#me writing you almost 1k words for this because my brain wouldn't let it go w eeps
intcritus · 8 months
Fingers gentle in tracing over Itachi's scars, warmth under the moon and humid nights ring around the ears with soft thunks of bamboo shoots and pond decore. Babbling that wasn't irritating but calm enducing to even his mindscape. Fushimi merely watched as his lover slept in his presence, like the shadow stuck to his very feet, the beast in human skin still screamed beauty and deadliness in his slumber. Gentle with each caress and movement of his wide palm to tenderly release Itachi's hair from his loose ponytail, a habit of the Oni's, the larger of two merely continued to pet and pamper his mate.
Though his gaze did lift upon the door shuffling in near silence. The Mother of his beauty, merely checking in on them, it seemed and he couldn't help but smile with the tenderness of a smitten fool for her son. Mikoto, was a divine being in her own right, and like Fugaku, he felt pride and over the moon to have such a beauty alike, in his own arms. The words didn't need to be spoken, but the door shutting was enough to allow his focus to return to his love. Leaning down to blot out the stars so he could press his lips to his lover's temple and adjust himself to lie just beside him. / @nvrcmplt
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mikoto knew that fushimi was the man for her son. though her approval ranked above the rest, it was obvious that the uchiha was quite taken with fushimi and his people. to her clansmen, they were family, that was how easily they settled into this chaotic family. it didn't matter that some of them were different, nope. even fugaku, who was the most stubborn man hadn't taken but a day to bond with one of them. clarence, what a lovely child he was. fugaku was a stability that he needed. kenta, oh, that one was her secret favorite. he was a mischievous child, but so generous in his helping with her errands around the compound. though, she always urged him to rest, no need for him to be on go when he was safe here.
fushimi though, she had witnessed a great deal between her son-in-law and her child. the love between them was palpable, even their gods had approved and blessed them repeatedly. a very rare occurence, but then she had grandchildren to fawn over and that in itself still made her giddy. her aim had been to check on them, especially after itachi and sasuke had had, what oleg had appropriately called the zoomies, and had tuckered themselves out.
chuckling quietly to herself, she slides the door to their room open, stopping in the doorway at the tender scene before her and even more so at fushimi's sweet smile. it makes her heart warm knowing her eldest son had encountered such a love that he sleeps so soundly. yes, she truly had all faith that her son was well-loved. and fushimi looks at her son like fugaku looks at her when he thinks she isn't looking. smiling fondly, she steps back and shuts the door, slanting her gaze at her husband.
❝ ━ did he eventually fall asleep ? ❞
fugaku grunts in response but even he can't hide the fondness and tenderness in his gaze. when his wife raises a brow, his shoulders slump, a faint grin, ❝ ━ it took a bit, but they're resting. wouldn't let me go for awhile. ❞
mikoto shares his grin, knowing that the growing bond between him and clarence was a delicate one but as far as the uchiha was concerned, clarence was one of them. ❝ ━ i'm glad, you enjoy being a father once more, don't you ? ❞
he shrugs, but the faint grin doesn't leave his features and he tugs his wife in close, kissing her forehead. there's no need to linger here, their child was in good hands, just as their other child was resting peacefully for the moment. family was everything to him as the patriarch, and it was finally complete and he was humbled by it. guess it was time for him to relax a little when it came to his children, but then he'll always want to protect them from the world and themselves. regardless, he's grateful that his oldest....ah, one worry assauged.
❝ ━ it's nice, isn't it ? there's so much to look forward to with our family expanded. they fit in quite wonderfully....❞ more gentle prattling fades with their parting footsteps, the moonlight casting a glow over the compound. and somewhere, being pestered by an immortal is sasuke, who is putting the older male into a chokehold, quietly calling him brother. what a good night....
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itsevanffs · 10 months
7 + 24 + 51?
7. how do you choose which pov to write from?
i don't. god chooses for me.
...okay, not entirely true. in all honesty i write from the pov of the person who appears first in the scene(s) in my head, because, well, can't really write a scene when your character isn't in it. that's because i pretty much exclusively write 3rd person limited, btw. if i wrote 3rd person omniscient i wouldn't really have that problem. only sometimes there has to be a pov change mid-fic, but rarely do i go through with it, since the scenes/visions that come to me are almost always tied to a very, very strong emotion from the 'pov' character.
24. worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?
'try not to repeat things', or something along those lines. it's ruined my life.
see, i'm a perfectionist. and not a little at that. i used to be able to crank out... about 5k in a sitting, since i just let it flow out from my heart through my hands onto a page. now, if i'm lucky, that's 1k. 500 words, most days. i'm autistic, which for me means i pick things up slowly but when i do, i never repeat a mistake. and someone once told me that using someone's name three times in a paragraph was a mistake that made things clunky, and gave me the impression that every sentence should be unique. check my work---i can guarantee you that every sentence differs from the one next to it, and i don't start two paragraphs next to each other with the same word if i don't have to.
and sure, it looks nice. it reads nice. whatever. but i edit as i write, not after. it's one of my fatal flaws. and constantly being on the lookout for repetitions of words, sentences, themes, paragraph structures, or whatever else, it absolutely demolishes my writing flow. i just can't let myself go all in anymore because my brain won't let me. it's been devastating for my motivation, honestly.
51. what's your total ao3 wordcount?
324,113 words, soon to be -checks doc- maybe 6 or 7k more.
want to know more? have a look at this ask sheet for fanfic writers, and choose a number! or, if you can't find the question you'd like, just pop me one of your own in my ask box, which is open to anons and non-anons alike.
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Nurse's office
Word count: 1k
Cw: Thor is wounded, gn?reader
The only sound in the room was your pen writing and the clicking of the wall clock. It truly was something unusual, normally there would be some chitchat between your coworkers and you or at least someone walking outside the room .
It truly was a wonder that all of them asked for their vacation weeks at the same time " maybe they planned going to the human world's beach?" You mindlessly played with your pen between your fingers "It would be pretty awkward to go to the beach with your boss after all" well it didn't really matter, you had to finish some patient medical history before your coffee break. You were almost finished when someone knocked on the door " one second, please" you dragged your feet to the door, legs a bit numb after staying seated for so long " yes? How can I help-"
For a second you stood there, wondering why Thor, mightiest Norse god was in the nurse's office " who were you again" you acted as if you were thinking " ohh you must be Thom, god of a northern cult, aren't you?" You teased him a bit, even if you knew it wasn't a funny joke you found some joy in Thor's annoyed sigh
His golden eyes tensed " I'm pretty sure you must know my name by now" he brought his hands to his hair that was resting against his chest moving it to his back, leaving his chest now completely bare, revealing a not too deep but still noticeable wound
Even if you wanted to make some snarky comment or joke your brain was still processing that Thor, the mighty Thor, was wounded from a battle. The only thing that grounded you back to reality was Thor's voice calling out to you
" You aren't going to faint because of seeing blood, are you? I'm sure you must be used to it at this point" He was slightly bent over just in case you fell over
"You wish" laughing it off you properly let him in " sit down and Wait a minute, I just have to find something" quickly hopped towards a drawer and started looking for sutures.
Even if you weren't looking at him you could swear you felt his eyes in the nape of your neck, staring without blinking or saying anything. At first it was cute, like a nervous child who is getting their first shot, but then it turned into more of a cat judging their owner, unblinking and still like a statue.
Now a little tense, you decide to make small chat to lighten the mood " so, big boy, want to tell me how you even got that nasty cut?" After finally finding the little packages in the fifth drawer you checked you could finally sanitize Thor's skin. Kneeling in front of him, you cleaned the cut with saline solution.
" He could stand in a fight against me decently" his voice was raspy, if you were further away from him you wouldn't have been able to hear. After one moment to think Thor seemed to have changed his mind about his wording " not decently. It was like nothing I have ever fought" have you not been trying to clean his collarbone you would have found cute the way he started reminiscing.
His chest raised with his breath as your fingers rubbed local anesthesia in the tender skin near his wound " it might feel sensitive for a while but it should be numb soon" he simply gave you a mindless whine that you understood as an ok.
" Would you mind if I asked you a bit more about that person? He must be quite the character of he managed to hurt you like this"
" I doubt you even know him"
" Eh? I have treated almost every god and goddess! I must have met him at least once
" Lu bu" your eyes fell on him, wondering if you have heard of a god called that " his name is lu bu. He is a human"
" Human?" You surprisedly yelped, Thor's calm golden eyes fell on you once more, this time amused he managed to see a new face or yours It didn't take long for you to notice you cut him, trying to mask your embarrassment you change the subject " who knew humans could be so strong… I think I should close that cut now"
Thor would have laughed but he was sure you would have cried from embarrassment or plainly pass out " i don't feel anything near the wound"
" Good then I will start to close it" you grabbed a handful of sutures, you calculated 10 to close it up properly, but grabbed a few more just in case you miscalculated, even if that didn't happen in the last few centuries.
Thor stopped breathing for a second after you got closer and started to suture, whether it was because he wanted to leave soon and lied about the anesthesia or him being nervous around you was a mystery to you. A short while after he breathed again, now breathing deeply, as if he was a hound trying to decipher a smell and asked " magnolia? I always thought you were against shampoo with smells added"
" Stop being such a weirdo" you laughed as of you weren't just caught in your hypocrisy
" Do I look like Loki, he is truly weird" Thor had a small smile in his face even if he talked with faked disdain
" Loki is his own breed of strange" the red haired couldn't help but agree "and that would be all. Please be careful and don't pop any stitches"
" If they pop out do I come here again" Thor asked as he was sitting up from his chair preparing to leave
" I would recommend you to do so" the packets that you used were thrown on a little table by the chair Thor was sitting in. It would be best to throw them right now, as you thought it you did it, Thor was now facing your back
" Hmm, then I might be a bit reckless' was the last thing that you heard from him
" Yeah, yeah, whatever just don't hurt yourse-" you laughed at his words before you figured what he meant "Wait, what" when you turned to the door he had left. opening the door to the huge empty hallway your voice almost gave up on you with how loud you yelled at him, hoping that he would hear " YOU CAN'T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT AND LEAVE LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED" too flustered to think of something else to do you slam the door closed before screaming into your hands, was it because embarrassment or frustration? Who knows
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