#me when repetition :0000
paw-padss · 6 months
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the sun has long since set, and the sky is now only illuminated by the gentle glow of the moon and the twinkle of her surrounding stars. The wind blows steadily in the quiet streets as everyone seeks refuge for the night.
everyone except you.
sitting anxiously by the door, careful not to do so much as a wink, for you might fall asleep and miss it.
miss him.
you don't want to miss him as he walks through the door, with his red hair tied back in a messy ponytail and a tired smile plastered on his face. his musk invading your senses as he practically falls into your embrace, quietly mumbling about his day as he gently kisses along your neck and collarbone.
you don't want to miss the opportunity to lead him to the kitchen table, hanging up his coat along the way, and seating him next to you as you both share a quiet, late dinner.
falling asleep now would mean you wouldn't get to follow him into the bathroom, using the toilet as your seat while he's in the shower, sharing remarks about your day. Eventually, brush your teeth side-by-side in front of the cramped sink.
and then you would follow him to the bedroom, curling up next to him as you both let the stress of the day melt into the sheets, exchanging I love you's before allowing your eyes to close and falling asleep wrapped up in each other's embrace.
that, is why you cannot risk closing your eyes at this moment, you cannot risk the chance to finally enjoy a calming nighttime routine with Diluc.
you must not.
your eyes dart to the clock and back to the door, the minutes tick by ever so slowly, and your brain starts to feel a bit foggy.
you blink.
or at least you thought you did, but when you open your eyes, you can smell the aroma of breakfast wafting in from the kitchen and sunlight creeping through the window shade.
slowly crawling out of bed, you see the sight that you had been wishing to see all night.
red hair draped around his shoulders, a tan apron pressed around his figure, and a pair of pajamas. Diluc stood in front of the stove, turning around to greet you.
even though you didn't get to say good night, at least you got to say good morning.
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henrysglock · 3 months
D.A.D. and The Squawk: Radio-Based Mindflayer Tracking Devices
The WSQK van was leaked showing it with the radar dish/antenna that was originally in Steve’s car:
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I've talked before how the antenna was reminiscent of Bob's D.A.D. (Directional Antenna Device) from TFS, which he, Joyce, and Hopper used to track down the weird radio emissions that happened every time Henry had a Mindflayer attack.
Now that the van has it, I want to talk about the WSQK slogan:
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"The Squawk"
What's so special about the squawk? Well.
First: The Definition
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The main protest we see is in ST3, when a guy named Henry is leading a protest against the construction of Starcourt (a cover for the Russians trying to open a gate to the UD, which would activate the Mindflayer ...interesting connection, that). It also has other ties to protesting and Starcourt, like Murray's code name being Bald Eagle and him/Nancy "squawking" about Barb's death re: HNL and the UD. You could even say Terry "squawked" about Brenner, and we all know she has an absolutely insane number of ties to both in-show Henry and TFS Henry. There's also the fact that it's vomiting rainbows vs Will vomiting up slugs vs the ties between the slugs, the Mindflayer, and Brenner/HNL.
So right off the bat the slogan is a tie to Henry, Brenner/HNL, the Mindflayer, and fighting The Man.
Second: Squawk Codes
I'm not sure how many of y'all are military/aircraft loons, but "squawk codes" were invented during WW2 as radio-transmitted codes to distinguish between Allies and Axis to avoid friendly fire as part of the IFF system "Parrot". They range from 0000 to 7777, and each one has a meaning.
This, of course, immediately had me thinking of this:
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In Squawk, 3700 becomes:
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What's an AEW aircraft?
Airborn Early Warning. AEW aircrafts patrol to keep on the lookout for incoming aerial and/or maritime attacks.
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They're even used to track UFOs
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So, given that these were implemented in WW2, we can all see the ties to Victor, yes? And how this creates a nice web of connections between all this:
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And Henry/TFS? Nifty.
One last thing: IFF "Parrot"
Are we 100% sure the bird on the van is an eagle? Because while it does resemble an eagle, it also resembles a parrot.
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Given that it has a short lower beak and ruffled feathers (it also happens to be colorful), whereas a screeching eagle is sleek and has an elongated lower beak:
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I talked about it with Em, and we both agree that it looks like a weird eagle-parrot hybrid, which may be an intentional stylization to cover both the eagle symbolization and the IFF references (parroting having ties to mind control and the Mindflayer, as well as the threads of word repetition in ST as a whole).
In summary: If the antenna and the radio station are being used the same way Bob's D.A.D. was in TFS, then it essentially functions as a radio-based early warning system against the Mindflayer, which is supported by the design and slogan of the WSQK van.
Additional support:
There’s a poster of “The Squawk” in the theater of The First Shadow, tying the two directly together. It’s a nice final piece to the puzzle!
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Aviation Weather - METAR
Aviation weather METARs or Meteorological Terminal Air Reports
Meteorological Terminal Air Report (METAR) are the aviation weather reports issued frequently throughout the day that are a current snapshot of the current conditions at an airfield.
What is contained in a METAR?
The elements of these aviation weather reports are normally given in the order below.
Code Name
The indicator group for example METAR, SPECI, or TREND as appropriate. Where a number of METARs are issued in the same bulletin, this, along with a date time group may be in the bulletin header.
The ICAO airport code of the reporting station (KJFK - JFK Airport).
Date/Time of Report
The day of the month and the time of the aviation weather observation in hours and minutes based on UTC time, this is shown as 011530z which would be the first of the month at 1530z.
If a report contains the code word AUTO, this indicates that the report has been generated using data from an automated weather observation system.
Surface Wind
The reported wind is the mean wind direction in degrees true to the nearest 10 degrees, from which the wind is blowing and the mean wind speed in knots over the 10 minute period immediately before the observation, Metar wind reports will be shown for example as 35015KT, in plain language this would equate to 350 degrees true(direction) at 15 kts(speed).
Alternatively a wind report such as VRB05KT means that surface wind conditions cannot be shown, in this example VRB05kts would translate into a plain language equivalent of variable wind direction with a wind speed of 5kts.
Having a surface wind readout of “00000” means that the surface wind conditions are calm.
If gusts exceed the mean wind speed by 10kts or more in the 10 minutes leading up to the observation time of the report, the letter G and 2 more numbers are added to indicate the maximum wind speed, for example 23018G30KT translates to a wind from 230 degrees true with a maintained wind of 18 kts but the wind is also gusting up to a maximum of 30 kts.
Reports vary around the world as different regions offer wind speed in different measurement units, therefore it must me mentioned that Metar reports may express wind speed in metres per second (MPS) or Kilometres per hour (KPH).
Wind speeds of 100 kts or more shall be preceded by the letter P and reported as P99KT or P99MPS or P199KPH.
Reported in a four figure group (for example 0300 = 300 metres; 9000 = 9 km) up to but excluding 10 km, therefore a reported visibility of “9999” is considered as having a visibility of 10km or more. In very poor conditions “0000” may be reported, this means that there is less than 50 meters visibility.
Runway Visual Range (RVR)
This number may be included in reports during poor or reduced visibility. This report will be preceeded by the letter R (runway) followed by two numbers (runway identifier), there will then be a “/” followed by 4 digits. This means that a report such as R18/0250 would mean that Runway18 has an RVR of 250 meters.
In the case of parallel runways these will be shown as R18L with the L being for runway 18Left, (there can only be 3 options here L, C, or R - Left, Center & Right)
RVR will only normally be issued for visibility less than 1500, therefore a visibility above this number (if presented on a metar) will have a P before the 1500 figure, so a readout such as R18R/P1500, would mean that runway 18Right has an RVR of greater than 1500.
RVR in most situations has a minimum readout of 50, which means that an M before the 4 digit visibility means the value is below what the measurement equipment can gather, in this case a report of 18C/M0050 would mean that runway 18Center has an RVR less than 50.
RVR values can have the letters U, D, or N following their readout, this is a code to show if the RVR is increasing, decreasing, or no change is expected.
The current weather is indicated by up to 3 groups comprising symbols and letters from the following:
- = slight
+ = Heavy
BC = Patches
BL = Blowing
BR = Mist
DR = Low Drifting
DS = Dust Storm
DU = Widespread Dust
DZ = Drizzle
FG = Fog
FC = Funnel Cloud (e.g. Tornado)
FU = Smoke
FZ = Freezing
GR = Hail
GS = Small Hail
HZ = Haze
IC = Ice Crystals
MI = Shallow
PL = Ice Pellets
PO = Dust Devils
RA = Rain
SA = Sand
SG = Snow Grains
SH = Shower
SN = Snow
SQ = Squall
SS = Sandstorm
TS = Thunderstorm
VA = Volcanic Ash
VC = In the vicinity (nearby)
UP = Unidentified Precipitation
RE = Recent
These codes can be coupled, so for example +SHRAGR could be output, this would mean that there is currently (+)heavy (SH)showers of (RA)rain & (GR)hail.
Cloud amount is reported in oktas, this means that if you looked at the sky and split this view in 8, each section would be 1 okta, how many oktas are covered will give certain reports which are shown here:
1. FEW = few clouds (1-2 oktas),
2. SCT = scattered cloud (3-4 oktas),
3. BKN = broken clouds (5-7 oktas),
4. OVC = overcast (8 oktas).
Following this 3 letter code will show a 3 digit number which represent the cloud base which is reported as a height (in feet) above aerodrome elevation. For example a readout of SCT018 means that there is scattered clouds at 1800 ft. *Note that in area and route forecasts, heights are AMSL or standard pressure altitudes.
Selection of cloud layers reported is made as follows:
· The lowest Layer;
· The next lowest layer of SCT or more;
· The next higher layer of BKN or more;
· Significant convective cloud (CB or TCU) if not already reported.
“Sky obscured” is input on a METAR as VV(vertical visibility)this figure again is is a set of digits which represents hundreds of feet. If the vertical visibility has not been measured, the report will read VV///, which means it has not been measured.
When there are no clouds that are of operational significance to aviation, this means no CB (cumulonimbus) or TCU (towering cumulus) and CAVOK is not appropriate, the abbreviation NSC (No Significant Cloud) will be used.
The Visibility, Cloud, and Weather groups are replaced by the term CAVOK (cloud and visibility OK) when the following weather conditions exist at the same time:
· Visibility is 10km or more.
· No CB or TCU and no cloud below 5000 feet or Minimum Sector Altitude (MSA) (whichever is the greater).
· No significant weather at or in the vicinity of the aerodrome.
Air temperature and dewpoint are reported in METARs to whole degrees Celsius, for example 10/07 would read as “temperature 10°C with a Dew point of 7°C”.
QNH is stated to the nearest whole hectopascal (equivalent to a millibar) rounded down and preceded by the letter Q to make things shorter, for example Q1013 equals QNH 1013 hectopascals.
Recent Weather
Significant recent weather observed in the period since the last routine observation will be reported by using the code letters for weather (table above) preceded by the letters RE. So for example RETS would mean recent thunderstorm.
Wind Shear
In a METAR, civil aerodromes may include wind shear if reported along the take off or approach paths in the lowest 1600 ft with reference to the runway. WS is used to begin the group, e.g. WS TKOF RWY20. If the wind shear is affecting all runways, WS ALL RWY is reported.
Aerodrome Color State
UK military and USAF aerodromes will include the abbreviated colour state at the end of the message and add the forecast colour state after the TREND section.
Runway State Group (RSG)
An 8-figure group which may be added to METAR from civil aerodromes.
· Runway designator (first two digits)
27 = Rwy 27 or 27L
77 = Rwy 27R (50 added to the designator for "right" runway)
88 = All runways
99 = repetition of the last message as no new information received.
· Runway Deposits (third digit)
0 = Clear and dry
1 = Damp
2 = Wet or water patches
3 = Rime or frost covered (depth normally less than 1mm)
4 = Dry snow
5 = Wet snow
6 = Slush
7 = Ice
8 = compacted or rolled snow
9 = frozen ruts or ridges
/ = type of deposit not reported
· Extent of runway contamination (fourth digit)
1 = 10% or less
2 = 11% to 25%
5 = 26% to 50%
9 = 51% to 100%
/ = not reported
· Depth of Deposit:
The quoted depth is the mean of a number of readings or, if operationally significant, the greatest depth measured.
00 = less than 1mm
01 = 1mm etc
90 = 90mm
91 = not used
92 = 10cm
93 = 15cm
94 = 20cm
95 = 25cm
96 = 30cm
97 = 35cm
98 = 40cm or more
99 = Rwy(s) non-operational due to snow, slush, ice, large drifts or runway clearance, but depth not reported.
// = depth of deposit operationally not significant or measurable.
· Friction Coefficient or Braking Action (seventh and eighth digits)
The mean value is transmitted or, if operationally significant, the lowest value, e.g.:
28 = friction coefficient 0.28
38 = friction coefficient 0.38
91 = Braking action: Poor
92 = Braking action: Medium/Poor
93 = Braking action: Medium
94 = Braking action: Medium/Good
95 = Braking action: Good
99 = Figures unreliable
// = Braking action not reported
If contamination conditions do not exist, the abbreviation CLRD can be used:.
25CLRD93 = Rwy 25 cleared; Braking action: Medium/Good
88CLRD95 = All rwys cleared; Braking Action: Good
TREND forecasts are indicated by BECMG (Becoming) or TEMPO (temporary) which may be followed by a time group (hours and minutes UTC) preceded by one of the letter indicated FM (from), TL (until), AT (at)
For example BECMG FM1030 TL1130 would mean that the weather will become, from 1030UTC until 1130UTC - followed by the weather within that time.
NOSIG replaces the TREND group when no significant changes are forecast to occur during the 2 hour forecast period.
To indicate the end of significant weather the abbreviation NSW (No Significant Weather) will be used used.
Only those elements for which a significant change is expected should be included in a TREND.
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linny-of-the-lakes · 8 years
D&D: Time Fuckery
Hoo boy. I feel obliged to get this in writing.
We’re a party of 5 11th-level dragonriders in Pathfinder. In today’s session, deep in a cave system full of traps and bats and shit, we found our party up against 4 anacondas, size class Gargantuan. We had just dispelled what should have been a long, tricky encounter with a single clever/lucky spell, so our GM was determined to really get us with this one. These snakes are extremely strong and extremely tough. We get lucky with one of them, and manage to use a spell to miniaturize it (we’re determined to name it Nicki Minaj and keep it as a pet), but now our GM is really sick of our shit. We summon a Cave Bear to give us a hand, and immediately it is grappled and crushed in the snakes’ coils. We are in for a hell of a fight. 
Now, our ranger, who is a force of chaos unto himself, has for the past couple of levels had in his possession an item known as the Rod of Wonder. It was never our GM’s intention to let us keep the Rod of Wonder, but our ranger managed to hold onto it (he stores it in a pocket dimension in his belly button, but that’s another story). What the Rod does is that when used, it produces one of 10,000 magical effects, at random based on a 4d10 roll, from this table. They range from unpleasant to serendipitous to universe-breaking. Like, literally, if you roll 0000, the nearest star explodes in a massive supernova. So our ranger pulls that bad boy out of his belly button and fires it at the nearest snake.
He rolls a 9978. 
Within a space of 60 yards around the snake, time stops.
All three snakes are frozen mid-attack. Further enriching the visual tableau we’ve created is the Cave Bear, frozen in an eternal roar as a hundred-foot anaconda squeezes it in its coils. 
Three of our five party members, along with their dragons, are frozen as well, but me (party bard), the ranger, and both of our dragons are outside the radius. We chuck a couple of jacks in the direction of the time stop zone. Most fall short, but one pauses in midair the moment it passes the threshold. The ranger and I look at each other. The ranger’s dragon can breathe bolts of electricity, and we both have bows and a good supply of arrows. We’re also big Touch the Skyrim fans.
We spend the next hour aiming arrow after arrow at two of the snakes. The arrows pause midair just as they reach the dome of stopped time, lining up like bullets in the matrix.  
The ranger’s dragon focuses on the third snake and breathes as much electricity as it can at it. Given that he can fire a bolt every 18 seconds on average for about a half an hour before he’s exhausted, that’s a hundred lightning bolts. They don’t dispel when they enter the time stop zone; they just hang there, glistening webs of energy frozen in an instant. 
We exhaust ourselves. We take a nap. The nap turns into an eight-hour solid sleep.
We wake up. In front of us, our party members and the three giant snakes are still frozen in time. We start to get worried. How long have we stopped time for? A day, a week, a year, forever? 
We have rations to last us a week. We decide to hang around another few days and then start working back through the cave system to get help from, I dunno, an adult. We’re pretty sure without most of our party (inc. our fighter and wizard) we won’t make it back past the first set of traps. We use our telepathy to send a message into the time stop zone, but of course the message is halted in midair, piling up upon itself; dozens and dozens of repetitions of the phrase ‘don’t move!’
After a full day of waiting, time unfreezes.
Our comrades are totally unaware time ever stopped. In their minds, the fight proceeds as normal one moment - perhaps they catch sight of the ranger drawing the Rod of Wonder - and then, suddenly, a hundred telepathic voices cry in unison: DON’T MOVE! 
And in the same moment, a hundred lightning bolts strike at once. Two hundred arrows meet their mark.
The smoke clears. In the silence, a single jack falls to the ground with a soft plink.
Two snakes are nothing more than mincemeat decorated with enough arrow fletching to form a coat of feathers. The third - the one the lightning hit - is now a crater of black glass with a few carbonized bones lying within. 
Everyone in the time stop radius has been temporarily deafened by the impact. The party members nearest the blast were hit with enough ambient electricity to take a full sixty points of damage - knocking our cleric unconscious and nearly fatally wounding her. I rush to her side to cast a shitty bardic healing spell that pulls her from the brink of death. 
Her eyes open. She looks around, bewildered and stunned. The ranger and I look at the chaos we’ve sown, then at each other. It takes us ten minutes to stop laughing. 
“God fucking dammit”, says our GM. 
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stompsite · 8 years
dev blog #0000 - Origin Story
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You might have heard that I’m working on a video game. This is true. I am working with some utterly incredible folks on a video game. We call it Game One.
I’ve tried to get various game project started over the years. When I first got sick, I ended up with inflammation in my brain that messed me up somethin fierce. Reading, writing, programming, all gone. I worked really hard, and I got the writing back over half a decade or so. Reading too. Nowhere near as good as I was, but passable. Programming, though? That never came back. Maybe, with treatment. Maybe. It would be impossible without other people, though.
Every time I’d suggest a project--that first person XCOM, the tiny linear shooter, heck, the little business management game, the strategy game--people would get all enthusiastic about it, I’d draw up a design document, and, of course, nothing would come of it. Getting people organized online is like wrangling cats. The furthest we got, some art folks actually did art, didn’t tell anyone, played Minecraft, and wondered why we hadn’t made a game of the art we didn’t know existed.
Then along comes my friend Phillip Bastien. I’d hit on this new idea for a story, I thought it was great, I was telling him about it, and he goes silent. Something like ten minutes later, he hits me up with a drawing of a character I’ve been calling the Plague Knight. Not a great name, but it gets the job done, and the drawing? Well, wow. It was awesome.
One of the great things about Phillip is that he gets what’s in my head better than most. The only difference between my vision and his is that I had the guy with candles floating above the head, but I think Phillip’s version works better.
Here’s the most recent finished piece:
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We tossed some stuff back and forth. Visuals started taking shape. I’m lucky to have a friend like Phillip. One thing I’ve learned is that the greatest physical motivator is having a visual. People don’t believe the game is real until they’ve got concept art. That’s the key thing. I’d never had good concept art before. Mine is awful, and I don’t know many artists willing to sketch some stuff up to help the project move along. This game would not have happened without Phillip.
It was readily apparent that this shooter was too big; I think an early description framed it as “an RPG shooter that blends elements of Halo, The Legend of Zelda, and Shadow of the Colossus with the movement of Mirror’s Edge” or something. Too big. Way too big. Not like the smaller games. Plus, single-player shooters don’t really sell that well unless they’re big, open-world titles with big brand names behind them.
I knew that making a competitive shooter was simpler--it’s why most mod teams (and Valve, which has that weird flat structure thing) work best with them--but competitive indie shooters don’t sell. There’s a reason most of you aren’t out there playing Nexuiz, Screencheat, Contagion, or Toxikk. Heck, competitive shooters rarely do well in any space.
Co-op I figured we could do. Payday: The Heist and Payday 2 had done pretty well, for instance. Borderlands games are pretty popular. Gamers seem to enjoy cooperative shooters, and good ones sell reasonably well. Horde was Gears of War 3′s biggest mode; Halo fans begged 343i for a return to Halo’s Firefight mode. This genre seemed like a great place to start. Plus, I, and the people I’d been talking about making a game with, were all experts in the cooperative shooter space. If there’s one style of game design we knew, it was this.
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I had a world I liked. A visual approach that felt right. And the right genre. I took to calling it Game One, because nothing I tried felt right. Turns out some amazing friends, like my buddies Cameron, Kevin, and Jacob, were into it. We got started properly early in 2016, though various real-life events (graduation, moving, illness, computer death, learning how to use source control) conspired against us. Progress is being made. It’s slow-going, but it’s happening. This game is real.
I’m trying to describe a nonlinear process in a linear way; this may seem kinda disconnected because of that. Sorry. Things will start making more sense in future blog posts.
Personally, I don’t want to talk about the game world much; I don’t like reading about other people’s lore until they achieve the end result. In general, I think a lot of folks get caught up in talking about their lore and how interesting they think their lore is, and that’s all well and good, but it’s not what interests me. I’d rather surprise you with a cool universe you can explore in-game than go into detail about it right now. What I can do is tell you about the most interesting ideas.
Game design is, ultimately, a means of problem solving, and Game One is meant to address a bunch of problems, which I’ll talk about in the coming weeks.
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Problem 1: The Abilities Need To Be Interesting
One of my comrades, Kevin, expressed a big problem he had with a lot of shooters, which is that a lot of characters have just one ability. In Borderlands, you pick a class, and that class uses that ability and that ability only. Same thing in Destiny. You have multiple sub-classes, but it takes time for abilities to charge, so when you switch sub-classes, you have to start over from 0, so effectively, you have just one ability in most missions.
This isn’t a bad style of design, mind you, but it is predominant, and it can get old after a while. We wanted to have provide players with a more interesting way to play.
Problem 2: The Guns Need To Be Interesting
You’d think this would be a given. If someone is making a shooter, shouldn’t their weapons be interesting? Unfortunately, way too many shooters utilize the same basic weapon paradigms; the resulting combat rarely requires thought from the players. How do you make shooter guns interesting again?
Problem 3: How to Eliminate The Boredom Created By Min-Maxers
One of my good friends became a bad person to play games with. He was directly responsible for my waning interest in Payday 2, because he wanted to play the same two missions over and over again, because this let him earn the maximum possible XP. This gets boring after a while because, well, you’re only playing two missions.
Destiny faces a similar problem, especially early on; repeating content gets boring, especially when it’s predictable. When content becomes repetitive, players naturally want to start optimizing. Pretty soon, Destiny got to a point where players all had to use similar loadouts (Gjallarhorn was the optimal rocket launcher, for instance) or risk being dissed by their peers. I remember playing one particular match where I started using a gun I liked, only to be asked, with disgust, why I would ever use that gun, when I should be using more ideal weaponry. “Because it’s fun” was met with jeers.
This goal was important to me personally; I’m a big shooter fan in part because I love shooting creatively. It’s frustrating to hear a friend say “this shooter was boring because I only used one gun the entire game, but it was the best gun.”
I think having a good metagame is important, but all too often, players find ways to run with optimal loadouts or play styles, and I wanted to do my best to circumvent that, encouraging players to try new things rather than doing the same thing over and over again.
Problem 4: Movement Needs To Make A Comeback
Shooters ought to have interesting movement. Since I started messing around with Game One, a bunch of games, like Destiny, Doom, and Titanfall have launched, pushing the need for movement into the foreground. Awesome. I still think there’s some room for improvement, so I’ll be talking about that at length really soon.
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There’s a bunch of other stuff I could talk about, but that’s for future devblogs. Tonight, I just wanted to let you know what the plan is: in between my normal games criticism stuff, I’m going to start showing how I’m trying to practice what I preach, and, way more importantly, how absolutely incredible my brothers in arms are, and the lessons we’ve learned along the way.
Anyways, we’re making the game now. It’s a real thing. It’s playable. We’ve got dedicated servers working, and we can play the game together. It’s rough, of course (a lack of manpower working part time will do that to you), but it’s getting there. Hopefully, we’ll find a cool indie publisher willing to back us so we can get this thing out the door soon.
Stick around, would you?
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10 Vietnamese music videos that took over YouTube in 2018
Marketing Advisor đã viết bài trên http://www.ticvietnam.vn/10-vietnamese-music-videos-that-took-over-youtube-in-2018/
10 Vietnamese music videos that took over YouTube in 2018
It was a year that millions of fans were wowed by quality, creative music videos telling stories of heartbreak with melancholy ballads also wildly energetic electronic rhythms bound to get the feet moving.
Some were from the prominent faces in Vietnamese music, others were those who’ d been known for a long time in the underground scene, and there were unexpected surprises. One even broke the YouTube record in Asia until K-pop sensation BTS came along with their smash hit “Fake Love”.
Many of the videos had English subtitles so many people would understand the meaning of the lyrics and the messages behind them, but others let their music do the talking.
The 10 most watched music videos of 2018 in Vietnam, based on view counts until the last day of the year:
Side effects: These songs can be addictive after a few listens.
10. Co Gai M52 (1.52-meter tall-Girl) | Huy x Tung Viu
Views: 52 million
This song brought home the message that one’s height or other “limited” attributes is not what makes a person attractive. A person is attractive despite, not because of conventional attributes. Huy, who wrote the song, was a last year student at the University of Transport Technology. He said he was just trying to make something special for his girlfriend’s birthday, but the song went viral, to his surprise. It became a sweet and cute song for the boys (and men) to send to their other half.
9. Nguoi Hay Quen Em Di (Please Forget Me) | My Tam
Views: 54.3 million
The third single from Vietnamese diva My Tam’s comeback album “Tam 9” was a smash hit in Vietnam when its “drunken dance” in the music video became viral. It’s easy to get addicted to the song because of its catchy, romantic flamenco guitaring and bossa nova style that did not follow any current music trend.
8. Tan Cung Noi Nho (The End of Nostalgia) | Will x Han Sara
Views: 54.7 million
A Korean and Vietnamese duet by Will and South Korean artist Han Sara, about two people in a broken relationship longing for the good old times reached the hearts of millions. Han Sara is a South Korean singer who has been living in Vietnam since she was 10 and she can speak both Korean and Vietnamese fluently. The 18-year-old singer first attracted notice when she took part in The Voice Vietnam 2017.
7. Thang Dien (Crazy Man) | JustaTee x Phuong Ly
Views: 59.9 million
Everybody is crazy when they’re in love. This is the message of this dreamy, slow R&B joint from the two young singers. A fun fact about the song is that it was composed by Vietnamese YouTube streamer Dang Tien Hoang that went by the name ViruSs. It also contains a reference to the Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s 2003 hit “Crazy in Love”, with lyrics going “You’re singing like Beyoncé and I’m rapping like Jay-Z.”
6. Bua Yeu (Love Spell) | Bich Phuong
Views: 95 million
Sometimes the simplest way to make someone fall in love with is to cast a spell on them. The haunting and trippy theme of the music video, along with the watery guitar chords and the energetic drop in the end made “Bua Yeu” one of the biggest Vietnamese hits in 2018.
5. Chay Ngay Di (Run Now) | Son Tung M-TP
Views: 103 million
The comeback single from Vietnamese pop sensation Son Tung M-TP marked another achievement for Vietnamese music, as it garnered 22 million views in just 24 hours, making it Asia’s most views music video in a day on YouTube, until the famous K-pop boygroup BTS broke the record again with their hit song “Fake Love”. The heavily infused trap song talks about the resentment of a man for his woman cheating him, a resentment so deep that he’s ready to burn it all.
4. Tam Su Tuoi 30 (Confidence of A 30 Year Old) | Trinh Thang Binh
Views: 108 million
“I have gone through one-third of my life, but why is my heart still lonely?” is the heartfelt question posed by singer/songwriter Trinh Thang Binh. He wrote the song for the soundtrack of Vietnamese movie “30-Year-Old-Grandpa”, in which he was the lead actor.
3. Cham Day Noi Dau (When the Pain Hits Rock Bottom) | Erik x Mr. Siro
Views: 128 million
This music video feels like a movie with a sorrowful love story and unhappy, when singer Erik plays a man that got dumped by his lover for another stronger, more masculine man. He tries to win his girl back, but the effort proves futile. The heartbreaking song hit the 100 million mark in less than four months.
2. Minh Cuoi Nhau Di (Let’s Get Married) | Pjnboys x Huynh James
Views: 155 million
This light-hearted, funny song is influenced by Latin pop and reggaeton which are currently in vogue. Its music video, shot in the beautiful beaches of Binh Thuan, a southern province in Vietnam, talks about getting married when the right time comes.
1. Nguoi La Oi! (Dear Stranger!) | Superbrothers x Karik x Orange
Views: 169 million
And we have a champion.
The most watched Vietnamese music video of 2018 is the collaboration between producer duo Superbrothers, rapper Karik and singer Orange is also the fastest music video to reach 100 million in Vietnam (in just 38 days). The reason behind this unexpected success of this rap/EDM song is the repetitive hook of Orange, the relatable lyrics from Karik’s verses and the eccentric production from Superbrothers, addressing common subjects such as stress and loneliness.
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0 notes
10 Vietnamese music videos that took over YouTube in 2018
Marketing Advisor đã viết bài trên https://www.ticvietnam.vn/10-vietnamese-music-videos-that-took-over-youtube-in-2018/
10 Vietnamese music videos that took over YouTube in 2018
It was a year that millions of fans were wowed by quality, creative music videos telling stories of heartbreak with melancholy ballads also wildly energetic electronic rhythms bound to get the feet moving.
Some were from the prominent faces in Vietnamese music, others were those who’ d been known for a long time in the underground scene, and there were unexpected surprises. One even broke the YouTube record in Asia until K-pop sensation BTS came along with their smash hit “Fake Love”.
Many of the videos had English subtitles so many people would understand the meaning of the lyrics and the messages behind them, but others let their music do the talking.
The 10 most watched music videos of 2018 in Vietnam, based on view counts until the last day of the year:
Side effects: These songs can be addictive after a few listens.
10. Co Gai M52 (1.52-meter tall-Girl) | Huy x Tung Viu
Views: 52 million
This song brought home the message that one’s height or other “limited” attributes is not what makes a person attractive. A person is attractive despite, not because of conventional attributes. Huy, who wrote the song, was a last year student at the University of Transport Technology. He said he was just trying to make something special for his girlfriend’s birthday, but the song went viral, to his surprise. It became a sweet and cute song for the boys (and men) to send to their other half.
9. Nguoi Hay Quen Em Di (Please Forget Me) | My Tam
Views: 54.3 million
The third single from Vietnamese diva My Tam’s comeback album “Tam 9” was a smash hit in Vietnam when its “drunken dance” in the music video became viral. It’s easy to get addicted to the song because of its catchy, romantic flamenco guitaring and bossa nova style that did not follow any current music trend.
8. Tan Cung Noi Nho (The End of Nostalgia) | Will x Han Sara
Views: 54.7 million
A Korean and Vietnamese duet by Will and South Korean artist Han Sara, about two people in a broken relationship longing for the good old times reached the hearts of millions. Han Sara is a South Korean singer who has been living in Vietnam since she was 10 and she can speak both Korean and Vietnamese fluently. The 18-year-old singer first attracted notice when she took part in The Voice Vietnam 2017.
7. Thang Dien (Crazy Man) | JustaTee x Phuong Ly
Views: 59.9 million
Everybody is crazy when they’re in love. This is the message of this dreamy, slow R&B joint from the two young singers. A fun fact about the song is that it was composed by Vietnamese YouTube streamer Dang Tien Hoang that went by the name ViruSs. It also contains a reference to the Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s 2003 hit “Crazy in Love”, with lyrics going “You’re singing like Beyoncé and I’m rapping like Jay-Z.”
6. Bua Yeu (Love Spell) | Bich Phuong
Views: 95 million
Sometimes the simplest way to make someone fall in love with is to cast a spell on them. The haunting and trippy theme of the music video, along with the watery guitar chords and the energetic drop in the end made “Bua Yeu” one of the biggest Vietnamese hits in 2018.
5. Chay Ngay Di (Run Now) | Son Tung M-TP
Views: 103 million
The comeback single from Vietnamese pop sensation Son Tung M-TP marked another achievement for Vietnamese music, as it garnered 22 million views in just 24 hours, making it Asia’s most views music video in a day on YouTube, until the famous K-pop boygroup BTS broke the record again with their hit song “Fake Love”. The heavily infused trap song talks about the resentment of a man for his woman cheating him, a resentment so deep that he’s ready to burn it all.
4. Tam Su Tuoi 30 (Confidence of A 30 Year Old) | Trinh Thang Binh
Views: 108 million
“I have gone through one-third of my life, but why is my heart still lonely?” is the heartfelt question posed by singer/songwriter Trinh Thang Binh. He wrote the song for the soundtrack of Vietnamese movie “30-Year-Old-Grandpa”, in which he was the lead actor.
3. Cham Day Noi Dau (When the Pain Hits Rock Bottom) | Erik x Mr. Siro
Views: 128 million
This music video feels like a movie with a sorrowful love story and unhappy, when singer Erik plays a man that got dumped by his lover for another stronger, more masculine man. He tries to win his girl back, but the effort proves futile. The heartbreaking song hit the 100 million mark in less than four months.
2. Minh Cuoi Nhau Di (Let’s Get Married) | Pjnboys x Huynh James
Views: 155 million
This light-hearted, funny song is influenced by Latin pop and reggaeton which are currently in vogue. Its music video, shot in the beautiful beaches of Binh Thuan, a southern province in Vietnam, talks about getting married when the right time comes.
1. Nguoi La Oi! (Dear Stranger!) | Superbrothers x Karik x Orange
Views: 169 million
And we have a champion.
The most watched Vietnamese music video of 2018 is the collaboration between producer duo Superbrothers, rapper Karik and singer Orange is also the fastest music video to reach 100 million in Vietnam (in just 38 days). The reason behind this unexpected success of this rap/EDM song is the repetitive hook of Orange, the relatable lyrics from Karik’s verses and the eccentric production from Superbrothers, addressing common subjects such as stress and loneliness.
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0 notes
10 Vietnamese music videos that took over YouTube in 2018
Marketing Advisor đã viết bài trên http://www.ticvietnam.vn/10-vietnamese-music-videos-that-took-over-youtube-in-2018/
10 Vietnamese music videos that took over YouTube in 2018
It was a year that millions of fans were wowed by quality, creative music videos telling stories of heartbreak with melancholy ballads also wildly energetic electronic rhythms bound to get the feet moving.
Some were from the prominent faces in Vietnamese music, others were those who’ d been known for a long time in the underground scene, and there were unexpected surprises. One even broke the YouTube record in Asia until K-pop sensation BTS came along with their smash hit “Fake Love”.
Many of the videos had English subtitles so many people would understand the meaning of the lyrics and the messages behind them, but others let their music do the talking.
The 10 most watched music videos of 2018 in Vietnam, based on view counts until the last day of the year:
Side effects: These songs can be addictive after a few listens.
10. Co Gai M52 (1.52-meter tall-Girl) | Huy x Tung Viu
Views: 52 million
This song brought home the message that one’s height or other “limited” attributes is not what makes a person attractive. A person is attractive despite, not because of conventional attributes. Huy, who wrote the song, was a last year student at the University of Transport Technology. He said he was just trying to make something special for his girlfriend’s birthday, but the song went viral, to his surprise. It became a sweet and cute song for the boys (and men) to send to their other half.
9. Nguoi Hay Quen Em Di (Please Forget Me) | My Tam
Views: 54.3 million
The third single from Vietnamese diva My Tam’s comeback album “Tam 9” was a smash hit in Vietnam when its “drunken dance” in the music video became viral. It’s easy to get addicted to the song because of its catchy, romantic flamenco guitaring and bossa nova style that did not follow any current music trend.
8. Tan Cung Noi Nho (The End of Nostalgia) | Will x Han Sara
Views: 54.7 million
A Korean and Vietnamese duet by Will and South Korean artist Han Sara, about two people in a broken relationship longing for the good old times reached the hearts of millions. Han Sara is a South Korean singer who has been living in Vietnam since she was 10 and she can speak both Korean and Vietnamese fluently. The 18-year-old singer first attracted notice when she took part in The Voice Vietnam 2017.
7. Thang Dien (Crazy Man) | JustaTee x Phuong Ly
Views: 59.9 million
Everybody is crazy when they’re in love. This is the message of this dreamy, slow R&B joint from the two young singers. A fun fact about the song is that it was composed by Vietnamese YouTube streamer Dang Tien Hoang that went by the name ViruSs. It also contains a reference to the Beyoncé and Jay-Z’s 2003 hit “Crazy in Love”, with lyrics going “You’re singing like Beyoncé and I’m rapping like Jay-Z.”
6. Bua Yeu (Love Spell) | Bich Phuong
Views: 95 million
Sometimes the simplest way to make someone fall in love with is to cast a spell on them. The haunting and trippy theme of the music video, along with the watery guitar chords and the energetic drop in the end made “Bua Yeu” one of the biggest Vietnamese hits in 2018.
5. Chay Ngay Di (Run Now) | Son Tung M-TP
Views: 103 million
The comeback single from Vietnamese pop sensation Son Tung M-TP marked another achievement for Vietnamese music, as it garnered 22 million views in just 24 hours, making it Asia’s most views music video in a day on YouTube, until the famous K-pop boygroup BTS broke the record again with their hit song “Fake Love”. The heavily infused trap song talks about the resentment of a man for his woman cheating him, a resentment so deep that he’s ready to burn it all.
4. Tam Su Tuoi 30 (Confidence of A 30 Year Old) | Trinh Thang Binh
Views: 108 million
“I have gone through one-third of my life, but why is my heart still lonely?” is the heartfelt question posed by singer/songwriter Trinh Thang Binh. He wrote the song for the soundtrack of Vietnamese movie “30-Year-Old-Grandpa”, in which he was the lead actor.
3. Cham Day Noi Dau (When the Pain Hits Rock Bottom) | Erik x Mr. Siro
Views: 128 million
This music video feels like a movie with a sorrowful love story and unhappy, when singer Erik plays a man that got dumped by his lover for another stronger, more masculine man. He tries to win his girl back, but the effort proves futile. The heartbreaking song hit the 100 million mark in less than four months.
2. Minh Cuoi Nhau Di (Let’s Get Married) | Pjnboys x Huynh James
Views: 155 million
This light-hearted, funny song is influenced by Latin pop and reggaeton which are currently in vogue. Its music video, shot in the beautiful beaches of Binh Thuan, a southern province in Vietnam, talks about getting married when the right time comes.
1. Nguoi La Oi! (Dear Stranger!) | Superbrothers x Karik x Orange
Views: 169 million
And we have a champion.
The most watched Vietnamese music video of 2018 is the collaboration between producer duo Superbrothers, rapper Karik and singer Orange is also the fastest music video to reach 100 million in Vietnam (in just 38 days). The reason behind this unexpected success of this rap/EDM song is the repetitive hook of Orange, the relatable lyrics from Karik’s verses and the eccentric production from Superbrothers, addressing common subjects such as stress and loneliness.
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0 notes