#me before: haha im never gonna write more than 4000 words for this story
insertmesoftly · 2 years
Reasons To Keep You Here (Yuri x AFAB Immigrant Reader) Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
The first to know about your marriage was, of course, the Forger family. Yor burst into tears and went for a bone-crunching hug with both you and Yuri in her arms.
Loid stood behind her, a hand under his chin and he thought about this new development. You with Yuri? …. This could be good or bad for him. Surely, Yuri would insist on moving to your apartment to be close to Yor. But a married life could lead for a good distraction… Loid was cautious on the whole but gave a warm smile and congratulations. He had to turn this to his advantage.
Anya…. Anya was confused. She knew the two of you were NEVER romantically together. Sure you might have gotten friendlier but… what happened to the plan to marry you to someone else? Why Yuri? Had you really become that desperate??? Her thoughts stayed with her as Yor continued her cooing.
‘OH, I KNEW YOU TWO HAD SOMETHING! Yuri, you were so adorable when you kept asking me questions about her! And I saw the way you looked at him, Y/N, and how interested you were in my stories!!! I knew it, I knew it!’ Yor let you both go. You nearly fell to the floor but Yuri caught you and you both slumped together as Yor continued her excited bouncing, heading to the kitchen.
‘THIS CALLS FOR A CELEBRATION! I’m making us a FEAST!!! Oh that’s right… I need to buy some stuff. STAY RIGHT THERE! I’ll be right back!’
‘I’ll go with you. We might as well do our entire grocery run today. You two can look after Anya, right?’ Loid wanted some more time to think about how to approach this. Also… he needed to make sure Yor wasn’t planning on making one of her ‘special dishes.’ You agreed to staying behind. Yuri crossed his arms but did the same. As soon as the married couple left, your new fiancé gave out a big sigh.
‘…. Yor took this way too well. Did she really think we liked each other?’
‘I know… it’s a little… off-putting to realize she always hoped we would do this. No offense but…’
‘No, same here. Eugh.’
‘… atleast we can use this to our advantage? No one suspects a thing!’
‘Yeah… I guess…’ You turned to look at him. He was still visibly pouting.
‘…. You’re sad Yor wasn’t upset.’
‘Shut up.’
You gave him a sympathetic look… which was replaced by shock as you noticed Anya’s…. peculiar face behind Yuri. Eyes squinted, mouth taught, the little girl oozed disapproval and pity. You panicked, wondering how much she heard.
‘Oh, Anya, haha! It’s been a while since we played any games, right? How about it? You get to choose!’
Anya would normally be delighted to play anything with you, you always made it easy for her to win and had the best reactions! But…
Anya’s gaze was fixed on Yuri, who felt her stare and glowered back. As usual, his violent thoughts were broadcasted but largely unneeded with how intense his face was.
‘Pipsqueak should keep quiet and behave if she knows what’s good for her.’
Anya sighed, much like Yuri had just minutes prior. She turned to you and patted your back.
‘Marriage… is so complicated…. I wish you luck.’
‘Huh? What? Anya?!’
There was no ceremony. You both agreed it was unnecessary. The prospect of making this sham public with a show like that… really put the two of you, who are such private people, off. All it amounted to was signing paperwork Yuri could make sure was processed properly himself, and the celebration food and gifts the Forger family kept insisting on giving them. You were content with it only being this… but Yuri still remembered your brothers.
As you both walked around your apartment, cleaning for his eventual move to your place… he offered to invite your family for a dinner. You responded almost automatically.
‘A dinner?! Now?? You… you haven’t even moved in yet! They’ll… they’ll know somethings up because there was no ceremony. My step- dad keeps up with the news, they’re going to know about the law! They’re going to be very judgmental of you for marrying me! They’ll think I tricked you… or that you’re a p-pervert, or… or…. They might not even-‘
‘Hey!’ Yuri was surprised by your strong reaction. He dropped what he was using to wipe at a wall to come and grab your shoulders. ‘Hey, hey, it was just a suggestion. Not for them, but for your brothers…’
He knew your home life was rough but… he was confident in his ability to deal with your parents. You shouldn’t worry.
‘I’ve dealt with people like your step-dad. By the time he leaves, he’ll be so impressed by me, he’ll be begging you to let your brothers visit.’
Yuri was being… cocky. His attitude allowed a smile to slip in your lips, but… your anxiety was still flaring. It’d been so long since you saw your parents… since you’ve gotten to cook for your brothers.
… you shakily gulped and nodded. ‘Okay. Okay…. I guess you ARE… the perfect son-in-law he could ask for.’
Yuri grinned, confidence boosted by your agreement. ‘Yeah! Take it from me, he’ll be eating out of my palm by the end of the night!’
Yuri was trained for persuasion.
The invitation had been sent. Your mother had agreed. The day had come and you were so… nervous. You wore a dress you kept for rare occasions. Yuri noticed your get up immediately and couldn’t keep his comments to himself.
‘So you DO own a nice dress! Had me fooled.’
‘… I haven’t worn this in three years. I didn’t think it’d still fit.’
To be honest… you weren’t sure if it did. It felt incredibly tight and you knew you’d be sore tomorrow. But you were already this far… With the food ready and dinner plates set, the guests were all that was missing. Your knees wobbled as you went to open the door when you heard them knock.
You were first greeted by the intimidating presence that was your past caretakers. Your step-father had more grey hairs, but still had the same hard eyes and scowl. Your mother was still clinging to his arm, trying hard to pretend she was oblivious to the tense atmosphere.
Your nerves hardened like steel, and you prepared yourself on instinct for the unpleasantness, but two heads half your size hit your stomach. Your brothers got in front of your parents, they could not wait any longer. They clung to your dress and swayed you from side to side as they yelled.
‘BEHAVE, you two! Let your sister go!’ Your mother’s harsh tone got the two boys to do as she said immediately. They still pouted, but stepped aside to let their mother walk up to you, arms outstretched.
‘Oh, Y/N!!! It’s been SOOOOO LONG! My darling!’
She swept her arms around you and gave you a smooch on your cheek. She lingered too long on your shoulder, humming as she looked at your new husband. You struggled not to push her off.
‘Woooow, Yuri, I presume? You’re as good looking as I’d hoped you’d be! I’m so proud of my daughter!’
Your mother let go of you and moved to Yuri, loudly admiring him. Yuri had on a polite smile. He was compliant and well-mannered as he responded to her every word. You held your breath as your mother asked for your step-father’s thoughts on the man.
‘Oh, look at that! He’s so respectable, isn’t he, darling? Surely, he’s a good man for our Y/N!’
‘A good man wouldn’t marry a woman like Y/N.’
The room got quiet fast. You nervously looked at your step-dad, then at Yuri. His smile didn’t falter.
‘I can assure you, I’m the best there is.’
‘… I doubt that.’
Tensions were flaring. You and your mom looked at each other. She clapped her hands and did what she was best at. Deflecting.
‘Well, where’s the food? We are starving!’
You had cooked plenty of food. You made your brother’s favorite, a chicken dish your mother used to make regularly for you, but your step-father disapproved of immensely.
For ‘the adults’, a beef dish and wine Yuri got from work. He bragged explained a business trip he had taken far away, and insisted your in-laws enjoy the fruit of his labors as an important government worker. Your mother flattered Yuri as she continued sipping on her glass. She talked enough for everyone, dominating the conversation with shallow pleasantries. Yuri was good at responding to her, passing as a charming and well-rounded man. You would be impressed any other day but… Your eyes kept flicking to your step-father, who ate but barely touched the wine. His face never changed expressions.
Finally, there was a lull in conversation, which Yuri took as a chance to do some work. He began talking about your step-father’s work. He is the head of the marketing department of a company selling beauty products. He presented himself as an admirer of his position and tried talking about marketing strategies. Praising the newest commercials, casually lying that you keep up with their products and bought their latest powder to wear for tonight. Your step-father took his first sip of the night.
‘Really? Y/N is still as unpresentable as always. Perhaps my products aren’t for people like her.’
Yuri’s smile slightly faltered, but he was quick to pick it up, still his tone dropped a bit. ‘Isn’t your company’s motto, every woman deserves class?’
‘There must be exceptions to every rule of course.’
Yuri narrowed his eyes, his brain itching. Your father was truly unwilling to bend and proving to be undeserving of anymore facade. What was it that made him so spiteful towards you specifically?
‘With all due respect, I fail completely to see anything worth criticism about your step-daughter. Is it because she wasn’t born here? Neither was your wife. What’s so different about the two?
Your step-father made a noise of indignation. ‘Your taste is truly the worst if you don’t know. Or maybe Y/N has simply tricked you into not realizing. I’ll be a good Samaritan and spell it out for you then. MY wife knows her place. She’s never once questioned or given me trouble. She learned to look the part she should and to shut her mouth on matters unbecoming of her. She’s become a respectable example of what people from her country can become. But that girl?’
He pointed straight at you. Unabashed disgust for your very existence.
‘Rude. Unwilling to conform. Unable to learn modesty. She tried my patience time and time again while she was under my roof. She is nothing like her mother, she lives just to spite her!’
‘D-Darling! That’s not true!’ Your mother tried touching your step-father’s shoulder but he slapped it away.
‘SHUT UP, SERENE, I’M LETTING HIM KNOW. Y/N was a menace, always fighting with her classmates and putting the blame on them, dirtying whatever pretty dresses her mother would buy for her, and hell, SHE WOULD ALWAYS YELL BACK AT ME WHENEVER I PUT HER IN HER PLACE. No respect for authority! No respect for her place in this country! Clinging to things from the country her mother fled from like these-‘
He pointed to the children’s chicken. They cowered from his hand.
‘Uncultured dishes! It’s like she doesn’t want to be here! Why did you marry her? You should’ve let her be deport-‘
There was a cracking sound as a chair flew from the table, and suddenly, your stepfather’s body was pulled right across the table, dishes spilling as his body was dragged by Yuri’s grip. His fist was taught with the man’s shirt collar, almost suffocating him. Yuri’s eyes were like pins. The entire family was speechless.
‘I work hard to protect this country. I do everything in my power to make it the best damn place to live in. To make it the safest. To make our people the best.’ His face turned to repulsion as he continued.
‘You are undeserving of the things our government provides you. You’re not worthy of your citizenship OR your status. I don’t work for people like you.’
He let go. Your step-dad fell harder still, barely catching himself from faceplanting the floor.
Nobody moved. No one knew what to do or say. You father took a bit to get off the table, he trembled but his eyes were vicious. He wasn’t used to being on the receiving end of anything. His wife was on him as soon as he stood, napkins on hand, wiping at his shirt. He shook her off.
‘Maybe I should send a strongly worded letter to your offices then. They should know the type of employee they have! You do not represent what this country is!!! Your values are not fit for your position over people.’
Yuri grimaced… but it turned into a smile.
‘You’re free to do as you please. I sure hope you’re ready for the letter you get back.’
‘… I will be.’ Confused, but still bitter, your father now turned to you with all his leftover malice.
‘Say goodbye to your brothers. You’re never seeing them again.’
Your heart sank and your tears began waterfalling. Your worst fears solidified. Your mother got up and couldn’t even turn to you. She looked at the floor and took her boys’ hands, leading them to the door. They kept glancing at you with tears in their eyes, afraid. You still stared at the door when she closed it.
Yuri let out a sigh and raked his hand over his hair. ‘That man is a piece of work. His concerns were…’ Yuri remembered his coworkers. His job. He understood the things your father was concerned were…. Or should BE…. Validated but…
Your sobbing broke him from his thoughts. His eyes widened and he realized too late. You had just been told tonight was a failure.
‘Wait… Y/N, it’s ok-‘
‘Ok?’ You turned to him, trembling slightly. ‘It’s ok? I told you I didn’t want this dinner, but you convinced me! You told me this could be my chance to see my brothers more! I hate that man, but I still put on a dress to keep things peaceful! And you!!!’ You were so mad. You pushed him into the wall behind him. It actually made him stumble from surprise at your rage. You placed a finger on his chest, accentuating your points.
‘YOU. Engaged him! YOU! INSULTED HIM!!! Now he’s never going to let me NEAR Kris and Charles!!’
Your anger had dissipated. Just remembering their faces had you back to sobbing. Yuri was still dumbfounded by your reaction. He had messed up. He had assured you he wouldn’t… and he failed. He felt uncomfortable seeing you cry. How can he comfort you? What can he do? He thought about Yor, what she’d do to make him feel better, and… He steeled himself as he wrapped his arms around you. He was tense, but careful. The contact made you momentarily stop your cries.
‘… I can fix it.’
You looked up at him, tears still streaming. He couldn’t look at you, embarrassed by your staring, he moved you away from his embrace, but kept his hands on your arms.
‘Give me three days. I promise you. You’ll see your brothers as often as you want.’
The reassured tone. What was it about him that kept making you want to trust in it? In him? You stopped crying, wiping your face. What’s done is done. If Yuri says he can fix it… you’ll just have to see. It’s not like it can get worse.
‘Alright. But I’m still mad at you.’
‘…………….. that’s fine.’ Yuri moved his hands away to cross them over his chest. He got enough courage to look at you properly again. He was relieved, seeing you the slightest bit better. He was still unexpectedly… feeling apologetic. So he moved to the table and began gathering the dishes.
‘I can clean.’ It’s what he used to do to help Yor out all the time. IT felt somewhat familiar. ‘You should grab some of the dessert you made and sit on the couch. I can do this for you.’
You were honestly surprised by the sudden shift in Yuri’s personality. Your chest felt warm having someone care for you like this. You tightened your lips, suppressing the emotion and moved to help him.
‘That’s alright. You can wash and I can dry them. We can eat together when we’re done.’
True to his word this time, you opened your mail to find a letter from your father, unexpectedly. He was… uncharacteristically urging you to come and take the boys out for ice cream that Sunday. He’d even give you the money for your trip.
… what kind of magic is this? You walked back to your home in adaze. Yuri was moving the last of his boxes to his room. You would sleep separately, of course. He took one look at you and smiled.
‘Good news?’
‘… what did you do?’
Yuri turned away, trying hard to hide the smirk that was coming on his face. He was doing a poor job. It gave you chills to hear him say,
‘I have some very good friends that can make any man of his status see reason.’
It was easy. There was already a file on the beauty product company’s conspiracies, failed products, mass trash dumping, shady business deals. For the sake of peace, there’s been a rocky relationship between the head of the company and his boss. Having someone complain about his favorite puppy, Yuri… was of course unacceptable.
Yuri’s smile fell from his face and he continued what he was doing like nothing had happened. ‘By the way, since everything is good now, how about treating me? I didn’t get to try that chicken you gave your brothers…’
You clutched your letter and really looked at Yuri as he walked into his room. You were beginning to realize… he may be more influential than you thought. More important. How did you get to be the wife of someone like that?
‘Uh… yeah. I still have the ingredients…’
‘Great! And we still have the wine, too! Maybe what happened that night was for the better.’
Same, cocky Yuri. You grimaced as you passed his door to go to yours.
‘I wouldn’t go that far. You still messed up.’
‘One day you’ll thank me. I finally put your step-dad in his place! I know you enjoyed it a little.’
You put away the letter in a drawer. You would save it. Your smile was genuine and this time, you let the warmth from before stay. You were Yuri’s wife now. You were partners in crime.
‘Yeah. I wish I could’ve given him a punch.’
Unbeknownst to you, Yuri had come inside your room, newly excited and now laughing. ‘Then, how about you forgive me, and I’ll let you get a good one in if he ever tries something again. Deal?’
You laughed back, getting up and shoving him slightly out of the way.
‘You’re so violent! …. Deal.’
The mood was good as you had your dinner, ate, and watched a bit of television together. Neither of you could have suspected that Yuri’s plan had brought a new problem.
Yuri forgot to tell his boss he was married at all.
Yuri's boss looked deep into the events that led up to this. Out of nowhere, Yuri has found a wife. A wife that was an immigrant. Someone who would have been deported just a few days after their marriage.
He is getting suspicious about his puppy growing soft and 'helping the enemy.' After all, he was his studious, sadistic student who previously only cared about his sister and the government. He just so happened to fall in love with an immigrant? Unheard of!
He begins putting pressure on Yuri, stopping him one day to bring him to his office. There, he congratulates Yuri and… Yuri immediately tenses. He realized he had overlooked his work getting involved. Fuck. He was prepared for suspicion. Instead, his boss invites Yuri and his wife to dinner with his family. He wants to congratulate them since he didn't get to go to their wedding.
Yuri can recognize his tone. Even though it posed as friendly, the underlying intent was clear. He wanted proof that this marriage was legitimate. Yuri cheerfully agreed and said that his wife would be delighted to know more about him.
So, the interrogation would come later. Yuri had time to prepare.
Yuri had Yor dress you up for it, something even you had to bite your tongue and agree on. This was serious. Yor was elated that her brother was taking your debut to his boss so serious! She cried as she agreed to pick out clothes for you. She promised she’d make you beautiful! Yuri could only look at you with doubt as he pushed you towards her. He had to go to his tailor to repair a suit.
The whole day spent with you, Yor, and Anya out and about. Anya was enthralled by the lessons Yor was teaching the both of you on fashion; what would help you stand out, what would help you blend in, how to properly cut a skirt if you ever had to run for your life. It was fascinating, and it began making you see Yor in a new light. Your respect for her grew tenfold.
Your day didn’t end with just clothes-shopping. You were brought back to Yor’s home to let her do your hair and make up. Loid was home, and offered to make snacks. Upon catching him up on the stakes of this make over, Loid very calmly walking into Yor’s bedroom the guestroom where Yor was helping you to begin giving you advice. Despite his calm tone and pleasant smile, it felt like he was grilling you, telling you all about proper manners you should remember, possible conversation topics, and, as a last ditch effort, an excuse to give if you had to get up from the table. By the time everything was over, you felt like a new person. An exhausted person. You were dreading the next hours of your life.
Nevertheless, there was a knock on the door. Loid opened the door.
When Yuri saw you, he was... impressed. Your slouching could still use work, but you looked like you were more poised. Not to mention, his sister worked wonders with making you conventionally pretty. HE gladly thanked his sister and you were on your way. You personally couldn’t help feeling like this ‘new you’ made you look more like your mom. More like the woman your step-father wanted you to be. It made your skin crawl. You stumbled a bit with your walk, making Yuri turn around. He asked if you were okay. You told him what you were thinking.
Yuri snorted. ‘That was the point! You’re playing a role. We both know this isn’t you, but it’s what will help us keep you safe. It’s only for one dinner.’
He looked back at you, trying a joking smile. ‘Don’t be like me and blow it.’
… You sucked it up and gave your all in your greeting when the wife of his boss opened her door.
Everything was actually going smoothly. The topics Loid had quizzed you with were coming in incredibly handy… enough to make you question his foresight. Every delighted answer and quaint movement of your hand added a tally to your score. It was a miracle the chief's wife was immediately endeared to you... uncomfortably so.
It felt a bit… jarring sometimes, the way she spoke about you. She praised you like a child, impressed by the manners you showed and the topics you knew about. She spoke so flagrantly, gleefully, telling her husband that you were clearly a proper member of society! The type the government surely made that rule for!
The chief... was not convinced.
The whole dinner was being misread by Yuri. He had let himself somewhat relax as all attention was on you, and you were doing fine. There were times when he’d jump in, but everything was going well. He didn’t consider that his boss wasn't looking at you for any mistake; his eyes had stayed solely on him.
And it picked up on his never once having touched you, even as you almost tripped getting up to go to the restroom. He did not believe in your marriage.
He's had enough by the time you come back. After staying quiet most of the dinner, he very forcefully uses his wife bringing up the subject to talk about it. How he fears that it could have led to some hasty get-togethers that would prove fruitless.
He picks up his glass and goes further to explain his views on marriages of convenience. They sicken him. There’s no use keeping someone around that shouldn’t be here. IF they are unwanted, they are not needed in this country. These are just facts. He glances at Yuri and smiles. He’s glad his protege is smarter than those who fall for outsiders that trick them. It’s clear that his wife is proper. He picked a good one.
But… just to ease his old mind better. He wishes to see the couple kiss. The wife goes along eagerly, thinking it cute. Yuri is sweating bullets, the irony not lost on him. This is what he had forced on his sister. Panic enveloped him, pierced by his boss’s stare. What was he to do now? He really didn’t want to, he’d never-
All thoughts slipped past his mind as you grabbed his hand. He recoiled on instinct, but it was stopped as your other hand cupped his face and traced his jaw. What was happening?
'What do you say, my darling?'
Your eyes were soft, and your smile looked genuine. It was a sight he hadn't seen before. He stared like a fish as you continued to egg him on. You caressed his cheek, it exploded with color but he didn’t move away as you placed it firmly there.
'I hope you don't mind if I lead today.' A spark in your eye made his stomach flutter and he had to stutter a response of confusion.
'Eh? Eh?? N-No-!'
His first kiss. It would be his first if he let this happen. He couldn’t! He shouldn’t!!! It wasn’t part of the deal! But-
You closed in fast. His eyes zeroed in on your parting lips before he closed them and took in a shaky breath. This was happening... He was letting this happen??! He felt a pressure against his lips that gave him a jolt-
... wait. It didn’t feel like another pair of lips...
He didn’t open his eyes until you let go of him. The mischief in your grin solidified his theory. You faked it.
His boss and his wife were speechless. There were no more complaints. In fact, his boss now saw what potentially drew his student to this woman. She had seemed docile and sweet, but the hunger as she jumped at the chance to kiss him, even in front of strangers?
... Yuri needed someone like that.
The boss's wife you off with left-overs and a promise to invite you to another dinner in the future. Yuri was still left with half a mind over the ordeal, so you took over the goodbyes. You carried the dishes given as you both walked out of their property. The sun was setting, it'd be a long walk home, and Yuri was not getting out of his daze. You shuffled your load to free a hand and tugged on his jacket. He jumped like a startled cat and screamed defensively.
You'd nearly dropped the food as he waved his arms around, but you caught it in time. With the look you gave him, Yuri finally calmed down. He was still being an ass, though.
'... you did that way too... naturally. You've done that before, right?' Yuri's brain was wrecked as he tried recalling if you had any previous relationships. All his data had pointed to no, but you must have!!
You shrugged. 'I told you I've never had a lover before. But... I did end up helping to clean an acting studio. There was a demonstration on how to fake kiss once.' You laugh at the memory. 'I remember being fascinated. How funny that it’d come in handy!' You give him a wink and you stick out your tongue cheekily.
'It's all about the tilt. You have to hide it.'
Yuri's face still echoed a bit of redness, but he had to admit he was impressed. He grumbled with himself, letting just a bit of it show.
'..... you did good today.'
It made you stop. 'Huh?'
‘I won’t repeat myself!’
‘What? Nooooo, come on, if you’re going to praise me, please continue! See how I took over to make sure we didn’t fail? I saved the day! Unlike you-‘
Yuri took the opportunity of your rambling to take the dishes from you and started to walk faster. 'Yeah, whatever, let's go home already. I bet Yor would like some of this ham.'
You were immediately snapped from your stupor. 'Wait? No! That's mine!! COME ON, YURI, THAT’S THE ONLY THING THAT GOT ME THROUGH THE CONVERSATION!' You follow him as best you could but the bastard was faster and unrelenting.
In the end, Anya ate all the ham and went into a food coma.
It was a week after the social battle with Yuri’s boss. Everything had finally been cooling down as you and Yuri fell to a new routine as ‘newlyweds.’ Though you were in charge of most of the cleaning and cooking, Yuri wasn’t opposed to helping out to do something everyday. He was a good roommate, not messy or nitpicky. Life was peaceful.
The icing on the cake came one day as you went to turn in your latest art to your work’s office. The boss pulled you aside and told you, halfheartedly-
Your comic strips have won the recent poll for most popular Sunday strips! You are ecstatic as you walk out of the building. Blinded by your joy, your first instinct was to call Yuri’s work to tell him. As the source of your latest inspiration, he had to know!
Yuri was in the middle of an intense interrogation. His victim, nose bloodied, teeth missing, kept pleading for mercy. He swore he didn’t know anything. Yuri’s eyes narrowed and he gave a sly smile. It’s fine, the man can take his time.
Yuri pulled a new tool of torture. ‘I’ve got all day to help you ‘remember-‘
‘Sir, we need you for something.’
‘…. I’ll be back. I hope you’re more talkative by then.’
He was told that you were calling him as soon as he was out of the door. He wondered what would make you interrupt his work; he’s warned you multiple times about using this line! You were not allowed to do so unless it was important! He was slightly miffed as he got the phone from the receptionist.
It immediately changed to bewilderment. Then cheer.
You’re the most popular?! Your workplace has conceded and will be paying you more for your strips?! You’re finally getting the recognition you deserve!! Yuri is so proud!!!
When you ask him how long he’ll be ‘in his office’ that day… because you wanted to treat him to dinner for all his support, Yuri’s heart skipped a beat. He faced away from the receptionist, suddenly very aware that he was being watched. The cord prevented his privacy.
‘You dummy… this is YOUR victory.’
‘Yeah, but I want to celebrate with you… you’ve done so much for me, Yuri!’
Aughh how can he pass this up? His scowl is contrasted with his burning cheeks and he tells you he’ll try to finish soon. They should get dinner at around 7. You agree and tell him you can’t wait! Yuri hangs up and has to control his face as he steps away, but his coworkers can tell he’s in a good mood now. They tease him as he passes them by.
When he returns to his interrogation, he lets his face slip back into a smile. A genuine one. It confuses the victim.
‘Change of plans… it looks like you’re on a timer for your life.’ Yuri leaves the small tool he previously had for a bigger one. A scarier one.
‘I only need you to keep one hand… which one do you write with?’
You both made it to your reservation separately. You were first to arrive and were seated immediately. It wasn’t a fancy place, but you’d heard it had good food and good staff. When the waiter came to get you a drink, you’d realized part of it was true.
The waiter immediately recognized you like you did him. You went to school together.
Yuri walked in on the two of you deep in a discussion. His initial smile was immediately replaced by his usual frown. He sat down as loudly as possible, letting the chair scrape, and his briefcase hit the floor as he sat. His presence cut the conversation short. But it didn’t deter the waiter, who with a smile, asked.
‘Oh, this is your husband?’
Being called that… it brought Yuri back from his black cloud. Your response made his eyes widen too.
‘The one and only. My darling.’
.. all previous emotions were now forfeit. Yuri was flabbergasted, looking from you to the waiter. He nervously coughed, trying hard to get into his role.
Your husband.
Your darling.
‘Yes… hello.’
‘Heh,’ The man grinned. ‘He’s shy?’
‘Pfffttt, not at all!’
The two talked a little more before the waiter finally took their orders and left. Yuri was still feeling a little put off, so he tried remedying it by talking about your strips. He congratulated you again, praising you. You were delighted by the support. You reciprocated quickly, reminding him that none of this would have been possible without his involvement. In true Yuri fashion, he accepted the credit and began flaunting it a bit, teasingly wondering to himself if maybe he should be the one the raise goes to. You playfully gave him a smile and reminded him of his horrendous attempts at art. He said those didn’t count, but you both laughed. Just in time for your food to come.
… unfortunately, that seemed to be the only time you two had gotten without being interrupted. The waiter kept popping his head, chatting you up, taking your attention away to reminisce and to talk about the good days.
Yuri kept trying to butt in. He’d remind the waiter of his job. He assured him the boss let him slack off once in a while. Yuri tried sending him to get him more tableware. He was always quick to come with a smile and a new story for you. Yuri was exasperated and it was like you didn’t notice. You were too busy focusing on him instead of what this dinner was supposed to be. Even when he finally left to attend to other customers, you brought up a bit of your history with him to fill in the gaps.
You told Yuri about how he used to be very popular because he was the best-looking and friendliest guy. Yuri scoffed, commenting that he may be friendly but he’s lost his looks. You tell Yuri there’s nothing wrong with the way he looks now. He looks great! He may have gained some weight but he was still as bright and warm as ever, with new thicker arms to boost. Your compliments only made Yuri stew more.
This time, when he came back, the conversation took an unexpected turn. He had forgotten to tell you he’d gotten married. Yuri almost choked, but managed to save himself smoothly. He was taken! You were taken! That was the end of that, right?
He looked at your face as your old friend chattered about his lovely wife. Your smile was genuine at first as you listened to him go on and on. It… disappeared as soon as he said her name.
‘You remember Veronica? She was always so sweet. I’m so lucky she gave me a chance!’
‘Oh… yeah haha… I’m so glad for you!’
Yuri knew there was something with this wife of his. He didn’t like that the man didn’t notice how uncomfortable you were at all. He didn’t like that you were just letting him continue. Yuri put his foot down.
‘Excuse me.’
You both turned to look at Yuri. His glare was on full effect and aimed straight at your friend.
‘I came here to congratulate my wife and you have been taking up all of her time. Can you please excuse yourself from this table until we are ready for the check?’
‘Oh…. Uh… yeah…. I’m sorry….’
The man got up and left, finally leaving you two alone. There was a bit of silence as he looked you over. He asked you straight up what was up with ‘Veronica.’
You were a bit startled, realizing that Yuri was paying attention to your talks… but you smiled. You shouldn’t be. He’s always paying attention to you. You shakily laughed and sucked in a breath.
‘Remember my dad’s complaints about me starting fights and messing up my mom’s dresses?’
Yuri’s brain ticked with the memory. His frown deepened. ‘Yeah?’
‘Veronica really loved bullying me.’
Yuri got closer, invested in the new anger welling inside of him. ‘And here this guy’s talking about how sweet she was as a kid. How come he doesn’t know?’
You had nowhere to hide from Yuri’s stare. You clutched your sides as you explained. ‘He… has always been detached from things. He was the popular and friendly boy. Veronica didn’t want him seeing her in that light and he… never had any reason to suspect anything.’
‘Well that’s dumb.’ Yuri slammed a hand on the table, glowering. ‘How can someone be so blind for so long? He probably knew but just didn’t want to get involved! And now he’s married to a woman like her!’
‘Yeah…’ You sighed and stared at your food. ‘I guess that’s just love. It makes you not want to see the person’s flaws…’
… Your tone. Your defense of the man. Your smiles and eagerness to give him your attention. Yuri’s brain clicked. He got up and threw much more money than was necessary on the table.
‘We’re leaving.’
He came around to your side and took your hand.
‘Come on.’
You were out the door before you could tell your old friend goodbye. Not that you wanted to…  it was actually preferable to stumble after Yuri under the streetlights. This was familiar by now.
‘You liked him.’ Your mind stopped but Yuri didn’t. He kept walking and talking.
‘You liked that jerk! And you still do?!’ He finally let you go, turning around to confront you. ‘Don’t try to deny it! We both know there’s only one reason you would laugh at jokes as bad as his! Really?? Him??’
Yuri was acting way out of line, his face warped and his movements exaggerated. Your cheeks reddened, having been caught, you were furious as you tried to explain yourself.
‘He was the only guy that was nice to me! Of course anyone would fall for that!’
This put a pause on Yuri. You continued. ‘Nobody liked me. Everyone either left me alone or picked on me. Veronica had them all convinced that I was a violent girl… and he was the only one that kept talking to me like I was normal.’ You hugged yourself, a bitter smile on your face.
‘I always thought… he must just be naïve. He never asked me about the fights or about my life. But it didn’t matter anyways. The conversations were mostly always about him anyways. You were right.’
You shrugged.
‘He’s always been a jerk.’
Yuri took only a bit to process this. He crossed his arms, and nodded to himself. ‘Yeah, I was right. But… don’t be too hard on yourself. It’s like you said. When you love someone… you’re blind to the bad stuff.’
You laughed and decided to keep walking. He followed right beside you.
‘What about you? Have you ever been in love?’
Yuri blinked. He could only ever think about his sister. She was his world. Admitting this now… felt silly. It’s how the two of you were introduced. You already knew how he viewed his siter and you still asked. That meant you were just making sure if there were any others. He shook his head.
‘I never cared. And I never will.’
You laughed again at his serious tone. ‘Oh come on, dream a little! I’m sure there’s someone out there who would love your eccentricities!’
Yuri looked at you strangely. ‘Have you forgotten we’re married? There is no ‘someone’ as an option anymore.’
You furrowed your brows and took the information in. That… felt wrong. You stopped again, mulling it over.
‘This… this only has to be temporary, Yuri. It’s okay if you fall in love with someone. We can work out a divorce-‘
‘What? No! don’t be fucking stupid, Y/N. After all the trouble we’ve gone through.’
Yuri was back to being riled up. You were spewing nonsense now out of nowhere! ‘There is going to be no divorce in our future, not unless YOU find someone! Stop worrying about my love life, it’s never going to happen! We agreed to this!’
‘No we didn’t!’ You insisted. This wasn’t what you wanted. Yuri was young, good looking, and a good man. He deserved to be happy…
Your eyes showed how seriously you chose your words. ‘I can’t ask you to sacrifice your life for me like that. You’ve already done so much for me, Yuri. Please. If you meet someone you want to-‘
Yuri’s patience finally wore thin. He took you by the arm, yanked it, and knocked heads with you, stopping your sentence. You immediately shielded your now throbbing head.
His hands moved to hold you face firmly, cheeks squishing. You could only look on in bewilderment as he continued his tirade.
He stopped when he felt your breath on his face. He… hadn’t realized he was so close. You were locked in a stare, to which he immediately let you go. He tried regaining his composure as he continued.
‘You…. You’re stuck with me, ok?! We’re in this together!!!’
You didn’t know how to process what you were told. Maybe the hit to the head was part of the problem. All you could do was give him a dazed nod, unable to notice the heat left over on your cheeks. Yuri was all too conscious to his, though, and he turned away from you quickly.
‘Never bring that up again… good gracious as if I’d leave you like that. I am committed to every decision I make, Y/N! Never forget that.’
‘Yeah…’ Your mind was finally clearing, you touched your head again. Despite the pain, you smiled. ‘… you’re a really good man.’
Yuri’s shoulders shook. He had the urge to hit you again… but he refrained.
‘Yeah? Way better than that loser at the restaurant?’
‘Pfft. Yeah. You’re genuine with your kindness. Men like him don’t stand a chance against you.’ Your eyes. They were soft again. It made Yuri lose his breath.
‘Y-Yeah. Whatever. You can keep telling me how amazing I am at home.’
The walk was uneventful, but nice. Halfway home, Yuri asked about your head, but by then the pain had mostly gone. He hadn’t hit you hard, it was mostly the shock, you assured him. Still… he risked his pride by petting your head. You looked at him with such confusion that he immediately rectified this by telling you that he’d hit you once more if you questioned his conduct again. That night served to calm a bit more of your anxiety over this marriage…
And it firmly cemented your want to never piss-off Yuri again.
You woke up with a bruise that made you cancel plans with Yor the next day.
Part 4: Here
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