#me nd my non goth best friend:
mourningcape · 6 months
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Dave Vanian and Barry Ryan on Good Morning Britain - 1986
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Those Shoes (Ch.1)
Notes: The title is referenced to a song by The Eagles, it’s a classic song about exotic dancers, as well as a popular song to play in the clubs. Rita, or @youtubequeens and I brainstormed this piece, and I was so excited to finally write it :3
Warnings: Language, Exotic Dancers and their life, talk about sex, Trigger Warnings!!!: Mentions of and non-consensual acts such as groping and touching, and other horrors.  
Notice: Dancers should be treated with respect, and this is not a fic to downgrade them, nor to spread false truths. It sheds light on what can and does happen in real life, and how that it can be a dangerous job. The warnings are here for a reason. Thank You.
 “Honey, I neeeeed your help!” Your mother whined through the phone. You sighed loudly as you sat on the bed. You’ve just finished with a hefty amount of homework, two tests, and you had another coming up, soon. Not only were your friends squealing that they need to celebrate your upcoming graduation, but your mother had called you, needing something. Again.
“Before you hang up!” She started as your thumb hovered over the red button. “I know that you’ll be graduating college, soon, and you’re needing a job, asap, sooooo, I was wondering if I could hire you, soon?” She baited, and you felt a chill of dread down your spine.
“No way in hell.”
“Oh, Come on! You know that you’ll need a job! I can’t find decent hire, anywhere. How about I hire you until you find a better job? Please? These outfits need to be patched up, and I need makeup expertise! Other than my own!” She added.
You felt your stubborn nature wilt as common sense pile drove in. Your mother was a crafty, sneaky, snake, and she knew that you were needing money to make end’s meet, especially when you were about to move to a better apartment. There were good businesses waiting to hire, and some even were willing to sponsor you, but of course it could take months until you could officially land a good job.
Unfortunately, your mother knew this.
“Above minimum wage, and I get to wear what I want.”
“Deal.” She didn’t even hesitate.
“Fine. I’ve got tests…and the girls are throwing me a surprise party, of all things at the end of the month, so I’ll see you when I see you.” You breathed out, and your mom giggled.
“Oh, a surprise party? Maybe I could send-”
“Mom, no.” You blurted out, and she laughed.
“Oh, my baby girl!” She cooed. “You don’t need physical experience to enjoy-”
You clicked the red dial, ending the call as you sighed with defeat. How did your life turn out like this?  More than likely, she’ll gather your small group of friends and convince them to try to get you to loosen up. It was not only your graduation day, but also your birthday, coming up.
 Your mind froze with fear at the memories of past birthdays. After you’ve turned eighteen, she tried multiple times to send out one of the male dancers, scantily dressed in an ice cream sundae uniform, holding a card that basically said “to pop your cherry”.    
Yeah, you didn’t really had any contact with her, really.
“Surprise! Happy Graduation and Birthday, Girl!” Your friends screamed with joy as you entered your apartment. Finally. After years of hard work and several job offers that will get back to you within a month, you were a certified beautician with a knack to patch and design clothes. Sure, it wasn’t your first idea of a job, but it grew on you. Dying hair, painting nails, mastering different techniques of applying makeup, and seeing the sparkly eyes of your patients as they admired your hard work, had won you over.
Of course, your mother had a major influence over you. Although you weren’t into dancing, you were happy to practice makeup and help patch up certain outfits. As you grew older, you went with what you knew, and soon, your school had paid for your college due to your good grades, and you made your way up, ever since.
“Oh hey, girls! Where’s the cake?” You wondered, and they wasted no time with mischievous giggles. You stilled.
“Don’t worry, Babe! It’ll be here, soon. Try this cucumber Sake!” Rumi grinned as she held out the small cup. The white-haired woman had been your friend since late high school, the only one knowing about your mother’s business back then. She and your other friend, Keigo, had now opened up a pet store. Said man who had bird-like perception wasn’t here, right now, but your more…flirtatious friend, Nemuri, was here with her girlfriend and your attention-seeking friend, Yu. Both girls had worked for your mother, and although you were close, you were weary of their similar antics.
“You’re hiding something.” Your eyebrows furrowed. Nemuri smiled coyly as she slung an arm around a giggling Yu.
“It wouldn’t be called a surprise if we weren’t.”  
The four of you had cut up and were laid back, enjoying small talk and stories that you all missed out on. Nemuri and Yu were doing great with the future wedding funds, Rumi had admitted that Keigo was trying his best to win over some goth from Hot Topic, and you, well, you were still doing the things that you loved to do, despite a busy schedule. Rumi smiled, knowing fully well that your more secretive hobbies had leaned towards being more humanitarian, despite your busy schedule.
You wanted to do things that you wanted to do, not gain attention from them, yet your close group of friends had known of your little skits: Feeding not only stray cats, but taking time to volunteer to help with the homeless and the orphanage. The conversation had quickly turned to about working at the strip club, and you were relieved that the subject had changed.
“Ugh. I hate it when they get up. They’re suppose to sit, and be obedient.” Nemuri huffed.
“Isn’t that against the regulations?” You wondered, and Yu nodded.
“Yeah. I heard that one girl in the private room was far into her dancing, she didn’t notice the guy standing up. Luckily there’s cameras, and so when the staff noticed that he pulled his dick out, they broke into the room and threw him out. Hah, he didn’t get his cash back or anything.” She finished, and you couldn’t help but feel sympathy.
You weren’t raised in the club, but your mother had told you plenty of stories, and dropped off the outfits or brought home a “dummy” to practice makeup on while she told you to never let your guard down. It wasn’t until you were nineteen when you fully knew what she had meant as you were working as a hostess at her building.
Although you were dressed in bartender clothes, it didn’t stop anybody from trying to make a grab at you. You were lucky that your mother had hired good bouncers, and she herself was like a tiger who prowled upon those who didn’t belong there.  
“That’s awful.” You admitted, and Nemuri nodded in agreement.
“Yeah. It’s especially gross when you’re giving them a lap dance, and you feel something gross and sticky on the back of your thigh.”
“Or when they kept saying that ‘you’re too pretty to work here’. I know I’m pretty, and I want the attention and attraction to work here. Just because I dance, doesn’t mean that I’m easy. I’m in a committed relationship for six years, thank you.” Yu bantered back while Rumi and you listened quietly.
“You girls go through a lot. Damn. Poor birthday girl had to wear a miniskirt while handing out food and drinks.” Rumi piped up, offering to say what she knew about the subject. Nemuri sighed.
“I remember that when Yu and I first started. Her mom’s not too picky when it comes to help, especially when it’s low pay and her own kid. Like a lamb in a den full of lions, I tell you. Luckily our ladies and gents knew how to swoop in to the rescue.” She finished, and you felt yourself blushing.
Everyone jumped as the doorbell rang, and you watched the Grinch-like grins spread on Nemuri and Yu’s faces, as Rumi let out one that was almost feral.
“Cake’s here.” They said, and you couldn’t help but feel a case of dread as Nemuri didn’t hesitate to waltz over there, and sling the door open, and you couldn’t help but to swallow thickly.
“You did not.” It was a whisper that died on your throat.
Of course you should have known. Of all things-
 He stood in the middle of the door, holding a prettily frosted cake, but it wasn’t the cake that caught your attention.
 Tall, blond, muscles, was sporting thin square glasses that were about to fall off of his nose, a sleeveless white vest with a loosened tie and one button undone. His pants were no better, the zipper and buttons were undone as it snagged nicely on his hips, leaving a blond treasure trail for the world to see, and of course, sleek black and orange high heels that looked as if they cost more than your rent.  
“I’m here to teach our Birthday Girl a lil’ lesson.” Came out the smooth purr as he twirled a red sucker in his mouth, and damn it did that not help you. You hated to admit it, but he was the handsomest ones that you’ve ever seen, and of course you knew who sent him. Pretty amber irises stared at you, drinking you thoroughly as if he was silently contemplating something.  
“Name’s Fatigue, Sugar.” He grinned, lolling the sucker within his mouth as Nemuri took the cake from his hands and set it down on your living room table.  
“Don’t work our girl too hard, Tai. Poor thing gets a little flustered, easily.” She giggled, pinching your cheek rather playfully. You gave her a small glare despite that your ears were burning, now. Tai, or “Fatigue”, let a slow, lazy smile stretch his face as he looked down at you with a cocky look mixed with hunger.
“Jus’ sit back an’ relax, ‘nd enjoy the show. You deserve it for workin’ so hard.”  He cooed with what seemed to be affection, and you swallowed thickly and nodded. Sure, you could do this. Giving an affirmative, he didn’t give you much time before he took out his phone and pressed some button, instantly music had started playing as he started.
He was like a magnet, snapping your attention to him in awe as he spread his legs wide, letting himself sink low to the floor, heels perfectly grounded into your carpet as his glasses stayed neatly perched on the crook of his nose. He grinned at your amazed stare, as if eating it up. Of course he had a bag full of tricks, and you couldn’t believe that you were finding yourself eager to know each one.
He didn’t fail to deliver, hopping back up with a dive of his hips, sliding a hand down to the side of his pants, palming his thigh as he bent low, ass in the air. Each movement was in sync with the beats, and was absolutely filthy as he used his body to curve and twist into movements that oddly made you feel hot and your throat dry. Who was he? Where did your mom even find somebody this good?
Your friends were no better. Rumi had sported a look of stupor, and to your own surprise, Nemuri and Yu looked impressed, a rare sight for you knew that their technique was high dollar and quality, too.
He was all over you, not touching, but close, not letting you take your attention away from him as he ran his hands close to his hips and inner thighs, his sharp focus was only on you as he gauged your reactions, seeing which little movements brought a spark to your eyes or a flush to your face.
Then, like his routine, he did another unexpected move. Taking your cake, he set it neatly on your lap. Not giving you time to really question anything, he gingerly took your hand, dipping your fingers into the frosting, and brought it to his mouth.
Hot. You couldn’t help but feel hot all over as your lips burned on how he licked and sucked at the frosted digits, lolling his tongue over each one as he gave you such a dirty, heated look, and you swore that you heard him groan. Or was it you? You couldn’t tell as he gave your digits one final suck, letting go with a wet pop as the last song ended.
“Delicious.” He purred, and you couldn’t help but bite your bottom lip at how he sounded it.
“Holy shit.” Nemuri broke the silence.
“Language, young Missy.” Fatigue tutted, waving his finger at her, laughing lightly as she gave him one of her own, before turning his attention back to you.
“Didja enjoy the dance, Sweetling?”
“Yeah.” You admitted in  choked voice, and he gave a small laugh of affection as he walked towards the door.
“You have a Happy Birthday. I do hope that I can see ya, again.” He gave one last final look at you that you couldn’t decipher, as he headed out.
Silence enveloped you girls, before Yu started laughing.
“You were so blushing! He looked as if he wanted to eat you up!” She noticed, and you could feel your lip starting to hurt from biting it constantly.
“Woah, did he even know that you’re the boss’s kid?” Rumi asked, and Nemuri shook her head.
“Nah. We hired him yesterday, and her mom didn’t say anything, other than that she had a very special job for him. Heh, I didn’t know that the new meat was this good.” Nemuri explained, staring at her nails.
“’I do hope that I can see ya, again’.” Yu mimicked before giggling with glee. “Somebody’s has taken a shine to our homebody.” She grinned and your face flushed with realization.
“I gotta go see my mom.” You blurted out, instead, and was rewarded with grins and knowing smirks.
“It’s so cute how you’ve finally began to open up, my little touch-starved Chickadee. A stripper, of all things, huh?” Nemuri laughed at the irony, and you couldn’t help but join.
“I guess that it’s time to admit that I don’t have to live my life as the Lone Wolf, anymore.”
“And finally get laid, right?” Yu said it ever so casually, and you rolled your eyes.
“Ah, leave her alone. It’s nice that those brick walls are falling down.” Rumi grinned, slinging an arm around you and you smiled.
“It’s getting late, ladies. I got to see my mom early, tomorrow. Before you leave, take some cake with you.” You admitted.
“Will do! I’ll tell her that the new guy had done the impossible, by gaining your heated stare.” Yu giggled as she wrapped an arm around Nemuri’s waist.
“Hah, Kei’s gonna have a laugh at this.” Rumi smiled as she got up, leaving for your kitchen to grab the plates and forks.
After cake was cut and eaten, and the girls hugged you and kissed your cheeks before heading out, you were now laying on your bed, face flushing furiously as your heartbeat quickened. A stripper of all things shouldn’t have done that to you. You grew up with your mom’s flirty attitude towards strangers, and from an older teen, had been working in the club in a vest, shirt, and miniskirt with low heels, being constantly flirted with.
You didn’t know what made him to be so different, but like a magnetic connection, you were pulled, and despite you loner, homebody attitude, you kind of did wanted to see more of him.
He sighed, slipping off the expensive shoes as his feet and body ached for a hot shower. She didn’t know him, but he knew somewhat about her. Although the two of them shared the same college, he’d never shared a class with her, and she had lived in the apartments that was near, but not the dorms. Yet, he seen her almost everyday while either to or from his way to classes, work, or in general.
She tried to hide it, but he knew of the little empty cans of tuna near the dumpster that kept the stray mother cat and her kittens fed, was from her. He could hear her cooing to this day, smile rivaling the sun, as she looked down at the bunch with a touch of softness, not noticing the world around her as he took the same route past the alley every day.
 Of course, he was a little intrigued. He had a sweet tooth, and despite his refusal in ever taking a bite, he wanted to drink in on what this strange woman was doing. He knew that she was busy, if the bags underneath her eyes indicated anything, and yet she still took time to do small and big things. Picking up littered cans and tossing them in the recycling bin, helping struggling students study, and he’d even seen her face at the soup kitchens, pouring generous amounts of soup into the bowls which were held in the hands of the hungry.  
All around. She was all around and yet tried to make herself small and trivial. Others didn’t really notice, but he did. He couldn’t help it. Like a little magnet, she pulled him in, and she was unaware of it. Honestly, he felt like a stalker, yet he knew that he wasn’t. She was just…all around. Existing, helping, laughing, and smiling. It cut through a crack in his dark little world.
Of course, then she graduated, and he was surprised on how much he had missed her laughter, the softness in her eyes as she handled the kittens or gave out food. He didn’t know her. Didn’t speak to her, never went to the same classes, and yet, he felt a little empty when she was gone. It boggled and irritated him.
The literal icing on top was when he had finally gotten hired, the smirking woman telling him that he had a special job, and he couldn’t help but look in surprise at the address. The same door number that he seen her excitedly rush out from while he was on his way to class, was written on the address sheet with instructions. He had already met her friends, who were surprising her on her birthday. To be honest, he was surprised that the woman had friends such as Nemuri and Yu, but he didn’t question it further, as he felt the excitement build up.
Then, he couldn’t help himself when the two of them had finally met. He suppressed a shiver. He had a no touching rule. He didn’t want to touch, and he didn’t want to be touched, but something broke in him. He wanted to be touched by those shy inquisitive fingers, wanted to be stared at so innocently, and yet so dirty, and he couldn’t help himself. She was so sweet, and he didn’t mind letting himself having a taste, for once.
He really did hope to see her again
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h0nkz · 6 years
1, 2, 9?
1. when did you discover you are non-binary?hm, idk i think it was a few yrs ago, i was confused abt my gender 4 a long time then i learned whst nb was then like a yr after learning wht it was i was like oh....thats me? 2. are you out to people irl or just online?I'm out online and to 2 ppl irl! i wanna tell more ppl but all my straight friends take comfort in thinking I'm a cishet nd i dont wanna make things weird bc i luv them...i still need to tell my best friend tho...i rly need to tell her lol9. favorite non-binary character (canon or confirmed)? crona from soul eater!!! a nb goth icon!!!! also yael from degrassi...theyre so valid id die for them
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kxlebcross · 4 years
[ even numbers for the weird asks, pleaseeee ]
me: has to google what are even numbers lol
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? lollipops, cuz after that i can munch on the lil lollipop stick too which keeps me busy lol
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? i know it totally doesn’t look like that but i used to be the class’ smart kid who participated in all kind of competitons and shit like that, was in the school choir, went to music school... so yeah, i was pretty much your average nerd, but then i grew up stewpid haha
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? a weird mix of tomboy and grunge, depending on the day and actual mood, weather and whatever the hell i got clean lol
8. movies or tv shows? movies - i usually lose interest in every series after like... 2-3 episodes? i only finished like 3-4 deries in my whole life so i guess the number speaks for itself
10. game you were best at in p.e.? i used to be pretty good at volleyball back then, though i was always considered too short to be on the school team haha 
12. name of your favorite playlist? am 4:44 with a little moon emoji, made by yours truly (aka me)
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? i don’t really eat sweets... but when i do i go for sour jellies but idk if that counts as candy haha
16. most comfortable position to sit in? have you ever saw one of those “bisexuals can’t sit normally” memes? pretty much all of those, i always sit in random poses until my back gives in, i don’t have a favorite position tho
18. ideal weather? the summer night’s warm weather with a little breeze, maybe with some clouds... but i usually enjoy rains and thunderstorms too unless i have to go out because then i’m like bruh
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? depends on what i have to write - for school notes i usually use a notebook and/or my laptop; for stories - my laptop or my phone’s notes if the inspiration gets me outside; everything else i’ll just write on random scraps of paper or in random notebooks just to never find them again haha
22. role model? i don’t really.... have one? i rather have a motto to live by but i don’t really look up to anyone tbh
24. favorite crystal? don’t have one, i dunno shit about crystals lol
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? go out for a nice walk or some drink with my friends, walk my cat outside or just chill on my balcony with a boo while terrorizing my neighbors with a randomly chosen edm playlist
28. five songs to describe you? human by sevdaliza badmind by kuzi scar by foxes throat full of glass by combichrist 5:3666 by machine gun kelly
30. places that you find sacred? uhhh..... i can’t really think of any that would fit here? but i never really step in weird plant formations in forests and shit like that, cuz better be safe than sorry
32. top five favorite vines? i literally only have one favorite vine and it’s the two guys chillin in a hot tub, thats it
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? every seasonal whiskas one because of the baby cats.... but other than that i haven’t seen an ad in ages, i don’t have tv and use adblock on pc haha
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? i...c an’t remember, it was probably one of the rage comics or trollface comics? can’t really recall tbh it was ages ago
38. lemonade or tea? lemonade, with lots of ice cubes and mint, give it to me pls
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? well in elementary some guy from the older classes took a sh*t then went to one of the classrooms to wipe his ass with the curtains there lol also some other time someone pissed out of the window on the first floor  in high school someone gassed the whole school with pepper spray, but like an insane amount, and everyone went immediately panic mode, police and firemen were called, the whole school evacuated..... and the one responsible for that had to pay like an insane amount of money for the police/fire dept. action haha
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? pants pockets, i don’t trust jacket pockets cuz they usually dont have a lil zipper to close them up and i’d totally lose my phone if i put it there, im stewpid like that
44. favorite scent for soap? orange-vanilla or some other citrus-y scent
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? anything oversized will do with some pants/underwear
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? probably a grapefruit, fucking bitter about everything lmao
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? once i laughed at a plastic bag being dragged around by the wind for like 10 minutes while being fucked up drunk... does that count?
52. favorite font? hands down times new roman
54. what did you learn from your first job? that the customer isn’t always right and that apparently i had a knack for putting down tiles
56. favorite tradition? does halloween count? i love halloween
58. four talents you’re proud of having? i’m a really good driver.... and i think that’s it? i really can’t come up with anything else... does being loud and obnoxious sometimes count? and i think i’m good enough with people too... and i think i’m a good listener? idk, i’m pretty useless tbh
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? give me the good old horror and make me the obnoxious side character who rarely ever speaks cuz no one ever asks them anything, that would pretty much resemble my actual life
62. seven characters you relate to? bojack horseman, sal paradise, loki from mcu, wednesday addams, oba yozo from no longer human, richie tozier, holden caulfield
64. favorite website from your childhood? club penguin! i wasted sooooo much time on there, sheesh....
66. favorite flower(s)? i really like succulents and ferns! and cactuses... or anything that’s low maintenance tbh
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? licorice... and also cucumber lemonade, gross
70. left or right handed? right
72. worst subject? i’m really bad with history and physics, i’m just way too dumb for those
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? around 9-10, i’m pretty much used to all my chronic pains and tbh i don’t like taking pain meds cuz i always have to take double because once i was misdiagnosed and spent almost a year on painkillers so barely anything works for me now... thanks public healthcare
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? fries... i’d love some now, i’m actually hungry 
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? coffee from gas station, now pretty much all of them have decent coffee machines and the prices are okay too and i definitely trust them more than any boxed sushi ever
80. earth tones or jewel tones? jewel
82. pc or console? i grew up as a pc kid and tbh never had the money for a console so i just got stuck with it haha
84. podcasts or talk radio? if i necessarily have to choose then podcasts
86. cookies or cupcakes? both as long as its witch choccie
88. your greatest wish? let’s be realistic - i’d like to have my own place and little car and cats and i’d be all good
90. luckiest mistake? drunk kissing this one guy from my esports team after telling him i was a lesbian and he told me he had a girlfriend, it was stewpid tho, lets not get back to it
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? sunlight and fairy lights, the latter necessarily in blue, it’s just neat and doesn’t bring in all the mosquitos at summer when i leave the window open
94. favorite season? spring
96. desktop background? some assassin’s creed logo fanart i’ve found on alphacoders
98. favorite historical era? i.... really...... hate....... history...... blame it on my middle school teacher who made me hate it lol
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cameronlsummers · 8 years
1. From the Files of Spook House – #055:  The Elevator Game
Hand to God, I really wish he hadn't done it, but Manny knew someone who worked in the hotel.  I wish we hadn't decided to rent a room there or use that fucking glass elevator.  I mean, we only knew about the Game because of that youtube video of that poor girl about what happened at the Cecil Hotel in L.A.  We should have known.
We'd all been through our fair share of weird shit.  I figured that we would be fine.
Let me back up.
We were – are – the Spook House Group.  Or, when Ronnie and our Fearless Leader are fighting and she moves out for a week or two, Tom insists on calling us the “Spook House Boys.”  I don't say anything about it.  It feels needlessly exclusionary.  I mean, just because Tom fucking Knight is having blue balls, all non-male candidates are excluded?
It's the 21st century.  Get over it.
But we are the Spook House Group.  And this was the Elevator Game Test.
The Hotel at 43rd and Broadway was the site.  It's built around a huge central atrium that puts vaporwave music in mind.  A lot of big leafy plants and some fountains, and down on the bottom there are tables and a carpeted area that look like the world's most upscale food court, tiles done in dark rich browns and deep red accents.  There's a tiered fountain in the middle that looked like it was made in imitation of Spanish Mission architecture.  Its spacial vocabulary was a postmodern imitation of the Country Club Plaza – world's best high-rent strip mall, – which was a corporate bastardization of Seville, itself an imitation of Roman architecture done with the Arabic and Gothic alphabets on baroque stationary.
Copy of a copy of a copy.  The mannequin in Jean Baudrillard's grave was spinning.
In the middle of this atrium is a bank of three glass elevators. You need an elevator with at least ten stories for the Elevator Game. That's the first requirement.
The second is a Participant or Player.  I insisted on the term “Operator” for our internal terminology, because whoever yells the loudest about such things tends to get their way and I preferred it's sound.  So the second requirement was the Operator, me:  Jules Ng Miller.
No non-player was allowed on the elevator, so we were doing it at 4 AM, an hour after the last bar in Westport closed and all the out-of-town visitors had holed up in their rooms.
To play the game you start at the first floor and ride the elevator to the following floors in the following order without exiting it until the end.
Fourth.  Second.  Sixth.  Second.  Tenth.  Fifth.
At the fifth floor (according to “the lore,” by which I mean “the internet,” and more specifically, I mean “the Korean-language page we got this information from and plugged into Google Translate”) a “beautiful young woman” will get on the elevator.  You're not supposed to look at her or speak to her, or else she might “keep you forever.”
I know.  I cringed, too.
At this point, you press “1” and one of two things happen.  If the elevator descends, you get off at the first floor and walk away. If, instead, it ascends, you get out and walk around: at this point, you're supposedly in another world.  To get back, you return to the exact same elevator and punch in the order in reverse.  You've got to leave so that the woman isn't there when you return.
I'm the subject.  The Operator. With me here are Tom Knight (Fearless Leader; Camera 1, 5th floor,) Veronica “Ronnie” Wagner (Second-in-Command; Camera 2, 1st and 2nd floor,) Manuel “Manny” Rojas (Off-duty paramedic; Camera 3, 4th and 6th Floor,) and Franklin “Frankie” Fallon (resident skeptic; Camera 4, 10th floor.)  Veronica and Manny move between the different floors as I move up and down using the stairs.  The idea is that someone can see me every time I stop and I give a sign that everything is okay.  We record it so that there's a record of the whole thing.
It's just some dumb internet shit, but it's tied up with that whole thing that happened in L.A. a couple years back.  I'm kind of haunted by it, but I don't really show it to the others.  Tom would make fun of me, and the other two would feel awkward.  That girl could have been my cousin.  Maybe not a sister.  I never knew my family, so I guess I've just got this phantom limb thing when it comes to people who vaguely resemble me.
She was supposedly doing this thing before she disappeared, only to be found a month later in the water tower on top of the Cecil Hotel.
I began to wonder if this was a race thing as we were about to start.
I mean, we had drawn straws, but they had just conveniently chosen the guy who looked most like the person in the video.  The random element didn't really help me get away from that.
“You okay?” Veronica asked, pointing the camera at me.
I looked at her, at the projecting lens of the camera, then back at her.  She was watching me through the range-finder, and the whole thing was honestly a bit alienating.  She wasn't paying attention to me but to an image of me, an electronic simulacrum created out of bits and pixels.
Ronnie worked in a call center, and could turn on the charm when she had to.  She never did when she didn't have to, though.  I could understand that:  she had to dress up in slacks and a blouse for work, she had to raise the pitch of her voice, she had to smile. When she was with us she dressed in jeans and a tank top under a flannel shirt, she spoke in a husky voice, and she never smiled. Manny and Tom worked in health care, but if I had to pick one of us for surgeon material, it would be Veronica Elma Wagner.
“Just nerves,” I said.
She paused.
“Makes sense.  You think anything is going to happen?”
I shook my head as the door opened.
“No.  Just feels like bad luck,” I said as I stepped in.
“What do you mean?” she asked, adjusting the focus.
No way to back out of it, now, though.  I hit “4.”
“Like I'm making fun of a dead person.”
Part of me was gratified that she looked up at me as the door slid shut.
I took out my phone and hit record on it before sticking it in my breast pocket, lens exposed.  I turned to look out the window, mugging the camera Manny was holding like I was on “The Office.” After a second, I gave a tired “thumbs up,” signaling “all clear.”
Manny didn't live in the house anymore.  His room had become my room, and he had washed his hands of things for almost six months, but he still worked with Tom and was eventually dragged back in.  I liked him.  We weren't friends, or anything, but he was just magnetic: handsome, reliable, charming.  Good to have around.  I felt bad that he was spending a late night with a bunch of assholes like the Spook House Group.
Once the doors opened, I waited a second and then hit “2.”
Veronica had just gotten into position, having run up from the first floor.  The door dinged open, and I gave her the “all clear.”
When the door closed, I hit “6.”
As I passed Tom on the fifth floor, I flipped him the double bird. I could see the son of a bitch just laughing.
He was getting a kick out of this.  He was such a juvenile piece of shit.  I don't get why Owen kept putting him in charge of these tests.  Probably just the shouting.  Tom could argue for hours over minutiae and there was no getting him to shut up about it.  Force of personality, my ass.  He'd known the other three since high school, and I got the feeling that he'd just eroded them, worn them down until they didn't have the will to put a stop to it.
It must have to do with his height, I figured.  Even Veronica had an inch or two on him, and he was the type who would never really pack on that much muscle or fat, so he had the personality of a bantam rooster on speed.  All twitchy and looking to establish dominance.
That's unfair.  It's also true.
Unlike the rest of us, Tom hadn't been scarred by the weird shit.  He'd been empowered by it.  He'd become convinced of his own importance, deriving meaning from it.  Then it had slipped from his life, retreating from it like some woodland creature running away from the light of a forest clearing.  He wanted it back, and didn't understand how traumatized the rest of us were.
Our worst moment mapped on to his best, and he couldn't put himself in our shoes.  He was all about this.  That's why he was leader, I imagine.  He wanted it.  He wanted it, bad.
I lowered my hands and looked at Manny just getting in to position as the door dinged and opened to the sixth floor.  I raised my hand and gave a shaky thumbs up.
The silence was getting to me.  Elevators were stressful places.  It was a machine whose sole purpose was to get you from one place to another, and I spent all day, every day, driving.
The door closed.  I hit “2.”
Wave to Ronnie there.
Up to “10.”
This was the longest period of largely unobserved travel.  I shouldn't have been nervous about it.  The eyes of my housemates – well, housemates and Manny – were bothersome when present, but I just felt anxious when they weren't watching.  There was no winning, really.  There was no way to get comfortable.
Maybe I could get off.  Maybe I could trade with somebody.
No...no...we had drawn straws.  That was the protocol.
I gave Frankie a thumbs up at “10.”
The big, blonde ex-goth waved back at 10.  He was how I knew the rest of these people:  we had worked at the same pizzeria for a long period, and I had moved in just after I left in the most spectacular fashion.  He had jumped ship shortly after in solidarity, switching over to manning the grill over at the Westport Flea Market, where he was stoked about the fact that he worked in the same building as the former site of Bob's Bizarre Bazaar, a shop operated by Kansas City's most famous serial killer, Bob Berdella.  I wonder if the serial killer fascination was what had led to him being a goth kid, if it has been nascent in the good Catholic school boy he had once been.  Had he been watching Silence of the Lambs in the wilds of the Southwestern Suburbs, thinking about Ed Gein while biking around the cul-de-sac?  Or had it been an outgrowth of that subculture?  A perverse fascination that he had developed after the torn ACL moved him from football to theater?
I guess I'll never know.
He waved back.
Absentmindedly, I hit “5.”
The elevator descended.
When the door opened, I turned sharply away, looking out the window at Tom, who was narrating something into his camera.  Someone else had gotten on the elevator.  Tom grinned and gave me the thumbs up.
The beautiful young woman from the internet had stepped on.
Tom spoke low, directly into the microphone:  “Young, Asian woman getting on the elevator...”
He squinted.  “I think? I can't tell her age…Wait!  Shit, that's because she's far away, not because she's – ”
He trailed off.
“She looks pretty well-dressed?  Like put-together?  The sort of clothes you would wear to a job interview.  Like...one of those dresses that's worn over a shirt, leaving only the collar and sleeves out.  She's got a white shirt on.”
The walkie-talkie he had in his breast pocket crackled, and Manny spoke.
“Shirt or blouse?”
“What's the difference?”
“How loose is it?” Manny asked.
“I don't know!  It's pretty far away.”
“Let's just call it a blouse.”
“Okay, fine,” Tom said.  “Blouse, then.  She also looks like she's got some panty-hose on.”
“Also, the dress you're talking about is a jumper,” Manny said.
“How do you know so much about women's clothing?” Tom asked.
“Hey, I've got hobbies you don't know about.  I don't hang out with you guys all the time.”
“I think he means that he just pays attention,” Veronica said.
“Yeah, Manny's pretty observant,” Frankie added.
“Shut up!  This isn't important,” Tom said, and waved, gesturing to Jules for continue.
Slowly, Jules swallowed and shook his head.
“He's refusing to continue.  I can't believe it,” Tom said.
“Hey, we've got confirmation.  Lady just appeared out of nowhere, right?” Frankie said.  “Can't we just call this one?”
“I...I think? She might have?”
“Were you not paying attention?” Veronica asked, barely hiding her exasperation.
“I'm going to call him,” Tom said.
He ignored the walkie-talkie for a moment and pulled out his phone, hit the contact information for Jules, and raised it to his ear.
Jules pulled out his phone, looked at it, and sighed.  It was a visible, dramatic sigh.  He looked over at Tom, made direct eye contact, and touched something on the screen.  It went to voicemail.
“Son of a bitch didn't accept my call!” Tom complained.
He almost missed the woman say something.  Almost missed Jules go rigid and fight the urge to look at her.
Jules reached over and hit “1.”
The elevator didn't move.  Its lights flickered.  Tom wrinkled his nose as an unpleasant smell assaulted his senses.  An electric buzz seemed to emanate from it.
There was a pained screeching noise as the elevator shot up to the tenth floor far faster than it should have.  Jules fell down, but the woman remained standing.
“Fuck!” someone shouted.
“What –?” someone else began
After a moment, Frankie spoke: “Uh...guys, the elevator is full of smoke.”
The elevator began to slowly slide down toward the first floor. There was an uncomfortable ratcheting noise that accompanied it down.
“I'm only seeing one silhouette,” Manny said at the sixth.
“First floor,” Tom said.
“How do you know it's…?” Frankie asked.
“First floor,” Veronica said, backing Tom up.
“Right,” Manny said.
Tom broke down the tripod, pulling the camera free after a second and began to head for the first floor, taking the stairs down. Veronica was already ahead of him, but he figured he would be second to reach –
Manny passed him, carrying his camera by the tripod, and Tom cursed under his waning breath.
In the lobby, Veronica was filming the woman from behind a planter, peeking the lens of the camera out around the planter.  Manny was crouched next to her behind the same planter, completely hidden from the woman's view.
Tom walked right past them, and began to film the woman, walking around her slowly and steadily.  Her black jumper dress was worn over a cream-colored blouse, all of which fit well enough that someone more knowledgeable than Tom would assume that it had been tailored to fit her.  She was about as tall as Tom was, with most of her height in her legs.  The cold white smoke around her feet began to dissipate, revealing that she was wearing flats.  Tom wondered if Manny would want to explain the difference to him.
She noticed the movement, and turned to look at him.
“What was that about?” she asked.  “Do you know?”
She had a pronounced accent, but spoke confidently and clearly. English might not be her first language, but she had been speaking it long enough to have a firm command of the language, Tom assumed.
“I could ask you the same thing,” Tom said, training his camera on her.
She looked at him, down at the camera, then back up at him.
“You're filming me?” she asked, confused and dismayed.
“You bet your ass.  Our friend just disappeared and you stepped out of the elevator he was in.  So unless the Elevator Game is some elaborate gender-swap ritual and you're Jules – in which case, you look a lot better as a girl than as a guy, I mean, just saying – then – ”
Veronica, having set down her camera, stepped in and cut Tom off.
“Tom?  Shut up.  How many times do we have to tell you to be more careful?”
Tom turned to look at her, uncomprehenidng.
She stepped between Tom and the woman, almost blocking his view with the camera lens.  Tom tried to correct, Veronica grimaced at him, and then used one finger to push the camera away to not record the woman.
“I'm sorry about him,” she said.  “He was never the same after he stopped huffing glue, you know?”
“I never – !” Tom began to protest.
Manny took Tom by the shoulders and pulled him back a step.
The woman nodded slowly, and her posture relaxed.  Veronica took a step closer, but didn't invade her personal space.
“If you could return our friend,” Veronica said, “we would be very grateful.”
The woman cocked her head to the side.
“Your friend?  Oh!  The man from the elevator.  He slipped away, I won't be able to find him.”
Veronica slumped slightly.
“Oh.  Right.  Sorry to bother you.”
“It's okay,” the woman said.  “I'm just a bit turned around. I think I got into a liminality without realizing it.”
“Liminality.  Heterotopos.  Thin place.”
Veronica nodded slowly.
“A place that is part of two or more spaces.  A...crosshatch?”
“I think I understand.”
The woman looked at Veronica appraisingly.  Her large, dark eyes put Veronica in mind of a cenote, an unexpected yawning well in the surface of the earth.
“You seem like you might,” was all the woman said.
“Can I ask who you are?” Veronica asked.
“Forgive me,” the woman said.  “I don't really give out my real name lightly.  To explain myself simply, I'm a...hmm...a traveler, a seeker.”
She reached into a pocket sewn into the side of her dress, and pulled out something that looked like a cigarette case: aluminum-shiny, with an embossed bit of cursive text on it – “CABIN FILTERS” – and opened it up.  She pulled a business card out of it, on which was written:
Ms. 5
“Is this a phone number?”
“What?  Of course it is.”
“What are you searching for?” Tom asked, cutting in.
“Something I don't think I can find here,” she said regretfully.
“You're being awful evasive,” Tom muttered.
“And you're prying,” the woman said, an oddly satisfied smile on her face.  “So in the Prisoner's Dilemma of politeness, let us both defect.”
Tom blinked.
“I must get back to my search.  This is a dead end.”
Franklin rounded his corner and raised his camera just as the woman climbed back aboard the elevator.  She bent down, studied the panel, and held down two buttons while pressing a series of others  in a particular sequence.
She looked back at the group.  Frankie zoomed in on her face.
“Be seeing you,” she said with a smile.
The door closed.  The lights flickered.  A strange, pungent smell wafted in cold waves from the elevator doors before the car rose with a pained shriek.
“What the hell is that?” Tom said, coughing.
“I don't know,” Veronica said, waving the air in front of her face.
“Kind of like...it smells like how it would smell if cinnamon could rot,” Manny said.
“Seriously, what the hell was that?” Tom asked.
Veronica sighed.
“The first confirmed incident in like...a decade?”
“Guys?” Franklin said, holding his nose.
“What?” Tom said.
“Where's Jules?”
A moment of silence followed.
“Fuck,” Tom said, quietly.
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dearshixuns · 8 years
tysm for sending these in!
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend? what i like the most about my best friend is that they are very respectful of me and understanding. they let me have space and don’t overstep my boundaries and know that i sometimes go non-verbal and they are cool with that. we have a lot of similar interests too and they come up with the best ideas and all of our conversations are the best! they go through a lot and might not think the best of themselves, or even that they are a best friend, but i see that in them. i’m always wishing them the best and appreciate them so much. their company always makes me feel so happy and refreshed.
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn? ah i only know english as of now! but i’ve always wanted to learn another language. being ND sometimes gets in the way of learning and retaining a new language but i am excited to try it. i’ve started with some korean lessons (i know the hangul alphabet now and some cordial phrases) but i really adore mandarin and would love to learn that too. i’ve also wanted to learn ASL because it can be really useful for me (as i go non-verbal a lot and have hearing difficulties). i think languages are amazing and when i have more time and the opportunity to learn more, i will do just that.
☁️ talk about your dream universe. i’m gonna take this question as an opportunity to talk more about the punk poet au that i’m always squealing about. i just posted a mb of it so it’s making me think of more ideas for it. namely, sehun defacing local statues with rouge lipstick stains and scrawling poetic graffiti on the sides of cargo trains, sleeping on abandoned tracks during the day and walking around at night with wide, fearful eyes, following the moon as their safety and guiding light. thrift store outfits and crying in mall bathrooms and using all of their spare change at the pharmacy. hanging off of the shoulder of his skater punk friend chanyeol and talking all through the bleak night with his goth friend kyungsoo. this au doesn’t really have a set plot persay, it’s more of just a collection of moments but it fits my idea for punk poet sehun perfectly.
💫 who inspires you? sehun. and i say that unheedingly, sehun really does inspire me. he inspires me to be a better person, to be more loyal and trustworthy to true friends and extend a helping hand to them. he inspires me to try more, to put forward the effort into learning new things and having new experiences. he inspires me to grow and learn and love. i know everyone has their own opinions and impressions, but sehun truly is an interesting and dynamic person. and i think the fact that people characterize him as vastly different archetypes is telling of how rounded of a person he is. listening to his words and interviews is what really inspires me: to always keep guessing and exploring and delving into things because with each new layer uncovered, there is more to love and cherish and i am getting really sappy here lmao you get the picture, of course sehun inspires me.
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dragonroyaly · 5 years
So you've talked about this numbers thing in the tags before but I don't think you've ever explained it in depth? Care to tell more?
Ah! Never thought I’d actually get asked about that!
It’s a story I’m writing, I woke up a couple months ago with the idea that there are ten kids with the numbers One through Ten as names due to supernatural forces or something like that pretty much mind-controlling their parents to name them that.
I actually haven’t worked out much of the plot or anything, I wrote some of it after I had the idea and then I burned that candle out real quick and then I haven’t worked on it much since but I’ve still been coming up with ideas and such for it.
The Number Squad as I’m calling them all have powers becuase of course they do.
I’m putting the rest under a read more becuase this turned out a lot longer than I expected it to.
One has Water Manipulation,
Two has Air Manipulation, she’s based mainly off of my younger sister due to multiple reasons (Birthday being on 22, zodiac element being air, also Two and her look alike),
Three has Mind Reading,
Four has Mind Control, she‘s famous becuase she said so,
Five has Time Pausing,
Six has Shapeshifting, them and Five are twins,
Seven has Metal Manipulation, she’s the youngest out of all of them,
Eight has Electricity, she’s Seven’s best friend,
Nine has Invisibility, he’s the Mom Friend of the group and very shy,
and Ten has Blood and Bone control.
I’m not exactly sure which I came up with first, but the last one came from me asking the group chat for suggestions.
Additional characters are:
Emily, previously named Eleven due to the same reasons the other ten are named that way, except she changed her name to something normal to fit in better. She can tell the future.
Joshie, Three’s best friend. Due to a recent post I’ve seen he’s now going to be basically a modern-day Jesus. He does have powers but those are due to unrelated reasons to The Numbers Squad (One through Emily). Has a giant fucking crush on One. One also has a crush on him. Everyone knows this. Both of them know it. Neither will act on it becuase they’re disasters.
Elle, Emily’s girlfriend. I haven’t worked out much of her yet, but she’s transgender, she likes bright colors, and Emily’s endless support was the only thing that encouraged her to come out at all in the first place.
Gabriel, Elle’s older brother. Was originally a giant asshole but in light of recent events (Cough Cough Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Ten, and Emily threatening his life Cough Cough) he’s trying his best to do better. Is actually pretty nice but still generally un-trusted around them due to being an asshole being and Elle being more important to them.
Layla, One’s older sister. Not much to say about her, honestly. She tries her best at everything she does and still fails a lot. Tries out for cheer squad every chance she gets and hasn’t gotten accepted once. Good at managing other people but not herself. Very much a lesbian. Does not realize she’s a lesbian.
Deana, Two’s younger sister. She likes being spun around nd lifted up with Two’s powers.
Two has another sibling but they’re based on a group chat friend I have and I haven’t told them about this so I can’t actually say anything about them, sorry.
Two’s aunt Lilie. Constantly afraid Two is going to out herself to everyone else. She lives with Two and her mother and her siblings.
Five and Six’s sister Wendy. She likes pink and blue and purple and black and white stripes. She’s dyslexic.
Five and Six also have two more siblings, Arella and Callum. They’re three years older than them and they don’t do anything but stay at home.
Five and Six have six siblings, actually, but Arella, Callum, and Wendy are the only ones who have names right now.
Fay, Three and Joshie’s friend. She’s really quiet, sorta shy, and Three and Joshie are quite possibly her only friends. She likes reading and swimming.
Jacey, One and Layla’s neighbor. Has taken it upon himself to look after these kids while their parents aren’t home and while their parents are home if need be. He makes them lunch and drives them to school.
Red, has a reputation for being like the ‘Bad girl’ of the school but she’s like really really nice and she bakes treats for her friends and helps them with their problems and is a big mom friend. She had enough of her ex and expectations for her so she decided “Y’know fucking what? I’m move out of my house and get my own apartment and dye my hair and start wearing fucking punk clothes and get a tattoo and-” and then she ended up like this. She’s actually really happy like this too.
Nico, Red’s ex boyfriend. He means well but he is, in all honesty, an idiot. He wants to be Red’s friend again, Red wants nothing to do with him, he doesn’t understand that, Red won’t tell him to fuck off to his face, it just keeps going. He has purple streaks in his hair. This doesn’t really have anything to do with Red he just wanted purple streaks in his hair.
Amelia, Red’s girlfriend. You know that line between punk-goth and preppy? Amelia does gymnastics on that line. She likes the color purple a lot. She has told Nico fuck off to his face. He assumed this meant she didn’t like him so he tries to avoid her. She doesn’t like him all that much but it’s becuase Red doesn’t like him much.
Hera, one of the girls in Red’s gang. About what you’d expect from someone who shares a name with a major Greek goddess. Almost everyone else in her family was named after someone from Greek mythology. No one actually remembers what that’s about. She has tattoos all over her back. She is not legally supposed to have tattoos. Red’s the only one who knows where she got them and even that’s only vaguely. She breaks the law on a regular basis.
Hades, Hera’s twin sibling, also in Red’s gang. Yes the twins are aware their names don’t match up much. No they will not ask their parents what that’s about. No they do not care. Recognized as a non-binary icon throughout the school. Also what you’d expect from someone with their name. They have one single tattoo and it’s a matching one they got with Hera. They like to draw.
The bits of the story I already have figured out other than basic character backstories and identities is that they get thrown into the same school together.
They can’t use their powers on eachother (Kinda, One, Two, Seven, and Eight all have physical abilities and they don’t just disable when something being moved by the ability comes close to the others. Six, Nine, and Emily can’t use their powers on anyone else but themselves in the first place. Five can drag other people into paused time with some effort including the rest of The Number Squad.), so it was this realization of “I can’t read their thoughts???” from Three, “I can’t control them???” from Four, “I can touch them??? Without hurting them???” From Ten.
Three and Four ended up hating eachothers guts for a bit but also like Frenemies to Lovers trope is Good (I say frenemies and not straight up enemies becuase they were just sort of annoyed that their powers didn’t work on eachother because they relied on those Way Too Much. Also Three is like envious of Four becuase they don’t have parents or money and Four has loving parents and is rich becuase she said so).
Eight works at a cafe with her mother, and is Co Mom Friend of the group.
Eight has a bunch of scars everywhere and it’s obvious most weren’t caused by her. Seven is the only one who gets a backstory for this, and that’s becuase they’re Best Friends. This is also becuase I have not entirely worked out said backstory myself so until I do it’s a secret between Seven and Eight that not even I get to know.
Four’s really good at singing, at first Three thought that was just more mind control shit but after a while they just realized she’s really good at singing.
Five has insomnia and likes the cold. Has been found asleep on the roof before. Has been found violently zoned-out to the point of near unconsciousness but not quite there on the roof before. She’s on the roof a lot.
Six is genderfluid and has every genderqueer person’s dream of shapeshifting. Will change their hair to bright colors when even lightly emotionally troubled. They also have ADHD. I’m self projecting onto characters again. Then again Six was based after me. So was Five. And Two’s based off of my sister.
Six hangs out around Red and her friends a lot. They’re a nervous disaster and scared they aren’t fitting the right requirements becuase they don’t match the aesthetic. Red and Co’ points to Hera, who dresses mainly in gold and white. Six points out that that’s still different and bright and they just dress very plainly. Red and Co’ point out that they can fucking shapeshift. This happens one or twice a week.
Five does theater. She’s very good at it. Have exactly one minute to change costumes? Nah, she’s gonna sit down to breathe, go over her lines, get a snack, get another snack, realize she’s wasted about an hours time and that she should probably actually change and get on with the play soon, eats another snack, unpauses time in her new outfit and gets on with the play, repeats the next time she gets off stage and needs a break.
The entire theater club or whatever at the school is aware of her powers, so if she seems to teleport but differently, she paused time.
She also does this for tests and things. Pauses time, go gets the answers, comes back, aces the test. It’s a very useful power to have.
Seven has several bones replaced with metal replicas of them. She hurt herself and couldn’t move that part of herself anymore so she was like “Just put some metal in there it’ll work” and it did.
Seven messes up microwaves so fucking often and no one’s actually sure why. I mean it’s obvious her metal powers but beyond that.
Three and Joshie will often have conversations where Three’s the one talking and Joshie’s just thinking at them. Three has to pretend they’re on the phone.
Joshie is Tall and Very strong. He could pick up Three and Fay at the same time before. Actually, he has. Multiple times.
Please do not let this give you the illusion he actually looks very strong or threatening or anything he looks very soft both in personality and clothing choice.
Joshie picked One up once and that was the day One realized he had a crush on him.
“Layla he picked me up like I weighed nothing Layla I think I’m in love”
“One please calm down doesn’t he do that to everyone?”
The school they go to is called ‘Meadow Creek’ becuase I wanted something generic and my brain spit generic at me.
Four days into the schoolyear Four throws a party. Drama happens. What drama, you may be asking? I dunno, that’s all I’ve gotten so far, there’s a party and Drama happens.
Oh actually I do know one thing, Five somehow ends up sitting in the chandelier. That was the day Four stopped wondering if it could actually hold someone’s weight.
That’s literally all I have for the story so far, like, I’m trying to scrape more stuff off the top of my head, but there’s nothing. I’ve used it all up. That’s all I have for Numbers and Co’ right now.
I still haven’t decided what to call the story, right now the document is called ‘Ten’ because guess why, but also I don’t want it to seem like it’s all about Ten herself becuase they’re all the main characters.
‘Count to Ten’ maybe? I’m just sticking with calling it ‘Numbers’ for now though.
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