#me just being a sports mom 4ever
toddlertimess · 5 months
Hi. I want to write something but idk what.
My life is pretty boring. I do the same 4 things - work, home, gym, C’s football.
Oh speaking of C’s football, he’s turned me into a sports mom. We went from tackle football, straight into wrestling, straight into flag football, and now we’re starting tackle and flag isn’t even over! Little boy keeps me busy. This was his first year doing wrestling. It was ok but I think Cayden is going to do basketball next winter.
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weenunreleased · 4 months
I need to talk about my family situation because I'm strongly considering going no contact 4ever <3
I have 1 sibling and I live with him, my biological dad, and my step mom. I am 8 years older than my brother and he was adopted from my stepmother's sister.
My biological mom was basically a crackwhore that my dad knocked up on accident and she left me in a house alone "Trainspotting Style", so my dad won the custody battle and I haven't seen half my family since.
I was a severe neglect case so I was kind of retarded. Also my new step mom was beating my ass senseless. Because of all this, I was a really bad student and couldn't make good grades in anything but english. I was labeled a "bad kid" all throughout elementary and middle school and it just compounded on itself. I could not do well in school because nobody wanted to teach me. Which was WEIRD because i was fairly quiet. I just had this "crazy bitch" label on me. It was so bad that when I became near-sighted, the school nurse told my parents I was lying. I literally could not see.
Anyways, we end up adopting my brother when I was 8 and things were pretty normal, but I would forever be thought of as a mentally ill crazy child. The consequences of this started showing itself when my brother got older and my mom started making more money. It was like all her resources amd kindness were going into this little boy. I didnt care because I was getting tutoring and was on a sports team which was nice.
She enrolled my brother in private school while I stayed in public school. He never got beaten despite his behavior being far more severe than mine. This child had tempter tantrums every single day up until the age of 12. Her justification for this was that he had ADHD and just needed help.
I thought I was mentally ill and needed help? Why did everyone always tell me I was crazy and then refuse to help me? What made him more worthy of help?
Eventually my brother starts playing online video games. This is where everything goes downhill. He would stay up until 1 or 2 in the morning at my expense. This kid would play fortnite and SCREAM. My parents were fully aware of this and chose to do nothing, because their bedroom was far enough away that they could not hear it. My parents wouldn't let me learn an instrument because it was too loud, but did nothing about their son screaming. It was insane. I was also expected to clean up after his messes, which, I refused to do. At that point he was old enough to clean.
By the time I had gotten to college, his behavior was so bad I couldn't survive on a regular work + school schedule. I had to be up til 2 am every night while he screamed, and then try and nap more in the mornings. If I wanted to get homework done I had to walk somewhere quiet. He had spent his entire life in private schools while I grappled with the fact that I'd never afford rent. And I had to live in this house knowing there was no escape unless someone took me in.
Now he's at a private highschool. His full tuition costs $120,000. I live with my grandma and can't afford an apartment despite having an associates degree.
To say the kid is spoiled is an understatement. He owns investment jewelry pieces and only wears jordans. Seeing ice around his neck is so fucking bizarre I swear to god. My mom is always telling him he's some sort of genius. He graduated middle school 5th in his class! (Out of 10 people). The way he talks about himself is so far removed from reality. He thinks he's a king that rose up from poverty.
All of this was barable because ultimately, I was just losing opportunities that most people don't get anyways. But the last straw was the fucking cat.
I am just the retard child. And yesterday a kitten followed me home while on a walk. I brought him inside, fed him, gave him a flea bath. What did my mom have to say?
"Your brother has been wanting a cat! It's his now!"
Tonight I took the cat into my guest room because my brother wasn't watching it, and as per usual, was up playing video games right outside my door. I told him I was taking the cat and that he needed to sleep and he started threatening violence, on top of screaming about how it was his "fucking cat". He keeps getting closer to hitting me and I swear when he does I will beat the fuck out of him back. They let him get away with anything including violence and harassment against me, because they do it too.
Last night he told me the reason that mom gave him the cat was that I wasn't related to her, and therefore I was not her child at all. It was the way of the world. I was a retard orphan under her roof.
I have no empathy for people anymore I do not dream of love I do not yearn for friendship. So um yeah. I want the fucking cat.
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luisgijo · 4 years
50 questions you’ve never been asked
Thanks for tagging me, @marauders-groupie ​ !! 😁
What is the color of your hairbrush? I dont have one?? My comb is like a ligth brown turtle pattern tho
Name a food you never eat? Rabbit, my mom has a traumatising story from when she was little lol besides that not much I live to eat
Are you typically too warm or too cold? I’d say too cold? I’m defs a warm weather kinda person, despite my body temperature also being akin to an oven
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Watching youtube videos!
What is your favorite candy bar? Bar I’d have to say Twix but a special shoutout to maltesers lol
Have you ever been to a professional sports event? Yeah some football games when I was younger
What is the last thing you said out loud? "Yeah some football games when I was younger” I’m sorry I like to read what I’m typing when I’m posting something!!
What is your favorite ice cream? L e m o n for sure I know I’m basic but you can’t go wrong! Close 2nd being wildberries lol
What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee but I’m gonna drink a glass of water right now cause this question reminded me to
Do you like your wallet? Yeah it’s cool and like leather-y black a classic
What was the last thing you ate? Breakfast cookies? lol I don’t know how else to describe them
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? I did not I am very bad at online shopping
The last sporting event you watched? Probably a random Liverpool game or from my fave team in Portugal
What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? I only know sweet and salty so we going with salty
Who is the last person you sent a text message to? I’m gonna count WhatsApp and say my fam’s group chat or my flatmate if only one person
Ever go camping? No! I think it’d be fun but only if you’re doing something else like going to a music festival or working somewhere, I don’t think I’d ever go camping for camping’s sake lol
Do you take vitamins? Not really but I should lol. Sometimes I will take some vitamin C effervescent tabs but just because I like the taste
Do you go to church every Sunday? No, I’m spiritual but not religious. Also, churches in Portugal have scary lifelike statues lol
Do you have a tan? Not rn? Catch me in the summer tho ;)
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? f u c k this is hard but Chinese all the way, like I love pizza BUT I’d live off Chinese food
Do you drink your soda with a straw? Nowadays I try to avoid it or if I’m at home I’ll use my bamboo straws
What color socks do you usually wear? Mainly dark colors, the only exceptions are my one pair of white socks and my two pairs of bright red socks
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? No license lmao
What terrifies you? The Inevitability of Death.
Look to your left, what do you see? My TV and the bowl where I had cereal for breakfast (should really take it to the kitchen now)
What chore do you hate? Doing the dishes, I’m just so bad at it and would just rather do any other chore lol
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? S l a p s
What’s your favorite soda? We gotta go Sprite
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus? Depends? Like again I don’t have a license but I usually have MacDonalds with bro in car, everything else is usually in food courts
Who’s the last person you talked to? My mom rn, just checking up on each other on daily phone call :D
Favorite cut of beef? No preference lol just give me meat
Last song you listened to? I had the spotify radio for ‘Grilled Cheese’ by Peach Face on!! just found it but omg I love her
Last book you read? Till the end? assigned 12th grade readings lol. I’m reading Sweetbitter by Stephanie Danler now so hopefully I’ll finish this one!
Favorite day of the week? Is gotta be a Saturday
Can you say the alphabet backwards? Not really lol
How do you like your coffee? I usually have a single espresso, no sugar, but if I have time for a good breakfast I might turn it into a latte! Also a gingerbread latte when I’m feeling boujee during Christmas 
Favorite pair of shoes? Uuh I’m very much a one pair of shoes kinda dude so my current ones lol they’re like dark brown and worn
The time you normally go to sleep? Usually between 11pm and 1am
The time you normally get up? During the weekdays I have an alarm for 8am to keep some structure, but on weekends 10am
What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunsets 4ever
How many blankets on your bed? I go comforter and a blanket for this half of the year, and will switch to a single bedsheet in summer months lol
Describe your kitchen plates: White until I’ve used all of those then I switch to my yellow rimmed lemon ones lol
Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? Oof this a tough one I have to say Sangria potentially? My Sangria tho not that storebought one lol I am also a huge slut for a good absinthe on a night out ;)
Do you play cards? Sometimes with the fam lol
What color is your car? No license, no car #oof
Can you change a tire? Yes I’ve had to help my brother do it too many times not to know it by now lol
Your favorite province? omg this is a tough one too! Idk omg this is hard hahaha I might go with the south of Thailand? or the Pearl River Delta in the South of China? or Alentejo in Portugal?  or [insert obnoxious well-travelled ass comment here]
Favorite job you’ve ever had? Helping with museum exhibitions, both writing content and assisting with the curating!
How did you get your biggest scar? I don’t really have that many scars? The biggest one I have is a tie between this one I got feeding elephants in Thailand (omg I hate myself) and this other one my cat gave me one night when she was being needy lol
What did you do today that made someone else happy? idk? maybe when I replied to a friends insta story or talking to my flatmate and arranging her return to the house!
I am so bad at tagging I am genuinely sorry lol so if you haven’t been tagged tell them I sent you!
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caatws · 4 years
tagged by @justanalto to answer some questions !! :)
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? it’s like a blueish/greenish color and has moana on it! i usually comb my hair so i bought that brush just bc it was moana themed a few years ago lol. i don’t use it often
2. Name a food you never eat. there are many.....#justchildhoodocdthings ermmmm i don’t eat a lot of snack foods like chips or goldfish
3. Are you typically too cold or too warm? too warm, esp these days bc the weather is hella warming up so i wake up feeling hot a lot
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? i was working on some post-grad work stuff and then crossed over into my roommates’ room to watch the facebook livestream graduation 2020 thing cuz miley was on singing the climb
5. What is your favorite candy bar? i love a good hershey’s special dark chocolate moment
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event? yes, quite a lot actually! my mom is super into sports, so i grew up going to a handful of pro sports games - mlb, nba, and nhl. never nfl tho bc my mom said the price of tix wasn’t worth it LMAOOOO. also when the olympics are here in la in like 8 years i wouldn’t mind checking out some events here !!
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? i asked my roommate if she wanted me to close the door as i was leaving her room bc she was abt to hop on a zoom call
8. What is your favorite ice cream? chocolate.....esp if it’s dark chocolate which is Rare
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? starbucks peppermint hot chocolate bc i’m a basic bitch!!!!
10. Do you like your wallet? yeah, i only upgraded from my middle school wallet like back in 2018 to a normal adult looking one. it’s purple and has enough pockets for all my shit! still bulky tho
11. What was the last thing you ate? ....nothing LMFAOOOO lunch is usually my first meal of the day and i haven’t had it yet. but last night i had ramen for dinner
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? last time i bought clothes was i ordered one of the black widow hoodies from hot topic like a month ago....other than that i have not gone clothes shopping since pre-quarantine
13. The last sporting event you watched? i don’t even know....i didn’t watch the super bowl, so it’d either be some time my roommate was watching hockey on our tv or whatever sports my mom was watching when i was still home for winter break in january
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? KETTLE CORN!!!!
15. Who is last person you sent a text message to? i sent a pic of miley singing the climb on the fb livestream on my friend’s laptop to my fam being like “lol miley is our commencement performer!!!!” and my mom was just like cool
16. Ever go camping? yes unfortunately....never for more than a night at a time tho bc i literally Cannot
17. Do you take vitamins? no bc what is Health
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? used to back in the days of catholic school (pre college), but now no longer
19. Do you have a tan? nah bc we can’t go outside bro
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? chinese food 100% i personally think pizza is overrated
21. Do you drink soda with a straw? i don’t believe i ever do tbh
22. What color socks do you usually wear? i only own socks with colorful patterns/designs on them which is extra but very me i suppose
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? always! (a reasonable amount over tho, like within 5-10 mph over...this is average for californians, while many others speed hella)
24. What terrifies you? not a fan of heights nor uncertainty, and this pandemic has essentially destroyed my post grad hopes/plans and now i enter an uncertain future
25. Look to your left, what do you see? my bed, with a lot of stuff piled on top
26. What chore do you hate? all of them???? i guess doing the dishes mostly tho bc i hate the smell of wet dishes with food waste/residue on them and it just feels so gross i can’t
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? i think wow australia sounds like a wild country
28. What’s your favorite soda? orange soda 4ever
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? drive-thru if i can !!! but i don’t mind going in if there’s ample parking available
30. Who’s the last person you talked to? my roommate, when i asked if she wanted me to close the door LMAO
31. Favorite cut of beef? all of them????? i’m not picky with meat dsflkbn
32. Last song you listened to? as i was driving back into my garage the radio station i was listening to started playing sugar we’re going down which threw me for a time loop
33. Last book you read? i’ve been reading fanfic mostly recently so ig whatever the last thing i read for my internship weeks ago was, it would be that
34. Favorite day of the week? even tho time doesn’t matter in quarantine, i’ll always be a friday stan
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? i used to be decent at it but i’m out of practice now. i’ll try to just type it rly quickly and see: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba (ok so this took me like 5ish secs to type so that’s p good!)
36. How do you like your coffee? i don’t! i just drink peppermint hot chocolate :^)
37. Favorite pair of shoes? my doc martens, but they are now out of season for most of the rest of the year bc i live in southern california where it’s Hawt so i probs won’t wear them again til december
38. The time you normally go to sleep? sometime between 1 and 3 am
39. The time you normally get up? sometime between 9 and 11 am
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets are dope!!!
41. How many blankets on your bed? three, including my sheet, comforter, and a small quilt
42. Describe your kitchen plates. some are just round and plain white, some are round and white with a red decorative border, one is a pokémon plate meant for children that i bought cheap at target
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? piña colada!!! but if i’m trying to get drunk i need vodka or somethin
44. Do you play cards? not much tbh! my apartment has been on a mahjong streak as of late
45. What color is your car? silver!!
46. Can you change a tire? no i’m useless but also my parents believe i’ll get murdered if stuck on the side of the road (which is possible) so they’d prefer me to call aaa for help
47. Your favorite province? uhhhhhhh no provinces here in the u.s. but canada has provinces and i went to british columbia (to visit vancouver) once as a kid so???? if we talking states tho y’all know i will die for california
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had? honestly my job at my school’s mail center this past year was rly cool! my boss was so great and the other student workers were chill, so it was a nice environment and i enjoyed learning all these mail-related skills
49. How did you get your biggest scar? i have no scars ;))))
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy? i had my final appointment with my therapist from my school since i graduated, so i thanked him for working with me the past year and a half!
i tag: anyone who wants to do this, i’m lazyyyyy hehe so feel free to steal!!!! i wanna read y’all’s answers
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threeracha · 7 years
another get to know me! :”)
tagged by @realstraykids @hyuunjins TYTYTYTYTYTYTY
tagging: @himeaegyo @jeongn @jeojangins @jeongin-ie @seungchanie @lees-minho @felixeslee @straykidding @dinojaeee @softstraykids @chanbng @chans97 @mydarlingfelix @chanskitty @ OTHERS THAT WANNA SPILL UR TEA BC ICANT THINK OF 25 ACCS !!!!!! (ps sry if u did this n i tagged u : ( (( ( )
rules: once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end choose 25 people to be tagged. 
🌙 LAST Drink: green tea w honey! ilvoe tea :D”D”D”DDD
Text Message: i texted myself pictures of my textbook to note @ my grandparents’ house  Phone Call: i called myself bc i lost my phone in my room earlier,,,,, LMFOA OMFG HTIS IS SAD Song you listened to: jerk - ikon :””””) lmfao,,,,,, im highkey just big heart eyes w ikon’s return album im sobbing STILLLLL Time you cried: after school yesterday bc i was thinking abt dying alone,,,n stuff like that lmao
🌙 HAVE YOU EVER Dated someone twice: no Kissed someone and regretted it: my first kiss was ,,,, bad timing,,,,,, we never saw each other again after that night LMFAO Lost someone special: yea :((((  Been depressed: when have i not lskdlfkj KIDDDING,,, i mean,,,,,i,,,dk,,,,,  Been drunk and thrown up: no i hate vomiting and will do anything to AVOID tbh
🌙 IN THE PAST YEAR HAVE YOU Made a new friend: ye i lvo frends Fallen out of love: how do u fall outta smth u were never in 😪 LMFAO Met someone who changed you: i think everyone i meet changes som aspect of myself to a certain degree,,,,,,,,,,,,, Found out who your true friends are: idk,,,,,, im honestly,,,, a huge doormat,,,i cant tell who actually cares 4 me tbh OOPS Found out someone was talking about you: LMAO :P dont have this prob bc of my major irrelevancy cc; ,,, imean not TO BRAG BUT ----- 
🌙 GENERAL How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: ik 4 irls tumblrs (not mutuals,,, lmfao,,,,, none of them know i have tumblr actually) + one of them i accidentally found i STILL CRY ABT IT I DONT WANT TO REVEAL WHAT THEIR BLOG WAS FOCUSED ON BUT DEF NOT WHAT I WAS EXPECTING SLKDJFLS Do you have any pets?: 2 bunnies and 1 goldfish!!!!!!! Do you want to change your name?: ye ig,,, my name feels rlly basic ( I MEAN NO OFFENSE TO JASMINES IN THE WORLD I JUST FEEL LIKE IDK LSKDJFLKJD F ) What time did you wake up this morning: 5:30am,,, then 5:40,,,,,,,, then 6:05 What were you doing last night: practicing the presentation i bombed :D Something you cannot wait for: to be done with high school i h8 it sm :( Have you ever talked to a person named tom?: does,,,,, thomas count? What’s getting on your nerves right now: when people are F A  K E as HELL to me,,, like GODDDD,,,, i dont wanna sound like hella salty or bitter but jfc it’s not like i can’t tell or anyth,,,,,,,, be transparent w/ me b!!!!!!!!!ahaha i mean not to shaaaaaade but LMFAO.  Blood type: o (i tested this in bio 2 yrs ago but this year i didnt test for the rh antigen bc im a wimp and cant prick my own finger again) Nickname: jas,,,, jace,,,,,,,,,, rissa idek if u follow this blog but bongbong  Relationship status: AHHAHHAHAH WOT THIS------------------- Zodiac sign: sagittarius Pronouns: s/h Favorite show: MOM IS SO FUNNY College: ???? WHAT IS THIS ASKING EXACTLY LDSKJFLKFJ,,, i am in college???? on my “second” year i guess Hair colour: naturally eh eh  black but i dye it brown Do you have a crush on someone: SIGH ,,,, IDDDKKKKKKKK ANYMOREOOEEEEOEOEO i think i do BUT I ALSO HATE HIM SO000000 MUCH  What do you like about yourself: u said wot now m8?????
🌙 FIRSTS First surgery: i had smth when i was young,,,,,,, i dont remember what it was lmfaoooo,,,,,, but i remember coming out of the hospital blind af and had to wear jankass “sunglasses” that flew away the moment the door WHOOSHED open First piercing: 6 months old First sport you joined: i,,,, d,,,ont,,,,s,,po,,r,t,,,,,,, First vacation: i went to seattle when i was ~6 months old,,, that’s where my ears were pierced LMAO First pair of sneakers: ?? HOW WOULD I KNOW THIS IM????????? WAGTLKJLKJFLKJC prob som ssketcher shit
🌙 RIGHT NOW Eating: lychee I’m about to: wash my face Listening to: my brother rage @ his xbox Want kids: um,,,,, doesnt matter if i have my own kids or not but i really want to adopt at least one kid Get married: i mean,,,,, if someone can tolerate me SSURE sounds cool Career: LMFAO,,,,,,, a student,,,,,, but im,,,, failing,,, does that still count
🌙 WHICH IS BETTER Lips or eyes: HMMMM LIPS!!!! i dont have an eye preference or wtvr but dEF CANT STAND WHEN U GOT SOM CHAPP AF LIPPIES Hugs or kisses: hugs def,,,, smth abt the whole SALIVA situation is a little YIKES 2 me honestly LOOLOLOLOLFmlSKDFLK Shorter or taller: whO THO IS THIS LIKE IN A PARTNER OR SMTH?? if so,,, my height & up???? : ) )))))) ))) Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant,,,,, i honestly dont see the thrill in “troublemaking”? OR WTVR?? LIKE WHY????????????????????sdlkflskflskf Older or younger: doesn’t matter,,,,, not 2 young tho,, Romantic or spontaneous: romantically spontaneous? :Ddddd Sensitive or loud: sensitively loud??? :”DDD like ye man scream w me but dont hurt my feelins or nothin ok,,,,,,, Hookup or relationship: relationship,,,,,,,,,, i think being w/ someone means seeing urself w them forever ;;;;;;;;; why would u cut it off after ONE TIME SLKDFJ WTF WHY ;; that makes me :-(
🌙 HAVE YOU EVER Kissed a stranger: no Drank hard liquor: uh accidentally yes Lost contacts/glasses: all the hECKIN TIME --- Sex on first date: no,,,,, but if u abt that life, go u,,, not my personal preference lmfao Broken someone’s heart: yelmfao,,,,, that’s how life goes around tho, kids ;; ikinda feel bad abt this one dude ithink he thought we could b 2gether 4ever n i was like,,,,,,,,14 @ the time n was afraid of that,,,,,, commitment shit ;;;;;; Been arrested: LFMAO NO(t [[[[[[yet]]]]]]]]) Turned someone down: of course of course,,,,,,, only pedos like me hoNESTLY LDKSJFLKSDJF IM SCREAMING AS I THINK BACK ON ALL THE GUYS THAT ASKED ME OUT LKDSJFLSKJDFLKDJF I WANT TO VOMITNOW
🌙 DO YOU BELIEVE In yourself: lmao.  Miracles: when i pull a passing grade in my classes? yeÉÊËEĒĘĖÈë Love at first sight: as dumb as it is, yeah i do;;;;;
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 1: Name
2: Age
3: 3 Fears
-Losing the people I love
-My mom
-Being not good enough
4: 3 things I love
5: 4 turns on
-Shorter than me?
-Being called Daddy
6: 4 turns off
-People who are taller than me
-any of my exs
-my dad
7: My best friend
Other than Chris
Their name is Hayden and I call them Dad
8: Sexual orientation
9: My best first date
That i’ve had probably Burger King and walking around in New Mexico Summer heat. Not all that hard to beat
10: How tall am I
 5 foot 8
11: What do I miss
Dead people
12: What time were I born
1:23 pm (not kidding)
13: Favorite color
14: Do I have a crush
I have A Chris
15: Favorite quote
"That's what books do, they change us and make our outlooks on life diffrent. And I know you can do that too"
16: Favorite place
17: Favorite food
Cheesy potatoes
18: Do I use sarcasm
19: What am I listening to right now
20: First thing I notice in new person
21: Shoe size
22: Eye color
“every color” Chris
23: Hair color
Green, blond, black, brown
24: Favorite style of clothing
Big sweaters
25: Ever done a prank call?
27: Meaning behind my URL
Chris is a hufflepuff
I’m in love with him
28: Favorite movie
29: Favorite song
Airplane Mode 
30: Favorite band
Be More Chill cast
31: How I feel right now
32: Someone I love
33: My current relationship status
34: My relationship with my parents
Difficult everywhere
35: Favorite holiday
36: Tattoos and piercing i have
ears, getting a tattoo on my birthday 
37: Tattoos and piercing i want
Lip ring and a spider on a web in a heart on muy chest collar bone area 
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
b/c my old account was hacked
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?
Some - yes
some - no
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
I mean I usually say good morning to Chris if we’re both awake and good night. (B/c we are always on video cahts) 
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
I want to
very much so
42: When did I last hold hands?
With my mom in vegas because she was drunk
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
5 minutes 
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
45: Where am I right now?
my bedroom
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
My mom 
49: Am I excited for anything?
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?
every day?
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?
like.....over a week ago
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
okay? cool? I don’t care
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
55: What is something I disliked about today?
I woke up thinkng baout my baby sister’s death
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Chris Irl
57: What do I think about most?
58: What’s my strangest talent?
my doodiling style
59: Do I have any strange phobias?
people thinking im not good enough
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
61: What was the last lie I told?
“I’m fiiiiine”
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
Video Chatting
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
yup and yup
64: Do I believe in magic?
Magick yes 
65: Do I believe in luck?
66: What's the weather like right now?
Cloudly probably
67: What was the last book I've read?
Night angels (re reading it)
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
69: Do I have any nicknames?
daddy, drewdrop, bunny
70: What was the worst injury I've ever had?
broke my shoulder
71: Do I spend money or save it?
try to save
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?
a blanket
74: Favorite animal?
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
Reading fanfiction
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
78: How can you win my heart?
be @theprotectedpuff
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
“Was gay and trans, you gonna catch these ghost hands” 
80: What is my favorite word?
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
“Christopher (insert the rest of his name) is M I NE. Also, fuck you trump” 
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
Changing possibilities
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
Cant think of one
86: What is my current desktop picture?
87: Had sex?
88: Bought condoms?
89: Gotten pregnant?
no comment
90: Failed a class?
91: Kissed a boy?
92: Kissed a girl?
yeah (when i was like 5)
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
94: Had job?
95: Left the house without my wallet?
96: Bullied someone on the internet?
97: Had sex in public?
i mean
if rape is sex
98: Played on a sports team?
Soccor in 3rd grade
99: Smoked weed?
100: Did drugs?
101: Smoked cigarettes?
like once
102: Drank alcohol?
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
i am a kinda egitarian? I try to not eat meat
104: Been overweight?
105: Been underweight?
oh yeah
106: Been to a wedding?
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
109: Been outside my home country?
110: Gotten my heart broken?
111: Been to a professional sports game?
If a collage baseball game counts, then yes
112: Broken a bone?
113: Cut myself?
oh yeah
114: Been to prom?
115: Been in airplane?
116: Fly by helicopter?
117: What concerts have I been to?
too many
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
119: Learned another language?
French and Russian
120: Wore make up?
Costme make up
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?
122: Had oral sex?
123: Dyed my hair?
124: Voted in a presidential election?
125: Rode in an ambulance?
126: Had a surgery?
127: Met someone famous?
128: Stalked someone on a social network?
not like in a creepy way
129: Peed outside?
130: Been fishing?
131: Helped with charity?
132: Been rejected by a crush?
133: Broken a mirror?
oh yeah
134: What do I want for birthday?
Chris to not leave later that month :( 
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tophbiefong · 7 years
❤ Shoutout to my hunnis @beliamyblakes& @bellxmyblakes for tagging me ❤
Rules: you must answer these 83 statements and tag 20 people
Under the cut bc its pretty long soz 
Last… 1. drink? lemon lime sparkling water (that sounds so boujee but its actually not) 2. phone call? my mom  3. text message? I sent my bosses a meme lmaoo  4. song you listened to? I Want It That Way - Backstreet Boys (I just recently bought a ‘BSB Greatest Hits’ cd and its all I’ve been listening to) 5. time you cried? a couple hrs ago for absolutely no reason Have you ever… 6. dated someone twice? lmao nah 7. kissed someone and regretted it? hells yah 8. been cheated on? nope 9. lost someone special? yes 10. been depressed? 4 sure 11. gotten drunk and thrown up? I’ve got a puking-phobia so I’ve figured out how to get hella fucked up and not puke favourite colors: 12. blue 13. grey 14. pink in the last year, have you… 15. made new friends? so so many, and I’m so happy about it!! 16. fallen out of love? nah 17. laughed until you cried? aw hell yeuh 18. found out someone was talking about you? idk for sure but probably 19. met someone who changed you? oui  20. found out who your friends are? I’ve known that shit since a week after I graduated high school  21. kissed somone on your facebook list? ew yes (~regret~) 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? almost all of them, except distant family members who’ve added me  23. do you have any pets? two dogs  24. do you want to change your name? I will forever wish my first name was my middle name bc Brooke is gross (both the name and the person ayyyeee) 25. what did you do for your last birthday? went to a boujee restaurant wit my fam and had my first legal drink (it was a mojitio and I hated it bc mint is gross) 26. what time did you wake up? 9:21 am bc my ma was calling me askin about oranges 27. what were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping, which literally never happens   28. name something you can’t wait for: moving to van with Danni ( @beliamyblakes​ its gonna happen i s2g) 29. when was the last time you saw your mom? literally 2 seconds ago 30. what are you listening to right now? Supernatural on the tv 31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom? ew yes, my mom works with a douchey guy names Tom and I hate him sm  32. something that is getting on your nerves? being an adult 33. most visited website? probably netlfix or youtube 34. hair colour? dirty blonde wit a red streak (I didn’t copy a fictional character wtf r u talkign abt ??) 35. long or short hair? I love my long hair, but I recently cut it all off for the summer 36. do you have a crush on someone? no one irl but bob morley 4ever n always 37. what do you like about yourself? lmao nothing ?? i suck ?? 38. piercings: 6 on my ears and my nose  39. blood type: does anyone actually know this ???? 40. nickname: B, kate calls me Brooketh, my mom calls me Ethel 41. relationship status: single (BUT SOMEONE PLS TAKE ME) 42. zodiac: Leo  43. pronouns: she/her 44. favourite tv show: the 100, b99, this is us, the office, parks and rec, bob’s burgers, gravity falls is a new one, teen wolf (even tho it pisses me off so fuckin much) 45. tattoos: the ‘I solemnly swear’ HP quote on my right foot, and I want like 12 more 46. right or left handed: right 47. surgery: I had my appendix taken out when I was 6 48. sport: I used to swim competitively, and I wish I still did  49. vacation: I’ve literally never gone on vacation, but I go up my grandparents cottage a lot in the summer 50. pair of trainers: blue nikes if we’re talking actual running shoes, but I prefer flip flops in the summer and uggs in the winter 51. eating: nothing rn 52. drinking: lemon lime sparkling water still  53. im about to: start working on a special sth 4 my bbs 👀👀👀 54. waiting for?: someone to love me  55. want?: the motivation to actually do the shit I say I’m gonna do  56. get married?: yes, but imma be single forever so it doesn’t matter  57. career?: IDFK 58. hugs or kisses?: both, but kisses more  59. lips or eyes?: eyes (mine are blue, but i love brown eyes so much) 60. shorter or taller?: taller 61. older or younger?: older, bc ppl my age are idiots  62. nice arms or nice stomach?: for me ? stomach  63. hook up or relationship?: relationship 64. troublemaker or hesitant?: hesitant, I worry waaaay too much & am therefore v cautious   65. kissed a stranger: nah 66. drank hard liquor: oui oui  67. lost glasses/contact lenses: nah bc im v cautious 68. turned someone down: yes (and deeply regretted it after) 69. sex on the first date: no thx 70. broken someones heart: i really don’t know 71. had your heart broken: yes  72. been arrested: IM V CAUTIOUS 73. cried when someone died: yes ?? obviously ?? 74. fallen for a friend: yes do you believe in… magic 75. yourself? lmao no  76. miracles? not really  77. love at first sight? maybe  78. santa claus? nah 79. kiss on the first date? If the date was good and I like the person 80. angels? nope 81. current best friend’s name? Alexandra, Danni, and Kate  82. eye colour: blue  83. favourite movie: The Little Mermaid 
tagging: @starboybellamy @clarkegryphus @bellammy @the-princess-and-the-king​ @griffinnblake​ @as-inevitable-as-morning​ and anyone else who feels like it
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starrykiwis · 8 years
92 truths
I was tagged by @gayanqel thank uuu lovely  ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
LAST… [1] drink: matte leão [2] phone call: my dad [3] text message: this boy.. who’s just. .. .complicated (not him, the situation) [4] song you listened to: shape of you - ed sheeran..my love [5] time you cried: hmm years ago probably lol :///
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: nein [7] been cheated on: that’s impossible [8] kissed someone and regretted it: childhood kisses count??? lmao [9] lost someone special: i did [10] been depressed: kind of.. during 9th grade i guess [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: nope
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] purple [13] . . .purple [14] purple 4ever!!
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yes [16] fallen out of love: no [17] laughed until you cried: all the damn time [18] found out someone was talking about you: ???idk lol [19] met someone who changed you: yes kind of [20] found out who your true friends are: yes [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: noOOoO
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: everyone but not everyone is close to me  [23] do you have any pets: the cutest dog in the world [24] do you want to change your name: no [25] what did you do for your last birthday: i went out with my mom to eat japanese food and watched the olympics (on television lol) [26] what time did you wake up: 8 am [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping lol [28] name something you cannot wait for: ED’S CONCERT!!! [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: yesterday [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i could find something i love doing [31] what are you listening to right now: . ..QUESTION: TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT ME [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: i don’t think so idk [33] something that is getting on your nerves: atm.  ..idk  [34] most visited website: youtube & tumblr [35] elementary: idk [36] high school: it was named after a eugenicist . . .eww [37] college: shut up idk leave me alone ahhh!!!!!!! [38] hair colour: brown [39] long or short hair: short
[40] do you have a crush on someone: nope
[41] what do you like about yourself? i have a good heart
[42] piercings: ears but i don’t wear earrings often (leaving rach’s answer here lol) [43]blood type: A+ (i guess) [44] nickname: isa, indie [45] relationship status: single [46] zodiac sign: leo [47] pronouns: she/her [48] fav tv show: pll, friends, criminal minds, fresh prince of bel-air [49] tattoos: none [50] right or left handed: right handed
FIRST… [51] surgery: i had to remove four teeth (my mouth had no space enough which is niIiIiIce woW) [52] piercing: my ears when i was just a baby [53] best friend: renatinha.. i used to bite and pinch her a lot i’m sorry renata i’m a nice person now [54] sport: swimming [55] vacation: i went to la and las vegas when i was like...two?? lol it doesnt matter i can’t remember a single thing from that trip [56] pair of trainers: what is this
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: nothing [58] drinking: water [59] i’m about to: go to sleep or idk [60] listening to: SAY MY NAME SAY MY NAAAME [61] waiting for: nothing at all [62] want: to pee but i’m lazy and i feel like the toillet is ages away sorry [63] get married: No. [64] career: what did i do to u????stoP
[65] hugs or kisses: i kind of never kissed anyone??? so hugs and i love hugs so yeah [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: taller [68] older or younger: older [69] romantic or spontaneous: idk [70] nice arms or nice stomach: i couldn’t care less lol idgaf tbh [71] sensitive or loud: when no one is around u say baby i luv u [72] hook up or relationship: sushi [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hm wdym
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? HAHAHAHAHAHA no. [75] drank hard liquor? yep [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? nope but i’m always losing my flip flops which sucks [77] turned someone down: yes [78] sex on first date? no i haven’t [79] broken someone’s heart? idk tbh..i have no idea lmao [80] had your own heart broken? nope [81] been arrested? nope [82] cried when someone died? yes [83] fallen for a friend: no
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? sometimes [85] miracles? hmm kind of??? idk this is a tough question [86] love at first sight? no i don’t [87] santa claus? tbh i don’t think i’ve ever really believed in santa claus lol i was always like.. . .hmMmMm fine. . .of course. . .yeah sure [88] kiss on the first date? idc [89] angels? of course..  .niall and harry and my mutuals and my dog
OTHER… [90] current best friend’s name: dakota ... . .. .....my dog <3 [91] eye colour: dark brown [92] favourite movie: one day
~~~~ ♡  ~~~~
This was quite long but very interesting!!
i’ll tag: @magic-view @walkingintheamm @fairylightsstyles @narrys-town @haarrrrry and sorry i’m sleepy so i’m not tagging a lot of people sorry for being lazy i hope y’all had a lovely day and dont forget...i love u
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‘This is why you buckle your kids into their car seats:’ Mom’s car crash photo goes viral
LANCASTER, Pa. — A Pennsylvania mother’s photo of her destroyed car next to two undamaged car seats is serving as a reminder to all parents — buckle up your kids.
On Tuesday, Jenna Casado Rabberman shared a photo of her destroyed 2015 Honda CRV with two car seats. The Chicco and Graco seats protected her 6-week-old and 3-year-old, she wrote.
“This is why you buckle your kids into their car seats correctly every single time Even when they scream because the straps are tight. Even when they complain about the chest clip or being rear facing.”
Rabberman said things could have been different if she didn’t take “the extra two minutes” to make sure the children were secured in their seats.
Here’s the full text of her post:
I’m not one to post anything too heavy or personal on Facebook but guys… THIS is why you buckle your kids into their car seats correctly every SINGLE time. Even when they scream because the straps are tight. Even when they complain about the chest clip or being rear facing. We stopped for milk on the way home from preschool yesterday. We were minutes from home. Another car slammed into us. You never think it will happen to you. My boys escaped without a scratch but the paramedics told me it could have been very different had I not taken the extra 2 minutes to be sure they were buckled correctly. I will be fine, my kids are fine, everything else can be replaced. Sending thanks to God for keeping us safe (along with Honda, Graco & Chicco).
I’m getting a lot of PMs asking these questions so I want to add this information. My little one is 6 weeks old & my older son is nearly 3. My car was a 2015 Honda CRV. (His name was Yoshi, may he rest in peace) The seats are a Chicco Keyfit 30 (infant seat) & Graco Children’s Products 4ever. Both were rear facing. AND YES THE SEATS ARE BEING REPLACED.
I never expected this post to be seen by so many people! I really only posted it for family & friends but hopefully it will save a life by making someone think twice about buckling their child in. It’s clear that a few of you are really bad at this thing called human decency. I can’t say I’m surprised, I just hope that should you ever find yourself in my situation someone shows you the compassion you are clearly lacking.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports http://fox4kc.com/2017/09/28/this-is-why-you-buckle-your-kids-into-their-car-seats-moms-car-crash-photo-goes-viral/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2017/09/28/this-is-why-you-buckle-your-kids-into-their-car-seats-moms-car-crash-photo-goes-viral/
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