#me when my mom says no chickfila fr
ohmanareyoucereal69 · 26 days
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the-spiritess-eliza · 7 years
could you answer all the unusual questions as well?
1.Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Sound Cloud2.is your room messy or clean? Clean3.what color are your eyes? They switch between green and brown4.do you like your name? why? Yes because I’m named after my great great aunt5.what is your relationship status? Single6.describe your personality in 3 words or less. Cynical, warm, and psychological 7.what color hair do you have? Brown8.what kind of 🚗 do you drive? color? I don’t have a lisence9.where do you shop? Hot Topic mostly 10.how would you describe your style? Punkish I don’t really know I wear black t-shirts, jeans, and boots11.favorite social media account.  tumblr12.what size 🛏️ do you have? Twin13.any siblings? Nope I’m all by myself14.if you can live anywhere in the 🌍 where would it be? why? Live anywhere, I don’t really know: NYC LA Waco15.favorite snapchat filter? That sparkily blue one16.favorite makeup brand(s). Maybelline 17.how many times a week do you 🚿? Everyday18.favorite 📺 show? Doctor Who or Supernatural19.👞 size? Womens 8-9.5 it depends if I’m wearing converse or boots20.how tall are you? 5'621.sandals or sneakers? Sneakers22.do you go to the gym? No cause marching band23.describe your dream date. Filling up the back of a truck with blankets and pillows and then driving out to the middle of nowhere and looking at the stars/\.24.how much 💰 do you have in your wallet at the moment? Probably like $1525.what color socks are you wearing? None26.how many pillows do you 💤 with? 10 or so, I’m a total pillow fiend 27.do you have a job? what do you do? I do my homework sometimes and try to stay okay28.how many friends do you have? By this meaning of friend I’m going to guess the people who don’t drain my social battery so then- 6 I think29.whats the worst thing you have ever done? Probably remembering things people wanted me to forget about them.30.whats your favorite 🕯️ scent? Freon 31.3 favorite boy names. Harvey, Rolland, Toby, Merlyn, Logan32.3 favorite girl names. Mavis, Marceline, Lavonis, Andromeda 33.favorite actor? CHRISTIAN SLATTTTEERRRR AND JACK NICHOLSOOON!34.favorite actress? Nicole Kidman35.who is your celebrity crush? Probably young Christian Slater36.favorite movie? The Silence of the Lambs37.do you read a lot? whats your favorite 📓? Yes, Look for me by Moonlight by Mary Downing Hahn38.💰 or brains? Both are nice but humor is best39.do you have a nickname? what is it? Lil, Laff, Ghost, Flower Child (what my aunt calls me)40.how many times have you been to the 🏥? I’m guessing that mean the city. Uh, I’ve been to the city plenty of times.41.top 10 favorite songs. Out of order- The Shape of my Heart(Sting) Holiday(GreenDay) Dead Girl Walking(don’t fucking judge me the guitar in that song is amazing) This is Gospel(P!ATD) Nights in White Satin(Moody Blues) Surrender(Cheap Trick) Music of The Night(Phantom of the Opera) Right Round(NSP) People are Strange(The Doors) Pet Sematary(The Ramones) Thnks fr the mmrs(Fall out Boy)42.do you take any medications daily? Yes43.what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) Yes44.what is your biggest fear? Never finding happiness and being lonely and also dolls45.how many kids do you want? More than one, its really difficult being and only child46.whats your go to hair style? Side part because my fair is curly as fuck47.what type of 🏠 do you live in? (big, small, etc) Two story48.who is your role model? My grandmother she’s a fucking badass. Like to an extent where I might have to write a huge post about all the cool things she has done49.what was the last compliment you received? The chick at a 7/11 cash register called me cute and it totally made my dat50.what was the last text you sent? "Its fine man”51.how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? My mom told me when I was 12 but I had known for years52.what is your dream 🚗? 1967 Chevy Pickup53.opinion on smoking? I’m asthmatic but I love Tim Sutton and Christian Slater54.do you go to college? Le High School life55.what is your dream job? Writer56.would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Suburbs57.do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? Duh58.do you have freckles? Due to ☀️ damage? Yep. When you’re in pit for marching band the sun its one side of your body the entire time so I’m half tan half pale. I’m like a fucking neopolitan.59.do you 😁 for pictures? I hate having my picture taken.60.how many pictures do you have on your 📱? 900 something61.have you ever peed in the woods? Nope62.do you still watch cartoons? Yes63.do you prefer 🐔 nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? Mcdonalds64.Favorite dipping sauce? Chickfilas 🍯 Honey Mustered 65.what do you wear to 🛏️? Short cotton shorts and a t-shirt66.have you ever won a spelling 🐝? I suck at spelling67.what are your hobbies? Writing, drawing, being wierd68.can you draw? Yes69.do you play an instrument? Yes, all percussion instruments.70.what was the last concert you saw? U271.tea or coffee? Coffee72.Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Starbucks73.do you want to get married? Hell yeah74.what is your crush’s first and last initial? I had one for five days, he asked me out, I said yes, and then whatever I had been feeling left as the date began.73.are you going to change your last name when you get married? Hyphenate that shit74.what color looks best on you? Black and red75.do you miss anyone right now? Yeah76.do you 💤 with your 🚪 open or closed? Closed I get the worst night terrors if its open77.do you believe in ghosts? Yeah78.what is your biggest pet peeve? “Libarry” When people spell night as “nite” the dog filter on snapchat79.last person you called` my mom80.favorite 🍨 flavor? Mint Chocolate Chip81.regular oreos or golden oreos? Dafaq is a Golden Oreo?82.🍫 or 🌈 sprinkles? Yes83.what 👕 are you wearing? Black t-shirt and prussian blue sleep-shorts with moons and stars all over with black lace trim84.what is your 📱 background? Pastel pink with a black heart that says UGH85.are you outgoing or shy? Shy86.do you like it when people play with your hair? Depends on who they are 87.do you like your neighbors? I hide from them most of the time88.do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Night89.have you ever been high? Yes(It wasn’t intentional and I’ll do a story time on it or sooner if I get an ask on it)90.have you ever been drunk? Ye(It wasn’t intentional and I’ll do a story time on it or sooner if I get an ask on it)91.last thing you ate? Pizza92.favorite lyrics right now. And we sang dirges in the dark, the day the music died.93.summer or winter? Summer94.day or night? Night95.dark, milk, or white 🍫? Dark, like the night.96.favorite month? March97.what is your zodiac sign. Pisces 98.who was the last person you 😢 in front of? Besides myself, my mother.
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