#me seeing a shirt with alien print: this is like haikyuu
shoukohime · 11 months
I have haikyuu fan desease (it's where I sit around and think about haikyuu all day. yes, it's incurable)
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kythen · 6 years
Haikyuu!! - now and forever, into eternity and beyond
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairings: Iwaoi, background Matsuhana
Summary: It's Oikawa's eighteenth birthday and he has only one wish. Also here on AO3.
Fic commission for @risartblog !
If you would like to know more about commissioning a fic from me, please click here!
Word count: 3,413
The streamers are tangled the moment Oikawa pulls them out of the box, an unholy mess of neon green wires with little grey spaceships trapped in their midst. He could have gone the easy way and bought new ones, or even better, gone without streamers at all, but as he looks at the little paper spaceships with their tiny alien passengers, Oikawa feels a pang of sympathy for them and gets down to the painstaking task of freeing them. No one had told him that turning eighteen would be full of nostalgia, teetering somewhere between childhood and adulthood, moving forward and backward all at once as he tries to figure out where he should stand. Turning eighteen means having to organise his own birthday party, looking for and renting a space big enough to hold a group of rowdy high schoolers. But, turning eighteen also means having the freedom to decorate the room any way he likes and if he says space aliens are the way to go, space aliens are the way to go and no one can call him out for it. "You're going to rip them at this rate, Shittykawa," Iwaizumi comments from over Oikawa's shoulder as Oikawa struggles with a knot almost the size of his fist. "Man, these things are ancient. I didn't know you still had them." "I begged my mom shamelessly to let me get them for my birthday ten years ago, of course I'm not going to just throw them away," Oikawa grits out, wedging his fingernail into a gap between two wires and tugging them apart as hard as he dares. "By the time you get that untangled, another ten years probably would have gone by—just in time for your twenty-eighth birthday," Iwaizumi calls over his shoulder as he walks away, going to poke around in the other boxes they had carried into the room. "You know, Iwa-chan, you could offer to help me instead of waiting around for my twenty-eighth birthday," Oikawa says, his voice saccharine sweet as he finally loosens the knot with no small amount of vicious tugging. "I am," Iwaizumi says, squatting over a box. "Someone has to get this place set up since the host himself obviously isn't going to do it." "That's what I keep you around for, Iwa-chan, my hero." Oikawa makes a small triumphant noise as the tangle of streamers comes apart in his lap, spilling out onto the floor in a grey and green sprawl. It takes the better part of an hour to finally untangle all the streamers, the little space aliens waving their thanks at Oikawa as he lays them flat on the floor. Oikawa stretches, working the kinks out of his back as he looks around. While he had been occupied with the streamers, the room had slowly come together around him, tables and chairs neatly arranged, cans of drinks both alcoholic and non-alcoholic in orderly lines on one table, and a speaker setup sitting on another. Soft music pipes through the speakers and Oikawa recognises it from Iwaizumi's playlist. Iwaizumi's back is turned to him but Oikawa hears faint humming coming from him as Iwaizumi pulls out the snacks they had bought with the funds they had pooled together. Iwaizumi hadn't needed to chip in—Oikawa had insisted, very loudly in the middle of the supermarket—but when Oikawa had come out with an armful of snacks for the party, Iwaizumi had been right behind him with another armful, scowling at Oikawa as if daring him to say anything about it. Oikawa hadn't told him then, and wouldn't tell him now, but he had been thankful for that. Oikawa is thankful for a lot of things and on the day of his birthday, more than ever, he is thankful that Iwaizumi is here to help him with the little things like buying snacks for his party, helping him to decorate the room, and not judging his taste in streamers. Eighteen years is a long time for someone like Oikawa and now that he thinks about it, he has spent almost all of them with Iwaizumi. He had been there when Oikawa first got the spaceship streamers for his eighth birthday party and Oikawa imagines that he will be there at Oikawa's twenty-eighth birthday party, standing there under those same streamers, his eyes amused as he turns back to Oikawa and asks, "You still have them?" And Oikawa wouldn't have it any other way. He would keep those streamers for ten years and longer, until all the aliens waved goodbye at him from within their spaceships and crumbled into dust, if it means that he could have Iwaizumi by his side for all eternity. Standing here on the cusp of his seventeen and eighteenth year, Oikawa knows what he would wish for on the day of his birthday when it has been the same wish he has had ever since he realised that the world would be so very different if he had never met Iwaizumi. "You done with those?" Iwaizumi asks, coming over as he sees Oikawa taking a break, nodding at the streamers at Oikawa's feet. "Finally," Oikawa exhales noisily, leaning back on his hands. "No time to rest. The guests are going to be here soon, birthday boy." Iwaizumi nudges Oikawa's thigh with a foot, repeating the action more forcefully when Oikawa doesn't budge. Oikawa exhales again and gets to his feet, taking the streamers with him. Iwaizumi brings over a stepladder and Oikawa drifts over to a corner of the room that looks like a good place to start. It is mindless work, taping one end of the streamer to a corner of the ceiling then moving across the room to do the same there. Without complaint, Iwaizumi follows him with the stepladder, holding it in place as Oikawa ascends and descends, his knee twinging at the repetitive motion. Iwaizumi knows better than to offer to take over but he tracks Oikawa's movements with a watchful eye, his grip firm on the stepladder. Iwaizumi has stopped humming and the music barely reaches the corner they are in, the faintest ghost of a melody straining towards them. Oikawa thinks he recognises the song and he hums in his throat, trying to pick up the lyrics, when he steps back and his foot comes down on air. The world jerks for a startling moment, Oikawa's vision fills with the ceiling, and he braces himself for the fall as his hands reach out and fail to catch on the smooth surface of the wall. Arms brace him from behind, strong and steady against his back, and Oikawa finds his footing on the missed step shakily. His heart is still racing, pounding from the nearly disastrous meeting with the floor, and hands guide him down to the floor carefully. As Oikawa steps onto solid ground, he turns and Iwaizumi is still there, one hand grasping Oikawa by the waist and his other hand tight on his forearm. For a dizzying moment, their faces are close enough to touch and Oikawa looks into dark brown eyes that are full of fear, concern, and an emotion Oikawa can't quite put a name to. For a dizzying moment, Oikawa wonders what it would be like to take another step forward. Then Iwaizumi moves back, dropping his hand from Oikawa's waist but keeping his other hand on Oikawa's forearm. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine, I'm fine," Oikawa waves it off, his shakes dissolving into nothing now that his feet are firmly rooted. And the thing is, he is fine because Iwaizumi had been there. Iwaizumi takes his hand away from Oikawa's forearm and in the absence of his touch, the skin on Oikawa's arm ripples with a sudden rush of cold. "If you're fine then let's get the rest of this set up. Is that the last one?" "Yup," Oikawa says, passing his hand over his forearm absently, trying to rub warmth back into it. "We're doing the posters next." "What posters?" --- "'I want to believe,'" Hanamaki reads off a poster tacked to the wall. "'They are out there,'" Matsukawa squints at the poster next to him.
"I thought I was here for a birthday party, not an alien conspiracy convention," Hanamaki turns to Oikawa, one eyebrow raised. "Happy eighteenth, by the way." In the span of an afternoon, Oikawa and Iwaizumi had managed to put together a party from what had started out as a bare room. Iwaizumi had dealt with the tables and chairs, the food and the drinks, and Oikawa had handled everything else. The streamers fly freely above their heads, Oikawa's collection of alien posters line the wall, and the lights in the room have been switched off and replaced by glowing neon green lamps set strategically around the room. Music fills the room, a booming, thumping rhythm in stark contrast to the soft melody that had been playing from Iwaizumi's playlist during the afternoon. "I thought I told you this was an alien-themed birthday party," Oikawa shouts, raising his voice to be heard over the din, gesturing down to his hoodie and the smiling alien face printed on its front. "You celebrate me, you celebrate the aliens out there." "I'm getting mixed messages here." Matsukawa puts down the cake box he had been carrying and joins the conversation. "Was Godzilla ever classified as an alien?" His gaze shifts over to Iwaizumi who sports a shirt that most definitely doesn't have anything alien-related on it. "Iwa-chan's fashion sense is lame so he doesn't have anything alien-themed in his wardrobe." Oikawa sniffs. "I'd say his fashion sense beats yours at least. That Godzilla shirt's from Uniqlo," Hanamaki says. Iwaizumi grins and Oikawa catches it out of the corner of his eye. The skin on Oikawa's forearm tingles with the memory of Iwaizumi's hand on him and Oikawa rubs at it absently through his sleeve. They hadn't had any more moments like that after Oikawa's misstep, the both of them too busy with preparations to even face each other, and it leaves Oikawa wondering about it. What would have happened if he had taken another step forward towards Iwaizumi? He wonders if the answer would have been to his liking. "Don't worry, Oikawa. If it's any consolation, your fashion sense is definitely out of this world," Matsukawa assures him. "Can I uninvite them from my birthday party?" Oikawa turns to Iwaizumi, aghast. "Makki complimented my fashion sense so he can stay," Iwaizumi decides. Hanamaki turns to Matsukawa and pats his shoulder pityingly. "Sorry, bud. Looks like it's the end of the line for you." Matsukawa sighs. "I got my eyebrows groomed for nothing." Iwaizumi chuckles and Oikawa grins. "Thanks for the cake anyway, Mattsun." "No problem." Matsukawa shrugs. "Makki chipped in too." "It's the least we could do since Iwaizumi was already helping you with the party decorations. Must have been a trial, having just the two of you working on that by yourselves," Hanamaki says, looking meaningfully in Iwaizumi's direction. Oikawa follows his gaze to Iwaizumi, who meets Hanamaki's look impassively, his features unnaturally stiff. A muscle twitches in Iwaizumi's jaw but when Oikawa looks back at Hanamaki, he is already walking off with Matsukawa, the both of them throwing twin smirks over their shoulders at them. Oikawa turns his attention back to Iwaizumi, a curious feeling rising in him after that not-so-subtle interaction between Iwaizumi and Hanamaki, but Iwaizumi is already gone, marching away from Oikawa in the direction of the second years from their volleyball team. Oikawa blinks, finding himself suddenly alone with his birthday cake. "What the hell?" Oikawa mutters under his breath, folding his hand over his forearm, unconsciously touching the spot where Iwaizumi had held him. From there, the night passes slowly and at every turn, Iwaizumi seems to be slipping away from him, chatting with the volleyball team, classmates from school, or the university students they had played against in practice matches. At the same time, Oikawa is kept away from Iwaizumi by the waves of people who keep coming up to talk to him, the girls from school, friends from middle school, and volleyball players from other neighbouring schools. At times, Oikawa regrets his popularity and this is one of those times when everyone keeps approaching him to wish him a happy birthday and all Oikawa wants to do is to get to Iwaizumi. It is only when it is close to two in the morning, when the crowd in the room has started to thin and trickle out into the night, that Oikawa finally finds himself face-to-face with Iwaizumi. Oikawa hadn't even managed to get close to him when he was cutting his cake—or getting it smashed in his face by Hanamaki and Matsukawa—even though he had spotted Iwaizumi doubled over and laughing as Oikawa wiped cream and cake off his face. Having Iwaizumi this close to him now, after going an entire night without him by his side, is unexpectedly startling and Oikawa finds himself grabbing Iwaizumi by the arm before he fades away again. Iwaizumi looks up at him questioningly and Oikawa finds himself blurting out, "Dance with me, Iwa-chan." The pounding beats of the early evening have been switched out for a softer melody, reminiscent of the afternoon when it had just been Iwaizumi and him, the only two people in the room. For a heart-stopping moment, Oikawa thinks that Iwaizumi might refuse, furrowing his brows and scowling as he shakes Oikawa's hand off his arm, but Iwaizumi does none of that, his face impassive as he asks, "How?" Oikawa pulls Iwaizumi's arm towards him and puts it around his waist. He watches Iwaizumi's face closely as he takes Iwaizumi's other arm and does the same on the other side of his waist. Looped around Oikawa's waist, Iwaizumi locks his fingers together and his cupped hands rest snugly in the dip of Oikawa's lower back. Then, before either of them can back out of this, Oikawa slides his arms around Iwaizumi's neck and steps in close, lining up their bodies from chest to hip. "So I know that you suck at dancing, Iwa-chan, so I thought we could just... move to the music," Oikawa mutters, keeping his eyes fixed on the jut of Iwaizumi's throat as he tries not to think about how close the both of them are suddenly and how their bodies are touching and how he might not have thought this through before acting on impulse. "You're not much better at dancing so let's not pretend this is solely for my benefit," Iwaizumi retorts. "Whatever. Just keep hugging me and don't step on my feet," Oikawa says as the both of them start swaying to the music, their bodies falling surprisingly easily into the rhythm. The song playing through the speakers is familiar and with a jolt, Oikawa realises that he recognises it from earlier. "This is a song of yours, isn't it?" Oikawa asks Iwaizumi as they sway on the spot, his hands growing clammy where they rest behind Iwaizumi's neck and his body growing hot where it touches Iwaizumi. He still hasn't managed to make eye contact with Iwaizumi and when he sneaks a glance at him, Oikawa sees him looking over Oikawa's shoulder at the air behind him, his face stiff. In the dim neon lights, Oikawa can't see the colour of Iwaizumi's face but he guesses that it might be red, just like Oikawa's, as if they were a pair of lovestruck teenagers. "It is," Iwaizumi says and that is all he says. "It's nice." Oikawa hums along with it. "It sounds romantic. I didn't think you were the type, Iwa-chan." "It's just one song." "I bet you have a whole lot of other romantic songs in your playlist," Oikawa tells him. "I mean, look at Makki and Mattsun." Oikawa turns them around in a slow circle so that Iwaizumi can see what he just spotted across the room and Iwaizumi cracks a smile as he sees Hanamaki and Matsukawa wrapped up in each other's arms, their heads bent low and their foreheads pressed together. Oikawa watches Iwaizumi from under his lashes, taking advantage of his distraction to run his eyes over his face, taking in everything familiar and dear to him. There had been a strange moment from middle school to high school as their bodies lengthened and grew and their faces lost their childlike roundness that Oikawa realised how handsome Iwaizumi was. Girls and guys often flocked to Oikawa but Oikawa could never understand how they missed Iwaizumi when he was always right there next to Oikawa. Standing this close to him, their faces barely a handspan apart, the urge to take a step forward and close the gap between them revisits him again and a shiver passes over Oikawa. Iwaizumi's eyes widen fractionally and dart away from the slow dancing pair behind Oikawa, fixing on Oikawa's face as he says, "They, uh, they're kissing." Now that Iwaizumi's eyes are on him, their gazes meet as the both of them forget that they were looking away from each other and whatever Oikawa was about to say in response slips away from him. Oikawa thinks he stops breathing for a moment. Then, his voice strangely airy and his mouth moving independently of his brain, Oikawa finds himself asking, "Iwa-chan, what do you think of me?" Iwaizumi blinks, his brows furrowing at the sudden change in topic. "Do you want the honest truth or the birthday immunity truth?" "Be honest." "You're a brat to people you don't like." "Hey!" Oikawa says indignantly. "You wanted honest," Iwaizumi reminds him. "I did," Oikawa says grudgingly. "Go on." "You're obnoxious when you win and you hate losing. So you're obnoxious both times, But," Iwaizumi hesitates for the briefest moment, his eyes never leaving Oikawa's face. "I guess you have a reason to be. You work hard, harder than anyone I've ever known, and it's worrying more than reassuring. You should take better care of yourself and you don't." "Sorry." "I'll accept that apology when I see you finally doing it." Oikawa chuckles, somewhat bitterly. "I didn't know so much of me bothered you." "It does." Iwaizumi's jaw tightens, as if he is having a moment of internal struggle, then relaxes before he continues, "You do." "So why are you still with me?" Oikawa asks. The breath still hasn't returned to his lungs and he feels light-headed and floaty. At this rate, he thinks he might pass out in Iwaizumi's arms before they reach the conclusion of this conversation, whatever it may be. "Because someone has to." "Because we're childhood friends?" "Because..." Iwaizumi stumbles, faltering as he realises what Oikawa had just led him into. He looks up into Oikawa's eyes and Oikawa sees a mix of emotions in the depths of his eyes, confusion, embarrassment, and that same emotion Oikawa couldn't put a name to earlier in the day. He hopes it is what he thinks it is, and he gets his answer as Iwaizumi swears softly under his breath, "Because—damnit, I'm going to get you for this later, Shittykawa—because I like you." A knot unravels in Oikawa's chest, like his childhood streamers coming undone and slipping past his hands, buoying him up and above as he knocks his forehead against Iwaizumi's and takes a deep breath before asking, "Is that the honest truth or the birthday immunity truth?" "It's the truth." Iwaizumi meets his eyes squarely, as if daring him to question him further about it. Oikawa doesn't, because at this point of time, there are more pressing questions he wants answered like, "So how would you feel if I were to kiss you now?" "I don't know," Iwaizumi replies carefully, every word a challenge that falls from his lips. Or an invitation. "Maybe you'll have to give it a try." "Maybe I will," Oikawa says and finally, finally, he leans in, closing the gap between them. In the careful press of lips between them and the trembling touch of Oikawa's hands against Iwaizumi's shoulders, Iwaizumi doesn't pull back, his arms tightening around Oikawa's waist, and Oikawa has Iwaizumi's answer to his question right there. Behind him, rising over the fading melody of Iwaizumi's song, Oikawa hears elated hooting, but he doesn't care, not when this moment stretches out between Iwaizumi and him, a night going slow and reaching out into forever.
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s3venpounds · 5 years
1-64. 65 What is the worst thing you have ever done to a friend?
65 questionsssssssssss yeeeeeeeeee boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii letsss fucking goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo thanks for the ask btw! also sorry for late reply
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
honestly sometimes, the whole “ life is a simulation” got me kinda scared ya never know
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
1. because im not afraid of the dark im afraid of what can be in it that im not aware of
3. The person you would never want to meet?
idk. cuz if i say someone i hate then i can’t physically meet them to punch them
4. What is your favorite word?
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
idk whichever lives for millions of years i wanna be like those giant ass trees that you see in animes that are like whole cities wide
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
should i finally cut my hair? or do i perservere
7. What shirt are you wearing?
my ed sheeran concert shirt
8. What do you label yourself as?
someone with the capacity of good but chooses to be an asshole
9. Bright room or dark room?
bright room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
seeing if my new friends were playing games so i can join
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
12. Who told you they loved you last?
off the top of my head? my mom pretty sure. 
13. Your worst enemy?
myself, my fears, hesitation and past mistakes?
14. What is your current desktop picture?
its a picture of hinata shoyo from Haikyuu!! doing a spike with wings on his back!
15. Do you like someone?
16. The last song you listened to?
Jacob Lee Slip
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
trump. and i want like brass knuckles when i punch. 
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
probably a volleyball coach/ trainer or a professional volleyball player to just drill basics into me and make me a better player. (that or just gal gadot to like help me clean up my life and give me life advice)
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
i guess my energy? its a fucking mess though cuz sometimes i get tired after like 4 minutes of activity but then sometimes i get like a second wind and i just go for hours 
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
i mean there was that snapchat trend of every guy making a female version of themselves so i guess theres that. i would definitely try anything i could. periods, cramps, catcalls, masturbating anything i could so i truly understand what women have to go through every day of their lives
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
im a very open person so most of my obscure talents are known but i am kinda proud of how i can name pokemon by just hearing their cries limited to like the first 3 generations tho lmao
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
what happens after we die
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
i wanna make the most bougie sandwich in the world. I want abelone, puffin, black truffle, caviar, just all that super high end shit
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
save it. im going on a trip somewhere out of the city and i could use the extra pocket money
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
venice italy. no question.
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
oh shit booze! i love me some booze! i guess it would have to be like smirnoff kissed caramel vodka, or this one whiskey i saw a video of irish people drinking american whiskeys
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? 
dont be a fucking dickhead idk. i can’t make concrete rules cuz theres loopholes
29. What is your favorite expletive?
definitely fuck just because i say it more than actual normal words
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
haha “loved ones” lmao. oh uhhh my letters from D.O when we were kids. that or my journal
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
my dads abuse. oh wait no then thats free forgiveness for him lmao no uhhh one of my past relationships. it was a mess and i still struggle a little with it
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
Venice italy. that or greece or rome idk. i really like their aesthetic with small white houses, small walkways and all that
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
Steve irwin or Robin williams. or just to make a couple people near me happy, Kyle Fundytus
34. What was your last dream about?
uhhh I kissed the person I’m currently interested in. not just a normal dream too I felt everything. it was crazy. Felt, their hands, warmth, lips, body against mine and even their skin it was just magical.
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
boyfriend? honestly? idk. i’d like to think that i am but from what I know apparently im not
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
yes and no? i guess? i had one of those shots you give to enfants when their family is moving to a new country and i still have the scar so possibly? i mean technically any baby born in a hospital has been admitted to one lmao
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
YES AND SOME OLDER KIDS BROKE IT DOWN AND USED IT AS A BENCH . I fought them and got sent tot he principals office
38. What is the color of your socks?
im not wearing any.... but i do have a favourite pair of green ones that have a print of pringles sour cream n onion on it!
39. What type of music do you like?
Jazz, big band, kpop, RNB, rap, rock, swing music, electro...? sort of?
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
i can’t choose, I love both and have fond memories of both
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
Vanilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa maybe some caramel in it
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
uhh i dont know much about football but i can say i would support my local team edmonton eskimos
43. Do you have any scars?
a ton! i love em! its like the sentimental stuff i keep in my closet but on my body and i always trace my finger over them whenever im just in the mood to reminisce
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
im not currently taking the courses i need to get my dream job but i’d love to be a power ranger either the stunt double or the cheesy actor. that or a school councilor
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
how dependant i am on others. i hate it. if i was alone i dont think i’d survive. i need other people
46. Are you reliable?
I like to think that i am though again, you’d have to ask my friends
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Did you find her?
48. Do you hold grudges?
hell.yes. if you couldnt tell i reallllllllllly hate my dad. like really.
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
whatever animals it takes to make dragons a thing again
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
I would have to say when this random stranger came up to me to complain about the transit system because the one in vancouver was so much better apparently. dude went on a 20 minute rant and i just drowned him out with music and pretended to “pause” my music while nodding like i understood
51. Are you a good liar?
not sure. I think i am considering my parents dont know half the shit i did AHEHEHEHE
52. How long could you go without talking?
couple days. long as i got my music.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
god there was this one christmas where my parents gave me like a stereotypical suburban kid hair cut where the whole head is like flattened with hair gel the at the forehead its just a tall wall of spiked hair. BUT HERES THE KICKER. they dyed half the wall red and half green for christmas. god it was awful
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
does cheesecake cupcakes count?
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
ive been told i can do a good russian one, chinese too
56. What do you like on your toast?
nutella omg. fresh toast with gooey nutella? god its so good
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
uhmmm some secret stuff for a friends personal project
58. What would be you dream car?
Dodge Viper
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
I love singing in the shower when no ones home. I can only sing when no ones home cuz the walls in this house are thin AS FUCK. 
60. Do you believe in aliens?
i believe we’re not the only ones out here but due to how we’re literally killing our own kind and planet for no good reason they choose to ignore us
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
yep! all the time! whenever i get my hands on the local paper i read my horoscope while i wait on the train or if theres a horoscope thing on tumblr!
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
X idk x is just cool
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
dragons are you kidding me? dragons are dinosaurs that can fly. AND BREATHE FIRE
64. What do you think about babies?
I dont think im a good father figure but spending time with kids is a pretty okay time for me long as its not long term lmao 
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
What is the worst thing you have ever done to a friend?
I punched them full force in the stomach for calling me emo. it was a bad day but lo and behold that person became my best friend loooooooooooool
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zxrysky · 6 years
(an oikawa/iwaizumi fanfiction)
When Iwaizumi meets Oikawa, he’s four.
“Hi Iwa-chan!” Oikawa says brightly. Iwaizumi gets a jolt at this, because those words are etched across his wrist in beautiful messy characters. But he’s met at least three other strangers who greeted him the same way, so nothing’s set in stone.
“You’re that alien kid,” Iwaizumi says, scrunching his nose. He jabs at Oikawa’s shirt. The green alien printed on the top folds in on itself. The print is bad, and a bit falls off. Oikawa almost screams.
“Don’t kill my alien!” He shouts, arms wrapping around his chest. “He’s my friend!”
Iwaizumi is bewildered. It’s just a shirt. “I wasn’t going to kill it. Just wanted to poke at it.”
“Don’t!” Oikawa has tears in his eyes. Iwaizumi is vaguely worried. He doesn’t want to have to go home and tell his mother he made another boy cry.
“Sorry.” Iwaizumi’s mom always says that being polite is the best way to mend relationships. Hopefully. “Wanna come bug hunting with me?”
“No!” Oikawa still has tears in his eyes. He sniffles. “You’re mean, Iwa-chan!”
Iwaizumi looks away. He doesn’t have much, not when he’s four. The most treasured thing he has is probably his net, the long pole with soft but sturdy threads at the bottom strung up to form a trusty net that has yet to fail him in the quest for bugs.
“You can have this.” Iwaizumi pushes the net at Oikawa. “I’m sorry. Don’t cry.”
Oikawa looks at him, tearful, and launches himself at Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi topples backwards and both of them land on the grass.
“Iwa-chan!” Oikawa says, hands dirty and wet with sweat and tears, his face sticky as he tightens his grip on Iwaizumi. “I’ll go bug hunting with you!”
“Ah, okay.” Iwaizumi replies. Already, at the age of four, he can tell that Oikawa will be very high maintenance. His mother knows things like these and she whispers them to him as they walk down the street.
See that woman flouncing on the sidewalk? She’s high maintenance. Wants attention.
See that cat? Attention seeking.
See that boy clinging onto you? He wants your attention. High maintenance, definitely.
Because Iwaizumi has no tact at the age of four, he asks, “are you high maintenance?”
“I don’t know what that means,” Oikawa replies, wiping at his eyes. He bounces up, one hand grabbing the pole, the other grasping Iwaizumi’s hand. “Iwa-chan, let’s go bug hunting!”
“Yeah.” Iwaizumi dusts himself off, and dusts Oikawa off with his free hand, seeing as both of Oikawa’s hands are occupied. “Let’s go catch some bugs.”
It’s the start of a beautiful friendship.
A friendship Iwaizumi later wonders why he let bloom, when he knew right from the start, that Oikawa would become someone high maintenance. When he knew at the age of four that Oikawa would want attention.
He can’t stop staring at the way Oikawa’s hands move as he talks, the sharp curve of his neck as he throws his head back and laughs, the veins on his forearms, the slide of his back, the expressive eyes; Iwaizumi can’t drag his eyes away, so he forcefully turns his body around.
Oikawa’s just so pretty, Iwaizumi can’t stand it. The lilting curve of his lips makes Iwaizumi want to jump off a building. Maybe not so extreme, but it definitely makes him want to jump off a moving bus. He’s thought about it when Oikawa talks to him and laughs on their way back from an away game.
He lets a breath shudder through his body, shakes himself and straightens.
This time, it’s not Matsukawa who raises an eyebrow at him. It’s Hanamaki. The boy lets his eyes drag from Iwaizumi to Oikawa and back again, a smile curling at the corners of his lips.
Iwaizumi blanches, but he shrugs in response. He can’t argue his infatuation with Oikawa right now, no matter how stupid it is.
Hanamaki winks at him, and Iwaizumi grimaces. It’s never good when two of your closest friends are aware of the crush you have on the last friend.
Surprisingly, Oikawa’s good at Mathematics. Like, really good. Iwaizumi is always slightly shocked when his results come back and Oikawa tops the year in Mathematics. Not that it should be a surprise, seeing as it’s a constant every year.
“Good job,” Iwaizumi says in a rare fit of generosity. “You didn’t do too badly.”
“Iwa-chan!” Oikawa responds. “I did very well! Not just ‘not too badly’! You won’t be able to get any girls with that kind of attitude.”
“Trashykawa.” Iwaizumi instantly regrets the praise he offered. Now Oikawa’s head is going to get even bigger than before, his ego growing to the size of the Seijou gym. He regrets. “You did pretty poorly on English though, surprisingly.”
“I just forgot a few bits of vocabulary!” Oikawa protests. “Not that you did much better.”
Iwaizumi offers up his paper. “I did, actually, idiot. I heard Kageyama did badly in English as well.”
He doesn’t say how he received that piece of information, and Oikawa doesn’t ask, too caught up in screaming about how he isn’t on the same level as Tobio-chan, Iwa-chan how could you say that.
To be fair, Oikawa’s ‘pretty poor’ is a 60 mark. It’s poor because Iwaizumi (and Oikawa himself) is aware that the setter can do much better. Oikawa usually gets around 80, and that’s why a 60 is pretty poor.
Kageyama’s ‘pretty poor’, according to a sobbing Sugawara on Skype, is a 30. If Iwaizumi tells Oikawa that, the latter will probably explode into hysterical laughter.
“Ah, Iwa-chan.” Oikawa suddenly says. “How did you know that Tobio-chan did badly?”
Iwaizumi hesitates on this. Should he tell the truth? Ah well, not like Oikawa wouldn’t notice if Iwaizumi lied. “Sugawara told me on Skype. Apparently he’s worried about Kageyama’s grades and wanted to know if I had any tips.”
“Refreshing-kun!” Oikawa exclaims, delighted. “Give me his Skype too!”
“You have to ask him yourself, I’m not going to invade his privacy by giving you his number.” Iwaizumi snorts. “You’d probably spam him with emoticons, the way you spam me. If you send me an emoticon one more time, I’ll block you.”
“Iwa-chan, no!” The setter leans forward, face uncomfortably close to Iwaizumi’s. It’s making his heart beat a little faster. “Did you have any tips for Tobio-chan?”
A safe topic. Iwaizumi relaxes. “Not really, but I gave him some ideas on how to memorise vocabulary, I guess. It’s surprising that Kageyama did badly since he maintained pretty good grades in Kitagawa.”
“Maybe he’s distracted by that cute number 10,” Oikawa grins, leaning back. Iwaizumi relaxes even more at that. Now Oikawa’s citrusy scent isn’t right in front of him. “Setters get easily distracted by their spikers, you know?”
“They do?” Iwaizumi isn’t aware of this, not at all. Possibly because Oikawa has never been easily distracted by him. Oikawa is always in his own world. Iwaizumi gets distracted by Oikawa, not the other way around. Everybody gets distracted by Oikawa. It’s a character flaw.
“Yeah!” Oikawa seems to count on his fingers. “I know at least five pairs of setter-spiker relationships. They’re all involved, if you know what I mean, Iwa-chan.” He drags out the last syllable, voice dripping with sexual innuendo and Iwaizumi stiffens.
“Oh my god, Stupidkawa.” He sighs and turns away. “First you demand attention, next you invade others’ privacy? I knew I made the right decision to not give you Sugawara’s number. Who knows how you’ll harass him.”
“I wouldn’t!”
Iwaizumi looks at Oikawa, deadpan, and Oikawa hits him. “Mean, Iwa-chan!”
Iwaizumi laughs and hits him back, gently at the back of his head. He’s not angry or irritated right now. It’s just the two of them, in his room, comparing results and letting the conversation derail into something else altogether.
It’s just normal friendship and Iwaizumi’s less harsh today, eyes closing as he leans his head back on his bed. Both of them are sitting on the floor, Oikawa’s legs entangled in his.
If Iwaizumi’s heart ticks upwards whenever Oikawa speaks, whenever Oikawa’s legs link tighter against his, whenever Oikawa taps him in the touchy-feely way that Oikawa always has, Iwaizumi doesn’t say anything.
When Oikawa isn’t looking, he sends off a quick text to Matsukawa.
Iwaizumi: I’m fucked.
Matsu: finally u reach self awareness
Matsu: thts the first step to getting in a relationship
Matsu: if thts what u want
Matsu: r u on a date again
Matsu: not that im glad for ur self realization but what brought this up
Iwaizumi: he’s over at my house.
Matsu: study date
Matsu: damn vice capt u move fast
Iwaizumi: what the fuck Matsu?
Matsu: just calling it as i see it
Oikawa has never had a girlfriend. That is the one thing that keeps Iwaizumi awake at night.
Okay, that’s a lie. There are many things about Oikawa that keeps Iwaizumi up at night, including and not limited to Oikawa’s stupid hair, his lips, his neck, his arms, his back, those legs, and Oikawa in general.
But Oikawa has never had a girlfriend, and currently that’s the most pressing issue. It gives Iwaizumi hope that Oikawa is, well, not so straight. After all, it’s not like the girls who chase after him are ugly; Iwaizumi may not like them but even he can admit that most of them are pretty cute. They’re not unattractive. There’s a reason why so many boys are jealous of Oikawa; he has pretty girls chasing after him.
And yet Oikawa doesn’t date any of them. He takes all their Valentine’s Day gifts in stride, he gives back presents on White Day to those he knows gave him presents, but he never dates anyone.
Iwaizumi’s pretty sure that this is false hope, but it makes his heart beat a couple times faster and it’s so irritating it hurts. This must be what drowning feels like, the knowledge that you sort of have the ability to surface and avoid your imminent death, but you’ve been struggling for so long that your muscles are tired and achy and you just want to let go and suffocate.
Oikawa is going to be the death of him, he can feel it. It’s almost tiring, thinking about it. Just the thought makes his muscles ache.
His phone rings. It’s Oikawa. Iwaizumi sighs and lets his finger hover over the ‘reject’ button. He’s immensely stupid, calling Iwaizumi and incurring telephone bills when he could just as easily come over. Their houses are literally next to each other.
He hits ‘accept’ and lifts the phone to his ear.
“It’s late.” He starts, when Oikawa doesn’t seem to be saying anything. “What did you call me for?”
“Nothing, Iwa-chan.” Oikawa replies. Is his voice shaking? Iwaizumi sits up in bed, alert. “What are you doing?”
“Listening to you ramble on the phone.” Iwaizumi says. “You okay?”
“I’m fine!” The setter laughs. No, Iwaizumi thinks. He’s not fine.
Iwaizumi settles back against his bed, aware that this conversation will be long. “You had another bad dream? Did Kageyama defeat you again or something?”
“That’s not a bad dream, Iwa-chan! That’s an impossibility!” Oikawa retorts, but quietens down soon after. “... Just got a bit worried.”
“Was I abducted by aliens and left the Earth while you were stuck here?” Iwaizumi asks. “That one always makes you cry because you didn’t get to go with the aliens, I remember.”
“Iwa-chan, we promised never to speak of that again. That’s shameful.” He can hear Oikawa’s pout across the phone.
“Your knee injury acting up again?”
There’s a telling silence. It seems to stretch across oceans. Iwaizumi sighs, throwing a hand over his face. “Hey, you need me to go over?”
“I’m fine, Iwa-chan. It just hurts a bit. I got worried for a second. It’s nothing!” Oikawa says brightly.
Iwaizumi rolls his eyes. “I’m coming over.”
He hangs up and rolls off his bed, dressed in a shirt and sweatpants. It’s pretty late, almost one in the morning and his parents are fast asleep. Oikawa’s parents are probably fast asleep too, if he thinks about it.
He brisk walks over to Oikawa’s house and lets himself in. With the amount of times he’s over at Oikawa’s house or vice versa, their parents have deemed it fit to gift each of them a set of the other’s house keys. It’s dark and silent.
Iwaizumi sneaks up the staircase to Oikawa’s room, praying that the stupid fourth step won’t creak as usual and wake Oikawa’s parents up. It gives him a chance today and is blessedly silent.
He turns the door knob of Oikawa’s door and is greeted by a bundle on the bed. Rolling his eyes, he closes the door behind him and strides over to the bed.
Iwaizumi grabs one end of the blanket and flips it into the air, revealing a red eyed Oikawa curling in a foetal position. He is very tempted to throw the blanket to the side in a fit of anger, but he sighs and sets it at the end of the bed.
The boy on the bed refuses to respond.
Iwaizumi sighs. “... Tooru.”
“Yes, Iwa-chan?” Oikawa mumbles into his bedsheet. “Why did you come over?”
“Let me see your knee.”
Oikawa reluctantly uncurls from his position and Iwaizumi winces at the state of his knee. It’s swollen and the skin is slightly reddish. It looks painful.
“Have you iced it?”
The setter avoids eye contact and Iwaizumi wants to hit himself. “Sorry, stupid question. I’ll get an ice compress for you.”
He makes it down and up in a matter of seconds, ice bag in hand and dripping with water.
“Come on,” he coaxes Oikawa. “Straighten your leg a bit.”
“Iwa-chan, it hurts.” Oikawa whimpers, and Iwaizumi murmurs in understanding. “It hurts, Iwa-chan.”
“Just a bit more, okay? We’ll ice it and after a while I’ll work on your stretches. There’s a reason I asked the doctor how to help you stretch at home.”
The swelling goes down, bit by bit, and Iwaizumi can see the tension leaving Oikawa’s shoulders. His grip on the bedsheet loosens. Water is dripping everywhere and Oikawa will probably have to change his bedsheets in the morning, but all Iwaizumi can think about is Oikawa’s hand curled around his wrist, a warm steady grip that distracts Iwaizumi to no end.
“Feeling better?” Iwaizumi asks after silence stretches between them for a while. “Your bed’s really wet.”
“Ew, Iwa-chan,” Oikawa says in a breathless laugh. “Don’t say something like that. My knee feels better.”
“You shouldn’t keep it to yourself,” he reminds Oikawa, pressing the ice bag down a bit harder in punishment. Oikawa inhales sharply. “I’ve told you time and time again to tell me if you think your knee hurts. Don’t be stupid and think you can handle it.”
“Ah, Iwa-chan, your words are as cruel as ever.” Oikawa smiles at him, grip tightening around Iwaizumi’s wrist. “How will you ever get a girlfriend?”
Iwaizumi raises an eyebrow at him. “You’re so high maintenance; with you around, would I even have time for a girlfriend?”
It’s the first time he’s ever said something along those lines, and Oikawa’s eyes grow wide.
“Iwa-chan.” He says in a small voice. “Do you want a girlfriend? Am I too distracting?”
Iwaizumi considers this. Honestly, he wants Oikawa as a boyfriend. And Oikawa is distracting to no end as well. Does that mean both statements are true? No, the first is false. Iwaizumi wants a boyfriend. Specifically, Oikawa.
His hesitance to answer must seem as consent to Oikawa who looks away, eyes half lidded. “Ah, Iwa-chan,” he says. “You don’t have to take care of me so much.”
“I don’t want a girlfriend.” Iwaizumi says immediately. It’s the truth.
Oikawa looks surprised. “You don’t? Ah, Iwa-chan must be the romantic type, waiting for their soulmate!”
Iwaizumi blinks. Oh. He’s actually… he’s actually forgotten about waiting for his soulmate, being so caught up in Oikawa.
“Just waiting for the right person.” Iwaizumi tells him. “It doesn’t really matter if he’s my soulmate or not, if we’re both dedicated to each other.”
Oikawa’s eyes widen even further. Iwaizumi thinks back on what he said. Is it that surprising?
“Iwa-chan,” Oikawa mumbles. “You said ‘he’.”
Iwaizumi shrugs. “Yeah, well, I guess.” Inwards, he’s panicking. Is it too obvious? Will Oikawa notice that Iwaizumi likes him now?
“You like boys, Iwa-chan?” Oikawa’s eyes light up. He sits up, throbbing knee forgotten as he leans forward. “Iwa-chan, you don’t like girls?”
“Yeah.” Iwaizumi replies, eyes steady on Oikawa’s. “I like boys.”
He likes the sharp angles of elbows, the curve of the Adam’s Apple, the glint in the eyes, the bony fingers, the lithe muscles curving underneath skin like ripples, the hard chest he can press his palm flat on.
He likes Oikawa.
Kiss him, a stupid voice in his head whispers. It sounds suspiciously like Matsukawa. He’s close enough to reach. And then-
“Wow, Iwa-chan,” Oikawa says to the air as he flops back against the bed, moment ruined. “You sure picked a good time to come out. I was in pain and you decided to turn the topic onto yourself! Rude, Iwa-chan. I should always be the topic of discussion.”
Iwaizumi forces Oikawa to stretch in revenge, pushing his thigh against his chest and stretching the ligament at Oikawa’s knee.
“Iwa-chan, ouch!”
“You can take it, you idiot.” Iwaizumi answers. If Oikawa really couldn’t, Iwaizumi would know. And he’d stop immediately. “If you’re too loud, your parents will hear.”
“You make it sound so bad, Iwa-chan.” Oikawa grins up at him, breath pushed out of his chest with every push Iwaizumi presses on his knee.
Iwaizumi sincerely hopes that the darkness of the night will hide the red tinge on his face.
It’s nothing shameful. How can it be, when it’s the words your soulmate first speaks to you?
Yes, it’s nothing shameful, but Iwaizumi hides it nonetheless, underneath a black wristband. He doesn’t want others to look at it, to see the words that should mean the world to him but have long lost their significance with the way he’s heard them so many times.
Oikawa does the same. Iwaizumi has never asked to see Oikawa’s words, and Oikawa has never asked to see Iwaizumi’s words, though Iwaizumi has seen Oikawa catch himself before asking, the words curling in his throat and on the tip of his tongue. Oikawa wants to know.
Frankly, Iwaizumi would like to know as well. It’s entirely too rare, but there is a slim chance that Oikawa’s words might be written on Iwaizumi’s wrist, and vice versa. He remembers clearly, after all, how Oikawa first spoke to him like they were friends, with a scarily friendly hi, Iwa-chan!
But surely, if Iwaizumi remembers, Oikawa does too. And though Iwaizumi’s words are vague and generic, Iwaizumi remembers telling Oikawa you’re that alien kid.
Surely, surely those words are startling and unique enough that if Iwaizumi is Oikawa’s soulmate, Oikawa would have realised.
Who tells others you’re that alien kid in their first conversation? Iwaizumi willingly admits that he has no tact.
If Oikawa isn’t his soulmate though… Suddenly, Iwaizumi can’t breathe. He chokes down a gasp of air, forces it into his lungs. It’s never really occurred to him, but it hits him that he’s never truly considered having a soulmate that isn’t Oikawa.
Oikawa’s been by his side as long as he can remember. Honestly, Iwaizumi can’t remember anything before the age of four. Even the pictures in his house are always of him and Oikawa, together. What happens when Oikawa finds his soulmate, and Iwaizumi finds his?
It’s going to be strange if Oikawa stops being so clingy to him. It’s going to feel weird if Oikawa stops coming over in the middle of the night, or stops calling Iwaizumi and asking him to come over. It’s going to be wrong if Iwaizumi has to dedicate his time to someone other than Oikawa.
Shit, he thinks. He’s in deep. This doesn’t even brush the thought of a high school fling; it has thrown that thought out of the universe altogether.
Iwaizumi cringes. His mind has betrayed him; his heart has left him. He’s in love with Oikawa.
If Oikawa isn’t his soulmate, Iwaizumi’s going to slap someone. Probably himself.
Iwaizumi: what if you fell in love with makki but it turned out he wasn’t your soulmate?
Matsu: my makki
Matsu: not my sm
Matsu: impossible
Iwaizumi: just answer the what-if question please.
Iwaizumi: it’s serious
Matsu: its always srs btween u and capt tbh
Matsu: but ok
Matsu: id still love him duh
Matsu: after really thinking abt ur ques i dont get it
Iwaizumi: I mean, if you two were never meant to be together, what would you do?
Matsu: id still love him
Matsu: and date him
Matsu: and mb try to convince him tht we r tru sm
Matsu: if u love him u gotta go for it
Matsu: capt isnt gonna wait forever
Iwaizumi: but he probably isn’t my soulmate? I don’t know what to think about that.
Iwaizumi: what if I find a soulmate and he finds a soulmate and we drift apart?
Iwaizumi: I can’t even imagine that.
Matsu: Hey Iwaizumi.
Matsu: I’m going to give you some solid advice, so listen up.
Matsu: Your life is always going be full of what-ifs.
Matsu: It’s never going to go your way. Life sucks, that’s the way it is.
Matsu: It’s like why we’ve never won against Shiratorizawa. Life sucks.
Matsu: But you don’t see us just giving up against them.
Matsu: When we win against them, it’s going to be the sweetest thing ever.
Matsu: And you’ll never know that feeling if you don’t go for it.
Matsu: High school isn’t going to wait for you to get off your butt.
Matsu: Neither will Oikawa.
Matsu: It doesn’t matter if you’re soulmates or not.
Matsu: If you love him, you have to go and get him.
Matsu: It’s better to enjoy life now rather than worry about whether you guys aren’t soulmates or will separate in the future.
Matsu: You have to milk life for all its worth and take all the sweet stuff.
Matsu: And honestly, if you ask Makki and I, we think you’re soulmates.
Matsu: Or at the very least, he’s in love with you.
Matsu: ok im done w all the emo stuff
Iwaizumi: …
Matsu: i know im out of character lmao
Iwaizumi: that was strangely inspirational.
Iwaizumi: … but thanks. you’re pretty good at this stuff.
Matsu: im a guy in love. we r def gd at this stuff
Matsu: if u two get tgt i s2g u better make me ur best man
Matsu: or ill release to the public ur texts when u were in crisis
Iwaizumi: you wouldn’t.
Matsu: im a guy in love
Matsu: we do stupid stuff
Matsu: try me lmao
[commissions are open!]
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