but his fingers continue to comb through your hair, “Are you with Taehyung now?” He asks shyly, he had heard about you going on dates and hanging out with him alone more often but he didn’t want to assume anything again, thats exactly what got him in this predicament in the first place.
“No, I’m not.” The words fall from your mouth instantly, almost as if you’re eager to let Jungkook know he had a chance, no matter how small, you want to blame it on the wine, on anything really, but you can’t deny that Jungkook had you charmed the minute you met him, the feeling only growing as you got to know him more. 
His fingers freeze in your hair for a split second before continuing like your words had no affect on him. He smiles though, his lips curving up softly, his eyes blinking open and tilting his head down to stare at your drifting form, nuzzled onto his thighs in a way that made him forget the events that had happened these last few weeks.
When he doesn’t speak you take it upon yourself to tease him the way you knew best, “So, you had a crush on me huh?” Your words are mostly slurred together from sleep slowly taking over but he hears you clearly.
Expecting him to be bashful, scoff and deny it, pretend like he was over it but instead he sighs, his body sliding down the couch half an inch, the hand in your hand coming down to drape across your shoulder softly, “Yeah, I have a crush on you.”
The words replay in your head, the soft warmth in your chest spreading throughout you and you really can’t fault the alcohol for it, for the way you feel fuzzy at the confession of him still having a crush on you but you reel it in, shutting your eyes once more and humming in response. The two of you slowly drifting off on your best friends couch after the events of tonight, exhausted and relieved all at once.
When Jimin finally makes it back in a little before 1am he holds his breath, shutting the door softly when he makes out the shape of your silhouettes sleeping on the couch. His eyes lock onto the empty wine bottle and he feels his body sag in relief, thankful that you had drank the alcohol in celebration and he wouldn’t be walking into another scene of tears because he wasn’t sure he’d be able to hold his own back this time.
Jungkook looks boneless on his couch, his head hanging off the side with his mouth dropped open slightly, his hand is still draped across your shoulder while you sleep soundly on his thighs, the dress you wore to the event still on you and the two of you look like complete messes but Jimin still smiles. 
He reaches out and grasps the empty bottle, gently pulling the bag of cookies from where its wedged between your legs, deciding to save the lecture on crumbs for tomorrow morning. As he pulls back, giving you and Jungkook another once over he freezes when he sees Jungkook’s bleary eyes blinking at him in confusion.
“Congrats.” Jimin teases softly, ruffling Jungkook’s hair with his free hand, seeing the soft smile that spreads across his face, his body sagging into the couch once more.
“Thanks.” He murmurs, adjusting the arm draped around you to go back to raking through your hair. Jimin and his eyes lock once more, a silent conversation between them and Jungkook understands and hopes that the second morning after plays out better than the last.
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
The Mandalorian season 2 ep 1 AGAIN! it’s the rewatch folks
- The entire last season reminder/intro scene is kind of clunky and we’re-hitting-you-over-the-head-with-this, but I think it’s important to note that it’s probably meant for the vast majority of people who watched this stuff once a wholeass year ago, and not for me, the crazy person who watched each episode at least five times lol
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I like the way mando & bb walk from darkness into brief light and back into darkness here... the directors keep finding such cool ways of using the armour cinematically, there must be some lighting considerations to be made when your main character is essentially a walking disco ball. I enjoy the mood of this planet too -- the distant lights, the way the sky isn’t quite dark like there’s a city providing some light pollution nearby (it’s a bit clearer as he walks further into the... town? that it’s not just sunset, the sky is lit up weirdly) 
also when din moves towards the camera and out of sight in this first appearance, the signet is the very last thing that leaves the frame! I just thought that was sweet, a clan of two :’)
- shotout to these two lads and their boldly absolutely inexplicable hat choices (I love gratuitous star wars crowd scenes you guys)
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those tacky gold sequins on her sleeves... immaculate, beautiful, someone sat through like full body makeup application to be on screen a literal split second, that good good sw nonsense
- oh I didn’t notice before but I think those gladiator dudes are using vibroaxes! I guess they have the technology to portray it in live action now after the vibroblades in the first season
- the way bb glances up at din like ‘hey dad. dad what the fuck???’ as one gomorrean nearly chops the arm off the other fjaslfds
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- when you look for it it’s comically obvious that those guys are working for the dude mando’s meeting, they’ve all got more or less the same dark uniform and don’t look much at the fight haha. they might as well have ‘hired thugs’ stamped upon their foreheads
- I like how pared down and spare the music is in this fight scene, it’s just the faint whine of the electric guitars under the thuds of meat hitting metal 
also still love how din fights, the fact that he doesn’t even try to not get hit a lot of the time, he’s just tanking through it waiting for someone to fling themselves at him in a way he can exploit to take them out
the bouncer seems to be holding something like sci-fi handcuffs when he grabs din and lifts him off his feet, so he probably meant to restrain him quickly. bonus: I didn’t notice it the first time around, but din really went straaaaaiiight for this dude’s gentleman area once he dropped him back on his feet lol (you can even see him taking a split second to orient himself and take aim first fhsdkfhas). good job space cowboy dad, sometimes fighting smart means fighting dirty
- leaving this awful dude hanging upside down to get eaten after employing some very deliberate phrasing so he’s not even breaking his word is the ruthless HEIGHT of mando’s hilarious petty streak and it makes me cackle, gives me life, waters my crops    
- oh, the palpable loneliness and longing in din’s voice when he says ‘if I can track down another of my kind’ ;_______; I’m sorry buddy
- may we speak for a moment about the fact that din carries his son around in what seems very much to be a saddle bag sdafjkhsa
- the way din checks in with peli (to see if she’s fucking with him? he’s very confused anyway haha) over the map before saying “I don’t see anything” is so precious. he already seems much more socially tuned in and responsive compared to the beginning of season 1, you love to see it, coming out of that freeze response baBEY
- I can’t get over how much the baby loves speed, this is coming back to bite you so hard if you’re ever going to have to teach this kid how to drive one day mando
- awwww the little patented mando finger curl as he enters the bar <3<3<3 that’s sort of his tell for being preoccupied/anxious; I think finding other mandos, someone to trust and to get help from, means A Lot to him  
once he sees the marshall in the armour his shoulders drop down and he stands up straighter :’) hope is a powerful thing (I guess all of this might add even more to how angry he is too)
the DEAD STOP when cobb takes the helmet off sdkfhkajsldhfsdk
- yodito putting his lil mouth on the lip of this jar thing is such a well observed little quirk of baby behaviour, I’m crying
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(there is liquid of some sort in this thing; I’ve seen some people theorize it’s a spittoon but for my own peace of mind I’m going to forcefully declare that it is not thank you)
- so much stuff packed into that “He’s seen worse”!! dismissal, self-deprecation, sorrow, resignation, warning. 
- the contrast in this standoff of vanth’s eastwood eye twitch and the complete deadpan impassiveness of din’s helmet and general demeanor... wonderful  
- upon rewatching I’m actually wondering if some of these scenes with the baby on his own were filmed independently of the actors and that it might add to that slight distracting feeling of disconnect/distance you get through the episode. (it’s sort of odd to me that mando doesn’t even glance down at him as the whole place starts to shake, for example) there must be a lot of stuff that comes down to technical considerations with the baby; I suspect it takes a lot of time and resources to have him walking around too much, which is why The Waddle is kind of a rare treat   
what I’m saying is that they may be saving up dad & baby interaction resources for episodes where it’s more relevant or important
- so is this a one bantha town or is it just for convenient film language reasons it was all alone in frame like that lol
also cobb’s ‘mondays amirite’ look fdsakjfhsjk 
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- since I think it every time I get to this part: this is a very neat hairstyle this person is rocking, suits them! 
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- ah the stern pointer finger of emphasis. din TALKS, no, COMMUNICATES so much in this episode you guys!!!!! 
- rip this tusken, the bravest person who ever lived
- the delivery of “...they might be open to some fresh ideas” is the funniest moment of this entire episode don’t @ me
- oh the kotor-ness of it all lol
- jill (the girl who hands cobb the detonator) is so cute with her hat and everything ;____; 
- I suppose these tuskens are really the bravest people to ever live considering they saw what happened to the last guy (or gal I suppose I don’t know how sand people gender works)
- baby needs some goggles to protect his giant eyes from wind and sand Y___Y
- they’ve nailed how to make the jetpacks work in live action, it looks really cool and I suspect it easily could have uh. not 
- this poor sacrificial bantha... it even tried to get away
- ooooh the heart eyes -- cobb 100% has a crush on this man jfsdflhsad. (with it being sort of unrequited/’oh man I’m behind about 150 layers of dissociation too many to even really consider that one way or the other bud’ from mando’s side #personal headcanon disclaimer)    
- my take on why din doesn’t get dissolved in acid in there is that that stuff is released from a specific gland or something that the dragon can unleash at will and that the spit itself doesn’t have that quality on its own (or at least it’s a lot less potent) 
- seems pretty well confirmed by now that yodito is a carnivore huh hahaha
- I find it obscurely satisfying that cobb seems to be wearing exactly his old outfit under the armour -- he did just strap it on on top of what he already was. (there’s something there -- he’s a whole thing still without the armour, and at this time at least din would not be I don’t think) just some good narrative foil stuff going on here under the surface
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also once again props to the costume design; without the armour he looks so vulnerable again, they have dressed him to emphasise his height and slenderness (especially compared to mando, who actually seems to have bulked up a bit? fatherhood suits him I guess)    
plus, the way the baby looks questioningly up at din while he watches cobb walk away? yeah, din is lonely, let this poor man have a friend who stays around soon T______________T
- heeey boba, nice threads! my guess is that he’s not going to be there for the armour if he does track din down, since he hasn’t seemed to be in any haste to get it back before (which is interesting!). he might also have been unable to go looking for it before because he was still recovering from being half digested, of course, they could play it a lot of different ways
I wonder if we’ll get more of him in the next ep or if they’ll let the tension ramp up through the season 
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thesomberfest · 3 years
Star Wars: Timestamps and Thoughts; The Empire Strikes Back
Salutations to all. Welcome back to my blog thing? Anyways today is the one and only The Empire Strikes Back which I think may be the most iconic Star Wars movie. But, don’t quote me on that. I’m only saying that as someone who has heard about Star Wars movies from the outside and honestly out of all the movies The Empire Strikes Back is the one movie I’ve always heard about; name-wise. I don’t think I know any spoilers about this movie, so we’ll see. I’m new to this and I don’t know what I’m doing so please have mercy and help a sister out, thanks. I have some idea based on what the movie is about based on the name but I’ll just take what Disney Plus tells me. I honestly have nothing to say. Should I start writing predictions before writing the timestamps and writing my reaction if I’m right or wrong based on the last movie I watched. Does that make sense? I can’t think of any other way to word it differently but if it makes sense then okay, let’s continue. This isn’t a prediction but um is this the movie where Luke finds about his parentage? Or is it a bit too early? Am I too early? Oh well. While adding timestamps I thought it would be a cool idea to add a “Favorite Scene” section under my “Final Thoughts” sections, I hope y’all like it.
03/9 Edit: Y’all sorry this is late but tomorrow is my birthday and I decided to not do my schoolwork and instead watch Star Wars and write. Before y’all get any ideas: yes. I am in fact still a minor. thanks. 04/3 edit: I AM SORRY THIS IS LATE I HAVE NO EXCUSE
Movie: Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Release Date: 1980
Summary(?): So obviously the Empire is going to strike back right? And Luke has to find Yoda to learn the ways of the Force? No? Oh and a final show down with Vader? Am I wrong again?
Warning: spoilers (yea no duh bibi) and mild language on my part
00:00:06- 20th Century Fox is here, hello.
00:00:22- the words on the screen have made an appearance
00:01:41- the iconic words have left, bye-bye
00:04:28- Han Solo
00:04:43- It’s Chewie
00:05:04- Ya’ll it’s my queen Leia. She’s looking badder than ever
00:05:22- so the guy we first saw was in fact Luke, whoops.
00:05:40- Han is leaving? What about Leia? Am I missing something?
00:06:00- Okay so I’m convinced that something happened between Han and Leia, right? She looks pissed, he also looks pissed. Uhhh...
00:06:03- Oh shoot, she called out his name and went after him.
00:06:27- the way Leia feels about him? Sexual tension?
00:06:34- does Han want Leia to admit she has feelings for him? Does she have feelings for him?
00:06:42- “Afraid I was gonna leave without giving you a good-bye kiss?”- woah there Han
00:06:47- yeah, something did happen. I’m calling it
00:06:53- YES 3PO and R2
00:07:12- Oh shoot, Han doesn’t want to talk to Leia no more
00:07:19- ain’t nobody know where Luke is
00:08:06- aw Han said Luke is his friend. Character development
00:08:36- um is that Luke being hanged upside down?
00:08:47- uh oh, it’s the abominable snowman, let’s uh call him Yeti for short
00:09:00- Lukie-boy that might be a bad idea 
00:09:34- he’s using the Force to get the lightsaber, nice
00:09:40- oh no, the Yeti noticed
00:09:48- he got the Lightsaber yayy
00:09:50- did he just cut off Yeti’s arm???
00:10:00- run forest run
00:10:40- aw R2 :( I want to give them a hug
00:11:58- Leia looks really nervous. Uh-oh
00:12:53- I’m sorry but Chewie wailing/crying a few minutes earlier makes me sad.
00:13:42- omg Yoda? Han found Luke I repeat he found Luke
00:15:16- I wondered where they filmed or if this was effects or something.
00:16:01- are they going to be found? oh I hope so
00:16:13- yay! Found at last!
00:16:35- i’m sorry. is that a man baby???
00:16:48- oh wait was that man baby Luke? Oh god i kinda feel bad now
00:17:02- aww Luke and Han. Their friendship gives me life (junior)
00:17:05- my queen!!!!
00:17:15- ok but seriously what happened between Han and Leia? I know something happened.
00:17:25- I know Han did not just call my boy Chewie a FUZZBALL, please
00:17:31- alone? South passage? was that when Han claimed he was leaving? Her TRUE FEELINGS
00:17:50- why does Luke look sad? Is it... is it because HE HAS FEELINGS FOR HER???
00:17:58- (lets out a female lead in horror movie scream) OH MY GOD. I KNEW A KISS WAS TO HAPPEN BUT SO SOON? AND ON THE MOUTH WITH A PEANUT GALLERY LEIA HAS SOME BALLS. SO IT WAS NOT A PECK LIKE I’D ASSUMED HUH OMG tho I feel bad for Luke ‘cause (i think) she only did it to spite Han also if my math is correct IT WAS FOUR SECONDS LONG. But like is this the only kiss between the two or is there more cause ummm...... AREN’T THEY RELATED? SIBLINGS? TWINS I THINK? *Sweet Home Alabama now playing*
00:18:13- why why does he look so smug? also Han about to kill Luke a man
00:19:14- idk what’s happening
00:19:18- pew pew
00:19:44- THE IMPERIAL MARCH omgg yess... I live for the movies music
00:20:32- oh no, the music ended
00:20:38- wait nvm it’s continuing we stand
00:20:40- breathing problems much?
00:20:52- It’s Darth Vader
00:21:47- wait, didn’t he (Luke) almost die? shouldn’t he like oh I don’t know RESTING?!
00:22:47- have i mentioned that I live for the Imperial March? ‘cause I love it
00:23:39- OH
00:23:51- he really dying in the background huh
00:23:57- so he’s like dead, right?
00:24:02- what’s happening? Are they gonna go against Vader?
00:24:12- what the hell is a stardestroyer?
00:24:44- i’ve been told the dark side has cookies so uh peace out. If you would like to reach me please send me a letter via mail. thanks.
00:25:39- once again shouldn’t Luke be resting???
00:25:53- aww I want those binoculars. Is that what they’re called? Idk but I want one
00:26:05- what the hell are Imperial Walkers?
00:26:27- oh. are those Imperial Walkers? Those robot-looking dogs? omg I thought they were talking about Stormtroopers.
00:26:30- laser beam robot doggies did not hesitate
00:26:40- aw look at Luke being leadership material
00:27:09- wow these walkers are slow huh as to be expected
00:27:50- OH NO DAK bruhh nooo
00:28:09- are those robot dogs really gonna win?
00:28:21- LANDING? You mean Vader isn’t even fighting down there? Is he going to join? Or just find Luke and kidnap him and spill the beans? Or is that just my active imagination running too far?
00:28:39- the music...*beautiful*
00:28:58- tying the feet and tripping the doggies seems to be the moves huh
00:29:15- ooh and face first into the snow. how embarrassing...
00:29:20- I just know someone is losing their job or life like that one dude from before
00:30:18- i like the explosions
00:30:52- while one of the those little planes fall i’m sitting here thinking: most book/movie/tv shows that have the whole two sides thing (good vs bad) there always seems to be a traitor which makes me wonder if the good guys have a traitor? possible plot? idk, we’ll see won’t we?
00:31:18- the way these little doggies walk keep reminding me of some eerie Tim Burton movie and idk whyyy
00:33:04- two robot doggies down one more to go
00:33:25- man I just know someone from the Dark Force is gonna be dead fired
00:34:08- are those stormtroopers? They run funny
00:34:12- Darth Vader!
00:34:45- wait i’m dumb. did Vader invade the building/camp they were hiding at?
00:35:18- what does Vader want exactly? Princess Leia? Luke? the so-called “rebel plans”? What am I missing?
00:35:42- they really said: “peace out”
00:36:30- not regrouping? and what the hell is the Dagobah system?
00:37:30- did two ships just crash?
00:39:10- the music really makes this asteroid field detour awesome
00:40:25- did they--did they just go in a asteroid? Orr..?
00:41:18- and just what the hell is Luke thinking? he putting my baby R2 in distress?
00:42:04- where in the HELL are they?
00:42:21- did my baby R2 just fall in the water? Can he even swim? Is it safe? Is he going to die? Idc how cute Luke is, I will hurt him if 2D dies!
00:42:33- what. how is R2 okay? I thought--
00:42:53- Is that R2 whistling?
00:42:57- oh god, is that Nessie? oh no--
00:44:01- YEA LUKE it was a bad idea going there! You put my sweet summer child R2 in danger! He almost got eaten as dinner!
00:44:18- ughhh the music is just AMAZINGGGG
00:44:38- whose brain is that? Is that what’s left of Mr. Anakin Skywalker? ooh now that I think about: what does Darth Vader look behind the helmet? I feel dumb for never thinking about that
00:45:34- hey you leave my man 3PO alone Solo
00:45:46- oh did Leia just fall into Han’s arms? ooh
00:45:56- “Captain, being held by you isn’t quite enough to get me excited” Leia woke up and choose violence 
00:46:56- oh OH Luke is looking for Yoda?
00:47:22- omg it’s YODA
00:47:48- man idk but lighting does wonders for Lukie-babe
00:48:26- is Yoda mocking Luke? ‘Cause I’m here for it
00:48:57- why is Luke lowkey being a pushover?
00:49:09- I KNOW Yoda isn’t hitting my baby R2 with a STICK the disrespect I-
00:49:56- at this point Yoda is just pulling on their legs for kicks and giggles huh
00:51:02- oh? alone? Leia and Han? my oh my
00:51:30- oh so now they hand-holding?
00:51:50- OMG when did they get so close to one another? I’m nervous
00:52:04- ofc it’s 3PO to be the one to interrupt the kiss
00:52:14- oop-- Leia just left the crime scene. She’s going to pretend it never happened isn’t she?
00:53:04- wait. Vader isn’t emperor? Someone else is omg. I’m so dumb eye-
00:53:07- ew his side profile is not so good
00:53:10- the front is even uglier 
00:53:23- “young rebel”? my bby boy Luke?
00:53:25- “offspring of Anakin Skywalker”? wait a damn minute. Isn’t Vader oh idk ANAKIN SKYWALKER? Does that “emperor” guy not know? Or have I been lied to? WHAT AM I MISSING?
00:53:57- does this mean Anakin is considered to be a different person from Vader? I’m confused, someone explain please!
00:54:00- “could be turned”? say like Kylo? *dun dun dun* orr am I thinking too far?
00:54:16- “master”? you mean to tell me that Vader isn’t even the one pulling the strings? how embarrassing...
00:56:07- Luke my beauty dumbass just realized that Yoda was with the whole time
00:59:19- What is it?
00:59:29- Mynocks
00:59:35- oh hell no. I’m out
01:01:39- satan works hard but man does Luke work harder
01:01:57- “skinny boys are still the best oh i love when they slam and sweat.”-- Jack Off Jill, Lollirot (jolly good song) this one sentence describes it all :)
01:04:19- idk what’s happening but man does he look good. How long until y’all get tired of me simping over Luke?
01:05:01- but like, why it feel fake? Is this a dream? 
01:05:09- OH--[luke just decapitated Vader I-]
01:05:20- wait. it couldn’t have been that easy. This feels wrong-
01:05:29- omg. it’s luke! Wait what does this mean?
01:05:50- when i enter a room I would like the Imperial March to play, thanks.
01:06:26- uh, is that Boba Fett? If not I’m so sorry I’m new.
01:06:52- y’all I have a cofession to make: I have a fear of driving and my mother is forcing me to. How does this relate to the movie? Well, Han is steering the ship(?) so...
01:09:16- titanic part two?
01:10:31- my poor baby luke
01:11:37- luke please don’t give up :(
01:12:32- my man yoda showing up luke huh
01:13:35- uh oh. just like the first guy, he dead too. they’re just dropping like flies huh
01:16:05- and another kiss. a small peck, luke.
01:16:34- so is that Boba Fett or not? someone tell me please.
01:16:38- someone please run my baby R2 a bath
01:16:44-y’all the only time I can do a handstand is when I’m underwater (fun fact: i don’t like the pool)
01:16:51-[R2 is being levitated rn] if he falls and BREAKS into tiny pieces i’m quitting star wars
01:17:28- R2 good, he good “... I saw a city in the clouds.” you mean heaven?
01:17:37- “friends you have there” THEY’RE ALL GOING TO DIE WAIT--
01:19:50- they’ve [leia, han, chewie, 3PO] landed they’re safe, for now (i think)
01:20:25- [chewie replying “gahh!” to han] tell me why I laughed. I actually laughed like Chewie made a joke oh my...
01:20:34- uh oh [some dude just called han a slime(y)]
01:20:49- [they’re hugging now?] oh, wait. so they good now? or is this a joke?
01:22:01- i like the interior design of the building
01:22:49- [3PO gets blown up I think] what the hell just happened? 
01:25:13- he’s not coming back is he? [luke left to save han and leia]
01:26:13- finally. someone save 3PO or what’s left of him also I like leia’s new hairstyle it’s pretty
01:26:44- was 3PO decapitated? dismembered?!
01:26:55- good for chewie to fight for the parts of 3PO hopefully it’s all of his parts
01:27:35- my man 3PO in a box freaking dismembered and Lando out here flirting? 
01:28:30- what the hell? [its vader sitting at the head of the table] wait did Lando say a deal? as in turning in the princess? I--this is all happening so fast
01:28:41- [han and co. are now surrounded by boba fett and troopers] i bet they wished they’d stayed back in their rooms huh
01:30:31- oh so i’m assuming it was a stormtrooper who shot 3PO. what are they doing to han? omg is han being cooked alive?
01:31:33- wait I thought boba fett was a good guy? what the fvck.
01:32:05- what happened to han? mans looks traumatized 
01:32:34- oh leia...
01:34:14- i had also assumed all these years that vader was top boss and now i’m being told about some emperor guy? what 
01:35:18- i don’t understand why does boba fett want with han so bad? it can’t just be money, can it?
01:35:54- oh and another kiss and with an even bigger peanut gallery
01:38:22- what’s gonna happen to han now?
01:40:30- wait, is this where the showdown happens?
01:41:06- why is vader (his breathing) so loud?
01:41:10- OMG red vs. blue lightsaber
01:41:19- so this is it
01:42:01- oh, is lando helping them? does he feel guilty?
01:42:17- [chewie is currently choking the life out of lando] fuck yeah chewie
01:43:14- oh thank god R2 & 3PO have reunited once more
01:43:34- is it too late to save han now?
01:44:01- [back to the showdown, luke just lost his lightsaber] uh--this is why you never get too cocky too early, luke
01:44:27- [luke just flew?!] did he just fly like superman? what
01:44:31- who’s the emperor? I had assumed it was vader but i’m being told it isn’t?????
01:44:56- this showdown is a beautiful fight and those lightsabers are freaking cool 
01:46:15- it’s a beautiful dance and the Imperial March is giving me chills
01:46:32- [vader is throwing random objects at luke] aw that’s cheating. and nobody likes a cheater.
01:46:42- luke just flew out the window oh wait he good, now i think
01:47:12- hold up I just realized that they (han, chewie, leia) put 3PO in a fishnet bag (?) chewie really running around with 3PO like a backpack
01:47:49- [the citizens (?) are running] i’m getting titanic vibes and idk if i like it 
01:49:17- i hate to say it but these stormtroopers have really bad aim.
01:50:26- [vader just cut off luke’s hand] *shock* I-omg. He just did that. But, at the same time, I now understand the ERB Harry Potter v. Luke Skywalker so much more, make sense.
01:51:08- “father”? oh my...
01:51:17- “i am your father” oh my god. people this is not a drill, it happened, it happening uhh---
01:51:28- i feel so bad for luke. he looks like he’s about cry.
01:51:41- probs a bad time but luke’s kinda an ugly crier
01:52:14- [luke just fell & left vader standing] luke really said “i’d rather die”
01:54:04- wait, how does leia know where luke is? this some kind of force thing? maybe twin thing?
01:54:37- oh thank god they found luke
01:58:01- does vader care for luke? I mean probably not a lot since he DID chop off his sons own hand so idk
02:01:58- credits/the end
Final Thoughts? Wow. No yeah, I totally understand why Empire Strikes Back is a loved by all. It was amazing. I understand why it’s so talked about. This movie is beautiful; Leia/Han romance, 3PO and R2 banter, the good action. The soundtrack-THE SOUNDTRACK is SPECTACULAR and I would often fins myself rewinding scenes just to listen to the music. The visuals were so striking and appealing and it really showed during the showdown between luke and vader. 
Favorite Scene? Luke meeting Yoda and not knowing that Yoda was Yoda and every scene that included the Imperial March in the background.
If you have made it this far, thank you. I hope none of you people get tired of me fangirling over the Imperial March whilst simultaneously simping over Luke. Thank you for joining me on my adventure of watching Star Wars for the first time. If there’s any grammar mistakes I apologize. Also I got a cute R2 lego keychain from the lego store. Also if you want leave some comments I’m lowkey lonely. Thank you once again for joining me.
x bibi
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schrijverr · 4 years
Teaching my Husband  to Make a Burger
Cas loves his burgers so much, but can’t make them, Dean wants to change it and teaches him.
Part of the Famous Husband verse, which is also a series
On AO3.
Ships: Destiel
Warnings: none, but tell me if you want me to tag something and I’ll do so without question!
A few moments rolled to start off the video. The first was Cas cursing with arms covered in egg, then him getting startled by the sizzle of a pan, with finally Castiel saying: “Did not.” and Dean answering: “Did too.”
After that the intro rolled, it was a drawn impala that came down the road, it stopped in the middle of the screen and the drawn Dean gave a wink to the viewers, then he sped off again and the smoke was bridge back to the video.
“Hi, Hunters. We’re in the kitchen today, because I’m teaching my beautiful husband here how to make burgers, since he’s obsessed with them.” Dean said, he chuckled: “Looks like I’m the teacher today, Cas.”
Cas smiled as well and said: “I guess you are, but I think I’m drawing the line at calling you Mr. Novak-Winchester.”
“Ahw, babe, I thought you loved me.” Dean pouted teasingly.
Cas rolled his eyes and replied: “Apparently not enough.”
Dean gave him an offended look, then it cut to them with all the ingredients in front of them. Pointing at the beef he said: “We’re gonna put that in a bowl and mix it with a diced onion and an egg. Want to dice the onion?”
“Yes, I can do that.” Cas answered and got the stuff while Dean said: “This is a recipe for four burgers, which we’re making since Sam will be coming over for lunch today.”
You could see Cas dicing the onions, not blinking even once nor crying. Dean saw it too and said: “Angel, you not crying over onions will never not be freaky.”
Cas shot him an inquisitive look, before glancing between the onions and Dean a few times. He asked: “Do people really do that? I always found that strange.”
Dean huffed had shook his head. He answered: “Yeah, angel, people usually cry for onions. I actually don’t know why.”
Humming noncommittical Cas went on with his task, seemingly not buying what Dean had said. When that was done, they put the onions in the same bowl as the beef and Dean said: “Now we have to put an egg in there as well, think you’re up for that?”
Giving him a glare Cas pouted: “Of course I can, Dean. I’ve been an adult for quite some time now, I hope I should be able to crack an egg. It’s not hard.”
It then immediately cut to Cas swearing under his breath, all bleeped, while the egg seeped down his arms and the shell laid pulverized in his hand. Next to him Dean was fighting not to laugh at him.
In the end he had to go to the sink, while dripping egg all over the floor and Dean fished out the tiny eggshell parts from between the beef. He smirked and said: “Maybe I should crack the egg.”
Mumbled, but obviously displeased Cas answered: “Maybe.”
Then it changed to Dean and Cas standing next to each other. Dean said: “We now have to kind of mix it together. To you the honor.”
Cas pulled a disgusted face and sarcastically said: “Thanks.”
He set to work and Dean crept up behind him, putting his arms around him and helping him mix as he whispered in Cas’s ear: “Our own little Ghost moment.”
“Wasn’t that with pottery?” Cas asked.
Dean shushed him and grinned. After a second Cas stated: ‘This is making me very uncomfortable, Dean.”
Stopping, Dean pouted again and huffed: “Party pooper, it was very romantic.”
“I don’t see what a pooping at a party has to do with any of this.” Cas said.
“Now, you’re just playing dumb, I know Claire used that against you once.” Dean said, “You got it then.”
The part about Claire had of course, been cut out, but it resumed when Cas stuck out his tongue at Dean. Then Dean made a face back as he mocked Cas: “Blah, blah, blah.”
Before it could get out of hand, God knew both were childish enough, Cas stuck up his nose and said: “I’m an adult and the bigger person, I’m not going to stoop to your level.”
He got an offended face in return, along with an equally offended voice that exclaimed: “What, that is just low. You started it!”
“Did not.”
“Did too.”
“I have no clue what you’re talking about.”
“We literally have it on camera, Cas.”
“Are you going to stop recording just to prove me wrong?”
The video was stopped, you could see, because the angle after was slightly different and now you could see the container Claire usually took with her to school in the background.
The beef was now properly mixed and the two were dividing them in peace, like the argument hadn’t happened. If you looked close, you could see Dean looking a bit pleased and a small pout on Castiels lips, but overall peaceful.
They flattened the four balls to burger-looking shapes. Dean put them on a plate and said: “Now, we’re throwing these bad boys in the fridge for 30 minutes.”
“Why?” Cas asked curiously.
“Well,” Dean explained, “they have to be a bit more solid, we don’t want them to fall apart the moment we put them in the pan, you know?”
Cas nodded understandingly, before it cut to them by the stove. They had cleaned everything behind them and put the container from earlier away, since it would be in full shot now, along with Claire's bag and some books she had left lying around.
Dean had turned on the stove and said: “I’m putting oil and butter in this, so it stays juicy and my sunshine here is going to cook them.”
“And how do I do that?” Cas asked.
“You put them high on one side for one or two minutes, then on the other. And when they’re not red anymore on the outside you lower the heat and let them sit for a few minutes until they’re done.” Dean answered.
Castiel nodded and said: “I think I can do that.”
He gently put the burgers in the pan and startled when it started to sizzle. He gave Dean wide eyes, who laughed at him and kissed the side of his forehead as he said: “That’s why we’re wearing aprons.”
After giving the pan one more suspicious looks, Cas returned to the stove and followed Deans directions. Most of the waiting was cut out and it restarted when Cas asked Dead: “Are they done yet?”
“We can cut one open to check. It’s beef, so it’s not bad if it’s still a bit red inside.” Dean told him.
Cas cut one open, he showed Dean first, then the camera. Dean gave him a approving nod and said: “Well, angel, that looks like a fine and successful burger to me.”
At that Cas smiled brightly as he put the burgers on a plate, which had been covered with aluminum foil. As he did, Cas frowned an asked: “Why is that there?”
“To let the juices set.” Dean explained, “We’re going to let them rest for a moment and prepare the other stuff for on our burger.”
There was a compilation of them cleaning lettuce, slicing the buns, putting sauce on them and other stuff they liked on it. Each burger was different, since every person liked their burgers differently. Dean knew everyones preferences by heart.
Then they plated the burgers, buns assembled completely. Each bun was showed before they went to the endcard to say goodbye.
They were still standing in the kitchen. Dean said: “That was it for today, I hope you learned something along with Cas here. And I hope you all enjoyed it.” he turned to Cas, “Did you?”
Cas smiled: “Yes, I did. It was quite enjoyable and I am confident I can make them now, maybe surprise you with them when you had a bad day.”
“Ahw, babe.” Dean said, giving Cas heart-eyes.
He shook out of it and turned back to the camera to do his outro: “Anyway, give this a like if you liked it, subscribe and ring that bell if you want more of this. You can click here for more of Cas and here for more of just me, if you rather have that, although I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want more of this beautiful human here.”
“Dean.” Cas whined with a blush, earning him a grin, before Dean ended: “Bye Hunters, see you on the road.
Then the video ended
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I’m gonna make this later! Looks
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cas out here being the student he
wants lmao
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
the hearteyes are real, my dudes
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Omg the ghost moment, LOLL
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The pettiness to turn that camera
off just to prove something,
what a mood
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To everyone in the comments
making all sorts of theories
about the burger, like really???
They’re three big dudes, maybe
there was one extra or the
recipe was just for four people,
maybe Jess was coming too.
Don’t make this a thing, please.
Invading privacy is not a good
look on y’alls
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mr. Nova-Winchester, oh hohoho
my fanfic senses are tingling
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ahw Cas was so attentive and
Dean so patient and stuff, sweet
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Why did that container disappear,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Cass not crying over onions is so
fucking freaky and not human
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Dean looking like a dilf with that
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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canarhys · 5 years
Leo and Nico are both disasters and their dates always end with at least one zombie running around and something gets exploded
“so let me get this straight: you two went on a date to santa cruz, accidentally broke the carousel, set one of the game booths on fire which caused it to explode, created a temperature anomaly that caused people to have hypothermia, and you... raised some guy from the dead and set him loose?”
“well, when you put it like that it sounds like a bad thing,” was all leo said, twirling a gear around his pointer in one hand and holding nico’s hand in the other. nico stifled a laugh by faking a cough.
“it was on the news!” jason exclaimed. “i’m pretty sure it has to be a bad thing to be on the news. how did this happen?”
“well,” nico started, clearing his throat and making leo laugh and drop the gear to cover his mouth. “it all started...”
nico stared at the carousel they were on, the horses now spinning so fast they were a blur, the entire thing going in a backwards direction. leo had thought it was a good idea to interfere with the gears to make it go faster, and it was fun! not for the other mortals though — nico thought he saw a kid get flung off a horse with the funniest scream possible. eventually the two realized that they were the only ones on the ride and the only ones that were smiling and quickly got off, landing on the pavement beneath the carousel with accuracy. now they were both looking at the thing and, wow, it was not that fast when we were on it.
“huh,” leo copied. the two looked at each other.
“huh,” they breath simultaneously, before laughing their asses off. the other mortals were leaving the scene, scared and confused, but luckily the guy at the control panel was too busy looking at the buttons on his pad to notice the true culprits.
“you should probably fix it,” nico supplied, letting leo wrap his arm around his shoulders. leo was tiptoeing slightly, as nico had grown an inch or two in the year. it was cute, and he teased him constantly about it since the only person leo was taller than was hazel.
“yeah, i should,” leo replied.
they continued staring at the shit they caused.
“fine, fine!”
leo’s hand that wasn’t on nico strained open, and nico could hear the sound of cogs loosening. the carousel started to slow down, slowly and surely, until it rested to a stop. the two both cringed. one of the horses lost a head. a mirror on the column in the middle was in pieces. and was that blood? probably.
“we should go,” leo said, looking back at the crowd that gathered. nico nodded. the two bolted out of the caged attraction and ran to the pier.
jason looked like he was getting a headache. “leo, why would you do that?”
leo shrugged. “at least i didn’t kill anyone.”
nico ignored the thought of that goat screaming kid in the air. “yeah, jason, let him go.”
“okay, okay.” jason laid down on his bed, craning his neck to look at them. “and i suspect that he also set the booth on fire?”
“oh no, that was all me,” nico answered.
leo gasped, unclasping his hand with nico’s to run over to one of the game booths on the piers (which didn’t make nico frown a bit, totally). the booth had a wooden stand with a backstage and a rainbow tarp on the top, advertising a ball toss. there were a string of stuffed animals hanging from the roof, squishmallows, nico thinks.
leo was staring with puppy eyes at a lime green one with little wings, a snout a white color, and two yellow horns on the head. a dragon, nico suspects.
“he’s so cute!” nico thought he was going to cry for a second. leo started fishing coins from his pocket. “i need to win him, festus is gonna love him—“
nico stopped his hand. “i’ll win him for you.”
leo blinked. “what?”
“i’m your boyfriend,” nico reasoned. “aren’t i supposed to win shit for you? like those straight guys who win gifts for their dates?”
“you’re not a straight guy, nico,” leo laughed, but he had a hopeful expression. “so...”
“so, i’ll win him! it’ll be easy,” nico said, taking out the coins from his pocket and placing them on the counter. leo’s face lightened up with joy, sending butterflies to nico’s with his glowing eyes and wide smile.
the guy, a large and happy mid-30’s man with a barbershop quartet-esque outfit, came up to them, handing nico three tennis balls. “you get three tries! if you get at least 60, you can get any prize!”
“nice rhyme!” leo commented.
“why, thank you!” the guy replied, face flushing.
leo turned to nico. “you got this! you do archery practice, right?”
totally, nico wanted to say. there was an issue though — nico wasn’t that good at projectile weapons. he liked to get up, close, and personal with the enemy. if he was only gifted a bow and arrow in a battle he would die first thing.
“nico?” leo repeated, bringing nico out of his thought process. “hey.” leo kisses nico on the cheek, a soft and warm feeling that made him feel pride. “you got this, man!”
nico stepped back as leo got out the way, reeling back his arm and throwing the ball at the holes of the rectangular cut-out with the labeled points. his eyes widened as the ball entered the ten hole. nico tried to fake cough to stop himself for cheering for such a dumb accomplishment, but leo made him smile as he cheered. “wooh! that’s my husband!”
“leo, i’m your boyfriend.”
“not after this! this is basically an engagement.”
nico snorted as he tossed another ball, fortunately hitting the ten once again. leo cheered. nico smiled at the praise, but then he looked upwards to the squishmallow leo desired. it required sixty points. shit.
“what’s wrong?” leo asked when nico facepalmed and groaned. he looked at the plushie’s price, then at nico. “ah. it’s fine, there’s a forty hole—“
“i know but i’ve been hitting tens for two rounds. if i hit another i’ll have to get you that dumb buzz lightyear in the corner.”
“okay, first of all, he’s not dumb,” leo supplied. “he’s from infinity and beyond. second of all, i appreciate you trying more than you succeeding. i don’t give a shit if you don’t win the thing, and hey, i’ll get a lightyear action figure! i believe in you, dude.”
to show that, he grabbed the ball from nico’s hand and placed a light kiss on it before handing it back. “fuck em up, babe.”
nico smiled, staring at him with heart eyes. “you’re so dramatic.”
“you love it.”
nico reeled his arm back before realizing that the tennis ball... wow, the tennis ball was hot. so hot that...
“ah, shit!” nico screeched, the sudden burning sensation in his hand causing him to throw the ball without looking first.
“fuck, are you okay?” leo grabbed his hand, luckily not finding any burns. but his attention was limited by the sound of something hitting metal, and they both stared at the ball, which was bouncing all over the place in the small shack. the guy behind the counter had taken shelter in the corner, his eyes also following the green blur as it hit a beam and then the ground and later finally—
it hit the sixty hole.
nico’s mouth gaped open as leo whooped, throwing his arms around nico’s neck. “that was fucking awesome!”
“congratulations!” the guy had receded from his shelter and wiped down his clothes. “you got eighty points. what would you like?”
nico pointed to the squishmallow. the guy took it down and handed it to him. “you have twenty points left. what else would you like?”
nico pointed to the buzz lightyear action figure, making leo giggle. the guy handed it to him as well. nico then relayed his two prizes to the boy who started it all.
“for you, mi amor,” nico said. leo hugged the squishmallow, which was half his size and super soft to the point where all of it was affected by his grip. he was holding the toy story figure in his right.
“nico di angelo, you are incredible,” leo said.
“i mean, you’re the one that heated up the ball to help me make the shot.”
leo frowned. “i what?”
they both turned back to the booth. the cutout was on fire. well.
“hey, man?” leo said to the employee. “you might want to...” he let his sentence drag, pointing to the rectangle that was now on the ground and setting the fake grass aflame. the guy looked at it once before yelping and leaping over the counter with impressive strength, huddling beside them.
“what on earth happened?”
nico and leo shared a glance. “no idea,” they both said in unison.
apparently there was some catalyst in there because boom! the booth exploded in the inside.
the man turned to the kids, about to ask them what they did when he noticed the empty space beside him. well, he was lucky enough to have all the money in his pocket. and, like the boys, fled when a crowd started to muster.
jason was facedown in the bed. “so it was both of your faults?”
“pretty much,” nico said. he looked at leo. “did you even know you heated up the ball when you kissed it?”
“i can’t control my kisses!” leo exclaimed, exasperated. “you can’t just hand me something and expect it to not set on fire.” he crossed his arms, pouting.
nico nudged him. “it wasn’t your fault.”
“i mean,” leo said, “it was kind of my fault in the zombie incident.”
jason looked up from his place of torment. “not surprising. what happened?”
“leo, you’re going to get a stomach ache.”
“pftt, no i’m not!” leo dug his hand into his pack of popcorn and ate i whole. “i’m basically immune to that stuff.”
“i had to take care of you when you had the stomach flu,” nico replied. “you threw up three times.”
“and what about it?” leo laid a hand on his hip. he didn’t expect nico to kiss him on his temple, feeling his face flush and his heart pound a little louder. he whined and laid his head on his shoulder, making nico snort and comb through his hair.
the two were sitting on the edge of the pier, feet hanging over the dark blue ocean, fading into a golden glow with the sun setting on the horizon. leo traced hearts on nico’s hand, breathing in the seaside air. despite the date being disastrous with the broken carousel and the blown-up ball booth, he never felt so at peace before. he looked up and caught nico staring at him with a soft smile, and took the opportunity to close the gap between them. nico’s breath smelled like mint, his chapped lips in a smile against his own and leo felt his mind clear, his senses calm and all his problems fade. leo made a small noise when nico kissed him deeper, ending with him biting his lip. they broke away.
“i’m cold,” leo said. nico raised an eyebrow.
“you can’t get cold if it’s not below zero, leo,” he said. leo pouted while nico gave a grin. “are you just trying to get my hoodie?”
“dork.” nico unwrapped his hoodie from his waist and handed it to leo. leo immediately stuffed himself into it, laughing at how it was a bit bigger than him. leo had a huge fetish for stealing giant ass hoodies from his friends, and his boyfriend was no exception.
“you look cute,” nico deadpanned. leo caught him shivering slightly. he tried to give the hoodie back but nico refused, saying he was “cold,” so leo resorted to wrapping his covered arms around nico and letting himself warm him up. nico sighed in content, lying his head into leo’s embrace and peppering his neck with soft kisses.
leo hummed a soft tune as he watched the ocean rise and fall.
that was when he felt it.
suddenly, his senses went crazy, a red-alert sounding off in his head and his body immediately on edge. nico must have had the same reaction, cus he shot up from leo’s collarbone and narrowed his eyes, glancing around similar to the habits of a hellhound. the air was different.
a monster was nearby.
leo groaned. “are you fucking kidding me? we were so close to having a monster-free day!”
“i know,” nico supplied, standing up on the pier and helping leo up. “where is it?”
they both searched around before landing their eyes on... a headless guy. staring at them. well, not really staring, more like facing? nico and leo frowned.
“well,” leo breathed, “that is... uh...”
“where the hell is his head?”
the headless man started walking towards them. leo saw and felt the mist shimmer, letting him get a closer look at the headless man and—
“jesus christ!” leo yelped. “that is not okay!”
from one of the camp’s lectures, he had remembered hearing about these headless men. the man was shirtless and wearing a single cloth around his hips, giving the two a look at the face imbedded into his chest. two eyes protruded from his brests, blue and striking, his nose and mouth right under with a grim expression. the popcorn didn’t taste well anymore.
“acephali,” nico and leo muttered in unison. nico laid his left hand on his sword while leo opened his tool belt, taking out a small bomb he had made a few weeks ago.
“is he hostile?” nico asked.
the man’s chest mouth suddenly released a sort of battle guy, and his burly legs started a charge at them.
“he’s hostile,” leo assumed, before dodging out the way as the monster raised a club, a wooden and heavy beast, and hit the ground.
nico and leo were behind the thing as it tried to retrieve his club, as it was impaled deep into the pier’s structure. “you attack, i distract,” leo commanded, and nico nodded. it was their favorite way of fighting together; leo setting them up and nico knocking them down.
leo ran over to close the distance between him and the acephalite. “hey, headless!” the guy turned to him, his body face contorting in both confusion and anger. “did your mom know you were out here right now? or was she too busy being disgusted by your dumb face?”
that seemed to hit below the belt, because the monster directed his charge directly at him. leo retaliated by tossing up his bomb and throwing it at him, hitting him straight between his eyes and exploding. he cried out, but the worst for him wasn’t over, because nico shadow-traveled right behind him and attacked, releasing a torrent of slashes from his stygian iron sword. the monster bled with every slash, and turned around just to get face-chest-first with leo charging up his hand and releasing a fire ball, sending him flying.
by now the people around them were screaming (though leo forgot about them to be completely honest), running away from the water’s edge and down towards the beach to take cover. he wondered what they were seeing, because he’s pretty sure the mist was having a party trying to prevent them from seeing two gays battling a headless horseman.
as they were fighting, with leo throwing makeshift bombs and nico sword fighting with prowess, nico was able to take out one of the creature’s eyes. the monster yelled in pain, his blue iris now dark and bleeding profusely. and in revenge the creature knocked the blade out of nico’s hands, sending it straight into the ocean. nico only had time to widen his eyes before getting knocked down, sprawling out on the side of the pier.
“nico!” leo screamed, before feeling a hand knock him down as wall, making him fall on his back with a groan. he opened his eyes just to see the glimpse of the monster’s club swing down, and he dodged it just in time to see it lodge itself into the wood just two inches away from his ear. the acephalite huffed as i tried unlodge the the club from the wood, splinters flying from each effort. leo took the opportunity to grab the club, heating it up with his hands and making the creature screech and hold its hands in pain. leo then rolled over, got down on his stomach next to the monster’s feet and unsheathed a knife from under his shorts, the celestial bronze blade glinting in the sunset. he twirled it around his fingers to find the right angle, reeled it back and stabbed the monster straight in the ankle. the acephalite howled in pain, comedically grabbing his bleeding foot and hopping on one leg.
leo then ran over to nico, who had gotten back on his knees and staring at the water, muttering something. he was about to reach him when a large hand grabbed the back of nico’s hoodie, pulling him back and held him in the air. he kicked his legs and cursed at the monster, glaring at him with a single eye and a frown that reached his hip bones.
the monster made the mistake of pulling him closer to examine, letting leo hold up the knife and stab him directly in the eye. the acephalite whined before growling, the hand holding him up now grasping against his neck, choking him.
leo felt the air escape him. he gasped for oxygen, clawing at the hand encasing his throat. he couldn’t summon fire, because fire needed oxygen, and leo was out of it at the moment and it hurt so bad. dark spots clouded his vision. he tried to scream, for the gods, for his friends, for nico, but the hand closed in tighter and he couldn’t breathe—
then, suddenly, a blade pierced through the back of the monster, protruding from its mouth. a stygian iron sword.
the hand let go of him, nearly letting him hit the ground and splat if someone wasn’t there to catch him. leo heaved, hunched over and allowing the arms to envelope his torso, taking in as much oxygen as he could.
he looked up when he had finally been able to breathe properly to see an olive-skinned, raven-haired boy, with the scariest yet kindest eyes, sweating but smiling at him. leo smiled back, yelling “thank the gods!” and wrapping his arms around nico’s neck, burying his face in his chest. nico dug his face into his curly hair, sniffing a bit and kissing it with no abandon.
they were stuck in that position for a good minute when leo suddenly shot up. “wait a minute. if you’re here, and you don’t have your sword, then who...?”
he glanced back. the monster was frozen, the black metal still sticking out from between his teeth. suddenly, the monster disintegrated, yellow dust particles floating in midair before falling to the ground or whisking away due to the sea breeze. behind the acephalite, holding nico’s sword, was a skeleton, grimy and the color of oily metal, with seaweed hanging from between bone interlocks and out of his grinning molars. it was dripping wet, and the only article of clothing it wore was a sailor’s cap. leo made a small “oh” sound. that was why nico was muttering on the pier. he didn’t even know people died this close to the harbor.
nico pulled leo up with him, holding him tight by the waist and taking the sword with gratitude. “thanks fernando,” he said.
the skeleton replied by promptly screaming like a banshee, startling nico and leo, before dashing off towards the beach, its bones rattling with every step as it continued keening. nico and leo watched as fernando ran over to a crowd, making them scream in horror and run away.
“he was under the ocean for decades,” nico explained. “based on his freakout, i don’t think he remembers what oxygen is.”
leo touch his own neck and winced. “i’d be too if you hadn’t come in like the batman you are.”
“let me see.”
nico inspected his neck, frowning deeply. “you have ambrosia with you?”
“why of course.” leo fished out a ziplock bag from his tool belt. he took out a small piece and ate it. tasted like melted chocolate and that popcorn he had been eating, which was unceremoniously lying on the pier, a few kernels have made their way into the sea to become fish food. he already felt his throat open up, but he knew the image of the bruises would take a while to fade. ambrosia was good at healing internally, but externally needed a little patience.
“you need some?” he asked. nico shook his head. leo gave him an “i don’t believe” look. “uh huh, sure. yeah, you mind lifting your shirt for me?” not a question, but a command.
nico sighed, lifting the hem of his t-shirt to reveal an extremely ugly bruise. leo narrowed his eyes at nico before feeding him a piece of ambrosia. nico ate it, and leo saw the bruise begin to fade.
nico let his shirt fall, looking at leo with an apologetic face. “well, this date was a disaster.”
“are you serious?” leo reached into his backpack and took out his squishmallow, which he had named dexter, still clean and plump. “today was the most fun i’ve ever had. i’ve honestly never laughed that hard since percy and the... ya know.”
nico snorted. “yeah, that was fun.”
“and it’s not like we can control most of the shit that happened,” leo suggested. “we’re demigods. we got chased down by a headless man and unleashed a zombie on the town of santa cruz. that’s not the weirdest thing to happen to us.”
nico didn’t reply for a good ten seconds. “i mean, you do look cute in my hoodie.”
leo blushed. “you look cute when you smile.”
“shut up!”
nico wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, making leo chuckle and place their foreheads together. dexter was being squished by the two bodies, which was okay because squishmallow was in his name. this would probably be enjoyable for him.
they stayed in silence for a while before leaning in, softly locking their lips together. and as the sun finally disappeared, leo still felt it there, on nico’s cold, soft lips that seemed like the perfect puzzle piece for his own.
they broke apart. “next time, we should make our date more private,” nico ordered.
leo wiggled his eyebrows. “private?” he sang in a seductive voice. nico retorted by kissing him again and effectively shutting him up.
“and... that’s about it.”
jason was silent for a minute or two, staring at the couple on the other cabin bed. “i honestly don’t even know how to react.”
“i mean...” leo made a vague gesture. “we half fucked up and half didn’t. it’s like... pretty standard for a demigod.”
“more-so two demigods.”
“and leo, how was that your fault?”
leo opened his mouth to speak but nico cut him off. “he says if he hadn’t gotten himself caught the battle would’ve been won faster and i wouldn’t have to summon fernando. he’s wrong.” leo pouted but kept quiet when nico glared daggers at him.
jason shook his head. “okay, then what about the temperature anomaly?”
“from the fight,” leo answered. “i breathed fire on the acephalite and nico shadow-traveled a lot to hit it so...”
“well, at least the mist had covered it up.”
“what’d the news say?” nico questioned.
“carousel breaks down out of nowhere, booth explodes due to gas leak, and florida man proceeds to terrify countless people.”
“florida man?” leo chuckled. “we were in cali.”
jason shrugged. “i’m just glad the two of you are alright.”
“yeah.” nico tightened his fingers around leo’s own. “us too.”
and jason smiled.
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pchlarz · 5 years
Minecraft could have such a cool lore and game mechanics
So I played minecraft since I was like 13 or something, when the thing was still in early beta. I still play it, but after half an hour tops I just lose interest and quit. The game isn’t challenging, the world seems empty and npc and animals like wind up toys than anything else. I know minecraft is a canvas you have to paint on, but I was always more into the idea of Minecraft as a world you have to tame and grow into. There are mods that do that, like rlcraft (which im not gonna play cause the lycanite mobs don’t fit into the games art style and ice and fire mobs are straight up unfair). And you know, since I have a script, dissertation, stop motion animation to do this semester for my Filmmaking Uni, I’ve been thinking about minecraft a lot. Procrastination, am I right my dudes?
I have no idea how to make mods, I can barely use Java to install Optifine for crying out loud, but I can write a couple hundred words post on this hellsite that no ones gonna read, cause it’s literally my first post, and no one can stop me! Also maybe somebody’s gonna get inspired and make it. No need to credit me, just let me play it XD
The World and Lore, I guess
So, let’s get one thing straight... Is the Minecraft world post apo? Like let’s be real for a second. The player is the only human specimen in the entire world. There are villigers that are vaguely humanoid, but they are definately “The other” some ofshoot of the human race than actual human beings. Zombies and skeletons seem to share the player’s anatomy but they’re undead, therefore dead, therefore had to be alive at some point. So yeah, let’s work with that! 
Let’s say that in a distant future, like distant enough for new subspecies of homo sapiens had time to evolve with enough pressure. The human world died after they opened the portal to the End. This allowed magic to seap into the world, boosting the technology but also corrupting people it cam across with. Like why is the Ender Dragon dropping more exp than your PC is able to handle? Cause she’s the source of all magic! Why do monsters drop it? Cause it’s what reanimated/mutated them. So according to this, fucking with the eldritch magic balls is what created the zombie virus, destroying the human race. Also the End is the moon. Like not our moon. Opening the portal didn’t just link the worlds together, it straight up teleported the End into the earth orbit, destroying the native moon and replacing it. And that’s why the monster’s only come up night, cause that’s when the End holds the most influence over the overworld. 
But what about the villigers? Just descendents of humans who have survived the apocalypse. Some adopted peaceful agrocultural approach to survive, sharing and caring and being lovely anarchocommunist communities. The other ones living according to the “Survival of the Fittest” evolving into the illigers. But that’s only the two races that are already in the game. Since it’s supposed to be a mod adding shit, lets get some new races! The dwarves have been talked about by the developers so let’s add them. Shorter and stockier than humans, with glowing eyes and not so much beards as just thick fur on their bodies. The underground is cold after all. Also descended from humans, this time those that had enough brains to burrow themselves underground.They just chill in caves, building something like big ant colonies. You could trade with them just like villigers, although instead of emeralds they’d want silver (We need like shitload of new ores, my good people). Oh, and they wouldn’t be pacifist like villigers, if you piss them off, they will mine you to pieces. You could also find them in random caves mining their own business (XD) and by business i mean resources you could mine yourself. And so if you’re a bellend, you could straight up murder them and grab their stuff and have your ores left unmolested. Or you could pay them off to share the loot, giving you a temporary partner with basically x ray vision, leading you to more ores, than you’d find yourself. But at the end of the day, you’d be obligated to split what you found 50/50, meaning that you could get more stuff than on your own, or less, depending on your in real life luck. Boom, reasons for morals. 
I’d like to see a basic faction system, based on which aspect of the game the player finds most appealing. If you’re the kind of a peaceful player who just wants to build and farm, the villigers are your people. They’d gladly take you in if you build, farm and trade for them. If you’re into conquest and looting Pilligers could use your skill to cut some Villigers throats. And if you want mining and exploration, The dwarves wll take you in. Ofcourse you can just be your own person and solo the entire thing, and no one will nag you. 
Character Customination and Skills
I want roleplay, man. Skins are cool but what if on one save I’m the peaceful farmer, developing my village and chilling with my bros, but on other I’m the fucking antichrist, burning them to the ground and taking what I want? Do I just swap my skins depending on what world i’m gonna play today? I quess I could, but that’d be hardly graceful. So let’s just put proper character creation into the game, with ethnicity, hair models and all that other bling. Ideally you’d also be able to paint on your characters if you want scars or tatoos or just dont want to look human. Clothing on the other hand would be a seperate system linked to the survival system. But more about the clothing system later. 
Also since Minecraft is getting slack for becoming more of an RPG when it got its full release, lets embrace that. I’d split them to Gathering, Combat and Crafting skills.Gathering would include your tool proficiency, allowing you to skip enchanting altogether while still getting some upgrade for your tools. Also chances for more resource drops or just getting new utilities from the tools. Any movement releated skills should also be there for simplicity sake. Combat is self explanatory, if we add different weapons types, than there has to be some incentive for specialization. Some skills for combat overall wouldn’t go unwelcome. Dodging, parry without a shield, throwing various weapons and stuff like that. Crafting would be for the new weapon customization, enchanting (including proper spell casting wands) and alchemy. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves with that. 
Custom Tools, Weapons and Armor
Doesn’t it bug you that on multiplayer server everyone just walks around in enchanted diamond eq, throwing all sense of individuality out of the window. Do you like the idea of roleplaying as a cave men the entire game, but the stone sword doesn’t really give you that opportunity? Well let’s do something about it. Instead of vertical tool and weapon progression let’s do it horizontally. Lets take a bit more realistic approach to crafting. Stone tools have to knapped and assembled, bronze has to be casted, iron hammered into shape and wood carved. All types of materials have their drawbacks. Knapping tools would just need you to pick a stone in your offhand and the crafting material of your choice in your main and right click. And from there you get the list of shapes you can knap your stone into. And after choosing the tool/weapon type of your liking you knap it again to customize the shape more. Do you want your hatchet to look like a primitive piece of sharp rock or a skillfully crafted tomahawk? Casts for soft metals and wooden objects would be made in the same way, just with a carwing knife instead of stone and wax or wood for the crafting material. Than just put your cast into clay to get a mold. Fire the mold, craft a crucible and pour the molten metal into the mold. Change the anvil from an enchanting tool into a proper workbench for your hard metals. Then craft some handles, guards or accesories and put them all together in your crafting window. Different materials would have different pros and cons. Stone tools have low durability but don’t have any wear mechanic. Wood rots, Soft metals can bend and have to be straightened and hard metals rust and have to be cleaned. Also no tool progression. What you can mine depends on your mining level. Right now you can easily get diamond on yout first day if you mine deep enough. Locking it over a skill tree would pace the games more high tier materials more naturally. Also diamonds are classed as knapped material. No diamond swords for you, but a diamond macuhuitl is totally cool. Just craft a wooden sword of your choice and add some diamond blades in the crafting. 
Armor would be split into classes, Light, Medium and Plate. You can’t make armor out of stone (so no diamond armor either, but you could encrust your other armor with it) but you can make wooden plate. Just for the heck of it. Different armor classes would affect your stamina meter differently. 
I’m not a gun nut, but hey we have gunpowder in the game. Let’s add guns. But just the flintlock ones, atleast the ones made by the player. They could be made out of anything even stone, just for the heck of it. They would be crafted like any other weapon. But shooting them would be expensive with all the gunpowder you’d have to loot from creepers (I like the idea of dead creepers burning away, giving you only a short window to loot them) or craft from sulfur, a new rare resource. Still they’d pack quite a punch and make hella noise, bringing all the monsters to you. Also long reload time, they’re flintlock after all. 
Also lets adhere to an old fantasy trope and make them unenchantable. Their op as they are. 
Animals and Looting 
Just add more animals. Add more predators, so the day isn’t just a cake walk. Add predators hunting. Pray running from a player simply approaching. Give me a run for my food. Animals reproducing on their own. If you want to tame livestock or pets than you better hope for a rare domesticated kind of animals or trap and break them enough for them to let them eat from your hand. 
And what about hunting. If you manage to kill an animal, it doesn’t just disappear and live porkshops in the cloud of smoke. Every killed entity just turns into a corpse that you have to manually loot, while holding a sharp weapon (for simplicity sake). All of them drop their hide (acting kinda like armor with its own durability, on which depends how much letter you’ll get from it, thus encouraging clean one hit kills), a lot more meat (so you don’t have to slaughter an entire herd just to have something to eat) and bones. Also food would spoil now, to discourage hoarding it. But there would be workarounds like salting it or drying it for jerky. 
Various animal hides could act as trophies (if you’re a cunt) or for crafting special clothing items or beds (since proper wool would be much harder to come by now). 
Monsters and the Night
Same deal as in the main game. Mostly undead with some mutated mobs like creepers and phantoms. The only hostile mob I’d add would be Vampires, who would follow the player and try to score a hit while you’re unaware. Of course they’d be rather rare. Enderman on the other hand... Let’s raise them to the mini boss standard. When they were announced I was hyped, that they’ll be a proper horror mob that you could be genuinely terryfied of. But no, they just vibin’ most of the time. So let’s change them. Since in the new lore the undead are humans corrupted by magic, enderman should be the remnents of the humans who have gone and got trapped in the End, turned into the Dragons army. And now their job is to stalk you and kill you. You still have to look at them for them to turn hostile, but now they don’t care if you only looked at them from the distance. If they can see you and you can see them, they attack. Give them proper range. Let them teleport behind you to score a hit. Put blocks in your way if you try to run. They could pick you up and teleport with you next to ledges (they shouldn’t just be able to throw you over the edge, let’s give players a fighting chance). They should also steal more valuable blocks than just dirt. Let them target specifically blocks placed by the player, allowing them to pick holes in your defenses for other mobs to get to your house. 
The night itself would change. For the first couple nights there should be no monsters. The rise of the undead according to the new lore is the Dragon learning about the new human in the world trying to slow them down from discovering the End portal. But for the first few nights it would be unaware of your existance, letting you to get comfortable. But when the first full moon hits, The dragon saw you and she will let you know she sees. And from then on, every night the undead horde will rise to haunt you, only resting during the eclipse (since the dragon can’t see). On the other hand the full moon would be equivalent to the blood moon from terraria.  With mobs more aggressive, able to break your doors and forcing you to defend yourself. Also you wouldn’t be able to sleep during the full moon. If you manage to fall asleep, you wake up dead with mobs spawned all over your house. Also the mobs don’t burn in the sunlight. When the night ends, they just disapear like Enderman. 
The mobs right now spawn only on active chunks, but let’s add a lore reason for it. They’re targeting you. This is why going to a village means bringing the horde to them. And if you don’t fight or they kill to many, the viligers will add two and twoo together, banishing you from their dwelling. The illigers will just turn hostile. The dwarves won’t mind since the undead are plentiful underground anyway. 
Also give me my Overworld Dragons. Like proper fire breathing ones. Kinda like the ones from Ice and Fire but actually managable and not the size of goddamn school. 
Survival Mechanics
Let’s add thirst. You can’t just drink any water ofcourse, so while food means you have to scavenge or hunt, thirst encourages you to either find drinkable streams or distill the water. Eventually just drink juices or booze. Yeah, let’s add booze. Just for fun, with all the stuff i’d want to add the game wouldn’t be kid friendly anyway. 
You have to sleep now. Unslept nights cut your stamina meter by 25% while also bringing the phantoms to you. You can sleep without a bed, but you’re risking temperature debuffs and less stamina regen. 
Temperature. With adding seasons and all the clothing option it seems reasonable (also i loved it in don’t starve). To not make the HUD to cluttered I’d just display the temperature on your heart meter, having them freeze over for cold and dry out for hot. Dried and frozen hearts wouldn’t be included in your hp pool, meaning that temperature makes you weaker. You could fight the temperature with proper clothing, fire or ice. Although the hot temperatures would be more forgiving, just making you lose water faster and being managable with shadow from blocks. 
Clothes would have their own slots, be made in their crafting table and heavily customizable like banners and letter armor, giving proper use for all the dyes we have. They could also be drawn on like player skins. You could also wear some of them on armor, allowing for further character customization. They’d have their own durability, but be easily repairable. Aside from temperature protection they would be mostly cosmetic and if you don’t like the idea of having to wear a coat in the winter, just enchant your shorts with some frost protection. 
Hunger would be overhauled slightly, letting you to get fat from food. But just like in real life FAT IS YOUR FRIEND (just you now, moderate amounts). It let’s you absorb all foods value even with a full bar. Still to much of it will slow you down and make your stamina bar go down faster. Oh and it’s no longer your stamina bar, that’s a seperate thing now, indicated by a small lighting bolt icon above your exp level. Still a full food and water bar is nessecary for healing. 
Bookshelves no longer make the enchantments stronger. Atleast not the decorative ones. Instead you have to enchant books on your own hoping for the “Arcane Knowladge” enchantment, which can’t be put on anything but, if you put a book with it in the bookshelf it will raise the enchantment cap. So does leveling your enchanting skill, as well as allowing you to see what enchant you’re putting on your stuff, as you grow more fluent in the language of magic. Enchanting would also be more powerfull in the night, as that’s when the End - The birthplace of magic is the strongest. This also means that enchanting during the full moon would create the most powerful enchantments, if you can manage to enchant while the undead hordes attack. And they will try to get to you as an active enchanting table is drawing them closer. 
Different materials have different enchantibility. Pracious metals are overall more conductive, while obsydian might make fire enchantments stronger. This would come into play mostly when crafting staffs!
While Guns are unenchantable, Staffs are just weak pole weapons without magic. But enchanting them let’s you pick a spell for them, like lightinig bolt, healing, stuff like that. One staff can hold only one enchantment and casting spells uses exp points meaning that you’d need quite a big pool to be able to just be a mage. While staffs are two-handed you can also make wands to cast with your offhand. Ofcourse they’d be less powerful to balance things out. 
As the Anvil is now a crafting station, the Arcane Anvil would take it’s place made from obsidian and golden bars. While we’re at it lets also think about Arcane Chests to store your exp. 
Player Death
Why can the player just live after death? Well depends on difficulty. If you want to lose your stuff but keep the skills, it’s because the last humans put a spell on you allowing you to be uneffected by the corruption and also be linked into the world, cursing you to wake up from dying in the last place you slept, making you think if your death was just a dream. If you want a more hardcore experience then it’s because they cast a spell of reincarnation on you, so you don’t come back as the exact same person, having to work upon the achievements of your predessecors (I have no idea how to write that, I’m polish okay?). And if you just want straight up hardcore, they sent you to the future, with only one chance to make things right. Applies to the multiplayer, there’s just more of you that have been cursed.
If you find your dead body you can loot it. But on the reincarnation difficulty all the food, potions, weapons and armor you had will have long rot away. A lot time passed afterall. 
The Stronghold and the End
So if you actually read so far, I love you and congratulations. I’m writing this while I’m high, so it probably doesn’t make much sense. Still, thanks! 
So... Strongholds suck. Let’s get rid of them. Instead let’s put the End Portal in a new rare biome. The Ruins! They would be a large decimated city from before the apocalypse, now overtaken by vegetation with undead present even in the daylight. The magic is right in the heart of the city after all. The undead are much more powerfull here, some even having modern weaponry like assult rifles. They can be looted, but they’re all falling apart and you can’t craft them. But you could repair them and use them. They’d be end game unenchantable gear. Enderman also stalk the city, so you’d have to be prepered for them. You still find the city with the eyes of ender, but this time crafted with a compas and obsidian to create the Ender Compass, cause fuck throwing balls into the air. The End Portal is in the heart of the city in the special dungeon called the Crumbling Facility. It’d be a long parkour challange with you having to reach the top while also fighting for your life. “But Pchlarz”, I hear you saying, “You could just build across or up, this is Minecraft”. Well no, cause the building would be made from gravity affected blocks, meaning that if you do, the whole thing falls apart. As for building up, try to do that while being shot from every direction. What if the tower falls? Well, the End Portal awakes spawning more monsters and moving to the height limit. So now you would have to build straight up, while the Enderman teleport to your position and try to throw you off. But if you get there, the Portal is your to enter. 
And so you do. Before you stands a temple build in the center of the New Moon. The towers are still there and the Dragon still heals from them. The temple is built from blocks the Enderman took from you (not just them ofc) You destroy the crystal and fight the dragon. It picks you up, throws you around, breathes Black fire (purple is ugly, sorry guys). You chip at its health and finally you bring it to half. And thats when the dragon falls into the temple with broken wings. Now it’s a ground battle. Now you have cover, but the temple is destructable. It’s blocks affected by gravity. Finally you kill the dragon. It imbues you with its magic and drops it’s heart. Still beating, Scarlett and glowing. The Enderman stand around you, their eyes no longer white (yeah i dont like purple), but now inteligent with pupils. They seem thankful. You’ve won. The end stone around you starts crumbling, falling into the void. And there’s no way back home. You start to accept your fate. You’ve sacraficed yourself to end the Undead horde’s reign. And thats when an Enderman takes you by the hand. You walk to the edge of the crumbling world and gaze into the blue globe staring at you from the abyss. It’s the Earth. But you wouldn’t survive the impact. Not from space. That’s when you see the Enderman holding something, with his hand stretched out to you. He’s holding a pair of wings. The Elytra. You put them on, say goodbyes to the newly freed Enderman and dive into the world beneath you, watching as the tall figures behind you die with their dying world. 
You crush into the earth. With half a heart you drag yourself to safety. The Ender compass now points the way to your bed. You walk. Victorious. 
So you’ve beat the game. What’s now? Well the Enderman are no longer hostile. And the dragon heart? You can put it into your alchemy station and turn it into the potion of resurection. While the zombie villigers could be cured with a golden apple and the potion of weakness, the human zombies need this one. The skeletons are to far gone, but zombies and vampires can be turned back. The Dragons Heart can never be used, but if you lose it, well it sucks to be you hero. 
With cured humans you can create a village and start rebuilding. You can have relationships with them, turn them into companions and even have children with them (i like stardew valley okay). And with their numbers growing it’s up to you if you will live in peace with new races populating the world or reestablish the human reign on earth. 
Okay this took me like three hours and the weed is wearing off. I think way to much about minecraft, maaan. Still hope you like it. And make this mod for me. I’d be grateful. 
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ducksarebetter · 5 years
I haven’t written anything in sooo long but I was feeling inspired
*WINK* @sayijo​
So here’s my 1461 word... thing. I guess. Sorry about grammar errors and stuff if there is any, this isn’t really anything too fancy, just me scraping some braincells together during my writing block. (((Also not sure what to call this, fluff + angst)))
     Nighttime is known to be a serene and peaceful time of the day. That’s what it symbolizes, right? That’s how it appeared to be. The dark sky, a pool of inky blackness, a splash of stars scattered across it in the same way white crests appear on waves in the sea. The way dead twigs and leaves are sprawled around on the floor of a forest. Stars, small sparkling dots, hovering in the sky as if an artist had dipped a paintbrush into metallic paint and whipped it through the air. The moon being the biggest of them all. Like the way a general stands over his troops, being the biggest and brightest of them all.
  The way he used to be.
    Cryptor drew in a shaky breath of air. A breath of clean, crystal clear oxygen. Maybe that would help him focus. Lately, Cryptor just couldn't get it out of his head… the thought of what he once was. The thought of being a leader… he didn't really miss it, did he? He was part of a team now. Teams don't need generals. They work together. He had learned a lot over the past few months, but it was still hard. The guys were great, but still, it was hard… he was made to be a leader, not a follower. It wasn't like he didn't respect the others or anything. Cryptor just wished there was more he could do. What had he done so far to be useful? It seemed like he was just an inconvenience most of the time… getting in the way.
    Cryptor just felt useless. He hated that feeling.
    Seemed like everyone was just saving him. And he wasn't able to repay them for anything… no, for everything they had done for him.
    And they had done so much.
    Jay… he was annoying as hell, but he had a way of being a light in the darkness. Cryptor would never admit it of course, but he owed him one. It felt good to laugh, and he needed it sometimes.
    Then there was Zane. Zane had really helped him out. Zane had helped him realize that he wasn't alone, that it was too late to change, proved to him that even nindroids fit in. Zane helped him realize that he wasn't so different.
    Even Nya. She really had done a lot for him. He loved that girl. He loved being able to hang with her, talk about bikes. She had impressed him with her knowledge of engineering and was even able to teach him a thing or two. Big respect for that one.
    Then there was Lloyd. Cryptor couldn't help but have mixed feelings for him. He was the little brother, that was obvious. Still, it was an odd relationship. He was a leader, which of course, Cryptor respected. Still, he was… a little bit less experienced than the others. He was still learning. Cryptor couldn't help but find his methods of leading… interesting. A little different, but effective. Not like a general or chief. Like… as if they had mutual respect and he led merely by example. Still though. The kid had a way of always looking on the bright side of life, which he supposed was nice. He loved the kiddo and was glad that Lloyd was so patient with him.
    And then there was Cole. God, talk about moral support. Cole was like a walking stress ball. Just being in the presence of the guy was relaxing. Talking to Cole was just so easy. He was a great listener and was always ready to give his advice. Which was always good advice too. Guy also gave great hugs. There were few people Cryptor would allow to touch him, and Cole was defiantly one of them
    And Kai. Oh god… Cryptor knew never in a thousand years would he be able to repay the fire ninja for everything he had done for him. He owed Kai his life… he owed him everything.
    Cryptor sucked in a deep breath of air, thinking about all this. His team. His friends. His brothers. His family. His home.
    This is where he belonged.
    He could feel it. Better, he could feel. Never before had he felt the things he felt with the guys… not under the Overlord’s rule, not with the Sons of Garmadon. He wasn't quite sure what it was. A bubbly warm feeling in his chest. He felt important. He just wished there was a way he could thank them for it… show them how he felt.
    He watched the sky, the stars slowly swimming through it. Leaning on the railing of the ship, the feeling of the sturdy wood under his hands. He stood there for a long time, all night really. He wasn't even sure what time it was anymore. He just stood and stared at the sky, not ready to let go of the feeling yet.
    He didn't even turn when he heard the creaking of wood behind him. He could tell who it was from the sounds of the board, by the sound of their footsteps.
    “Hey.” Kai’s face appeared next to him, his ambery brown eyes not meeting Cryptor’s, but following his gaze up into the glowing night sky.
    “Hey.” Cryptor could barely recognize the sound of his own voice. It sounded so soft and gentle, almost like a purr.
    Neither of them said anything for a long time. They just stood together, side by side, watching the stars. Simply enjoying each other’s company.
    Cryptor watched Kai from the corner of his eye. He clearly had just rolled out of bed. His hair was a mess, a mass of fluff floating around his face. He was wearing a pair of shorts and a white tank top, which exposed his arms. Of course, the cold night air was no issue for him. Cryptor could feel the heat radiating off his skin, warming the air around him. Kai’s skin was covered in light scars, which stood out from his bronze skin.
    Cryptor turned back to the black empty space before them. He looked down… down at the white mountains, cresting up from the thick clouds that concealed them. Like they were trying to reach up and be higher than the clouds that covered them.
    Finally, Cryptor opened his mouth. “Thank you,” he mumbled.
    Kai turned to him, looking a little surprised. “For what?”
    Cryptor had no idea how to phrase it. “Everything. I just… I know it doesn't mean much. Look at everything you've done… for me. You didn't have to do any of it. You didn't have to take me into the team. You didn't have to… do any of it.”
    He looked at the mountains below, feeling a little embarrassed. He probably sounded stupid. He just wasn't sure what else to say. There were no words to explain the way he felt.
    Kai didn't respond for a long time. Cryptor kept his eyes glued to the same spot, feeling too overwhelmed to make eye contact.
    “You don’t have to say anything. I understand.”
    Cryptor didn’t move. No, he didn't. He didn't get it. He didn't understand anything. Where would Cryptor be without Kai? Dead, in a ditch, alone and forgotten.
    “We’re not all that different. Everyone on this team is fighting the same battles every day, just different demons. It's not any easier on the rest of us. It sucks dude, it really does. Take my sister for example. She’s always trying to be more than just Nya. She’s spent hours and hours training. She never quits. She just fights and fights and fights. She wants to be just like everyone else, but you know what? She doesn't realize that she already is. Look at her: Samurai X, the water ninja. Cry, she unlocked her full potential, not even a full month after she began training to become a water ninja. It took the rest of us years to do what she could do in days. And she's not so different from you.” Kai poked Cryptor in the arm.
    “Cry, you would've done the same for us. I’ll throw hands for you any day of the week, and knowing you would do the same for me is enough. You don't need to thank me.”
    Cryptor stood there for a long time, letting Kai’s words sink in. He was right. He looked up and stared at Kai. He wasn't sure what to do with himself now.
    Before he knew it he was standing with his arms wrapped around a very surprised Kai. Even Cryptor himself was surprised. He never voluntarily hugged people. Still, it just felt necessary. He squeezed his friend tightly.
    “Thanks Kai.” He said
    Kai hugged him back. “I said don’t thank me.”
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hoodlessmads · 5 years
Bloom Into You Chapter 40 Immediate Thoughts
It was exactly what was promised and exactly what I needed. What WE ALL needed. The only remote complaint I have is that Nakatani-sensei didn’t show the kiss at the end.
Tumblr media
But alas, left to the imagination, it was still cute. I suppose. *deadpan look at camera*
Not only was it exactly as promised (or rather, as suggested by the last few pages of chapter 39), but it was exactly what I expected, in the best possible way. This somehow calls to mind that amazing Mr. Plinkett review of The Last Jedi. Can you imagine if Rian Johnson wrote chapter 40 of Bloom Into You? Subverting all of our expectations? (No shade, I jest, I like TLJ.)
Anyway, Nakatani-sensei is as in touch with her own characters as I feel I am in touch with them, thank the gods (or in this case the lesbian goddesses). Yuu and Touko bust ass to get to the student council room, both desperate to see each other. Yuu acknowledges to herself that she is still in love with Touko. Kokoro no ichi ga wakatta yo, as the song goes. But when she gets to that empty room, the adrenaline of the message and the run slips away and she’s left in darkness and solitude, and all of her doubts and apprehension come rushing back immediately. What does Nanami-senpai even want to talk about, anyway? Does Yuu dare to hope? What if what she has to say just breaks her heart all over again? Yuu finds herself waiting and thinking there’s no way Nanami-senpai would run as fast to get here as she did.
Except she totally does, of course. Touko arrives out of breath, sees Yuu’s mistrustful reaction and cuts straight to the chase with a returned love confession. Yuu’s reaction to Touko openly returning her feelings is just confusion at first. Maybe she’s desensitized to Touko saying, “I love you,” even now. Touko just goes on to calmly explain exactly what she means. And Yuu calmly listens. Asks clarifying questions. Works through her own hesitations, her lingering mistrust of the concept of “love.”
The implacable way that Yuu processes her own emotions is always one of the most interesting things to watch. Which is why when she finally, finally cries, it’s so god damn moving. Never in this entire series have we seen this girl cry. Ever. After all the shit she’s been through with Touko, where she’s had plenty of reason to cry, she never did. She locked it away inside. When she gets her heart broken by Touko, Yuu doesn’t cry because she can’t process the pain of it. She describes it as though her heart has gone off somewhere without her. It’s only at the end of the last chapter that she finally allows herself to feel. She’s always struck me as someone who’s quite similar to myself in this way; she refuses to let herself be vulnerable, she heavily dissociates herself from painful emotions and traumatic experiences, and on the flip side she hasn’t been able to find much passion in anything either. She strikes me as the type of person who has rarely cried, maybe in her whole life. So when she cries here, just like fucking lets go and sobs for the first time, finally, I’m dead.
And on the flip side, there’s Touko, who has managed to finally find some peace in her life after the play—but that’s not the instant end of her problems, and that is so important. She’s been living with this unbearably heavy burden for seven years. She’s been living with this pain for so long. It’s not just magically gone. When she holds Yuu’s hands and tells her that she wants to be loved, Yuu even notices this. Her hands are shaking because she’s still scared, in spite of everything. She’s terrified and yet she still pushes forward, because she knows that this is a good thing, and that this is what she wants in her heart. And that’s what I like about her. And when Yuu has her own do-over confession and starts crying, Touko wholeheartedly accepts her and her feelings, she’s there to hold her, not just because she knows how hard it’s been on Yuu bottling it in, but because she’s learning to embrace her own happiness at hearing those words. For herself. These characters are just such good people. So pure.
And don’t even get me started on how fucking cute the scene afterward is! Murder me!
This whole chapter is just one giant long…talk? Like? Characters? Talking to one another? Amazing.
Yuu HUGS her and CRIES and says, “Suki desu. Suki. Daisuki.” “I love you, I love you, I love you so much.” She said it THREE times!!! Not counting the first time!!! DAISUKI, dude!!! I’m dying!!!
Touko KISSES her TEARS. We got a “Geez” up in here!!! We got a “Senpai” and fucking FOREHEAD TOUCH up in here. We got a height difference Yuu-initiated OFF PANEL KISS UP IN HERE. I’m LITERAL MUSH.
What’s going to happen next?! Is the rest of the student council going to leap out of the bushes, yell “SURPRISE! CONGRATULATIONS!” and embarrass everyone? Are the two of them going to take things back to someone’s room and finally satisfy the UST? CUDDLING???
No, in all seriousness, I’m expecting some kind of brief timeskip to at least the next day after they’ve said goodbye for the night and then neither of them can even sleep because they’re so excited and cute, and then…I’m really not sure. Chapter 40 was purportedly the first chapter of Volume 8, which will be the last volume. Last volumes typically have bloated lengths to wrap up series, but not necessarily. So we could have anywhere from four to six chapters left before the end. What’s next for these lovely characters as we hurtle towards the resolution?
My heart really wants this series to remain as grounded as it has always been. Now that Yuu and Touko appear to have resolved their personal issues within their relationship, there is still…you know…the whole gay thing. Two girls in a romantic relationship in a Japanese high school setting is no small matter to gloss over, unfortunately. I want to see them slowly decide how they want to open up to others around them about it, or if they just decide to be up front from the get-go. I want to see Akari and Koyomi and Natsuki find out and see how they react, how inevitably supportive they will be, how fucking cute their friendship with Yuu is, how happy they will be for her. I want to see how Touko’s and Yuu’s families will react, the good reactions and the bad ones. I want to watch Rei physically turn into a pile of mush, just like I did, when she finds out that her hunch was correct and her baby sister has a girlfriend. I want to see the entire school somehow find out via word-of-mouth but ironically no one cares because everyone already thought Touko and Sayaka were lesbians anyway and the only unforeseen factor was Yuu. (And as reactions to the play proved, most people in their school are surprisingly accepting and non-judgmental and it’s precious.) None of this has to be that extensive or dramatic or take up that much time—just a bit of attention would be a nice touch and be incredibly satisfying.
I could watch Yuu and Touko being cute as fuck in a relationship literally all damn week. I’m so excited to watch Yuu finally be able to communicate what she wants from the relationship, to be allowed to show affection, to be as lovey-dovey as she wants. I’m excited to see Touko adjust to that and continue with her process of learning to accept that affection.
I could watch them learn and grow and encounter obstacles together for days, but we have limited time here unfortunately (this ain’t no 30 volume Kimi ni Todoke) and that means we have to trim the fat and focus on the real important stuff that needs to get resolved: HER NAME IS SAYAKA AND SHE DESERVES A GIRLFRIEND.
Sayaka is the UNSUNG HERO of this story. Would chapter 40 have EVEN happened if Sayaka hadn’t had the balls to confess to Touko the way she did and help Touko reach her own emotional catharsis? Sayaka is a selfless and kind soul who is OUT THERE doing the MOST for others. She is precious and her heart has been broken too many god damn times and she deserves better. She just does. This girl deserves a break and in the time the manga has left, my sincerest wish is that she gets one. I want to see her get a happy ending and a girlfriend who is head over heels for her and vice versa. More even than any Yuu/Touko stuff.
That’s my rant. I mostly wrote it the night of the chapter coming out at like 3 am so my feelings were a lot. I don’t even know. I feel like there’s so much more to be said, so much more you could analyze. Like the incredible, INCREDIBLE panel where Touko grabs Yuu’s hand and you can see their silhouettes in the glass, mirroring the exact position they were in last spring in the student council room when it all began. Can you even wait to see that shit adapted for the anime? The kinds of beautiful shit they can do with this scene? And the fucking godly Michiru Oshima soundtrack? I sure can’t. Nakatani’s art, her composition, her use of parallelism…it’s simply gorgeous on every level. But anyway, right now, I’m just gonna post this so I can get it off my chest.
My heart has been fulfilled and I can now survive until May 27th. But I also can’t wait still. :P
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marvelousbirthdays · 5 years
Happy Birthday, sarratorrens
April 13-Sam & Bucky after CW AU: "What did you say?" Platonic soulmates for @sarratorrens
Written by @iamartemisday
When it was all over, from the fighting to the politics to the alien invasions, they finally sat down and talked about it.
“You’re an asshole.” Sam had no interest in dancing around the issue. Good. Neither did Bucky.
“I’m not the one who wouldn’t move his seat.” Bucky eyed Sam’s shoulder, where those fateful words from that fateful car trip had been inked by the universe in silver writing.
Sam adjusted his shirt, even though the words were already covered. “I’m not the one who rips steering wheels out of cars.”
“I said I was sorry.”
“I loved that car.”
“You can buy another one.”
“Would you say that to a mother who lost a child?”
Bucky massaged his forehead. This was worse than trying to stop Steve from jumping out of planes without a parachute. “You know what? Fine. Have it your way.”
He stalked out of the room, not caring in the slightest if Sam watched him go. He definitely didn’t look back.
He didn’t want some dumb platonic soulmate anyway.
Two days later, his brand new box of Rice Krispies went missing.
It was Sam. He had no evidence, no witnesses, and no clear motive, but it was absolutely Sam.
When Steve didn’t believe him because Sam was such a stand-up guy who’d never steal, Bucky took matters into his own hands. He picked the lock to Sam’s apartment and walked in to find him at the kitchen table, the offending box of cereal right there in plain view as he enjoyed a crackling bowl.
“That’s mine,” Bucky said, making use of his ‘soldat’ voice as Natasha liked to call it.
Unlike a trainee or Peter Parker, Sam was entirely unmoved. “We’re soulmates. Soulmates share.”
“We’re also human beings. Human beings ask before they take things. Otherwise, their spines get broken.”
“Nobody’s stopping you from having somel.” Sam gestured with his head at the empty seat pulled out as if in wait of him. “Go ahead. I dare you.”
Bucky snatched up his cereal box and knocked the milk carton to the floor for good measure. White liquid spilled everywhere. It would take Sam all morning to clean it up.
For the moment, Bucky was satisfied.
He woke up from a nap with a photo stuck to his metal arm. Attached with a kitchen magnet. It was one of those New York skyline magnets they sold at souvenir shops in Times Square. Bucky hated those things.
The photo was of Sam’s hand flipping him off. How childish.
Bucky dropped his pants and Sam’s phone was soon graced with the image of his perfect ass. That’ll show him.
Sam’s redwings malfunctioned in a battle against a terrorist cell holding an investment bank hostage. Instead of attacking the bad guys, they staged a mutiny. While Sam batted them away, Bucky dispatched all seven terrorists with ruthless efficiency. Every single one of them was an amateur. They couldn’t even aim right. Why the Avengers had been called when a rookie with a donut in his hand could’ve handled it was beyond him.
The headlines the next day were awesome.
“You still haven’t thanked me for saving your ass,” Bucky grinned at Sam as he dropped another copy of the paper onto his lap (there were seven hundred more stashed away in his closet to wallpaper Sam’s bedroom with later).
Sam had the eyes of a hungry leopard. “What did you do to my babies?”
Bucky gasped. “Are you accusing me of sabotaging your equipment to embarrass you on a mission? I can’t believe you think so little of me.”
“I can’t believe suck my dick,” Sam snapped, crumpling up the paper and throwing it at Bucky’s head. To his credit, he made the shot.
“No can do. After that horrible offense, I don’t even want to be in the same room as you. Goodbye, dear platonic soulmate of mine.”
Bucky departed to a cacophony of bad language.
“Hey there! Any superheroes around? I need some new photos for my album.”
It was a curly haired young woman with glasses and a hat. Bucky had never seen her before, so he figured she was one of those new ‘consultants’ Steve was telling him about. They were getting two: a physicist and an administrative assistant. This girl didn’t look like either of those things, but as this was a private lounge no visitors should have access to, he wouldn’t call security just yet.
“Hi,” he said, waving her over. “I’m Bucky, I-”
“I know you!” She skipped over and shook his hand. That was the idea anyway. If she hadn’t grabbed the metal one he’d worry about his shoulder dislocating. “Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier, White Wolf. So many names, dude. You need to consolidate. I’m Darcy Lewis, intern and assistant extraordinaire. You may have heard of me.”
“Vaguely,” Bucky took his arm back as quickly and politely as he could. “I knew you were coming, but-”
“Yeah, this is way more exciting than when I went to New Mexico to be Jane’s assistant.” She flopped down on the couch like this was her own apartment. “Not that New Mexico can’t be fun if you’re in a place like Albuquerque, but we were in a real dust bowl. Actually, a dust bowl would’ve been good. This was like a dust bowl within a dust bowl. I remember this one time I had to charge my phone, and-”
Thirty minutes later
“I say to the guy, ‘I don’t care about your grandmother’s bowel movements, just pay me five bucks so I can go. And then he gave me the money and I bought a new charger, and I could finally charge my phone.” Darcy took the first breath Bucky had seen her take. “And then there was the time I had to get Jane a new battery for her laptop.”
“You know what? I just remembered I have to be somewhere right now.” Bucky shot off the couch like it was on fire. “Somewhere important… but you know, that was a really great story you were telling. I have this buddy, Sam Wilson, and I bet he’d love to hear it.”
“You mean the Falcon?” Darcy’s eyes lit up. “He’s my favorite! No offense.”
“None taken.” He entered Sam’s number into her phone, along with his apartment number and other relevant information.
“I’ll just pop on over and say hi.” She raced out the door, only to poke her head back in seconds later. “Almost forgot. Say cheese!”
Bucky did not say cheese and he didn’t smile. Darcy took the picture anyway.
“Nice,” she said, tapping a few buttons. “Friend me on Facebook. I’ll tag you.”
When she was gone and beautiful silence was restored, Bucky fell on the couch in a dead faint.
‘Have a good time, Sammy,’ he thought evilly.
Bucky went back to his apartment and ate dinner while waiting for the obligatory threatening text message he was sure to receive at any moment. By noon the next day, it still hadn’t come.
A full twenty-four hours after Bucky unleashed the Chatty Cathy horror that was Darcy upon an unsuspecting Sam, his phone finally went off. Sam had sent him a photo. It was of him with Darcy in his lap, kissing his cheek. There was writing on her neck he hadn’t seen before. It looked like the singular ‘no’ on his bicep.
‘Thanks for finding her for me.’
Bucky crushed the phone.
‘Just great,’ he thought later on after failing to fix his ruined phone. ‘Now I need to buy a new one and Sam is one up on me. I can’t believe that guy. Here I was trying to make peace with him, and all he wants to do is be a two-year-old kicking sand in my face. Un-fucking-real. Of all the people I have to be destined for. I don’t even want to think about what my romantic soulmate will be like.’
He stepped outside and ran straight into a petite figure, stopping his train of thought. The woman, soft where he was solid, bounced off him like a ping pong ball. She was no bigger than Steve before the serum, and some long-buried protective instincts rose to the surface as he bent over her.
“Jesus, I am so sorry. Let me help you.”
“I’m fine,” she said, pushing the hair out of her eyes. “Should’ve looked where I was going. I always do that.”
She got up using his arm as leverage. Bucky would’ve helped properly, but her words were burning in his brain and on his back. He stared at her like an idiot, like he hadn’t been lectured by his father every day on what to do when this day came. Something about being a gentleman and inviting her to dinner which he had to pay for. Maybe that last part was different with the modern day’s more egalitarian attitude towards dating, but at the very least, he shouldn’t be staring so much. Or at all.
“Sorry,” she said nervously, hands stuffed in her pockets. “I’m Jane Foster, I think you know my friend, Darcy.”
Bucky nodded. “Uh huh…”
Jane bit her lip. “She told me I should come and talk to you. I’m not sure why... actually, did I just say your-”
“Soulmate words,” he said with her. “Yeah, I… I think you did.”
He took Jane’s hand and squeezed it. Not too tight, just enough to feel her warmth. She squeezed right back and suddenly, the day was a little brighter.
It became easy to avoid Sam. He just had to spend all his free time with Jane. Getting to know her, learning about her research, taking her on long walks through the park, kissing her in the moonlight, making her cry out his name in ecstasy under the sheets.
He barely thought of Sam for a whole month. If they worked together, they didn’t speak unless it was mission critical. Nobody knew about their secret bond as of yet. Steve chalked the animosity up to stress and never tried playing mediator. For Christmas, Tony gifted them a ‘get-along’ shirt, which was promptly stolen by Jane and used as a sweat rag while she performed maintenance on her weather machines.
It was, shockingly enough, she who breached the topic two days after he and Sam took down a suicide bomber and only got the bomb dismantled with four seconds to go.
“Look, it’s not that simple,” Bucky said, pressing an ice pack to his head. He wasn’t in pain anymore, but with the cold came numbness. He needed some of that right now. “I’ve been trained in a lot of things, but diffusing bombs is not one of them. We got it in the end.”
“Yeah, barely,” Jane said, turning a wrench way harder than she needed to. “If you’d been one second late, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now. Because you’d be dead. You understand that, right?”
Bucky did realize it, and it really sucked. He never wanted to be one of those guys who complained about ‘nagging girlfriends’, especially when Jane had every reason to be mad at him. He just… really didn’t want to have this conversation.
“What do you want me to do?”
Jane dropped the wrench and took a seat on the table. She was so light, it barely squeaked under her weight.
“Darcy told me you and Sam were arguing the whole time,” she puts a hand on his face, making him meet her gaze. “That’s why you were having problems.”
“He’s an idiot.”
“He’s your partner. And your soulmate.”
“You’re my soulmate.”
“Look, I know romantic and platonic soulmates aren’t the same thing, but they’re not so different either.” Jane wrapped her arms around him, moving from the table to his lap. “Most people don’t even have one soulmate, let alone two. People like us… we’re basically born with an emotional support system already laid out for us, and that’s not something to run away from.”
Bucky furrowed his brow. “Us? You have a platonic mark, too?”
The non-sequitur bugged her. He could tell without her saying anything. She pulled back her hair to show him the words behind her ear. It was such a small space, no wonder he’d never noticed before.
“Man this place is hot as balls. How do you even stand it?” he read, a grin forming. “Darcy, huh?”
Jane giggled. “The first few weeks were the worst. We couldn’t agree on anything. She drove me so nuts I had to sleep on the roof by the firepit.”
That didn’t sound right. Bucky had seen them together a bunch of times (without Sam of course) and those girls couldn’t be closer if they were sisters.
She seemed to read his mind. “We needed time to get where we are now, and I think you can have the same thing with Sam if you try.”
“He won’t try,” Bucky said. “He’s hated me from the start. Not that I blame him. We didn’t meet under the best circumstances.”
“None of that was your fault, Bucky. Sam knows that.”
“Does he?”
“Yes.” Jane touched her forehead to his. “I know I can’t force you to talk to him, but at least think about it. Because deep down, I think you guys do care about each other, or this wouldn’t be hurting you so much.”
“It’s not,” he said, even though lying to her felt worse than a punch to the chest.
“Just promise me you’ll be civil with him. You know, so you don’t get blown up.”
“I promise,” Bucky mumbled. Then he buried his face in the crook of her neck where he could forget all his troubles.
Sam was in the lounge, which sucked because it should’ve been empty this time of day.
Bucky was only there because he had no bad guys to fight and Jane wouldn’t be back from her meeting for another half hour. With nothing else to do, he’d hoped to get a nap in and maybe watch some TV. Instead, he found the bane of his existence resting in a recliner (the one Bucky usually sat in of course) reading a book and pretending to be dead to the world.
Which he wasn’t. Bucky knew that because his hands tensed and his breathing sped up as Bucky made a spot for himself on the couch.
The TV was in the corner and the remote within reach. He should’ve turned it on, but he didn’t. He grabbed a magazine off the coffee table. Nobody knew why Tony kept them when nobody ever read them. When asked, he’d only say it was for aesthetic purposes. Whatever that meant.
“So…” he licked his lips. “Nice weather we’re having.”
“Yeah,” said Sam.
“Pretty warm for March. Must be that climate change thing I keep hearing about.”
Bucky rolled his shoulders. Sam scratched his nose. They continued their reading as Bucky found himself on the same sentence six times. Every few seconds, his eyes flicked to Sam, searching for the slightest shift in expression. He soon gave up on the illusion of reading and set the magazine down.
He was ready to just leave, but if he didn’t say his peace, Jane would never let him hear the end of it. Best to get it over with and then go back to their mutual denial of each other’s existence.
Bucky took a breath-
“I’m sorry, okay?”
-and released it. Hard. His chest hurt now. “What did you say?”
Sam groaned like repeating himself was worse than the labors of Hercules. “You heard me. I’m sorry. I’ve been acting like a jerk and being unfair, so I’m sorry. I promise not to do it again.”
Bucky appraised him, his pursed lips and tight posture, like he was reciting lines for a play. “Did Darcy put you up to this?”
“You bet she did.” Sam returned to his book. He appeared to be on the wrong page. “Jane put you up to it?”
“She wants us to make up and get along because that’s what soulmates do. Did you know she and Darcy are platonic?”
“Yeah, I saw the mark.”
Bucky sighed and rubbed his face. “They’re not going to let it go until we make up for real.”
“Eh, they’ll get bored.”
“No we won’t!” Darcy and Jane stuck their heads out from behind the kitchen counter. Jane’s cursed as she realized they were caught and forced Darcy down. “Uh… I mean, pay no attention to the women next to the fridge. Carry on as you were”
Sam rolled his eyes but couldn’t hold back a grin. Neither could Bucky.
“I guess we could try,” he said. “Make a fresh start or some shit.”
“We could also do nothing,” said Sam.
“You could also sleep on that couch for a month,” Darcy snapped. “You, too, Bucky.”
“That’s not up to you, Lewis.”
“Bucky,” Jane said in her rarely used but deadly ‘I’m pissed’ voice. “Couch.”
Sam and Bucky looked at each other. They both knew how this was going to end, no point in delaying it. Bucky curled his fingers, then relaxed them. He held his hand out to Sam. “Hi, I’m Bucky. I’m your platonic soulmate. Nice to meet you.”
Sam looked at his hand like it was covered in mud, then took it anyway. “Sam Wilson. Nice to meet you, too.”
They shook and, somewhere in the back of Bucky’s mind where he never ventured, he was actually kind of glad for the semi-truce. Maybe one day, they really could have a nice friendship the way fate intended. Darcy and Jane certainly thought so. They came out of hiding, Darcy already with her phone out.
“This is gonna be my new Facebook header.” She motioned at Sam. “Come on, Sammy, let’s do this.”
He stood reluctantly and let Bucky put an arm around him.
“Sammy, huh?”
“Shut the hell up.”
They smiled for the camera. The photo proudly adorned Darcy’s page for the next few months. And of course, they’d given each other bunny ears.
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transboygenius · 6 years
SE4SON: Chapter 9
[*Following afternoon*]
Libby and Cindy had just finished school, but before they were ready to go back home, Cindy decided they should dine out for a bit. It was Friday, and Cindy wanted to celebrate the fourth day without Neutron. She didn't even bother to ask herself where he could be, and neither has she felt the same way about Nick, but it's not like she even cared about that loser anyways. A few days without Jimmy Neutron was all she needed to properly recover. She was even in such a good mood, she said hello to Betty Quinlan as she passed. That's right, Betty Quinlan, one of Cindy's least favorites. She has never felt this good since her parents threw her that really, really expensive party for her 8th birthday, one Jimmy wasn't invited to, obviously. She can still remember her father crying from how much money he spent.
Cindy and Libby then stopped at a pedestrian post, where Cindy pressed the button and both waited patiently for the walk signal. While waiting, Jenny passed by them on her skateboard, attempted to jump over a fire hydrant, and then broke her leg. The two girls just shrugged at each other. As the walk signal flashed, Cindy and Libby crossed the street to the restaurant on the other side. It was a Japanese noodle joint called The Ramen Bowl, built in the spot McSpanky's used to be. When they entered, they were greeted by a waitress dressed in a komodo, who bowed in respect. After taking them to their seats, the girls then ordered ahead. Tempura soba for Libby, and regular pork roast ramen for Cindy, with a coupon for a free whole fishcake. Cindy also ordered a few side dishes, such as karaage and onigiri.
"Eat as much as you want, Libby! It's my treat!"
Libby should be happy, if not grateful, having to eat all of this delicious Japanese cuisine without paying for it herself, but she felt in her gut that Cindy is maybe being a little insensitive. Jimmy is still missing without a trace, and his mother is put into a deep struggle trying to find her only son. Carl and Sheen are beginning to mourn over their friend's disappearance as well. Even though nobody else missed the Neutron boy, everything has gone dull without the big headed kid around. Libby couldn't help but also worry about Jimmy. And here is Cindy, smiling brighter than a supernova, celebrating with a big meal spent with her own allowance. A child is missing, and she's acting like she just won the Nobel Prize.
"Aren't you at least bothered by Jimmy's disappearance the slightest, Cindy? I mean, the boy has been gone for four days, with no clues to speculate his whereabouts. It's like he's never gone anywhere and just got erased from reality." "Knowing those cute little goobers he calls his inventions, it could've happened by accident." "What?" "I said it's not even your problem, Libs! So why should you worry? You're not responsible for why Neutron is gone." "Look, as much as I'm not too keen on Big Head myself, I can't help but worry for his friends and family's pain. If I were missing, I can't imagine what shock it'd bring to my folks, loosing their only child they've spent 11 years raising and loving. What if something drastic happened to him? Like, he could be--" "Dead? Ohhoho, c'mon, this is the boy genius we're talking about! If he can survive a daily pummeling brought up by Butch every school day, I'm pretty sure he can survive any wonders he encounters in the big wide world! It would take more effort than a giant chicken, or a league of villains, to kill him!" "I'll give you credit for showing some concern, but this is serious. On top of that, Nick has been gone the same number of days as Jimmy's absence. Don't you find that coincidentally stran-- Hold up, girl. Can you run that by me again?" "It takes more than corny, predictable villains to snuff him out." "NO, before that!" "That he could be out there in the big wide world? Like, lost in space, or maybe a different country. Somewhere."
That's it! Maybe Mrs. Neutron hasn't looked hard enough yet! Jimmy Neutron is no ordinary preteen kid. If he's not on Earth, we know where he would be. Possibly, in a galaxy far, far away.
"Thanks for dinner, Cindy, but I gotta go take a rain check! See ya then!"
Libby got out of her seat and stormed out of the restaurant. Wherever she's going, she seemed inspired. Just as soon as Libby was gone, the food had then been served.
"LIBBY! Oh sure, bail on your best friend. Looks like more noodles for me."
And so to speak, what Libby had said earlier really crossed Cindy's mind. Nick has been gone long as Jimmy has, and just like Jimmy, no clues could be found. According to Sheen's knowledge, they both vanished on the same day. He also mentioned they were handcuffed together the last time he saw them, but how long have they been jointed? A intellectual like Jimmy would have easily gotten those cuffs off his wrists by now, and if they're still handcuffed, finding them would be no needle in a hay stack. What if they're not really missing? As any young stupid boy would do, maybe they both ran away together, as friends or enemies. Cindy's not so certain it's appropriate enough to entitle them as friends, judging from what she's seen from their interactions so far. They never socialized that much, but they never looked like they hated each other either.
Could they be somewhere up on a hilltop, in another country, performing a macho ritual by beating each other to the death for Cindy's love? Nah. Compared to Jimmy's strength, Nick would've easily creamed him, and hell knows it wouldn't last for four days. Plus, she still doesn't know whether or not Nick returns her feelings. Even if he did, she'd date him just to rub it in Neutron's face. It would be out of a crush, but she lost interest in Nick after he became washed-up. Could they be in a faraway state, made a truce, and then started their own business corporation for men who want to get their women off their backs? Nope. Two of them are both still kids, so there's no way they have enough money to open a business. Plus, how would Jimmy even talk Nick into aligning with his sexist organization? Cindy has always seen Nick as a ladies man, despite ignoring his female company.
Could they be stranded on a deserted island together, living at peace, and being happy-- No, no NO! No way! Nuh-uh! Never! That's her and Jimmy's story! She refuses to picture Jimmy being happy with someone else on a deserted island that isn't her, even if it is another boy! Wait, why does she even care? Why should she care? She doesn't love that pompous, self-righteous, know-it-all anymore. She needs to remind herself that he broke up with her for his own "selfishness." Wherever he is, good riddance to him! His whippy dip hair better not turn up in Retroville anytime soon! He can go marry Nick, for all I care! She took her chopsticks and greedily slurped at her noodles, then stuffed some karaage and a rice ball into her mouth. She barely gave herself time to chew her food. With Jimmy reentering her head, the only thing she could do at that moment was eat the memories away.
[*Seven hours earlier, during medieval times*]
Jimmy and Nick spent the night in a small barn, sleeping on beds of hay, while each had their own blankets. In the barn, they were accompanied by one cow, five chickens, and Butterscotch the horse. Butterscotch had his own blanket as well, including a pillow and a teddy bear. One of the chickens, who happened to be a rooster, woke the entire barn by letting out a good ol' fashioned cock-a-doodle-doo! Annoyed but very tired, Nick slammed his fist down on a hen sleeping next to him, thinking it was an alarm clock. Then he realized alarm clocks weren't exactly invented yet. The angered hen pecked her beak on Nick's forehead as revenge, which really woke him up. Jimmy awakened while rubbing both of his shut eyes. They got up to their feet as they stretched and yawned.
"Morning, little dude. Had a good sleep last night?" Asked Nick. "Not exactly. The hay wasn't all that comfy." Replied Jimmy. "Tell me about it. Sleep was much more comfortable when we were still handcuffed."
The two boys faced forward, and saw Rodent Girl sitting on the window, with a mug in her hand. She was staring at them, and what's scarier was she didn't blink.
"Can we help you, Miss?" Asked Jimmy. "Oh-no-need-for-that-young-gents-me-was-just-watching-you-in-your-sleep!"
And the way she talked, she sounded more energetic than usual.
"Wwwwwhy?" "Mitzi-wanted-me-to-watch-over-you-two-like-a-hawk-and-to-make-sure-there-isn't-any-funny-business-going-on-around-here-do-you-think-of-me-as-some-sick-soul-who-watches-people-in-their-sleep-for-my-own-pleasure-cuz-me-don't-do-that-me-has-decency!" "Mitz- She made you stay up here all night?" Asked Nick. "She-didn't-made-me-she-asked-me-to-she-isn't-all-THAT-mean-and-she-provided-me-with-all-this-coffee! *Sips from mug* Mmmm-this-is-some-good-define-enrichment-too-bad-these-beans-are-very-pricey-but-it's-not-like-we're-paying-for-them!"
Despite the window being opened, she exited through the main door instead. Mitzi really doesn't trust them, Jimmy thought. Will she continue doing this? The boy genius will have to build a door lock, and some shut-in windows, because how will they ever have a goodnight's sleep when some weird lady, that looks like a runaway from the circus, is watching them through the whole night? Or maybe worse; They won't wake up the next morning. And what did Rodent Girl mean by not having to pay for very expensive coffee beans? Well, it's not like all of it will even matter, anyways. Jimmy just needs to gather up the needed supplies, build a new time machine, and get away from this freak show. Also, if Mitzi can't trust them, then the boys have every right not to trust her back.
Nick performed a couple of morning routine stretches to loosen up his joints, since his limbs are still a bit rigid from being handcuffed for three days. Jimmy was inspired by Nick's workout and gave it a try himself, but since he never worked out or exercised daily like Nick has, his entire body went stiff. As much as Nick had the urge to laugh right now, he resisted and helped loosen the small boy's limbs by stretching them out himself. And yes, it was quite painful, but yet Jimmy didn't scream nor cry. Science is the only major he's good enough for, while physical activities are his weakest point. Maybe he needs to put a little more effort in P.E. for a change. Or maybe have a tall, strapping, good-looking guy like Nick show him the ropes- UGHHH, what am I doing? What am I thinking? Jimmy almost found himself infatuated for his new friend. Nick is pretty darn handsome, but Jimmy can't see himself romantically involved with someone of the same gender. Boys were meant to have girls, and girls were meant to have boys. That's what they say and that's how it has always been. Right?
After restoring Jimmy's joints, the two wandered off to find the shed that held all the stuff they need to build a new time machine. It didn't take them that long, and it was actually easy to find. Diana was there, bench pressing a wheelbarrow, the same one they carried uphill yesterday, loaded with a bunch of random junk. Actually, through Jimmy's eyes, they looked pretty useful to make a new time machine with, but they're all probably Diana's, so they should just take whatever is in the shed that will work. When Diana noticed the boys, she held the wheelbarrow midway and greeted them with a warm good morning! Jimmy and Nick returned the good morning back. Jimmy grabbed hold of the door handle and opened the shed wide. His excitement soon died down when he found that the shed was cold empty.
"Uh, Miss Diana, ma'am? Wasn't there suppose to be a lot of things in there you said we could use to make a new ride back to our home?" Asked Nick. "Huh? Oh, sorry about that, boys. I didn't know what time you'd be up by, so I'm using all this stuff for my morning warrior aerobics! I dare not to miss out on one workout, otherwise my thews will become tender-loins!" Replied Diana. "That's nice and all, but may we have them now?" Asked Jimmy. "Not now, at least not until I reach 230,000!" "And how far do you have?" "109,485 more to go!" "What are we suppose to do by then?" "We could always talk some more." Nick suggested. "Well, thee can always head inside the hut for a big, hearty breakfast Benson hast did prepare himself! His cooking's not that good, but it is satisfying. Worry not about me! I'll has't a bite as soon as I'm done here! I never consume food before workouts, because then I'd receive stretch marks and nausea." "Thank you, Diana."
Even though neither Jimmy and Nick were hungry yet, it would be nice to fuel on some protein and nutrients for energy. Actually, back in the twenty first century, Jimmy's "protein and nutrients" were sugarcoated cereals and toaster pastries, which he yearned for right now. Whatever Benson has cooking up, the boys can rest assure the meal will be decent, and overall filling. When they reached the hut, they walked right into an argument between Rodent Girl and Benson. Rodent Girl was talking normal again. The caffeine must have worn off by now.
"PORRIDGE? Again?! We have four hens, why don't we have some eggs for once? Me need protein, not this tasteless gunge!" "Add honey or fruit, if you must. You know we are on a tight budget! And as for those eggs, they are meant to be kept incubated so we couldst breed more chickens. More chickens means more rations to feed this home, plus two new guests!" "What about those two eggs you kept stored in the bottom left cupboard? You don't plan to incubate those, do ya?" "Uh, um, those are saved... ...for an emergency!" "We have an emergency right here, you liar! Me young, me hungry, and me elevating in TEENAGE HORMONES!"
Nick coughed, which then ended the argument.
"My deary me, I apologize you two had to witness that! Please forgive Miss Oona. She's going through a stage of teenage hormones! Or whatever it is that rats develop.” Said Benson. "Don't make me bite you." Replied Rodent Girl.
Nick didn't say anything and just marched up to the cupboard Rodent Girl mentioned the two eggs were stored, which then upset her.
"HEY, what are you doing with MY breakfast?! Just because you're a guest, doesn't mean you have the right to abuse your hospitality!" "Just leave it up to me, gang. I'll be sure to fix you a breakfast that will leave you full until dinner." Nick replied, juggling those two eggs.
Everyone, including Jimmy, was confused as to what Nick could make with only two eggs. By now, he could only fix an omelette for one, and that wouldn't be enough for a house of six to share. But an egg dish wasn't really what Nick was aiming for. He set the eggs down on the counter, and fetched some other ingredients; Sacks full of flour and sugar, a bottle of milk, soften butter, a salt shaker, and a tin can labeled "baking soda." Before he was ready to start, he borrowed Benson's apron. First, he cracked the eggs into a separate bowl, then beated them until they became fluffy and stiff peaks formed. Next, he folded in the sugar and melted butter. After that, he sifted the dry ingredients into the egg mixture. The milk was mixed in last. Everyone in the room watched him like he was putting on a show. When the batter was completed, he ladled some onto a hot skillet greased with butter.
Right before their eyes, he was flipping hot fluffy cakes on the stove, and made just about enough to feed an army. The arousing aroma from Nick's creation whet their appetites. Nick commanded everyone in the room to hold their plates up, and so they did. Wielding his spatula, he tossed the edible disks into the air, and pretty soon everyone's plate was stacked with fresh, thick pancakes. Benson got out some maple syrup, and began pouring. Jimmy cut off a piece and put it in his mouth. The taste was more than delicious. It was sensational. He has never tasted pancakes like this. They were beyond compare to his mom's. Nick sure is amazing. He surprisingly knew how to cook, despite his young age.
"Oooohhh! Hotcakes! You see, Benson, this kid has proven to have much more manlier savvines than you, and he's like, thirteen years old?" Said Rodent Girl, intended to offend Benson. "I'm twelve, actually." Nick corrected. "Nick, I've never tasted anything like this before. I didn't know you could cook. Why didn't you tell me?" Said Jimmy. "Well I thought, since we're friends and all, I wanted to surprise you. You're the first person, in the twenty first century, besides my mom, I've ever cooked for." "Really? Well, surprised I am! You got a hidden depth! You know, if professional skateboarding doesn't work out for ya, you could always land a career in culinary arts! How long have you been at this gig, anyways?" "Since I was nine. My mom works from 9 AM to 11 PM, which means she doesn't have time to fix me a hot meal. She leaves me with all those microwavable TV dinners in the freezer. I wouldn't say they tasted bad, but they certainly didn't taste like dinner. Or food, for that matter. By then, enough was enough, and I was really craving for Mom's authentic Brazilian dishes. So, I took her handwritten cookbook from off the shelf and tried to duplicate some of the recipes in there. I may have burned a little, twice, but I was very young. Eventually, I took a few lessons from Mom, and pretty soon I got the hang of it. As I grew older, I started to improve, and even began experimenting my own original recipes." "Experimenting, huh? Heh, the way you put it out, cooking does seemingly sound just like science. ...in a cultural sort of way."
Nick chuckled. He wasn't laughing at Jimmy, he was laughing with him. His other friends (fake friends, as he would like to call them) would've made fun of and teased him for cooking, since it's not seen as a manly hobby. Nick was a little tense that Jimmy might've ridicule his art as well, but instead he impressed him. Even better, he compared it to the thing he loves the most; Science! If Jimmy can accept Sheen for being an Ultralord fanatic, or Carl for having a llama fetish plus a creepy one-sided crush on his mom to boot, guess he can accept his new best friend being a chef, especially if the food taste good. If Jimmy ever became his, he'd prove himself to be a worthy husband. When he wakes up, breakfast will be on the table, his lunch will be warm, and dinner will still be hot when he gets home. Everyday, he would shower him with his finest desserts, and feed them to his face. But since that will never likely happen, he could always just cook for him as his friend. And his slutty tram- wife could have some too.
Before Rodent Girl was ready to dig in, she tied a napkin around her neck, poured her syrup, and some melted cheese, then positioned her knife and fork. But right there, she fell face down on her pancakes, like she had dropped dead.
"OH MY GOSH, is she alright?!" Jimmy asked, feeling concerned. "She's fine, young man. Her caffeine rush just now blew a gasket." Benson replied. "Has anyone seen Mitzi anywhere? So far we haven't seen her around lately. Unless... (...she's spying on us. ...somewhere.)" Asked Nick, holding a tray loaded with pancakes, and looking around cautiously. "She's currently at work, and she won't return until afternoon." "Well, if she's not here, looks like she's out of luck! Here Jimmy, have some more pancakes!"
Nick stacked some more flapjacks on top of Jimmy's stack, which almost covered his huge head.
"I don't think I can eat that much, Nick." "Just-make-sure-you-don't-leave-any-for-her-if-you-catch-my-drift." "What?"
"79,326! 79,327! 79,328!"
Diana was continuing with her bench pressing. Butterscotch was now on the wheelbarrow, with a cup of tea in his hoof, to help add a little more weight. Suddenly, the scent of hotcakes pierced through her nostrils. Smells like Benson whipped up something good for once. However, she refused to give up on her routine until she's finished. Thus far, the more she indulged the scent, it brought her abdomen into grumbles. Looks like she chose the wrong day to work on an empty stomach. Whatever he's serving, it might all be gone by the time she reaches 230,000, and it didn't help that the smell was tempting. Ahhhhh, but who cares anyways? The stuff is probably fatty, full of calories, and could clog up her arteries. If breakfast is gone, she could always settle for meat, vegetables, or raw fish.
"(THE HELL WITH IT!) 229,998! 229,999! 230,000!"
She tossed the wheelbarrow aside, while Butterscotch was still on it. Now's the time to get to breakfast before it's all eaten. Her horse was very disappointed.
"*Neigggghhhh!* (That's a penalty, Missy! A penalty!)"
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cryinggameff · 6 years
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I spent hours tossing and turning that night, and I knew why. I had been apart from Cayden for 3 days now, and i was starting to lose my mind. I got up out of the bed and decided to try and take a shower, hoping it would relax me, then got back in bed. The baby started doing all kinds of flips and tricks and I instinctively reached over to get Cayden’s attention because he loved feeling the baby move, he said it was the only time he got to connect with the baby, I carried it around all day. I sighed. But of course my hand came up empty.
I knew I had made a mistake leaving the house, but I was feeling so many things towards him, it was hard to lay next to him. clearly he hadn't hurt me on purpose but i couldn't get past the betrayal, and honestly insecurities i felt. I thought i was giving Cayden something he didn't have, his first child, something no one could take away. Now i just felt stupid and i wasn't sure i could handle another woman having a child with my husband. What was I supposed to do if Cayden really had another son? Would I leave him over that? Something that happened before I even knew him. That sounded unfair. I threw off the blankets in frustration. Just then the doorbell went off downstairs. I paused. My stomach knotted, i was pretty sure i knew who it was. Only one person came by at such odd times. I got myself off the bed and put my robe on to answer the door.
Cayden stood with his hands in his pockets, wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. I had talked to him on the phone a bit, he was checking on the baby, but i hadn't seen his face and had forgotten just how annoyingly attractive he was.
“What are you doing here? It’s 3 in the morning,” I pulled my robe closed. He stepped inside past me so i closed the door behind  him. He looked down at me.
“Pack yo shit Randi. We going home,” he said simply, looking at me seriously. I looked at him like he had lost his mind.
“Do you think you’re my dad now?”
“No. I’m your husband, and I’m taking you and my kid home one way or another. This is ridiculous. I can’t sleep because I’m worried, I know you not sleeping either, which ain’t good for the baby. Your friends ain’t gonna take care of you the way I do, I know they not about to rub your feet or help you in the mornings,” he said. I hated that he was right. The only reason I was surviving this pregnancy was because of him. I still had really rough mornings and he made me smoothies or juice, something I could stomach since my morning sickness refused to go away even so late into the pregnancy, he ran my baths and often carried me to them. I was spoiled. Plus he gave amazing foot rubs, or on my lower back, which was beyond sore right now.
“You can't just ignore all your problems and act like things are ok Cayden, even if i come home the problem still exists," i pointed out.
“I’m not ignoring it. I’m gonna be a man and sort it out, either way, but I need you by my side. Because I’m...terrified Randi,” he confessed. "This shit is as shocking to me as it is to you, and i have no idea what the fuck to do. Im a grown as man but im scared." My face softened and my heart broke. Cayden so rarely showed vulnerability that it meant a lot when he did.
"well so am i," i mumbled, wanting to cry again. He saw that and cupped my cheek. I closed my eyes. When i opened them his face was hovering over mine. He brushed his lips over mine and my body turned to jello. He kissed me so i kissed him back. His hand moved into my hair and he got a fistfull of it, tilting my head back. He kissed behind my ear and down my neck, stopping just before the spot i loved to have kissed. He pulled away and looked me dead in the eyes, his were dangerous, unpredictable and warning of trouble. That was Cayden, but that was also me. He took my hand in mine and started for the stairs with me in tow.
I wasn't sure what this was gonna help when he was hovering over me, kissing me and positioning himself with my entrance. He hiked my leg up, and pushed into me. I whimpered, at a loss for words as he moved in and out of me with slow, purposeful strokes. I always thought pregnancy would make sex awkward but Cayden always knew what he was doing and so far it hadn't been an issue. He had me on my side now, thrusting his hips from behind me, a really comfortable position for my bump and my back as well. His mouth was by my ear and his hand gripped my hip. He was grunting in my ear which honestly set me off and i felt myself peaking as he did.
He rolled over onto his back and brought me into his side". You gon bring yo ass home now?" he asked in my ear. I nodded like a fool. After that how could i not. He chuckled, bringing his hand to my bump.
"He's been really active today," i said, looking down at his hand on my stretched skin.
"He gets that from me. Gonna be a ball player," he smirked.
"Im gonna have my hands full i already know. I just hope he looks like you,"
That's how he convinced me, and the next morning i found myself in my bed at home, with him laying beside me. I was awake and he was sleeping with his arms around me. I was looking over at him just thinking. We had talked after our little distraction and Cayden had apologized to me for the drama this had caused. He also made it clear he had reached out to Keisha and they would be going to get a DNA test today actually but the results didn't change how he felt about me and our baby. Now i was just trying to make peace with the possible outcomes.
"You okay?" Cay asked, eyes still closed.
"I thought you were sleeping. Yeah im ok. Are you ok?" I asked. He opened his eyes and nodded. He looked at the clock on the bedside table.
"I have to go soon," he said, looking over at me. He was going to the doctor with Keisha to give samples for the paternity test. I nodded. He got up and took his ring off to get in the shower. I wasn't sure if i was supposed to go with him or just stay out of it, i felt awkward because he hadn't asked me to go. He paused. "You coming?" he asked.
"Do you want me there?" I sat up.
"I always want you there," he said. So i got up and went to shower with him. I wasn't sure where we stood or what all i was gonna do, but for now i was gonna stay by his side.
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I was scared shitless. I didn't know what the fuck was going on and what this meant. One minute i was having a baby with Randi, and the next i might have a 5 year old son. When i had reached out to Keisha i asked her if the kid was mine and she said it was possible. I was beyond pissed. Why would she not tell me that i might have a kid? I would have wanted to know. I would have helped her out and handled my shit.
Even worse than the fear though was the guilt i felt for throwing all this on Randi. She was 7 months pregnant and more vulnerable now than ever, and i wasn't sure she could handle this. She was beyond upset and i was afraid she resented me now. I was the one who wanted the baby and made her all these promises about how our life would be, now this. Last night she had told me it would kill her if someone else had my first child, and i wasn't sure what to do with that. She came home with me anyways but i was pretty sure her staying was dependent on the results. I couldn't help but think about how we had just started moving into the new house, even started working on the nursery.
She sat beside me at the doctor's office, one hand in mine and the other on her belly. I was glad she had agreed to come with me because she kept me calm. Keisha and her son were sitting across from us, waiting as well. The whole thing felt like a twisted maury episode and i was beyond uncomfortable but it was more awkward for Randi. She wouldn't say a word to Keisha or even look in her direction. After a few minutes a nurse came and called our names. I kissed Randi's hand before letting it go. "I'll see you in a lil bit," i said.
"I'll be here," she said with a small smile.
I gave a bunch of samples like blood and saliva, they even look some hair. The nurse said we wouldn't find out for a week, they had to take everything to a lab then they'd call us. So another week of this not knowing.
I had to go talk to Pat so i dropped Randi off at home then drove to the warehouse. Driving up to it i suddenly got a wave of memories from long before i met Randi. When Trey was still alive and i was doing drops or working on corners. In a way life was easier then, i didn't have any responsibilities, i just had to focus on me and my job, not 100 other niggas and what they doing. But it was sldo harder, i saw a lot when i was doing drops or working on corners. I lost a lot of friends, got shot for the first time. I thought i'd be doing this shit forever, and i was ok with it until SHE came into my life.
"So this it? You really out man?" Pat said, passing me the blunt he had lit.
"Me and Sean madea deal, so its done," i shrugged. "Im just getting my shit in order now."
"So what you gon be doing?" He asked.
"Imma get more involved in my legit businesses, be on some CEO shit. Im working with these nerdy niggas on this app right now and shit is pretty cool, and we bout to make soe mad coin to top it off."
"On some legal shit huh. I see you cuh."
"If you ever get sick of this shit i got you man," i shrugged.
"I appreciate that. You a real one. Eh let me know when that kid get here, i wanna see you on some fatherly shit," he laughed. I chuckled.
"Bet," i said.
After seeing Pat i called Ty so see where he was at. I hadn't told him about everything going on even though that was my nigga, this just felt like something i had to figure out privately first. The dude knew me like a brother though and he guessed something was up i guess from the way i was talking.
"You and miss attitude fighting again?" he asked.
"Nah, not that. Just some shit going on," i said,making a turn at the light.
"Yall gon be aight, i know that for a fact. Can't neither one of yall live without the other," he said.
"I hope you right fam," i said. I pulled into the parking lot. I was stopping by the store to pick up flowers and ice cream for Randi. "let me go in this store real quick. Imma catch you later." I hung up and got out the car.
When i got home Randi wasn't downstairs so i went up to the room to look for her. She was sleeping in the bed but she got up when i opened the door.
"My bad," i said, "I didn't know you were sleeping."
"It's ok," she said sitting up.
"I got you these, and ice cream too. Its downstairs," i handed her the flowers.
"They're beautiful" she smelled them.
"You're beautiful," i said, she laughed. "No seriously." I grabbed her chin affectionately. "You still love me right?" She nodded.
"Im always gonna love you Cayden," she said, which gave me hope. "even if we aren't together." That last part was like a knife to the heart.
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Ty had agreed to move in with me after some persuading and well thought out arguments. He realized it was easier for him to commute than me because he didn’t work on a set schedule. I had to be at practice or games at strict times.
We were moving all his boxes in to the apartment. My place was really nice and spacious. It was a big apartment downtown and a few guys from the team lived in the building. Ty was coming in with a box when Devon walked by, in his way to his place down the hall.
“Ah shit! Is this the boyfriend?” He hollered, stopping in the doorway. I chuckled when I saw him and his huge grin.
“Yes. This is him. Ty, this my homie Devon,” i introduced them briefly.
“Cole hasn’t shut up about you moving in man,” Devon said. Ty grinned, feeling himself. I rolled my eyes.
"I said it once," i said, opening a box that was on the floor.
"He's a clingy nigga," Tyga said, "But i like it."
"Whatever," i said, walking to the door to leave and get more stuff. I was the clingy person in our relationship though. Ty was a bit more withdrawn, but it worked.
Devon left after a while and it was just us again. I was opening a box when i started thinking about the fact that i never thought this would work with me and him.
"You know, we never would have gotten back together if you hadn't almost died," i pointed out. He paused for a long time, thinking back to that time. "Sorry, i didn't mean to make you think about all that,"i said quickly, realising.
"It's ok. I guess you right. It took a coma and almost dying for me to fully accept myself and my feelings for you. Guess my mama was right, i am hardheaded." We both laughed. After a few minutes i asked,
"Do you still think about it?" i asked. I meant getting shot.
"Sometimes, randomly. Not like actually getting shot but mostly about being knocked out for so long," He said, unwrapping something.
"What was it like?"
"I don't exactly remember. I just remember wanting to wake up, to get up, and i coudn't. That...was pretty scary. Sometimes i be having dreams about that, wanting to move but i can't," he said quietly. I stopped what i was doing to really look at him. Vulnerable Ty was so rare.
"That sounds scary," i said. "I have bad dreams sometimes to. That you didn't make it. But not so much anymore," i explained. He nodded. We continued packing and that was that. That little conversation was a lot for us though.
After some unpacking we ordered food and ate it like animals. We hadn't eaten since breakfast and it was 5pm now.
"So you staying here tonight?" i asked. I knew he had a lot of work to do because things were busy now. Cayden was getting out and Sean was taking over so people were in a bit of panic. He was helping Cayden sort things out.
"Nah. I gotta go back. Imma be here tomorrow though," he said. I nodded.
"Ok. I guess i can start putting some of your  stuff away, if you don't mind," i offered.
"Awe, how sweet," he teased. I scowled.
"Put away your own shit then," i said, turning to leave. He grabbed my arm.
"Nah but forreal that would be lit, you know im bad at being organized and shit."
"Oh i know, ive slept at your place," i said. He gave me a mug and i howled. "Im playing," i pulled him closer by the arm to kiss him.
"I gotta get going soon," he said. I nodded.
"Do your thing. I have practice in a few hours anyways," i said. I wasn't really phased by his coming and going because i understood that was the job, and we generally weren't attached at the hip. I think it worked because we both had our own thing going. But not gonna lie it was nice to come home to someone at the end of the day and now we'd be doing that more.
"I'll see you tomorrow night," he said. He paused. "I love you," he said. I grinned.
"Bruh you soft," i said. His face dropped and i laughed. "I love you too," i kissed him one last time.
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comefeedtherainn · 7 years
Sunshine on a Cloudy Day
Author: comefeedtherainn
Pairing: Churchnut 
Rating: M for swears and sexual innuendo (because...Donut)
Summary: Leonard Church’s friends are tired of him being a miserable bitch, so they drag him out to the bar to drink and play some pool. Leonard Church is tired of being a miserable bitch, so he takes a leap of faith. Entry for @rvbrarepairweek
“Alright, that’s fucking it, Church. Get some pants on, we’re going out.”
“Fuck off,” Church grumbled, pulling his pillow further over his head and clamping it down tight. “Leave me here to die.”
“Jesus Christ,” Tucker groaned, rolling his eyes as he stalked into the room and yanked the pillow off of his roommate’s head. “You’re not gonna die. You’re gonna come feel sorry for yourself at a fucking bar like a normal person.”
“Eat a di- hey, what the fuck?!” Church yelped as he found himself yanked down the bed several inches by his ankles. “Get off!” He kicked blindly, hoping to connect with Tucker’s face.
Thankfully (or regretfully, depending upon who you asked), Tucker had quick reflexes and dodged easily, yanking again until Church’s ass hit the floor with a thud. “Hey, look at that, you’re out of bed! Now put these on,” he said, tossing a pair of jeans at Church’s head, “and for the love of fuck, man, put on some deodorant.”
“What does it matter what I smell like? I’m single now, and probably will be for the rest of my life.”
“Holy God, you are the most depressing fucker on Earth. You have five minutes, Caboose is on his way over.”
Church grumbled obscenities as Tucker practically skipped out of his bedroom, clearly very pleased with himself. He sighed and dragged himself to his feet, retrieving his glasses from the side table and placing them on the bridge of his nose. He pulled on the jeans that Tucker had thrown at him, grimacing as he caught sight of himself in the mirror.
He wasn’t an especially dramatic person, he thought, but Tex dumping him had been the worst thing to ever happen to him in his entire life and he doubted he would ever be happy again. Tucker wouldn’t understand, he already had a fucking boyfriend and Church was pretty sure he hadn’t been single for longer than a month since age ten. Fuck Tucker.
At the same time, Church knew he was his best friend and that he meant well, and that he would just pout for days if Church locked himself in his bedroom and refused to come out as he was tempted to do. So, with a long-suffering huff of breath, he changed into a clean shirt and ran a wet comb through his hair before ultimately deciding to hide it with a beanie instead. There. Just cleaned up enough to get Tucker to fuck off, but not so much that he would look like he wanted to hook up.
He emerged from his room to the sound of multiple voices in the living room. He rounded the corner expecting Caboose and Tucker, and stared blankly as he realized Tucker’s boyfriend, Wash, was there as well. Church gave Tucker his most unimpressed look, complete with raised eyebrow and dead eyes. “Seriously?”
“He’s just coming to chill! We won’t be couple-y, I swear. Look. I’m not even standing next to him. He could just be my buddy for all you know,” Tucker insisted, grinning innocently. “Right, Wash?”
“…sure thing, pal,” Wash said dryly, arms crossed and looking about as amused as Church felt.
“Whatever,” Church muttered. “You two do one gross thing and I’m fucking peacing out.”
“Oh, Church!” Caboose exclaimed excitedly, nearly bowling Church over as he threw an arm around his shoulders and guided him toward the door. The other two followed on their heels, Tucker grabbing his keys from the hook by the door. “We are going to find you a new date friend so you will not cry about Tex anymore!”
“I think the term is date mate,” Church muttered, scowling straight ahead as he focused on walking underneath Caboose’s weight. “And I don’t want one. I’m going to be alone forever. I’ll just get a cat or something.”
“Okay, I see what you meant,” Wash muttered somewhere behind him, and Church threw an icy glare over his shoulder.
“Don’t fucking whisper about me, you dicks,” he snapped, glaring even harder when Tucker snickered.
They piled into Tucker’s SUV, Tucker unhooking the car seat from the back and tossing it in the trunk before going up front to drive. Church huffed as he was stuck in the backseat with Caboose, who took up so much room in what would normally be a large car that Church had to press his shoulder to the door. He glared at the back of Wash’s head as he took passenger, and for some reason Church was offended enough by the seating arrangements to kick the back of his seat. Wash twisted around to glare at him, and Church just raised his eyebrows at him in response as Tucker laughed and pulled out of the driveway.
“So where are we actually going?” Church asked after a few minutes of listening to Tucker mess with the radio and drive one-handed. “Last time I let you take me somewhere, I ended up at a rave, and I swear to fucking God if you do that to me again…”
“Relax, drama queen,” Tucker snorted, finally settling on a station and turning it up so he had to shout the rest of his sentence. “It’s just Blood Gulch. We’re just gonna drink and play pool and you can feel sorry for yourself as much as you want.”
“And we will find you a nice person to go home with!” Caboose added, smiling his 1,000 watt grin. “And then you will stop being sad and eating all of the ice cream!”
“I didn’t- wha- fuck off, Caboose!” Church huffed, crossing his arms.
“It’s okay, Church,” Caboose said solemnly. “Being dumped is a sad, sad, sad, saaaaad part of life. But! It is okay, because there are other fish in the aquarium! Nice fish, who will make you want to wear pants again!”
“Jesus Christ.”
  They entered the bar together, Wash instantly zeroing in on the only free pool table and going to claim it while the rest of them got drinks. “That’s my buddy!” Tucker beamed. “Nice going, friendo.”
“Honestly, this is more annoying than the usual pet names,” Church muttered, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Get me a beer or I’m leaving.”
“Alright, alright. Come on.” Tucker led the way up to the bar, where he immediately ordered three shots. Church expected them each to get one, but instead Tucker slid all three in front of him. “Bottoms up, dude.”
“Ugh, did they have to be tequila?” Church grimaced, begrudgingly taking the first glass and downing it. He knocked back the other two before he could process how fucking gross they were, his entire body shuddering once he was finished. “Holy fuck, I think I just cleared my sinuses with that shit.”
“You’re welcome,” Tucker snickered, ordering another three for himself, Caboose, and Wash. Once they’d finished those and gotten beers to nurse while they played, they headed over to where Wash was setting up a game of pool. “Here you go ba- uh, my guy.”
“Just call me Wash,” Wash groaned, taking the tiny shot glass from Tucker and knocking it back swiftly before going back to what he was doing. “If you insist on being weird.”
Church huffed and sat on a bench, feeling moody already. Caboose watched him for a moment, chewing his lip, then grinned and sat up straighter. “I have an idea! Every time Wash or Tucker are annoying or gross, they have to give Church a dollar!”
Church raised his eyebrows, a smirk slowly forming on his face. “Hm. I like the way you think, Caboose.”
“Okay but who gets to decide if we’re annoying?” Tucker asked, raising an eyebrow. “Because if it’s Caboose, I’m gonna be fucking broke by eleven.”
“Church gets to decide. Also, shut up Tucker.”
“Whatever,” Tucker scoffed, rolling his eyes and grabbing a pool cue.
They played two on two for a while, Tucker loudly teasing Church for being the worst pool player ever, of all time, as if he wasn’t already aware. Once they finished up their first game, Tucker and Wash had collectively had to pay Church ten bucks, so he was in slightly higher spirits. They were interrupted by a bouncing, blonde-haired guy who’d been playing with his friends at the neighboring table.
“Heyyyy!” he sang as he bounded over, grinning ear to ear with his blue eyes sparkling. Church stared dumbly, unable to respond as he found them incredibly distracting. “My friends and I wanted to know if you’d like to play against us!”
“Sure,” Tucker agreed easily with a shrug. “Sounds fun.”
The guy flitted back over to his friends, and Church watched him as he chattered animatedly and waved them over. He was, frankly, fucking adorable, though he had a bit more energy than Church was usually into. Wait, into?! He was supposed to be alone forever with ten cats, not rebounding on a cute blonde at the bar!
The neighboring group of guys joined their table, led by the very distracting cute blonde. “Nice to meet you all! I’m Donut. This is Grif and Simmons, Sarge, and Lopez.”
Tucker introduced their lot as well, and everyone shook hands. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” Donut said as he came to Church, smiling and holding out his hand.
“Uh. Church,” Church mumbled, shaking his hand awkwardly. It was incredibly soft and warm, and Church avoided his eyes as he felt his cheeks heating slightly. “Sorry.”
“Nice to meet you, Church,” Donut grinned, winking playfully before turning back toward the game that was starting. These guys turned out to be as mediocre at pool as Church and his friends were, except for Donut. He seemed to actually know what the hell he was doing, sinking every ball he hit. “No, no, Simmons!” Donut sighed as his gangly, ginger-haired friend lined up a shot. “You have to go in from the rear! That’s where the sweet spot is!”
Church snorted, loudly. He turned a bit red when Donut looked over his shoulder at him, blinking. “Sorry. Uh. That was funny.”
Donut stared at him for a moment, then grinned brightly and laughed. “Thanks! These losers don’t think I’m funny.”
“Well, I do,” Church said without really thinking about it.
“Thanks,” Donut said again, smiling. He glanced back at the game, then turned back to Church and came to sit beside him. “I don’t even do it to get laughs anymore. I entertain myself with the looks of vague discomfort.”
Church scoffed softly, smiling and shaking his head. “Seriously? No one actually says shit like that, why would they think you were serious?”
“All gay people weave buttsex innuendo into their daily speech, Church,” Donut said sagely. “It’s part of Gay Bootcamp.”
Church laughed louder, an actual smile spreading on his face. “Ah, right. I think I was out of town for that. Must have missed the innuendo training.”
Donut giggled, watching him from the corner of his eye for a moment. Church was just starting to feel awkward and panicked about the ensuing silence when the blonde spoke up again. “So. I can’t help but notice that you are absolutely atrocious at pool.”
Church laughed weakly, shrugging and avoiding his eyes. “That’s me. It’s not just pool, I’m terrible at lots of stuff, actually. It’s a gift.”
Donut just smiled, a gesture that Church realized made his chest feel like there was a soft, crackling fire inside of it. “I could teach you,” Donut suggested, nodding to the table as it appeared that everyone had taken a break to chat and get fresh drinks. “Table’s free.”
“Uh, I don’t kn-woah!” Church gasped, blinking as Donut grabbed his hand and tugged him toward the table. “Uh, okay, guess we’re doing this.”
“Damn right we are,” Donut grinned, shoving a cue into his hand. “Okay. Line up a shot.”
Church huffed, embarrassed, and knew his ears were bright red as he lined up. His eyes went almost completely circular as he felt a warm body press up against his back, and strong arms reach around him on either side. “Uh…”
“Here,” said Donut’s voice in his ear, and his large, soft hands guided Church’s arms until he was at a better angle. “Like this. You have more control that way.”
“Uh huh,” Church croaked, throat now completely dry and heart pounding wildly. He swallowed thickly and allowed Donut to guide him into taking the shot, blinking when the ball sank instantly. “Woah. It went in!”
“Of course it went in,” Donut laughed, stepping away and leaving Church feeling a little cold. “It’s all in the wrist.”
“Hey, wait,” Church said, smiling sheepishly when Donut paused mid-step on his way toward the bar. “Uh. Show me again?”
Donut blinked once, then smirked playfully. “If you want me to press up against you all night, you need to buy me a drink first.”
Church stared back at him, searching his face. “…that wasn’t a joke.”
“Mm-mm,” Donut said, shaking his head with a lopsided smile.
“Uh…you like beer?” Church squeaked, setting aside his cue and stumbling to follow Donut up to the bar.
“I do, thank you,” Donut grinned. “Amber.”
“Cool. Awesome.” Church fumbled in his pocket for his wallet, ignoring Tucker staring and then whacking Wash so hard in the chest that he knocked the wind out of him a bit.
“Holy fuck, he’s buying Donut a drink!”
“Yes, I can see that, was bruising me entirely necessary?”
“Go Church go!”
“Oh my god I can hear you,” Church hissed, glaring at the three of them. He softened slightly when Donut just giggled, clearly amused. “Sorry about them. They’re idiots.”
“They’re sweet,” Donut smirked, taking the beer Church had bought him once the bartender brought it over. “Thank you.”
“Sure,” Church nodded, sticking one hand in his pocket and sipping his own beer with the other. “Uh. So. Are you from around here?”
“Iowa, actually,” Donut smiled. “Moved a couple of years ago. You?”
“Yeah. Me, Tucker, and Caboose all grew up here together,” Church told him, looking at his beer instead of Donut’s face so he didn’t stumble over his words or blush or anything else stupid.
“That’s nice. They seem like good friends.”
“They’re alright, I guess,” Church shrugged, a fond smile on his lips. “Get me out of the house, anyway.”
“Mm. You a home body?” Donut asked, looking at him over the rim of his glass.
Church grimaced, though he was unable to lie. “Kinda. Tucker had to drag me out today. I uh, recently got dumped by my ex-girlfriend.” Wow, way to overshare, Church.
“Oh, that’s awful,” Donut sighed, frowning sympathetically. “You won’t feel any better sitting in your room alone, though, believe me. You’ve got to get out.”
“I guess. Was worth it tonight,” Church said, more boldly than he felt. “Got to meet you. And stuff.”
Donut giggled again, nodding and showing off his bright white teeth with a grin. “Mhm, that was nice. We should do it again sometime.”
“Oh. Yeah? I mean. Yeah. Okay,” Church agreed, nodding erratically. “Totally.”
“You’re adorable,” Donut laughed, pressing his palm to Church’s cheek affectionately. Church almost collapsed as his knees went weak on him.
“Uh. Th-thanks. So are you,” he managed, face beet red.
Donut looked like he might be about to say something else, then looked over his shoulder as his friends called to him, all with their coats on. “Oh. Shoot. My ride’s leaving. Here.” He grabbed a nearby napkin and pen, scribbling his name and some digits onto it. “Call me, okay?” he asked, leaning to peck Church’s cheek bone delicately.
“Uh. Yeah,” Church said dumbly, touching the spot reverently. “Okay. N-night.” He waved awkwardly as Donut jogged to meet his friends by the door, turning to flash Church a bright smile over his shoulder before leaving with them.
“Holy. Shit,” Tucker breathed, laying a hand on Church’s shoulder. “I didn’t think you actually had game.”
“I don’t,” Church mumbled, staring at the door even after it swung closed again. “I’m just a lucky son of a bitch,” he decided, folding up the napkin and sliding it safely into his pocket.
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safitheartist · 7 years
Another thing with Gwendolyn in it! Because people seem to have really liked the last one. Again I am not diagnosed with autism myself and my experience with writing characters with this disability is very limited. I do not mean to steretype anybody and I am very open to criticism. It's a direct sequel to the last one where she showed up in the past. - "So, you like drawing?" Ben asked Gwendolyn as they were sitting around the headquarters, he watched in wonder and admiration as she drew complicated patterns on the sheet of paper they gave her earlier. They thought she could communicate better with them that way but apparently his (maybe) daughter had other plans. "See, there is no way she could be Ben's kid." Argit threw in again and Ben glared at him, this time it was personal, "I am quiet good in the art department myself, thank you very much." He informed the alien. Argit raised a doubtful eyebrow at him and Ben pouted, he was! "Miss Gwendolyn? Ben asked you if you enjoy drawing." Rook asked her again, they had realized that this helped to get a response from her. Her former unease around Rook seemed to have disappeared thankfully, but she still seemed very shy and uneasy around any other plumber that approached them. Gwendolyn looked up from her drawing and nodded, smiling shyly as she showed off her dragon made out of flower petals and geometric shapes, it truly was impressive, especially considering how young she seemed to be. "Cool Dragon." Ben exclaimed, the found feeling he's been feeling for her since she showed up seemed to become even stronger the more he learned about her. Gwendolyn's eyes widened with excitement as Ben said that and she tiped the plumber's symbol at the neck of her dress, suddenly a hologram of a dragon appeared infront of them, which then changed into various other fantasy creatures. "You like this stuff a lot." Ben commented semi amused with the clear excitement she was showing. Gwendolyn nodded furiously, moving her hands around. Ben found it a pitty that he couldn't understand what she was saying. He already memorized a few of the signs she used but he wasn't anywhere near understanding her. "Oh wow, I didn't know there was so much variety in Earth mythology." Argit schimed in, "So you say this guy inspired this whole slenderman thing? Yikes." Ben and Rook stared at the con man like he suddenly grew a second head. "What?" "You little shit." - The rest of of their time together was spent peacefully until Paradox showed up to take Gwendolyn home, ....or at least that's what Ben wished would have happened, sadly his life wasn't giving him a break today. Instead they were chasing a giant Racoon with Gwendolyn clinging to his arm like it was her life line. "Rook! Do you have to drive like this?!" He screamed, which was a bad idea because Gwendolyn seemed to be upset by it. "Excuse me?! I am doing my best to not lose animo!" His partner countered. "He's riding on a giant mammal! How can we possible lose him?!" Argit, who was sitting on Gwendolyn's lap for whatever reason chimed in. "I might lose my breakfast here!" They got the report on Animo causing chaos not long after Gwen and Kevin left and to say things weren't going smoothly was a understatment to say the least. Gwendolyn refused to stay at the base without him so they had to take her with him. The car ride got more chaotic per second and Gwendolyn's grip on his arm became tight to the point where Ben got concerned he might need to cut it off. He had no idea why Argit was even in the car and why Gwendolyn let him sit in her lap and he was starting to feel a bit claustrophobic. "I think he's slowing down!" Rook yelled and Ben could feel the relieve wash over him. "Thank fuck!" Argit screamed vocalizing what they all where thinking as the Racoon came to a stop infront of the nature museum. Ben facepalmed, somehow this felt like a deja vu. He climed out of the van telling Gwendolyn to stya behind. "Keep an eye on her." He told Argit who simply raised a eyebrow, "You're lucky she's so cute or I would high tail it out of here." Ben roled his eyes, "Trust me, in any other situation I would love to have you nowhere near me or anybody I care about but special circumstances require desperate actions." Also he seemed to be one of the few people Gwendolyn felt at peace with and keeping her calm and comfortable took priority over his own feud with Argit. He activated the omnitrix as he ran twoards the giant racoon, "It's hero time!" He shouted as he let the familiar sensation of the transformation take over him. "What the?! New alien?!" He took in his new form with wonder, his skin was a blueish purple, he could tell that much, his hands were humanoid but there was a thin kind of membrane between his fingers he noted, for swimming? His hair brushed infront of his eyes, it was longer and felt...sharper. He was wearing a black body suit with a number of translucent green scarves wrapped around his waist. "Well what am I suppose to do with this guy?!" "Ben! You are a Aquamarina!" Rook shouted over to him as he was distracting the racoon, Ben frowned, "A bit more info maybe?!" He shouted as he doged a ball of spit the racoon shot twoards them, 'Great.' He thought, 'Acid spiting Racoon.' He swiftly took cover behind a big bolder the Racoon teared off from one of the buildings earlier. "Aquamarins are aquatic mamals known for their hydorkenetic performance art!" Rook shouted over from his own hiding spot. "And that's suppose to tell me what now?!" "They make water float by dancing ya dingus!" Argit shimed in from behind the van door. Ben felt the blood drain from his face, "Dancing?!" He was suppose to dance?! He only knew how to do like one dance and that was a pair dance he did with Gwen and Lucy whenever there is a family thing going on and there wasn't any big water bodies around anyway! How was he suppose to do anything with this guy?! What was the omnitrix thinking?! He tried changing into another alien but it didn't work, great, it was in one of *these* moods. "Alright omnitrix, we can do experimental stuff like this some other time, now let me turn into Way Big!" he tried to argue with the device but sadly with little success. "Well screw you too then!" "Ben look out!" Rook shouted, Ben looked up to see the giant Racoon now loom over him, he swallowed thickly as the animal hissed at him, acid dripping down it's snoot leaving scares on it's skin, he stared at the black pain filed eyes, ignoring Animo's prunkful villan speach. He knew full well this creature might be the death of him but he couldn't help felling pity for it, it didn't ask for any of this to happen, it was at the wrong place at the worst possible time, just another victim of fates twisted master plan, Ben himself was one too, wasn't he? Ben couldn't move as the animal stared him down, even as it raised it's massive claw he could not move, he simply stood there, closing his eyes to await the impact. He could hear Rook crying out to him and even Argit seemed to be telling him to move, but it was too late and Ben knew that. He thought about his future, about Kenny and Gwendolyn and suddenly he felt so much regret. A good moment nothing happened, then a bright light flashed before his eyes. For a split second he thought he was dead, but then he felt something warm brush his face, he opened up his eyes to see a pink protection barrier surround him, the mana danced around him in almost petal like shapes, brushing his face. "Gwen?" Ben asked in beliverment, wondering when his cousin came back staring at the girl infront of him. However as his eyes adjusted to the light he noticed that it wasn't his cousin who saved him, Gwendolyn stood infront of him protectivly shielding him from the strike. She fired a energy ball twoards the Racoon, it passed through the barrier without problems which puzzled Ben as his cousin never has done anything like this. The energy ball exploded in a bright purple light infront of the Racoon's eyes, blinding it and causing it to stumble backwards, on it's way down it managed to rip a water hydrant open, causing water to flod the street. Ben blinked as Gwendolyn turned to him, 'she takes after her aunt.' He couldn't help thinking as she hurried over to him, pulling him into a bone crushing hug Ben returned the embrace, squeezing the little girl in his arms. "Ben!" Rook and Argit both exclaimed as they hurried over to him. "Are you alright?!" His partner asked with clear concern in his voice. "You little fucker almost caused us a heart attack!" Argit schimed in right after, Ben raised an eyebrow and the alien seemed to just now have realized what he said, "I mean..Rook and Gwenny almost had an heart attack, I couldn't care less." He avoided looking at him and Ben had the odd suspension that he was blushing under his fur, so he does care about him, Ben didn't know how to handel that knowledge really. "Well that happened. So any idea how we can stop this big guy and save him from Animo?" Rook and Argit looked at him like he grew a second head, "Save it?! Dude this thing almost teared you in half!" "Well he isn't in control of himself, this whole situation isn't his fault and I refuse to harm him more then necessary." The alien's exchanged a look. "Okay, first of all Benjamin, I know biology isn't your strongest subject but I'm pretty sure this is a female racoon." Ben blushed as Gwendolyn chuckled. "Second, I don't know what caused your sudden animal rights activist phase but I for my part think our survival is more important." Argit finished and Rook noded, looking apologetic at his partner. Ben glared at them and directed his attention twoards Gwendolyn who seemed to be lost in thoughts. "What do you think?" He asked, as if she would answer him. Gwendolyn suddenly jumped up and down making the water around them splash, Ben was caught ouf guard as she grabed his hands and swirled them around in circlea. The water started to move around them, floating, wobbly and in uneven chuncks but still floating non the less. Ben took a minute to understand her plan but as he did he could feel a smile spread on his cheeks. "You want to dance with me so we can get the control device away from Animo! That's a great idea!" "No, no, changing alien and kicking butt is a great idea. This is a ridiculously dangerous idea." Argit threw in again and Ben frowned, "We don't have much choice anyways, the omnitrix is in one of it's moods again and won't let me change alien." Argit stared at him with a expression Ben couldn't quiet pin point at first, was he concerned?? Ben didn't quiet know how to handel this kind of revelation either. The alien the sighed, "Okay, Rook and me will distract that thing, you two do that dancing stuff." He said finally and Ben let out a gasp of air, Rook too looked quiet shock at the other alien's sudden change in behavior. "I um yeah. What he said." Rook stammered in a perplexed manner as he followed Argit's lead. "Well I guess you know how this works?" Ben asked as he reached for Gwendolyn's hand, she smiled at him in a brilliant white smile and Ben felt this foundness bubble up inside him again. They start dancing, or at least Ben attempted to, but it was easier said then done without music. "Sorry!" He said as he steped on her foot. "What are you guys doing! Get on to it already!" Argit shouted as he avoided yet another strike from the racoon. "You try dancing without music!" Ben shoot back, that seemed to have given the alien a idea. "Cover for me!" He shouted to Rook as he dashed twoards their truck, "What?! Argit! You know this kind of animals make me nervous!!" Ben's partner shouted after the rat like creature, but he did as he was told anyways, sending warning shoots in the racoon's direction. Argit entered the truck hastily, he looked through their music playlists and almost had a heart attack as hardmetal played back at him, 'Red's playlist' he thought to himself and sure enough the playlist was indeed labeled Gwen, he skiped over Ben's and Rook's playlist and went straight for Kevin's, knowing the track he was looking for would be on it, it was a song he once heared in a game ages ago or at least a version of it, Kevin called it a instrumental remix or something, the only reason he even put it on his music list was because he knew it calmed Argit down. "Okay, speakers, speakers, there they are!" He waited for the music to be played over them only to realize nothing was happening. "Seriously?! This things aren't connected to the radio?!" He scofted as he dived down to see if he could rewire their setup. He had to make this work. The image of Ben almost being crushed earlier flashed before his eyes, morphed into the image of blood everywhere and small bodies lying on the ground. He couldn't let this happen again, he couldn't lose again. With that in mind he got to work. "Argit! I could really need some help here!" Rook screamed in direction of the truck, there was a pained groan heared over the speakers followed by a 'I'm working on it' Rook shock his head, whatever he was planing he better does it fast. "Ben! I won't be able to make do with warning shoots much longer!" He informed his partner. "Working on it!" Was again the reply he got as he douged another swall of acid, 'if this ends with holes in my fur I will have racoon for dinner, pretty green eyes will not prevent it.' He thought to himself, annoyed and frustrated even though he knew he wouldn't make true on that threat. He would rather leave this creature unharmed too after all. Suddenly a little smoke cloud emerged from the truck, followed by a melody ranging through the air. Rook watched as Argit, with a bit of his fur slightly burned, exited the truck. "Here! Now you got music!" He shouted twoards Ben as he made his way back to Rook, sqealing twoards the giant mammals direction to grab it's attention. He still wasn't sure if the other alien was really talking to that thing or just made random sounds at it. "Do I want to see what you did in there?" He asked as Argit reached him, the rat like alien raised a eyebrow at him, "Does Ben want to see what you're hiding in there?" Rook felt his face heat up and was thankful as so often, that one couldn't see that through his fur. "I will not complain and you will keep this a secret?" "Sounds like a plan." Ben had to admit, Argit sure was clever, the song wasn't ideal for the dances he knew but it at least had a rhythm he could follow '1 2 3, 1 2 3,' he counted in his head as he fell into the motion alongside Gwendolyn, somehow it suddenly seemed so easy. The movements came like he has done them a billion times before and suddenly the water was swirling around them sparkeling in the bright sun light. They made one last turn together as enough water gathered around them, sending the fountain twoards Animo knocking him off of the racoon. Rook lost no time reaching for the device that controled the racoon, turning her back to her normal size. Argit meanwhile jumped on Animo's head for good measure, "Don't make the glass crack." Rook reminded him, Argit simply scofted, muttering something about deserving it under his breath. Ben smiled at Gwendolyn who gave a shy smile back as the omnitrix transformed him back into his human form. He couldn't help himself as he lifted Gwendolyn off of the ground swirling her around in the air. "This was amazing! You are amazing!" He yelled as Gwendolyn giggled. "Oh no.." Ben paused as he heared his friends dreadful voice, he looked over where the two alien's where hovering over the small racoon lying in the pool of water unmoving, Ben felt something in his stomach twist. He rushed over to them examing the animal, "Is she..." He trailed off, letting the question hang in the open, the older boys exchanged looks, "Not yet." Rook informed him, "But....it does not look very good for her." Ben felt tears well up in his eyes, "Hey Benny...come on, you tried your best to save her." Argit tried to comfort him but Ben just felt numb, he failed, he saves people time and time again but somehow he fails at saving one little racoon who did nothing to deserve this. "Gwendolyn don't!" Rook said suddenly, snapping Ben out of his depressed state. Gwendolyn reached for the racoon, who wasn't even breathing anymore as much as Ben could tell. "Gwendolyn, sweety, it's...it's too late." He tried to tell her, knew that she too wanted to save her, Gwen told him once that healing spells were the most difficult ones to master, if the injury was too severe not even a anodite would be able to heal it and once something was dead nothing could bring it back, he remembered how scared she looked back then. Gwendolyn smiled at him in a reasuring manner and Ben was taken a back as she suddenly started to glow in a bright pink hue. The mana around her started to pulsate into the racoon as the three boys stared in awe and wonder. Ben knew it was futile, knew she couldn't archive the impossible, but for a small second he felt like she could make it better. It ended soon after it started and Ben wanted to lie a hand onto the small girl's shoulder, knew she probably felt horrible right now, but then something happened he could not explain for the life of him. The racoon started to stire, coughing water out, and then climed onto Gwendolyn's shoulder, nuzzeling her face. "Dude!" Argit exclaimed, "Did your daughter just rise the dead?!"
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newstanmarshblog · 4 years
Carrying a Best Friend: Chapter 3
   It’s 10:00 at night, and Stan had just got dressed into his pajamas. He wears a short shorts blue boxer, and a brown t-shirt. Normally he would stay up until midnight, but he wanted to get an early sleep because his day has been very painful.
   After hearing about Kenny’s death and grieving with his mother, Stan first called Kyle & Cartman about the terrible car crash. Much like when he first reacted to hearing the news, his friends were heartbroken about it too. Next he also called Wendy about it, and she offered her condolence to him afterwards. Later on, Stan met up with his friends at the outdoor basketball field as it was one of their favorite places to hang out with Kenny back when they were in their elementary school years. During their long time spent at the field, they all grief together, shared memories, and even each made a shot at the basketball hoop to honor their old friend. When the day grew darker, Stan returned to his home where he had a quiet dinner with his mom. Next, he took Samson on a short walk. And then when he got back, he spend the rest of the night looking through his book memory that has pictures of Kenny in it as he was tearing up a bit.
   After going to the bathroom and saying good night to his mom & dog, Stan was in his room about to lay on his bed as he thought about his best friend once again. He looks up to the ceiling.
   Stan: Hey dude, it’s me. I hope you and your mother are having a peaceful time up there. Down here, we’ve been grieving while also sharing old memories of all the times that we shared with you and your mom. Much of this town has also been paying their condolence to your dad & sister as well. I just can’t believe that you’re gone so soon. We had so many adventures together in the past, and many more were waiting ahead until that was taken away. *sigh* I know that you want me to move on and all, but I’m still having a difficult time since you’ve been taken away at such a young age. This is my first ever night sleep without you, and I don’t know if I can sleep fine tonight. But I’ll try the best that I can, for you.
   He was starting to tear up again.
   Stan in tears: If you see Chef, my grandpa, and Sparky up there, tell them that I still miss them all very much just as much as you now. Stay gold.
   Stan began to cry very hard as he lay down on his belly on his bed, and place he face on his pillow. He hasn’t felt so much sadness and pain in a single day for a very long time, and he just doesn’t know how long it will last and when he can get his life back on track.
   Up above him from the ceiling, a ghostly figure appears. It was Kenny. He sees his best friend on the bed crying as he was also noticing on how surprising beautiful Stan was. Stan’s arms & legs are very smooth as they had no body hair at all. The only hair that’s on him was his gorgeous raven hair above his face. Never before had Kenny felt more attractive to him than back when he was still alive. However, he didn’t have the time to look at Stan’s cuteness and attractiveness. Kenny approaches to him a little closer.
   Kenny: Hi, Stan.
   Stan noticed the sounded voice as he lifted up his head from the pillow.
   Stan still sobbing a bit: Huh? Who said that? Mom?
   Kenny: Look behind you.
   Stan rolled over onto his back, and he sees his best friend floating up above as a ghost. His eyes popped wide open as he felt like being jump scared.
   Stan: HOLY SHIT! Kenny, is that you?
   Kenny smiling: Yep, it’s me.
   Stan closed his eyes for a moment, and as he reopens them, he still sees Kenny floating in front of him. It feels like if he’s dreaming. He needs to be sure that it wasn’t one.
   Stan: If this is not a dream, and you’re really there, answer me this. What was the main reason of our trip to Mel Gibson’s mansion in the first place?
   Kenny: Because we wanted our twenty bucks back from him after seeing his movie, “The Passion of the Christ”. We both didn’t like that movie back then, and it still sucks to this very day.
   And then suddenly, Stan’s sadness was fully back into his happiness. It was all that he needed to hear.
   Stan filled with joy: That it still does, dude!
   Stan got up in full energy to hug to his ghostly friend, but as he was about to hug him, he completely went through him instead.
   Stan confused: What the hell?
   Kenny: Sorry, Stan. I’m a ghostly spirt. Nobody and nothing on Earth can’t touch me. Even I can’t touch anyone and anything.
   He places his hand onto Stan’s shoulder, and instead of landing on it, the hand went into the shoulder where the collarbone is. Stan gets some goosebumps.
   Kenny: See?
   Kenny takes his hand out of Stan’s shoulder.
   Stan: Yeah, I get the point. Well anyway, what are you doing here? Are you one those ghosts that can’t get into heaven or hell?
   Kenny: No, no. I was just in heaven actually.
   Stan: You were? How is it up there?
   Kenny: It’s freaking huge and peaceful. Plus, some of the people that we know personally are up there as well.
   Stan: Who’s up there?
   Kenny: Well, aside from my mom that’s now with them, there’s also Pip, your grandfather, and even Chef.
   Stan: Did you get the chance to talk with any of them?
   Kenny: Only with Chef. Just before I left, he told me to tell you that he said “hello”. And he also said that he has been watching us grow up for over the years since his death. So I imagine that he likely saw your toast for him yesterday.
   Stan smiled when he heard that. Knowing that one of his greatest friends has been watching him during all of those years growing up.
   Kenny: Now then, let’s get into the reason why I’m here. I’m not here for a visit.
   Stan: Then why are you here?
   Kenny: I should set you up on a couple things before I tell you for my reasoning being here. First off, this is not my first ever death experience.
   Stan: It’s not?
   Kenny: I’ve experience many deaths for over the entire course of my life. Like for example, remember that one Thanksgiving year where those turkeys attacked our town?
   Stan: Yeah, that was the most wild Thanksgiving experience in my entire life.
   Kenny: And during that Thanksgiving year, our town battled against those turkeys and I was killed by those freaking birds in the progress.
   Stan: That’s not how I remember it. You just barely survived by those turkey, and they hit you in the balls with their beaks.
   Kenny: Or what about that time after I came back to South Park from that foster home, a gigantic monstrous bird came out of nowhere, and ate me.
   Stan: I remember everything in that moment when you came back from that foster place, just not with that bird thing that you mentioned. Cartman was singing on how he was no longer the poorest student in our school when you returned, and then you kicked his ass really hard that he cried like a little lamb. How come you’re remember things differently than me?
   Kenny: It has to do with my powerful curse. Whenever I get killed, I’m in the afterlife for serval minutes, then my mom gives birth to me, and by next morning, I’m back at my current age. And the worst thing about it is that nobody remembers seeing me being killed. It has been happening to me ever since the day when I first became born, and it just causes me so much more agony as the years goes by.
   Stan: Wow, dude. I had no idea that you’ve been suffering so much in your life. I’m really sorry.
   Kenny: Don’t blame on yourself. My curse has the ability to wipe out memories from any mortal that either kills me or even just witnessing my deaths in which happens to you and the rest of our friends very often.
   Stan: How did you came across with your powers in the first place anyway?
   Kenny: It has something to do with Cthulhu. Only he and his followers knows how that kind of power was given to me during the time when my parents were involved with them, and they also should know on how my curse can be lifted from me once and for all.
   Stan: Wait a minute. You said that your mom often gives birth to you again whenever you get killed. But now that she’s dead, how are you able to return back to life and then try to destroy your curse?
   Kenny: That’s where you come in. What I’m about to ask you to do will sound insane, but it’ll also be the most important thing that I ever ask to you as your best friend. Are you ready to hear?
   Stan: Whatever it is, I’ve got your back.
   Kenny: *sigh* Alright, here it goes. Stan, in order for me to come back to life, I need you to become pregnant with me.
   Stan was very quiet for a moment. It almost felt like if he was just dreaming all along.
   Stan: Dude……What the fuck?
   Kenny: I told you that this will sound insane, but please, hear me out. I don’t think anyone else out there would ever do this kind of thing for me aside from you. Kyle may be a great friend, but he’s not like BFF that you and I are. I don’t think he’ll do it, even if I tried to beg him. Cartman already carried me once, and I don’t think he’s willing to do it again. If I ask my dad to do it, his drinking and smoking problems would affect my health dramatically. And as for my young sister, she’s not old enough to do that kind of thing.
   Stan: What about my mom? She can be very reasonable.
   Kenny: I don’t know her too much personally. If I just come in and ask her about it, she’ll think that she’s having some kind of crazy vision and will forget about it later. You and I on the other hand, we’ve been together for so long since we were five years old. We know each other so much that we even know a couple things about ourselves that only you and I know that our parents doesn’t know about. You’re the only person that I know very personally that can do this kind of job. Please, Stan. I need your help more than ever before.
   Stan: You know very well that I’m heading to college in two months. I plan on playing football over there in which can be very dangerous for you if I ever carry you. Plus, if I do ever become pregnant with you, my belly will grow so huge that everyone will think that I’m the fattest student over there. Even Kyle won’t believe me if I told him the reason why I’ve gotten fat so quickly. And above all, how am I suppose to give birth to you when I don’t have the right body parts for it?? I’m on my way to start a future career whatever it be a quarterback, or a Zoologist. I’ll have to set back my career life a year behind schedule that I’ve worked so hard on because of what you’re asking me to do! I don’t think that I can do it. I’m really sorry, Kenny. I really am.
   Stan taking some deep breaths, and faced down feeling really depressed for denying his best friend’s request. Kenny floated down, sitting next to him.
   Kenny: I know that it’s very hard. And I’m really sorry to make you feel that way. Believe me, I wouldn’t ever ask you to do this for me if I wasn’t so desperate. But my curse is forcing me to find a new host. If I don’t find one soon, I really don’t know what’s gonna happen to me, and I’m very scared about it. I could likely be gone and out of existence forever. My sister still needs me out there, and if I disappeared, I don’t know what horrible future lays ahead of her. If you really don’t want to do it, I completely understand. I will just instead faced whatever fate is in front of me. Just promise me that you’ll look after Karen for me. She also likes you just as much as me. She’ll be like your new little sister.
   Stan was beginning to have some second thoughts. On one hand, he really doesn’t want push back his career that he has worked so hard on. But on the other hand, just hearing that the greatest friend that he ever had could be gone out of existence means that a huge part of his happiness could fade away as well. If he lets Kenny fade away, all of those wonderful fun memories that he shared with him, he’ll never look at them the same way again. He’ll feel like that he just become the worst friend that Kenny ever had for rejecting to save his life. Stan wasn’t willing to let any of that happen to himself and to his best friend. It may cause some huge sacrifice on his career plans, but he would rather help those in needs over his own interest first. Especially when it comes to helping someone that he loved so deeply like his best friend that has been the closest that he ever had to having a real brother. Stan has decided that he now wants to become pregnant in order to save Kenny.
   Stan: I’ll do it.
   Kenny: Thanks, dude. I truly believe that you and Karen will get along very well.
   Stan: No, not that.
   Kenny: Huh?
   Stan smiling: I really want to become pregnant with you, Kenny. I don’t want to lose you because you’re the closet that I ever had to a real brother. And I love you for that very reason.
   Kenny: Are you sure that you want to go through nine months of an entire pregnancy, and pushing back your future career for the time being?
   Stan smiling: Yes, I’m 110% sure of it. I’ll push my football career aside until next year and will focus on my Zoology stuff as much as I can. My main focus right now is to save my BFF. I got your back, and you do mine.
   Kenny smiles back along with a couple tears coming down from his eyes.
   Kenny smiling: Thanks, Stan.
   Stan: I’ll also help you out on destroying your curse as well, as long you promise me that you’ll explain everything on how this pregnancy will work, and how I’ll be giving birth to you.
   Kenny: Will do. Now then, I need to touch your belly in order to knock you up. So, life up your shirt for me.
   Stan lifts up his brown t-shirt to show off his beautiful flat belly to Kenny.
   Kenny: Alright, I feel like that this will be only time that you’ll feel me physically once I touch you.
   Stan: For whatever lays ahead for nine months, I imagine that it’ll be the ultimate experience of our life time that we’ll never forget. Let’s do this.
   Kenny places his ghostly hand onto Stan’s belly, and instead of going through, it actually lands on it as he can feel Stan’s skin. A huge light beam shines between Kenny’s hand and Stan’s belly, lasting for only about ten seconds. And then, the light disappears. Stan also felt something inside of him, like if it appeared all the sudden.
   Stan: I just felt something, dude. Like if it appeared into my body without warning.
   Kenny: Whatever it was, it worked. You’re now officially pregnant with me.
   Stan: So, are you about to disappear into my belly?
   Kenny: Not until you go into labor. I’m gonna be very close to you for an entire pregnancy, and I also can’t fly away from you no longer than ten feet.
   Stan couldn’t believe that it just happened so quickly.  There were a lot of things that he needs to know on how his pregnancy was going to work, and how he plans to deal with all of it while at college. But for now, it was getting late. He needs to get some sleep.
   Stan yawning: Alright, dude. I gotta get some sleep.
   Kenny: I don’t know if I can ever sleep since I’m a ghost, but I’ll try and see if it can happen.
   Stan: I hope that you can, dude. Even every spirt like yourself should deserve a good night rest.
   He gets into his bed.
   Stan smiling: Good night, Kenny. See you in the morning.
   Kenny smiling: You too, Stan.
   Stan feels like that he can have himself a good night sleep now knowing that his best friend isn’t fully dead after all. Meanwhile, Kenny didn’t start to sleep yet as he waits for Stan to be fully asleep because once Stan was asleep, he was gonna try to get more questions answered from heaven.
   In the next chapter, Stan & Kenny plays a prank on Randy.
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