#meanwhile max has decided to single-handedly take on every journalist in the entire paddock
valyrfia · 11 months
my delusional ideas if rbr lestappen becomes real: charles is pretty likeable, we all know that. like I'm sure some tifosi will jump ship bc they root for him regardless and I don't doubt he'd get adopted by the rbr crowd on the stands. that doesn't mean he's unanimously praised, there's always a critic. enter max verstappen and his big mouth. it's one thing to give some light praise to a rival from a different team, it's another to pick fights over his teammate. and I totally see him doing that because it's charles and if charles isn't winking at him after quali, he's raising hell until he finds the culprit.
oh no anon you're so right max is going to become INSUFFERABLE. he's going to go after anyone and everyone who criticises charles even slightly he's going to be the media menace. he has nothing to lose or gain anymore from the media so you know that if someone even looks at charles wrong he's going to be snarling like a feral cat.
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