#meaning that if there are legit leaks you better believe someone will be fired.
darkspellmaster · 6 years
Update and Edit and Master Post to the Fokker Conspiracy: A Guide to this whole mess.
Firstly a special thanks to several people that have helped me with this. I couldn’t have done this without more than my eyes.
Secondly: To those that are determined to believe these leaks, I’m going to say this right now. I am not going to judge you, I’m not here to be spiteful and say you’re wrong, I have no horse in this race. So if you want to believe in the leaks, then do so, I’m not going to harass or bug you about it or tell you you’re wrong.
Third: This post is designed to be informative as possible, and if anyone needs to correct something, please shoot it in the notes below so that I can go in and correct them. I want people to have enough info to make their own call on this, and all I’m doing is laying out the facts.
So without further ado, all details and information is below the cut here.
Adding in updates and edits as I go...Edit: 2.0.2
Edit: (I’m going to be polite as I got a note from tumblr in regard to BTI Studio, which makes me think that it’s the name and they are doing blanket purges as their name is being used by this. I am trying to find a way to contact the person that copyrighted me, a Mr. Rachel, who works as part of the IT Manger at BTI Studios. Which makes me think that this is more on the use of the name than the pictures themselves. 
Anyone know if he’s on Twitter? I got this on the 24th, it is now the 29th and I did not receive any further notices. As I’m not on linked in and don’t have access to email him directly.  This makes me think it’s the name as if it was all of NBC Universal all other forms of these images including VSI would be asked to be taken down. As was the Pidge and Lance image that was made to be a fake to show how easy it is to make one. This doesn’t mean that the leaks are real, only that the name, like all company names, should not be used without the consent of the copyright holder.) 
Edit: According to Anon, the Plance photo which was a fake used to show how anyone can make this sort of thing was also copyright struck. Meaning that regardless of just fan art, or not, real or fake, you could be hit by a notice to remove the work. This is what is considered a kind of blanket purge meant to just clean everything up, even if it’s not even a leak. As long as there’s some bit of what is considered Intellectual property connected to the peice (character, name of studio, logo, even something as simple as “Property of X” it can be copyright struck.) 
So let’s start with the Real Leaks that happened from both France and the US and Mir.
So let’s go with Kimiko’s leaks. For those that don’t know, these are real leaks from the Voice actress of Ezor, who was working in New York at the time for Broadway and was dubbing over lines that they either changed or didn’t get a strong enough take for her.
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This photo was taken way back on April 18th 2017, since the date on the image dates the day of the photo taken.
So Several things you need to note about these picture.
1.       The photo has the timer on the top and the side showing the take, we have a transparent property of DreamWorks, and the full locked and updated note with date and time on the bottom to denote that voice recording was locked in and updated at that point in time. There are also codes that give editors information.
2.       The name of the studio is real, and they have their water mark in a way that doesn’t distract from the actors recording as well as it being transparent enough for them to do the recording as the water mark is put over as another layer on the screen for various legal reasons. Hyperbolic Audio is a dub studio in New York that works with several clients.
3.       This photo was taken down within a few hours of it being put up by DreamWorks and basically the studio put out an announcement that requested the leak be taken down, as did the actors and other people working for the company. Word got out really fast and this image was removed and did later show up in the show.
Then there was the leak from Stuido Mir. This one I don’t have pictures of since most were taken down or deleted.
1.       Confirmation of the photos were made by Mir itself.
2.       The original poster of the pictures took them down and then requested that others take down the leaked images.
3.       Someone tried to blackmail the studio holding the artwork, which lead to them being basically forced to take down the images.
4.       This all within a few hours and days of the leaks coming to light.
Now this one is important because this one plays a role in everything that we’re going to discuss below.
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So from my understanding the French actor of Keith Lionel (hope I’m spelling that right) took a photo of himself and others in the recording studio during the earlier seasons.
(This was removed more recently by him because people found it.)
So several important things to note here.
1.       The photo again was taken by someone directly connected to the show and within hours of it coming out it came down. As dated by the discord server, this was done way back in 2017.
2.       As you can see the program is very unique and that’s because it is a one of a kind program that was built for the dubbing studio.
3.       As you can see here, the picture spreads over the screen and stops short of where the table is on the left.
4.       You can see the text on screen is far smaller and transparent so you can see the words.
4 a. According to Anon, this may be the work of DreamWorks themselves. As the water marks would have to be done by them directly. Again I have never seen this sort of water marking on anything before, and no other studio has done this, and they have never done this to any of their other shows as far as I’ve seen. We’ll have to wait and see if they do this with She-ra as it’s another 2D show vs. 3D which is harder to do a lot of edits for. 
5.       The setup shows the words below, etc.
6.       The words do not go over into the dark area of the screen and never cross over the table on the right side of the screen.
7.       The photo was taken down within a few hours of it being put up and the studios were fast to take it down and tell the actors to tell their fans to make sure it’s not distribute the image. Same as with Kimiko’s leak.
With all this in mind. Let’s take a look at the latest leaks and try to clear this all up.
Recent leak with the French Dub team.
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So let’s go over this piece by piece.
1.       The fact is that this is a real photo of the cast of Voltron from France, that is not the issue. The issue is the screen behind them.
2.       The bottom screen where the words are…
Okay so I did some digging on this studio. You can find information regarding them in the links below.
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So Chinkel S.A. has a very unique program for dubbing created by Cappella systems. This was built just for them and there is no other studio that owns this sort of set up. This is really important to note because all of the leaks have had an altered version of their watermarks.
The important things here…
1.       The words would not stretch across the whole screen like this. As the cut of the projected image would be set directly before the text boxes as you see in the studio image.
2.       The words are too big, and are not opaque, and are too few. As the original real leak shows the “Do not copy” has 8 lines, the fake one here only has 5.
3.       Yellow words are wrong and should be a way lighter color. As the color is yellow in the fake leaks and the real ones are transparent and name Chinkel S.A. not VSI which is wrong.
4.       The image that is being used is that of a cropped shot of the previous leak as they cut off the other mouse, which you would not do as we see in the original real leak shows that the image stretches across the screen.
4a. Edit: Thank you anon for pointing out the mouse. My mistake here as the image I saw on my home computer makes the image look far more blurred then on the bigger one at work. You are right that it does have the mouse there, and the non studio shot that I have with the BTIStudio logo on it doesn’t have Pidges shoulder in it. I mixed those two up.  I do personally though find it odd that the mouse is in the same position as the first shot. 
5.       The bottom line of the text doesn’t bend properly.
As shown by @huntypastellance post, the bending of the light of the projector is way off on the bottom of the shot.
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Normally a projector would be bending and curving around the actors’ body and in this case they are not fully being wrapped around. Which is, as @aquaburst07 and @ladynoctern told me, as both are graphic designers, not at all how this is supposed to work in a legit picture.
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Also something of importance that I must call to mind. The words on the bottom of the screen. They are not on the bodies of the actors. If this is a real projection then the light and worlds should be bending and shaping around the actors and this is not behaving in the way that it should. Also the word would not be cut off like that, even if you pause the scene, and you would never pause in a scene like this to take a photo.
Ask any VA, they would tell you that you would not waste time in this way. You’re costing time that you need to record. So if you take photos like this, it’s done before or after the recording session starts.
Additionally the light is off in regard to how a dubbing room would be used.
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There is also the very blunt issue of the table on the right being way wrong, as you would not have a scene in there and have it read carton. As you see with the studio image it would have a list of the different recording aspects in there.
In the photo that was leaked there is none of that. And also there is no red lines near the end to be used to mark for audio recording purposes.
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In another photo from the Chinkel S.A. website through the VSI website when translated they show their font on screen. It’s not very hard using Adobe products to create fonts and part of Graphic design is learning to do that.  There is no words over the actors like there should be since this “scene” comes before the “wedding scene”.
Another small factor that’s been bugging me about the order of these scenes, the art story makes no sense. As a narration due to the time it reads like this. 
First you have the older picture scene of them as a group, since the timer reads 22:09, then you have Keith’s scene at 22:30, and then you have the wedding, at 22:42. Here’s the reason this is bothering me. In normal structure you would have the picture of the younger group, then the moment of Keith, then the older group, and then end it on the wedding. 
So if you notice that the show is doing the Final Fantasy XV way of making a character look older by giving them scruff on their chin. If Shiro’s wedding happens before the picture, where is his husband? If the wedding is taking place after the second group photo where is the scruff on their chins. 
Also if you’re doing a sort of nostalgic moment you end on the group shot, you don’t star on it, that’s doing things in a backwards style and no storyboard writers group would do that. You want your story to flow. 
Example: A- First shot with the statue in the back. 
B -Keith shot
C -Wedding
D- Time skip shot with the group in color. 
As I said in my large anon asks, the point of sepia is to make the tone of the scene feel nostalgic or memory like. 
(I’m simplifying a lot of this because there’s so much here from a graphic design angle that a lot of people will be confused here)
6.       The water mark on the screen is off, and the wrong type. Chinkel uses it’s name as the water mark and not the studios owner VSI.
7.       Also the fact that the picture is too clean and sharp vs all the other aspects of the photo which are pixelated and blurred.
So onto the others. Let’s start with the Wedding and move our way down…
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(Using Cinderella III because the stance is similar to the leaked image) 
(For those wondering why I keep calling the character Roy, it makes it easier for me than calling him “That one dude that looks like a famous character from Macross that is supposed to be a homage to him, and clearly isn’t him.” ) 
8.       This image was cropped at the top.
8 a.  As Anon pointed out to me in inbox, the characters in the back are static and not moving. This would not be normal and, as I said in my post that got deleted, the characters were probably redrawn from either a posed picture, or some sort of promotional art and then traced over. Newtype magazine does a lot of illustrations that have moments that are not in the shows and weddings are sometimes used for their articles when they want to push a couple. 
9.       It’s been layered. The fact is that only Chinkel has the software to do this, so this was created by duplicating the layers and then taking and cutting and stamping and a lot of things in photo shop.
10.   As per the Chinkel real leak, the property of DreamWorks on the bottom is not in stroke.
11.   We have the fact that this guy looks way to much like Roy Fokker to be legally allowed. If this is supposed to be Adam then there’s something way off with him.
12.   As I detailed before you can’t use images or look a likes of Roy Fokker due to Studio Nue and Harmony gold and Tatsunoko’s huge legal fight, and he wouldn’t be accessible until after 2021. So no…no Roy would be allowed even if he is Adam or just meant to be a look alike.
12 a. As @rsasai points out in this post using Roy would cause massive issues in Japan alone. http://rsasai.tumblr.com/post/179513598638/reminder
13.   Also pidge’s eyebrows are off slightly and in the kiss scene you can see that Roy’s hand and arm vanishes
13a. Cleaner image shows that the arm is there, it’s just very hard to see, which again is why normally you don’t use the sepia tones there. 
Link to image here
Since the Image has the BTIstudios name on it, and seems to be the reasons for the take downs, I’m linking it. 
The interesting thing though is, again, I’m talking here from the perspective of framing a scene. 
Closest one that I could find with the same or similar arm movements. 
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As you can see the more natural grip would be on the upper arm, it might be that Shiro’s arm can’t do that anymore? It seems like an odd place to put his arm. 
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Similarly here’s a shot that is a lot like the leaked one. Again the arms placement would naturally fall on the chest or arm of the other person as they are being pulled into the kiss, so you’d rest your arm where it feels natural. 
13 b. Anon also pointed out that Shiro’s hand is resting on a location that would be more suited for a shorter character in place of Roy. Also his line of sight in the other pictures doesn’t match up, as he is looking down possibly at someone shorter than him, and also the art could allow for rotation on the head, as it’s easier to do that in profile than in person. 
14.   As per Malaysian posters, the wording on this is wrong and would not read that.
15.   NBCU would not have it’s name on this period. You don’t have a stroke around a water mark.
16.   BTI studios doesn’t have this program and would not just go by BTI studios.
17.   Water marks do not work like that. You wouldn’t have a pause thing either.
18.   And there is a lot of issues of where the words are being put because you can’t and shouldn’t have it hard for the voice actors to see the lip flaps.
19.   Pause would not look like this and not be placing like this at all. Also the image of the kiss may be modeled on artwork from Macross do you remember love. 
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So with the second set of leaks we see changes.
20.   Lance and Allura are possibly a redraw of Allura and Lotor.
21.   Again BTISudios do not have the same type of equipment as Chinkel so this text over the screen should not be in there.
22.   Allura’s crying is in the wrong spot. As I showed with the superman reign shot
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23.   One thing that I need to point out is the extra strand of hair for Allura, which she should not have.
24.   Again this has been cropped and you wouldn’t have it in this tone as Voltron for past memories has shown it uses a white filter.
See with how Romelle and Bandor’s memory scene is framed in a light white edge to it, so show that it’s in the past. If the scene with these two are happening in the past then both should be in a white light not a sepia tone.
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Jumping ahead to Keith’s leak.
25.   Again wrong colors, we know that BTI Studios do not have this type of software.
26.   Keith would still be with Voltron, and why is Zethrid wearing a BOM uniform while Ezor has a patch over her eyes. This is all very wrong.
27.   Keith’s scar is not quiet right either.
The last one has a lot wrong with the group shot and more to the point the one on the top is far worse.
28.   Pidge’s eyebrows are cut wrong, her hair is based more on Lotor’s bangs then her own.
29.   Pidge’s nose was half cut off by the altered glasses placed on her.
30.   Keith’s fingers look weird and his hand is off, and if it’s lance’s it still a bit weird. 
31.   You wouldn’t have the image cut like that, and have the “Do not copy” would not flow off the screen in the way it does.
32.   Coran hasn’t changed at all, and his ears are off.
33.   Shiro looks more like an older version of Yu Narukami than himself.
33 a. Edit: As per @leavesandroses “Studio Mir also does statues in 3D, not drawn animation” And they are right.  If you look at artwork from Legend of Korra and at Aang’s statue because that’s some of the best shots, you can see how it’s done via CG rather than via traditional hand drawn.
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Even Lotor’s statue is similar in design and uses the same type of rendering only with a filter over it as it’s a memory. 
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Allura’s statue doesn’t have this same affect where you can tell it’s CG as you should in the shot. 
Thanks to  @rsasai , who did some testing, you can see the art work doesn’t over lap right.
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As you can see if these are all the same product they should line up…they don’t. No matter what way you try to overlap the screens will not match up.
Then there’s the added fact of the weird words that would not be on screen in this way.
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34.   Screens are all fucked up, you wouldn’t have the water marks cutting into the Property of DreamWorks
34 a. You would also not have the “One year later” on top like that. 
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35.   Also no studio would do it in this way. No one would be this dumb. This is way too close to how they would do some weird stuff in the 1990s, which would never be done here in the states now.
36.   There’s also the bad translation which would not be allowed.
On top of all of this and several other things that others have pointed out over and over again, you would not have three leaks of this magnitude and not have this pulled fast off the net. As I said with the original real leaks both were removed very fast by DreamWorks.
All three studios would have been pulled from the Netflix list and most definitely in the case of VSI and Chinkel SA they would have their preferred vendor award taken away. "Netflix Preferred Vendor of the Year - Timed Text (High Volume) for 2018.”
Not only would the actors from the shows be blacklisted for their willingness to participate in what would be seen as a very big Legal copyright issue, but also Netflix, WEP, DreamWorks and NBCUniversal would probably, along with other companies, never want to work with them again.
Then there’s the fact that romelle-against-the-antis got a confession from the first leaker saying that they faked the leaks.
With all this being said…and I’m sure others can add onto this with their own information, you can make your own call if this is fake or real. I’m not going to tell anyone what to believe, but for me there’s enough proof that make me believe that this whole thing is an elaborate hoax set up to drive the fans into extreme case of worry.
So please guys…. Forget about this, just wait till the season comes out and let the chips fall where they may. Go outside, find another show to watch for the time, enjoy the fact that Halloween is only a few days away, get ready to go shopping for the holidays, make something! I just hope the Voltron Fandom will relax.
Links here to all the stuff:
 Thank you’s go here.
@romelle-against-antis against antis
And a whole lot of Anons. With this being said, this will be my last update until something major comes out. 
Side note So this..
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is a actual photo from the screening of the actual end of the show with JDM and LM. It’s from JDS’s twitter account. Actors and crew and whoever came to see it signed an NDA and I expect that anyone claming to be leaking from this would be taken down and probably fired or fined for leaking anything from that screening. 
Honestly with the clues here I”m betting that Matt and his girlfriend will be the ones having the wedding, or someone there previous screening that they already decorated and left that stuff up there from that event.  Either way, everyone take a deep breath and relax until December...then you can freak out. 
216 notes · View notes
Never Ending
Alright @operation-spot. You gave me free reign so I got your Billy request right here! I truly hope you enjoy it!!
There’s mentions of a little Frank Castle x Reader so look out for that! 
(gif by me)
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You ran a hand through your hair as agents practically raided your apartment. The anxiety crept in as they made a mess of things and everything was happening left and right...so much was going on.
Just a mere moment ago, Homeland Security Agent Dinah Madani led her team into your home in an effort to search for your fiance or anything that could tie him to his whereabouts. At least that’s what was said when you were presented with the search warrant.
It wasn’t until after all of that, you were brought down to the field office and put into a room with a camera and microphone. You were left alone in the big, empty room that looked almost like a conference room for a while, wondering what the hell was going on.
“Y/N Y/L/N? I’m Agent Madani with Homeland Security I have a few questions about your fiance, Billy Russo.” Madani said as she entered, a confident but firm tone to her voice.
“What’s going on with Billy?” You asked, crossing your arms.
“It’s funny, I had no idea he was engaged.”
“It wasn’t something he or I went around talking about. Billy’s made some enemies with Anvil so we kept it on the down low. Plus Board of Directors at my job are pretty stuck up and even though it’s legit work, they’re very anti-violence and as of late, Billy’s company has been in the line of fire, so...” 
Madani paused and sighed to herself. Yeah because this is exactly how she wanted to spend this interview. Fucking Billy Russo…
“Then there’s a lot we need to go over.”
You sat in the backseat of the car, staring down at your engagement ring as some DHS Agents drove you home. Billy was...he was a monster.
How in the hell did you not see it? Everything he’s done was under your nose the whole time and you had no idea? How fucking stupid were you? You hoped Billy had a good laugh when he cheated on you with Madani...when he helped and worked for this Rawlins guy and he killed for him. When he helped to facilitate the murder of Frank Castle’s family...the same family that the both of you had considered a second family besides each other.
Or at least you did.
You had gotten to know for a fact that Frank was alive. Banged up for the most part but alive. At least of everything, Madani gave you that. He was supposed to be headed out of the city but you knew Frank better than that. He would finish what he started and that was to kill everyone that had anything to do with his family’s death.
He would have to kill Billy.
Honestly, underneath all of the anger and hatred, there was still a part of you that loved Billy. It was something you couldn’t just erase. You weren’t sure you would be okay with Billy’s death. As much as he had it coming, you didn’t know if you could just let him die.
As you glanced out the window, you turned to see that the car pulled up in front of your building.
“Thanks.” You said to them before getting out of the car.
You headed back to the same apartment you shared with Billy. You opened the door and glanced around the messy apartment. Maybe you should pack a bag and go stay elsewhere for tonight before you looked into possibly moving out.
You closed the door behind you and headed to your bedroom, getting started on packing when a hand clamped down over your mouth. You began to scream as you felt yourself being pulled backwards against a body.
“Shhhh...shh shh shh shh.” A voice whispered into your ear, causing you to stop. “Y/N. It’s me.”
Billy took his hand off your mouth and let you go. Immediately you turned around and pushed him, hard a few times. He barely moved an inch but he let you do it.
“You son of a bitch! How could you?! How could you do this to me?! To Frank?!” You yelled at him, your voice breaking with each word.
“I know and if you behave, maybe I’ll explain everything.” Billy told you after you stopped. “But I need you to get this bullet out of my arm.”
That’s when you noticed the blood on his upper right arm. You shook your head, wiping the tears away.
“Why should I do that? I should just let you bleed to death.”
“Come on, you and I both know it didn’t hit anything major enough to do that.”
“If you give me anything to help you with it, what do you think I’ll make sure you do?”
Billy laughed, smiling at you after he finished.
“We both know you wouldn’t do that, ain’t that right, Doc? That would be against your hippocratic oath? Or, knowing you, you love me enough to not kill me.”
“Fuck you, Billy.”
“Then how about this?” Billy pulled the gun from his lower back, pointing it at you. “That reason enough for you?”
You chuckled humorlessly as you glared at him, passing by him to grab your med bag from the closet. You stepped in, looking for the gun that was kept near your bag.
“You won’t find it in there.” He told you, showing you the shotgun with his spare hand, tossing it onto your bed.
You angrily grabbed your med bag and motioned for him to follow you to the table in the dining area. You opened it up, putting on a pair of gloves and getting everything set out and ready.
“Might as well enjoy this while it lasts because most likely I’m gonna be out of a job tomorrow.” You said pointedly.
“Why?” Billy asked as you began to cut the cloth covering his arm and how stopped pointing his weapon at you. “You didn’t do anything.”
“But you did. It’s all politics over there and after the shit you pulled, no hospital is gonna want the fiance of Billy Russo. Anywhere. So thanks for that.”
“No one knows about us.”
“But they will now that the cops do. Someone’s gonna leak it to the press soon if it hasn’t happened already.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You don’t get to say that.” You told him as you cleaned up his wound with some peroxide. “You’ve been lying to me for a long time, Bill. Your sorries mean shit to me at this point.”
“I know what happened with Madani--”
“It’s more than that. I can handle and live with you cheating on me. But Frank’s family? That--that--how could you do that to him? He was our family.” Your voice shook again. 
You took a moment to calm and steady your hand as you held the forceps in your hand.
“I did it for us.” He told you.
You glared at him for a moment before you choose then to dig into the gunshot wound with the forceps and you were not gentle. Billy let out a grunt in pain, pointing the gun back at you.
“Don’t do that again.” He warned you.
“So what, you’re gonna shoot me? Kill me too? Like you killed Frank’s family? At least with me, I’ll know it’s coming.”
“Shut up. Don’t--don’t say that.”
“You said you did it for us. That’s bullshit and you know it. You did it for you because you know I would never be okay with this. You knew I didn’t need money to be happy with you.”
You finally managed to get a grip of the bullet and you pulled it out of him, putting gauze over the wound. 
“But it didn’t hurt, right?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You sure didn’t hate the money we’ve spent together.” He then motioned to the engagement ring on your finger inside the glove. “Including the ring.”
“I loved this ring because it came from you. You told me you designed it and that was all before I found out it was bought with blood money so screw you for accusing me of being shallow.” You grabbed his hand and put it over the gauze as you went to grab a needle and thread. “That’s what you wanted, wasn’t it? Money and whatever else came with it like titles, power...women including Madani, right? Who knows how many others. You sold out your brother for materialistic bullshit. How did you sleep at night?”
“Most nights? Next to you after I fucked you into our mattress.”
You stopped what you were doing and sighed out loud. Low blow, Russo. 
“You know the entire drive home I wondered how...how I could have allowed myself to fall in love with you. Ever. You had your good moments. I thought we were happy but now I see it...you’re a monster who cares about nobody but himself. Not even me after all this time. And the worst thing?” You began to stitch him up. “I still do love you. Deep down, I fucking love you. But I don’t know you. I never really did. Looks like I more or so love the idea of you.” You finished stitching him up, cutting the remaining thread. “Of who you made me believe you were. Shame on me, huh?”
Billy just watched you as you wrapped up his arm, deciding not to say a word. He won’t admit that what you said stung. He won’t admit that not all of it was a lie. He did love you. He loved you a lot. But he knew down the line this wouldn’t have lasted; Didn’t mean he wouldn’t enjoy it while it lasted. He never truly believe he was built for this kind of life.
“Now what?” You asked him after you finished.
Billy pulled out a zip tie from the duffel you just took notice of. He motioned for your hands and you rolled your eyes before lifting them. He tied them together and made sure to connect it to another, confining you to the table leg. You would still be able to get out but at least it would take long enough for him to catch you.
Billy changed his clothes and continued to pack up everything he might need: clothes, money, guns, etc. You were wondering how you were gonna get out of this when the lights cut out to your apartment. You heard Billy moving around when he cut your zip tie connecting you to the table loose.
“Move.” He grumbled at you.
It’s one thing to hear about Billy killing people in cold blood. It’s another to actually see it. Billy had to drag you out by the arm and he killed anyone who was there to take him in. You had a feeling that Billy had slipped up enough for them to know where he was and bring him in. And then he blew the damn place up. Everything you owned was gone. All you had was what was on you: your phone, your license and debit card (luckily you wore pants with good enough size pockets so you didn’t have to take a purse with you earlier) and the clothes on your back.
“Here.” Billy had finally pulled the car over in front of one of the nicer hotels in the city. He pulled out a knife and cut the zip tie from your wrists. “You may think I’m a monster but I’m not gonna leave you stranded. I transferred enough money into your bank account to keep you comfortable. Should help now that you might lose your job.”
“Oh and I suppose you want me to thank you?” You asked.
“No. I know you won’t. Shit, maybe I deserve it.”
“I really did do this for us. For a comfortable future for us...for you because I love you. And I know I fucked up. And sure, Frank’s family was caught up in the crossfire but it was all only meant to kill him. Believe me or not, it doesn’t matter anymore.”
He heard you sniffle so he looked out the windshield. He couldn’t watch you cry. He just couldn’t. Yes, he had the most terrible way of showing that he loved you and he even cheated on you but he really did. He hated that you got hurt. Billy never wanted you to find out what he’s been doing.
“You know Frank is coming for you, right?”
“If he’s still alive.”
“You know he is. A bullet to the head didn’t kill him, what makes you think whatever happened the last time you saw him did?”
Billy smiled at you, laughing. He looked over at you, his eyes watching you. You could swear you saw tears brimming his eyes.
“You know, I’m actually gonna miss this. You’ve always been so damn sexy when you’re angry.”
You rolled your eyes, opening the door to the car. Billy pulled you close to him as he leaned over, kissing you hard but deeply. You kissed him back for a moment before you came back to your senses and you pushed him away. It now just hit you that this would most likely be the last time you saw him...and you didn’t lie when you said you still loved him. You quickly kissed him once more before pulling away and getting out of the car, walking away, wiping the tears from your eyes.
You tied your hair up as you let the water run in the bath. For lack of a better term, today fucking sucked. 
Today you had to hear from the board of directors at the hospital that due to your connection with a wanted fugitive, you were suspended indefinitely which was code for you’d be fired within the week.
Today you had to see your face plastered in the media, mostly gossip magazines about your connection to Billy. 
Today you had to deal with the looks and whispers everywhere you went.
Today you had to field off calls from every single news outlet who wanted to interview you about the “elusive Billy Russo” and your relationship with him.
So yeah, today was a lot. You turned off the faucet and had begun to remove your clothes when your phone rang. Oh, who the hell was it now?
You walked over to the nightstand of your hotel room and glanced at the caller ID. Unknown Number. You weren’t planning to answer it but something in your gut told you to.
“Hello?” You answered.
“Y/N?” A low, raspy voice replied back.
“Frank?” Your heart stopped. This was a surprise. Albeit a bittersweet one.
“How you holding up?”
“As good as can be. It’s nice to hear your voice.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
You laughed softly. You really meant that.
“I wanted to call you to let you know that I’m supposed to see Billy soon.” Frank continued. You took in a deep breath and let it out. “I know you love him, but I gotta do what I need to. You understand that, right?”
“Yes. I understand. Billy made his choice. Now he has to deal with the consequences.” You choked out, earning a small sigh from the other line.
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“It’s okay, Frank.” 
“I know you still love him. That doesn’t just go away because you found out the truth. I’m sorry that what I’m gonna do is hurt you; that Billy hurt you.”
“Thank you. But Billy wasn’t your fault. Just uh...call me when it’s over, if you can, okay? I’d just rather hear it from you.”
“You have my word.”
“Be careful, Frank.”
“You too. I’ll talk to you soon.”
The call ended and you let out the sob you were holding in. It was going down tonight. It was gonna be tough to get through tonight but you would have to. You meant what you said about Billy needed to face the consequences of his choice. Didn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt like hell.
You had just gotten home from the store when you turned on the TV for some background noise.
“We have breaking news.” The anchorwoman on the TV said as you began to put away your groceries. “William Russo has escaped a secure hospital facility. The alleged--” You froze upon hearing the news.
You dropped the yogurt in your hand and you rushed into the living room where a photo of him was plastered onto the screen. The voices on the TV faded away as you stared at the screen.  Billy was free? How in the ever loving fuck did this happen? Secure hospital facility your ass. Your phone ringing broke through the haze.
“Hello?” You answered without checking the caller ID.
“Y/N? It’s Dinah Madani.” Madani replied.
“Madani, you’ve heard about Billy right?”
“That’s why I’m calling. He hasn’t come to see you, has he?”
“No. You should watch your back though.” You urged her. 
“You do the same. He’s bound to pay one of us a visit soon. I’ll look into getting a protective detail on you as soon as I can.”
“Thanks Madani. Be safe out there.”
You hung up the phone and glanced around your apartment. The anxiety was creeping up on you. Would he be angry with you and want some sort of revenge? 
How could this happen? Not even a full year ago, Billy wasn’t even supposed to survive or even wake up from his coma. Now he was well enough to escape from a fucking secure facility in less than a year? 
You paced your bedroom after packing, phone in your hand. You’d been debating if whether or not you should call Frank. After everything with Billy that night, Frank called you from the hospital. He relayed the fact that although he let Billy live, he wanted to make sure he lived with what he’d done by messing up his face. You understood that and a small part of you was relieved at the time because of your feelings for Billy. Hell, you’d even visited him a few times while he was comatose. You needed to see it for yourself. You’d even run into Madani and that’s how you both ended up talking things out. There were no ill feelings towards Dinah. 
You weren’t sure if you should bother Frank with any of this. Maybe you should though. Billy was dangerous and who knows what he’d do to get Frank to come out of hiding. At least you could give Frank a heads up. And who’s to say he wouldn’t figure out what happened between you and Frank?
The first month after things had died down, Frank remained in New York and you and him had spent more time together. He was the only person who didn’t treat you any differently after you had basically become a social pariah after Billy. You two were commiserating one night about his family and Billy and then one thing led to another...honestly, that night weighed heavily on your mind. The last person you ever expected to sleep with was Frank and you were sure it was vice versa. But you definitely didn’t hate it and he expressed the same on his end. He even suggested you go with him when he left New York but part of you couldn’t just yet. He left the offer open to you whenever you were ready
Okay, focus. Frank had told you to call him if you ever needed him. Right now seemed like a pretty damn good time to do so.
You sighed, nodding your head, heading into the living room because you had better service there than in your room. You let out a gasp and stopped abruptly when you saw the figure in your living room.
“Hello, Y/N.” 
That voice sent chills down your spine. It was Billy. He found you. 
“Billy.” You whispered.
“It’s good to see you, beautiful.” Billy slightly smiled, taking in your features. “It’s been a while. We have a lot to talk about.”
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genuflectx · 4 years
Just wanna rant about my job a bit, will probably delete this later. But I think I may quit my job within the next month or so u_u’
Originally when I joined this job last year it was under originations- I helped people apply and get approved for loans, or offered general tech support when they needed help with the process online. I felt like I was helping these nice old people, they were rarely mean (save for the occasional grouchy old man after he gets rejected), and the work load was decent. Not too heavy, not too boring. 
Then the pandemic hit. My entire team, which had been hired only a few months before, were rushed in for “accelerated training” on the credit card support department. I believe it was just like 4 weeks of training for a tooootally different workflow. We worked in the servicing department for what, maybe a month? Then they furloughed a ton of people and managers and moved us AGAIN, this time to collections. So calling to collect debts on our credit card product. When I joined this company it was under the understanding I did NOT want to do collections because it makes me sad and feel shitty. But they promised us we would be transferred back to originations after a bit, so whatever.
Slowly things have gone downhill since. Just tiny things adding up. They implemented a internet speed minimum requirement, which is understandable working from home, but we lost another good chunk of people who got fired for that, some who I’d made friends with. Hell, I got THREATENED with firing due to this, forcing us to run an Ethernet cable through 2 stories of our house. And I was PISSED because I was the only one on the team making a 100% average on QA scores. Then a few people quit, leaving only 3 people from my original originations team. They hired a new manager to oversee work force management (WFM) and quality assurance (QA) around this point and I’m CONVINCED it got worse because of her changes...
They changed our outbound dialing system to a cheaper one, promising all these improvements, and who woulda guessed... the quality of work life barely improved with this piece of crap tech but hey, it cut costs. Next they dismantled the debt management company department (DMC) and trained us in it so we’re technically trained for and work in two departments. On top of the promise that in the far future that they will cross-train us with the loan department too, a totally different product. We also have to do the emails for our department as well.
Then things got bad. Non stop calls for a months. Likely related to the unfortunate weather disasters in our outsourced locations. The outbound dialer, which is an autodialer that WFM loads up with late people to auto-call, starting filling up with impossible amounts of people to call for our agent count. We started going from 5000 to call every few hours to 10,000. And it doesn’t matter if we don’t clear the queue, they will load more in at certain times of the day. So we’d get 10,000 at 1pm, we’d get it down to 3,000 by 5pm, and they’d just load it back up to 10,000 again. 
Then they added on the mandatory overtime. Everyone in our department either has to do a half shift extra on either saturday or sunday- with mine being on saturday. Another person quit (down to 2 from my original team). We’re understaffed as hell and they tell us that they’re FINALLY training a new class. And know what? They ONLY enacted the OT and got a new class because their service levels were down. Service levels are a mandatory legal level of how many agents per how many customers we have, they get in legal trouble when it drops too far for too long. They didn’t give a shit about our stress until their damn legal agreement dropped and then forced the OT on us. Wow. We feel so appreciated. 
And THEN the OT was supposed to go until Feb 14th- today. THEY EXTENDED IT ANOTHER WEEK. 
And and and a few days after they told us it was extended these dudes LAY OFF 3 managers, including our team’s manager, who I REALLY liked, and stuck us into the team of a manager who is notorious for giving out incorrect policy info! Why! >:( 
Some other small things they’ve done that have added up slowly: They sent me a “nice” alluminum mug for my high QA score. Stuck it in the washer once and the pretty gold lettering on the front melted. It also leaks. They do these “thank you” videos some time where the upper management (never faces you recognize save for 2 or 3). BUT they made us watch this 10 minute long “thank you” Christmas video BETWEEN CALLS instead of scheduling time for us to do it like usual. Due to the short staffing, they changed how our weekly meetings with our manager/team go. Instead of having the whole team go into a meeting with her twice per week, they made her split this into 3 smaller meetings once per week, so that 2 or 3 team members meet with her at a time (more people on the floor to take calls). It spread her thin- before they laid her off of course. After they enacted the OT a week or so into it one of the upper management people sent us all an email telling us we basically weren’t doing good enough because our collections numbers weren’t high enough.. KNOWING we’re under staffed, she still emailed that. Come on.
So ya know what? My fiance and friends have encouraged me to just move on. This company isn’t what it was when I started a year ago, and idk if it’s legit just due to covid or if this WFM/QA overseer that they hired near the end of 2020 is fully to blame. I hate hearing customers tell me day in day out about their family dying, about being homeless/evicted. I hate old ladies screaming at me because they can’t comprehend that WE ARE IN A PANDEMIC and the MAIL WILL BE LATE, so their damn paper checks need to be mailed out at least 2-3 weeks in advanced- OR THEY COULD JUST CALL AND PAY LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE. Tired of people insulting me and calling me names because THEY’RE late and THEY missed a payment and they can’t accept responsibility- because they think screaming at someone making a few bucks over min wage will do anyone any good or make their shitty credit score any better.
All this mandatory OT and my nice manager being fired has put a lot of stress on me, if the other crap wasn’t enough. We’re really financially stable in this household even if I did quit, even if I’d feel guilty af. And it could be months before I found another job as safe and well-paying as this one, but at least my mental health would recover.
So I have about a day of sick time and 80 hours of PTO. My plan is to hopefully schedule out all 80 hours, or at least 85% of my PTO if I can, then when I come back to put in a 1 week notice. By then the new agents will be in full swing. I can get the money from the PTO I earned at this shit collections job and then try and move on to bigger and better things. And in the mean time while looking, I can work on art/writing and I can also possibly get a new car with all the money we’ve saved up. My mama and granny might end up disapproving and judge me but 2020 was such a shit year and I’m tired of this. I feel like this job is taking advantage of us and legit just doesn’t give a crap about their employees.
Okay! Well that’s outta my system! Bleck
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GoT 8x01: the wait is over and winter is definitely here - beware the spoilers below -
I just want to say beforehand that I woke up at 2.30 am to watch the new episode - so if this makes no sense at all, well ... let’s blame it on my sleep-deprived brain.
• Don’t know if we already knew this but they actually played the same song from the pilot when D*ny and Jon arrived and it made me a bit melancholic. It’s been a ride.
• The way Missandei eyes the Northerners watching her with distrust had me feel for her. However, watching it for the second time, it gave me another vibe too. As she was a slave, she knows exactly what it means to serve and obey someone you don’t want. So, if Missandei ends up urging D*ny at some point to leave the North be and just rule the other six kingdoms, well, I wouldn’t be surprised.
• Did you notice how happy D*ny was when her dragons intimidated the Northerners? It‘s been a while since I’ve seen her this happy:
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This shot is Immediately followed by what has become her signature smug smirk that I dislike so much. Ships aside, a Queen worthy of the title shouldn’t have this kind of reaction to her children imposing fear on her newest subjects who she knows do already not like her all that much. This is like the dragon pit all over again, you know, when she was late to the meeting she demanded, and rode in on a dragon like she already owns the place, when it would have been so much smarter to be a little respectful and humble.
• The Jon and Bran reunion was nice; I suppose as nice at it can get with 3-eyed-Bran. Also, if Jon ever starts looking at D*ny like this, I‘ll start reevaluating him being part of the pack but not a heartbeat before:
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• They made Sansa look THIS good for a reason. A sight for sore eyes, isn‘t it Jon?
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(And yeah, this is her watching Jonny Boy.)
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(And so is this.)
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(Now, she’s too busy hugging her man. A smile on her lips and CLOSED eyes ... hmm. Do you see how her hands aren’t even attached to each other yet? Alright, let’s move on, shall we?)
• Lyanna Mormont is the Noorf in a nutshell and I’m here for her angry little girl attitude:
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•Sansa isn’t here for chit chat with the saviour and whenever I think I couldn’t stan my girl more, I do. But I’m a bit afraid too, Sansa hates her new Queen amd D*ny KNOWS. 🔥
• Ok, I watched the meeting with the lords very carefully and I made some observations that I just want to throw in here for good measure: 1) D*ny is the last one to sit down at the Lord‘s table and it means things. 2) When poor little Lord Umber (who fucking deserved better!!) adressed Sansa an then Jon, we have them both in the frame, and no one else. However, when he adresses D*ny, we have her literally standing alone by the fireplace. 3) we have Jon and Sansa alone in a frame on 3 separate occasions, while we have only one shoot of Jon and the supposed love of his life alone (unless you count the one with D*ny and Jon‘s crotch ... then, well good for you, I guess). 4) Jon’s “It was the honor of my life.” fucked me the fuck up. You know, I was really afraid after the leaks that although I whole-heartily believe in Pol!Jon I would be miffed at him before it was officially revealed but I was soo wrong. This whole episode I felt so sad for Jon. He’s been through so much and willing to sacrifice everything he ever wanted to keep his people as safe as he can ... he deserves so much better than to be with the woman who took the honor of his life away from him without giving a single fuck about it. And yes, I did notice how Sansa glared at D*ny during this. Jon “I had a choice: keep the crown or protect the Noorf. I chose the Noorf.” I rest my case. 5) “If anyone survives the war to come, we’ll have Jon Snow to thank.” Right in front of D*ny; Tyrion, you brave, brave fool. 6) I think the leaks said, that neither Sansa nor D*ny said anything and I was very happy to find out that that wasn’t true. This is a very long scene, and D*ny only delivered us this little gem: Sansa: “What do dragons eat anyway?” (Which is a damn reasonable enquiry.) “D*ny: “Whatever they want.” 🔥 Maybe I’m overreacting things but this felt like a threat. Seriously, the Dark D*ny Force was strong in this one. They really went there ... wow. I mean it‘s not as if the food question wasn‘t legit. Also this whole the dragons *only* ate 17 goats and 11 of some-other-animal today is proof to me that the food thing is going to be huge. (Also, at first, I thought D*ny was worried that they eat too much when it was the other way around. LOL.)
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• Tyrion: “Lady of Winterfell: has a nice ring to it.” Sansa: “So does Hand of the Queen; depends on the queen I suppose.” She really isn’t messing around, is she?
Also Sansa, same scene: “I used to think you are the cleverest man alive.” accompanied by her little judgy smile. She sure knows how to break a man’s heart.
• I’m crossing my fingers for D*ny to suggest to reactivate the Sansa/Tyrion marriage. Let’s be honest, Tyrion would be all for it in a heartbeat. She’s smarter, prettier and old enough that he wouldn’t feel like a creep anymore and now she actually is the Lady of Winterfell. He wanted her before - he must be drooling for her now.
• I was absolutely not disappointed with the Jon/Arya reunion. I thought - considering the circumstances - it was really cute and worthy.
• Arya: “She’s the smartest person I’ve ever met.” Stark sister feels. *-*
• Jon‘s „I'm her family, too.“ killed me a little bit inside. Man, my Jon feels are killing me right know. How can anyone see this and still claim that Jon will abandon his pack to become a Targaryen?
• When Sansa is the Queen of Shade, Cercei is the Queen of Smirk. I wonder if there’s anyway for Cercei to get out of this alive.
• Back to the food thing: it‘s been two years since S7, so thanks for the reminder that the Lannister army in the Field of Fire was people too, and were burned up like Sunday roast. 🔥
• I can’t believe that Yara is absolutely not pissed that D*ny couldn’t give less craps about her being abducted by Euron. even though without her Dany couldn’t have crossed the Narrow Sea.
• Alys Karstark, I see you and your red hair and your complete random appearance that served no plot purpose. Yet.
• Davos “What if the Seven Kingdoms (...) were ruled by a just woman and an honorable man.” I see what you did there, D&D. Also, if you guys are contemplating a J/D marriage, could you please have the decency and do it in front of Sansa? I need that. Thanks x
• If D&D wanted be to stop believing in Pol!Jon they shouldn’t have him happy-riding a dragon and kissing D*ny seconds after having her low-key threatening his sister. It’s just not believable that if this romance was real and between equals that he wouldn’t make it clear that she can’t threaten his family. Dany: “She doesn’t need to be my friend but I am her queen. If she can’t respect me ...” Jon: *then perish*
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• Ok, but seriously D*ny, why would you give the guy you’ve just met and whose family and people despise you access to the the very things that gave you all your power? Why would you suggest dragon riding like it means nothing? Hop on, Jonny Boy. Just no. I have soo many questions. Why would you be so careless? (Arrogance, that’s why.)
• JON DOESN’T SAY “WE COULD STAY HERE FOR A THOUSAND YEARS.” But Pol!Jon replies with “We’d be pretty old.” giving no indication that that would be an enticing thought. No, he’d rather go back and fight some wights. Jon has a family he cares about and I don’t think she can relate at all.
•Rheagal is a creeper. Seriously, did you see the full on of him during the J/D snagging. Get a life, Rhaegal!
• I LOVED the Tent 2.0 Scene. Get my son some air. Also, while Jon talks serious stuff, Sansa’s like “No, she’s much prettier (than the Mad King).” with the same gaze she had when Littlefinger told her that a marriage alliance between J/D would make sense. I think it was the same weird voice too, but I’m not 100% sure right now. Jon really does reply nothing after Sansa questioning his motives for bending the knee and it tells me all I need to know.
• On this note, I want to repeat that I really need someone suggest a J/D marriage to Sansa.
• Sam finding out about his father and especially his brother broke my heart. It was everything I wanted and knew his reaction to be. And it was much worse to watch unfold than the leaks made it out to be. Especially since the scene started out really cute with Sam all nervous to be talking to them and cute about his book-stealing past and then he even tries to stay reasonable after hearing about his father but then he learns about his brother ... and it’s just too fucking much. Look at his face. I never ever cry during shows or movies but if I hadn't been prepared beforehand, I probably would have.
• Bran needs to stop staring at people in the courtyard. Just sayin’.
• Jon and Sam in the crypts. My poor babies. I don’t really want to say anything about their talk at this point because I believe in Jon and his agenda and if he needs to be detached to deal with keeping up the facade, then my man needs to do what he needs to do. However, I will be watching his next interaction with Sansa very closely. OK, to be honest, since I already had read the leaks before the episode, I was a little distracted during the parentage reveal and I couldn’t help but imagine Jon thinking “Well, this explains a fucking lot.”
• Last but not least: JAIME IS IN WINTERFELL!!!
My favorite moments:
- The Tarly Reveal
- Jon x Arya Reunion
- all Jonsa scenes
- Sansa and Tyrion on the battlements
On my threatened-to-be-burned watchlist:
🔥 Sansa Stark
🔥 Lyanna Mormont
🔥 Lord Varys
🔥 Samwell Tarly
🔥 Gendry Waters / Baratheon
🔥 JAIME LANNISTER (I have a hard time imagining Jaime to keep his mouth shut when he realizes that D*ny doesn’t just fry up soldiers in battle but that it’s her favorite method of conducting justice. There is too much history and PTSD between them, they’re like a time bomb; you can’t put them under one roof without at least threatening to set it off.)
All in all, this was such a good episode and I’m thrilled to see what’s to come. I’m so happy that Jon is still all I hoped for him to be inside and that Jonsa is still on track. I was even a little surprised at how they portrayed D*ny in this episode, because D&D aren’t even trying anymore, are they? I might be a little biased but I think if you’re not a full on stan there wasn’t much to root for her in this one. Anyways, everything within the episode fitted neatly with our Pol!Jon, Dark!D*ny and Jonsa theories and I couldn’t be happier about it.
Cheers xxx
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long-bodyswap · 5 years
by vchris1989
Chapter 1
Look at that son of a bitch!  My douche of a colleague, Manny, is putting like some sort of dipshit teen while I’m getting our boss’s order.  Mr. Flint asked us both to pick up his new clubs, but I’m the only one who gives a shit.  And I guarantee that when we get back Manny is going to take full credit.  He’s such a fucking ass hole, but I get even more frustrated with myself because I still can’t shake my lust and desire for him.  Not for him or his personality, but for his body.  It’s weird and hard to explain.  I don’t get hard thinking about his body grinding all over me; I get hot about using his body for my own plans and desires.  
“Hey, did you talk to the guy yet?” Manny asks impatiently.  
“Manny, we’d be out of here faster if you’d help me.”
“Listen, you queer.  You find that guy so we can get out of this dump.  I don’t have time to listen to you bitch about not doing your job!  Don’t see me complaining!”
I just scoff at him.  You freaking son of a bitch.  I’ve never seen you do your god damn job a single time.  Always bullying me and extorting me to carry him through life.  Fuck, as much as he pisses me off I just can’t deny this hunger within myself.  I get so fucking horny thinking of what it would be like to own some of his swagger and confidence, to be the one coasting through life and preying on the week.  My dick gets so hard thinking about owning him and all that he is- to enter his body and wrestle control away from his mind and soul and wake up as the new Manny.  But that’s just a fantasy I suppose.  I’ll have to-
“DUDE!” Manny yells.
Shit!  I did that thing again where I spaced out on the job.  These damn daydreams are getting more powerful and more prevalent.  Fuck I’m hard right now.  Gotta hide this before Manny-
“Oh for fuck’s sake, dude.  Really?  A hard-on on the job?  That’s for me isn’t it?  You sick queer, at least you have good taste,” Manny says with a swaggery scoff as he ditches the putter he was using and walks over to a different putting green away from me, shaking his head and laughing at my misfortune.  
I fucking hate you so much, Manny.  My face is burning red with my burning hot rage that anyone could be this much of a douchbag, but damnit fuck!  My dick is so hard.  Just the thought of entering Manny and making him a better person is making me leak precum.  Oh shit, please not now- it’s never been this bad at work.  I gotta-I gotta- shit I gotta find a bathroom to blow my load.  But fuck I might miss the guy I’m waiting on.  Fuck me I think my precum just leaked through my workpants!  This isn’t going to end well…
6 hours later
Fuck today and fuck Manny!  Just bullshit all of it!  He doesn’t do shit and he has to go run his mouth to our boss about my little incident earlier.  Our boss fired me and promoted Manny- made him a fucking regional manager!  That should be me!  God, if there was a way I could slide inside Manny I could have everything I want.  
3 weeks later
So most people would be content with holding a grudge and going through a self-destroying cycle of hating Manny, jerking off at the thought of possessing Manny, self-hatred, and repeat…but not me.  Unemployment has given me the time I need to research Manny’s end and my new beginning.  My severance package was enough to fund the purchase of an original edition European witchcraft classic, Blackest Magic.  For all I know, Manny has already forgotten I exist, but I’ve had plenty of time to remember him and the life and body he doesn’t deserve.  With me inside him, he would be a real man, not some spoiled brat bitch ruining everyone else’s lives for his own gain.  I can’t believe how much Blackest Magic cost me, but that means it must be legit, right?  I’m all in, because I won’t have anything left if this doesn’t work.  I- *DING* Holy shit!  That’s the Fed Ex guy!  It’s here!  I sprint to the door, signing and taking my package in such a quick whirlwind that the Fed Ex guy is almost left transfixed as if I had been The Flash or something.  I still make sure to thank him profusely as I close the door and scurry to my living room, giddy with anticipation as I gently break the bindings on this meticulously packaged volume.  Opening the cardboard I am met by an unusually thorough layer of package stuffing.  Careful…Careful…This is so bizarre…I can almost feel the air vibrating around the book the closer I get to it.  Finally, I see the book- A pitch black volume in the classical style.  It must be over 400 years old, but there is not a single sign of age or damage on it.  This almost feels like a scam until I reach down and grab the book for the first time.  The moment I make contact the book releases a breathy almost hiss, as if it is alive and conscious of my presence, perhaps assessing my worthiness.
Worthy or not, I am desperate.  Surely the powers that be can sense my desperation and hunger to enter Manny, to control him…to be him.  Please!  Dark forces, light forces, I don’t care who!  Just someone answer my call!!!!!
With that the book flies out of my hands and lands with an echoing thud on the table in front of me.  I freeze in terror as the books pages begin flipping in an endless cyclone of magic energy until finally it halts on a page towards the back.  Nervous, but curious, I lean forward until I see the answer to my prayers-Astrus Possessum…Manny doesn’t stand a chance…That night I made all the necessary preparations.  It was really basic actually- If anything, I feel like these simple objects like candles and rose petals are just necessary to focus and redirect the book’s self-generated power.  Everything is set and now I just mediate and focus.  I focus harder and with more intent than I ever have.  I think about filling Manny, overpowering him, and assuming full control of him.  I think about laughing in his body and rubbing his hands all over his stocky, but strong form.  I think about grabbing his man meat and pumping his cock until his balls are churning out the biggest load of his life.  Fuck, my cock is leaking the biggest flow of pre-cum I’ve ever had.  I know it’s the perfect time for the words!  “Astrus Possessum!”“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY FUCKINGAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” I scream as I feel like every cell of my body is being burned to ash.  This agony is too much for any mortal to comprehend, but somehow I know that it is necessary.  The pain doesn’t feel like actual fire, more like the burning hot combustion of…Oh shit- I think my soul just separated from my body.  I look down at my whispy hands, practically invisible.  And now I’m floating over what appears to be my lifeless and already pale old body.  I try to enter my old form in a panic, but I am repelled, utterly and absolutely.  Fucking shit!  I guess there’s no going back since I’m dead as a doornail…Not that I would ever want to go back…
I float over to Manny’s house-confident in my sense of direction since I devoted much time to knowing the route between his house and mine.  Without even a second thought, I float through his front door calling out his name even though he likely couldn’t hear me.  Oh will you look at that.  Manny seems to have made some sort of makeshift bed on the floor of his living room so he could take a nice mid-day nap.  Just look at you, you lazy fuck.  Someone like you could rule the world if you’d give a damn every now and then.  Enough of all this shit- all the frustration and resentment and guilt and shame.  It ends now!
I fly directly at Manny, roughly flipping him fully onto his back.  His eyes shoot wide open in shock, but before he can shout out I shove my ghostly hand into his mouth, filling him up all the way to the esophagus as he gags and tries to grab at me to absolutely no avail.  I see terror in his eyes as he half-screams, already convulsing as I slide my ghostly arm down to the elbow.  
“Oh we can make this even more fun,” I say to myself.  Smirking with my invisible face, I withdraw my arm from his throat, making him gasp in relief before I place a hand to hold him down as I reach my other hand into his shorts and grab onto his meat hard, making him squeal like a horny piglet as I begin pumping and milking his meaty cock.  “No no no PLEASE! NO LEAVE ME ALONE!  WHAT ARE YOU- UnnNNnnnnngggggggggg Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” Manny exclaims as I ruthlessly abuse what will soon be my thick cock.  And from what I can tell he’s got nice length too- at least 7 inches.  Fuck that makes me pump his meat even faster.  Manny’s breathing begins reaching new peaks as sweat dribbles down from all over his meaty body.  He’s given up fighting me, knowing that I have him pinned down and that trying to get up is a futile waste of energy.  
“Please stop!  I-I-I have a girlfrienddddddddddmmmmmmmmmmmmmoohhhhhhhh.”
It’s kind of funny how he’s trying to negotiate with a ghost that’s molesting him.  Alas, I can see his pelvis starting to tighten and his breathing is really picking up.  
“Ohhhhhhh SHIT!!!  I’m gonna- I’M GONNA!”
Oh no you don’t.  I let go of his meat, leaving Manny absolutely tortured with sexual lust as I leave him so close to a forced molestation induced orgasm.  That’s going to be my orgasm, Manny.  Thanks for getting it so hot and ready for me though.  Manny is distracted now, desperately moaning out and whining from the horniness and lack of satisfaction.  Oh don’t worry you pain in my ass, it’s time for me to return the favor!  I rip his shorts all the way down to his ankles, eliciting a yelp of surprise from Manny as I dive directly for his virgin asshole, my head morphing like a gelatinous balloon as I begin flowing inside his body.  
“MOTHERFUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!” Manny screams as he arches his back and begins kicking his legs out, curling his toes and hyperventilating as his face goes red from contorting his face from all the pain and pleasure.  My assault continues, making Manny yelp as I force my shoulder blades inside his hole, stretching him beyond what should be humanly possible for a virgin hole to accept as I continue a forceful and steady invasion.  Manny yells out, shouting, “NO NO!!!!! PLEEEASSSSSEEEEEE!!!! GET OUT OF THERE!!  GET OUT OF ME!!!! PLEASE NOOOOO!!!! UNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!”  He grabs at the blanket on the ground, gripping and pulling it so hard that the veins on his meaty arms threaten to burst.  I love how his legs keep squirming like his nervous system doesn’t know what to do or who to obey.  Manny begins convulsing as the last of me enters his hole, the last of me sliding in with a slosh.  Now fully inside him, I begin rearranging, sliding each limb into his.  My legs travel and fill his.  I make sure my spiritual cock enters his.  My smaller frame aligns and fills his beefy and meaty chest.  And finally, my head enters his brain and locks into place, giving me full control of his body and access to his memories and personality.  Manny continues to convulse, his hips thrusting hard into the air as his back arches and he screams one last shriek of defiance before collapsing onto the ground, breathing deeply with his eyes closed before the world around me starts to come into focus.  
“Did it- Holy Fuck it worked!” I shout with my new voice.  “My name is Manny.  Fuck I love this.  Manny, I don’t know if you can hear me in there, but this is what you get you son of a bitch!  Now I get to do this!”  
I reach down and grab his still rock hard cock and begin stroking it with his own hands.  “Ohhhhhh FUCK YEAH” I shout as I begin uncontrollably thrusting Manny’s strong hips into this grip.  “Your meat feels so good, Manny!  MmmmmmmmmmmYEAHHHHH!”  I use my other hand to rub all over my beefy torso, feeling the weight of his strong torso and chest, grabbing all that meat with Manny’s own hands and almost yelping like a little girl when I twist his sensitive nipples.  
“Holy fuck, Manny!  Your nips feel so good!  Your body is amazing and just want I dreamed it would be!  Fuck, you love how it feels when I pump your cock.  And you love it when I thrust your cock into my grip like THIS-OOOOHHHHH FUCK YEAH!!!   YEAH take it you queer!  You fucking love getting your cock milked by me!  Feels too damn good not too.  Oh fuck you’re close!  I mean oh fuck I’m CLOOOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!”
I begin thrusting and pumping like never before, grunting and moaning endlessly as the pressure builds to impossible extremes.  I close Manny’s eyes and squeeze his face into one of pleasure as I breathe deeply and bask in the odor of his sweaty body, finally reaching the point of no return as Manny’s cock can take no more.  
“OHHHHHHH MYYYYYYY FFUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!   FUCKING FUCK YEAHHHHHHH!!!!”  I scream as I thrash my head uncontrollably, moaning in joy as each thrust and pump launches volley after volley of Manny’s hot cum all over his robust chest.  The warmth of his cream on my new chest gets me so hot that I swear to God it must have triggered a consecutive orgasm as I literally cringe from sensation as I feel another round of cum begin to launch, sending more ropes of cum, literally making puddles across Manny’s body before his cock finally settles and my arches back relaxes gently back to the floor.  
“Oh. My. Fuck,” I pant between breaths as I look down at the masterpiece beneath me.  
Unable to contain my curiosity, I reach Manny’s beefy fingers down and scoop up a big puddle of his cream, smelling it and inhaling the aroma before taking it into his mouth.  My eyes open wide in shock and then delight as I look down and begin scooping more cum and instantly devouring it.  
“oh my *slurp* God.  Manny, your cum is so *slurp* fucking delicious!” I exclaim as I slurp up every single drop off of his chest, sighing in contented afterglow as I resume his nap.  I’ll shower your body later, Manny.  I want you to be filthy for a while.  And starting tomorrow I think the world will be meeting a new and improved Manny!
Chapter 2
I wake up at the crack of dawn on Saturday, stretching and yawning, and moaning in the pleasured joy of being inside Manny.  “Good Morning, new friend,” I say with a giggle as I reach down and grab Manny’s hard morning wood.  Mmmmmmm that’s nice.  I can’t help but just grind Manny’s hips into these soft blankets, making his dick feel so warm as it slides against the soft and velvety fabric.  “Fuck, this will never get old,” I exclaim as I cup Manny’s strong chest in my hands and use his thumbs to rub Manny’s nipples as I keep grinding his hips slowly and sensually into the soft and welcoming fabric.  Shit this feels nice.  Manny-like grunts leave my mouth, making my new cock throb with desire and sensation as a dark idea creeps into my mind.  Immediately I stop this grinding and flip over onto my back, putting Manny’s legs in the air as I suck on one of his fingers, cooing and moaning as I get that thick digit warm and wet.   “Mmmmmmmmmm, Manny I fucking love your body,” I whisper as I close my eyes and begin reaching that thick and wet digit down to Manny’s brutally straight hole.   “ahhhhhhhhhhh That’s nice,” I coo as I rub the wet digit around Manny’s perky and tight hole, excited by the involuntary clenching reactions this body has whenever my finger actually touches the hole.  I get Manny’s body relaxed by gently rubbing circles around that tight fuck chute.  Fuck, Manny’s cock is so hard right now.  Shit, Manny’s cock is leaking precum.  Maybe that straight son of a bitch wasn’t 100 percent straight after all…This makes me chuckle as I place a thick finger directly on Manny’s hole, ready to begin breaking new ground.  Before I can even apply any pressure though I feel a particularly strange sensation.  It’s not uncomfortable, but I feel like there’s a lot of pressure inside, like that feeling when you drive up a mountain or a big hill.   “Wait what am I?  What the FUCK?!” I hear Manny’s soul shriek inside his mind.   That must be the pressure.  My soon-to-be abuse of his hole must have awakened his spunky fighting spirit.  Too bad though he’s just wasting his energies.   “Who are you?!  How are you doing this?!” Manny demands. “Oh I think you know who I am.  And I’m doing all this because I’m inside you.  I am you now,” I say with a sinister edge to my tone that sounds so sexy coming from Manny’s throat.  “You pushed me too far.  You took everything you had for granted and treated everything and everyone in your life like shit, so I’m here to repo your life basically.” “What the fuck are you talking about?!  And why can’t I talk?!  Why are you talking with my body?  Why the fuck can’t I move?  What did you do?!” I spit into my hand and rub all that slick spit over Manny’s hole and begin pressing a thick digit against his hole, making me cringe and squirm as I force that thick digit down to the second knuckle, amazed by how tight Manny’s hole is and by the fact that I was even able to enter his tight straight man ass.   “NOOO PLEASE!!!! STOP YOU FREAKING PERVERT!” “Oh Manny, I know this hurts, but trust me.  It’ll feel so gooOOOOOOODDDDD  Oh WOW you are tight!” I exclaim as I ram the last of the digit inside Manny’s hole, my mouth in a circular O of surprise as Manny’s back arches and I squirm on my back, leaving that thick finger buried fully inside me as I swirl that digit in all directions, activating an endless sea of nerve endings that even Manny is forced to succumb to.   “NO!  PLEASE STOAAAAHHHHHHHHHPPPPPPP!  Ohhhhhhhhhhh,” Manny begs in his mind.   “Oh Come on, Manny.  It doesn’t feel good when I do THIS?!” I say as I pull his finger out of his hole and ram its full length back inside. “Ahhhhh my FUCKKK!!! Fucking GOD!  NO! WAIT!  YOU CAN’T!  I’M not a queer!” “That’s not what your hole is telling me, Manny,” I taunt as I begin swirling the digit inside him again, slowly entering a finger fucking rhythm as I get this hole nice and stretched- well on the way to making room for a second finger.   “I swear to God!  Pleaseeeeunnnnnnnnnggggggggggg oh FUCK!  Wait no what are you- OHHHHHHH FUCCCCKKKKK NO PLEASE PLEASE STOOOPPPPPPPPAHHHHHHHHH JESUS!!!  GET THE FUCK OUT OF ME YOU QUEEERRRRRR-UNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!” Manny screams as I, without warning, slide a second finger in his tight hole, shrieking myself as I force both thick fingers inside all the way.  Holy fuck!  I think I swear to God I almost just passed out, but now- Oh my God this is amazing!  I try to swirl and pull and stretch those two fingers inside Manny’s hole, making me yelp in little noises of pure blissful ecstasy as my breathing deepens and I work my way to a fucking motion with these two fuck sticks.   “PLEASEAHHHHHHH!  NO! YOU CAN’T- UNGGGGGGGGGG- TOO MUCH TOO MUCH TOO FUCKING MUCH!  CAN’T!  OH GOD!!!!” Manny yells in his mind as he tries to deny the surges of pleasure crashing through his mind.  I double up my efforts, grunting and shrieking from the force as I ram and slam my new hole, growling with Manny’s voice as I get caught up in a sexual rage.  Fuck you and your hole, Manny.  It’s my hole now!  And I’m gonna abuse the shit out of it and get it nice and stretched out! Just to tease Manny I remove the two fingers and see what Manny’s reaction will be as I focus all of my energy and attention on Manny’s throbbing cock and the feeling of emptiness inside his hole.  Pretty soon my energies seem to have an interesting effect on Manny.   He tries to remain silent in his mind, but I can feel his trapped soul almost quivering with desire and emptiness as he tries to process both the sensation he felt in his hole as well as my influence.   “What the wait no!  Can’t be-fucking damnit I want it.  Do it again please!  Wait no!  Not a queer!  Not a fag!  But fuck!  Why did it feel so good?!  Do all fags get to feel that good?  Shit man I don’t care just please make me feel that good again!” Holy shot that’s such a turn on for me!  I see a glob of precum dribble down Manny’s throbbing cock just from hearing Manny beg me to finger fuck his hole.   “You’re going to have to earn the privilege.  Beg me,” I respond with a hint of satisfied domination. “Please!  Please fill my tight hole again!  Make me feel what fags feel, I don’t care just please make me feel good!” Good enough I think to myself as I smirk and scoop up all of Manny’s gooping precum and spread it over three fingers.  Without warning, I take those three thick precum lubed digits and shove them all the way inside me in one rough and swift motion.  I’m paralyzed by quakes of pleasure as I scream and gasp, a bug eyes expression of overwhelming amazement on my face as I feel Manny’s hole stretched to its limits.  Manny’s legs are trembling now as I begin fucking Manny’s hole with all three digits, making his toes curl against my will and his whole body convulse as I benefit from the pleasure.  But if I thought I was having an interesting reaction…well fuck- I checked and Manny’s soul was just erupting with one constant shriek of conflicting ecstasy and disgust.  Oh I can’t take this anymore!   “Holy fucking JESUUSSSS FUUUUCCCCKKKKK UNNNGGGGGYEAH DUDE FUCK YEAH!” I shout as Manny’s cock begins dumping a hot and steamy load all over Manny’s robust chest.  Fuck, this cock didn’t even get touched, but I just quiver as quakes of pleasure erupt from Manny’s sweet ass and travel into my new cock and balls and make my entire body shake and vibrate with pure fucking joy.  I enjoy the feeling as each rope of Manny’s cum erupts and lands with a splash on his solid torso.  And when the shots finally subside, I scoop up all of that cum and try to slide as much as possible into Manny’s stretched hole.   “Do you fucking feel that Manny?!  I’m gonna finger fuck this load of your cum so deep inside your hole it’ll never come out.” “Oh fuck man I don’t care just please make me feel good!” “Tell me what you want!” “Please make me feel good!  Do whatever you need, just please make me feel so good!” “Be specific or I’ll quit now.” “No!!!!  Please!!!  Please shove my fingers inside me!  I need three fingers!  Two isn’t enough anymore!  Use my hot cum as lube and fucking bury my hot jizz inside me, just please make me feel good!” Manny and I both coo in relief and satisfaction as we feel me slide all three fingers back inside, filling him up and pushing his warm man juices deep inside, making me feel a warmth and comfort as his cum literally oozes all over the inside of his hole.   “Oh Manny, your hot cum feels so good.  I bet this’ll feel so nice for your girl when I fuck a bunch of your loads inside her tight cunt!” This seems to bring Manny back to reality slightly as he tells me not to lay a hand on her and he suddenly begins reverting to his straight boy mentality, telling me to stop finger fucking him and calling me a fag and pervert and junk.  Whatever, I’m starting to get the hang of this.  I shut Manny up for the time being before I shove those three digits back in as hard as I can, pummeling Manny’s prostate and making me convulse and yell as an unexpected additional shot of cum randomly shoots out of Manny’s thick cock.   “Mmmmmmm yeah.  Manny, your girlfriend is gonna be seeing a new side of you.  Fuck yeah, gonna fill up that tight cunt and then find some hot twink ass looking for a Latino Daddy Bear to fill them up and give them what they need.  Thank God it’s just Saturday morning.  I’ve got a whole weekend to use your body before I fully take over your life and show up to work on Monday and begin “my” new promotion.  For the moment, I throw a purple shirt on and begin familiarizing myself with the basics of Manny’s life, logging into his computer as if it had been second nature and using this chance to recover.   Mmmmm you see those three fingers I’m using on the trackpad?  Fuck yeah all three of those thick sausages were pumping Manny’s hole and abusing his virgin prostate.  Let’s see…Oh fucking perfect.  Manny’s girlfriend emailed him and she’s arriving early from her trip…tonight. Oh Mannnny, finger fucking your hole was just divine.  No joke, I can still hardly even feel your legs.  I’m glad you recover quickly though because I already feel ready to pump a load inside your girlfriend’s tight cunt.  Your manly nuts must be supercharged cum factories because I can almost feel them vibrating as they churn out more juices and loads for me to blow.   I lift Manny’s arm and check his watch.  Great.  About forty minutes until Manny’s girl shows up.  I collapse back onto the bed and bask in my possession of Manny.  What a great day.  Before I can even think another thought I realize I have to take a massive leak with Manny’s thick and robust cock.  Ohhhhhh I can’t help but moan as I feel the cascade of fluid surge from Manny’s meat, making a commanding echo that bounces endlessly around his bathroom.  I take a deep breath as the flow slows down, smirking as I do a few more than two shakes.  Manny has a full length mirror in his bathroom, so I grin at the full length reflection of Manny, twisting his face into one of ownership and cockiness while I keep shaking drops of piss out of his cock.   “Nothing you can do about this, right Manny?  Can’t even stop me from shaking the piss out of your cock.  You’re weak, Manny.  All these years of you thinking you had some sort of edge over me, but now look at you!” I grab Manny’s balls and begin gently squeezing them and pulling on them, my back arching just slightly from pleasure as I gaze back into the mirror and grunt, “You don’t have the balls to mess with someone like me, Manny.  That’s right, these are my balls now!  All your delicious man cream belongs to me and I’m gonna taste it with your tongue and fuck it into your girlfriend’s tight cunt whenever the fuck I want.  Oh, I forgot, how could I be selfish and keep a meaty, hairy, Daddy bear like you from all the tight twinks just dying to milk the cum out of you with their hungry holes.  Mmmmmmmm yeah, Manny are you awake?  I can’t hear you, but I hope you feel the way I’m massaging your balls, getting your cum nice and ready to flood your girlfriend’s pussy.  It’s gonna feel so good for her when I make that last thrust, grunting forcefully as your warm creamy fluids surge inside her, making her feel a warmth that spreads from the inside out, satisfying her in unimaginable ways and making her beg you- I mean ME- for more.  Oh I just fucking love your balls Manny- nice and big, but still cute and sensitive enough that it drives me wild when I cup one ball and just roll it around, tugging on your ball sac right up to the point I feel a chill rush up your back and through your dick.  I’m still making direct eye contact with Manny’s reflection, hell bent on making sure he can experience this on some level no matter how dormant he may be.  I squeeze his balls one last time, grunting out, “Your body is MINE,” before strutting up to the mirror and spitting on the reflection in front of me.   “Yeah, you like that because you’re a fucking slave whore who can’t resist.  You’re too weak to resist.” I get up real close, so close that Manny’s soft cock squishes up against the mirror as I stretch out Manny’s tongue and begin licking his spit off the mirror, making sure to gaze directly into those eyes, burning this image into Manny’s dormant consciousness.   I lick my way up. “You sick slave whore.  You’ll do anything I say” *Lick* “Because you’re nothing” *Lick* “Me forcing inside your body completed you” *Lick* “Made you a real man!” *Lick* “Just look at you, you fucking queer.  The way your hole lights up when I force all those fingers inside you.  Deep down YOU LOVED IT” *Lick* “Good job cleaning that mirror, whore.  Now time to give Jenna what she’s been waiting for” I wink at Manny’s reflection one last time, giggling a bit as I notice a stream of Manny’s precum dribbling down the mirror from my little Role Playing scenario.  Shooting a devious look across Manny’s face I drop down onto his knees and begin ravenously devouring his juices, speaking for him, pretending it’s Manny saying, “Oh shit yeah so delicious!  I can’t get enough of those manly juices.  Fucking love it ‘cause I’m a weak-minded whore who just loves being filled.  IT FEELS SO GOOD BEING FULL OF YOUR ESSENCE!  MAKING ME DO SICK AND TWISTED THINGS!  I love it when you play with my cock and finger fuck my hole with my beefy fingers.  Make me a real man!”  I giggle and shiver at the same time, humored by Manny’s vocal cords producing such phrases, but also devilishly turned on.  I think I have a new game for later, after Jenna leaves.  *Knock Knock* I rush to the door, having just finished putting some clothes on and prepping for this meeting with Manny’s girl, Jenna.  I try my best to mix the best of Manny with the best of me- in other words, I’m gonna mix Manny’s confidence with my ability to choose not to be a complete asshole around other people.  Might actually be tough, but it’s too late because I’m already opening the door-“Hey, Manny.  Been a while since you called,” Jenna says meekly, with a hint of both resentment and sadness. “I’ve been busy lately, babe.  But I think you’ll notice I’m a new man.  I’ll be here for you when you need me.  So why don’t you step inside and let me prove it to you,” I say as I lean forward, ready to lock my lips over hers and pull her inside for a Manny-style power bang. “Woah there, sailor,” she says, placing her hand over my lips and blocking my advance.  “Why don’t you get me a drink first?  We have some unfinished business to hash out.” I oblige. Nodding my head and welcoming her in, following her into the kitchen as she sits at her favorite bar stool.   “So…ermmm…What can I get for you?” I ask awkwardly, not prepared for Jenna to suddenly be so pensive.  I’m unprepared, but still up for the challenge though.  I mean just look at this selfie I took earlier: I got Manny a clean haircut and dressed him up to look adorable and fuckable.  I quickly flash through Manny’s memories though and in a flash see that he had been really wrong to Jenna, having girls on the side, making her feel worthless, using a condom!, banging her so quick she never even got warmed up by the time Manny had cum!   No wonder she wants to talk.  I mean, hot twink ass on the side is one thing, but you never have other girls on the side!  I’m flashed back to the moment by Jenna’s response- “Wow, Classic Manny.  Can’t even remember my usual.” I scan Manny’s brain real fast. “Oh no, babe.  A Tom Collins with a splash of 7-up.  I just wanted to know if you wanted anything different to kick off our fresh start,” I say in the most sincere and caring tone I can possibly muster.  Coming out of Manny’s gruff at times voice, it makes Jenna instantly blush a little, no matter how hard she tries to hide it. Bingo. Turning her head to try to hide her involuntary half smile, she says, “you know, what the hell.  I’ll have a vodka and cranberry.” “Anything for you, babe,” I say gently and lovingly as I walk up to her, leaning in and gently placing a tender kiss on her cheek, stroking the back of her neck and hearing her lightly gasp.  Jenna turns her head slowly, almost by instinct positioning her lips to meet mine before I pull back and give her another loving smile. “Better get that drink,” I say with a blend of Manny’s suave confidence and my own capacity for love and affection.  I instantly notice a shift in Jenna’s body language.  Instead of having rigid walls and emotional distance, I can almost feel her energy drawing me in, attracted to the new Manny.   Mixing her drink, we make casual talk about work and friends and I have her trying not to snort as she laughs from my warm and sharp sense of humor.  This drink took over ten minutes to make because of all my stories that have her on the edge of her seat, cackling until tears of laughter emerge, but I don’t think she minds too much.   “Sorry it took so long,” I chuckle as I hand Jenna her drink, giggling again as I see her smacking the table in hysteria from my last goofy story, still trying to get her composure together.  Finally calm, she smiles at me and begins asking: “Where was this side of you the first time we dated?  I haven’t laughed like that since high school, Manny.  I-I-I have to be honest.  I lied earlier about the sex.  I didn’t think you would even want to see me unless there was some pervy sexual benefit for you.  I really wanted to talk about the past.  How you hurt me.  How lonely I was.  How in the bedroom you-“ I grab her hand tenderly and begin stroking it, looking into her eyes with a solemn look of remorse. “But, Manny.  Just these past couple minutes- I- It’s like I don’t even recognize you, and I never thought I’d be so glad to say that.  You made me feel loved and special, and like I mattered-“ I lean in and hug her deeply, bringing her in close and letting her feel Manny’s tight grip and the warmth of his body.  “You will always matter to me,” I whisper into her ear, slowly sliding my face until I’m looking directly into her eyes.  Those eyes are like open doors now, bearing no resistance as Jenna sheds a single tear, smiles, and then throws herself at me, hugging me so tightly as she tells me how much she loves me and how I’ve just told her everything she always wanted to hear.   I grab her face and bring her lips to mine, gently meeting Manny’s lips to hers as we begin a gentle embrace.  The taste of her lips is so sweet.  I close my eyes and begin rubbing my hands up and down her back, reaching down and playfully grabbing her supple ass with Manny’s strong hands, making her moan and open her mouth enough for me to glide some of Manny’s tongue into her mouth.  Her moans are blissful as our tongues wrestle in a lovers’ dance, entangling gently as if exploring new territory before becoming more and more agile and energetic as our body heat rises.  I pick Jenna up in Manny’s strong arms and bring her over to the bed, gently laying her down as I pull her shirt off, showing off her trim body and perky breasts.  I take Manny’s shirt off, revealing my meatier body.  But I think Jenna has a thing for bigger guys; it must make her feel more secure.  Regardless, I begin crawling towards her until I’m laying myself on top of her, feeling her lean legs pulling my mass into her as I lean down and we begin kissing again.  Our tongues are ravenous for each other by this point as I shift and begin sniffing and kissing my way down her neck, cupping one of her supple breasts in Manny’s authorative grip, massaging and rubbing and squeezing until Jenna is groaning in ecstasy.   I know she loves this because every time I grab her perfect tits she grinds her hips against the hard on tenting through Manny’s jeans, making me gasp as my pre-cum leaking cock gets more and more insatiable.  I can’t take it anymore- I grunt as I rip Jenna’s bra in half, tearing it clean off before I make a dive for her exposed breasts, wrapping my lips around one of her perky nipples and beginning a barrage of gentle sucking and licking.   “OHHHH Mannnnnyyyyy- You’ve never- oh that’s niceeeeee- Oh Mannyyyyyyy”Jenna says as I swirl Manny’s tongue around her sensitive tit, sending shivers from her nipples through her entire body as I grab her other exposed breast and continue massaging that soft skin, tweaking that nipple gently between Manny’s thumb and index finger.   Jenna eggs me on as her back arches and she uses her legs to pull me closer and harder against her.  If she loves this then just wait until she sees what’s next.  I pull back, her nipple exiting my mouth with a gentle pop as she shivers and looks up at me longingly.  Without a word, I grab her skirt and carefully pull it off her legs before moving in again and gently massaging and caressing my way up her legs and inner thighs, becoming almost certain she’s wet and hot for me right now as I begin pulling down her panties and see an undeniably moist cunt just begging to be filled.   “Manny, you’ve never been this good before.  I mean, it’s not that I wasn’t attracted to you before, but right now- OHHHHHH MANNNNYYYYYY!!!!!   OH MYYYY—–UNNNNNGGGG—YOU’VE NEVER- OH YES MANNY!!  YES YES YES!!!!” Jenna screams with ecstasy laced joy as I lean in and begin gently sliding Manny’s tongue inside her wet cunt, feeling the walls of her pussy clamp down on me in shock as I wiggle and set off a torrent of nerve endings.  Fuck yeah, Jenna’s cunt tastes so good!  I dig my tongue deeper, wiggling, sucking, rubbing her insides in all the right places, taking cues from when her legs twitch or when her back arches.  I pull out and find her clit, giving that special attention as I playfully lick her most sensitive bundle of nerves, daring to even gently nibble on it before kissing that fireball of nerves and migrating my tongue back inside her cunt.  I’m taking special care to massage and caress her squirming body, rubbing her lean core and feeling her back as it arches.  She especially loves it when I hoist her legs over my shoulders and caress my down her thighs before grabbing a firm hold of her ass and hips and pulling her cunt towards my lapping and thrusting tongue.   “ohhhhhhh Mannyyyyyy- I-I-I OH GOD!!!  SO—Ungggg-GooooooOOOODDDDD!  SO GOOD-OH YES YES YES YES” I go into turbo, swirling Manny’s long tongue inside her at unprecedented speeds and in all directions, setting off cascade after cascade of sensation inside her.  I start sucking with gusto, trying to taste as much of her pussy juices as I can, making her whole body literally wretch as I try to hold her squirming form down as I thrust my wiggling tongue inside her.   “Mannnnnnyyyyy- YOU-OH GOD- I CAN’T-I- OH PLEASE DON’T STOP!  I’M SO CLOSE I-“ I release her writhing hips just long enough to quickly slide Manny’s thick index finger inside her soaking wet cunt, along with Manny’s thrashing tongue as I begin finger fucking her, squirming that finger around and stretching her pussy ever so slightly as I pull my tongue out and latch on to her clit and begin wiggling Manny’s tongue and sucking that nerve bundle.   “MANNY!!!!!!!!!   I LOVE YOU MANNY!!!!!! OH YESSSSSS MANNY!!!!” Jenna screams with joy as her cunt starts bursting with the best orgasm of her life.  I can feel the walls of her cunt tightening so much it’s a struggle just to pull out my thrusting finger!  And her cunt starts leaking so many juices that a trickle starts oozing out, forcing me to quickly maneuver down and start sucking her delicious juices out of her, forcing my tongue back inside as I try to devour every last drop, extending her orgasm indefinitely as her back remains arched and it looks like she’s trying to scream but no sound is coming out.  I lap up the torrent of juices for at least 30 straight seconds, keeping her orgasm going on and on, making her body tremble with appreciation as she surprises me and grabs the back of my head, pulling me even deeper into the tight explosion of pleasure that is her cunt.  I devour this feast until her trembling slows to a halt and the fountain of juices dies down, finally pulling out after several minutes of non-stop orgasms for Jenna.  I look into her eyes, now aflame with absolute adoration and passion.  Her supple body is drenched in sweat and her breathing is so heavy I worry for her safety.  But underneath it all is a smile that lets me know I’ve given her what no one else ever has and what no one else ever will.   “Manny!” She exclaims between gasps, “That was- I’ve never- Oh my God, Manny that was incredible!  I-I-I love you, Manny!  I believe you, Manny.  Every word!  This is a new chapter for us, and I want to start it off right, so baby how about you take those pants off and fill me up.  Make me yours.  I want you inside me, use your cock and make me feel good,” Jenna says seductively as she begins rubbing my pre-cum leaking cock through the tent of Manny’s stained jeans.  I moan in approval as she unbuttons that denim and pulls down until Manny’s throbbing and leaking meat springs out right in front of her longing eyes. “mmmmmmm Baby I need it!  Please, Manny!  God you’ve changed!  Where did you learn that?!” Jenna moans between squealy gasps as she squeezes and curls her toes.  Those smooth legs are draped over my shoulders as I swirl Manny’s powerful tongue deep inside her cunt, slurping those juices that Manny, the fucking misogynistic prude,  would never even go near.  Fuck Manny, Jenna needs a real lover.  Jenna needs-“Your dick!  Please Manny!”I pull my tongue out of her pussy and just grin, still smack dab up against those pussy lips and licking all around.  She closes her eyes and tosses her head back as I just keep licking outside her cunt, also reaching up and grabbing her perfect boobs, squeezing not too hard that it hurts, but not too gently that she doesn’t feel absolutely and completely safe with me here to protect her and to fuck her.  “Are you sure you’re ready for this Jenna? Are you sure this is what you want?”“Yes!! Manny! I’ve never wanted anything more than this!”I retract away from her cunt and roll over to the side of the bed with Manny’s nightstand, sifting around and looking for a condom. I search around, finally finding that sealed latex when out of nowhere I feel Jenna’s hand resting firmly on mine.“No… Manny… You are not the man you used to be. I don’t know what happened to you, but I have never in my life felt the way I do right now. I can’t believe that I came here to end things for good because right now in this moment in time I honestly don’t want anything more than to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to feel you Manny… All of you. I want to feel you filling me up… Completing me in a way that only you can,” she says as she pushes my hand back down into the drawer, making me leave the condom in there as she guides me back to the bed.No!! What the fuck are you about to do?! Fuck man! You’re already using my body and shit! At least use some fucking protection! I’m not ready to be a dad! That’s not how I roll! Manny screams in his head as I pump his meat and get him fully hard while Jenna smiles adoringly at me as she gets on her back and spreads her legs, giving me full access to that tight pussy.Yeah, Manny. Well this is how I roll. Because I am Manny now. No one ever loved you! But now look! With me inside you, Jenna is utterly and madly in love. You’re a better person with me in here, a better man. You better accept your fate, and I really hope you enjoy this – because I plan on fucking conceiving your baby tonight.Manny is a mass of screams and resistance on the inside, but I’m able to silence them effortlessly. The forcefulness of his resistance is more than it’s ever been, but I’m already so deeply rooted inside his body that it now views me as the alpha consciousness. His body’s loyalty has permanently switched, and Manny will never again be anything more than a silent passenger who I occasionally allow to speak for the entertainment value.Damn, the waves of resistance crashing through my body actually feel pretty good.Oh Manny! Keep doing whatever you’re doing! Your pathetic attempts at fighting me are sending chills down my spine. Oh man – each time you try to take control I feel a little push coming from the inside that makes my cock twitch. Fuck! It’s turning me on so much! Manny, you’re just making me more and more turned on! It’s like you want me to fuck your load into Jenna’s pussy!I’m a little sad when the resistance stops because I stop feeling those waves of pressure surging through me from the inside, traveling down my spinal cord and ricocheting throughout Manny’s meaty body for converging on his throbbing cock which is dripping with pre-cum as I crawl onto the bed on all fours and begin moving myself on top of Jenna who is now squirming in anticipation.Her eyes shoot open as I start stretching that cunt and sliding the head in.“Nnnnnnnnggggggggggg , MANNY!”“You alright Babe?!”“I’m still just so sensitive from when you-nnngggggg- you know.  How much is left?”“I’m about halfway,” I tell her as I lean down and caress her face.  I pull her into a passionate kiss, relaxing her as we taste each other’s mouths.  When the moment is just right, I slam the last couple of inches into her, making her convulse from sensory overload as that sensitive cunt sends shockwaves crashing through her pussy and up her whole body.  “Agggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! MANNY!!!!” Jenna screams as she digs her nails into my back, making me growl as we both writhe together, joined in the most intimate way as I feel Jenna’s cunt trembling and squeezing my meat.“You’re so great babe!” I gasp as I start pulling out, feeling her cunt automatically tightening trying to keep me inside.  “NNNGGGG FUCCCKKKKK!!!!” I grunt as I drive my dick all the way back inside.  Jenna just gasps, a smile plastered across her face, lips in a wide open “O” with her toes curling wildly.  While I build up my rhythm, sliding in and out, grinding and using Manny’s powerful body to give Jenna what she needs, I feel Manny again.  I get shivers from the futile resistance.  This is too good!  I chuckle silently as I decide to let him speak.  P-p-please!!!!  You can’t!  This is wrong!  Get out of my fucking body!!!!!! The normally strong and confident Manny sobs in his mind.Face it Manny!  You dickhead fucker!  I’m a better Manny than you EVER were! I taunt him.  Have you ever seen Jenna this happy?!  Look how good I’m making her feel with your cock!  She has a REAL lover now.  Someone who can appreciate her and send her over the edge.  I growl back at the ever hopeless Manny.  B-b-but!I’m better than you!  Just give in!  You don’t have to fight it.  Just agree that I’m the real Manny and your life will be better than it ever was.  Manny went quiet for several moments, finally relenting: You’re right…I grin as I shut him up again, huffing and growling as I feel Manny’s robust nuts churning and pumping- getting this load ready to blow.  “I’m close!” I exclaim as I keep pumping Jenna full, kissing her tasty lips and squeezing those tender breasts.  “MANNY!  I- aaaagggghhhhhhHH!!!!!   I’m close too baby!  I- OH GOD!   Oh my GOD!!!!!” Jenna howls as the waves hit her sooner than expected.  Her whole body tenses up as I feel her cunt quivering, trembling as the orgasm builds up.  I thrust and pump into her faster and harder, driving this cock into her so she can have the orgasm she deserves.  “nnnnnnngggggggggggggggg MANNY!” Jenna screams as her eyes shoot wide open and she begins gasping for breath, trying to yell but no sound comes out.  The pressure building inside me reaches its limits as Jenna’s cunt starts vibrating with tension, squeezing me tight and milking me for all its worth.  I go into a frenzy, slamming into her- pumping her full as I feel Manny’s baby cream flowing through into Manny’s cock before I thrust all the way back inside, howling wildly as the first load rockets out of me deep into Jenna’s hungry pussy.  We both howl unintelligibly, grinding and thrusting against each other as we have the best orgasms of our lives.  Our sweaty bodies glisten with pure joy as we calm down, my mass comfortably pinning her down to the bed as our breathing slows back to normal.  Jenna stares at me in amazement for a blissful second before pulling me into a gentle kiss.  “That was amazing, Manny.”I shut her up with my mouth while we cuddle away into the night.  As we go to sleep I feel a warmth deep inside as I prepare to live Manny’s life to the fullest- Because I am Manny now.  
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avengersmusings · 5 years
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FULL NAME: Natalia Alianova Romanova MEANING: Christmas Day NICKNAME: Natasha, Nat, Tash, Tasha MEANING: Natasha is the name she usually goes by to distance herself from the Red Room, Nat’s just a shortened form of her name, and Clint calls her Tash/Tasha when they’re alone thanks. AGE APPEARANCE: Appears 30, is actually 36 BIRTHDAY: April 22nd, 1984 ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Taurus SPECIES: Enhanced Human GENDER: Cis female ALLERGIES: None SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Pansexual THEME SONG(S): Praying by Kesha, Black Widow by Iggy Azela & Rita Ora, I Did Something Bad by Taylor Swift, and Alone Together by Fall Out Boy
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HAIR COLOR:  Red HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: Shoulder length, usually either wavy or straight. She’ll wear it up in a bun if she’s lounging around. EYES COLOR: Green EYESIGHT: 20/20, the serum she was injected with corrected any and all imperfections. HEIGHT: 5″7′ WEIGHT: 145 lbs OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: On missions it’s whatever SHIELD makes her wear but when she’s alone it’s usually leggings and someone else’s shirt or sweats and Clint’s shirt. Flat shoes are a must and jeans are only worn if they’re going out in public (and they’re tight as can be). ABNORMALITIES: None. DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS,MOLES): Various knife/bullet wounds that have scarred over; a long bullet wound along right hip; small scattering of freckles along upper back, shoulders, and face. SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Nat always looks well kept and put together. The Red Room forced her to. FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: People usually think she’s a bitch and unapproachable. SKIN COLOR: Latina/White mixed BODY TYPE/BUILD: Slim, lean, and muscular. DEFAULT EXPRESSION: Resting bitch face x1000. POSTURE: Nat always has perfect posture, her body tense like a dancer’s.  MEASUREMENTS(FEMALE ONLY): Waist: size 12; Bust: size 34D PIERCINGS: Multiple piercings on ears, bellybutton piercing. DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: As the Black Widow, there’s no distinguishable accent but when Nat is alone her natural accent comes out.
MOM: Anika Romanova HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Natasha’s mother died when she was young, but hse does have a fond memory of her mother singing to her. DAD: Ivan Petrovitch (Adopted); birth father is unknown. HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Before she was kidnapped by the Red Room, their relationship was very good. He took her in after her mother’s death and the Red Room told her that he was dead. SIBLINGS: Mayna Romanova HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: For the longest time, Natasha had no idea that Mayna was even still alive. They went through the Red Room together but it wasn’t until Nat dropped all of SHIELD’s files to the public that she found out her sister was still alive. CHILDREN: N/A HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: N/A OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS: N/A PAST LOVER(S): Alexi Shostakov (Ex-Husband), James Barnes (Ex-Fling) CURRENT LOVER: Clint Barton REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: Nat keeps quiet and analyzes them until she gets a good read of them. ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: Usually, Nat can work with anyone. Her training forces her to want to work with others, even if she doesn’t agree with them. However, it takes her a while to fully trust her teammates. HOW SOCIABLE(LONER,ETC): Mildly social, but only to those she trusts and cares about.  FRIENDS: The Avengers team, Elise Burke, Wanda Maximoff, Carol Danvers, Pepper Potts PETS: Liho, a 3 year old black male cat.  LEAST FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON: Overbearing men, cocky people, men who don’t take her seriously because she’s a woman. PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE,ETC): Protective, Carefree. FAVORITE PEOPLE: Clint, Elise, Bucky, Wanda, and Pepper are her top five favorite people. LEAST FAVORITE PEOPLE: Clint, anyone Hydra or Red Room affiliated, people who are rude to women.
..WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: ? Cautious, closed off, cold. ..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): Affectionate, Loyal, Playful. ..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY DISLIKE YOU): Cold, Mean, Sarcastic. FAVORITE COLOR: Red. FAVORITE FOOD: Russian Pelmeni, pizza, anything chocolate. FAVORITE ANIMAL: Cats FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: Flute FAVORITE ELEMENT: Fire LEAST FAVORITE COLOR: White LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Lemons, Cabbage Rolls, beans LEAST FAVORITE ANIMAL: None really. LEAST FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: Deep bass and drums LEAST FAVORITE ELEMENT: Earth HOBBIES: Ballet dancing, listening to calming music, eating cereal with Clint at 3am. USUAL MOOD: Calm, collected, but usually in a good mood.
DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: Drinks socially. DARK VERSION OF SELF: Cunning, ruthless, a trained assassin that will kill without hesitation. LIGHT VERSION OF SELF: Loyal, willing to make the sacrifice play, intelligent. HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: Nat is usually pretty serious, but does have a playful side. BELIEVE IN GHOSTS: Ghost are real and they haunt her at night. (IN)DEPENDANT: Independent, though tends to be dependent on people she really cares about. SOFT SPOT/VULNERABILITY: Talking about her pre-SHIELD past, Clint, orphaned children. OPINION ON SWEARING: She doesn’t do it unless the occasion calls for it, but isn’t against it. DAREDEVIL VS CAUTIOUS: It depends on the situation. MUSIC TYPE: She prefers classical or calming music and cannot stand rap or hip hop. MOVIE TYPE: Action, Horror, dumb comedies Clint makes her watch BOOK TYPE: Nat’s read all the classics but her favorites are those trashy romance novels and she pretends she doesn’t read them. GAME TYPE: Anything, she’s been trained to know how to read to win them all. COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE: Nat likes being comfortable, meaning not too hot or too cold. SLEEPING PATTERN: Nat’s usually up at all hours, but likes to try to keep a sleeping schedule. It doesn’t really work out. CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Nat’s okay with a little bit of disarray in her living areas, a light clutter to show a home is lived in isn’t bad. But she can’t super messy environments. DESIRED PET: Cats HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: Nat’s free time is either spent training or with Clint. BIGGEST SECRET: There isn’t much Nat keeps secret anymore, between the SHIELD leak and her desire to let her teammates know everything. HERO/WHO THEY LOOK UP TO: Peggy Carter. WHAT ANIMAL WOULD THEY BE: A lioness. FEARS: Becoming Natalia again and hurting one of her coworkers, Clint leaving her, failing to save someone. COMFORTS: Warm baths, Clint drapping himself around her, Liho purring on her chest.
SAD: Nat has two sad modes: run away or shut it down. When she’s sad she either shuts down her negative emotion until she can’t hold it back anymore or runs away to deal with them on her own. HAPPY: Playful, joking around, wanting to be around as many people as possible. ANGRY: Depending on who/what made her angry: fighting, harsh words, or poking at known weaknesses are her usual go tos. AFRAID: Nat isn’t usually afraid, but when she is her body shuts down and goes into fight or flight mode. LOVE SOMEONE: Steals their clothing, wants to be around them all the time, becomes over protective. HATE SOMEONE: Nat either avoids them or makes their life a living hell. WANT SOMETHING: Nat will go after it, she’s not the one to beat around the bush. CONFUSED: Nat doesn’t get confused often but if she does end up confused she works it out until she understands it.
DANGER: Nat’s fight or flight response kicks in and she tries to protect her teammates from whatever danger is present. SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: Nat murders them, no she just lets them know she’s not interested. PROPOSAL TO MARRY: At first, she thinks Clint is joking because he’s him. But when she eventually realizes he’s being legit, she’d accept and they’d spent at least a day celebrating. DEATH OF LOVED ONE: After so much loss, Nat’s almost immune to it. She gets sad and wants to be alone for a little bit and then wants Clint to just hold her. DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: Nat will not rest until she works it out okay. INJURY: If someone else is hurt, Nat hides it and pretends she’s okay. She’s also been injured so many times that she doesn’t realize she’s hurt half the time so. SOMETHING IRRESISTABLY CUTE: Nat pretends it’s annoying while secretly dying on the inside. LOSS OF HOURS OF WORK: I dare SHIELD to try to cut her out of something. I dare them.
LANGUAGES: English, Russian, German, Latin, ASL. SCHOOLING LEVEL: Whatever the Red Room was FAVORITE SUBJECT (S): Dance, Combat INTERESTED CAREERS: None really.   EXPERTISE: Combat, Weapons Mastery, Hacking, Seduction & Manipulation PUZZLES: Puzzles aren’t that hard for her. CHEMISTRY: The science subject? Not so much. Human chemistry? She’s an expert. MATH: Math wasn’t that hard for her to understand. ENGLISH: She can speak it but reading something and finding hidden meanings? Not so much. GEOGRAPHY: SHIELD gave her some training so she has basic understandings of map reading. POLITICS/LAW: Nat has a basic understanding of the law, but she doesn’t really pay attention to politics. She knows how to play people to get what she wants.  ECONOMY/ACCOUNTING: This is probably the one section Nat doesn’t care about. COOKING: Nat can cook basic things and enjoys doing it. SEWING: She’s really good at it, especially if it’s medical sewing. MECHANICS: Nat knows the basics of car owning but that’s about it. BOTANY (FLOWERS): Yeah no.  MYTHOLOGY: Nat took an interest in Norse Mythology after meeting Thor but that’s about it. DRAMATICS(ACTING,SINGING): Nat’s skill set deals with acting so. READING LEVEL: Proficient. HOW GOOD ARE THEY AT PLANNING AHEAD: It depends on what she’s planning. Missions, she’s great. But everything else? Not so much.
DO THEY TAKE INITIATIVE: ALL THE TIME. Nat’s constantly pulling Clint in for kisses or cuddles or into empty rooms. HOW DO THEY ACT(SHY,ETC): It depends on her mood and what she wants, but usually she’s pretty forward and confident in what she wants. GENTLEMAN/LADYLIKE VS KLUTZY: Nat’s smooth, but Clint tends to make her nervous. She’s never felt like this for someone before. GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: Nat’s romantic life was to jump into things quickly and she took her time with Clint. PROTECTIVE: FUCK YES. ACT LIKE FRIENDS OR LOVERS: Honestly, both. WHAT KIND OF PRESENTS DO THEY BUY: Who needs presents when you can just give them sex? It’s probably a new toy or something they can use in the bedroom. TYPE OF KISSER: It depends on her mood, sometimes she wants soft kisses and some times she wants it rough. DO THEY WANT KIDS: No, but also yes? DO THEY WANT TO MARRY: Only if it’s Clint. MAKE GOOD OR BAD DECISIONS: Both. She has a self-destruction tendency when it comes to love/romance. ARE THEY ROMANTIC: Yes. HOW ARE THEY IN BED: One of her skill sets is being good in bed okay.  GET JEALOUS EASY: Yes and no. She knows Clint is it for her, and her for him, but at the same time she doesn’t like people touching her man. WIFE/HUBBY BEATER: No. Nope. No. Never. MARRY FOR MONEY: Nope. Maybe for the laughs to Tony, but not really. FAVORITE POSITION: Nat likes being on top. She really enjoys being on top during oral and just CRUSHING Clint between her thighs okay. WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: Oh god, staying in and just hanging out and cuddling on the couch followed by great sex. OPINION ON SEX: Sex used to be something she just did because she was expected to, but now it means so much more to her. It’s one of her favorite things to do with Clint.
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buildridernews · 6 years
[Review] Kamen Rider Build - Episodes 38-41
It's time for an actually timely review for once! I seem to be bucking the whole "I'm consistently halfway into the month when I decide to catch up on last month" trend.
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Episode 38: "Mad World" (マッドな世界)
So we ended last month on two big cliffhangers. For starters, Evol now has what he has declared is his final form, which is kinda neat - typically you only see the "final form" term applied to the main Rider, and its origins are with the final boss of a video game, so here it's 100% on point. 
But we also discover that having Sento be possessed by Evolt resulted in his brain being kind of jumbled back together, meaning he remembers being Katsuragi Takumi. It seems like this would be an obvious thing to have come up at some point, in retrospect, but of all the times for it to happen...
As everyone makes a hasty retreat from an overpowered Evol, he decides to take a moment to do some kind of ssspace magic, turning some Fullbottles into these black and gold variants - thanks to magazine reveals, we know these are called Lost Fullbottles...
Anyway, Katsuragi proves to be an unsettling one for everybody to be around since he doesn't entirely trust Ryuga, he makes half-hearted apologies to Misora for using her, and he has a real emotional argument with Gentoku which I'm sure will be elaborated upon in the Rogue spinoff. This scene was interesting since they do some cool editing to alternate between showing Sento's actor and Katsuragi's actor in the same outfit.
When it comes to the whole presentation of Katsuragi being "brought back", there's ways this could go that could be a little bit... clunky, and I don't know if I can properly put into words why. I guess the best explanation I can think of is, it'd be real weird to me if this involved his face turning back to normal as well, because then you'd have to figure out a reason for why he'd want his face changed back that isn't insulting to Katsuragi (since the point of this subplot is to redeem him). Basically I'm glad we just got Sento's actor with a different personality.
So what the hell is Evolt doing right now? Well, to keep that actor involved, Evolt just decided to take on Soichi's appearance because I guess he can do what he wants. That's probably gonna be used to trick us at some point. He's decided that Namba has an ultimatum to answer to: Let him rule the world as a whole while Namba is just a prime minister of Japan, ooor he dies. At the same time, he gives Utsumi an offer to join him since he's a very useful scientist... which both seem like things that wouldn't meet in the middle, but just you wait.
Things get interesting as Utsumi tries begging for help from Gentoku, everyone else (minus a bitter Kazumi) is getting involved, and Katsuragi is staying in the lab working on the block item Sento pieced together before. When it comes time for Utsumi to approach Evolt in Pandora Tower about the ultimatum, Utsumi instead unleashes some Hard Guardians, the gear bros, and suddenly even the other Riders show up! I gotta imagine this was in reference to the talk he had with Gentoku since Kazumi is indeed nowhere to be found. I would have liked to see the moment where Katsuragi agreed to all this but it was interesting to see him try fighting. Especially since he specifically had trouble with a form SENTO invented. Cute.
Then something unexpected happens: Evol takes out the gear bros! They got powered up earlier in the episode with the implication they would die from any further nebula gas dosage, but I figured this was a seed planted for several episodes from now. Nope, one falls, the other switches into Hell Bro mode, then takes a hit from Evol to protect Great Cross-Z. He dies realizing that fighting for the sake of others actually feels pretty good, after seeing how Cross-Z seemed to be stronger for a previously unknown reason.
So, I feel like the gear bros are characters I can completely see others getting attached to, and I HAVE seen that, but they ultimately didn't do much aside from look cool. And if I'm being critical, I'd say they have 3 things that make for a weakly written character: If you make them too cool then they're flawless and boring, if you make them too stoic then there's not much room for personality, and if you focus too much on them being a duo then they have no idividuality - they're just the gear bros, which I've always called them since I can never remember their actual names. They had their moments, as few as they were, but I kinda leave these two deaths with a shrug and "Huh, didn't see that coming."
Then shortly thereafter, Evol kills Namba! And it's so beautiful becaue not only does Utsumi watch it unfold in terror on a tablet, where he can't do a thing besides watch from the camera Namba was recording from, but Evol also fakes him out with a laugh and a hug then turns him to fucking dust. It's so brutal, enough to make a man crack.
And I think he might've, considering Utsumi's memories of being a brainwashed Namba boy flash before him as he laughs maniacally and gladly joins Evol. With a duplicate Evol Driver, he uses a clever pair of Fullbottles to transform into Kamen Rider Mad Rogue, which we will see in more detail next episode! But it's a real cool suit. It's basically all of Night Rogue's suit with color changes, which makes for an interesting Rider suit. Plus, y'know, bringing us aaall the way back to when people found the BatEngine sound on the belt and wondered if Night Rogue would become a Rider.
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Episode 39: “The Genius Can’t Be Stopped” (ジーニアスは止まらない)
And so, Mad Rogue takes on everyone with pretty great ease, which isn't surprising since he's a new Rider. Despite not wanting to take part, Grease shows up to help them escape, and once we're back at the cafe/lab we see that Katsuragi still isn't trusting of Ryuga. He's pretty much decided that Ryuga is part of Evolt, and even though Ryuga keeps telling him he's now fully human... he has these strange visions that appear to be from Evolt's memory of destroying Mars. Which is weird since one of them is from the perspective of someone seeing Evol. But maybe that's intentional.
Katsuragi has created what he believes is the ultimate bottle, combining the ingredients of all 60 Fullbottles to form the Genius Fullbottle. Misora isn't impressed, however, because Katsuragi lacks a certain heart that Sento had, which bothers him. He's left with even more to think about as a weakened Gentoku tries desperately to move so he can go fight and redeem himself for his sins.
Katsuragi goes out to fight Mad Rogue, but as he tries using the Genius Fullbottle, it won't activate - something is stopping him. As he takes a quick beating, Great Cross-Z jumps in, giving a wonderful speech about Sento was A DAMN HERO OF JUSTICE and making Katsuragi really come to terms with what Sento had that he doesn't. It's something that will use the Rider system for good, and put a stop to Evolt, so he has no choice. With Katsuragi literally standing face-to-face with Sento in his head, he puts his trust in this person to do what's right. Sento's back, baby.
With his new gadget, Sento transforms into Build's final form: Genius Form. A suit covered in 60 Fullbottles, which happen to be uniform enough to make one red side and one blue side. Super fun transformation.
So, Genius Form has grown on me, and it's certainly had time to. The form got leaked like 6 months ago, and... man, I dunno how that happened since we didn't get proper confirmation that it was legit until more toy catalog stuff came out. That was a leak that made me go "Oh I hope no one got FIRED for that".
Anyway, next episode.
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Episode 40: “Ending Revolution” (終末のレボリューション)
Once Mad Rogue tries to fire away at Build, he finds that he's severely outmatched. Build is damn near bulletproof and can move at speeds he can't keep up with. Not only that, but we learn that Build's new bottle can actually get rid of the effects of the nebula gas, which I assume is what he does here to weaken Mad Rogue - otherwise I dunno why they showed it. He unleashes a finisher, then is rescued by Evol. But not before Evol randomly hits Kazumi just to take the Fullbottles his former comrades used to transform into Hard Smash.
So this is a thing we got mention of in episode summaries a while back. These episodes deal with "Lost Bottles", which is a term also brought up in the show by Evolt. I THINK what's going on here is some miscommunication between the show writers and toy developers, because the black and gold bottles are officially called Lost Fullbottles in promotional material for the summer movie and are being called Lost Bottles here. The reason why I think it's miscommunication is simple: Katsuragi referred to the Genius Fullbottle as the Genius Bottle. I'm decidedly going with what sounds like the proper designations.
Back at the cafe, everyone is still processing the fact that Sento is Sento again. He seems to remember all of Katsuragi's memories up until the Skywall incident, so there's that. Gentoku is going through some identity crisis of his own as he has decided to become a gag character - he's dressing informally for once and-- I kinda like him better this way. And I'm glad the sound mixing department knew that the scream from his transformation item was made for comedy.
After a whiplash change in tone, Sento is thinking about the Lost Fullbottles that Evol referenced, when suddenly the voice of Katsuragi pops up in his head with some answers - Katsuragi never made these bottles, but they were made by his father. Sento decides to go to Hokuto, and it just so happens Kazumi also wants to go there to sneak into Faust and retrieve his comrade's bottles. Ryuga, for once in his entire life, recognizes these are all stupidly risky ideas and just gives Kazumi his (apparently now repaired) Dragon Sclashjelly in case he needs it.
While at his mother's old house, Sento finds an odd photo in his father's belongings: A woman by the pier with a boat. I thought this woman was familiar, and it's because she's one of the victims from one of the first episodes who smuggled them to another location by boat! I remember how nice it was to see a victim used that way. However, Sento finds it odd that his father had a photo of this woman in his belongings since he SHOULD be dead, and a Guardian - which would not have been around at the time he was alive - is seen in the background.
Meanwhile, Kazumi does something stupid and sneaks into Faust in disguise, only to be caught and be given more nebula gas - enough that he might die if he loses a fight. He manages to escape, but is cornered by the Hokuto prime minister, who's become Evolt's latest experiment: A Lost Smash. This is a combination of a Hard Smash and some Clone Smash, and he considers it to be this monsters' final form - so it's cool we get that kind of lore for these monsters! She uses Kiba's old Fukurou Fullbottle to transform and beat the crap out of him, only for Build then Mad Rogue to enter the mix.
As Grease feels like he's on the ropes, he thinks about the idealistic speeches Build always gives and about how he's letting it get into his head - using the Dragon Sclashjelly in his own belt, he suddenly gains TWO Twin Breaker weapons, along with a significant power boost!
So, this is another talking point, because if there's anyone that fans wanna see with a new form, it's Grease. He is truly the Necrom of this show, except Necrom's eventual power-up was a whole new weapon, whereas Grease just gets two of the same weapon he had before. So that's a little disappointing. But hey, Necrom did get a new form in some post-finale material - here's hoping they keep the V-cinema thing going and you get a Grease movie!
So, Grease overpowers Mad Rogue, sending him running, and Build uses the power of his bottle to deliver a Rider Kick to our new Lost Smash to safely defeat her and undo the effects of the nebula gas. After she wakes up, it seems like she's come to her senses and the effects of the initial Skywall incident have worn off, so she's become a decent person again. Evolt shows up, however, to proclaim that he's going to use the Lost Fullbottles to create a new world!
And then we get a most unexpected twist if you didn't think too much about the previous photo of the boat woman. She talks with Ryuga and Sawa and she remarks that she did indeed know Katsuragi's father, because he was just there the other day... which means he is very much still alive.
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Episode 41: “The Best Match Truth” (ベストマッチの真実)
Picking up where the show left off, Evol tries taking on Build in his new form, and Build manages to catch him before he can switch to his strongest form, which gives him an edge. He does some kind of change to Evolt's body genes, but we don't know why just yet - all we know is he's excited about it.
Hot off the heels of the realization that Papa Katsuragi is alive, the boat lady passes on a USB device to give to Sento, which contains several documents on his inventions, but for now we're getting details on the Lost Fullbottles. I did a post about it, so I'll just say the key parts here: Gathering 10 of the black Lost Fullbottles causes something that defies the laws physics, which certainly raises the stakes. Also later we learn about the origin of Best Matches which is beautiful and tragic, but I also talked about that in a post. Good stuff.
This episode also provides us with a proper recap of the show so far, with the meta commentary I love from the cold openings, and it kinda tosses out a fact I hadn't even caught onto: Every Smash has been a person connected to the group in some way, be it a loved one, a possible witness to an event, or even one of them, like Sawa. But that brings into question who the guy from episode 1 was.
We don't have to wonder for long, as Sawa manages to get enough info on him to know that he was connected to Katsuragi's dad. Sawa arranges a meeting between him and Sento, which he hopes will get him closer to his father.
Meanwhile, we've learned just what effect Build's new form had on Evolt, as he tells all to his masked ally in Faust's lab. It seems that up to this point, Evolt has just mimicked human emotions, but Build's attack has basically caused him to gain actual emotions. Now he's feeling high on life and it seems like he's just being quirky... but there's some implications to that.
Sento meets with the man, but he reveals that he was sent to attack Sento as another Lost Smash, proclaiming that he'll be killed if he doesn't follow orders. Build finishes him off safely, and he starts to learn the truth, until Evol shows up and kills him instantly, then explains that Build's attack gave him emotions. Then Evol attempts to turn Build into a Smash using a bottle he has, but Build's form neutralizes it, allowing him an upper hand. As he successfully starts overpowering our main villain, Evol's rage begins to build up, then he disappears.
That's when Build makes a sudden realization, which the show pretty quickly passes by despite how alarming it is: If Evol has emotions now, that means he can gain a higher Hazard Level and become stronger and stronger.
Finally, Evolt returns to Faust's lab with two more Lost Fullbottles taken from Build during their fight, which means he's up to 6 - only 4 left to go before something unfathomable happens. Then we end on the proper face reveal for Evolt's lab buddy: Katsuragi's father... who I will probably have to start calling by his first name eventually. BUT NOT TODAY.
So that was one hell of a month of episodes! And this latest one tells all, what with the Lost Fullbottles and the motifs of the Best Matches explained. It's actually kinda sad the show's almost over... only a couple more months now.
Next review, however, will be something different.
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Yeah. See you Next Build.
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hellyes-tommccamus · 7 years
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Mutant X [TV] (2001-2004)
S01E21 “Dancing on the Razor”
Tom McCamus plays a main role in season 1
The penultimate episode [of season one]. No prizes for guessing why I consider the end of season one the end of the show. The title may or may not be a quote of Iron Maiden lyrics. Or may be me drawing parallels where none exist. Which really is the backbone of English Literature. Oh how proud my English teacher would have been. Or perhaps not. He was not at all impressed when I read out a novelised X Files episode in class.
Brennan and Jesse wander round one of the many abandoned warehouses that are invariably chosen as meeting spots. I think I might be wary of being asked to go to such a location if I was a scared and vulnerable New Mutant. The GSA show up and fight the guys one or two at a time, Kung Fu style. The New Mutant they were supposed to meet doesn’t show, but someone has installed cameras in the warehouse and is watching them.
Proxy Blue reports that she has an informant who has video footage of the fight. Am I the only one who is disappointed the internet no longer looks all shiny and bevelled? My first website was. Back in the day when people had websites.
The guys of Mutant X decide that they won’t be able to trace the email from the person who set them up. Despite all of them allegedly being great computer hackers. Adam says they finally have something in common with Genomex. Other than him being an ex-employee? And their goals actually aligning pretty often? I guess we’re all guilty of saying things that sound good, but aren’t necessarily true.
Mason complains to his new number two about Proxy Blue broadcasting his business on her broadband spectrum. I do love it when they toss around “techno terms” in an effort to sound more sci fi. Recall when we didn’t all have broadband? Recall when we didn’t have internet? There’s a scary thought. Support Net Neutrality! And with that, I think I have reached my maximum allowable number of tangents in the first five minutes of this episode.
His new number two, Harvey Lanchester (Roman Podhora) suggests that the leak came from inside Genomex. Mason refuses to believe that, despite his employees being discovered working against the company actually quite frequently. (Cut to some poor intern shaking their head and taking down the 1 above the “days since employee defection” sign). Mason indicates that he has implemented some sort of method to detect thoughtcrime (1984 reference number three). Today, I believe that would be extremely easy. Let me scare you to death for a second: do you ever think anything you don’t google/message to someone/say on the phone? Here’s hoping my NSA file says something along the lines of: “Mostly harmless, mind too focused on frivolous things to revolt. Mad as a spoon.”
Harvey is an interesting second in command. He replies to Mason in the same sharp and unforgiving tone as his boss uses, and seems to get away with it.
The Mutant X girls have more luck in their computer hacking than the guys. Shalimar says they tracked a caller to Proxy Blue to a company called Macklin Exporters.
Harvey is way ahead of them, and his team is pulling apart the exporting office. He demonstrates his power, which is to shoot some form of heat beam from his forehead. The exporting company looks to be, if not a front, unsuccessful. Their warehouse is completely empty and doesn’t even have any racking to store things on. Macklin employee Jay (James Gallanders) is brought over to Harvey for questioning. He claims not to know anything. Shalimar and Brennan stroll in and fight off the GSA. They rescue Jay, not bothering about all his unconscious colleagues. Probably uncredited extras, and not important. Harvey sets fire to the warehouse, presumably killing all of those poor unimportant extras.
Brennan and Shalimar take Jay back to a safehouse. They start to question him but they end up telling him about what they are. And isn’t the whole point of this operation to stop just that? Jay says he knows nothing except he’s only alive because he was late for work. So did the GSA kill his colleagues before setting fire to the building? And for that matter, why did he not react much to seeing his colleagues at least knocked out?
Proxy Blue reports on the “explosion” at the warehouse. And she even mentions that it’s not connected to the unreleased video footage from earlier. Isn’t it a bit odd that she would indirectly expose her informant like that? Predictably, Mason isn’t happy with how Harvey dealt it. Emma and Jesse look up Harvey in the New Mutant database and find that he has a psionic combustion power. I’m not sure why this power is classed as psionic when it would be better classified as elemental or even molecular. But I know I can’t escape the obvious explanation - and I’m rolling my eyes as I write this - it’s because it comes from his head, isn’t it? Emma thinks Proxy Blue is taunting her informants to come forward with the disc, which would make sense.
Shalimar questions Jay again. He refers to his colleagues as friends, which is inconsistent with his apparent apathy towards them. Brennan gets a call from Adam, who pushes him to get information from Jay. He asks for his coworkers’ names but he does not know them, despite just calling them his friends. He tells them to look in his apartment, and that there is a list of the other employees on his refrigerator. I’m sorry, but is it normal to keep that sort of thing on your refrigerator?
Brennan goes to Jay’s apartment, but once again the GSA is there before them. However the whole scene is stolen by Man Carrying Dog in an Elevator.
Meanwhile Shalimar seems to be having fun mothering the man they think is involved in (badly) attempting to expose them. She tells him about how this exposé will affect their lives, while making a good show of drinking from a cup, which is clearly shown as empty from the angle they chose to film.
Brennan and Harvey face off. Their fight is interrupted before it starts by the unsung hero of this episode. Oh yes it’s Man Carrying Dog in an Elevator! There’s another man involved this time, and they pass the dog between them. At times I am a Supporting Artiste (the most pretentious and best job title) and honestly I think they think it’s hilarious to make us do the most stupid and bizarre things. Where is the logic behind the dog being carried twice? Part of me loves the abject falseness of film and TV but the other part of me thinks the people who make it need a bit of real life experience to realise how silly they’re being. Politicians should also be forced to go on my Grim Reality course. Insider info: the dog was probably owned and brought along by one of the men.
Shalimar and Jay get very flirty and plan to go on a date. But he tries to kiss her and she pulls away. Probably for the best, seeing how her last two relationships ended.
Jesse discovers that the company looks legit so the spying must have come from a single person. And as the rest of the workers are dead, the only way for the story to go anywhere is if Jay was the culprit. Wow, Shalimar sure does know how to pick em!
Brennan drops by to the safehouse and tells them the GSA got to Jay’s apartment before him. Jay tries to call the police but they stop him. Suddenly he mentions his sister. Now if he isn’t the culprit, he at least has something wrong with him that gives him a lack of empathy and a poor memory. Shalimar goes with him to find his sister.
Proxy Blue has nothing to report, and is now saying it may have been a false alarm. Harvey thinks he has done enough to diffuse the situation, but Mason insists he finds Jay. I noticed something about one of the panels in Mason’s office, the one that is X shaped. It looks like a Western Blot, which will mean nothing to the non-scientists in the room. Neither will this: I miss the smell of agar in the morning.
Emma looks for Jay’s sister but can’t find her in the database. There is no mention of her being a New Mutant, so this suggests something very sinister: does Adam have a database on everyone in the country?
Predictably, Jay tricks Shalimar and locks her in his apartment. She escapes, but not before he disappears. Harvey finds her and uses her power to try to torture her into telling him where Jay is. Emma sneaks in and uses her extra power of illusion to trick Harvey and the other GS Agents into thinking she is Mason and does a remarkable job of persuading them to leave Shalimar alone without giving away what she is doing.
Jesse finds some info on Jay. Which means Adam’s database must include regular humans as well as New Mutants. So he must have stolen this from another government agency. Which is a rather odd thing for someone supposedly supporting freedom and liberty to do. Jay is apparently a journalist. Surprise surprise. Jesse makes an offhand comment about him packing computer chips. Is this actually one of the US’s exports? But anyway he was fired from a job as a journalist.
Proxy Blue reports that the “explosion” was an accident. Mason video calls Harvey to congratulate him, and he is confused because he just saw him. Mason’s reaction to this is quite hilarious. And they are both still none the wiser.
Adam tells Shalimar that Jay lied about having a sister and is also the one who set them up. The girls want to go after him, but Adam isn’t keen. They go after him anyway. And I have to say I love the yellow and lime green lighting in the warehouse. It’s not realistic in the slightest but cool anyway. Jay plans to give the disc to Proxy Blue but the girls ambush him. Shalimar grabs the disc and hits him. But he grabs Emma and holds a gun to her. Emma has clearly learnt to use her powers even in stressful situations, and she makes him think the gun is too hot to hold.
Shalimar gives him a beating and they are about to leave victorious but the GSA arrive and ruin it. Interesting thing about Harvey’s powers: why is it that when he hits things it sets them on fire, but on people he just makes them painfully hot? Emma redirects one of his heat blasts and hits him with it. So she’s also a telekinetic now? And why does it appear to be deadly/severely disabling on him when other people seem to be merely in pain from it?
Adam grabs the disc and they are about to leave when Mason shows up with the most GS Agents we’ve seen all together. They have the most tropey standoff. Then decide to destroy the disc and set fire to the warehouse.
Later, Brennan sort of admits he has feelings for Shalimar. Emma and Shalimar complain about their bad luck with men. I mean, sure, they are young people, but in the circumstances dating is probably not a great idea. They are looking through a rail of Emma’s clothes and Shalimar makes fun of them. And nobody really thought this through because Emma is always seen to be ultra fashionable (for the time).
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rodislandpsychic · 5 years
Virgin Singer Madonna Befriending Rosie O’Donnell (ROD) in “A League of Their Own”
I met someone who really inspires me named Rosie. I’ve thought a lot about her for the last 2 days to where I couldn’t sleep. I’m probably running on maybe 3 hours of sleep total in the last 3 days.
The problem with very little sleep is that you get cranky and short-tempered. My crazy ex-girlfriend Rebecca and I have had nasty fights as a result of lack of sleep.
I asked Rosie to give me an honest opinion on my situation. She gave it to me. I thought about it while she went off to get something to eat. I had to write some thoughts down.
I had told her that it’s hard for me to keep what I want to say down. I feel I have to express myself. However, it’s different with me. If I don’t vent or release pressure, it triggers my Psychic Abilities. If I just sit on information or something gnawing at me, it starts to leak.
Since my Psychic Abilities behave like a Microphone plugged into Earth’s Electromagnetic Field as a PA System, it will get blared out across the news.
One of the things I said in my letter to Rosie was about the fights Rebecca and I used to have.
One of the people I didn’t mention was Aimee on Second Life in 2013. The TV Show “We Are the Millers” with Will Arnett was on for a brief time.
I had only known from 7/13 of 2013 to 11/30 of 2013 when Paul Walker died in his car crash. News for 1/17 of 2020 talked about Walmart under fire for a joke about the late Paul Walker.
I haven’t really told Rosie about how it works with my Psychic Abilities where I echo the news every 24 hours. I just realized that the news about Paul Walker points back to Aimee.
I really liked Aimee born 4/23, but I had to cut ties with her. We had only known each other 4 months. When you know someone for less than 2 years in the Psychic Field, you can’t really tell them to stop what they’re doing because it’s disrupting the Psychic Field.
Since Aimee didn’t really know what happened, I had to voluntarily leave. I talked to her about the Psychic Field, but it was very superficial.
I just realized where Rosie surfaces in history. It’s the friendship of Virgin singer Madonna and Rosie O’Donnell. They were kind of an odd pair but they hit it off.
I think it’s because I’m Virgin and align with Virgin singer Madonna and Rosie O’Donnell is Rosie who’s Atheist. The two of us get along even though we really shouldn’t.
However, Rosie also had a daughter tag with me as her Daddy. Rosie O’Donnell’s initials as “R’O.D” for my name is that parent theme and how Rosie’s daughter won’t speak to her.
That’s kind of muddled because Rosie in the daughter position is mingling with Jordan as my other daughter.
I know Jordan as my adopted daughter doesn’t want to talk to me and has muted me on Social Media, but I can’t tell yet what that means about Rosie.
I had mentioned in my letter to Rosie about how news for 1/17 of 2020 said the son of J. R. R. Tolkein passed away.
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I told Rosie about the “Lord of the Rings” Two Towers Prophecy that is surfacing. While I may not be important, that is something that is moving forward.
It’s unfortunate that the person who spotted it is not getting support and is forced to get a part-time job to afford food and a roof over his head while other people and organizations are raking in tons of money.
For something this important, there’s no funding.
This isn’t a dig at Rosie. She’s being practical and realistic. But it’s just so unfortunate that this is the how things are. Things that really needed to be funded just die on the vine.
If people don’t get it and if you don’t give a good enough explanation, you miss your shot. And that’s it. Even if it was something that could impact the world and have devastating repercussions.
Because people didn’t know what Cryptology was or that there was a Math Language that Earth uses, people just shrug it off as something low priority or not very important.
There’s this disconnect. I once flagged Greta Thunberg down on Instagram with the information, but it just got lost or ignored. I suspect it’s just because I don’t have have any Liknes and only have 30 Followers. So what I say has little or no value because you get graded by how many Followers you have determining whether you have something worthwhile to say that people should listen to.
People say you have to be upbeat and bright. You attract more flies with honey. You need your slick polished video so you look legit. You try but you get other people’s work dumped on you or told to do other chores like Cinderella.
I actually know where Rosie is when I was in Elementary School. This was back in like 5th or 6th Grade. So I was about 11 years old around 1986
I went to Manchester Elementary that was on California Avenue. I’m in California. Rosie ***tea lived right by the school. The Rosie I met on Second Life is in London where they drink tea.
Rosie on California Avenue had a huge crush on me. My mom was the one who told me how the mother said something and Rosie would always say hi. She really liked me.
I was only 11 so puberty hadn’t kicked in. Rosie was Filipina like me. It was weird having someone like me that much. She eventually outgrew her puppy love crush on me and she married my classmate Dale B.
So somehow that has to do with Rosie.
I also realized that Rosie on Second Life is my Aunt Nonita’s Rosie. My mom had to make a title page for one of her ebooks.
I didn’t want to do it or didn’t have time or something. But Rosie who had some kind graphic design business offered to do a book cover.
So Rosie did it and E-mailed it. My mom wasn’t really keen on it. So I said, “Fine, I’ll make it if I get a chance then.”
So I whipped something up in about 2 hours with the family picture and a rose that symbolizes the family with the petals. My mom fell in love with that one and how much time and thought I put into that.
So my mom thanked Rosie for her services, but my mom felt bad and still paid Rosie while I didn’t get paid anything and even though my mom thought my book cover artwork was better.
I suspect that Rosie doing graphic design taking a few days to make up a cover that my mom didn’t care for and me who was busy but whipping something up together in 2 hours back in 2012 was talking about Rosie on Second Life.
It’s comparing Rosie’s skill level with the Psychic Field and her stuff about Meditation and things she was suggesting I do compared to my experience and skill level that is higher that hers.
I think the reason why Earth would point that out is because Rosie and I switched positions, Rosie with her meditation techniques would still leave her ill-prepared for managing the Electromagnetic Field on an international scale.
While I may come across as flaky, depressed, and moody, I have strong Mental Discipline when it comes to stabilizing the Psychic Field. If you don’t have strong Mental Discipline, you’ll broadcast and it will cause disruptions or a shock wave where you’ll see shooting, a plane engine falling from the sky, or a fire that is marked with those tags.
With all due respect to Rosie and the conversations I’ve had with her, she didn’t seem to indicate that she’s had any experience with using Psychic Abilities or the Occult like a firearm that can inflict injury or death. You need a steady mind because if you’re jittery or nervous, you could accidentally squeeze the trigger on your mind as a firearm and kill someone.
Talkin to Magical and Mystical people worldwide who have never used their Abilities to injure, maim, or kill someone is not the same as actually talking to someone who does and actually doing it.
It would be like Paul Blart as a Mall Cop giving James Bond who has a drinking problem advice on how to calm his nerves. While it’s true that James Bond has deep rooted psychological issues, brooding, and getting wasted, James Bond is still a trained assassin with a higher skill set than Paul Blart the Mall Cop.
Although Rosie meant well suggesting Meditation, that is what it feels like.
I know Rosie was just trying to help. But I believe the reason why I’m shown this is because Earth has a very specific program She showed me. She doesn’t want me questioning my judgment.
If I allow Rosie to get in my head where she establishes that her skill set and abilities supersede mine, she could end up giving me bad advice when she really doesn’t understand the caliber or level that I’m working at.
I didn’t tell Rosie the whole story or the extent of how far my Psychic Abilities reach. My Abilities go behind Planet Earth. I’ve seen it go as far as Jupiter.
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Rosie doesn’t realize that I’ve had the Sun that is 109 times the size of Earth acknowledge me.
The day I made my Second Life avatar profile picture 5/5 of 2014, I superimposed an image of Superman on the surface of the Sun.
I posted the quote from Jack Kerouac
"Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do."
The quote cited “square holes” and that’s when NASA scientists were surprised that a square hole appeared on the Sun. I could’ve explained why that square hole is there if people asked me, but people don’t.
That’s what it looks like when the Sun acknowledges your post and your Superman title.
I’m very proud of that accomplishment where the Sun acknowledged me.
But it’s also mixed with sadness because it shows how people really don’t appreciate things I know or what I have to say.
If people realized that the Sun and Earth are both alive and they acknowledge me, then it hints that I must be pretty special to have earned the respect of the Planet you stand on and the Sun in the Sky.
There was another Rosie whom I met who was really sweet who I met in 2000. It was a year after I ran my branch office Summer 1999.
Rosie and her brother were new employees at my old manager’s office. My old 1998 manager looks like actor Brett Jordan Dier as Michael Cordero in “Jane the Virgin.”
I’m willing to bet that’s Rosie again. Our boss Pat born 2/6 when the 6th State of Massachusetts was ratified means 6th State Postal Abbreviation MA or Virgo Mother as the Virgin Mother. That’s the Virgin Symbol tied to me.
I like Rosie a lot but I wonder if I made an error in judgment in telling her too much.
It could interfere with us blossoming a decent relationship if Rosie thinks I am being lazy and spoiled when I don’t carry out the things she suggests.
I just feel it’s like “Spider-Man 2″ where Mary Jane is unhappy with Peter Parker. Doctor Connors  as Peter’s college professor is disappointed in Peter’s failing grades and alawys being late to class. Peter can’t hold down a job.
But if you knew that Peter is Spider-Man who is like a firefighter on call and has to drop everything he’s doing to go save someone, people wouldn’t be so hard on him.
There’s that scene where Peter has to get an order of pizzas to an office in less than 30 minutes. Because he had to stop to save someone, the receptionist isn’t going to pay for it. So Peter loses his job.
Peter was saving lives and doing something really important but to everyone else, he just looks like he was slacking and not taking his job seriously.
It isn’t until Mary Jane sees that Peter is Spider-Man that she sees him in a new light and that he wasn’t as irresponsible as she thought he was.
I tried to explain to Rosie in my exhaustion that there’s something terrible brewing. There’s a movement to create another “Lord of the Rings” 2nd tower to be set up by the 1st tower.
When I tried to warn people about it, my Twitter account got suspended.
While Rosie may have a point about having to take a part time job, it’s just so sad that everything has to come to a grinding halt because Rod needs to work to buy food and put a roof over my head.
That’s why when I saw news 1/9 of 2020 about Jojo Siwa showing off her $10 million dollar mansion, I just felt this crushing defeat.
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Jojo = Jordan’s nickname
Siwa = SI/WA = Is not WA
Rod is from WA
7-Eleven = Virgo Psychic = Virgin Psychic
People just want to be entertained. If it’s not something fun, then they really don’t care or don’t want to see it.
I don’t know Jojo Siwa. She may be a nice person. But you still can’t help but ache knowing that you get shoved to the back and have to go get a part-time job while a 16 year old is living in a mansion wearing your computer program tags.
I even suspect that Rosie is my Aunt Rosemarie. She’s my mother’s younger sister born 10/3.
I suppose that’s nice because it means that Rosie is a major part of my Life if I can see her name surface in my Family Tree.
She actually goes by the nickname Sarie. Jordan links Aphrodite Statues for Love found in the country of Jordan. My aunt is born 10/3 as the 10th 3rd Letters JC for Jordan’s initials.
Love is never having to say you’re “Sarie.”
Rosie asked if I was autistic. I did my last post about the Valentine, Texas Earthquake 8/16 of 1931.
The film “Everything’s Rosie” came out the same year 6/13 of 1931, which is the birthday of my stepdad’s eldest son born 6/13 who is autistic
That movie came out 80 years ago. If I’m reading that right, it means Earth already knew about Rosie.
That’s how I use my 6th Sense to read people. Earth knows who will be born on what day and what kind of personality that individual will have.
Some people may think I’m trying to be a smart ass toward Rosie who was trying to help. But it’s just me reading the Math Language.
This is how it’s supposed to work when you confront and address sly politicians and corrupt world leaders who don’t think they have to answer to anyone.
Rosie compares herself to Greta Thunberg.
You need stuff like this to lay down the law and be firm with slippery politicians. THey’ll try to wheedle out of things or give you the runaround.
By showing a date in history of a tornado, hurricane, or earthquake, it establishes that Earth knows what people are doing.
I told Rosei in the letter about the song “Candle in the Wind” by Elton John where I’m like a Virgin version of Marilyn Monroe.
It would be like Marilyn Monroe who is downtrodden and lonely and turns toJoe DiMaggio for comfort. But instead, Joe tells Marilyn that she should go on a diet, take fewer pills, and drink less. Instead of Joe being a shoulder Marilyn can lay her head on, Joe just starts trying to “fix” her.
But then again, maybe that was my fault. I just asked for her open and honest opinion and she ran with it and started to lay out a plan.
All the while, you’re bleeding or hemorrhaging financially. You’re exhausted all the time. You set aside time to do stuff but other people don’t think you’re doing anything important so they shove chores and tasks on your plate. By the time you’re done, you’re just wiped out.
You don’t have enough money to buy food so you have to eat whatever is served or you’re made to eat other people’s leftovers. This is while other people are making money off of you using stories based on your Life or where if you knew how to read the Language, it points to the person’s identity.
I even likened it to a pregnant woman. It would be like someone criticizing a pregnant woman for not working hard enough.
The pregnant woman is really supposed to be resting and trying to get ready for the birthing process, but instead, the pregnant woman is branded as a spoiled and lazy.
That’s why you can’t relate to anyone and you just go it alone because it’s better to be alone than be around people who make you feel bad about yourself and feel even more isolated and alone.
That’s how you get Rodney Dangerfield as “Rodney who works with the Dangerous Electromagnetic Field.” I get no respect! I be Rod who gets no respect Maybe it was hinting that someone VIP named Rod was coming and nobody would give him the respect he deserved :)
Bing Crosby and Bob Hope had a comedy duo. Bing Crosby is for the Bing CHerry as Virgin. Bob Hope is born 5/29 on my birthday. It’s the Virgin 5/29 Symbol for me as Virgin born 5/29. Bing Crosby was from Washington State like me.
Bob Hope said of Bing Crosby “For those of you unfamiliar with Mr. Crosby’s career, and there must be millions of you, let me say that no one has ever done so much with so little for so long for so much.”
I just keep working like an intern. People get paid millions for doing a fraction of what I do and I don’t get paid anything. I’m not even worth a dollar on Patreon LOL
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incogvito · 7 years
This is Unimportant
Because, in the grand scheme of things, I am unimportant. And while that won’t ring true for every aspect of my life (I am important to my family, my friends, etc), to a large degree, say 99% of the Earth’s population, I don’t matter.  (This isn’t a pity party. Just hang with me.)
So, if I don’t matter, the things I care about mean even less. To that same 99%, the amazing things my kids do are not just unimportant, they’re irrelevant. And guess what? That’s fine. That is absolutely normal and expected, really. But if you were to put me in a situation where I had to care...something like the relief efforts for Harvey and Irma and Maria...where I might not necessarily know the person across from me, that changes. You might say that empathy is required. And that’s really what I want to talk about. The things that are required, and the things that are expected.
See, there is currently a culture war being “fought” in this country. To those outside of the US, this is completely ridiculous, I’m sure, but in a way, totally expected. The person that was elected as President of the United States, before the election, was a celebrity. And further, he was a celebrity that, while never really doing anything that makes a celebrity celebrated (he bought buildings), he is someone that, excuse the terminology, “gets off” on being famous. He is, in a weird way, part of a pop culture moment (that moment being the 1980′s, aka the Me Generation); I think the first time I saw him was on Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, a tv “magazine” show that explored the glitzy side of wealth. Money and wealth was important in the Era of Reagan, and that’s kind of getting off topic, but it’s important context. The 80′s made celebrities of guys like Lee Iacocca and, you guessed it, Donald Trump. So, for Trump, being not just in the public eye, but being a part of the social conversation, was (and still is) important to him. It’s the whole basis for his being. Which is why he makes tweets that are so incendiary; Twitter and tweeting is social currency. His speeches have less to do with policy (of which he has none other than destroying the legacy of Barack Obama) and more to do with what is happening on TV. It’s why he goes after NFL players. Or Broadway shows. Or ESPN anchors. He cares less about things like Detroit’s water, and more about things like the Detroit Lions*.
Take that, and then push out from there, to his influence. His base feels emboldened to criticize things that, in the grand scheme of things, shouldn’t matter to a politician; A movie star talking about climate change; an athlete that kneels in protest; things that only matter to us, the people, because we are generally looking for someone in that position to speak about something we care about. Or, the opposite; we want a leader to validate something that we, the people, don’t want to care about. Trump took three days to talk about the violence in Charlottesville because he doesn’t care about it. He cares about Q ratings. He cares about approval. It’s why he vacillated so much in his responses. He cares about celebrity and fame. So, his base attacks things that are part of pop culture; films, music, tv shows, and...I’m finally getting to my point...comic books.
Let’s go back to the idea of the things that are expected of us and the things that are required of us. Without naming names and giving credence to a lot of, frankly, stupid ideology, I’m going to cut right to it. There’s a comic book reviewer that has this notion that Marvel Comics and DC Entertainment are out of touch with what today’s reader wants to read. As far as I know, those are the only two companies he has targeted in his ire, but I could be wrong; he may have said something about Dark Horse or Boom! Studios or Image...I don’t know for sure (I would imagine this to be the case). A lot of his arguments stem from the idea of diversity hires affecting the finished product. Things like transgender authors, or black artists. Or things like female characters being drawn in “untraditional” (read: unsexy) ways. Or of a writer injecting his or her political ideology into the stories. A lot of it is navel gazing and totally besides the point, but it caught fire this week when Mark Waid (note: a personal friend) posted on a private Facebook page that he was looking for this individual and screenshots of that got leaked (note: I was a member of that private page). The context of Mark’s statements were that he wanted to engage in dialogue with the reviewer in person at Baltimore Comic Con, but his words were written in the moment and probably came off as more incendiary than intended (as evidenced by his later posts, the same day/night, once the leak happened). I’m not going to defend Mark; don’t need to or want to. Again, I want to talk about requirements and expectations and how they pertain to comic books and comic book reviewing. 
(I fully apologize for what’s about to come, because it’s 2017 and I have to write this, and I’m 44 and people should know better, but oh well, I guess.)
When you buy a comic book (or DVD, or what have you), there is only one requirement; you are required to read it. Actually, you’re required to pay for it and expected to read it (and there are some that don’t pay because either they get comps, or the publisher sends out PDF’s, or they pirate the books). That’s it. Buy and read. You are expected to have an opinion based on this, because generally speaking, we all do. I read a comic by a creator a few weeks ago, another friend, and it was my opinion that this was not his best work, and a waste of his abilities. But... YOU’RE NOT **REQUIRED** TO SHARE THAT OPINION. Crazy, right? Look, I’m not saying you can’t say, “This comic was a waste of my time,” especially if you’re getting paid to do so. But if someone hands you a stack of books and asks you to review the books, you’re review should be about the contents of the book, not the creator working on it. I’m in the camp that believes we should spend more time writing about the things we like, and spending less time destroying the things we don’t care about. I used to work in a comic store (almost 11 years) and my boss had what he called, “the third aisle rule,” or something similar. The philosophy is this; while you and a customer are dogging something in aisle one, over in aisle three is a reader who has that same book and now, due to hearing you trash it, doesn’t want to buy it because a) she’s too embarrassed to bring it to the counter or b) she’d rather buy her books somewhere else that she won’t be ridiculed for her choices. Ostensibly, it’s about not losing a sale. We were encouraged to praise the books we loved, but if we didn’t like something, we were asked to not talk about it at all. 
One of the things that was brought up in one of these articles that popped up in the aftermath of that leak was that the guy (and now I’m legit blanking on his name) made comments about diversity hires, pointing out one writer who was selected for the DC Writer’s Workshop. He claims that the writer was selected purely because she is a transgender woman (I need to apologize here because the article used the male pronoun and because I’m unfamiliar with the writer he was targeting, I am not sure if I’m using the correct pronoun, or if the article writer was trying to be intentionally controversial, so I am just going on my best guess). Here’s the thing about diversity hires; he has no right to question anyone’s hiring practices. He does a YouTube review “show.” As far as I know, he isn’t a comic book writer (but one of his buddies that, I think, initially leaked the screenshot is a writer and might have written comics? I’m unclear, but moving on). As far as I know, DC hiring her did not take food off of his table.
But guess what?
It took food off of MY table.
Because I “auditioned” for the same Writer’s Workshop.
But, this is the funny part. Instead of tearing apart someone I don’t know, or a process I wasn’t a part of, I just got over it. It stung for a day, sure; rejection is never easy, but ultimately WHO CARES WHO DC HIRES? Just give me a good book. At the end of the day, I’m still a fan; I still want to be entertained. 
And to this guy and his friends, in their minds, in this scenario, DC took an opportunity away from a white man (which, I’m sorry, I’m Puerto Rican and Italian, and while my name is more Italian, I was raised by my mom’s family, so I identify with my Hispanic side). Is it so controversial that DC maybe thinks I’m not a good writer? And that she is? And why do you care? Or, the other side of it; that hiring someone that is fringe (I guess) or left of center harms these characters that we’ve known for 70 years or less (depending on the character we’re talking about at that moment). This is the weird gatekeeping of culture that somehow, someone who doesn’t own that character or idea feels they have ownership over. It’s all so...backwards. If DC hires six women to write a book, it doesn’t affect me. Because I was never offered the book, but I still get to do my comic, I still can raise money on Kickstarter, and I am still generally content to work like this. I don’t need a hero or anyone to defend me, and I think that these precious white cis gendered heterosexual male writers they’re going to bat for probably don’t either. 
I say it again and again, but you’re holding on too tightly to something that isn’t yours.
Using your platform (YouTube, a blog, Twitter) to critique a comic is neither an expectation or a requirement, but yeah, it’s your right. But you have no right to attack a creator that’s just trying to make a living. If you want to be a Fox News pundit/talking head, they keep firing people, so as long as you keep it in your pants, I’m sure they’ll hire you. It worked for Tomi Lahren (is that how you spell it?). If you want to make comics that reflect your way of thinking, and you want to hire whoever it is that speaks to your mentality, go right ahead. They did one about that Stick guy. Go on to Kickstarter, GoFundMe or Patreon. I’m sure there’s at least 100 people that will side with you and want to read that. That’s the beauty of it; you can put your ideas in action.  Marvel and DC are multimedia conglomerates (Disney and Warner Brothers, respectively). They (the companies) don’t care about anything other than making money. So, if you don’t want it, don’t buy it. But if you’re buying it just to make some sort of statement...you’re probably an idiot. Then again, you’re probably pirating the comics anyway.
I have as much right as anyone to be angry or upset about these hiring practices (if that’s what they are), but I really don’t care. I do not sit at my computer looking at Newsarama and seething over who got hired on a book. I write comics.
Like I said, this is unimportant.
*EDIT: In case you thought this was stupid or that I don’t know what I’m talking about, please refer to the very last sentence here:
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afterspark-podcast · 5 years
G1 Episode 9: Transcript
Episode Show Notes
[This can also be found on AO3!]
S: Feed me! Or you need to get on your bed and let me lie on you!.
[Intro Music Plays]
O: Hello and welcome to the Afterspark Podcast, and episode by episode recap of the generation 1 Transformers cartoon. I'm Owls!
S: And I’m Specs. [titters]
O: Do you want to try that again?
S:  And I'm Specs.
O: Today we're gonna be talking about episode number 9, Fire on the Mountain! Let's talk about giant robots today, shall we?
S: Yes.
O: So, if you remember last time we got Dinobots and sadly Dinobots will be Sirs Not-Appearing-in-this-Picture until the next episode, so I will, ah, kindly put my love for Grimlock away and we'll talk about it later, but just remember my cute Dino baby is coming back next episode.
S: Yeah.
O:  Alright, so, um, today's episode opens with Brawn and Trailbreaker trailing- haha- Thundercracker and Starscream.
S: And they're totally driving on a road that looks like it's paved with giant metal bricks. That design choices for industrial areas this cartoon are really weird.
O: Especially because this is a human area. This is not, like, an Autobot area they're breaking into or-
S: or Cybertron.
O: Or Cybertron. This is a human area which seems mildly weird, um, but whatever. Uh, they arrive at a steel plant. Uh, Starscream running ahead of Thundercracker once they land, uh, with Starscream reminding Thundercracker of his superiority all of the way there.
S: Dot, dot, dot.
O: [Laughter]
S: Thundercracker is basically just trying to bring up that, hey, the steel from this plant might not be quite up to snuff for the project the Decepticons need it for and Starscream is completely ignoring him.
O: Because of course he is. Starscream is Starscream, and Starscream is gonna do what Starscream wants.
S: Yeah and they're stealing steel.
O: Oh my fucking pun! [Laughter] This is not even a good pun! Anyway throughout this we find out Starscream can apparently shoot missiles from his chest. Okay.
S: Titty guns. [Laughter]
O: [Sigh] We’re supposed to save all the innuendos till we get a Megatron gun. One psychedelic looking explosion later Thundercracker and Starscream fly off, leaving the Autobots buried under the wreckage.
S: There's some surprisingly nice background painting here, I really like it.
O: I believe you called it, “artfully destroyed,” while we were watching it.
S: Yeah, that sounds about right. And Starscream said we're bringing the house down.
O: Oh, you punny-punny bastard you. So the Autobots dig themselves out of all the wreckage, then they report back to the Ark.
S: Not helping any of these people. There's this entire crowd of people wearing welding masks-
O: That we saw running from from the Seekers.
S: Like, they- they're not helping any of these people that just got exploded or had stuff dropped on their heads. I mean, yeah, we totally- we totally saw this is entire crowd of people running away.
O: They’re fiiiiiine! So, uh, the Autobots get new toys today. Back to the Ark, they now have satellites or “sky spies.”
S: Honestly, I'm really wondering what diplomatic hoops had to be jumped through for this. I mean, the Cold War was presumably still going on or maybe the onset of the giant robot war put that on hold.
O: I mean, can you imagine Russia wouldn't have reacted very well to this. Like I-I imagine that like, Optimus would have had to do some serious smooth-talking. Like we, you know, we are neutral. We just want to keep the Decepticons in line. We're more than happy to help you guys, too. I don't know how that would have worked but he apparently did it so, ehh?
S: Like, I don't think I've ever read anything where anyone's tackled this but I kind of want them to.
O: Yeah, like, I know that a lot of more “edgy”, uh, recent stuff they- they tend to do focus on that kind of thing a lot more, and I'd like to see it but I'd like to see it a bit more positively than just the humans are going to kill the giant robots. It's a little depressing after a while, when they keep doing that.
S: Cuz they did this with Bumblebee, actually. Spoiler Alert!
O: Yeah, basically in Bumblebee they were, like, well we don't want the Russi- we don't want them to go to the Russians for help, so they end up helping, um helping, um, some of the robots that are not very nice robots if you catch my drift.
S: Mmhmm. And it's like, uh, eventually real- they eventually realized that these robots are the bad guys and John Cena’s character is the voice of reason, “They're called the Decepticons!”
O: [Laughter] Which is also kind of funny if you’ve read the comics, there's actually a legit reason they’re called that but more on that later. So meanwhile, in South America, the Decepticons are standing in front of an Incan pyramid and Soundwave is going on about some Incan legend being true.
S: How did he research this? Did he call a library? Did he go to the library?
O: I rather love the idea of a librarian just being like, “Well, technically we're open to everyone. This includes giant, evil 40-foot alien robots as long as they're not blowing up the building.”
S: I mean, they are- the libraries are public service.
O: Speaking as a former student librarian I can attest that, yes, I definitely would have helped him research history shit if asked. [Laughter] You're a librarian it's what you do! You do not discriminate! Like, yeah.
S: And we have yet another shaft leading down to the Earth's core.
O: Of course we do. The earth is just full of them and none of them are volcanoes.
S: It's leaking like a sieve. Sieve? [different pronunciation]
O: Sieve. Sieve. [Laughter]  
S: I’ve never heard anyone say that word.
O: That is why I’m here.
S: Yeah, geeze, this cartoon.
O: They had a one plot idea and they said, “If we use it again a few episodes later no one will notice. The kids will not notice.”
S: Well, honestly probably no one did. I don't know. So Megatron blasts the pyramid and does some impromptu remodeling. I mean, we’re not sure how big this hole is. You can see all the robots through it but it doesn't look big enough for them-
O: They had to crawl through. But it is still a pretty big hole, they're pretty tall.
S: Yeah, and so he does this and it's pissing off anthropologists, archaeologists, and indigenous peoples.
O: And me! Stop destroying historical sites, you bastard! Trying to take over the world? Not a problem for Owls. Destroying history? Now that's a problem.
S: Yeah, yeah, and for some reason the tunnels and stairs in the pyramid happen to be perfectly sized for Megatron and Soundwave to walk down. It's like, okay.
O: Aliens. [Laughter]
S: And so we've got another freaking crystal! This one is called “The Crystal of Power.”
O: He’s really got a thing for crystals, doesn’t he? He even calls it magnificent.
S: Honestly, he should just get a pet rock.
O: Honestly? Optimus just needs to put a ring on it and maybe we wouldn’t be having this problem!
S: [Laughter] Oh my god.
O: Just get a giant ring with a giant rock, and I’m just saying maybe- maybe that’s all Megatron wants is for Optimus to recognize him and give him a giant fucking rock, ok?
S: Oh god, the diplomatic gift that is also a wedding present.
O: Oh boy.
S: Anyway, Megatron picks up the crystal, unleashing the fires of hell.
O: This does absolutely nothing.
S: They don’t even utilize this weird column of energy that comes out of the-
Both: -hole-
S: -that crystal was plugging for Energon cubes or anything. He apparently just wan- Meg’s just wants his bling.
O: Yeah, okay seriously so we give another Starscream, uh, Megatron tiff. Uh, Megatron insinuating that the steel Starscream stole had better be strong enough for their big-ass gun.
S: So, is he- is he gonna test his mettle?
O: [Sighs] I’m not talking to you. [Laughter]
S: Okay, and then Starscream shoves the crystal in their big damn gun thing and the column of energy underground, like, explodes or whatever? Or something.
O: So I guess we stand corrected? It seems to be- it seems to be related to what they're doing on the roof of the temple but I still don't understand how they’re affecting each other.
S: And Meg’s seems pretty happy?? With ‘Screamer right now????
O: Yeah, it is- it is a little strange, he does actually seem happy with him right now. Uh, elsewhere the Sky Spy picks up on this weird energy signal that's coming from the Decepticons and the ruins they’re in. Laserbeak spots this Sky Spy in orbit and Megatron shoots it with his big fucking gun.
S: And the thing is, Laserbeak isn't in orbit.
O: Yeah,  he’s got good eyesight. He’s a good birb.
S: Yeah. Yeah, he really is.
O: And then some probably pretty terribly racist 80’s stereotypes of Peruvian people talk about ancient gods returning.
S: [Heavy sigh]
O: I would like to apologize. I don't really know how- it's like, it just- it doesn't seem very respectful. We're both white though so we don't really know, but it's that kind of stereotypical “We're gonna talk about people from a different country and they all have accents” and seem kind of dumb? It just doesn't seem very good.
S: And it's just like aliens? But the scale up those stairs it does kind of make you think, have transformers been here before?
O: BEAST WARS!!! So, yes- maybe, maybe. [Laughter] So, this crystal of power thing is apparently well known enough that a young Peruvian woman puts two and two together that someone's trying to use the damn thing.
S: I mean, if she knows about it- tons of other people in her- in her locale probably know about it so how did this thing not get looted?
O: Well, it does unleash the literal fires of hell once moved.
S: But that's true, but people get really dumb when giant rocks are involved. Especially giant shiny rocks. Anyway, I guess it's also completely fucking massive.
O: Yeah, they may not be able to lift that. Yeah, they may not be able to get a machine in there - one person probably couldn’t do it.
S: Oh yeah, considering it takes- Megatron can pick the thing up in two hands. That's like as big as my cat is to me.
O: Right, it's not small.
S: Compared to a human. A human would be like- I am NOT doing comparative math right now, I’m sorry.
O: Uh, I would say a human shorter than Megatron, for me.
S:  Okay.
O: Probably.
S: So, if Megatron was, like, a six-foot human- it would be, you know [indistinct]. Let's go with, maybe, eight or nine inches?
O: Yeah. Basically, it's too big. Megatron espouses about having ultimate power and that it's all his. Starscream would like to cut in to remind him that communal property is a thing in a relationship and shit.
S: And Thundercracker just looks like he really, really doesn't want to be here.
O: [Huff of Laughter] He just- it just looks like, “Do you two ever bitch at each other in private? Where we don't have to deal with it?”
S: He kind of- yeah.
O: [Laughter] He’s just like, “If you two are gonna do this, please do it elsewhere. We're trying to work here.”  Uh, so the steel frame for the BFG melted after Megatron, uh, fired it and Megatron rightfully blames Starscream.
S: His metal totally did not hold up, it seems.
O: So, Starscream blames Thundercracker despite it literally be all Starscream's fault.
S: And Thundercracker, poor scapegoat that he is, gets punched off the pyramid by Megatron. Who then leaves Skywarp in charge.
O: Skywarp is really happy about this.
S: Megatron is literally leaving the least mature bot in charge and, yeah, Skywarp’s just like, “Haha, you nerds.”
O: [Laughter] [Indistinct] Yeah, he's very happy to be in charge.
S: Megatron and Soundwave and Reflector fly off to get more metal from a nearby mining town. Which we had the discussion that it might not be very good quality?
O: Yeah, I am curious- like at the time if there was a metal refinery in Peru, like would the metal from the US have had been a higher quality? I don't really know, like my gut instinct is to say the US metal would have been better but that might just kind of be the bullshit we grew up with in the US, so I really don't know? So, uh, meanwhile- Wheeljack and Sideswipe are now in the Arctic-
S: Grave-robbing! Um, sort of.
O: So, remember Skyfire? Well, I'm convinced Wheeljack has only just now found out about the whole Skyfire thing from a few episodes ago and realized the poor guy's not dead he just needs dug out. So uh, Wheeljack’s got Sideswipe using his piledrivers to try and dig out Skyfire who's been stuck in an iceberg thing.
S: Like, Sideswipe breaks- breaks the ice and then Skyfire just, like, fucking bobs up out of the water like some sort of bobber that's been stuck under or something and then, um, I don't know? Wheeljack, like, shoots him with a gun that like partially melts him and he asks a question and Skyfire’s just awake, and he’s apparently been awake for this, like, the last few episodes?
O: Yeah, there's a reason I didn't try to write out how I was going to explain that. Because it was too much- it was too weird.
S: It-
O: It’s too nuts.
S: It’s too weird. It's weird and. Yeah, so Skyfire gets out and he, Wheeljack, and Sideswipe talk like they all know each other.
O: These three have literally never met until just this moment. Sideswipe nor Wheeljack were with the group that went to the Arctic a few episodes ago.
S: I mean, I suppose it's conceivable that Skyfire and Wheeljack knew each other prior to Skyfire’s, uh, icy entombment back on Cybertron.
O: I mean, he was a scientist but I kinda doubt it?
S: Maybe they knew each other by reputation, I don't know.
O: Who knows? It still seems like a kind of weird conversation.
S: Yeah, and he's instantly made into the Autobot taxi, being sent back to the base to transport some Autobots. You know, to Peru.
O: [Laughter] Welp, glad you’re awake! Get to work.
S: Pretty much.
O: Next we see him, Skyfire is chauffeuring Brawn and Windcharger down to South America.
S: And Brawn thinks he and Windcharger can totally take on Megatron, Soundwave, and Reflector, you know, by themselves. Like idiots. He turns down Skyfires offer to the help with this confrontation.
O: I've decided Brawn is definitely an idiot.
S: He's- he's just hard-headed. Like, yeah, just hard headed. And Brawn and Windcharger just, you know, totally bail out of Skyfire. They jump. Without parachutes. There’s none of those-
O: Handy parachute.
S: And Brawn lands on Soundwave, calling him a “dipstick tape deck.”
O: Now, listen here, you ass! In this house we respect Soundwave. [Laughter] Um, and then Windcharger lands on Reflector.
S: It's-It’s really like a Decepticon rodeo.
O: Nobody lands on Megatron, though.
S: Yeah, he, um, he gives terrible piggyback rides. Once you're done he shoots you.
O: [Laughter] Yeah, he would.
S: And Brawn rides?? Soundwave face-first into a mountain.
O: Brawn’s officially on my shit list now. Yep, definitely on my fucking shit list.
S: Megatron proceeds to shoot Brawn who basically goes flying backwards knocking down poor Soundwave who was just getting back up. Like, again.
O: Yeah, yeah. I feel bad for Soundwave.
S: It's just a Soundwave gets beaten up episode.
O: Seriously, fuck you Brawn! Anyway, Windcharger calls Skyfire for a retreat because he's not a complete fucking moron.
S: He's being chased by Laserbeak or someone?
O: Uh, yeah, I think so.
S: Laserbeak is chasing Windcharger. That's what's happening.
O: And Soundwave finally gets a shot in, repaying Braun for his shenanigans.
S: Yep, and Meg’s transforms into his alt-mode and Soundwave fires him off.
O: To Soundwave’s credit he at least actually looks like he aims with Megatron's scope but he still manages to miss every damn shot. So, Skyfire eventually evacuates these two idiots midair when Windcharger, in car mode, runs into Brawn who's in robot mode and then ramps off a cliff with Brawn clinging to his windshield.
S: It looks silly, but when doesn't it?
O: We know what we're talking about.
S: And it's the dreaded return of Astroseconds.
O: Which just makes me hate Brawn even more.
S: So much groaning.
O: So back at the Ark, everybody's loading up into Skyfire after finding out there's a bunch of fucking Decepticons in Peru and one of them is Megatron.
S: And Skyfire is just totally huge here. I mean, he's massive. He looks like, comparatively, he's- like all the Autobots are human sized whereas he's Autobot sized.
O: Yeah, the scale looks kind of off. Optimus, especially, is super tiny and I don’t think he's quite that tiny.
S: It's just really off. It’s so off.
O: Regardless, once they’re in Peru, Optimus pats Skyfire on the nose-cone, kind of like a horse? As a thank you?
S: Well, Skyfire is friend-shaped, so...
O: He is friend-shaped. Skyfire drops everyone off and then flies off by himself to investigate the ruins that, uh, the Decepticons have been creating shenanigans in.
S: Well, he hasn't had an opportunity to do science or whatever in forever. He just wants to do some hands-on anthropology.
O: At least it's more in vein [than] with the fighting, I can't really blame him.
S: Yeah.
O: So, Decepticons are attacking some sort of metal refinery, stealing additional, well, steel.
S: The Autobots show up and then Optimus fucking Prime rams into Megatron. As a semi, throwing him through a wall. That was pretty great, actually.
O: It was- it was a very entertaining scene. Brawn proceeds to steal Megatron's fusion cannon.
S: And then does this great magical girl-esque transformation, twirling around and ending up with the fusion cannon on his shoulder.
O: Megatron gets beaned in the chest by his own fusion cannon and Brawn gets knocked on his ass from the kickback.
S: Yeah, and Laserbeak is a good birb and he takes this opportunity to return the fusion cannon to Megatron. Megatron tries to blast Brawn but, you know, he misses.
O: You realize Brawn is one of the only ones who's actually hit another bot with a gunshot in this goddamn episode.
S: Yeah, yeah.
O: Fuck that shit. The shot hits something else and explodes. The young woman we saw earlier is here for some reason and Spike pulls her into Bumblebee to get her away from the explosion. They drive off.
S: And the falling debris because he's- I don't know, the shot, like, took out this radio tower thing?
O: It caused this big explosion, so there was stuff coming down from the sky, too-
S: Yeah.
O: So, note: The young woman's name is Louisa. We don't ever actually hear it in the episode but I kind of tired of calling her young Peruvian woman.
S: And we'll never see her in another episode, so.
Both: [groans]
O: Sorry, Louisa, you deserve better.
S: Yeah.
O: And time number 55 that poor Bumblebee’s being chased by Laserbeak.
S: Yeah, Bluestreak’s apparently allowed to hit someone today - as he blasts Laserbeak.
O: I would like to officially request that Soundwave and his cassettes gets a vacation after this debacle.
S: And Megatron calls Skyfor- blagh.
O: Skyfor-? My name is Skyforge!
S: [Laughter] It’s not actually a bad name.
O: It isn’t, actually!
S: Megatron calls in Skywarp as a backup. Starscream is livid at being left to nursemaid the big glowy crystal and the gun.
O: The humans and Bumblebee enter, uh, the temple as Soundwave sends Ravage in after them.
S: Skyfire continues to investigate the ruins, being captured by the two remaining seekers. So, Thundercracker and Starscream.
O: And poor Skyfire. Poor dude just woke up, again and gets blasted in the chest and knocked out.
S: And dragged into the temple like such a large sack of flour.
O: Yeah, cause he's so much bigger than them. So the Cons retreat, having gotten all the steel they need. Megatron causes a rockslide on the nearby village.
S: The Autobots blast all the rock, saving the village.
O: You’d still think the village would have gotten hit by some of the rocks or debris or something but apparently shooting in the general direction of something destroys all momentum.
S: I guess? And Louisa and Spike are just riding in Bumblebee down an ancient Inca tunnel that- that seems-
O: That's perfectly scaled for Cybertronians!
S: That seems like a really good way to damage a historical site and in any case they're apparently really unconcerned while being chased by a giant metal cat.
O: I'm just going to assume they don't notice Ravage here for sanity’s sake.
S: He is a stealthy dude.
O: He is, but he wasn't being very stealthy here.
S: And the two Seekers carry Skyfire into the temple. Megatron apparently plans to rewire Skyfire’s brain so he’ll be a Decepticon. Okay.
O: Can he do that? If he can do that, why doesn’t he do that more?
S: Well, apparently, that's one of the possible, uh, origins for- uh-
O: The Constructicons, right?
S: Yes, the Constructicons, yeah.
O: So, meanwhile, Megatron levels a nearby mountain with the BFG.
S: The Decepticons just absolutely fucking love ecological disruption apparently.
O: Specs, Specs- the gun is fucking purple! [Laughter]
S: It is his favorite color! Yeah, and Bumblebee and the crew have found the hole into hell.
O: Ravage attacks as Spike attempts to fix an offline Skyfire because there- he's in the same room as the hole from hell, apparently.
S: You know, the Decepticons just wanted to consolidate things, I guess. I don't know. And Megs is super super super duper stoked about his gun firing on the Autobots.
O: With Laserbeak on his shoulder again.
S: Honestly, the gun placement doesn't make any sense. I'm not going to talk about that.
O: But just know that this spatial stuff, it's- it's not rooted in logic. Then we'll just go from there.
S: Yeah. No one can hit shit today, though. like we've only got two confirmed-
O: No, three, cuz technically Soundwave hit Brawn. Thank god. Yeah well I'm glad somebody fucking did. Anyway, Skyfire wakes up in time to catch Ravage midair and toss him away from his pals.
S: Like, he can hold Ravage in one hand.
O: That is is how much bigger he is!
S: That's honestly kind of amazing and terrifying.
O: Like, don’t get me wrong, Ravage is just considerably smaller than everybody else but still!
S: Yeah, just, like Ravage can stand on top of Bumblebee and hold him down so like yeah.
O: His hand is bigger. Er, it's smaller than a Volkswagen Bug for Christ's sakes.
S: Yeah, lots of fighting happens outside, the majority of which involves Megatron and Starscream shooting as Autobots as they attempt to climb the temple. The Autobots don't make a ton of headway but Starscream does end up with Brawn in his face.
O: Of course, he fucking does! Fuck Brawn!
S: And Megatron tosses Ironhide down the pyramid. Optimus makes a surprisingly graceful catch. It's really graceful.
O: So Skyfire shoots the, like, shoots the BFG destroying it and unleashing the literal fires of hell.
S: Skyfire, actually, for whatever reason like, well, Spike fixes him, he throws the cat, and then transforms and flies out of the temple.
O: Yeah, I'm like- I don't even remotely know how he would fit.
S: So, yeah, after he flies out of the temple, he shoots the big fucking gun destroying it and unleashing the fires of hell.
O: Optimus tackles Megatron and tosses Megs off the ruins. Megs lands headfirst on the ground.
S: And the Decepticons retreat.
O: Thundercracker proceeds to have no sense of self-preservation what-so-fucking-ever and, to be entirely done with today, he starts sassing the hell out of Megatron and Starscream for basically everything that has just happened. Wheeljack has apparently invented a high-tech manhole to plug the hell hole.
S: But they put it on top of the temple instead of, you know, in the temple where the crystal was originally plugging it so…
O: I don't know. I just don't know. The cartoon clearly doesn't know, either.
S: Yeah.
O: Anyway, so Spike and Bumblebee are taking Luisa home and she apparently plans to introduce Bumblebee to her brother's convertible- whose name is Juanita.
S: And cars emote-ing! Bumblebee is super cute here.
O: He is! He does like this squash and stretch thing.
S: That make him smile with his bumper and that is adorable. Oh, one of the things the Autobots do is that they all like lean themself up against the sides of the temple-
O: Oh, god, I forgot about this.
S: To be like? Skylights? Or something?
O: I don't know if it's like a celebration because it doesn't seem like they're helping light where they’re putting the manhole down or what. It's just, it just it is pretty funny when you see like cars on their backs like 180 degrees vertical, like their skylights or their headlights to the sky. It’s just like, what are you doing?
S: I don’t know, they're doing something but I don't know.
O: Anyway, that's where the episode cuts- is on cute Bumblebee.  So I join us next time for episode 10: War of the Dinobots, in which the Autobots will learn the perils of leaving their big, young, dumb Dino-babies unattended for more than five fucking minutes.
S: And introducing two new Dino-babies.
O: Yes! Two new Dino-babies! One of which is Swoop, who is also very cute!
S: Yes.
O: Alright, my dear Specs, what is our fanfic for today?
S: Alright, so today we have a selection. Well, smaller selection than yesterday or the- the last two episodes but still a nice little selection. We've got three fanfics today.
S: “Like a Sinking Star” by Katharos, which is G1. It's not really specified if it’s cartoon or comic. It's rated K, its Gen, there's no pairings. Our main characters here are Starscream and Skyfire though there are original characters, and so in summary: “Pre-war, the Academy is a hotbed of political dissent, protests, and factions. Skyfire is a struggling grad student, desperately chasing grants with his partner Starscream.”
S: And it just. but it's- it's enjoyable and it shows Skyfire making difficult ethical decisions and Starscream being a political- maybe doing political machinations, which is entertaining and so our theme or character base for today for that rec is Skyfire and it's a one shot.
O: As he makes his glorious return on this episode and I think… Does he survive till the end of the series? [Indistinct]
S: Yeah, you never really see.. I don't think you see him in season 3, so I think it’s assumed that he survived but I don't know.
O: Yeah, it gets kind of weird. So, in the Transformers movie they don't actually- you don't actually see everyone who dies.
S: Yeah.
O: As terrible as that sounds, so it's sort of like, unless, if you don't see them- you kind of, maybe, should assume they're dead? Because we didn't, like, in a few of them- you see their bodies in the movie but you like to see them for like two seconds. It's actually why I don't like the Transformers movie. It’s because it gets very depressing and I don't know, they didn't even give screen time to everybody who died. Like, I want to say we did not see Wheeljack's body?
S: We do see Wheeljack's body, he's one of the people that- or one of the bots that Arcee is pulling-
O: Ah, that's right.
S: Like Windcharger’s body is also there in that scene. It's before, like, it's when Springer is trying to push like the... catapult thing? He's calling Arcee over to help him push it and she's been pulling Wheeljack's- Wheeljack and Windcharger’s corpses, uh, I guess to safety.
O: It's really depressing. I was like, we didn't even see- didn't even see Wheeljack die and then, like, Ratchet dies in a very horrifying way. Honestly.
S: And Prowl.
O: And Prowl.
S: Like you see him vomiting up smoke.
O: Yeah,it’s pretty horrifying. It's one of the few times where Megatron is legitimately threatening, actually.
S: Like this movie scarred a generation of children.
O: And I, like, I as an adult am looking at this, going, “Okay, guys, that seems like a bit fucking much, don't you think?” And also it just seems really disrespectful because like a lot of them died off-screen and then we're following characters we don't even know through the entire movie, who weren't really that bad but I was bored. That's my biggest complaint is I get bored when I watch this movie.
S: Yeah, it was a movie, they decided they wanted to get rid of the old cast to sell toys and so they were just like, “Kill everyone!” Or at least that was the production mandate by whoever was in charge.
O: It was really depressing, though, because I'm like, so Skyfire could be alive and somewhere else or he could have been one of the casualties.
S: There-
O: In the movie.
S: Like, there are numerous pieces of fanfiction that treat it like Skyfire’s gone off into the universe to do more science stuff and that's what he's doing in season 3-
O: I hope so.
S: Or post season 3. But yeah, let's let's move on. Yeah, okay so our next rec is “Hunted” by WaywardInsecticon. It's G1 cartoon based, rated K plus and it's Gen. Pairings: none. So, our main characters here are Skywarp and Thundercracker, though there are original characters and Megatron, Starscream, and other Decepticons also show up. “Skywarp and Thundercracker come across a plot by a disgruntled Monitor to take over Cybertron - in the most literal sense possible. Now they're being chased by some very dangerous people, and the Seekers are outnumbered, outgunned, and running low on power.” Our theme here was Seekers! with an exclamation point and this is actually the third in a series.
S: It's so Wayward- well it's part of Waywards first venture into writing Transformers fanfiction, which I think she's mentioned she's not especially fond of but I really enjoy a lot of the ideas that she had. And so to touch on Monitors: a monitor in this particular fanfiction universe that Wayward created is essentially what Shockwave is and so there are like Monitors for each section of Cybertron but Shockwave is sort of the overarching one. Basically they're the sort of the general managers of each- it's like city-state to make sure that, uh, make sure that everything is running smoothly and this one’s decided that it wants to take over Cybertron and basically usurp  Megatron's authority and power.
O: A mistake, clearly.
S: Yeah, but like I enjoyed Skywarp and Thundercrackers characterization and there's some pretty neat- just there's something. I enjoyed it. It's also- it's quite old, it's something that I first read quite a long time ago, definitely over te- 15 years ago now, I think. Maybe. Yeah but it's- it's fun, I enjoyed it and definitely recommending it to you, dear listeners.
S: Our last recommendation is “Ali Versus The Giant Robot Shoplifters from Space” by Misya. Misya? The author's name is spelled Misya and I’m just unsure of how the author prefers the pronunciation and please correct me, I suppose. Thank you. Continuity is Animated, this one is rated M, which is our first M-rated recommendation and it's for cursing. So there is- unless you object to cursing, there is- there isn't really any objectionable, like, adult content in here. It’s just cursing. It’s rated M, it's Gen, there's no pairings and our characters here are original characters, uh, the aforementioned Ally. There's also Lugnut and Blitzwing.
O: Again, all from the Transformers Animated continuity.
S: Mm-hmm-hmm. But in summary “TFA. Ever wondered how the Decepticons find food for Professor Sumdac?”
O: So, some- some background as we haven't been talking about Animated. There is a character in Transformers Animated that gets kidnapped by the Decepticons at some point and is with them with- for an extended length of time.
S: Yes.
O: Um, so it's basically, well, they had to have been feeding him, so how were they doing that?
S: Mm-hmm and so our theme for this was Decepticons and acquiring things. Cuz, we see them stealing steel in this episode and they're always trying to-
O: -Steal energy or Energon or something.
S: Or materials and in this piece of fanfiction, they're stealing food, which, god, hearing a robot, a giant robot, that's just ripped the roof off of your place of work asking, “Where do you keep your flesh?”
O: Oh, dear [Laughter] I haven’t read this one yet, but clearly I need to?
S: “Where do you keep your flesh?” is a trip and Ali is definitely very done with the day.
O: [Laughter] I don’t think I blame her!
S: Mm-hmm, so that one is a one shot and I definitely recommend it, as I recommend all of these- so thank you and on to our art recommendations by Owls.
O: Our fan art recommendation for the day- I'm going to go with I think her name is STF or S-TF, I couldn't actually find their name. Their tumblr name is S-TF.tumblr.com. Uh, so and then their Twitter is named, like, I think-
S: BBBTF.  [They’ve changed this a couple of times since we recorded the episode, at the time of posting this transcript their Twitter is S_TFCM. ~Owls]
O: So I wasn't really sure to call this one, uh, but that- but that's their user account or that's their I can't- different accounts that we have will have their Tumblr and their Twitter. Unfortunately, we can't read most of their comics because I believe it's in Chinese or Korean but their art is really pretty. There's this one series they did, in particular, that I really like- with characters from the IDW comics accompanied by quotes they said and, uh, we will be reblogging a post that has a bunch of those and that is what we will be linking to.
S: Mm-hmm.
O: My favorite ones in particular out of the set, were the Shockwave one. As we had mentioned earlier, Shockwave was very, very different originally in the IDW comics and then was kind of made into this emotionless shell of himself and so it's rather fascinating because the art involves, you know, kind of both sides of that which I thought was very interesting. There's one for Cyclonus and Tailgate and then there's also one for Megatron and Terminus. And Terminus is Megatron's mentor because then the IDW comics he was originally a miner. Like, not as in young, but somebody who works underground-
S: In a mine.
O: -In a mine. And it kind of shows, like, his own guilt because he thought he had left Terminus to die, um, and so they're very- they're very interest- I think they're very well done and they work very well with the quotes from the comics.
S: Yeah, I'm especially fond of the First Aid and Ambulon one.
O: And I will tell you that there probably isn't enough Ambulon fanart to satisfy Specs.
S: Yeah, I want a toy and it's not going to happen.
O: I’m still confused how we don't have a freaking Rung, honestly.
S: I want a Rung, too, yeah.
O: Yeah, I don't understand how there hasn't been a Rung made.
S: Even a third party Rung. Maybe it's just that he doesn't have, like, a cool alt-mode.
O: He doesn't have a cool alt-mode but, I mean, come on! I don't even think I necessarily want a Rung if you get a Rung, but I want to take pictures of your Rung.
S: Well I mean we were already planning on doing the thing where when you get your Wheeljack I bring my Ratchet down-
O: Oh yeah we're gonna make robots kiss.
S: Well, maybe in the future. There's always new third party toys coming out.
O: Don't I know it!
S: And that just about wraps it up for us today! Remember to check out our tumblr at Afterspark-podcast.tumblr.com for any additional information, show notes, or links we may have mentioned. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter @AftersparkPod (all one word) and SoundCloud and Youtube at Afterspark Podcast. you can also find us on Pillowfort as Afterspark-podcast and on AO3 by searching for Afterspark Podcast or by checking the Transformers All Series, um, things and searching for it in the search.
O: We also do have links to the specific series page on our Tumblr and Pillowfort and Facebook. It should be on both our Tumblr and PIllowfort.
S: Yes. Till next time, I'm Specs!
O: And I'm Owls!
S: Toodles!
[Outro Music Plays]
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miyaameow · 8 years
The RFA+V+Saeran reacting to MC being a SUPER DUPER MEGA AWESOME HACKER (like an MC who's waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy better at hacking than Seven but she's not in any hacker groups like she works solo and all that good shit👌)
okay~~ sorry for taking so long anon :3
“even better”
asks you to help him hack into Seven’s information so he can plan the ultimate revenge prank yaas
is legit super impressed and just stares at you when you work
he can’t focus on anything else lmao
also low key wants you to hack into LOLOL to cause some trouble for Seven’s guild because he KNOWS Seven cheats but it still makes him mad because he just can’t beat him
idk he just finds it cool
he’s not like super into it 
but you won’t believe this 
he’s actually a little intimidated by you??? 
because he knows that if he makes you mad or upset you could leak information about him and make it go viral easily
not that you’d do that though right? 
that is to remain undecided until further notice
oops hehe
“Can you hack into Mr. Han’s brain and tone down his cat craze?”
she also wants you to hack into the clocks of the Jumin’s house so she can get one more hour of sleep before going to work LMFAO
no but srsly she’d do ANYTHING for a nap
soooo you do it and it’s great because the whole company is confused 
like “Mr. Han missed the meeting for his beloved cat project? UNBELIEVABLE!”
let’s just say, it was a great day for Jaehee because the project was postponed
thought that MC would be like Seven but you were wayy more mature 
thank God 
but he wasn’t so sure about your career since he’s a public figure after all
but then you reminded him that you had several identities soooo problem solved!! 
you’re the princess of JuJu Island heh.
do those even exist idk just pretend it does man
he’s hiding cuz you might be part of hackers chasing hackers
but then he finds out you’re not and is 200% relieved until you tell him you’re a better hack than him
EXCUSE ME?!?!?!?!? 
hacking challenge accepted.
by the end of it, both of your uncovered so much information about each other it was impossible to decide a winner
“so.. that means you’re better than my brother?”
TBH you knew he was the hacker before anyone else found out
(plot twist MC saves the day OK no one dies all is happy yasss) 
right so then he wants to learn how to beat his brother in hacking!! 
the both of you become hacking partners for lyfe and literally you guys scare the rest of the RFA cuz
y'all are just too powerful gurl Seven is bowing down to you guys 
Seven: but you already have me??
^^Vander: we can always fire you ;)
*insert sad 707 chicken meme face*
is kinda sad cuz you won’t let him use photos of you for his exhibition aww 
his puppy eyes make your heart kill itself and you have no choice but to let him 
defying all your hacker logic and precautions just to make this cinnamon bun happy 
it’s worth it though
V’s smile when he hears the compliments of his pictures of you is even brighter than the sun
:) i hope this is what you wanted!
~Cherry L.
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