#me after saying Things: oh haha nooooo I couldn’t say that….. nooooooo….. *says it anyway*
nazumichi · 2 years
⚧, 🏳️‍⚧️, 🏳️‍🌈, 🧡, 📖, ❤️‍🩹, 😋, 🪞, 🏡, 🗡, and ❓ if you have something else you'd like to share about marie and katara! i chose a. lot (sorry i am bad at decision-making) so divide them between marie and katara however you like! feel free to skip any as well :]
I’m gonna be extra and do them all for them both, if you don’t mind!!
⚧ - pronoun hc: she/they!! demigirl of my heart, in fact. 🏳️‍⚧️ - gender hc: I like to think she never really felt comfortable being entirely a girl, and she got a lot of acceptance in this, a lot of space to find out how she’d like to be called. she and sokka are she/they-he/they hostility. 🏳️‍🌈 - orientation hc: bisexual, I’m literally telling u….. sokka wasn’t the only one pining over yue, is all I’m gonna say JWHJWHWJGW. 🧡 - everyone I ship with this character: aang, suki, yue, and I think that’s it!! 📖 - au id like to see them in: not to um express obvious favouritism, but I’d like to see how she’d fit into the divorced zukkaverse. how she’s chief and how she can sense something’s wrong with her brother, and how perilous everything is. oh, I guess chief katara au? that’d be cool.
❤️‍🩹 - angsty hc: I like to think that book 3 was…. particularly stressful for her (although it would be for anyone but). just. blending in with the enemy, wearing their clothes and walking among them, I think she’d be very on edge, paranoid. of course these feelings never last long, but they’re nagging at the back of her mind all the same.  😋 - funny/stupid hc: probably talks shit with momo. constantly thinking about how she asked for a table for two when it was just the both of them, I’m gonna take that a step further and say she holds whole conversations with him.       🪞- appearance hc: probably has very pruny hands, you know, because of the waterbending. sokka jokes that she looks like she has old lady hands, and is forcibly thrown into the ice-bucket challenge.                                                    🏡 - domestic hc: keeps a VERY tidy living space. I don’t know what else to say on that matter, but she does.                                                                       🗡 - badass hc: chief katara, of course she’s the chief of the southern watertribe, it’s where she’s meant to be, she’s such a powerful bender, she cares so much about her people, she’d be such a good chief….
⚧ - pronoun hc: she’s not telling you for free!! she/her, is fine with they/them though.  🏳️‍⚧️ - gender hc: transfem literally. transitioned once she got to anima city, I feel like she snuck in a deal or two with rose to get it for free (not that was rose trying too hard: “you understand that this sort of surgery is provided without cost, right?” “mhm sure, name your price.”) 🏳️‍🌈 - orientation hc: bisexual and demiromantic! being a public menace means she gets mad bitches (no it doesn’t, no one likes her too much).  🧡 - everyone I ship with this character: literally just shirou, they’re killing me rn. I haven’t been normal in at least a year. sometimes I mess with the idea of her and pingua being in a qpr at the same time, mostly for the jokes though, I just think they’re very close friends.  📖 - au id like to see them in: ooooh I got plany au. lately I’ve been thinking about working out her whole family situation (not the mob, her biological family) which is it’s own various projects. also I’ve got a toh au that I made some art/notes for a while back (and also this au I saw a while back that I thought was inch resting, I can’t remember it’s name, but michiru was muuuuuch younger and shirou essentially showed up to fights with a baby strapped to a carrier and I think putting marie in an au like that would be soooooo funny).  ❤️‍🩹 - angsty hc: thinking about how she won’t be missed, if how she vanished one day no one would notice a thing, thinking about how smug and prideful she is but how she could buy into that, that no one would bat an eye, how she’d go forgotten, how the city would keep on its way and leave her behind. I made a post about couches once as well standing emoji.  😋 - funny/stupid hc:  NOTORIOUS clothes thief, plain awful. michiru hasn’t had her baseball cap back in weeks, marie took it and occasionally flips it out her pocket and walks around with it on (much to michiru’s annoyance). of the three coats we see shirou with throughout the show, she has worn them all at least three times, they don’t get a say in it, collar too. “something’s different about you — where’s the collar, huh?” “i don’t need it. I’m done hiding who I am, this part of me that’s been dormant for so long. I’m finally …. free.” “…. can I have it?” “*hop pop “BWAH?!?!?!?” sound*.”  🪞- appearance hc: has a scar on her lip!! I haven’t worked out what it’s from yet, but it goes from her bottom lip and just reaches her chin. either she got it in a fight, or while running from someone and ate shit because of those heels, or it was an unintentional shirou-related incident (cough). I imagine she has a number of scars in fact, claw and tooth marks. city’s rough.  🏡 - domestic hc: I feel like at one point, in a barely further future, she lets that one chatty albatross guy, entirely new and enamoured by the city, stay with her. he doesn’t go to the co-op, thinks it would be “awkward” with shirou being there, somehow less awkward to ask to stay with this one person he saw after a massive battle. and she’s like “wait till you find out I’m that guy’s informant.” but I feel like they’d really gel, after the initial “can’t believe he doesn’t notice I’m a con-artist” and “I’m doing such a good job at pretending I don’t know she’s a con-artist.”  🗡 - badass hc: probably very good in a fight. come onnnn, she jumps out the way of a close-range crossbow bolt, she slashes boris like he’s warm butter, she literally says “oh yeah sure I can kill those guys, done it before, but can you IMAGINE the paperwork?” very nimble I imagine, she literally runs and fights in heels multiple times, she’s gotta be very light on her feet. probably tussled with shirou at one point, maybe even got out the situation with a sort-of-win. michiru thinks she’s so cool (till she demands payment).
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