Exactly One Job, Just the One.
Request: could you please do one where the reader is a famous model and is dating tom but it’s still private and everyone thinks they’re just best friends but in an interview, he accidentally slips up and tells the whole word that she’s his girlfriend? Xx
Pairing: Tom Holland x f!reader
Word Count: 891
“And you recently went for a small break in Lanzarote didn’t you? How did that go for you?” the reporter asked Tom nearing towards the end if the interview, he knew this question was going to come and he dreaded it, Tim was looking at him encouragingly with a warm smile on his face.
“Yeah it was really good, it felt great just having a break off the set, y’know, after it’s been hectic busy with filming all the time” he answered politely, only covering what the reporter asked, trying not to say too much because he knew if he got going properly he’d say too much about Y/N, trying to keep their relationship on the lowkey at the moment, he couldn’t let himself say anything that would sabotage that.
“I’m glad to hear that, and who was it you went with, again?” the reporter asked, leaning forward in his seat ever so slightly.
Here it was, the dreaded question, Tom knew he was stomping on dangerous territory and had to play this one really carefully. “Y/N” he answered casually, shrugging his shoulders lightly to act relaxed, and not at all like he was stressed about letting anything slip.
“Ah yes, Y/N, beautiful girl, isn’t she? She recently was on the catwalk in Milan for the fashion week, is that right? And we seen you were there with her?”
“Well yeah, of course, she’s my friend. Naturally, I’d come to support her at such a vital event. Her whole career leads up to key events like that, I believe it’s important for me to accompany her and be there at her highest points, as well as her lowest points, it’s my job as her bo- best friend.” Tom said and quickly corrected himself as he nearly said ‘boyfriend’ instead of best friend. He played it cool as the reporter caught onto that one tiny slip-up and was now giving Tom a look that said ‘Ahhhhh I gotchu’.
“It’s your job as her bo-best friend, is it? Ah yes, I understand. So you two… You know each other long?”
“Uh quite a while yeah, we met a while back, a few years ago in London, at a fashion event which I was dragged to by Zendaya; she didn’t want to go by herself and I didn’t see any reason not to go with her and that… that’s where I first met Y/N.” he explained carefully, remembering the first time he had laid eyes on Y/N and had taken aback by her beauty he was, “She was walking down the runway in this long flowy white dress, and there was something mesmerising about the way it dragged behind her in the warm breeze of the evening, and how the pearly whiteness contrasted with her hair, and her facial expression as she walked so elegantly, yet still had a kind of twirl in her walk… you could tell she really loves what she does.”
“So it was love at first sight?”
“Yes defi- what I mean, no- what do you mean, of course not…” Tom stammered, trying to save himself even though he knew he’d fucked it, he’s too far gone now, there’s no going back: “well… um.. damn I walked right into that one” he finished as he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly; he had one job, just the one.
The reported sat smiling at Tom, genuinely looking happy for him as he said “I prayed you’d let this slip, you have no idea how happy it makes me that you two actually are together. You know, before I left my house this morning my daughter was gushing to me about how amazing a couple you two would be and how nicely you two look together.”
Blushing slightly, Tom smiled. He’s already neck deep in this so he might as well talk about it “Thank you, I have to say, for me it was instant love at first sight. I just looked at her and immediately knew she was going to be a big part of my life, and then our eyes met and… man, I’ve never seen more beautiful eyes, my entire body just froze and I was absolutely astonished by how stunning just one person can be”
“And where is Y/N now?”
Tom laughed shortly before saying “she’s backstage, probably getting ready to kill me because I had one job coming out here, and that was to keep my mouth shut.”
“She must have seen this coming though, surely… This is Tom Holland we’re talking about after all, when have you ever kept a secret”
“You know what Tim, you’re absolutely right… ain’t going to help my case though” he joked.
“Okay we’re going to have to end the interview here, it was lovely having you on the show, Tom, good luck with your life backstage”, Tim chuckled as he stuck his hand out to shake Tom’s.
“Oh thank you Tim, I’ll need it. It was great being on the show, remember me when I die.”
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lmao hi i’ve been dead for like 6 months and im sorry but exams are in two weeks and uni has given me three mental breakdowns already and im working on it thanks x
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I love your writing! You’re so talented! I just want to say thank you for sharing your imagination with me on this day! ❤️
Thank you! I’m trying my best to write stuff but I’m overwhelmed with Uni stuff atm :/
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Hey guys
So, I know I said I’d be uploading normally as soon as I’m home but lately everything has just hit me like a tonne of bricks all at the one time, and it’s a lot to handle when all I want to do is curl up in bed and cry and I have an ask box overflowing with requests.
I’m just going through a tough time and all I’m asking for is your patience.
Thank you, Tori x
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“Stranger Danger”
Request: Could you do one where the reader bumps into Tom and is a big fan but pretends like she doesn't care and Tom gets miffed? ( @3pastaboxes )
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Word count: 970
If I have to stack one more damn CD or file another comic book, I’m going to be sick, you thought to yourself as you moved to the checkout counter, playing with the bright purple lanyard around your neck, pulling it to the left and the right, tugging at it gently, wishing you could tug your head right off with it. It wasn’t that you hated this job, but having to sit in a stuffy store that smelled like plastic in the heat of the summer wasn’t how you planned to spend the big holidays before Uni started in September. Your eyes glanced at the black glossy clock with a Star Wars design that hung above the doors to the entrance of the shop, half an hour left, you can do this, you told yourself inwardly as you heard the bell above the door ring as a new customer came in. You quickly skimmed your eyes over the person and immediately a single thought popped into your head, “this guy looks really familiar”. Your eyes were fixated on him as he walked over to the Superhero section of the shop, looking over the titles of the comic books, gliding his fingers over the front covers, looking like an excited child. I swear I know this guy, I’ve seen him somewhere before.  He spent another few minutes looking at the comics before he came up to the checkout area that you were now standing at, you hadn’t realised you were spaced out looking at the guys face, until he said “Hello?” and startled you.
“Oh sorry, I was daydreaming, the perks of having a job and overheating inside” you joked apologetically and looked at the comics he set down on the counter, he had picked up every single Spider-man comic book that the shop had to offer, and that’s when it hit you, this was Tom Holland- that’s why he looked so familiar, it’s the new Spider-man. You felt a tiny bubble of excitement erupt in your stomach. It’s Tom Holland. But you knew your boss wouldn’t be too happy if you scared such a fine customer away, you had to keep your cool. Act unbothered, you told yourself as you struggled to keep your breathing at a steady pace.
“Yeah it is pretty muggy in here, do you guys have an air conditioning system?” he asked, his South London drawl spilling out of his mouth, sounding like music to your ears, making your knees a little weak, and you had to forcibly tell yourself, he’s just a guy, calm your shit.
“Uh well, we did, but it broke and my boss decided it’s fine and there’s no need to fix it, so here we are” you said whilst rolling your eyes in disbelief, as you started to scan his comics. Out of the corner of your eye you could see him eyeing you with his eyebrows slightly raised, like he was taken aback at something.
“As your boss, he should know better than that. You know as a wise man once said, with great power comes great responsibility” he said, putting stress on the last past of his sentence and you knew what he was doing, he was surprised you didn’t comment on the fact you knew who he was, and you smirked to yourself, deciding to play at your game.
“Oh that’s the line from Spider-man, yeah it’s true, applies in the simplest everyday situations. That was one great film, I can’t wait for the new one though” you said, smiling at him warmly, the satisfaction growing as you seen him do his best not to grimace at you.
“Have you seen the trailer for the new one?” he asked, his voice had an edge of defiance in it, it looks like he was used to being recognised everywhere he went, and however fair enough that was, winding him up was too fun to give up.
“Yes I have, it looks amazing. Have you?” you said as you started to put his comics into a carrier bag, shooting him an innocent look, “That’ll be £24.97” you added as he stared at you in disbelief.
He closed his mouth as he reached into his back pocket and opened his wallet, taking out a fifty and handing it to you, he made eye contact with you once again before saying “You’re asking me if I’ve seen it? Surely you’re having a laugh?”.
“Very cocky, Mr. Holland” you said, snorting a little and taking his change out of the cash register.
“I knew you knew who I am” he said as his expression of chagrin changed into one of pure happiness and relief.
“I don’t know who wouldn’t, to be honest” you laughed lightly and you handed him the money and slid his carrier bag towards him over the counter. He smiled politely as he slipped his money into his wallet and back into his pocket.
“When’s the next time you’re working, love?” he asked as he took his comics off the counter and smiled at you again, his brown eyes lighting up delicately as your heart fluttered.
“Friday” you answered automatically, because your brain completely forgot that ‘stranger danger’ is actually a very valid concept, and giving out such information to a handsome stranger is more than okay, apparently. He looked down at the name tag on your lanyard briefly and then his eyes met yours one more time, a warm smile playing on his lips.
“I’ll be back, Y/N” he shot you a confident smirk as he turned on his heel and walked out of the store, not looking back once. The encounter left you shell shocked, and you began to question whether it had actually happened or if you just made that up. He’ll be back, so you guessed, you’d have to wait and see.
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Boys Are Mean To The Girls They Like pt. 5
Pairing: mob!Tom x reader
@chennyetomlinson @thefuriousquake @klausbaudelaireee @greenarrowhead @theflowerswillbloom @avahodge @meyrapp @bellagrayson-wayne @spiderboy-and-loki @stop-that-go-away @iaiabear  @peter-pan-hoe @hawaiiantozier @colourful-fandoms-ruined-my-blog @trash-can-beebo @peteryesparker @captainsherlockwinchester110283 @grey-raven @diesinspanishbcimhispanic @youlittlecvnt
Word count: 1.7k
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That morning you had woken up earlier than usual, skimming your eyes to the clock that sat on your bedside table you seen that it was just after 6am, and groaning loudly you turned your back on the clock and closed your eyes again, cuddling into your duvet and trying to get back to sleep but immediately your head started filling up with random thoughts. The top one being “why’s my Dad ruining my life from afar?”.
You didn’t know where you father was at that particular point in time, he could be across the globe for all you knew or cared, but somehow he still managed to stop you doing what you wanted, like he always had. When other kids went out to play in the park, did you? Of course not, your Dad couldn’t let you out anywhere because “do you have any idea how many people could hurt you and use you against me?”. You didn’t even go to school like other children, you were homeschooled. Honestly it’s a wonder you were allowed out the house now without an entourage, because you knew how to handle yourself and always kept a gun in your bag or somewhere nearby. Did you have permit? Do you even need a permit when you’re forced into a mob? This is London, who would even give you permit? So many questions, so little answers. What wrong could Tom do to you anyway? It’s not like you two have been living in the same damn house all your life. What’s the worst he could do anyway? He can’t pump and dump then never speak to you again, because YOU LIVE IN THE SAME HOUSE. It’s not like he could hurt you either, you liked to think you were pretty immune to pain, so that wasn’t an issue.
Laying there in your room in silence, the house sounded very much dead, not counting the odd creak of the wooden floors, as it happened in houses. It was odd, it seemed the world was dead too, not a single bird chirping outside, not a sound. It’s like they knew the house was deadly, it’s like they knew that everything that went on in the house always had some sort of dark purpose to it, and they kept away.
The weather was dead-like too, it was grey and gloomy, the clouds gathering above the house, you knew it was due to rain at some point in the day; it was one of the days where you just wanted to curl up in bed and watch movies all day. Might as well get the morning started, you thought as you slowly began to sit up in your bed and make your way to your bathroom, washing your face and brushing your teeth, not bothering to put makeup on, no one would see you anyway. You put on a grey hoodie over a pair of black lycra leggings and a pair of grey socks, putting your hair up in a ponytail, letting your hair fall nicely down your back and a few wispy strands sit around your face. Walking quietly to the kitchen, hearing your shuffling echo through the silent house you couldn’t help but wonder where the dog was. Probably in Tom’s room, though you couldn’t vouch for that. Because the day was so morbid, the morning was more of a ‘hot chocolate’ than ‘coffee’ kind of day, do you took out a mug out of the cupboard and poured some milk inside, then put it in the microwave for a minute and a half and stared out of the window, looking at the perfect lawn that stretched out for several hundred feet. You couldn’t help but picture what the lawn would look like if this were a normal home, there would be garden furniture outside, maybe even a hammock, perhaps some swings if children lived here, there would be laughter and guests and barbeques. Dogs running about, kids chasing each other, a typical Dad would be standing at the BBQ grill with dad shorts and a polo shirts while a kind-faced Mum would be sitting on a lawn chair, reading a magazine. The perfect scenario vanished from in front of your eyes as the microwave beeps three times, signalling the milk had finished heating; you snap out of your daydream and press the button to open the microwave door, and take out the lukewarm mug containing hot milk and put spoonfuls of chocolate powder in the milk and stir it. Sighing loudly you turn and go to walk out the kitchen when you see Tom standing in the doorway leaning against the frame, studying your every move.
“You’re up early” you commented as you squeezed past him and out of the kitchen, but he didn’t move an inch so that when you squeezed past him, your entire torso had to brush past his tensed arms. Such a dick move, you knew.
“Just like you then, pet” he said smirking at you off-handedly. It seemed like a smirk was just his constant face, some people had a resting bitch face, some people had a resting nice face, while he always had that stupid little smirk on his face.
“Not really the point though, is it?” you said not looking back at him and making your way up the stairs but his voice stooped you.
“Can I ask you a question?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and you couldn’t help but notice the way the veins on his toned arms stood out against his tanned skin.
“If you must” you said stopping halfway up the stairs and looking down at him, the cup getting warmer in your hands.
“Do you have a thing for me?” he asked, making you freeze in your tracks. Why was he asking? Wasn’t it obvious? Didn’t you have this conversation literally a day prior? What is he playing at, you thought.
“What?” you asked, in a disbelieving tone.
“Do you; have; a thing; for me?” he repeated, breaking the sentence down and saying it like he was talking to a toddler who didn’t understand what was being said to it.
“I don’t know what you mean” you dismissed, starting to slowly turn around to continue your journey up the stairs; these kinds of conversations never ended well with Tom, you knew there wasn’t a point in this discussion, since nothing would come of it anyway.
“You fully well know what I mean, don’t act daft” he said, his tone sounding miffed.
“It doesn’t matter, you very clearly highlighted that you’re not going to do anything because of my Dad so why is it relevant?” you told him, matching his tone and you knew it wouldn’t be long until this would develop into a fully-fledged argument if both of you kept this up. He started moving towards you, up the stairs, keeping eye contact with you the whole way up, and didn’t speak until he was on the stair before the one you were standing on, his eye level was just mere centimeters below yours, and you couldn’t help but notice how easily you could lean over and kiss him if you wanted to, but you couldn’t.
“Well, I’ve been thinking and he’s not here, is he? We could keep it a secret” he said suggestively, his hand on your upper arm, the warmth of his fingers spreading along your arm.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about” you said, shaking you arm lightly to shake his grip off but he wasn’t fazed, his grip stayed just as strong as it was before and his eyes were plastered on yours.
“I know exactly what I’m talking about” he said in a soft tone, raising his eyebrows delicately. You stayed silent for a few moments, unsure of what you should say to that, it’s not that you didn’t want to, of course, but you knew the consequences could be serious if anyone was to find out, you knew your father wasn’t a force to be messed with, so you just looked back at Tom and he smiled knowingly; he took the mug from your hands and set it on the stair you were stood on, and he then picked you up, one hand on the small of your back and the other under your butt to keep you steady, and he started walking up the stairs with you, and walked into his room, not bothering to shut the door behind him, no one else was in the house anyway. You hadn’t been in his room before, and you weren’t surprised to see the walls were dark, a dark shade of purple to be exact, and his walls were covered by paintings, framed certificates, elegance. He put you down lightly on the bed, kissing you while doing it, breaking the kiss, you moved so that you were lying along the bed and he moved with you, lying down your side and leaning over you, one arm keeping himself steady on the bed, other cupping your face as he kissed you, his hand progressively moving further and further until it was cupping your asscheek, and not your face. Your hands were on the back of his neck, your legs tangled together, breathing slowly and deeply as you tasted each other, taking your time, having all the time in the world.
“You should probably take these off” he said, growled almost, tugging needingly at your leggings and sliding his hand up your jumper. What needed to be done, was done, both of you pried items of clothing off one another until you were both in your birthday suits, and then slipped under his duvet covers, as close to each other as humanly possible, as things started getting more heated, kisses getting sloppier, his hand was just finding its way quizzically down your stomach and slowly into your ‘privates’ as you wrapped your legs diligently around his waist. The moment, beautiful, as you were about to give into your lust for one another was cut short when both of you stopped dead in your tracks after hearing a very clear and unhappy “What the fuck” coming from his bedroom door.
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can you please tag me in Boy Are Mean?? also i love you whole page, like i can’t get enough💖💓💕💞💖💞💞💘💞💞💕💓💗💖💖💘💓
Thanking you, you’ve been added to the tag list!
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Not a story request but.. Could we possibly get a face reveal...? IF NOT THEN IT'S OKAY
I meannnn I don't know, like, how many people actually want one?
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When is the next Boy are mean to girls coming out? plus can i have tag in it please? :)
I haven't got the foggiest idea when, I'm sorry, I'm trying to think of where to go with the plot from here 😅 But yeah of course you can x
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GUYS 😱😱😱😱
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The World Is Your Oyster
Request: Hi! I have a request where Tom is dating a girl with a little extra weight and he posts a photo with her and someone bullies reader but he defends her Thanks! (@sparklypeanutturtleempath )
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
"Can you not put that on anywhere?" you asked Tom as he looked at the picture he just took of the two of you at the beach. There was an admiring fondness in his look and made your heart flutter with the amount of love you had for this boy, but you didn't want that picture going anywhere. It had been hard enough for him to drag you out to the beach today, and that was already pushing outwith your comfort zone. Since you could remember, you seemed to always have a bit of extra weight that you just couldn't shift, just the way you were built. Big bosoms and thunder things, topped off by flabby arms and a soft belly. You tried to always accept and love yourself for who you are, be comfortable in your body, but it was hard when Tom took you out to LA with him, where you were surrounded by all these perfectly sculpted people.
"But love, why not? You look amazing" he assured you, taking your hand and holding it in his, everything you needed was hidden in that simple gesture.
"You may think so, but not everyone else will too" you told him, a sad little smile on your face. You've had your fair share of Internet hate and though you try to look like it doesn't bother you, it does, of course it does.
"Who cares what others think?" he said, squeezing your hand lightly.
"You're right" you said, but it wasn't what you were thinking. You liked putting others' happiness above your own, so if Tom really wanted to upload that picture, you'd let him and just not look at the comment section to avoid the hate that would come.
Tom smiled at you and starting tapping away at his phone, uploading the picture on his Instagram. You felt light palpatations in your chest but chose to ignore them. You said back in your lounger and sipped on a cool Coke as you seen Tom frown at his phone, scrolling down as you assumed he was refreshing his notifications. He sat up and raised his phone to his face, and you were about to ask what he was doing when he said "Hey guys, just wanted to say hi from the beach! But now to start what I'm here for, as my fans, you should respect me and what I love, right? Right. Well I love Y/N, and each and every single one of you should respect her like you respect me, I promise you, every single hate comment directed her way, will be blocked and reported. Honestly guys, it's sad that some of you would take time out of your day to try and put someone else down. My baby is the most amazing person to walk this earth, and disrespecting her is disrespecting me. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk."
He disconnected the live video and put his phone down to look at you. You felt a stinging at the back of your throat and your eyes started welling with tears, because he stood up for you, in the most heart touching way.
"I love you so much" you said, wiping a tear that just made its way down your cheek.
"Baby, please don't cry. Look, smile, the world is your oyster" he said as he took your chin in his hand and laid a sweet soft kiss on your lips
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Instead of writing fully fledged requests you can totally throw in like, a few quotes or prompts into my ask that you'd like me to include in a one shot and I'll whip up a story around the quotes if u wanttt
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Reblog if you're a fanfic writer and you wanna know what your followers' favorite story of yours is ❤
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Dear everyone who wants a masterlist
Yeah um so I made one but uh it isn't working the way I want it to work so at the age of 17 I feel 103 because I can't work a damn masterlist so long story short there ain't one :)))))
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Hi there! If you’re reading this, you’re beautiful, and I love you! I’m kinda new to this blog stuff, but I saw it as a way to put a smile on your face and make you think the best of yourself, just like I think of you! Feel free to message me, and befriend me, sweetheart!
— Peter P. 💕
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Request: may i have a tom x reader that he's far away filming a new movie and he receives a call from her mom saying that she's at the hospital passing through a surgery because her appendix just broke?
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Word count: 700????
“Tom? Sweetheart okay listen this is important, promise me not to do anything stupid” Tom’s mum told him over the phone as he was talking to her during his lunch break on another day of filming.
“Mum? What is it, you’re scaring me” he said, suddenly unable to eat. He had a feeling something was wrong.
"It's Y/N she said carefully, not giving him anything else.
"What about her?" he asked, feeling his heart rate pick up and suddenly his breathing got slower and deeper, his heart squeezing itself.
"Y/N had to be rushed to hospital, her appendix burst when she was at the gym this morning, she’s in surgery right now” his mum told him slowly, phrasing everything clearly so there’d be no misunderstanding in the news she was passing on.
Tom froze, he still clutched his phone at his ear, staring ahead of him, feeling like time had froze. His co workers noticed something was off as they all stopped what they were doing, all conversation had died down and the only thing to be heard in the canteen was the noises coming from the kitchen.
“Tom?” his mum spoke again after a few seconds of silence.
“When?” he asked.
“Tommy, when what?”
“When did the surgery start, mum” he asked her, his voice hurried, urgent.
“Just ten minutes ago, she’ll be in there for about an hour” she said, her voice calming, trying to assure Tom that everything was okay.
“I’m flying out” he said simply, but before he could even move his mum said “Tom, don’t be daft. It’s a simple operation, she’ll be okay, I’ll be here when she wakes up, as will her parents”.
“No mum, I don’t care. I want to be there to make sure she’s okay. I want to be there to hold her hand and ask her if she’s okay. She’d do it for me”
“Tom you’re halfway across the globe” his mum tried to reason.
“That’s hardly relevant” he said as he was already getting up and walking over to the director’s office.
“Boss I need time out” he said popping his head in the door, phone still in his hand “Family emergency, I need to fly out immediately, I’ll be back by tomorrow evening, we’ve finished filming my scenes for now anyway so it won’t cause inconveniences, this is just really urgent”
“Tom, you look like your cat just died, I can see your frantic, so you can have a few days, you just have to let me know when you'll be back, ideally don't take more than 4 days because we're going to need you back on set soon.”
He nodded curtly and speed walked out of the building, getting into his car he heard "Tom where're you going, mate?"
It was Harrison, jogging towards the car, getting into the passenger seat without question- this was the best thing about Harrison, Tom could depend on him in any situation and Harrison wouldn't think twice and being down.
"Flying home Haz" Tom said simply, reversing out of the car park.
"What? What's wrong?"
"Y/N's appendix burst, she's having an operation and I want to be there, so we're going to go and buy tickets for the next plane home" Tom explained as quickly as he could.
"Plane tickets? You're right because it's not like you can take the jet" Haz said sarcastically.
"Oh wait you're right, that's faster" Tom agreed, slapping himself mentally.
"What would you do without me, man" he joked, trying to take Tom's mind off worrying.
"Die probably" Tom said nodding, smiling lightly.
"Probably" Harrison agreed.
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We Want Each Other, No One Will Break First
A/N: Right so I decided to do something new here, and basically what that is, is I’ve put two requests together, and I hope you enjoy! ALSO I’ve decided to write it, not in first person, so that the lyrics part would make sense yanoooooo
Request: Tom and reader where reader is a co star and they are having their first interview together and Tom is calming reader down, always talking about how amazing she is and is secretly stealing glances at her the whole time?! And she’s just oblivious to it all, until their fans point it out online and ship them together AND hi!! can I request a tom x reader imagine based off of the song Why by Shawn Mendes?? thanks!! <3 (anon & @literally-every-name-was-taken )
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Word count: 1141
“Oh I’m so nervous” she said as she twirled her hands in front of her, sitting beside Tom on a high black chair, in front of a camera and a crew- about to do their first interview together about Infinity War, and normally Tom would’ve been put with Ben but they decided to put her with him since their characters in the film had a close knitted relationship.
“Y/N it’s okay, you’re great. Just don’t do anything I would do and you’ll be okay” he joked, nudging her lightly with his elbow and taking a sip of water from the bottle that sat beside his chair. She looked over at him and ran her eyes over the loose curl of chocolate brown hair that was falling into his eyes, also a deep shade of brown. He noticed her eyes skimming his face, looking into his eyes with a feeling that wasn’t just friendly, and he didn’t say anything but the butterflies that erupted in his stomach spoke for themselves. He sent her one last reassuring smile before the interviewer sat in his seat in front of them, and he had to tear his eyes away from her face, unwillingly.
I know a girl, she's like a curse
We want each other, no one will break first
“Tom, Y/N, my name’s Mark, hi, I’ll be interviewing you today” he spoke, his voice hurried, stumbling on some words. Both Y/N and Tom noticed he was visibly nervous and silently concluded that it must be one of his first interviews, their suspicions were confirmed when he apologised and said “I’m a bit excited, it’s my first interview and they give me you guys, it’s crazy”. They laughed good-heartedly and Y/N said “I was a bit nervous too, I’m pretty new to the whole acting business, you know? It’s my first big movie so I’m not really used to people making a fuss about me”. Tom admired her, her delicately sculpted face and her radiant smile; he got heart eyes whenever he thought about her.
So many nights, trying to find someone new
They don't mean nothing compared to her, and I know
“We can mentally support each other through this” the young interviewer said, grinning at Y/N with a thankful expression on his face “Okay so I’ll be reading questions submitted to us by fans, you ready? Ali W. from London wants to know if your chemistry offset is just as good as it is on set?”
They knew what they were asking: in the film, Y/N’s character played Peter’s love interest, and so they had romantic chemistry on the set, and the fan wanted to know if there was something going on between Tom and Y/N. Of course the honest answer was no, but it was more complicated than that, everyone could see they had chemistry, everyone wanted them to have chemistry, but they refused to make that chemistry happen.
When people ask about us, now, we just brush it off
I don't know why we act like it means nothing at all
“Sure we have chemistry, just maybe not the kind of chemistry we have in the film” Tom said choosing his words carefully, out of the corner of his eye seeing that Y/N was looking at him, surveying his face, if he didn’t know better he’d say that her eyes looked saddened by that, but it must’ve been the light.
The interviewer looked between the pair, with a cynical expression and everyone who could see his face knew instantly that he didn’t believe that for a second. “Okay sure, well this question is for Y/N, Gina J. from Texas wants to know how it feels being in such a big movie, right at the start of your career?”
“At the start it kind of felt like being thrown into the deep end of a pool without any caution, you go from doing small, irrelevant roles in films into one of the mains in such a big industry, and you’re surrounded by people like Chris Evans and Robert Downey Junior, you know, it’s crazy, really. Another thing is that…” she kept talking as Tom drowned out the sound of her voice as he gazed at her adoringly. He took in every little detail, the way she uses her hands when she speaks, the way she raises her perfectly arched brow when she’s saying something funny, the way her cheeks dimple and eyes crinkle when she smiles.
I wish that I could tell you that you're all that I want, yeah
Y/N turned round to look at Tom expectantly, because the interviewer just asked him a question but he was too spaced out to hear him. It was when Y/N raised her eyebrows at him that he snapped out and looked at the interviewer saying “I beg your pardon?”.
The interviewer smiled a small smile to himself, seeing how clearly drunk in love they were with each other, not understanding why they wouldn’t just admit the fact they fit together perfectly, like two puzzle pieces.
Why do we put each other through hell?
Why can't we just get over ourselves?
After the interview they both went to their hotel rooms, each doing the same thing, just not together. They were looking at the comments under their interview and seeing the hundreds of fans screaming at them to just give into each other, telling them they’re perfect together, wondering why they aren’t together. And both of them wondered the same things, separately. They both knew people of fame didn’t have it easy, they knew they wouldn’t have privacy, just like they knew that eventually they’d run out of time. But wasn’t it worth it? To feel happiness for as long as you’re supposed to, to feel love?
I know a girl, she's like a curse
We want each other, no one will break first
So many nights, trying to find someone new
They don't mean nothing compared to you
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