#me: this opening will never be banger 🙄
thousandth-island · 2 years
May or may not have just watched episode one of HiHi Puffy AmiYumi..
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The battle of the bands is finally here in chapter 5 of And They Were Bandmates! Will they slay or will they flop?
[bonus: versions without text and spotlights]
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201 notes · View notes
lonespektr · 2 years
Oct 4th & 5th Double Whammy The Columist & Cuphead Day 18/19
Exhausted from Covid Booster but not down
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A feminist jurno
Twitter dox threats bout her kid
Lil fake model cuuute
Omg that dude is giving pick up artist extrodanaire
She has to write a book
Omg why is there a poster of him in the office
Back to Twitter
If it's that's bad you should go to the police
Bb journo kicked off school paper
Black Pete! Extremely racist no prob with that
Advocating violence
Back to Twitter
Oh she did comment on black pete
A negative commentor looks like a construction worker
Is that her friend? Because she was saying shit things before
Her bike got jacked
Why did she break the fence?
Is that an orb weaver? They make webs in hallways its mad irritating
Grooosss why
Joy boiled egg
Rom com
Now he fucking stay there?
Now comments section of the egg post
Just murdering guys that probably aren't the commentors at all
Like literally none are confirmed
Now she wants to chat
At least this is confirmed
It's wild hearing older languages than yours and you're like damn we stole Hella your words
Full serial killer trophies and all
These just bug me because you can't just become a serial killer if you're pissy
Out to eat in public
It would piss me off a fake guy spewing fake violence irl has no anger
Now pizza gate shit
None of this is tracking
But what's her face is a great actor
Even still it's getting slow the character deviations aren't explained
The fact that she's doing all this out in the open is....
Pizza gate person is a punk
This is... Dozens
I would say it's writing but there was one on the news
19/16 is not cool though
Still making protest posters
It's lagging in the middle how can she be that good at murder with no practice
Principal way too far
What's the payoff if she's already around the bend?
Just dropped a name and left
Dumb enough to leave bloody tools but smart enough to have a kit? 🙄🙄
The pizza gate is intense though
They going to bring up the writing eventually or nah?
The good guy stick doesn't play like they think it does because he is still peddling misogynistic violence and he never backs her about anything he just says ignore people saying all the things I do generally but to your face
You're not a good guy
They can't all be single yea
There's the model
What kinda writing call the police but not who or why
Too busy with murder to see the kid is the turning point?
Sigh That only makes narrative sense if she expressed.. Nm
Sirens were heard she just chillin??
Boom living with dad
Cold turkey nature walk
Now he's fucking enabling
Back at it
She love touching evidence
Pick up artist gone
Going to the event bloody
I mean good ending but not enough to justify the lag
Could have made it a tight hour also needed more messiness too clean a narrative
The Cuphead Show
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I never watched the original
It was a game
Based on 36 Japanese animation
Well first off the theme song is a banger
In classic style of explaining the show in the intro
Come with me to the Inkwell Isles
It’s just off the coast, maybe twenty-nine miles
Where there’s good and there’s bad
And then there’s in between
With Cuphead and Mugman, you’ll see what I mean
Ice cream and rockets, trouble never ends!
Watch these ding-dongs as they make new friends (Zig-zag, zig-zag!)
They’ll need some help just to stay on track
Oh no, there’s that guy! You better watch your back
So, if you’rĐ” lookin’ for fun (Yes, we’re lookin’ for fun!)
And a dash of heebiĐ”-jeebies (We’ve got the heebie-jeebies)
Then pack your bags and let’s go!
Welcome to The Cuphead Show!
Welcome to The Cuphead Show!
Absolutely has the vintage feel
The main thing is two chuckle nugget brothers
One neurotic one chaotic get into shenanigans
And by the end it turns creepy
There's 2 seasons
It's only 10 min per sode
The cups live with their elder kettle
It's in that time frame
They run into the devil on day one
After that there are mobsters and adventures in babysitting but also ghosts pirates murder mystery and they get locked up meet a beastie girl ghost scammer and a monster candy town mayor
It's 80 slice of life 20 creepy
All while having near by brushes with the devil oh because one of the cups owes the devil his soul
I mean oh no that guy you betta watch your back
They don't try to update it the animation is retro
And the voice work
There are some fourth wall breaks
Some episodes are all horror and some are the horror of children misinterpreting things
The background is, - the painting uh landscape is creepy and set (old timey) and the animation is bright and incongruent like it used to be
They are bited sized and only a few episodes are flat
0 notes
royallyprincesslilly · 2 years
Title: Forever & Ever & Ever & Ever---But Not Right Now **
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Lewis Hamilton x Reader
Warning: Heavy, Heavy, Heavy angst, 18 + Mature Content, NSFW, Mild Smut, TW: Possible Toxic Love
Words: 5.4k
Summary: You and Lewis have had an on and off relationship for the last 3 years. You’re never together for too long before one or both of you initiate “taking a break”. However, the breaks never last long and you always end up right back in each other’s arms.
Note: Inspired by a song by FLETCHER; “Forever”. This has quite a bit of angst, but I hope you enjoy. I tried my best with British slang (I think I failed LOL; I apologize) 
Note II: Any Italic Text after the first/opening line is conversation from a memory. Hopefully that’s clear. Also, I’m trying a different way to incorporate text messages. Lemme know what you think. Also don’t come for me if you hate reader...I kinda do too.
 Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed this, please, LIKE, COMMENT, REBLOG!!
 ***NOT Edited/Proofread***
 This is—you know who this is, Y/N. Sorry I couldn’t pick up, I promise it’s not personal, leave a message and I’ll call you back. Text me if you want a reply faster. Kisses.
 “Hey poppet—sorry, old habits. Y/N, it’s Lew. Um—I—I thought you’d pick up. Guess I was barmy for that. uh—I’m back in town for a spot. I know Mart said he was having some sort of thing tomorrow night and I wanted to know if you’re going. Give me a call—or text. Whatev.”
 He sighed then ended the call and tossed his cell phone onto the table in front of him. Part of him felt as if she shouldn’t have called but the other half that made him call felt disappointed. He didn’t know why he’d expected you to pick up. In the last month, you’d probably picked up forty percent of his calls then called him back ten percent, however you always texted him back. The contents of those texts weren’t exactly stress free most of the time.
 Thinking back to the last text exchange from a few weeks ago, he gripped his head then raked his fingers through his freshly loosened hair that still held the crimp from the braids. Groaning, he dropped back onto the lounger couch and stared at the abstract chandelier above him. as if he needed to refresh his memory, he grabbed his phone then found the messages.
 Thursday, July, 13
MSG Poppet: Sorry didn’t see this till today. (10:00pm)
MSG: Funny, I saw you’d read it when I sent it. 3 days ago. (10:05pm)
MSG Poppet: 🙄 Really? I must have glanced it and forgot to reply. I was really busy. (10:30pm)
 Friday, July, 14
MSG Poppet: Are you mad now? (12:15am)
MSG: Poppet: You are, aren’t you? (12:25am)
MSG: Why would I be mad Y/N? (12:27am)
MSG Poppet: Because whenever we talk you always get mad at me. It sucks. (12:30am)
MSG: Seriously? I wonder why I’m always getting mad at you. Like really Y/N, do you think it doesn’t suck for me too? You think I want to be mad? (12:31am)
MSG:  đŸ˜© I’m sorry. (12:45am)
MSG Poppet: No. Don’t apologize, I know it’s my fault. I know I’m horrible for what I’m doing. 😔 (12:50am)
MSG: Then stop. God, I don’t want to do the beating each other up bit. (12:51am)
MSG Poppet: Me neither. It just always happens when we talk. (12:53am)
MSG: Poppet, I want things to be different between us. (12:59am)
MSG Poppet: I gotta go. Talk later. 💋 (1:00am)
 Re-reading it only made him see the hopelessness of your relationship. Anytime he began to get serious with wanting to address the problems you disappeared. When he disappeared, you reemerged with texts and calls only for when he reciprocated for you to fall off the face of the Earth again. When he tried to bring up your relationship you always found a way to change the subject and inevitably the subject was dropped until the next time. With you for the last three years everything had been one roller coaster.
 Thinking back to the start of your relationship, he could officially call it a whirlwind romance. The night of his victory party was epic. The DJ was playing banger after banger, the drinks were strong, and the women beautiful. He’d only planned to stop by for an hour or two because he was exhausted after everything he had to do after the win. However, when he was sitting with his friends just enjoying the good vibes you caught his eye from across the room making a killing at a pool table with each impossible trick shot.
 From the minute he saw you sitting at the edge of the pool table with your fishnet stocking clad legs crossed and the bright red stick in your hand that matched your bright red lips, he couldn’t take his eyes off you. He watched you egg everyone on making them place higher and higher bets on the odds of you making a successful shot sequence that you called out then proceed to hit every single shot. From afar, he couldn’t tell one thing about you but from afar he was sure he’d fallen in love with you right then and there.
 From then, one or two hours turned to three or four, then five, six, until he was watching the sunrise with you on the hotel penthouse suite’s balcony, both of you wearing absolutely nothing. It was a night to never forget, a night where he laughed more than he’d ever laughed, flirted heavier than ever and felt the tightest connection he’d ever felt. A connection that led to soulful kisses and the most night of sex he’d ever experienced. When the sun began to rise, he didn’t want his time with you to end. You felt the same and that one night led to an impromptu two-week vacation for two in Mallorca where the only activities done were eating, swimming, and fucking.
 From that two-week vacation, things between you took off literally and figuratively, where he went you came along, when he was racing you were in the stands in the family section. In between work, you were there to make sure he made time for play, and it was through him you’d experienced may of your firsts. He was having the time of his life and each day he fell deeper and harder for you. The number of deep conversations you had over the first year blew his mind, he felt you knew him better than most and treasured you like the queen you were.
 He'd been so deep that he didn’t see the flip side coming. At the sixteen months mark of your relationship, you’d started to act differently. His calls went unanswered, and his call back took longer and longer, his texts went hours without a reply and then the way you were with him felt as if you were trying to put distance between you. When the words came out your mouth “I think we should take a break”, he actually felt his world stop. He was right about to get in his car for a race. He’d called you because he wanted to hear your voice before. It had been a big mistake. Not only did he lost that race by coming in third, but he’d also crashed which led to him placing third.
 As for the reason for “the break”, “We’ve been together so much that I’ve pushed my life and goals to the side. We need to focus on ourselves.” Did it break him? Hell yes it did. He was completely blindsided by it and what made it worse was you dropping off the face of the Earth for the next three months. If he wanted to find anything out related to you, he had to see it on social media. You were having the time of your life and none of it looked goal oriented, unless your goals were all about living it up. You were at parties, events, modeling gigs, afterparties and even on the arm of a few other celebrities for a night or two. That was what hurt him the most. You’d begun to act like a new person, someone he didn’t recognize. That made him want to turn back into who he was before you. To dull his pain, he did revert. He woke up beside a different woman nearly every morning, sometimes two or three. He couldn’t remember a name to save his life and all their faces blended together after a while. However, nothing really helped.
 When he’d bumped into you a few months after the breakup at the same restaurant, he could feel something was there between you. The pull to you was as strong as it ever was, not a damn thing had changed for him. He still wanted you—still loved you. Throughout dinner he tried to keep his eyes off of you but failed. Every time he looked over to your table, he found your eyes on him and that little bit of contact broke open the gates that he’d built around his heart the last several months. You smiled and he knew that you knew you had him right where you wanted him.
 That night, you showed up to his hotel room and like the idiot he was he invited you in to talk but there were no words spoken—not with your mouths. They say make-up sex was the most incredible thing ever. He could attest to that but that hadn’t turned out to be make-up sex. It was I miss you; I love you; I need you sex for him but for you though he wanted it to be the same, and though it felt like it was the same, he feared it was something else.
 “I think I could love you forever and ever and ever and ever.” Those were the words you said to him when he’d told you he loved you. His heart skipped a beat when you’d said them, then it plummeted when you said, “As long as forever and ever and ever and ever don’t start right now.” He didn’t know what the fuck that meant, but he did. It all boiled down to not wanting to be with him. Not wanting him.
 “You know I think you’re perfect. It’s timing. You’re the type I’d want to spend my whole life with, but you won’t be the one I’ll spend tomorrow tonight with.”
 Your words felt like a professional punch to the gut. He had to actually bend over to catch his breath from that one. It cut deeper than he could admit. That was when the argument began.
 “What the fuck kind of shit is that to say to me after you just spent tonight with me?!”
 “We’re just in two different places.”
 He was stunned. It was like speaking to some embodiment of you, an embodiment who hadn’t experienced the last year and a half.
 “So, what the fuck was the last eighteen months about? What place were we both in then? Different places too?”
 You’d sighed like this was stressing you out, but he didn’t care. He needed an answer.
 “Answer me!”
 “We were but—I just—I can’t—uugh. I want to be young, Lewis.”
 “How am I stopping you from being young? I know I’m a few years older than you, but I’ve never tried to shame you for it.”
 “Uuuugh, I wanna be young and party every night, I want to act dumb with my friends, meet different people, live free and carelessly without thinking of anyone else and worrying if what I am doing will hurt or if I have to say sorry for it. I want to have experiences and know what it’s like to be shameless with my body. You are the third man I’ve slept with. You’ve slept with tens of women and feel no shame over it.”  You were shouting now as if by raising your voice the shit you were saying would make sense. It didn’t—not really.
 “So, you came home with me tonight to fuck me and what disappear again and fuck someone else tomorrow and the night after that and on and on? What the fuck do you really want, Y/N? What!”
 The silence in the suite suddenly became deafening, a drastic change from the shouting match from seconds before. He watched two tears roll down your cheeks and his gut twisted. He hated fighting with you, hated what was happening and half of him wanted to comfort you but the other half couldn’t bring himself to cross the space between you. It was much vaster than it appeared to be it was a chasm that couldn’t be crossed with a few strides.
 “How am I supposed to feel, Y/N? Have you thought about that?”
 “Of course! I just—I don’t think we should--.”
 Unspoken words hung in the air between you.
 “We should what? Don’t bite your tongue now!”
 “Be together—right now,” you finished.
 He stood there staring at you. There was so much turmoil bubbling within him, so many conflicting emotions, so many unspoken words, unspoken hurts. You must have seen it through his eyes because you took a step to him but without even thinking he stepped back. The action made you stop in your tracks and another set of tears rolled down your cheeks. Unable to help himself, a tear steaked his cheek.
 “Lewis--,” you began taking more steps to him. This time you didn’t stop, you crossed to him and cupped his jaw then swiped his tear with your thumb.
 “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
 “You’re not.”
 Your eyes met and the interesting part for him was he saw the same turmoil in your eyes, saw pain. It only made him angrier though. You lifted your other hand and cupped the other side of his face, and you stood there not speaking though he wished you’d say something—anything to wipe away the last ten minutes. He silently plead with you to do just that but the longer you remained silent the more pieces his heart shattered into. Someone had to walk away first or else he would say or do something else and made a further fool of himself.
 Lifting his hands, he gripped your wrists then pulled your hands away from his face.
 He sniffled then cleared his throat. “You should go—go be young, go party every night, go be dumb with your friends, go meet different people, go live free and carelessly without thinking of anyone else or worrying if what you’re doing will hurt them or if you have to say sorry for it, go have your experiences and know what it’s like to be shameless with your body--,” he had to pause them because the emotion in him clogged his throat stopping the next words.
 Clearing his throat, he held your eyes and fought against you fighting to put your hands back on his face. He knew if you touched him again, he would brush this under the rug. He was too close to playing your fool again. Clenching his jaw, he forged ahead, “Go fuck as many men as you want to and don’t feel not an ounce of shame. Go live your life Y/N, go live it—without me.”
 You scrunched your face and a river of tears streamed down your cheeks.
 “No, I don’t want to lose you though,” you feebly replied.
 Ignoring you he continued, “I wish you every happiness and I hope you find exactly what you’re looking for.”
 He pushed your hands down once and for all and only held your eyes for a few more seconds before he turned away from you and walked off.
 He couldn’t fight the emotions that the memories brought on. If only that had been the last time, you’d seen each other or been entangled in each other’s arms. What followed was a year of back and forth. You would claim you missed him too much and wanted to try again and you’d try but five or six months later you both took turns on who was the one to end things. The last time eight months ago was you. he didn’t know why he just hadn’t moved on already. It wasn’t the sex, he was sure of it, and it wasn’t him being out of options, he had plenty and it wasn’t because he was a masochist, he preferred the Dom roll.
 Deep down he knew the reason. He saw a future with you. his family saw a future with you. He knew your deepest secrets, you knew his, he knew the reasons behind everything you did and knew that you past played a greater role in your present than you let anyone believe. He saw you and you saw him and no matter what he was sure you were tied to his life for a greater purpose. Maybe you were meant to teach him love and real pain, maybe you were his test in life, maybe you were sent to really make him inspect himself and his life to make real changes. His father had always said before every man settles down for the rest of their lives, they’ll all have an enlightened moment to show you real love and he’d had that moment with you years ago. The only doubt he had was that he was uncertain that if love hurt if it was in fact real love or infatuation.
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The next night he walked into Mart’s party a few hours late and put on the front of being the life of the party. An hour or so into it he’d faked it till he made it. He’d had several drinks and his worries were miles away. All he wanted to do tonight was drink, dance and have a good time, he’d earned it. He didn’t know if you were there but by the time he was huddled in a dark corner with a gorgeous ebony goddess with long legs and hypnotizing eyes he’d forgotten you—for the most part. He didn’t know how long he’d sat there and talked to her, or how long he’d avoided other women at the party who’d been showing him attention. What he did know was that he felt you before he saw you.
 Fuck, he thought before his eyes moved off of the beauty he was sitting beside and slid across the room as if a south magnet attracted to its north. When he found you, your eyes were already glued to him. God, you were beautiful, he thought to himself before he tried to look away. However, he failed that attempt. It was like you were commanding him and you willed his eyes only to be on you. A slow smile spread your lips and the only reason he was able to look away was the buxom beauty beside him who placed her hand on his jaw and turned his head back to her.
 “I prefer your attention here, lover.”
 Her smile was seductive and mysterious all at once and that only intrigued him further. That was where his attention remained until he went to the bar an hour later for refills on their drinks. As he waited, he scrolled through his phone catching up on any work-related missed messages or emails.
 “Ignoring me now?”
 The hairs on his spine went up at the sound of your voice. When he looked beside him there you stood in your low-cut dress that complimented your shape and complexion so fucking well. He hated that his instinct was to look over your body, hated the fact that the look over your body was not a quick glance, hated that the look over your body elicited a reaction. His cock pulsed painfully and hardened.
 His eyes scurried to your face and the mischievous smirk on your lips said you knew the effect you had on him. Goddamn you, he thought, turning his face back to his phone.
 “Aw, come on don’t be that way.”
 “What can I do for you, Y/N?”
 “Y/N? I was Poppet last night.”
 He clenched his jaw at the reminder of his slip up on his voicemail.
 “You actually listened to my voicemail, wow. Do you want a cookie?”
 He looked at you, your smirk hadn’t faded. Placing your hand on your hip he fought the urge to look at the fullness he knew was there.
 “Nah, cookies are for little girls. Big girls prefer better rewards.”
 You gave his body a once over as you sank your teeth into your plum painted bottom lip.
 “Bigger—rewards,” you added, eyes glued to the front of his pants.
 He was sure you could see your effect. Knowing it would be worse to try and hide it he stayed where he was but cut his eyes.
 “Boo, you’re no fun,” you said with a whine in your voice. “Don’t tell me little miss long legs took all of that and left none for me.”
 He could hear the saltiness in your voice. He smirked then turned to you. He had the upper hand right now even though you knew that his body wanted you.
 “So what if she has? What business of yours is that?”
 You stared at him bit didn’t speak.
 “Think she wants to take more than fun from me,” he said lurching his hips forward for emphasis making sure you got his gist.
 It was then your smirk slipped, and he knew you were grinding your teeth.
 “Jealousy doesn’t look good on you—poppet.”
 You flared your nostrils, rolled your eyes then turned to the bar placing yourself shoulder to shoulder with him.
 “Jealous, that’s laughable. I doubt I have anything to be jealous about. Yes, she’s gorgeous but beauty doesn’t tend to hold you for long.”
 Your voice was dripping with cockiness. Shaking his head, he scoffed. “As if you would know what holds me for long.”
 “I think I do—me.”
 Your eyes met again, and the fire, electricity and pull were still there. Fuck he was stupid, he thought. Shaking his head, he looked away. It was then the bartender slid him the two drinks he’d ordered but he also placed four shot glasses in front of you. They smelled familiar.
 “See you around, Y/N.”
 Before he walked off, you slide two his way then raised your eyebrows. “For old time’s sake?”
 You waited but you didn’t look in the least bit worried he’d turn you down. This confidence was one of the many things he loved about you. In the beginning, it was endearing and sexy, now it was sexy but rubbed so wrong. Sighing, he took up one of the glasses then held it up ready to knock it back.
 “No toast?”
 “What do you want to toast to?”
 You smirked and took up your own shot glass.
 “To tonight.”
 He quirked his brow confused by your meaning but shook his head and knocked it back. A second after he put the glass onto the bartop he grabbed the other and waited for you. Your smirk was wider, and he watched you cross to him pressing your body onto his. You went to his ear.
 “And you getting to bury that bone inside of me in that dark corner behind the bar.”
 Your lips grazed the tattoo on his neck before you pulled back to slowly down the drink never taking your eyes off of his. He hesitated for a few moments then drank it down. Once finished, he leaned to you and felt victory when your eyes dipped to his lips and angled your head back ready for his lips. Passing them, he went to your ear.
 “Oh, I’ll bury this bone inside of someone in a dark corner tonight, but I doubt it’ll be you who gets the pleasure, poppet.”
 A once sweet and loving nickname between the two of you was now used as a weapon and he knew you knew the difference of its usage every time he did it. With that, he moved from you with drinks in hand and walked off. It took a few moments, but your reply came just as he expected.
 “I look forward to making you eat those words.”
 Giving himself credit, he scoffed he may want you, but he wouldn’t give in. Two hours later it was apparent he’d given himself too much credit because he was currently behind the same bar, in the dark corner you’d alluded to, balls deep inside of you with your legs wrapped around his waist and your back pressed against the wall. The loud bass of the music had the wall shaking throwing off his thrusts just a little but thankfully drowning out your screams, moans, and squeals. He didn’t want this in the tabloid rags the next day. He didn’t need the entire world knowing how stupid he was. He felt it.
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“Yes, yes, fuck Lewis! Right there, right fucking there!”
 He groaned then pistoned his hips into you enhancing his speed. With each thrust forward, you grabbed onto him while your head banged into the wall. It didn’t seem to hurt because upon every collision you smiled. Perhaps you were the masochist and perhaps he liked that a little bit.
 “Fuck you’re gonna make me cum all over this big dick,” you whined as you began rocking your body like a wave and using him as your anchor.
 ”Fuck—lemme feel it. Lemme feel you.”
 You both moaned and panted. He was chasing the pleasure that only seemed right with you, you hit different. When you bit his earlobe and dug your nails into the back of his neck, he knew just how close he was and by how tightly you clenched around him as if you were preventing him from disappearing, he knew you were too.
 “Fuck me papi, fuck me so good I never forget who I belong to.”
 He didn’t know if it was the use of his pet name, a name he hadn’t heard from your lips in over eight months or if it was your words.
 “Fuck me so good I never forget who I belong to.”
 Pulling back, he looked into your eyes and even in this dark corner he could make them out perfectly. His fast movements slowed and changed. In the blink of an eye, he’d moved from fucking you senseless to making love to you in this dark corner of this club. In a matter of seconds, he’d gone from a drunken desperate need for release to the chains on his heart rattling threatening to break apart. Your jaw dropped, and your hand cupped his jaw. Fuck he thought, his weakness.
 “Only you papi, only you,” you whined.
 What the fuck, he thought. Were you so drunk off your ass that you didn’t know what you were saying or was he fucking you so right that this was the pleasure talking?
 His brain struggled to catch up to his body and the need to cum washed over him like a tidal wave.
 “Fuck, your pussy feels so good.”
 “It’s your pussy,” you instantly screeched.
 That was all he needed to hear before he was cumming with the force of a heard of angry bulls. He came so hard that he almost pummeled you through the wall. You screamed in his ear and held him close as your body shook. Neither of you moved for several long minutes. Neither of you spoke. It was like in this moment in time everything was stilled—paused and the past hadn’t happened, and the future was still this optimistic beautiful dream that was within reach. A happily ever after was still possible. He was reluctant to let that go. Even when fatigue attacked his body and limbs, he still clung to you, even when he could feel his seed seeping out of you and down his still hard dick, and even when he felt the shake of your body subside but another tremble begin. This was the trembling of crying.
 It felt like the time was persistently nudging him fighting against his will to keep it stopped. It was a battle between his three-year desire for nothing but you and time who wanted his eyes to open to reality—or perhaps his destruction. Time was a relentless fuck and like a barreling train his surroundings came back. The loud music attacked his ears and the beating against the wall became impossible to ignore. Another thing that was impossible to ignore, was the wetness on his shoulder, the shoulder your head was draped over. The protector in him knew what was happening and he wanted to make everything right, wanted to help you. When he started to pull back, you held him there.
 “Stop, wait. Don’t look at me.”
 Your voice was clouded. It was the last confirmation he needed that you were crying.
 “Please don’t call me that. It’ll only make this harder for me,” you whispered against the shell of his ear.
 Harder for you? You held him tighter, though he expected you to push him away. He waited for you to continue but you didn’t automatically. It felt like hours before you spoke again.
 “Fuck your timing. Oh god, why.”
 Your body shook again, and he heard your sobs over the music. Burying your face into his neck, you muffled the sound but the force of which your body shook rocked him to his core. Trying his hardest to remain strong, he held you not daring to move one muscle.
 “Po—Y/N,” he began.”
 “I wish—I wish so fucking bad--. If I could love you then I would love you. You don’t even fucking—understand.”
 You sniffled as you spoke through your tears then buried your face into his neck again. You breathed him in at the same time he breathed you in. The strength he’d been clinging to so desperately was gone. A tear slipped from his eye, and he clenched his jaw hoping to prevent any more.
 “Y/N--,” he began but you cut him off.
 “I can’t—I--.” You groaned then took a breath.
 “I’m letting go—and even though it hurts—fuck it hurts so fucking much papi.”
 The usage of his pet name again didn’t miss him and that was what ruined him.
 “Close your eyes. Please.”
 Clenching his jaw, he listened. Slowly everything drowned out, the throng of people rubbing up against each other around him, the music, the scent of the different drinks being made that was mixed with the scent of weed, and everything in between. All that was left was you and him.
 “If I could love you and dear god I want to, I really, really want to love you right. But right now—I’m letting you go. I have to. Fuck—I have to.”
 You sounded like you were trying to convince yourself. He was barely hanging on at this point.
 “You have to let me go. You have to let me let you go. Can you do it?”
 He shook his head and held you tighter at the same time you held him tighter.
 “I can’t—but I have to, or you’ll hate me more.”
 “I love you.”
 “You deserve more.”
 With that, you released him and unwrapped your legs from around his waist. He pressed you into the wall more refusing to do what he knew he had to do. It had come to the point where holding on was more painful.
 “You can’t love me for the both of us.”
 Those were the words that broke through. It dawned on him now that he had been doing just that this whole time. It wasn’t about if you loved him or not. You weren’t there. Reluctantly, he stepped back allowing himself to slide from the warmth of your body. Though your feet were back on the floor, neither of you moved. His arms were still wrapped around you as yours cocooned him. Neither of you met the other’s eyes, both avoiding things and each other. You pressed your forehead into his chest right where his heart was currently shattering.
 “Forever & Ever & Ever & Ever,” you said. He didn’t know how he heard you above the music and loud chatter, but he heard you loud and clear.
 “But not right now,” he replied.
 You released a soft sigh then hit your forehead on his chest three times then walked around and away from him.
***I don’t have a Lewis Hamilton Tag List. Just tagging randomly. If you’re interested in him lemme know via Asks if you want a tag in future fics.***
@chaneajoyyy @caramara3​ @valkryienymph @babyflowa07 @est1887  @halfrican-heat​
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coleszzzworld · 2 years
Tittle-hot and cold.~Yandere atsumu miya x reader ~
They/them pronouns!
Summary- you go on a short vacation for a while , but your friend atsumu doesn’t like that you left 

(Also hey guys I’ve been inactive with my writing lately cause I’ve been very busy lol, and I’ve been un creative with my writing but I got some bangers coming y’all’s ways ;) also this song is literally something yandere astsumu would listen toođŸ«¶đŸŒ)
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"atsumu please leave me alone ..." you say to yourself as your phone blows up with texts messages and calls from atsumu , you then roll over grabbing your phone off the nightstand, as you open it you rub the sleep out of your eyes , then you proceed to read the messages from him.
AtsumuđŸ«¶- where are ya y/n?
AtsumuđŸ«¶-seriously tell me
AtsumuđŸ«¶-you left and didn't tell me where you were going...
AtsumuđŸ«¶-why are ya ignoring me?:p
AtsumuđŸ«¶-yer literally looking at my messages, at least say something please...
"One missed call from atsumuđŸ«¶"
"Two missed calls from atsumuđŸ«¶"
"Three missed calls from atsumuđŸ«¶"
"What the actual fuck is wrong with this man?..." you say as you roll your eyes . He can be so nosey and over protective sometimes and at this point it's annoying.
You and atsumu has been best friends for 2 years . He never used to act like this until...he broke up with his girlfriend. Well actually...more like she broke up with him . Your Were there for him . He was
.really broken...like a part of him died that day . Or maybe it was sanity that died that day
You was stressed because of finals at school and your mom decided to take you and your family on a mini vacation nothing to big , just something to relax you. the hotel you and your family is staying at is about a few hours from your home.
You grab your phone reading the bizarre messages from atsumu again . Then you decide to respond
Y/nđŸ«¶-"atsumu... it's like 3:00 in the morning, I'm trying to sleep and enjoy this little vacation before finals at school.."
You lazily text as you Respond to his crazy ass messages.
AtsumuđŸ«¶-"now ya respond,? To late sugar I'm already here."
You roll your eyes obviously annoyed with his scaring tactics , you then decided to play into his act a bit
Y/nđŸ«¶-"ha,ha,ha... you know what ever your doing, isn't scaring međŸ«€, now if you don't mind your going on do not disturb, and I'm going to sleep🙄."
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Which room are ya in? , actually nvm I'll find a different way...see ya soon sugar:)"
"What the fuck..."you say to your self as you sit up fast looking around the dark room . Then back to your phone responding once again.
AtsumuđŸ«¶-"lets play a game sugar!! Hmmm....let's play hot and cold !!!:) Look in your room where you think I'll be , if you win I won't kill your precious family.... If you don't ... I'll just take you , and I’ll think about not killing your family!:)"
Y/nđŸ«¶-"what the actual fuck is wrong with you?! , your seriously making me scared , I'll just call the cops on you ..."
You then look in the Conner of the room then you look down at your phone
AtsumuđŸ«¶-woah! So cold. Try again:)!
"Is this a j-joke.? How did he know I was looking in the Conner of the room?. This can't be possible..."you say to yourself as you slightly shake .
So many thoughts was running through your mind...you couldn't even think straight .
AtsumuđŸ«¶-"awww y/n don't be scared I'm not going to hurt you... You better keep playing or your family will dieđŸ€·đŸŒ....and I know you want to call the cops or whatever, but they're not going to come , no matter how hard you try to convince em ... they won't believe you:)!"
Your whole body goes numb. What. The . Fuck. You rush up looking at your phone then to the other Conner of the room next to the balcony you look back down to your phone
AtsumuđŸ«¶- cold .
You let out a shaky breathe, you look back then  getting out of bed trying to turn the lamp on next to your bed . You look at the wire connecting to the power outlet , it's cut.
"I- I, what the hell?. " you say as your whole body goes numb. You then walk to the hall of the front door using only your phone light you then look down slightly to your phone.
AtsumuđŸ«¶-"woah burning hot!"
You stumble back a little bit then you walk towards the front door gripping it then unlocking it you open it....And no one was there . Your body is like jello you can't feel anything. You hurry and close and lock the door. But before you could turn around...
"Sorry I lied too ya sugar....You where burning hot when you looked at the balcony. To bad you didn't notice me.. oh! Since ya played so good! I won't kill your family!!!"
Him. You heard him. Atsumu. He gripped your mouth before you could yell or scream for help he then Grabs you forcing you into a hug. Your so numb you can't feel anything.
"Please-let -me go!." You slightly get out of your mouth .
"Hmm , no sugar . Ya played the game so good!. Ya deserve the reward." He says as one hand grips your hips.
"See sugar, when that bitch broke up with me. Left me like I was nothing. It really hurt me. Then you. You came in and helped me during my bad times. Ya are really a bright light y/n! My bright light. You. Are . Mine. And when ya left with out telling me you were . I found ya location. Not too far from where i live!. Ya should really lock your balcony doors, ya would never know who would come in!" he says as he quickly pecks you on the lips.
"You will never leave me. Never. I love ya sugar."
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tiptapricot · 2 years
MK liveblog thoughts, The Tomb
I wanna know what the other gods on the wall were imprisoned for
Another banger logo theme
This was the first ep I watched when it came out initially bc I joined a lil after ep 3 n it still slaps
Layla handles this opening so well n it’s so claustrophobic but so well shot n acted n staged
It’s dark but still ur able to see n the way the camera stays w her n peeks out n all that AFGHHHB
“Looks like he’s dead” nah he’s just snoozing
Layla my love my love ur so badass
—Steven, watching her right after
Layla has a skilled desperation to her combat it’s v interesting
This ep is one of the prettiest I think w the sun lighting n just the colors in diff scenes idk
Also it’s Laylas second prettiest ep
“Our deal didn’t have you getting Layla and us killed that’s not gonna fly w me” Marc haha just wait no it’ll be funny I promise
 handt he distappered from ur life already” UR SO FUNNY
Steven ily
The desert sky clouDSS
MK like: chuck mr isaac back in that desert again
Steven shining the light in his face lol
“Innit” “plonker” category five British event two dead in one body
“Oh whatevah 🙄 “
“You in love? Huh you in love with my wife?”
The blood spatter n the nose hook ohhhh this ep is so eerie creepy
The lighting in front of the tomb makes both of them glow
Layla having Steven smell like Marc is such a like
. Weird but also sad moment of like
 having to separate the two n her having a hard time n then Steven makes it v obvious by telling her ab Khonshu
“What’s belay?”
Laylas laugh is so cute
“R u okay?? 😟” “yeah I’m aces”
“Id be frilled, id shit maself but id be frilled”
The tongue clicking

When u drop trauma n ur like haha no biggie “yeah dads dying happen haha nah it’s fine I’m good lol” n then Steven is so SWEET
Also the score
“Not such a bad way to go, is it? Let’s fine out ;-)” “yeah
 let’s find out” you sure do Steven
“It’s a maze” “it’s a maze ing”
Steven’s 3D layout skills r so much better than mine
Tho also I still dk how the maze scene works how is the eye of horus connected what part r they standing in
The only part that rlly bothers me ab this ep
The blue ish green lighting here is so good n Layla looks so like: that’s my guy :-)
“The tounggggggue”
“Oh my god. Oh god. Is that fresh blood? And those little meaty bits?” He sounds so cute but also so grossed out
Meaty trail w meaty bite hehOO
Laylas like “baby c’mon we gotta keep moving I get ur uncomfy but u gotta work w me”
Grossness Overwhelmed by Special Interest. Category 5 autism moment someone dead in a couple scenes but not yet
If I had a nickel for shows I loved that involved on screen mummification id have two etc etc (shout out to miss fisher)
I hate the gloop sounds
Layla again is never not afraid I can see she’s scared but she always keeps moving n it keeps u on the edge of ur seat bc u feel like you’d b the same
“I squished it
 I squished it” ILY STEVENNNNN
Ppl talk ab ppl looking good when they’re disheveled n sweaty n layla el faouly deserves to b in that this woman is perspiring n her hair is messy n she has never looked better
This ep is
So fucking
The hand coming out of the dark the crumbling rock knowing there’s stuff in the crevices like spiders
Layla using the red flares as weapons, red being her color, scarlet
Fear of being chased by a zombie thing and for ur crush outdone by autism, one zombie dead, feelings injured.
Marc’s voice is so soft when he talks ab the like “so you kissed her” thing
Steven’s autistic joy in this scene I know I’ve talked ab it already but finding Alexander’s tomb is just
Layla already being emotionally high strung from the fight n harrow just reeling her in
N the way Layla just looks tired n angry n pale n washed out n just
 baby I wanna hug you
Steven lip bite moment that man likes to bite skin (in a stim way)
“Oh so sorry, sorry mr great” *throat grossed out sounds*
I love him
“Ah ew >:-(“
Laylas eye bags my beloved
The way she realized harrow is rlly getting to her as he describes the scarf n her face breaks n she tries to hide it GodDD
N then there’s the hint of tears n snot n just just just just JUST
N then she breaks when she turns the corner like going to ur room to cry
“Layla! Look! We won! HahAA!! And the ushabti goes to.. us :-)”
“Youarright luv :-(?”
The confrontation n Marc like like
He’s forced to b vulnerable in front of her n his breath shakess n it’s almost like he’s accepting that he was there all over again
He looks so broken dude FUCK
Man y’all rmr the week everyone was like “Jake killed her dad” I hated that
Layla baby baby I’m so sorry
“But I didn’t die that night and
 I should’ve”
“Oh my god
 that’s the reason that we met” MAY CALAMAWY THE ACTRESS Y—
“I’ll hold them off,” famous last words lol
“COME ON” he pushes the anger out n then when he confronts harrow again there’s that bit of fear again n the axe lowers n he’s still feeling the trial
The lighting is lovely here too truly this ep is amazing w that
N then it pulls back n the old gutters push back in n it’s it’s ahhhh
N then we’re Marc’s pov w the camera being pushed away from the TV n turned around n pushed past the patients n the guy pushing the cart w the cupcakes is Bec n n then we stop by the window n see we’re Marc as he turns to it
The red scarab on Laylas bandage n we won to I won w how he views her moving away from him
The asmr is nice tho the soft talking n the closeness of the voices
Love the tomb buster cover
Dr harrow I hate you
But also I do like listening to u talk
Love all the details in the office n how it’s the place they were barricaded in w the jackal
Shout out to that fly
The score does an amazing job of building in the background
God this scene is hard to watch in a well done way but god watching Marc crawl to the door is
Marc is still scared of harrow n he is what his brain latched into for being not believed and being gaslit bc that’s who he was irl
The way the lights swing bc they’re on a boat YESSS
I always think of Steven’s sarcophagus as blue but then it’s white
“Steven?” “Marc?” “Steven!” Marc!”
Marc Spector I love you I love you
hi ;-)
I love them I love them I love them
I love that the ending credits always have a setting shot n it changes w each ep from London to Cairo to London and Cairo reflected ahhhh n it’s water at the start of this one
My dad pointed out the shot in the credits of dunes that resemble Khonshu’s head n I hadn’t noticed that before that fucks
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alwayshaveneverholdd · 3 years
First off, sorry for answering so late but college has been killing me these daysđŸ€•
About you liking ateez because of their music and not their personalities first: HONESTLY, SAME. I think they're the first kpop group that I like because of their music, performances and the like first. Idk, I guess they're so talented... and with kingdom they just proved that. I was so amazed by how they took the stage every single time. This may sound a bit cliche but they inspire me to become an idol too😂 maybe not in the kpop industry, but in the music industry in general. I'm currently not studying any dance major or music major but I might do it next year since I've been thinking about it before stanning ateez, but after stanning them? They really make you wanna kill it on stage like they do. Their energy is amazing. Idk how to put it into words but... wow😂 they're THAT talented. They inspire me so so much.
So actually, I got into ateez because I saw on Twitter (those dark days I was still on tt. I'm not there anymore though, too many toxic people🙂) that a lot and when I mean a lot I mean A LOT of people where talking about them the whole time. And at first, to be honest😅 I thought, ah, I'm sure they're hyped because they're from a big company or something, I'm sure they're not that great🙄 (bold of me to assume that because they're not but anyways😂😂) AND THEN, I watched answer's mv because they were having that comeback at that time, and I was SHOCKED because the mv was so breathtakingly beautiful, the song was amazing, they all looked so good, so powerful and I thought: wow, i get what they mean now. Then I went to listen to all of their albums and wow... not a song that I didn't like. After that I found out they were the only group in kq and that the company was a small one and I was likeđŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ€Ą never judging anyone ever again lmaooo. So that's really how I got into the fandom😂😂😂 what about you?
And yes!!!! I was very excited for this cb and it's finally out!!!!đŸ„łđŸ„łđŸ„łđŸ„łđŸ™ŒđŸ»đŸ™ŒđŸ» Have you watched the mv already? I'm not gonna say anything about it because I want you to watch it first and then tell me👀 hehe - uwu friend
Also, can I say I love your blog😂😂😂😂 @leo-culture-technology is right about your asks😂😂😂😂😂 you're so chaotic (in a good way😊), I love it😂😂😂😂😂 - uwu friend
BRO YES ATEEZ is just super unique in that they have that star factor: explosive stage presence and ability to tell a story (A lot of the industry just lacks this), skills and talents that they are always improving, a SERIOUSLY humble attitude, and a unique discography that mostly consists of BATTLE ANTHEMS, motivational BANGERS, and introspective BOPS.
The way I got into ATEEZ was similar. I was coming off of my most recent idol group binge and was ready to open up my horizon. I watched Wonderland MV because it had just dropped like a few days prior, and I LOVEEEEED IT!!!!!! Started hard stanning and never looked back. ATEEZ inspired me to start my own business ^-^ so that's awesome that they are inspiring you to pursue music and dance!!!
I actually heard Treasure when it first came out and I rly liked it and always listened to it. Didn't realize ATEEZ had already touched my life lmfao sometimes I wonder why I didn't start stanning then, but I guess I just wasn't ready and/or in the right headspace in my life to be open to the opportunities, growth, and motivation that would come to me through ATEEZ's music.
THIS COMEBACK IS JUST FUCKING IT!!!!! The past few years (ever since Fever pt.1 actually) I felt a sort of disconnect with ATEEZ's music and they felt off to me, but this is confirmation that they are STILL HERE and they are STILL THE SAME ATEEZ and they made a super tasteful diss track that's very respectful in saying "ALL YOU BULLIES GET OUT OF MY WAY, CAUSE I AM REALLY TICKED OFF!!!!!!"
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And it's not even a diss track, diss tracks are fucking stupid and immature and like "u suck lol i am the best u are a nerd" (I hate diss tracks lmfao) ATEEZ IS JUST OUT HERE SAYING,
aLSO I'm SO happy we got the studio versions of the kingdom songs. SO fucking happy. Look, every group that went on that show was talented in their own right and there were some amazing stages, but I really wished they had professional judges pick the winner bc making it a popularity contest after ALL THAT TRAUMA THE FANDOMS WENT THROUGH was such a dick move mnet is an asshole.
I just am so happy, and every day I know I stan the right group for myself. They truly inspire me to be better and strive for my goals.
ALSO LO0L thank you uwuwuwuwuw I like having a place to unleash my weird-ass thoughts bc lort knows I can't always do it irl
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