#me when i ramble about a fictional boy in the 80s 🤯
oneway-closet · 2 years
thinking about byler from will’s pov is so saddening because like. he’s known this boy since he was a little kid and has loved him since he was a little kid, and has struggled for years with the thought that his one love will never love him back, or not the same way. he’s watched this boy fall in and out of love with this girl he could never bring himself to hate, this girl that he would sacrifice anything for to see her happy because she’s suffered in a lot of the ways that he has. he listens to the boy he loves complain about his relationships, and instead of bringing down those relationships, he works to put them back together because that is what will believes would be the best for the both of them. he’s pushing this thought of this relationship he’s always wanted away because he doesn’t think he deserves it, others deserve it more. william byers you are the most selfless character in media and i don’t care what happens next season but please end up happy. please
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