#me a dumbass who needs validation: 😢
caits-whine-cellar ¡ 1 year
Oi... It's a fucking minefield with this kid, I can never tell what will set him off 🙄
Tantrums twice today, you'd think he's 3, not 23 😒
First tantrum was around 10 because I told him, "hey, yeah, no, those are valid questions. You didn't attach anything to that email and gave no details about if anything changed from yesterday like she asked."
"Why are you even included in these emails?!" 😡
"Because I used to handle these reports?" 🤨 And I kinda need to keep an eye on them, and him, because he keeps screwing up and getting pissed off over nothings. Obviously didn't say that last bit, and I didn't raise my voice or get angry, just calmly and politely (and helpfully) explained this stuff.
He stormed out of the office shortly after, and was gone for over 30 minutes. All I could do was shrug and cover his phone while also doing my job. 'Cause I've decided fuck it, not worth it for me to get angry, too. Not gonna change anything, and will just get me in shit. He can throw his little tantrum, storm off with (seemingly, at least) no consequences, and I'll just cover his shit, make my notes to take to my boss and go about my day. Me getting pissed off isn't going to make it any better, I'll just be stuck in the same situation but now in trouble for yelling at him and taking out my anger on anybody else who has the misfortune to cross my path. Pointless. I got better shit to do (like his job apparently 😒)
Then his second tantrum was about an hour before end of day because I made the mistake of telling him that professional emails in a professional setting should be kept professional. I only noticed because he was bragging about giving the vendor shit.
"He always sends incorrect POs. Always. So, I'm just going to tell him to send the correct POs. Ha!" 😈
Email body: "send the correct POs."
😧😬 "Dude! That's not how you should have worded that. Keep it polite and at least a bit on the professional side and actually tell them what the issue is. Like, these POs are too short and this one's too long. Not just 'send correct POs'."
"But he always makes mistakes! All these vendors do! Every day!"
Oh, so, like you do? 🤔 The same mistakes. Every. Day. 😒
"And you keep telling me to stand up for myself and not take shit from vendors! And then you tell me this and make up your mind!" Followed by muttering about how we keep telling him contradictory things. 🤬😡😢😡😢
"Take no shit" does not mean slinging it yourself, dumbass. 🙄
This is a conversation that me, our boss, our boss's boss and others have all had with him before. Many times. And one I'm frankly unbelievably tired of needing to have. So, I didn't. I'm not his boss (but I am "a leader in that dispatch office" but I not allowed to do anything that would actually constitute "leading". Rant for another time, tho) and I'm tired of dealing with his shit. Just saved a copy of that email, made my notes, let him sulk and got back to my work so I could get out of there with less than 2 hours of OT. I'll talk to my boss Monday. Again.
Seriously, every day is like this. I've given up trying to fix shit, just gonna let him, F and K hang themselves. Their shit doesn't get done, not my problem. Except it is, because I'm always stuck cleaning up the mess because I'm "a leader in the dispatch office". But I'm also being told to stop fixing this stuff. So, whatever, just gonna start directing all that my boss's way. I've worked hard to build a good rapport with the vendors and our customer, but I'm apparently going to have to sacrifice that to get things to change because cleaning up when shit inevitably goes pear shaped apparently means my boss can't do anything about preventing it from happening again.
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treason-and-plot ¡ 3 years
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I hope Pongo can run away and avoid the nasty scene. Liam not so much. I know Stephanie is not a good person, at least not when Liam the Leech is around, but I do feel bad for her that he's running around with one of his students instead of being an adult and divorcing her.
Liam is a spineless jelly-fish with a victim mentality; it’s almost as if Stephanie hand-picked him! But I still hope that this story arc shed a bit of light on their relationship and why he stays with her.
Not gonna lie, I cackled. Full out evil cackle of glee. Stephanie's a horrible, manipulative person, but Liam's a scared little boy who can't adult if his life depended on it. (And right now, it really might!)
Yes it’s hard to decide who has the most issues! 
Liam lied and cheated. Therefore, Stephanie has a perfectly valid reason to be discourteous. 😅
She is only speculating at this point though...and I get the feeling she has accused Liam before!  
Please tell me this is the beginning of the end. That's the best thing that could happen to either of them!
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He's in danger.
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Yessssss!! I want to see flames
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I'm feeling a little apprehensive that I can't see whether she's holding anything in her other hand... O.O
Lol I didn’t notice that at all! I should have given her an axe or something!
oh boy...
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aaaahhhh!! 😆🍿🍿🍿
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Either she's going to leave or murder him. I just hope she doesn't find Saffy.
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Uh oh I Liam was better off with Steph not knowing or suspecting he found someone else.
I think she’d be the type to constantly accuse him of being with someone else, even if she had no proof or cause!
at least this might be the end of their toxic dynamic? :(
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Stephanie, look at yourself! You are a perpetrator, not a victim! Liam, can you call a sim domestic violence national hotline? Your “wife” needs help!
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Oh dear 🍿 I really hope she doesn't find out who the othet woman is.... That said, I'm afraid this is gonna fuel Liam's delusions about loving Saffy.
She probably doesn’t really believe that Liam would be foolhardy enough to cheat on her...or that any other woman would want him! And as far as him loving Saffy goes, the delusion is definitely real!
Wow! So this is what he’s been dealing with? This is a topic that doesn’t get addressed often (as it relates to men). I hope he finds the courage to finally get out of this relationship.
Liam’s situation is horrible, and as you say it’s not often talked about when men are the victims- it’s like it’s a taboo subject. I really wanted to explore that. And thank you so much for the reblog!
I snorted at the "next poem" line, this dude is the worst 😅
LOL!! His domestic situation must be such rich fodder! 
Emotional blackmail ... messy situation 😢😢
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Please tell me Liam is going to call a doctor. Even if she's doing this to manipulate him, she still tried to very severely hurt herself, and clearly needs help. It's the bare minimum.
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Oh my, now I feel sorry for Liam. I thought he was just a cheating dumbass but there's a reason behind it. I'm not sure he's courage enough to break up with Stephanie and help her seek treatment... So I guess he's going to be trapped in this toxic relationship for a long time :( hope I'm wrong
It’s hard not to feel sorry for Liam...Stephanie seems to be a very manipulative, toxic person. He’s definitely not a courageous or take-charge kind of guy either, so I sadly don’t have high hopes that anything is going to change for either of them in the near future. But you never know, sometimes Sims, and people, can surprise you!
Well, I didn't see that coming. I was thinking at first she was trying to manipulate him until I realized that she really was off the balcony. They're a mess. 😬
I’m still thinking that she was trying to manipulate him, and knew full well he would save her as @parystrange​ suggests! And yeah definitely such a terrible, toxic mess!
Wooow, that was super dramatic
I had a lot of fun with that scene, I must say!
This manipulative cunt!
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Sweet maker, these two. I just.... Saffy, honey, run for your damn life. Liam isn't gonna leave his manipulative wife, he will always be stuck because a part of him wants to be there, and when you DO toss him aside, he will probably try the same thing as Stephanie just did.
Agreed, it seems extremely unlikely that he would ever have the balls to leave, or the smarts to realise exactly how he’s being manipulated...but if he ever did, well, the fact he may behave just like Stephanie is an interesting angle that hadn’t occurred to me! Hmmm! (makes notes)
Oh no, she's that kind of person. Once fear doesn't work on him, she'll use emotional manipulation. Shame.
YES!!! once he told her to hit him and she knew he wasn’t scared of her anymore she had to come up with a new tactic! Such a cold, hard, calculating person.
I think she knew that Liam would grab her, and I'm fairly sure she knew she was in zero danger. She's just a manipulative bitch.
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She's worse than I thought, and yet somehow I'm not surprised she'd resort to emotional abuse too.
I have been doing research into narcissists and something that stuck with me was the assertion that narcissists become even darker and more manipulative once they realise their victims aren’t scared of them anymore...they don’t want to lose the puppet that they’ve been controlling! So their ‘master stroke’ is often to threaten to hurt themselves, or to threaten suicide.   
I guess leaving a narcissistic relationship/marriage is likely to be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do. Stephanie seems to depend on Liam emotionally and psychologically. How draining. I would imagine that Liam needs psychological help too.
You said it, Char! Stephanie is the textbook narcissist. I don’t know if Liam is ready though yet to seek help...he relies heavily on Saffy to be his escape at this point.
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oh... my... god 😬 None of this is good! At all!
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(I mean, of course, these terrible people, not your writing, which is as always, fabulous and making me wanna jump through my screen and give them a piece of my mind xD)
Awww thank you Beautiful Jeski! Right back atcha!
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Ughh, I can feel the toxicity from here. Very sad situation. 😔
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This is insane. They both need help. This feels like such a hopeless situation.
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yexiu ¡ 6 years
my angelasera edit’s flopping 😢 sad
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