#meanwhile facebook still can't even do fucking legs
queenhawke · 2 years
got my sniper rifle trained on rob mcelhenney in case this whole metaverse storyline leads to anything but the revelation that the entire premise of the metaverse is a vacuous lie told by capitalist tech billionaires who are only out to extract more data and wealth from people
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goldenpinof · 7 months
Ngl I'm kind of scared of the idea of DINOK actually being made into a show. Do you think it would be profitable or even break even? I can't see it attracting a lot of mainstream attention and Dan's/DnP's core audience is not as big as it once was
i'll repeat myself here and say that it all depends on a platform and marketing. marketing can save dinok. but it can also kill it. like, single-handedly. mainstream attention depends on marketing on different platforms (huge budget). audience's attention depends on Dan talking to us on his platforms, consistently (no budget, just time). i'm sure with dinok Dan would be shooting for people outside the phandom, and that makes sense. it just needs to be done correctly, and not at the cost of his main audience.
my selfish ass wants Dan to make something out of it, just to see what he wants to tell us. the AU he created in his head. but, i don't need a show for that, i'd be happy to just read the script. if making a show costs too much money and is too risky, just sell the script. i don't want it to go to waste. it's a huge amount of work, and it would be sad if it never sees the light of day.
wad marketing in relation to dinok under the cut (too much yapping for free)
look at wad as an example. now, it's so clear that their initial strategy was experimental and didn't work, so they changed it halfway through. they also kinda dropped the promo by the European leg and just stopped updating banners in time, and overall started panicking. Dan's attitude and the main message in promo materials were all over the place, with him trying to target the general audience and the locals, meanwhile sometimes talking in riddles, and talking to us (phannies) only in liveshows at the start of each leg. and then the European leg didn't even have that. (i'm simplifying here a lot, i'm just trying to show a general picture). dd, despite having a good concept, failed to gain an audience and make people buy tickets to the show. there was a connection between dd and wad but it wasn't strong enough, and the vibes were a bit different, so it was also confusing people. dd t-shirt had a better promo in that one dd episode than the majority of wad promo clips. you know why? because it was genuine. he was whining about money and it was clear that he hated doing that bit but ffs, it was entertaining. Dan is not bad at promotion, he just needs someone to navigate his negative energy in the right direction. 90% of wad marketing was BORING as fuck. and there was not enough of it in general. wrong platforms, no consistency, boring recycled ideas (remember his clip with the US states? they did the same for ii but in a youtube video. which worked so much better not only because it was "Dan and Phil" but also because it was filmed better, the platform was bigger, and they didn't take it seriously. promoting on your main platform always wins over facebook/instagram/tiktok ads. also, we could engage with a youtube video. that's like a free promo within the phandom. geography can be FUN. wad geography wasn't). promotion doesn't have to be boring. Barbenheimer and Miley and Selena's cross-promotions showed it so clearly. fandoms love this shit, and Dan knows enough youtubers to pull this off. even if not cross-promotion tactics, there are ways to present something in a fun way. make something memeable (he tried in the beginning, but a white board wasn't the most fun tbh), make a promo we could engage with.
thank fuck they bought youtube ads for wad premiere. still fucking up with banners and editing though. and Dan still doesn't talk to his audience to make them buy tickets. like, he is trying, they have bullet points (half of them are coming out from Phil's mouth btw). but Dan making "crying" faces and pleading could be turned into "reasons why i want you to see this show". he wants to cry about how hard it was to make this show happen? about these 2 years of ups and downs? FINE. do it, talk to us, don't brush over the logistics, tell us how proud you are of finally filming the show. tell us why it's so important to you and why you want more people to see it. (Anthony's interview as an example, but make it deeper and without Anthony)
don't make me write a marketing strategy for wad premiere, no one wants that. but omg, it's his child and he doesn't know how to present it to the world. he presented dinok better by making "why i quit youtube". what i'm trying to say is that complaining works. sharing your struggles works. if he is so proud of this show he needs to tell his audience, that didn't see the show, what is it so amazing, brilliant, unique, important and wonderful about it. showing Dan on stage with a microphone isn't enough. it's pretty, but it's boring (i'm still waiting for a full promo clip to drop before Feb 25th). preshow and after-party are good selling points, but it shouldn't be the main thing. Dan is using Phil to sell wad, finally. don't get me wrong, i'm obsessed with it. he should use Phil, and only because of Phil more people are gonna see the show. but now it looks like Dan and Phil brand took the lead and wad is just a passenger. and as someone who witnessed all the stages wad went through to get to February 25th, i want the show itself to shine. it should be the main character, not the after-show or the carpet. how? Dan should talk more about things related to the show. he can go around NDAs, it's his show, his company. just don't drop names and certain numbers.
i need to stop. enough of free promo.
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fedorahead · 7 months
I don't say this lightly (and this is a heavy post that deals with subject matter you'll likely want to scroll past)
I started using tumblr again when I kept getting banned from facebook for being me (read: an edgy douche)
I've never felt more seen, accepted, or included on here. People run with jokes instead of being angry they don't get them. There is no in-group out-group dynamic, it's all just participate as much as you want.
There's a lot of love on tumblr.
I spent my whole life under the control of my father. He didn't have much time to fuck me up, but he managed even with only partial custody. I stopped talking to him at 15, reconnected at 18 for a little while and stopped again because I had awful nightmares every time I saw him. Tried again in my early 20s. I always wanted a dad, and the one I had, I thought, might be salvageable.
I lived in that delusion for 31 years. Hoping one day he would grow up, too.
This weekend, I had the epiphany that everyone else around me already knew (I think). That the abusive behaviours weren't an uncontrolled fluke or rough days. That my entire childhood I was being groomed. For what? I never saw myself in other peoples' stories because I never had firsthand, conscious experiences with stuff that other people can point to and say "this, this was the abuse". But I have stories other people told, and then recanted, and the narrative that they were lying the whole time or it was a misunderstanding. And I believed that grey area because I did not remember what he was accused of doing, and nothing exists if you can't prove it to yourself.
Every aspect of who I am has been influenced by my dad's choice to raise me to become his partner. I dunno if it was conscious or unconscious, but I know it fucked me up so bad I spent my whole life running, changing names, hiding, trying to help people and never knowing why I feel the things I do.
This has always been reinforced by people judging me. He harnessed my fear of rejection, taught me to fight the system in specific ways that would give me more power, and adhere to a lot more social expectations than I bucked. To come across as a rebel while maintaining total control. The critical, anxious voice in my head that sounded like rational care and worry and protecting myself has always been him, telling me not to do the things he was disgusted with, telling me how to prepare for situations so I would have the upper hand, everything to become someone that impressed him. And the whole time, I thought I was impressing myself. Meanwhile, people around me liked what I was doing and validated it and reinforced it and then when I broke character, people I thought were friends would turn on me right away.
He wanted me to be as charismatic as him, and I am, and it meant that a lot of people saw me the way he saw me. And a lot of people have recognized and exploited that vulnerability. And I kept thinking the trauma was from *them*, but honestly I got to them broken and I don't really think they could have broken me more.
Tumblr doesn't give a shit if I'm charismatic or if I adhere to social expectations. If my clothes don't fit or don't hide my legs or belly nobody on here will notice. If I wanna be sexy or funny or creative or angry, there are people on here who will support it.
I'd never experienced that kind of freedom before and I genuinely couldn't have figured out how much I was still under his thumb in the world where everybody scrutinizing me kept me firmly in place. I saw glimpses of freedom and never experienced it until I came here and it was genuine.
Thank you, tumblr, for giving me enough room to look back at the person I was pretending to be clearly for the first time.
Thank you for empowering me to be disgusting, slutty, dumb, clumsy, baffling, awkward, ugly, tasteless, and confused without giving me a moral burden tied to each one. I'm not a terrible person, I'm a pretty good one. And I can be flawed and fucked up and still be a pretty good person. And no matter how many people tried to tell me that, I would never feel it until I had a place to genuinely experience it firsthand.
Thank you 💚
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I. Last night. If I had fallen asleep when I tried to, and woken up to my alarm, I would have gotten 7-8 hours. Instead, I got 3. Then I went to work for 8 hours. Then I came home, ready to nap. And nothing. And now it is almost midnight and STILL fucking nothing. My anxiety is so high and my ED is raging. I'm so worried about my cats, school starts tomorrow and everything that happened last semester happened at the end and never got resolved. So I feel like everyone hates me and I don't want to go back. My stomach is cramping but I can't eat, and im certain that's part of why I feel so shitty. I tried munching on some baby carrots but I just can't do more than that rn. And im so stressed about my cats. My mom is going on vacation for 9 days and is planning to leave them alone. I keep trying to give her options to work with me to take care of them and now she's left me on read for 3 days. I'm just so fucking upset. And I'm so upset all the time lately I feel like a huge burden to anyone who still is friends with me and I don't even want to talk to anyone. I'm a shitty friend and all I do is disappoint. I can't......idk. all I'm doing is watching supernatural. earlier I was watching the destiel supercut but it kept pausing itself so I am now on a YouTube binge of destiel Taylor swift amvs. Meanwhile I posted about my cat situation to one of my private Facebook groups that gives advice and ppl are being really mean and saying that it's actually my fault bc I left them there. I already feel bad enough that I COULDNT take them and I COULDN'T stay there. I know logically I couldn't have done anything different but it still haunts me and it was really, really fucking hurtful to have someone genuinely voice the same opinion as the voice in my head. I feel so sick and horrible and nothing feels like it'll ever be okay again.
I know I've felt this bad before and it will pass but right now it feels like I've never felt this bad before and it feels like I'll never be happy again. I can't remember feeling anything but what I'm feeling now basically, and what I'm feeling now is unbearable. And I know I have friends that care but the thing is that I need medical attention for my serious mental disorders, and I've called so many places and none will take me. It's like walking around w a broken leg- ur friends can carry u places, push ur wheelchair, bring u stuff when it hurts. But they can't fix ur broken leg. But in this analogy, it's like I'm going to the doctor and the doctor is like ah fuck your leg is BROKEN broken. You should see someone about that. And that's the response of every fucking doctor everywhere. And my friends hate seeing me with a broken leg but they can't keep carrying me around. And I can't let them. But the alternative is to just sit down and rot
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