#me đŸ€ making ginger characters
wilted-violets · 1 year
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thank you @calla-lilly for the tag !
top left - lottie morgan, infamous - @infamous-if top right - anastasia drake, wayhaven - @seraphinitegames
bottom left - eliara wildegarde, shepherds of haven @shepherds-of-haven bottom right - lanaya lavellan - dragon age: inquisition (I just wanted four to make it even lmao)
picrew once again i'm unsure about who i follow who has mc's bc im sure Most of u have already been tagged but !! i wanna see everyones so tag me if you see this
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tototalks · 2 months
đŸŽ” Pretty woman, walking down the street, pretty woman, the kind I’d like to meet, pretty woman. đŸŽ”
Let’s go!! Time for 💎 Pet 💎
- ‘Ancel was a virgin the first twelve times he has sex. The thirteenth time, it lacked all plausibility’ - What a way to start a story and give insight into the world Ancel lives in.
- You would be SHOCKED how much us redheads get the “does the carpet match the drapes” question from total strangers. Ancel is really living the authentic ginger experience. 😂
- In the times of ancient Greeks and Romans, redheaded slaves were more expensive because they were rarer. In that way, Ancel was designed perfectly to align with his character. Love that choice by Pacat! ♄
- Ancel has a goal and I respect it, and he’s never once tried to hide it. It’s pretty clear that his love of expensive things comes from having very little at the start of life.
- It’s interesting to gain the perspective of a character detached from the thought of sex being emotionally significant. A first night was everything to Erasmus, and sex is hugely tied in with intimacy and emotional connection for Laurent. Jord and Aimeric fell in love while having sex. Whereas sex, to Ancel, is a means to an end. It’s literally his job.
- Love the implication that pets have their own hierarchy and contracts are fiercely competitive. They have their own little community.
- Ancel uses everything he has to his advantage to incredible effect. He’s pretty, witty, and talented. Whenever he walks into a room it’s like that scene from ‘How to Lose Friends and Alienate People’ where Megan Fox walks through the middle of the pool. Lol
- Now this may be the deeply ingrained European stereotypes I grew up with, but in the same way Laurent is French and Damen is Greek, Berenger is 100% German.
- You always get the sense that even though Ancel is bold and daring, he’s still tiptoeing and walking on eggshells. He completely reinvents himself for every new master he has.
- Haha Isagoras! - very on the nose and I love it
- It makes perfect sense that Ancel can’t read and cares little for long epics and poems. I’d be willing to bet though, that he has an amazing memory because of this. Uneducated does not equal unintelligent.
- Love that Ancel’s there all wide eyed like “yes! Please teach me to ride!” while internally he’s like “ew ew ew”. Don’t blame him. Horses are terrifying.
- I like that Berenger does find out Ancel is faking his interests and tells him that he doesn’t have to pretend. From there, Ancel is clearly more himself and more comfortable.
- In addition, although he’s a creature of habit, Berenger is actually really sweet đŸ„șđŸ„ș
- “Luxury suits you” “hell yeah it does.”
- I am so fascinated by Ancel and Erasmus existing in the same social sphere, and Ancel wondering why Erasmus doesn’t use the fact he’s beautiful for power, and dammit I’m going to have to write that fic, aren’t I? 😭
- Ancel and Berenger are mismatched but that’s what works so well about them with Berenger negotiating and Ancel naturally drawing attention to himself. They make up for one another’s differences.
- Ancel giving Berenger fashion advice, and Berenger ignoring it every time in favour of ✹another brown jacket✹
- I’m also liking the implication that Ancel enjoys being a pet and gaining attention for power because he knows what it’s like to be powerless. I personally like to think that he saw Nicaise’s situation and somewhat understood to a certain degree. I can imagine he would’ve been quite young when he started too.
- Fun fact! Ancel’s fire performance is actually reminiscent of a real dance! It’s a Polynesian art called Siva Afi and was traditionally a war dance, except instead of burning cloth on the ends of the baton, there are burning knives. Very cool! đŸ”„
- Ancel đŸ€ Kris Jenner - all publicity is good publicity and I will make billionaires out of a scandal and watch people be jealous.
- The kiss being the first implication that Berenger actually does desire Ancel. Ooh boy, you ain’t hiding that much longer.
- The kiss is also the catalyst for Berenger ending the contract, and I can imagine that Ancel is so confused as to what he did wrong, not realising the circumstances behind the decision. 😞
- It’s absolutely wild looking back on the garden scene from a different perspective and realising that absolutely no one wanted that mess to happen.
- “You’re old.” - once again, ouch.
- Ancel being annoyed at seeing the lords go and ‘coddle’ Erasmus serves to highlight the wildly different appeals Ancel and Erasmus have as pets. Bold and daring vs. Sweet and modest. They would be unstoppable as friends. Shit, I’m really going to have to write that fic now, or read one that hopefully some talented person out there has written already 🙏
- Love that Ancel doesn’t rat Berenger out to the Regent - the Regent doesn’t even want him, and I’m sure Ancel is faintly remembering Nicaise mentioning that he’s “too old” đŸ€ą
- And then the big reveal that Berenger was trying to protect Ancel as he supported Laurent’s bid for the throne; and Ancel realising that Berenger does, in fact, like him. Callback to “isn’t everyone looking for someone to be loyal to?” Sensational.
- I also, for my personal brain rot reasons, need Laurent and Ancel to strike up a bargain by which Ancel listens to all the pet gossip and rats out to Laurent which of the masters are disobeying the new laws of underaged pets or are undermining the new monarchy and union. All in return for a little coin of course 😉
- Ancel and Berenger: what a great little mismatched but perfectly matched pair! Really enjoyed this rendition of pretty woman! 😂
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robot-singularity · 8 months
Alright so, hear me out, locked tomb/doctor who crossover
(my original thought was Ten and Donna at the start of Gideon the Ninth, but it could probs work other ways)
(like Canaan House would probs make more sense plot wise, bc that's a whole ass haunted house castle, but also "hey let's go check out Pluto! Wait what's w the skull cult? I wonder what's in this locked tomb in the depths of the planet?")
(continued under the cut bc I ramble a bit)
Anyways! Gideon would jump at the chance to get the hell off the Ninth (tho I'm not sure as of yet how Harrow would be persuaded to go with them)
Time travel besties adopt a couple of plutonian goth teens
The various interactions between all four of these characters is also really fun to consider
(Ten and Harrow: two scrawny mfs studying each other like bugs, Ten and Gideon: for the love of God please stop chucking yourselves onto the railing, Donna and Harrow: tempted to throw hands w this 17 year old bone nun, Donna and Gideon: red head squad :) (what do you mean you've never had tea?))
Also, new outfits from the tardis's wardrobe (aka Gideon somehow makes an outfit gaudier than Six's lmao)(also, Harrow (begrudgingly) in five layers, including an oversized nine inch nails hoodie she can hide bones underneath (the face paint stays on tho))(also also! Gideon picking a less gaudy outfit, and coming out in Nine's leather jacket (and Ten winds up explaining regeneration earlier than he canonically did lol))
Also, based on Harrows first night at Canaan, she tries to map the TARDIS, and it doesn't make any logical spacial sense. (She hates this, vehemently.) (Welcome to non-euclidian geometry, Reverend Daughter.)
Ten mentions his Christmas sword fight, and Gideon asks him to spar ("and if you get injured, you can patch yourself up, since you're a doctor and all!" "Weeelllll...") (Anyways, predictably, Gideon "best swordswoman the Ninth has ever produced" Nav immediately disarms Ten and decks him. Bitch went down lmao)
(also Gideon and Harrow doing their normal trying to beat the shit out of each other thing, Donna makes an aside like hey should we break this up or? And Tens like, nah, that's just, normal childhood best friendship, ya know? And Donna's just like, mate wtf are you on about???)
Basically, just a whole lot of Harrow and Gideon getting to be somewhat normal teens (or at least pretend for the most part)
(also, fun whump consideration: Ten (post Journeys End) đŸ€ Harrow (post gtn/during htn): what losing your ginger better half does to a mfer (⁠Ž⁠;⁠⁠;⁠`⁠))
I have so many thoughts on this but I need to go to sleep gn
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 188
Devil May Care/The Angels Take Manhattan
“Devil May Care”
Plot Description: Dean shocks Sam when he opens the Impala’s trunk to reveal he’s kidnapped the King of Hell. Meanwhile, Abaddon rises with plans to take over his role.
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: oh, we START with Dean dragging in a corpse, but it doesn’t seem like anyone else is dying
I really hope she has even ONE episode where she doesn’t get brutalized

Ok maybe it wasn’t Dean dragging in a corpse, just some shmuck recruited by Abaddon. Love that ❀ she’s back
I don’t like whatever’s going on in this bunker now. You don’t get to keep both Kevin AND Crowley there
Honestly, yeah. That’s probably the best way to torture Crowley: leave him alone in a dark room with no one to make snide quips to
I would 100% accept her as queen. She’s as cruel as she is beautiful
Abaddon is having so much fun and I love that for her
I can’t believe Kevin 1) chose Solo as his fake last name (I actually can) and 2) basically blackmailed the military officer
ABADDON HAS NEVER DONE ANYTHING WRONG EVER. Everything she’s done is completely right
honestly, it was inevitable, but you shouldn’t have left Kevin and Crowley alone in the bunker. He’s just a KID, and Crowley’s a centuries old demon. I can’t even blame him if he gets manipulated into freeing Crowley
PLEASE. I’m begging. Just ONE episode. A little holy water splash is fine but she’s already been through so much at the Winchesters’ hands

.she could possess me any day. I wouldn’t want to actually do the things she’s threatening to make Dean do should she possess him, but the way she talks about it đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„° I’m very normal about her
I still don’t trust Ezekiel.
Fuuuuck. It does look like
oh, Crowley’s still here. But where’s Kevin??
Mmmmmmmmmmmm, he’s gonna think that this is Dean only needing him because he’s useful
..omg, ok, so turns out if Kevin cries, I cry. He’s needed cuz he’s FAMILY. Eat your heart out, Fast and Furious franchise
Godddd, when will the secrets STOP?!
“The Angels Take Manhattan”
Plot Description: the Angels are back, and this time they’re taking over Manhattan
This little girl’s got no business playing peekaboo with a Weeping Angel. The fuck
Wait. That’s not how they work. You disappear from your timeline
you don’t
you don’t make it back to your same timeline, do you?? And meet your old self? But
I guess
wibbly wobbly timey wimey
I’ve been to that rock they’re sitting on.
Oh. Oh Rory. Oh dear, sweet Rory who has apparently never been on the internet????? “Only [the Doctor] could fancy someone in a book”??? Good thing ao3 is down. It’s completely blow his mind to bits. Then again, just send him to any character tag here and same difference
And I had my picture taken at that fountain
Of course the protagonist of the book is actually River. (I remembered the author even now but I forgot the main character was River)
That giggling though. Creepy
Omg. Okay, I like all the weird time travely stuff. It’s one thing to go to one destination but it’s another to get a book from the past and then influence that book by going even further into the past. Just. Delightful
Ohhhhhhh the Doctor’s freak out about saying goodbye to Amy
telling River to get out of the Angel’s grasp without breaking her own wrist, to change the future that’s already been written. AND SHE WANTED TO LET HIM BELIEVE SHE HAD 😭😭😭
I can’t believe Amy just had to watch Rory die again
this time as an old man
Amy’s love for Rory is so beautiful and endearing, and it’s so dumb they ever made us doubt it
I know this is supposed to be an emotional moment but the music is killing the mood
Except now we’re back in that graveyard

and I know what’s gonna happen and I hate it
It was the right thing but it doesn’t make it less heartbreaking. She’ll take any chance to see Rory again. Every time
DonnađŸ€Amy: gingers who tell the Doctor to not travel alone
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