#me: NICE *gifs the eyecatch*
kanamesengoku · 9 months
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pav-in-hsr-help · 3 months
▓▒░ "𝗪𝗮𝗶𝘁… 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀𝗻'𝘁 𝗠𝘂𝗺𝗯𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗮𝗻… 𝗕𝗵𝗮𝗶, 𝘄𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗹 𝗮𝗺 𝗜???" ░▒▓
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"Anyways... Let's do this one last time? My name is Pavitr Prabhakar! And for the last 6 months I've been the one and only spiderman of Mumbattan... I'm not sure how to get back though... seems like my watch has malfunctioned yaar..."
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not affiliated with Sony Animations or Hoyoverse!!!
Right after yet another easy mission, Pavitr was ready to get back home to his Maya auntie for a nice relaxing cup of chai. Maybe he'd even call his girlfriend to geek off for a bit... His dimension was falling apart. All he could do was make the most of the little time he had left with his loved ones.
He tapped a few buttons on his watch, opening a portal in front of himself and hopped in.
This was not the coordinates he entered into his watch. He found himself stuck in a large... luxury hotel.
No never ending city of towering buldings, no bright, eyecatching colours, no familiar faces. This was not mumbattan.
Lyla, Miguel's holographic AI assistant, popped up. "Uh oh. Seems like an error occured while you were making the jump, bud. We're still trying to figure out what went wrong"
"What?? Wait can I not just make another jump?"
"No. I don't know how this happened, but you've jumped to a universe outside the spiderverse."
"How is that possible???? Can you make sure auntie and Gayatri are doing okay..?"
"Woahhhhh, take it easy. Me and Miguel will figure it out, okay? Just sit tight. Communications have not cut off, luckily, so keep in touch."
▓▒░ 𝗥𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘀 & 𝗜𝗻𝗳𝗼 ░▒▓
No racism, ableism, homo/transphobia, etc.
(( )) for OOC
I'm fine with any ships including OCs as long as they are.... normal (no incest, minors, animals, you get it)
I have no life so I'll usually be responding quick as long as I'm not asleep
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▓▒░ 𝗠𝗼𝗱 𝗦𝘁𝘂𝗳𝗳 ░▒▓
You can call me snekkey :)
Don't be scared to talk to me!!! I'm literally the most easy going person out there!!
This is a silly little idea I had in my head that I got a littleee too silly about, but here you go!
dividers by @/cafekitsune!!!
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baileypie-writes · 2 months
~My Thoughts on Wonderful Precure: Episodes 26-30~
This will be updated weekly, so be sure to come back if you want to see my thoughts on new episodes!
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Episode 26 - It’s Dangerously Hot!:
This episode was just more filler.
I usually don’t mind filler episodes, as long as they’re entertaining. Though, I didn’t find this one to be.
To be honest, watching everyone act miserable because of the heat made me feel miserable as well. Especially since it’s also very hot where I am. The desert scenes and the wavy “camera” shots just made me wanna start sweating haha.
There wasn’t really a point to this episode at all. I get that it’s because it’s filler, but a lot of filler episodes still have a problem to solve. For this one, it’s just hot the whole time. The only thing they did to solve the problem was Iroha and Komugi taking walks in the early morning. Even so, poor Yuki and Mayu still have to suffer!
I do have to say though, I loved the little ship moment! Satoru is just so cute! And Mayu being his and Iroha’s number 1 shipper is just hilarious.
My rating for this episode:
Episode 27 - We Want to Find a Tsuchinoko!:
More unentertaining filler… goodie…
Again, I don’t really mind filler, just as long as it’s fun. But I didn’t like this one. Nothing significant happened. We did learn that Yuki’s afraid of snakes, but is that really useful for the story as a whole? No.
It was really cute to see Satoru get all excited about seeing a tsuchinoko. That was definitely the most enjoyable part of this episode.
And last thing: we got a new eyecatch! And this time, it includes Yuki and Mayu! I really like it. The colors are so nice!
My rating for this episode:
Episode 28 - Let’s Play at the Ohkuma Farm:
Once again, this episode was just filler. But, I actually enjoyed it this time!
It was a super cute episode with lots of funny moments. I do feel bad for Mey-Mey for what he had to go through though. Poor guy.
I don’t have much else to say about it, but, I do have the preview for the next episode to talk about!
Words cannot express how excited I am! It looks like the story is finally starting to get somewhere! Not only does Niko-sama hatch, but we get actual villains! I’ve been waiting for that! I’m really curious to what they’ll be like!
I’m not as excited about Niko-sama. It looks like she might be a Fuwa clone. But she’s cute nonetheless!
My rating for this episode:
Episode 29 - Nice to Meet You, Niko-sama!:
I’ve been waiting for this episode!
Niko-sama has hatched, and she’s freaking adorable! As expected, she’s a unicorn. I was hoping she’d be a completely unique creature with a unicorn horn, but oh well. I was worried that she’d just be a copy of Fuwa from Star Twinkle Precure, but from what I’ve seen, she has a well thought out personality! She’s already made me laugh many times.
We also got some actual villains! And not only that, they look so cool! They’re definitely some of my favorite villain designs ever! Their story is really cool too! Extinct animals seeking revenge on humans is something I’ve never seen before!
Zakuro and Torame’s dynamic is pretty typical. The older one and younger one not getting along is something we’ve seen a few times before in Pretty Cure. But I’m not upset about it. I’m just excited to learn more about their personalities!
Finally, it’s officially the first time the Woderful Precure have gotten their butts kicked. And it doesn’t look like Iroha’s taken it too well. But, we’re going to get a power up next episode, so they’ll be okay!
My rating for this episode:
Episode 30 - A Wonderful Castle!:
This episode was great!
First off, I’m pretty sure we got teased for Niko-sama’s human form? Her shadow flashed to the shape of a human, and it’s implied that her current form isn’t her true one. I’m super curious to what it looks like!
We also got a hint to Satoru hopefully becoming a Cure! He wants to be more helpful to the others, and feels like he isn’t doing enough. So this may be a sign! Let’s keep praying!
Another thing we got is a group transformation and pose! I’m so glad it’s back!
Also, we finally got a power up! It’s so nice to see, considering we didn’t get one last season. The outfits are so pretty, they might be my new favorite power up outfits ever! After avoiding the leaks for over a week, I’m definitely not disappointed!
Lastly, I just wanna quickly mention how hilarious it was when Niko-sama casually asked Iroha’s parents if she could stay with them. Also how quickly and easily they said yes. No questions asked, they just allowed a cute unicorn to stay in their home. I love Niko-sama haha!
My rating for this episode:
Overall Score for These Episodes:
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dustofbrokenheart · 3 years
The Lost Boys: Strip Mall Club Part 5
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Part One | Two | Three | Four | Five |  Six  | Seven | Eight 
Lost Boys x Reader
Word Count: 3,473
Warning: alcohol, minor violence and blood
Summary: Reader accompanies the boys to a monthly gathering of other local Santa Carla entrepreneurs. Beer drinking, laughs at David’s expense, and a rumble ensue. Star also makes her debut. 
“Are you sure I look okay?” You toed the sand with the tip of your shoe nervously.
Paul didn’t even spare you a glance as he dropped his arm across your shoulders, hugging you tight to his body. “Don’t overthink things. One, you always look good, even when you’re wearing your work nametag. Two, no one’s gonna be looking at you—Marko’s debuting his new look tonight.”
You looked at Marko who walked ahead of you. 
His newly airbrushed jeans that featured two devils drawn on the ass, one on each cheek, was an eyecatcher. Not to mention all the busy detailing he put on the front.
“Come on,” Paul jostled you to break you out of your anxiety, “You know I’m right.”
Smiling, you poked him in the ribs. “If you say so…but if someone comments, you owe me ten bucks.”
“I’ll take that bet cause I’ll eat anyone who tries to open their big mouth.” Well that was kinda extreme.
You scoffed and gave him a droll stare to let him know. He didn’t respond, which was typical of Paul, who instead continued to grin jovially.
He suddenly yelped, a high-pitched and shrill sound, both hands flying to the back of his neck. Even you startled, despite not knowing what had set him off, and the box of rice kripsies that was in your hands landed with a sad thud.
“What the hell, dude,” you squeaked with wide eyes. But he didn’t hear you over the volume of his own panic.
Thoughts raced through your head as you tried to think of what could be wrong. Cramp? Bug down his shirt? Wind blow his hair out of place?
Finally, he pulled something out of his shirt and held it in front of his face, pinched between his thumb and pointer finger. 
You squinted at it. Even in the low light it was obviously thin and long. Was that a…?
His head spun around with an owlish tilt. David was behind you guys and glaring at Paul. That solved one question: it was definitely a cigarette.
Paul held both hands up in a ‘what gives’ gesture. David continued narrowing his eyes threateningly but didn’t speak. Whatever the problem was, he was clearly annoyed with the other blonde.
A few seconds of silence passed before Paul snapped out of it. He flicked the cigarette away like it was a hot potato. “Ah, joking! Totally joking! About eating people. I would never,” he said scandalized. “No siree.”
His awkward retraction of his earlier comment must have appeased David who nodded and brushed past on his way to the bonfire up ahead. The whole thing seemed strange to you.  
“Alright,” you said really drawling the last vowel.
Glad that you were letting it go, Paul jumped back into his earlier spiel about the bonfire ‘rager’ (his words, not yours) up ahead. “Everyone here’s real nice, babe. Well, maybe those guys from the fitness place are jerks so don’t be afraid to knock ‘em down a few pegs.”
He gestured at a group of three sitting in a cluster of fold-up chairs that were indeed all wearing fitness instructor garb. The official logo displayed on all of their t-shirts confirmed that they were from one the ritzier gyms in town, the one Santa Carla’s upper class preferred. You’d never been there and only knew of it from reputation.  
Once a month, a crew comprised of local business owners, and workers, claimed a spot on the beach to host a bonfire. It was supposed to be casual event for people to come hang out, and vent if need be. 
The only rules were BYOB and to keep everything that was said within the group.
Paul and you were the last of the strip mall club to take a seat. 
David, having recently passed you, was sitting in a black, high-backed folding chair looking every bit the ruler he portrayed himself as. Dwayne and Marko were posed near David’s feet, ever the picturesque faithful subjects.
Well, picturesque until Marko started drawing dicks in the sand. Each drawing was more ridiculous than the last. Despite being successful entrepreneurs at such a young age, the boys were all prone to immaturity.
Some more than others, you thought when Paul rushed over to join in on the fun.
Marko scooted over to make room for him immediately, not once breaking his concertation as his finger traced through the sand. It was sweet that they were so in tune with each other but it left you standing there by yourself, unsure of where exactly you should sit.
There was an open chair by the girls who ran the nearby nail salon, if you wanted to mingle with new people.
Analyzing the space between Dwayne and the group directly to his right, you also thought there would be just enough space to set up a beach towel.
“Y/N,” you heard a voice say. It came from the fancy folding chair. David. A sing pale brow rose as if he was questioning your intelligence. He titled his head, indicating that you should sit with them.
Grateful for the direction, you moved to unfold the towel you brought while juggling the box of rice krispies from Between the Pies.
“Don’t bother,” David said bluntly. “Sit in the chair with me.”
That made you freeze. His chair was for a single person. There wasn’t room for two of you, not unless—
Your heart beat faster realizing he meant for you to sit in his lap. David and you weren’t strangers anymore, having broken the ice even after your embarrassing exit from his shop at seeing one of his customer’s unmentionables.
He came over to buy something from you occasionally (his favorite was a slice of blue berry pie to-go.) You chatted sometimes when he was on a smoke break. But were you close enough to sit in his lap?
You chewed the inside of your cheek.
Ever the observer, Dwayne also patted the ground next to him. A silent offer that you could come by him instead if it was more comfortable that way.
The longer it took for you to decide, the more frigid David became. Hell, that made up your mind right then and there. If you didn’t choose him, he was liable to become pissy for the rest of the night and if David wasn’t having fun, then no one would.
Holding your head high, you sat down. “Happy?” you asked.
Rather than answer the question, he merely tugged you closer to him until you were firmly nestled in his lap. Evidently, you were definingly close enough to do this.
It felt like someone was watching you from across the fire, but you couldn’t make out who, or if someone was evening starring at all. After all, it could be nerves.
You passed out the treats and, in exchange, Marko you were passed a can of beer from cooler the boys had stocked for the night. The first sip left a bitter after-taste but it became less noticeable as you drank more.
“Ooh, you’re new,” a curious woman commented. “What’s your name?” 
She was in a chair a few feet down from you and the boys, and she leaned forward to get a better look you. The timing wasn’t great and you had to quickly choke down the food in your mouth.
It was either that or talk with your mouth full.
“It’s fine,” she laughed, realizing why you were silent. “Take your time.”  
Clearing your throat, you introduced yourself. “Hey. I’m Y/N. I work at the same strip mall as the boys, the one over in midtown.”
“Ah, that explains it.” She tossed a sly smirk at David. “I knew you were out of grumpy boy’s league.”
David leveled her with his own condescending smile. “Heard you struck out at the stop last week.”
“Son of a bitch,” she cursed. She pointed her finger straight in his face and you glanced back and forth in curiosity. “Who told you! I want a name!”
Wanting to catch up before they traded more barbs, you tentatively asked, “Shop?”
Both of them stilled, remembering that you were new, and reigned themselves in. The mystery woman spoke up first. “The name’s Tammy. I’m lead mechanic at ZZs.”
“They’re the best auto shop in town,” David admitted. His reluctance was unmistakable but the twitch of his lip that he tried to hide showed that they weren’t full enemies.
“You got that right,” she chuckled. “What would you have done without me when you wrecked your Yamaha last year?”
“Hag,” he hissed. “I could’ve fixed it just fine on my own. I just thought you might need the business to help pay the bills.”
“Sure thing, Davey,” Tammy said patronizingly.
“Wait…you crashed a bike? You, Mr. Suave and Controlled?”
Tammy laughed at you. “He’d like you to think he is but don’t let him fool you. He tried impressing some other cute little thing and ran right off the road and landed in a ditch.”
Okay, from how she described it, it did sound funny. And it was amazing that as much as the bike got mangled, he walked away without a scratch. “Luck,” he assured you when he saw your disbelief.
“Dumb luck,” she corrected. By that point she had left her chair and pushed Paul over to make room for herself. “So what do you do exactly, Y/N? Please tell me you’re not in this perv’s shop. We all know Dwayne would be the best to work with.”
The brunette lifted his beer up, acknowledging the praise. 
“Actually, I don’t work with either. My aunt opened up a bakery in the strip a few months ago.” The once full bag of rice krispies was running low, especially with the boys munching on them, but you handed one to her. “Here. You should try us some time.”
The night went on and more people wandered over to meet you. Paul had been right. Everyone was really cool. And they all seemed to be really interesting.
Besides picking on David, Tammy also officiated Santa Carla’s local road races. But it wasn’t exactly legal, so it had to be kept hush hush.
The girls from the nail salon could rattle off each specific color of polish they had in stock. Cosmic Daydream sounded intriguing even if you had no idea what color that would look like.
Luis pedaled tamales—literally, on a bike he modified—but was also very active in the protest community. He and Dwayne made plans to crash an upcoming town hall meeting, and invited you to come; you declined, however, you did promise to try and support some causes in the future.
Even the fitness guys weren’t awful, although one of them claimed that he had better pecs than Dwayne which is where you drew the line. You were oddly protective of Dwayne’s tiddies. 
And really, you had to admire his determination to have them on display at all times; the gym punk couldn’t claim the same as his were covered in an unappealing polo.
Overall, things were going well. A little too well, the universe decided.
Seconds after the thought crossed your mind, there was a loud ruckus behind you. Everyone around the circle groaned collectively.
A group of four young men, all dressed in a semi-punk fashion, kicked sand up as they walked through the camp unwelcomed. Once again, you had questions but you held your tongue that time, not wanting to call attention to yourself.
The boys puffed up around you, trying to block you from view as much as possible.
“Well, well, well,” taunted one of the newcomers. He stopped to grab an already open beer from one of the girls. “It’s nice to see you all.”
“Feelings not mutual,” Tammy said, serious in her anger for the first time. “Leave.”
“Don’t be like that… at least let us chat with the new one.”
You jerked, realizing that he was referring to you. David’s nails were pinpricks of pressure as his hands flexed on your waist.
“I don’t think so,” David said calmly. A calm David was the one you knew to watch out for because he was unpredictable. “Now move along children, let the adults do their business.”
“Leave,” Dwayne seconded.
Whether it was David or Dwayne, or both, the gang didn’t take too well to the threats. Immediately, the one who spoke grabbed Dwayne by his necklaces.
You gasped in disbelief that he would be so stupid as to put his hands on someone. Dwayne didn’t need much help though and smacked him off with a disgusted face, the kind people wore when they smelled dog shit on a hot day.
And once Dwayne acted, Marko followed suit lunging at another guy’s knees to take him down and pin him unforgivingly into the sand in ten seconds flat. Paul tried his best to calm Marko down but the shorter boy was simply too aggravated.  
Surprisingly, even David joined the fray by shoving the one who had grabbed Dwayne after he deposited you in the chair, alone, with a firm, “Stay here.”
It was unfair to call it a fight; the gang didn’t stand a chance against the strip mall boys, who had them quickly subdued as they forcibly removed them from the camp. You weren’t sure where exactly they were taking them, but they were committed to escorting them into the darkness to make sure they actually left.
“We’ll be back,” David promised. “Don’t move.”
“Yeah, babe, you’re in charge of my drink until I get back. I don’t want anyone slipping me something while my back is turned,” Paul added.
“As if we would,” scoffed Tammy. Instantly, things thawed out as tension drained from the circle. Some even managed to laugh at Tammy’s remark.
No one paid the boys any further attention as they left and instead returned to the fun they were having prior to the interruption. True to your word to Paul, you brought his beer to your chest though you were positive the chances of someone slipping him something were very low.
Having just recovered from the confrontation, you were still sensitive and nearly had a panic attack when you felt someone poking your shoulder.
“Jesus,” you gasped with your heart low in your stomach.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you.”
This girl hadn’t come over to you yet nor had the boys introduced the two of you.
She was beautiful in a timeless way with her flowing skirt swaying lightly in the wind. Her brown eyes were round and sincere, and the feeling of being watched earlier came back. Could she have been the one…?
“Oh no, it’s not a big deal.” The pounding of your heart suggested otherwise. “I don’t think we’ve met yet. You can call me Y/N.”
“I’m Star.” The name was a surprisingly good fit. Star seemed like a Star, both dazzling and mysterious.
“We’re out of the snack I brought but you’re welcome to take a beer,” you offered.
She waved off the beer and kneeled next to you on the sand, brown eyes searching. “So…how you like working at the strip mall?”
The topic was an easy enough opening. “You know, it’s actually a lot of fun. It’s only a part-time gig for me so it’s not super stressful. The boys are fun to hang with too.”
Star hummed and leaned back on her hands. When she didn’t say anything more, you thought she was either shy or didn’t like you all that much.
You were sympathetic to the first reason and if it was the second, well, it was hard to please everybody.    
But it turns out it was neither of your speculations.
“Do you ever get scar—er, weird vibes from them?”
“No,” you said. “They’ve always been good to me. Why? Did something happen with you and them?”
You tried your best to remember if the boys had ever talked about Star, but your brain came up empty. They hadn’t warned you about her on the way to the bonfire, so it couldn’t have been anything too bad. Or at least you hoped.
“I just see you at the strip mall a lot, just wanted to make sure you’re settling in.” Star paused as if reluctant to tell you the next part. “I used to work there, too, you know.”
“Wow! So what happened? Why did you leave?” you asked with wide eyes.
“Yeah, I owned a New Age store. Right in the space your bakery is in, actually. The space was great, I always had customers…but it got to be too much. They were too much.”
“They meaning…” You didn’t have to finish that question. Both of you knew who she meant by ‘they.’
The boys.  
“I don’t want to scare you,” Star said softly, “But you need to be careful. They’re not what they seem.”
You sat with the warning, mulling her words over. That didn’t sound like the boys you knew. They could be stupid assholes, sure, but dangerous enough to have to watch you back around them?
Star was someone you had just met, so if push came to shove, you wouldn’t be taking her side, not without proof. But she didn’t seem malicious. She seemed genuinely concerned.
But then again, she claimed to have seen you at the strip mall when you couldn't say the same about her. It was scary to imagine her stalking you. 
Maybe if you could get more details out of her, you’d have a better idea of what she meant. 
“Hiya babe. We’re back.” Paul affectionally rubbed the top of your head and then realized who was with you. “Hey, Star,” he offered with a stiff twinkle of his fingers.
David wasn’t nearly as welcoming. “Star.” 
Marko and Dwayne stood behind him, watching.
Star watched them right back, not saying anything and somehow managing to hold her own against David’s sour attitude. When she finally spoke, it was to you.
“I just wanted to meet you. We can talk another time,” she said.
Gently cleaning sand off of her skirt, she left as suddenly as she had appeared. They pestered you as soon as she left.
“What the hell did she want?”
“She’s pretty witchy, ya know, but don’t, like, listen to her if she was trying to tell you anything weird.”
“Are you okay?”
David’s voice carried over the top of theirs, dripping in authority. “Stay away from her, slugger.”
“You can’t tell me what to do,” you bristled in annoyance. They were making a big deal out of nothing.
“Stay away,” he stressed again, blue eyes electric.
“…Fine,” you conceded with a huff. “But for the record, she seems fine to me.”
Dwayne moved to smooth the furrow between your brows. “You seem tired. Probably time to get you home.”
As soon as he mentioned it, the lethargy in your limbs became much more noticeable. Where you had felt perfectly fine, you could feel cloudiness begin to settle over your brain. A tell-tale sign that you were indeed tired.
“Yeah, that sounds good,” you admitted.
Marko, the showoff, hoisted you up to give you a piggy back ride. You assured him that he really didn’t have to, that you were probably too heavy, but he brushed off the concern.
Wasting no time, they packed up and shuttled you back toward the main road. Everyone you had met sent you off with good-nights and demands to see you at the next bonfire. Basking in the friendly vibes, you promised to bring more desserts to share next time. 
You tried your best to forget the parting image of Star, who had merely mouthed ‘be careful’ as the delicate tendrils of the campfire flame framed her wild hair like some mystic of old. 
Instead, you focused on other things.
Like how Marko was way stronger than he looked. How Paul brought out Dwayne’s playful side. How David didn’t move the car until you were safely buckled in.
More importantly, how each one of them gave you a good night kiss when they dropped you off at your place. Not all were on the lips, but a kiss was still a kiss. 
In fact, it felt even more intimate when it wasn’t a kiss on the mouth.
It wasn’t until the next day, when you finally woke up from the sun shining too brightly into your room, that you realized that your bonfire pants were stained. On closer inspection, it seemed like a rusty, brown haze. Sand perhaps?
Ice crept down your neck when you soaked them in water and red bled out into your bathroom sink.
And not just any red. It looked suspiciously like blood.
Whew! I finished it! This dedicated to two anons, one who requested a write a chapter with all four of the boys and another who reminded me that I hadn’t updated this in over a month! 
Hope you guys liked this one. Let me know if there was something you liked or even something you weren’t a fan of. Thanks for reading! 
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samwinchestersgf · 4 years
spn christmas bingo!
merry christmas, jack.
prompt: first christmas together
pairing: jack kline x reader
warnings: none, just really fluffy
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i rub my eyes and feel around the bed. once i realize jack isn’t there, i sit up with a start. i make my way into the living room of the bunker, catching the time as i leave the room. it’s only 5:30 a.m.
the living room is a-glow with the christmas lights i put up. the stairs leading to the exist are garnished with white lights and garland. a christmas-y throw blanket adds some flare to the otherwise boring couch. a nice red and green centerpiece is on the map table. but, the grandest feature of the room is the big tree.
it’s an eyecatcher; the first thing you notice when you walk in. a few weeks ago, i begged dean to help me put it up. it’s jack’s first christmas, and i wanted to make it special. the only way to have christmas feel complete was a tree, so a tree is what we got.
jack is sitting crisscross in front of the tree. the yellow glow of the lights illuminates his childlike wonder. i approach him and sit down next to him. he isn’t startled when i lay my head on his shoulder.
“merry christmas, y/n.” he says quietly, pressing a kiss into my hair.
“merry christmas, jack.”
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thank you to @katymacsupernatural for the bingo board! <3
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exosmutfactory · 5 years
Something Bout You
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gif not mine 🌹
— Pairing: You & Baekhyun
— Genre/AU: smut,
— Word Count: 3.7k
— Rating: 18+ (M)
— [ Contains: you’ll find out  ]
❥ Sub Baekhyun because the woman behind this blog is a switch 💀💀 let’s go
ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥ ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥ ღ♥ღ♥ღ♥
Your best friend was having a party-a very 'suit&tie stuffie event' if you must admit. Attire requirements ranging from borrowed floor-length gowns to personally tailored suits. Housed in a grand ballroom supposedly used on an occasion for the Queen of Wisconsin or whatever, you don't know and you don't want to know. In fact, you don't even want to go.
But you have to, for one reason and ONE reason only.
To be the wing (wo)man as your bestie aims to woo her every-so-posh coworker; Kim Minseok.
Honestly, if your best friend didn't already call dibs on the guy, you surely would. With his midnight black hair and intense cat-like eyes, Minseok is an eyecatcher. Hell, all he has to do is walk into the room and nearly all inhabitants turn to him.
You shake your head, clearing your thoughts. 'I have a mission,' you remind yourself, sighing at the state of your hair. You quickly put it up in a bun, loose curls of your hair hanging down in the front. You consider putting on a bow until you remember the type of party you are actually going to. 'Right,' You roll your eyes, reaching for a tube of red lipstick instead.
Since you are going to such a formal event, you will try to look the part. Putting behind your usual comfortable/girly pinks and long sweaters for bold reds and a sleeveless dress. A dress so sleeveless that it fits like a vest, fully showcasing your slim arms and prominent collarbones..
Are you being a wing woman or a man stealer?
Shrugging, you look for your trusty black heeled boots, slipping into the 3-inch heels with ease. You need your 'morning after' foot pain to be as minimal as possible.
Checking yourself in the mirror one last time, you nod; satisfied, and head out for the event.
Getting there proves to be difficult as the GPS in your car fancies telling you where you have to make your turn at the last possible second. But you being you, you left a little early in case something this ridiculous was unfortunate to happen. It hardly lessens your urge to curse at it though.
Finally getting there, you pull up to the place; eyes widening at how grand it actually is. 'Did she say the Queen of Wisconsin or the Queen of England?' Either way, you are left in awe.
A little while after handing off your 'baby' to the safety of a car-boy, you make your way across the grassy lawn and lift your flowy skirt while going up the marble steps.
Two men are there to check your ID and open up the double doors; revealing how the building looks even more stunning in its interior.
Stepping inside, you immediately stop your friend, greeting every guest that walks in. She calls out your name as you swiftly make your way over; not missing the sigh of relief she gives while wrapping you in a light hug. "I'm so glad you could make it. Look, he's right over there."
You pick up a glass from a tray going by and nod, taking a sip as you skillfully eye the handsome man engaged in conversation with another–
Holy shit.
You nearly choke on your drink while eyeing the redhead next to Minseok. While Mr. Kim rocks a white suit, this man sports a turquoise one; the light in the room reflecting off of it in a magnetic way. Judging from the other ladies around also to seemingly take notice of the stunning man, you know you aren't alone. And you know one other thing too:
You need a closer look.
So, taking the hand of your protesting and panicky friend, you move closer to the two men.
They don't notice you at first, 'Thank goodness,' You think, turning to your still jabbering friend. "Vic. Listen."
She goes quiet, taken aback at the serious look in your eyes.
You gesture towards the redhead as discretely as possible, "See him?" She nods, so you continue, "I'm getting that tonight."
Her eyes widen to the size of saucers. "Really? You like Baekhyun?"
Baekhyun. The name triggers a memory. An annoyingly attractive man who teased you for confessing to being a dom at a small 'Truth or Dare' gathering.
Clenching your jaw and looking back at your friend, you nod curtly. She smirks as if being able to read you, patting your shoulder, "Go for it, babe. Just stay by my side as I woo Minseok, okay?"
All you do is smirk in response; straightening your posture before continuing to make your way over to the stunning duo. Your friend not far behind.
Minseok is the first to notice you, a polite smile on his face. "Ladies." He nods in acknowledgment, gesturing to the man next to him. "This is Byun Baekhyun, as you may know."
"Oh of course," Victoria gushes. "Who wouldn't know the co-director of one of the biggest designer brands."
Minseok nods, though an odd look crosses his face; you squint slightly to catch the flicker of jealousy in his eyes. "Of course." He claps a hand on the back of said man in a rough manner, nearly making the latter spill his drink. "Baekhyun is a hard-working man."
Victoria nods, "Although," She looks down in a shy manner; peeking up at him under perfect eyelashes, "Working as the chairman for Lotto Inc is extremely admirable."
Minseok's eyes widen in surprise, "Oh?"
'She's got him,' You think, 'Hook, line, and sinker.'
Vic giggles flirtatiously, hooking her arm with his, "Of course."
Leaving them to their own conversation, you focus on your meal for the night; already finding his eyes on you. He takes the courtesy of speaking first.
"So," He looks at you from head to toe, eyes lingering on predictable places. You could scoff at how he shamelessly licks his lips. He takes his time dragging his eyes back up to yours, "Are you hoping to catch a new victim tonight?"
You smirk, keeping your eyes locked on him, "I'm looking right at him."
He raises a brow, trying to play it off as if your words don't affect him. But the tremble of his hand and struggle to swallow as he sips his drink isn't failed to be seen by you.
"And what if I don't want to be the prey?" He challenges, eyeing you with significantly darker eyes.
You chuckle deeply, taking your sweet time to sip at your own drink; thriving off of the impatience in his eyes. "Well." You hum, speaking lowly, "There is no being the predator with me, baby. I hunt." You take a step closer, relishing in how he gulps, "And you." You chuckle about a foot away from him, leaning closer to set your glass down on the table behind him.
You can tell he's buzzing in anticipation; body nearly crying out for you to take him. Before you lean back, you don't fail to brush your lips against his ear; humming as he shivers. "I make sure to take full pleasure in my every meal." You lean all the way back, taking notice of his blown pupils and heaving chest.
He continues to watch you with those dark eyes of his, not making a single move. You take a look around and notice that your friend and her crush have already departed with a sigh, yet still managing to send Baekhyun a polite smile. "Well, it was nice seeing you I guess–"
A hand grabs your wrist, "P-Please." A whisper. In the sweetest of tones. You want more of it. You want more of him.
Turning back to Baekhyun you have to gulp yourself at the look of desire in his eyes.
Right then and there you finally decide. You see him. You like him. And you want to make him yours. Even for just one night.
With your mind made up, you take hold of his hand, tugging him roughly. He stumbles forward with a yelp, grabbing your waist to stabilize himself. You pull him close, your own hand resting heavily on his hip while your other moves to his back. "He's feeling a little unwell," You say, waiting until the onlookers look away; understanding overshadowing the jealousy in their own eyes. You take a peek to see how Baekhyun's doing, his face resting in the crook of your neck.
You brush your lips to his ear again, biting down on it hard and soothing it when he gasps. "Come." You take a step back, taking his hand again and walking back to a hallway you saw earlier.
Baekhyun follows you closely behind; breathing heavily down your neck. You are two seconds away from ordering him to stop when he starts leaving wet kisses down your neck; opting to shove him off instead. He whimpers, confusion written all over his face when you look back at him; holding his hand even tighter and walking farther into the unknown.
After trying a few locked doors you come upon an open one, pushing it farther to reveal a king-size bed. Cream curtains and silk sheets. You smirk, 'Perfect.' 
Turning around, you pull a hesitant Baekhyun farther into the room, pressing him into the ajar door. He yelps as it slams, moaning shamelessly in your mouth when you pounce on his. His hands grab on to your hips and he yelps again, blinking at you after you spank his thigh in warning.
You lok right back at him, "No touching without permission."
Not surprisingly, he nods, letting his hands hang by his sides. You hum, more than pleased, leaning to peck his lips, "Good boy." He beams under the praise.
Chuckling, you slowly walk backward, pulling him with you. At the last second you switch your positions, pushing a surprised Baekhyun to the bed. He lands with another yelp and you nearly roll your eyes. 'Seriously? Shouldn't he expect this by now?' Although one look at how wrecked he already is, you remember that he is a first timer. His soft lips already rosy and swollen, palms digging into the sheets and the look of pure lust in his dark brown eyes.
You make a noise. "Look at you.." Shaking your head you trail your eyes farther down his body, tsking at the strain in his pants. "Already so wrecked and I've barely touched you."
Baekhyun whimpers, palms twisting in the sheets as you take a step closer, leaning your knee on the bed, "P-Please–"
You press your finger to his lips, "Hush baby boy." You look him over again, seeing the light shine of sweat already covering his forehead, "Let's get these clothes off of you, hmm?"
Baekhyun bites his lip and nods, aiding you in taking off his coat and black turtle neck.
You make a pleased noise as more of him is revealed. "Damn baby, why do you hide all this?" He whines as you lightly run your nails down his chest, flicking his nipples playfully. He hisses at that and you chuckle, tapping his knee. "Pants too."
The man has the nerve to blush, lifting his hips as you climb off the bed to properly take the offending material off. Your eyes widen when his cock immediately stands up to attention, the head a flushed pink. Narrowing your eyes you look up at a red-eared Baekhyun. "Going commando, hmm?" You lean forward, spitting on his dick and taking it in your hand. "Had plans to get lucky tonight?"
"Y-Yes," He whines, lifting his hips as you squeeze him tightly. "For you!" He chokes out. You slow down your ministrations, letting him talk. He gulps at the stare you give him, "I-I was hoping to get lucky," He says softly, "With you."
That leaves a flutter in your chest, one you ignore by ghosting your lips over his tip, humming as he groans, jerking when you teasingly lick his slit. "Hoping to get lucky with me, huh." You chuckle, savoring his salty taste. Peeking up at him you feel powerful at the desparte look in his eyes.
"Y-Yes." He insists, twitching in your hand, "All for you."
"What a good boy." You hum, taking him into your mouth. Baekhyun nearly keens, head thrown back as you take more of him in.
"F-Fuck." You never expected him to be so sensitive. And vocal. But then again, that explains how loud he is 99% of the time. "That feels so good. Y-You feel so good."
Feeling him throb in your mouth you go all the way down on him, swallowing around his head once before pulling away; his whine near piercing as you wipe your mouth. "Hush baby. Mistress doesn't reward brats." You stand up, trying to unzip your dress only to remember that you needed help putting it on in the first place. Noticing the frustrated look on your face, Baekhyun sits up, "N-Need help?" The eager to please look on his face is borderline cute.
You smile, "Yes baby." You turn around, noticing how hot your own skin is as his fingers lightly brush your back. His breath hitches when the dress pools at your feet.
You smirk, you could get high off of the effect you have on him. "Thank you, baby," You coo, turning back to him and climbing into his lap. Baekhyun gulps yet keeps his hands at his sides. You sit right on his cock, feeling it twitch through your lace panties. You rock against him to test the waters and Baekhyun squeezes his eyes shut, whimpering. You can tell how much he wants to move by how his thighs tense.
"Look at you." You coo, cupping his cheek, "Being a good boy and staying still without being told to."
His eyes flutter a little, sucking in a sharp breath as you move again without stopping; slowly grinding. "M-Mistress."
"Hmm?" You kiss up his neck, nibbling on his ear as he moans, "What is it, baby."
"C-Can you–" He moans loudly at a particaly hard grind, shaking a bit.
"You stop, looking at him as his whole face goes red; the blush even covering his chest. "What do you want, baby. Tell me."
"Please." He whines, looking into your eyes withhis pleading ones, biting hard on his lip, "Please ride me."
You hum, whispering into his ear while grinding against him again, "Good boy." You sit up and slowly unclasp your bra, throwing it away. "Eyes up here." You say sternly, finger on Baekhyun's chin as he gulps, nodding quickly.
Continuing to grind again, you run your hands down his chest; reaching for his needy cock when he starts whining again. Finally deciding he had had enough, you pull your panties to the side, slowly stroking him as you brush him between your folds.
Just before you sit down on him, Baekhyun calls your name, grabbing your wrist.
You look up at him. "What." You snap impatiently.
Baekhyun gulps. "Y-You aren't properly prepared yet, Mistress." He daringly meets your eyes. "It'll hurt."
Something in his tone brings back that light flutter to your chest and lets him help you wiggle out of your panties and properly straddle him again.
Baekhyun's eyes start to drift, but they snap back up to meet yours; wordlessly asking for permission. You feel bare under that look as you nod, goosebumps covering your heated skin as he drinks you in.
"Beautiful." He breathes, hands twitching in the sheets. You silently grab his wrist and place his hand over your breast.
Baekhyun hums, softly palming your chest while leaning to lick your other nipple. You can't help but shudder; stuck between moving closer and pulling away. Your cheeks heating at your sensitivity. The moment he wraps his lips around it, you let out a sensual moan, tangling your hand in his hair.
Baekhyun looks up at you, running his unoccupied hand up your back before firmly grabbing your waist. Next thing you know, you feel a breeze and warm sheets against your back; looking up at a panting Baekhyun.
"I-I know you want to ride me. Just–" His hands slide up your inner thighs; gaze focused on what's in between. He licks his lips like a starved man and kneads them, pressing quick, sloppy kisses down your body. You try your best not to squirm, but the second his tongue is pressed against your slit, your hips buck with an embarrasingly high pitched squeal.
Baekhyun gets a good grip on your thighs, having to hold you down as you continue to thrash; moaning lowly when you tangle your hand back in his hair and roughly pull.
"You're so responsive." He breathes, whimpering as you tug his hair again. He sucks your clit into his mouth and groans, the stimulation pulling a needy moan from your throat.
God, how to tell him that you've never been gone down on before... Maybe you shouldn't. His ego is already quite large already...like his cock.
You try to get a look at his leaking member, nearly whimpering yourself at how flushed its gotten, leaving streaks of precum on the sheets. A familiar tension builds in your stomach.
"B-Baekhyun." You gasp, trying to close your legs when he easily slips two slender fingers into your wet core; pumping them quickly.
"Hmm?" He hums, brows furrowed in concentration as he crooks up his fingers; kissing up your thigh when you nearly shout. "Yes? M-Miss." He gulps, taking in your sexy glare as he keeps hitting your special spot.
"I-I." You pant, eyes shutting and back arching as that wave of pleasure threatens to wash over you. "I want to cum on your cock."
Baekhyun pauses and you down right near yell at him even though you told him to stop. His eyes run over your body, drinking in your flushed, panting form. As if realizes something, the look in his eyes shift; dark but with an innocent gaze as he looks up at you again. "I-I want you to cum in my pretty mouth." He breathes, licking his lips as you clench around his fingers. "I want to taste you. I want it. Please." He starts moving his fingers again, watching in awe as your legs start to shake.
You hiss at the pressure quickly building in your abdomen again, throwing your head back when you can't take meeting his innocent gaze anymore. "F-Fuck." You grunt, tears in your eyes as he sucks harder on your clit, flicking it wickedly with his tongue. "Fuck!"
Your thighs close around his head, and he keeps going; extending your orgasm as you cry out and shake beneath him.
After a few moments, you jerk with sensitivity, not being able to look away as Baekhyun gently pulls out his fingers; sucking on the digits with an obscene groan. Your cheeks flush at the sinful act.
Baekhyun looks up at you and smiles, holding your waist again; flipping your positions. "Whenever you're ready," He leans up, whispering in your ear. "I'll be a good boy."
You nearly gawk at him, raising a brow. For someone who seems so dominant, he sure is making a mess out of you right now.
Okay. Enough of the foreplay, you are both near to cumming (again) at this point.
You take his angry red cock in your hand, stroking it a few times and pressing him to your entrance. Your breath hitches as you slide down, biting hard on your lip while Baekhyun moans his loudest one of the night. You're still so fucking sensitive, and the way Baekhyun is begging you so sweetly to move with his swollen, pouty lips has you clenching hard around him.
"I-I'm gonna cum." He breathes, hands resting on your hips as you start to move.
You tsk at that, spanking his thigh. "You better not." You gasp when he thrusts up into you, hitting your spot so good your thighs start trembling again. "Not before me."
Baekhyun hums, kissing up your neck as your pace quickens and biting your ear. "I want Mistress to cum again." He pulls another gasp from you with a sharp thrust; softly stroking your curves with his slender hands. His voice turning deeper and huskier as he throbs inside you. "You look so pretty cumming for me."
"Fuck." You swear, bucking your hips into his when he slides a sneaky hand down to roughly rub your clit. "Shit. Baekhyun."
He grunts in reply, holding firmly on to your waist and shifting, pounding straight into your gspot.
"Baekhyun!" You scream, squirming on top of him as you come hard, your head resting on his shoulder. Through your orgasmic haze, you feel his chest rapidly moving against yours, his hands holding you tight as he chases his release.
You use the last of your strength to clench tightly around him, pressing your lips to his ear. "Come for me Baekhyun. Come inside. Fill me up."
"F-Fucking hell!" The man cries, thrusting as deep as possible into you. You gasp at the feeling, a flush falling over you again at the warm spurts of his satisfied lust inside you.
Baekhyun slightly moves your hips back and forth, as if trying to coat your walls even more. You clench around him again and he groans; head dropping to your shoulder. "If you keep moving like that Doll, I'll want to go again."
You blink at the endearment, sitting up as he softly rubs your back. "What if I want to?" You mumble, looking his prettily wrecked form over; running your hands down his chest.
Baekhyun gulps and you feel him stir slightly inside you, making you smirk. You chuckle, nibbling on his ear and grinding again, "How bout you show me what you're made of, hmm?" You taunt, circling your hips.
Baekhyun's eyes take on a near sinister look as a sinful smirk forms on his lips. He flips you back over and you gasp, whimpering as his half-hard member nudges your spot. He brushes his lips over your neck and growls in your ear. "Gladly."
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manggaetteokkie · 5 years
Do you ever just zero in on a part of Jungkook and just
want to die?
Because I do.
Let’s start from the top:
His hair
Like that bitch looks good no matter what you do with it. Straight? So soft, I just wanna run my hands through them. Curly? He looks like some kind of fairy king. Red? A whole god amongst men.
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His face
I mean. Do I even need to say anything more...? Like this man deadass flawless what the actual fuck. That shit can be half covered and it’s still 50x more beautiful than an elf what the fuck.
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His neck, collarbone and chest
Okay I’m not gonna sit here and act like I don’t wanna swim in his collarbones or something. Do you even watch his fancams and just. See a drop of sweat on his neck and then for the next 20 seconds you find yourself just staring as it slowly travels down his neck? Do you??? Also his pecs could probably crack open a walnut if he tried like bitch that shit deep enough to hold my credit cards eye-
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His arms
See those arm veins? Those are something I didn’t fkn find attractive until I started stanning a bunch of Kpop boys like wtf has my life gotten to what the actual fuck but I’d be a goddamn liar if Jungkook’s veins don’t make me wanna become a goddamn vampire istg
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His abs
Okay. I’m not tryna wax poetry about his abs but... they are deadass some of the nicest abs I’ve seen. Not because they are defined af because there are some people out there that have abs that look like they were carved but his abs are very much There and In Your Face. They not intense enough to make looking at them a bit uncomfortable, they are just so fkn nice and blocky?? Like you can count them up to 8 without any fkn difficulty and fuck, staring at them just does something to me (also is it weird that I even like his bellybutton like what the fuck someone slap me please??)
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His waist and thighs
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And finally, his fkn aura
This man could just be sitting there minding his own fkn business and any mortal that lay eyes on him will turn blind for 0.5 second because that’s how eyecatching he is, like I dare you to find another man that can sit there and make you want to commit homicide.
He deadass just STANDING there and I want to scream and if he asked me to do a somersault while frying an egg and taking my dog for a walk, you know that even if I don’t have a dog, Ima fkn find out and do that somersault.
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slavboris · 7 years
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((It’s an unwritten rule that Mr.Hugalout only hugs 2D characters if they do it first. I like to call this the “I can’t friken draw but if you’re willing I ain’t stopping you” effect.))
And so I ran while screaming like a fangirl. You can’t blame me seriously.
The Miku examples I used were drawn by these awesomely talented people:
@ask-rebel-miku @ask-mikunee @indiefoxtail
And @asklittlemiku was the little guest that made me ran.
((Ok since this is a Miku centered post I’m just going to say all there is to say and appreciate about her and the blogs I follow to get a bit of a break from Miku in general, and to give the blogs a break from me lmao I honestly think I’m getting annoying.
Sidenote #1: So I’ve liked Miku since 2008, I was young and the songs in my country were just so boring and tasteless. Mind you I do listen to some rock bands but I liked some diversity in the songs I listen to and Miku had some pretty catchy ones.
Sidenote #2: Now this is what you americans call “sucking up to” well screw it I’m doing it;
So Indie, I would like to again tell you that your art is just amazing. I’ve been a follower since like the pony era and seeing the art style improve over these few years has made it grow on me a bit. I even have 2 of your miku drawings as my lockscreen and background on my phone. If it hasn’t sink in yet, YOU’RE MY FAVORITE ARTIST. So again I say, hope you’re having a nice day and take care.
Rebel miku and Mikunee are 2 of the many miku blogs that I’ve recently started to follow and their art styles are also pretty cute and eyecatching so props to them too and know that I’m always happy seeing you 2 post.
Sidenote #3: I don’t own much miku merchandise except a few posters since I’m living in the east side of Europe where all the cool stuff are hard to find.
Sidenote #4: If you’re an artist or an ask blog please, poke me or something I need to follow more blogs after I unfollowed so many dead ones. My dash is somewhat dead help.
That’s all I wanted to say. This is your mod man, wishing you a nice day.))
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