#me coming back online with a knife: Help Ruckus
nev3rfound · 4 years
someone i once knew : b.b - p.5
with hydra in the compound and you left to fend for yourself, now would be the worst time to start remembering everything, right? (2.2k)
(anything in bold/italics are flashbacks/memories!)
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- i also have an etsy shop, i just released wandavision themed tshirts if you’d like to check those out! - 
(everything on my blog is my own writing. if it is shared on another page or website without being credited, it has not been approved to be shared by me. all rights reserved.)
(also thank you again and again for the love and excitement for this series - crazy that there’s only one part left now ah!)
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“Come on! You must know something!” The leader of the trio yells as he punches you in the stomach, watching you curl into yourself, falling into the broken glass as you suppress a cry.
With a shaky breath, you force your eyes up to meet the three men. “I, I don’t know anything!” You state the same thing you’ve been telling them ever since they found you.
“Sure you don’t, Princess.” One of the others huffs before stepping forward, picking you up by your hair causing you yelp, feeling various cuts form across your exposed skin. “Now, shall we try that again?”
Weakly, you look across the room to see one of the monitors starting to power up again; FRIDAY is coming back online. “Like I said,” You force confidence, despite feeling your body giving in. “I don’t know anything.”
“Wrong answer, Princess.” The leader sighs and as soon as he raises his fist, you close your eyes before his impact hits.
“You must have something, right?” Steve leans across the chair as Tony keeps his eyes glued to his phone, watching as FRIDAY powers back up and the security cameras begin to switch on, floor by floor.
Tony hums in response as he moves through the various rooms on each floor. “Come on, come on,” He mutters to himself, feeling Bucky watching him from across the jet.
“She couldn’t have left the lab, Tony, check the second floor.” Bruce calls out, still glued to his chair thinking about your question- “Do you think I’m evil?”
Bucky listens as Tony’s breathing halters upon finding the camera’s now active on the second floor. His eyes scan across the screen, watching as the cameras move across each room until they activate in the lab you’re in- or were in.
“Oh, kid.” Tony sighs, feeling his heart sink as he focuses on the screen seeing shattered glass covering the ground whilst you lie limply on top of it all.
“No,” Bucky speaks up, having stalked over behind Tony. “no.” Bucky repeats himself, shaking his head. “She’ll be fine, she has to be.”
“Anything?” One of the men speaks through their comms, swearing under their breath in Russian whilst you sit upright on the broken glass under close watch by the other two agents. “We have a hostage.” He states, looking over his shoulder to see you bruised and bloodied.
Yet, you spare a glance to one of the hidden cameras Tony warned you about when you first took on the job. One of the reasons why FRIDAY’s systems are so advanced is due to the cameras being barely visible to the naked eye. They’re fractions of dust that linger, capturing live footage without you knowing.
With the little might remaining in your system, you nod in hope someone somewhere might see it. Even if you don’t make it out of here alive, maybe they’ll at least know what went down.  
“Head down, Princess.” You feel a kick to your side, wincing at the repetitive action adding to the bruises forming crossing your skin.
“My name is Y/n.” You spit out, defying everything your brain is telling you. “I’m not your Princess.” Lifting your head up, you smirk despite the cut on your lip tearing. “And you, you’re done for.”
A laugh escapes your lips as you’re forced back to the ground, a cocktail of cries and laughs leaving you as your surroundings begin to blur and your eyes roll into the back of your head.
“What did you do?!” You faintly hear the leader bark at the two men watching you as your eyes close, a familiar voice pulling you in and this time, you can’t resist the need for an escape.
Sitting on the bench with your eyes remaining shut, you enjoy the breeze twirling through your hair and the laughter from children running along the docks; their giggles igniting another bout of heartache for something you’ll never have.
You don’t have to open your eyes to know who the clicking of heels along the sidewalk belongs to before she sits down beside you.
“There’s still time to change your mind.” Peggy states, glancing down to notice you rolling your ring in your fingertips. “I just, I want to make sure you know what this means, the implications of this.”
“I know what I’m doing.” You tell her sternly, slipping the diamond ring back on your ring finger. “Is he ready for me?” Glancing up, Peggy nods in response as you both head toward the car waiting for you.
“Come on then, Y/n.” Peggy can’t hide the sorrow in her expression as you eagerly climb into the car. After all this time, you still can’t be dissuaded from this decision.
As you arrive, you’re guided through the corridors that you know like the back of your hand. You smile at the scientists, their assistants and even the cleaners whom you know on a first-name basis.
“There she is,” Howard claps his hands as you walk in, Peggy following behind you. “how are you feeling?” He asks, guiding you past the lab filled with technicians, adding the finishing touches to the machine in question.
“I’m ready.” You respond, walking into a small office as Peggy closes the door, leaving the three of you to talk in private.
“We’ll run this as planned, alright? You’ll be woken up in six months to ensure the machine is fit for purpose and then a year, and so on.” Howard explains, and you nod along. “No going back once you’re in there, kid.” Howard chuckles, catching sight of you playing with the diamond ring on your finger once again.
“He’d be proud of you, Y/n.” Peggy comments, resting her hand on your shoulder as tears form in your eyes. “Both of them would be.”
Sniffing quietly, you remove the ring from your finger and place it on the table, knowing it’ll be placed with the rest of your personal belongings.
“What are we waiting for then?” You ask, pushing the chair back as Howard opens the door and silence ensues as you walk toward the machine.
You remain still beside Peggy as Howard runs over a few things with his team. “I’m doing the right thing, aren’t I, Peggy?” Your lip trembles as you focus on the brunette.
Trying to hide the frown forming on her red lips, Peggy reaches out for your hand, giving it a light squeeze. “You know I can’t say whether it is right or wrong, Y/n.” Peggy admits. “But, if this is what you want and need to do, then so be it.” She adds, seeing a hint of the Brooklyn boy she loved in you as you step forward, volunteering for the unknown.
“I will be brave.” You mutter to yourself as Howard motions for you. “Thank you for everything, Peg.”
Standing in front of the machine, you watch as the metal door opens for you to step in. With a shaky breath, you lean back into the moulded space built for you.
Lying back, three scientists strap you down, asking countless times whether the straps are too tight or not, but none dare to look you in the eye.
“Well done, team.” Howard speaks up as the scientists back away, leaving you strapped in and now the reality of this is weighing heavy on your mind. “Now Y/n, you can back down, there’s still time.” Howard explains as Peggy hovers behind him, her hands closed into each other.
“I’m good,” You assure him with a smile. “I’m doing this for those we all lost.” You admit.
“Alright then.” Howard nods. “See you in six months, Y/n.”
Closing your eyes, you can hear muffled conversations between the team before an overwhelming cool breeze captures your ankles and works it way upwards.
“I will be brave. I will be brave, James.” You whisper with your last breath before passing out, unaware of how long it would be until you awoke once more.
“Okay, the Agents are inside the compound and there’s a specialist team on their way to help Y/n.” Tony explains as he projects the footage from his phone for all the team to see.
Bucky remains glued to the projection, unable to take his eyes off your lifeless body as the three HYDRA agents talk amongst themselves, ignoring the slightest movements from you whilst their backs are turned.
“Help is on its way, Buck.” Steve mutters to Bucky, hoping to incite some form of reaction, but Bucky doesn’t respond. “Y/n will be alright, we both know she’s tougher than she looks.” Steve chuckles, picturing you chasing several bullies with a bin lid and a pocket knife you stole from Bucky after they gave Steve a split lip.
“I just,” Bucky uneasily raises his voice. “I can’t lose her again, Steve.”
Resting his hand on Bucky’s shoulder, Steve holds back the sigh from his lips as he watches the footage, noticing your body twitching. “I don’t think you will, look.” Steve motions and Bucky steps closer, eyeing the projection carefully.
“What’s happening?” Tony asks, looking up to the two soldiers as Bucky’s jaw clenches tightly.
“She’s remembering something.” Bucky states. “Come on, doll. Please, wake up.” He pleads under his breath, wanting to see you open your eyes, to wake up and be alright.
Voices rise with aggression around you as you begin to gain consciousness, the ruckus from before is only getting worse.
“No, we can’t!” One of the men yells whilst the other carries on conversing in Russian, unaware that you've woken up.
Remaining on the ground, you try to control your breathing as snippets of what you saw and what you said replay in your mind.
“I,” You breathe out as your cheeks become damp once more with a mix of tears and blood.
“And this is Bucky.” Steve nods to the taller brunette with the suave smile etched across his lips.
“James Barnes, but my friends call me Bucky.” Bucky steps forward, lifting your hand up and kisses it softly, never breaking eye contact from you despite the laugh of sheer disgust that left your lips.
“So what do I get to call you?” You ask, now crossing your arms over your chest whilst Bucky hums, taking the sight of you and the beauty you radiate in.
“Well, that’s up to you, doll.” He remarks with a wink before turning around, missing the sight of you rolling your eyes in response.
“You comin’ Y/n?” Steve calls out as Bucky walks ahead, expecting you like all the other dames in the city to follow him and hang on to his every word.
Yet, you stand your ground. “Not today, Steve. I’ve got more important things to do than pretend to be James Barnes’ play toy.”
Bucky turns on his heels quickly. “Oh?” He mutters, raising a brow to you as you simply nod. Unsure of himself, Bucky runs his fingers through his hair, combing his locks back as he tuts in bewilderment.
“Nice to meet you, James.” You salute the man before turning around yourself, hiding the smile forming on your face.
“She, she,” Bucky stutters over his words, a sight Steve struggles to fathom.
“Come on, Buck. I’m sure you’ll see her again real soon.”
“I remember.” You whisper, slowly reeling your hand to your mouth to hold back the snigger that dares to sound.
Echoes of footsteps rushing through the corridors pull you away from your own revelation as a series of Agents come into view with their guns are held up, ready to fire.
Within seconds, gunfire rings through your ears as you cover them, curling into yourself as the three men fall to the ground.
“Y/n?” Someone speaks up, and slowly you uncoil yourself. “Can you stand?”
Unsure of your own voice, you shake your head. “We need a medic, now!” Another calls out whilst you look over to the three men, crimson pooling around them.
“I, where’s Bucky?” You slowly ask, looking up at the Agent before you who blankly stares at you. “Where is he?” You repeat yourself.
The Agent rises to his feet and walks away whilst the medic rushes through, helping you onto a stretcher as you cry out in agony, whimpering for Bucky, your Bucky.
“She’s asking for him, Ma’am.” The Agent mutters to Maria Hill as they both stand by, watching as you’re taken toward the elevator, strapped into the stretcher.
Maria nods. “I’ll get Fury. See to the jet.” She explains before taking her phone and calling the last liable person for this. “Subject 359 is conscious, and has questions.” She simply states.
“And where is she now?” Fury asks through the line.
“Heading to the med bay. She was in bad shape by the time we found her.” Maria explains, passing by the bloodied shards of glass you fell into. “They’re all going to have questions, Nick.”
“I know,” Fury huffs. “and I guess it’s about damn time we answer them.”
L A S T  P A R T 
(thank you to the following for all the love so far! if you’d like to be tagged in this mini series do let me know)
@mellmellmell12@theofficialzivadavid @fandom-princess-forevermore @lokilovefoever @vivalakatee @chgevorgian @captainwinterwriter @carliewinchester @spn-obession @buckysquad @shower-me-with-roses @basicgukk @yasminwashere @sunfouler @feminist-fan-girl @stealapizzamyheart @soccer-100000   @sunflowerbunny2   @kickingn-ames @choerriesmotion @why-thats-just-delightful @officialfictionalwreck @romanoff-nataliaalianovna @hersilencedscreams @b-r-stark @dezzxmx @thearcher-temis @i-lost-my-shoe-down-a-drain @girl-obsessed-with-things​
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promptstoriespile · 6 years
It was an early spring morning when Thomas finally decided he would do it. He would walk all the way from his house in Nevada to his friend’s town in California. There his friend would help him get a job at his friend's family restaurant and from there he could finally get his own life back together. He was scared of what the unknown of his future held for him but decided he would hold on to the hope that he could live a better life, a happy life.
The departure itself wasn’t big. If anything it was anticlimactic with how much he’d built it up in his mind. He just packed his bag with some of his clothes,money, food and some water. He also put on his watch to know the time. Then he just left the whouse that he hoped he would never see again. There were no big arguments with his parents, no tears shed, nothing. But it was better this way, he didn’t want to cause a ruckus and ruin his chances. Because if his parents got word of his plan he would never get to go live his life. If they found out they’d probably punish him harsher than usual.
Then he walked, he walked in the deserts of what use to be his hometown until he was just walking on a dusty highway. Sometimes cars would pass by but other than those he was completely alone. He didn’t want to hitchhike because to him anything could happen. He could get kidnapped or get taken into a cult. But the scariest thing that he thought could happen would be that he’d meet nice people who would ask him where he was going and why. Because if he told the truth about how he was running away they would probably take him to the police and then the police would take him back to his “house”. For him that was worse than anything else he’d worried could happen if he hitchhiked.
He continued walking, clear path in his head he’d memorized during the past months. Hours of mulling over his decision and hoping, just hoping he could get somewhere, anywhere better than where he had been. But the knowledge that he could possibly fail had brought a feeling of dread to him stomach. It hadn’t been the normal kind of dread he had felt like all of those other times. It had been the fear of death gripping him. Because he knew that if he failed and came back then he’d probably die. He’d only decided to do it when the night before his parents had gotten to a point where he feared he would die. Then nothing had mattered to him anymore and he’d made his choice.
And that’s how he ended up walking in the desert, his only friend a highway who didn’t make for a great conversation. He knew how deal with the desert heat better than most people. It probably had something to do with all those times he got “locked out” of his “house” while his parents were mad at him.
The plan itself wasn’t anything too special. He’d met a friend online while on the public library computer(his parents didn’t even left him near 5 feet of their computer). Said friend had been so kind to him he didn’t understand it at first. He was scared of the gentleness
When the sun shone brightly over his head indicating it was noon he decided to take a pause at a rest stop. He needed to eat one of the sandwiches he’d packed up. While he had managed to stay hydrated by drinking water the shade from the rest stop and the AC actually made him feel better. He also replenished his water and then quietly went on his way.
It was almost an house later when he got to the state border. The border itself didn’t have anything to it. But it was just a sign that said “Welcome to California”. It didn’t look like much but to him this was it. He was leaving the state. He was irreparably scared. He thought that he’d gotten over his fears but like usual he was just lying to himself.
He wasn’t just scared of going back he was also scared of going forwards. He was scared that if he continued he’d go there’d be no one there. That he’d just walked out of his life for nothing and that he’d be alone. But he was also scared that it would be okay. That he would get to his friend’s house, that he would get hired to work at the restaurant and that he’d be happy. He knew it was stupid to be scared of all those good things happening to him. But he also knew that would never learn to trust it. He would always be thinking that none of it would last. He’d always be scared of that fact.
After walking all day he decided to take pause at an abandoned gas station when the sun finally decided to set. The view of the vast desert surrounding him with nothing for miles left him feeling just as empty. He would soon walk towards what he hoped would be his “salvation” as he liked to call it when making sarcastic comments in his head.
After having been at the station for almost an hour he saw a figure in the distance walking. He wondered what anyone else could be doing walking out here at such an hour. He wasn’t going to try to interact with this person if they didn’t come to talk to him or even acknowledge him but if they initiated a conversation he would gladly make do.
The person who he now noticed was a man was walking towards the abandoned gas station. He wondered why anyone(to the exception of himself would do anything like that, although that was a bit of a hypocritical thought he didn’t really care about that though) would come into an abandoned gas station.
The man just seemed to be looking around with sharp eyes when he entered through the doorless doorway of the decrepit former store. When he spotted him for a second he didn’t seem surprised to see someone there but then just as quickly as Thomas thought he might have seen something in the man’s eyes it was gone.
“I did not expect anyone to be here.” He said to Thomas.
“Me neither, that why I chose it to stop and take a break.” Thomas responded hoping that the stranger understood from his ‘subtle’ wording that he was traveling on foot like him.
“Where are you headed?” asked the stranger who’s name he didn’t know and therefore who he would keep referencing in his head as ‘the stranger’ until he knew his name.
“Just a small town in California.” said Thomas.
“Mind if I tag along? I’m just sort of walking around, no real destination in mind” said the stranger.
Thomas didn’t really trust it but he decided he would if not just for the company.
“Alright, what your name?” Asked Thomas
“Alexander, and you?” Asked the now named Alexander
“Thomas.” Answered Thomas
After having talked for a while they resumed their walking. Thomas found that although sometimes Alexander would say something weird but otherwise he was good company. They made conversation to pass the time while walking in the desert.
After a while the conversation died down into a comfortable silence. Although Thomas was used to someone not talking to him being a sign of something bad coming coming this one made didn’t make him nervous like that.
After more walking, near midnight, Alexander asked Thomas an odd question. He asked
“Do you consider us friends?”
Thomas thought the question had really come out of nowhere. The way Alexander had said it made something sit uneasy in his stomach. He pretended to be thinking about it for a few minutes to waste his time. For what he wasn’t sure.
His watch shone in the dark indicating the time. It was 11:49. He didn’t understand why but for some reason the time was important.
He faked muddling the question over in his head for another few minutes before finally answering unsure of himself “ I guess”.
Suddenly Alexander stopped walking.
Thomas turned around, he was a little bit ahead of Alexander on the highway.
Alexander had stopped there in the middle of the road. He was just blankly staring at nothing as if confused. A minute passed and then he smiled. A wicked smile. The kind Thomas knew too well. Then suddenly Thomas noticed that Alexander’s teeth were different from before. They were sharper. Like a shark. And then Alex got a look in his that Thomas knew far too well. It was one of someone who was going to hurt you and enjoy doing it.
He ran on the road. They were closer to the town where Thomas’s friend Stari than he though. He ran. And ran. He could make it. He thought he could make it. There was nothing but cacti around. Nowhere to hide. He needed to get to town.
But just as the town sign came into view he was tackled to the ground. On instinct he rolled away from the person who had tackled him. Impossibly standing over him even though he should still be the ground was Alexander.
He had a knife, somehow. Thomas hadn’t even seen a knife on him but then again he hadn’t seen the teeth.
Alexander lunged at him but before he could stab him with knife he disappeared.
Thomas stayed there for a second, suddenly feeling very very relieved. He looked at his watch for some reason and saw that it was past midnight.
He walked to town, scrapes and bruises from when he’d been thrown to the ground, not really understanding what had happened but knowing it was, had been, very ,real.
When he got to my house and knocked on the door and I opened it I didn’t know what to expect but I didn’t expect him to be crying and bloody like he was. While I got him to my room I asked my parents how bandage him up. They helped me and then asked him what had happened. He was wary of them at first but then decided to tell his story.
When he finished my dad looked distant. Then he said
“You didn’t imagine it”
I looked at him with a questioning look and he explained himself.
He told us that there was an urban legend that he knew for a fact wasn’t an urban legend. Around the 1920s there was a man named Alexander Volta. He was a serial killer who killed his victims by at first making friends with them and then later when asking them if they were friends kill them. He would only kill those who said yes. It’s said he like seeing someone’s trust being broken. When they were dead he’d eat their flesh. He was called the man with the teeth or as the locals call him, el hombre con los dientes. He was given the name because when he was done eating the bodies he would take out the canine teeth, sharpen them and when he had enough he made a “denture” out of them and then took out all his own tooth to wear the denture. He was killed by one of his victims. It was a man who was stronger than he seemed. Around midnight he asked the question to the man and the man said yes. But when Alexander tried to kill him the man threw him out of a window from the two story building they were in. He died exactly a midnight. Which is his time limit for a victim. He appears when the sun goes down but cannot stay after midnight.
After that, Thomas stayed with us. He was 17 at the time so he only had to hold out one year and then he legally did everything an adult did. He was always wary of strangers after that.
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