#meanwhile Gwen: SIps tea this is fine
rosedavid · 4 years
Head cannon idea: Merlin gets kidnapped by sorcerers in the night and of course Arthur is really concerned and going out of his mind to get him back. However Merlin is actually having a lot of fun and learning a lot from his kidnappers who are actually really kind.
This is so great!! It should have been canon at some point tbh. Thanks for the headcanon idea :)
So first of all, Arthur just assumes Merlin is being Merlin and has gone off somewhere random, so he’s not super worried. He’s not worried when Merlin doesn’t serve him breakfast or lunch because Merlin is a pretty bad servant, especially when he gets invested in something else. 
Arthur decides to see if Gaius knows where his idiot manservant happens to be, so he wanders down to ask him. What he doesn’t expect is to see Gwen and some of his knights chatting worriedly with Gaius. 
Arthur: What’s going on?
Everyone immediately goes silent and send directed looks at each other. Finally, after a few seconds, Gwaine is unceremoniously shoved forward unwillingly. 
Arthur: Well then? Explain. 
Gwaine: Why do I have to do it?!
Elyan: This is payback for making us cover your drunk hijinks so often!
Gwaine: Fine. I’m just going to come out and say it then. We think Merlin’s been kidnapped.
And Arthur immediately starts Freaking Out. 
Gwen: That is why we didn’t want to tell you, at least not until we had a solid plan. We knew you’d get all worried-
Arthur: Me, worried? No, I’m not worried about Merlin, not at all. I’m angry that he’s the worst servant in history!
No one believes him, of course.
Merlin wakes up with an awful pain in his head. He groans, clutching at it before sitting up and looking around. He’s in some sort of prison cell, and from the light coming in through the windows, he can tell it’s daytime. 
He assess his surroundings, thinking of ways to find his way out and attack, when suddenly his kidnappers come in. 
Kidnapper #1 (Darryl): Oh good, you’re awake!
Merlin, snarling: Come to torture me?
Kidnapper #2 (Eliza): Torture you? We’d never do that, Emrys! The Druids are peaceful people. 
Merlin: Wait, you’re druids? Also, if you don’t want to torture me, why did you kidnap me?
Darryl: We had to get King Arthur’s attention somehow.
Merlin, on guard again: Are you planning on killing Arthur?!
Eliza: Oh, of course not! We just wanted to talk with him about letting druids trade again. 
Merlin: ...but why did you kidnap ME?! 
Darryl: Isn’t it obvious? The King is enamored with you. We’ve heard of your special connection from others. 
Merlin, blushing: S-special connection? No way, Arthur doesn’t think about me like that. 
Eliza: Trust me, it’s true. We figured kidnapping you would get his attention, but we also wanted to talk to Emrys beforehand to try to gain his support.
Merlin: You know you could have just asked me, right?
Eliza: We couldn’t risk being in Camelot for too long. I’m sorry we had to do it this way. Now, come here, your head wound must hurt. I did not want to risk using magic in Camelot to knock you out. Let me heal you.
Merlin: Really, that would be great! Can you tell me what you’re doing? I need to learn more healing magic.
Eliza: Of course!
Darryl: Would you like some tea? I’ll go brew you some.
A few hours later, Arthur gets intel from some servants about Merlin’s whereabouts. He’s still extremely worried, although he refuses to admit it. The others go with him just to make sure he doesn’t get himself killed out of negligence. 
When they do find the place Merlin is being held, Arthur storms in, sword held high, expecting the worst....
Then, he sees Merlin sitting on a pillow in an open cell, sipping tea with two other people. He drops his sword, gaping. 
And Merlin just grins and waves: Oh, hey Arthur! It’s about time you showed up.
Arthur: I-I thought you got kidnapped!
Merlin: Oh, technically I did, but Eliza and Darryl are actually really great. It’s just a big misunderstanding. They needed to talk to you, but were too afraid to go in person because they’re Druids, so they kidnapped me to get you to come. I told them that you wouldn’t be very worried, and I’m surprised you came so quickly.
Arthur, stuttering: I wasn’t worried at all! I figured you were just being an idiot again. It was the others that insisted on searching for you immediately. 
The others snicker at him from behind, along with Eliza and Darryl. 
Merlin: Maybe I’ll just stay with my kidnappers. They treat me way better than you, prat. 
Arthur: You can’t stay with your kidnappers! That’s ridiculous. You’re coming back to Camelot at once. 
Merlin: Hmmm, can I get a day off if I come back?
Arthur: Can you get a-Merlin, I came here to save you from your kidnappers, and now you’re seriously bargaining for coming back?!
Merlin: Well, is that a yes?
Arthur agrees, of course, because there’s no way he could survive without Merlin for very long. Also, he talks to Eliza and Darryl, despite the fact that they kidnapped Merlin, because Merlin insists that they didn’t intend any harm. He finds himself agreeing with their proposal about druid trade, too. Arthur still finds himself in a weird situation though, because how can he just let two kidnappers go free? I mean, technically, they did kidnap Merlin? 
Merlin: You can’t punish them, Arthur, they’re my friends!
Arthur: Now you’re friends with them?! 
Merlin: Come on, Arthur, everything turned out okay in the end!
Begrudgingly, Arthur decides to not punish them. After all, they are friends with Merlin, so they can’t be that bad. 
They head back to Camelot, listening to Merlin prattle on about how great his kidnappers were. 
Arthur: Next time you get kidnapped, don’t expect me to show up. You’ll just make friends with your kidnappers and everything will be fine! I won’t even worry.
(Everyone, including Merlin, know that’s a lie). 
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Ocean au(New Arc: Enter Wakanda)
N/A: I´m in love with this au. I confess. So here more arcs to explore this new au.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @bamfoftheundead
The Amazon is one of the first leaders of JLX and is seen in a positive light by everyone and while some may envy the prestige it comes from her name, they also acknowledge (even if begrudgingly ) that it comes with a heavy burden as well, even more, because of The Amazon is also quoted to be the next Queen of Wakanda and that is something she´s not sure she truly wants.
As the woman is alone on her ship(not invisible, per se, but Ororo likes to joke and make memes about it) when someone else enters in the cock-pilot at Ororo´s request. "Man...this is really bigger on the inside" Columbina has a dumbfound expression on her face.
"Columbina...I want to ask if you´re alright, after the whole ordeal, I know some of our members aren´t very keen to your response of friendship and fuck the rules" Ororo replies with an arch one eyebrow in slight amusement.
Kitty bites her lips for a moment. "I get it, really, I´m a thief, I wasn´t expecting someone like Kokoro to invite me to tea nor I thought Spider-Boy would start a fan club for me, I get it, really and I´m fine with my profession" Columbina states calmly while trying to not fangirl too hard she´s on the invisible ship and ruined as she asked if she could show this to Lorna and Ororosays it can be arranged later.
"I...want to thank you, yes, Dark Claw thank you by not arresting you, but, if you had interfered the cursed diamond would still be a thing and who knows what it could happen?" she then continues "I want to ask something, why are you a thief?"
"Uhm..." Columbina stops for a moment and replies "is a job I´m really good and I love it"
"....You may not believe but...I used to be one as well" and Ororo has to chuckle at Columbina´s expression and carry on "Look, JLX let their impression about you be as diverse as possible, however, I want to ask something, extra-confidential, what do you know about Wakanda?"
"Is an empire and recently signed a deal with Ruritania to share technology...is that what you are wanting to hear?"
"Columbina, can I hire you to do a job for me?"
Dark Claw is talking with Sparrow as she´s still talking about the heist and Columbina and yes, Dark Claw can see where Sparrow is coming but Columbina is still a thief, but then again, his daughter in law was one too.
The other members of the team, minus The Amazon (she was excused as Wakanda called her for an emergency) are discussing the events Columbina did help to solve.
Kokoro and Spider-Boy along with Angel have some reservation in regards Columbina. "Sure, she helps now...who can say she won´t steal from us or do worse to us?" is a good point.
Meggan, Wanda, Jubilee, Felicia and Dark Claw have a counter-argument. "We thought Hawk-girl wouldn´t betray us and she did and she was a heroic as one can imagine but betray us to Kantique easily." and is a low blow to Angel whose affiliation to Hawk-girl still makes him a bit suspicious(well, Nightcreeper dislike him for others reasons than his evil sister)
Todd LeBlau, Brian and Dr StrangeFate as well Super Solider are neutral. Nightcreeper is neutral as well and Runaway is slowly warming to the idea but with caution. "So" she begins "it would be like she was our Rogue?" and for some reason, only Nightcreeper laugh at that, thankfully, it was a normal laugh.
Cyclops and Jean are not present as the couple is in paternal leave since Rachel Grey Summers is about to born this week. Dark Claw takes the word and gives the final decision.
"Yes, both arguments have merit, but, consider this: we can add Columbina to the group and let this be another Hawk-girl scenario or we can ignore Columbina and potentially lose a great asset, my solution, wait and see, so far the only talk about Columbina joining the team comes from 3 sources, but, none from Columbina herself"
Ororo and Kitty are a quite a pair, one is too modelesque and the other is petite, however, both can bench any perv without a second thought or a sweat. Ororo is leading Kitty to the embassy of Wakanda in New Gotham as Dora Milaje were guarding the door and with a nod from Ororo, they let both women pass without any problem.
The interior of the building those gives a feeling of Wakanda with the mix of yellow and orange and even through Kitty never set a foot on Wakanda, she can admit, at least privately, how this building really seems to transport you to the real Wakanda.
A Dora Milaje, who judge by the upgrades on her uniform, appears to be the leader of the group is speaking with Ororo. "The king is waiting for you, right now, he´s on the fourth floor...watching Naruto" and she chuckles as both ladies are exchanging private jokes among them.
Wait, the fourth floor? But this building only has 3 floors.
Entering the elevator confirms to Kitty that this building has 3 floors, however, Ororo press a red button and the elevator lifts to the aforementioned fourth floor.
King T´challa was indeed watching Naruto and quickly turn the TV off when Ororo and Kitty arrives. T´challa now uses a more regal posture to speak to Ororo. Is a really kingly tone, yet, the fact he´s wearing a Naruto´s T-shirt sort makes the tone lose the strength.
"I´d not want to stop your Naruto Marathon nor your fanfiction time, however, I´m here because I have a solution for the ruby problem" and Ororo points with her eyes to Columbina and T´challa got a general idea.
"Your highness," Kitty said hoping she greet him right, thankfully, T´challa seems to be in a casual mood and does mind a more simple conversation. They exchange hand, of course, this meeting does not exist by any official sense...so maybe that´s why they are talking in such casual tone.
"Columbina, what do you know about Wakanda?" T´Challa asked and Kitty replies how she knows not much(the same answer given to Ororo is used and is clear she knows much)
"Someone stole technology from our laboratories, a weapon that could be used to destroy anything...and you must see how this is a delicate situation, because, who stole this piece of technology was Kilmonger and his followers. They stole many things from Wakanda" the King is not very happy in delivering this news to Columbina.
"And is proud that prevent you to seek help from JLX?"
"No, is because if we ask to get the ruby back...many will ask details as to how it comes down here, what it does and it would prove that Wakanda is not that safe and many people could see this as an opportunity to steal again" T´Challa concludes.
"Columbina, you´re not associated with the JLX and not with any government, if you were to steal a mere ruby from the museum..."
Columbina ponders for a moment. "I´ll need time to do the heist, and know every the details of this ruby and who stole it...because this can really be a trap and I want to avoid any traps if possible"
Gwen is looking for Peter Ross and that alone makes his heart soar in joy and for once, no Kitty Pryde, maybe he can steal Gwen away from Kitty once and for all. "Gwen, are you looking for me?" and Peter notices how her face is a bit worried as she nods.
Peter takes her to a more reserved place of his studio, they´re wrapping for the day and offers her a coffee. After taking a sip, the woman begins. "Peter...Is Ryder a perv?" she asked and Peter is utterly confused but she continues. "Kitty is moving out to where Kurt lives, you know, the Plaza, and...I heard used to have a perv there who show his anatomy to people and...well, uhm..." she trails off and Peter Ross is doing something he never thought in doing.
"Look, Ryder is arrogant and a womanizer" pot meet kettle is a phrase running through his mind. "But, he´s not a perv and certainly won´t show his, uhm, anatomy to Kitty unless she really wanted to see that, so, no, he wouldn´t bother with her...in fact, I used to live there and Ryder never noticed, trust me, Gwen...Ryder won´t do anything here"
Gwen seems more relief and nods. "Thanks, she´s my only friend here and I don´t want anything bad to happen to her" and Peter Ross offers a nice smile to Gwen who retributions.
Meanwhile, Kurt Ryder sneezes as he feels someone is talking about him.
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epickendall · 5 years
Possible 10 chapter 14
On the next day, Team 10 was standing in the hotel parking lot waiting for Grandpa Max to arrive.
“So Ben I take the date with Monique went well even with Dr. Animo crashing it,” said Kevin
“Yep everything went great but,” said Ben
“But what?” said Gwen
“Monique knows about the Omnitrix,”
“Dude are you going tell everyone about your secret identity while we’re here,” said Kevin
“No, I’m not,”
“Then you should be careful and try not to slip up again,” said Gwen
“I won’t I didn’t exactly have time to make up an excuse when Monique saw me change back,”
“All right then moving on what do you guys think about the third alien that got Max coming here,” said Kevin
“The alien must be a major problem that got grandpa to come here,”
“No doubt maybe grandpa has some past info when you told him the alien name, Ben,” said Gwen
“I hope he does because we haven’t spotted this alien for weeks,”
Then the three spots grandpa Max rustbucket coming into the hotel parking lot and parking near Team 10 and Max come out of the RV.
“Grandpa!” said Ben and Gwen as they come up to Max
“Hey kids,” said Max giving Ben and Gwen hug and stop “so how you guys doing,”
“Fine,” said Gwen
“All right,” said Kevin
“Fantastic,” said Ben as he smiles a bit
“Well Ben you seem to be a wonderful mood,” said Max
“That because he got himself a girlfriend,” said Kevin
“Kevin!” said Ben turning to him
“What he was going to find out eventually,” Kevin shrugs his shoulder
“So off the market huh so what her name, Ben?” said Max who grins
“Her name is Monique,”
“How long you two been going out,”
“For a day now but can’t we talk about this later and talk about the third alien,”
“All right Ben, everyone come on in the Rust Bucket,”
Gwen whispered to Ben, “why are you not telling grandpa more about Monique?”
Ben whispered back “I wanted to be a surprise, but Kevin don’t worry I’ll tell him,”
The three get into the Rustbucket to see the inside hasn’t changed that much; on a table are some old dusty files, and Max closes the door.
“So grandpa who is Ejaw?” said Ben
“Ejaw come from an alien race call Ecrew race,” said Max grabbing a file and open to show to Team 10
They see a dark figure with red eyes, sharp teeth, and his whole body looks like a shadow except a necklace around his neck.
“His race is almost extinct due to planet running out of resource, and it’s the long year of hibernation,” said Max
Gwen looked at the file some more, “then why did Ejaw end up in the Null Void grandpa?”
“Years ago me and the other plumbers stopped Ejaw from turning the earth into his planet that would kill half of the population,”
“Dang, how did you plan to do that?” said Kevin
“With a device called Nrisk, it has the power to transform any climate and surface of the planet to the user liking but it too powerful to use and that why it’s ban through the galaxy so that it will never use again,”
“And why does Middleton have to do with Nrisk and Ejaw in the first place?” said Ben
“Because if I’m right Ejaw well try to finish what he started several years ago, but we broke a piece off of the Nrisk so that it wouldn’t work,”
“And the piece of the device is in Middelton,” said Gwen
“Bingo and I know where we hide the place in Middleton,”
“Where?” said Kevin
“Middleton space center,”
“How about we head over there to see if Ejaw hadn’t gotten there yet,” said Ben
“Good idea Ben,”
So Max gets the Rustbucket out of the hotel parking, and they head to Space Center Ben seated upfront with Max.
“So Ben are you going to tell me more about your new girlfriend,” said Max
“Uh, sure grandpa me and Monique bump each other when Gwen got kidnap,”
“Go on,”
“Then we meet again at the movies we talk so more and give each other phone number, and the rest is history,” Ben and smile a bit
“So does she know about the Omnitrix,”
“Yes, she does grandpa and doesn’t worry she won’t say so a word I promise,”
“All right, Ben I’ll take your word for it,” Max then ask “so what made you feel head over heels with Monique,”
“Monique is cool, sweet, and very beautiful also she a great at fashion,”
“I can’t wait when you introduce to her to me Ben,”
“You’ll like her grandpa,” said Ben, putting his arms behind the back of his head and thinking about Monique as they continued to drive to the Space Center.
Meanwhile, at the Middleton Mall in the food court, Kim and Monique were sitting down and talking about Monique and Ben’s date last night, also Monique knowing Ben’s secret.
“Look, Monique, me and Ron are sorry about lying to you knowing Ben and his secret,” said Kim
“Well you should Kim you could have given me a hint on who I’m dating if they got a secret identity,” said Monique sipping a bottle of soda
“I thought it was Ben decisions to tell you about his secrets and not me,”
“I guess it wouldn’t be right for you to tell me about what Ben actual do before Ben did,”
“Are we cool, Monique?”
“I’m still a little mad about you and Ron lying to me but yeah we’re cool just don’t this again,”
“I won’t Monique,” Kim sips a cup of Ice tea “now we got that out of the way how was the date went that didn’t get wreck by a crazy green scientist,”
“Kim the date was great Ben took me to fancy french restaurant and Ben was such a gentleman throughout the night,” Monique smirk
“That good, huh?”
“Yeah, he and I got to know each other even after I found out about his secret,”
“So, it was worth it?”
“Yep, the date was worth it,”
“You actually went on that date with him,” Kim and Monique turn to see Bonnie with a bunch of bags full of clothes. She grabs a chair from another table beside them. She sat down with Kim and Monique putting her bags on the ground.
“You know Monique date, Bonnie?” said Kim
“I was there when Ken ask Monique out on Tara house party,”
“His name is Ben Bonnie and yes I went on a date with him, and it was great,” said Monique
“Even with him being a bit weird,”
“What do you mean, him being a bit weird?”
“I’m saying that he, his cousin that looks like Kim, and that guy in the muscle car show up to Middleton out of nowhere and weirds things has been happening since,”
“Bonnie Ben his cousin and friend only staying for a job that’s all,” said Kim
“And nothing out of the ordinary in this town,” said Monique
“Fine where did Ben take you Monique?” said Bonnie
“He took me to The Crown for your information,”
“At least he got I give him that,”
“Don’t have anything else to do other than calling my boyfriend weird, Bonnie?”
“Actually I do just want to hear anything that worth a good gossip,” Bonnie gets up and grab her bags and walks off
“So boyfriend huh,” said Kim who smirks
“Well I mean not but soon,”
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