#med surg practice questions
sahmirqlilln · 11 months
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daissyjarness · 1 year
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nickielclaireo · 1 year
Nursing Assessment Software: The Future of Patient Care - We will explore the benefits of nursing assessment software, discuss the features to look for when selecting a program, and examine the future of this technology
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chgridlock · 4 months
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Fine. LN- pt 4.
Part. 3 here: https://www.tumblr.com/chgridlock/749755983679586304/fine-ln-pt-3?source=share
Y/n and Lando were childhood best friends, an inseparable duo who knew each other’s secrets like the back of their hand. But then came F1. Lando transformed into a playboy prince, his name synonymous with champagne showers and a different model on every arm. Models just like y/n, except for her. Disgusted, she distanced herself, the warmth of their friendship replaced by a biting cold. Y/n, chasing her own dreams, blossomed into a sough-after model, gracing the covers of magazines right under Lando’s nose, well, at least that’s what she assumed. In taught, Lando followed her religiously on social media, a secret admirer hidden behind a facade of arrogante.
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex, ex best friends, Lando being a dick sometimes.
The morning light, harsh and unwelcome, streamed through Lando’s blinds, pulling him from a restless sleep. He didn’t even wait for the insistent buzz of his alarm. Groaning, he reached for his phone, the glowing screen a beacon in the pre-dawn, a silver of hope flickering within him.
His heart dropped like a stone. No new notification. Disappointment washed over him, a bitter taste in his mouth. He stared at the blank screen, replaying last night's messages in his mind. The frustration, the simmering anger, the helpless concern- all tangled up in a knot that tightened with each passing second.
He wasn’t sure what to feel anymore. This whole situation had stirred a chaotic cocktail of emotions within him. Worry, of course that gnawed at his gut like a hungry beast. Anger, hot and sharp, at your stubbornness. Irritation, a dull ache at the back of his mind, at your disregard for your own health. Guilt, an unwelcome guest in his thoughts, for his earlier callous wish. An beneath it all, a sliver of something else, a concern that went beyond simple friendship.
He sighed heavily, throwing back the covers and forcing himself out of bed. Despite the emotional turmoil churning within, he had a day to dace. Anything to distract him from the constant thought of you tucked away in your apartment, feverish and alone.
This whole thing felt irrational. Why did he care so much? You were just being yourself, stubbornly refusing to admit vulnerability. “Just a simple case of stubbornness and annoying behavior,” he muttered himself, trying to convince his heart of a thrush his mind couldn’t quite accept.
He went through the motions of his morning routine, a practiced autopilot to keep his thoughts at bay. But it was futile. Every mundane task - brushing his teeth, making coffee- sent his mind wandering back to you. He reply’s your dismissive message, picturing the grimace on your face as you typed it. He remembered his own frustration, his simmering helplessness.
Then came the guilt. The way he’d lashed out about your lack of self-care. And finally, the undeniable worry. The worry that have culminated in a desperate need to check on you.
He sighed again, a defeated sound. Grabbing his phone once more, he typed out a message, culminating in a desperate need to check on you.
“Hi,” he wrote, the single word with unspoken concern. “Is everything okay now? Did your fever get worse or anything?”
A wave of relief washed over Lando as his phone buzzed, quickly replaced by a surge of worry as he read your message. “I literally feel like I’m dying gosh,” it read, a stark contrast to your usual behavior. He frowned, his eyes narrowing in concern.
“Still?” He typed, the question hanging heavy in the air.
He couldn’t believe it. A whole night had passed, and you were still feeling this awful? The image of you flashed in his mind. He paused for a moment, trying to to chose his words carefully, “Have you at least taken the meds for your fever…or seen a doctor?” He finally typed.
He waited, his heart pounding in his chest. Your response arrived all of quickly: “it’ll pass.”
He groaned- There you were again, brushing it off like a minor inconvenience. His frustration bubbled over, tinges with a touch of anger. You were being so irresponsible.
“Just take the damn meds,” he typed forcefully. “Or see a doctor…” He paused, tossing around a crazy idea.
“Or I’ll have to come over and take care of you myself…”
He knew it was a ridiculous threat, considering the distance between them. But the though of you lying there alone, miserable and neglected, was unbearable. He hit send, a mix of irritation and concern churning in his stomach.
Another message pinged on his screen. You needed to sleep, you said, the curse word a testament to just how bad you were feeling. Lando felt a surge of exasperation mixed with a strange pang of sympathy.
He sighed, defeated. He knew pushing you wouldn’t help. “Just… sleep then,” he typed with a resigned air. “And don’t forget to take the meds…” he trailed off, leaving the implied threat hanging in the air. “Or else..”
He couldn’t bring himself to finish the sentence. Did he really want to storm over there and take care of you? I mean, in the past he craved for that. The thought now was absurd and yet… so tempting.
Lando’s heart plummeted as read your response. “I don’t have,” it read, hanging in the air like a confession of neglect. He raised an eyebrow. This wasn’t jus a simple annoyance anymore. This was full-blown worry, tinged with a hefty dose of self-reproach.
“You really don’t have any meds at all…” he typed, the words heavy with disappointment. He couldn’t believe you’d gone a whole night without even a basic painkiller to dull the ache. Had you eaten anything? Were you even bundled up in something warm?
He slammed his fist against the desk in frustration, the sound echoing in the silence of his apartment. How could he have let this get so bad?
“Did you take anything else? Are you taking enough care?” He bombarded you with questions, having against hope that you’d done something, anything, to soothe your discomfort.
But your following message stopped him cold. “Look Lando,” you wrote, the flippancy in your words a stark contrast to the seriousness of the situation, “Im dying but is fine, didn’t you want me to get sick?”
His eyes narrowed, his initial frustration morphing into something else entirely. Was that… sarcasm? A twisted joke? His mind raced. Was this a cry for help disguised, or were you genuinely bitter about his earlier callous words?
Lando’s fingers hovered over the keyboard, a knot of guilt tightening in his stomach. He wanted to express his remorse, but finding te right words felt impossible. Finally, he typed, “I didn’t wish for you to get sick to he point that you were dying…”
A beat later, your response arrived, laced with exasperation. “Jesus Christ, Lando” it read.
He winced, the sting of your words a well-deserved punishment. “Shut up,” he replied, shame burning in his fingers. “I shouldn’t have said that. It was a stupid thing to say in the heat of the moment, and i only meant for it to be a lousy cold, nothing serious.”
“Great!” You replied, the sarcasm dripping from your text.
Lando rolled his eyes, a small part of his frustration returning. “Don’t act like you weren’t infuriatingly stubborn yesterday!” He fired back, swift and fiery.
“You were the stubborn one!” Your responde came back “Good fucking bye.”
The sudden silence that followed hit him like a physical blow. He stared at the black screen, the last message hanging there, a stark reminder of his idiocy. You were right, you always were. He’d been the stubborn one, and now you were paying the price.
A surge of panic washed over him. “Wait,” he typed, a desperate plea hanging. “Don’t ignore me, damn it…”
But his message was met with silence. He spent the rest of the day glued to his phone, his heart sinking with each passing second. Every notification had him scrambling, only to be met with disappointment. The worry gnawed at him, a constant companion alongside the guilt that twisted his gut.
The world throbbed with a dull ache, mirroring the pain in your head. Each breath felt like a chore, your body heavy and sluggish. Lando’s messages swam in and out of focus on the screen, his words blurring together. You felt a flicker of anger, a spark amidst the fog of your illness.
“Good fucking bye”, you typed, your finger hitting the send button with a satisfying click. Who the fuck does he think he is, you muttered to yourself. He said he was coming over if I didn’t take care of myself? What was he thinking being now so caring and…and sweet… wait, no, no. He’s a dick, utterly and bitterly dickhead egoistic shithead… but it would be nice to have him here, like old times, feeling his arms around…NO. This must be the fever playing tricks with me. Oh how i hate being this vulnerable fuck.
The phone slipped from your grasp, clattering on the nightstand. You didn’t have the energy to puck it up, the effort too much. Closing you eyes, you drifted off into a feverish sleep.
The day stretches on, each tick of the clock an echo of his growing worry. Lando went trough the motions of his routine- work, dinner, a mindless TV show- but his focus remained fragmented. He stole glances at his phone constantly, hoping for a notification, a message, anything to break the silence.
Frustration warred with worry. Were you truly sick, or were you simply ignoring him after their heated exchange? Finally, after a full day of agonizing silence, he hesitantly picked up his phone and hoped a simple “Hey…” The single word hung up in to the air, a fragile bridge between them.
He pressed send, holding his breath. Seconds turn into minutes, silence stretching uncomfortable. He finally consider calling, a desperate need to hear your voice overriding his usual hesitance.
“Yes?” The voice that answered was barely a whisper, raspy and strained. The sound of your voice smelt a jolt of worry straight to his heart. The playful defiance of your usual voice was replaced by a vulnerability that tightened his throat.
“Are you alright…? How are you?” He blurted out.
The reply came back, raw and desperate, “Like fucking dying, my fever is not coming down.” Lando’s heart clenched. Parted of him wanted to yell, to remind you of your stubbornness, how you refused to take care of yourself. But the bigger part, the part that truly cared, drowned it out. He took a deep breath, forcing calm into his voice.
“How high is your fever now?” He asked, his tone firm but laced with concern.
“Hmm, like…40 degrees,” your voice whispered back.
A groan escaped Lando’s lips. 40 degrees? That was dangerously high. The worry that had been simmering all day erupted into a full-blown panic. He couldn't just sit here anymore.
“40 degrees…?” He repeated, his voice barely a whisper too.
“Yes…” the single word confirmed his worst fear right now. A surge of protectiveness shot through him. He couldn’t just wait and hope for the best. He needed to see you, to make sure you were alright, to take care of you the way you wouldn’t take care of yourself.
“Im coming to your flat now,” he stated, his voice leaving no room for argument. “Don’t even try to stop me.”
Silence descended on the line. He held his breath, waiting for you inevitable protest.
“Lando, no,” your voice came back, weak but resolute.
“Y/n,” he countered, his voice firm but gentle, “your fever is 40 degrees. I’m coming over.”
“Lando, don’t-“
“Shut up,” he interrupted, surprising himself with his own urgency. “I’m coming over and that’s that.”
He wouldn’t allow room for debate. He knew you well enough to understand you might still try to downplay your condition. But this time, he woulnd’t let you. He cared about you, damn, deeply, too much, fuck. The thought of you being alone and potentially getting worse was a terrifying prospect.
He hung up the phone before you could argue further. “Fine, you’re making me doing this y/n.” His focus was singular - get you, take care of you, and make sure you were alright.
Author’s note: HELLO LOVES. Sorry for taking THIS long to post, but college is hard guys and I’ve been sick twice so yeah, not much time, I’m sorry. But summer is coming and that means more time to write. Not really happy with this chapter but God know that the next one is going to be good. Tysm for reading this. Love u all. ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
Tag list: @persiar9 @mia-rrrs @ssararuffoni @kapsylia @formulaal @sparklysharknerd-blog1 @f1fantasys @landosgirlxoxo @moonclaine @charlesgirl16 (for some reason I’m not able to mention all of the users, don’t know why its happening, trying to find a solution. Sorry loves for that.)
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Feel free not to answer this but I was wondering if I could ask you about your job. I’m thinking about becoming a nurse but I’m not sure it’s a good fit. Do you have any advice or recommend it? Thank you 💜
Oops! I wrote a wildly long answer! Hope it helps!
Let me know if you have more specific questions, but here are some general thoughts. 
incoming like 1700 words okay
There are so many different ways to use a nursing degreel. Right now I’m a med surg bedside nurse in the hospital float pool, which means I don’t have an assigned floor and I go wherever is currently short staffed. Before that, I was a home health nurse where I could spend up to eight hours a night reading a book while a kid slept peacefully in the bed. I also worked in a different part of home health briefly (hated it, you have to be on the ball with scheduling but some nurses preferred it) where instead of doing full shift bedside care for one patient, I went to a bunch of different patients’ houses in one day, doing tasks like setting up their medication for the next month or doing wound care. All three of those jobs use the same basic skill set but are very different in practice. 
Even within the hospital, a behavioral health nurse has a different night than an inpatient rehab nurse who has a different night than a short stay surgery nurse who has a different night from an ED nurse who has a different night than an ICU nurse who has a different night than a labor and delivery nurse who has a different night than a postpartum nurse. And that’s just night shift, which is what I work and doesn’t have nearly as many specialties working as are there during the day.
This answer--nursing is so broad, you can do anything!!--is true but not necessarily useful, so I’ll get more specific. 
There are a few things that are important to me about nursing. 
It is a job that contributes value to the world. Even if the American healthcare system was perfect, you would need caregivers like nurses. Even if the American healthcare system ceased to exist tomorrow, you would still need caregivers like nurses. Even on my shittiest nights, I can point to something I did that helped someone in some way. Not all jobs can say that. 
I do good work and then I go home. This is more bedside nursing specific, but it’s important to me. I can’t take the work home with me. Emotionally, sure, I can do that, but physically, my patients stay at the hospital when I clock out. I have handed over the responsibility of them to another nurse, then I get to leave, and my free time is my own. I can always opt into more work of the administrative type, but I don’t have to.
It’s a good stable income. This will depend on where you live and your speciality, but in general, yeah. Easy to get hired, especially right now, hiring bonuses, overtime if you’re the type of person to pursue that (this is advice for later in your career if you start it, but I’d strongly strongly strongly advise limiting how many extra shifts you pick up while you’re still learning). Solid reliable income. 
Those all come with some caveats. It’s a stable income, but it often plateaus at a mid level salary range unless you move up into a more administrative role (overgeneralizing this, but true often enough). You can be under a lot of pressure to pick up and stay late (16 hour shifts!) because staffing runs lean. You’ll rarely have all the help you need, especially on night shifts. I get called every single day I’m not working asking if I want to come in. Burnout is so so high right now, and often it seems like admin is like “well new nurses graduate every day so”. Some floors I’ve been on, the senior most nurse has 18 months experience. That’s bad, that’s stressful beyond belief when things are life and death. 
It’s physically demanding work. A lot of bedside nurses leave bedside because they’ve hurt their backs moving patients. I know I’ve seriously tweaked some muscles, and the amount I’m on my feet is not great for my poor weak right ankle. There’s also other physical demands, i.e. helps to have a strong stomach. People will tell you CNAs (certified nursing assistants) or techs do all the incontinence care. They’re correct but also wrong because 1) who the fuck is staffed with CNAs, especially at night, and 2) okay you’ve got a CNA but they’re busy helping change another patient so are you just gonna let this person sit in their shit for 30 minutes? I do incontinence care about every night. There’s the other bodily fluids as well--blood, mucus, pus, Just Ambiguous Goop Hey Where’s That Coming From. Not to mention wound care, which can be gnarly. Like lift up a skin fold, find some maggots in necrotic flesh gnarly. And since so many wounds are on the tailbone and groin, incontinence care and wound care are often the same thing. 
There’s also the emotional stuff. Maybe your patient is dying and just got told today. Maybe they’re dying and they’re comfort care and the whole family is in the room crying every time you go in. Maybe they’re going into withdrawal. Maybe they only speak taishanese and there’s no translators available. Maybe this is their first night in the hospital ever. Maybe this is their 180th night. Maybe they’re terrified of pain and they don’t trust you to help control it. Maybe they’re so mad that they’re in the hospital. Maybe they’re refusing to be discharged because they have nowhere safe to go. Maybe they’re confused and keep trying to stand up on two broken hips. Maybe they had a traumatic brain injury and won’t stop screaming for your entire 12 hour shift. Maybe they really want to tell you about society’s freeloaders. Maybe you walk into their room to answer a call light and they’re sobbing and also you’ve never met this person before. Maybe their husband died five minutes before you got on shift. Maybe they’ve sexually harrassed multiple caregivers and you aren’t allowed to be alone with them. Maybe they’re mean, and sure there might be nuance to that meanness, but goddamn are they an asshole and goddamn they are still your patient. 
Maybe all that sounds bad to you, the physical and the emotional work. I don’t like wound care, so I’m not a wound and ostomy nurse (but I still do wound care). I like talking to my patients, so I’m not an ICU nurse (where the joke is that your patients can’t talk back. heard an ICU nurse darkly refer to their job as “watering crops”. Not work I’m interested in, but thank god some people are) (but I still take on very high acuity patients). I don’t like chaos and triage so I’m not an emergency room nurse (and yet? still chaos!). I like giving patients medications and warm blankets and whatever food they’re allowed to have, I like talking to them how their day went and what’s gonna happen tomorrow, I like checking in on them and finding them soundly asleep, so I’m a med surg night nurse who hates when I hate to wake people up for neuro checks. 
(Med surg, by the way since I didn’t know either before I started nursing school, is medical-surgical nursing. According to the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses, med surg nurses “provide care to adults with a variety of medical issues or who are preparing for/recovering from surgery.” Isn’t that the most expansive category you’ve ever heard of? It’s the catch all of the hospital and, as I like to think as a med-surg nurse who actually likes med-surg nursing, the very heart of bedside nursing and should be respected far more than it is sometimes. But that’s a different rant.) (More respect for generalists!!)
Here’s a final thought: If you don’t like sick people, don’t go into nursing. Not everyone is kind and compassionate in the same way, but kindness and compassion should be the foundation of your work. Kindness, compassion, critical thinking, diligence. The role of a nurse is to be a patient advocate. Sometimes that can be advocating for the patient against what you think is the right thing for them to do. How can you protect the patient’s safety and autonomy? How can you help them be an active participant in their care? What do they want? How can you get that for them? This isn’t the same as “dilaudid and ice cream every 3 hours” (sometimes it can be!), but it can be encouraging them to go through with wound care even though it is so painful because otherwise it won’t heal, and it’s thinking about timing their pain meds to take effect in conjunction with the wound care, and it’s practicing the wound care steps with another nurse before you do it on a person so you don’t fuck it up (I. hate wound care yall). It’s being aware that the stakes are life and death, but also dignity and embarrassment, comfort and pain, hope and despair, autonomy and force. It’s an honor to care for people, but you have to be aware of the power you have in those circumstances and the ability you have to be neglectful or cruel. It’s hard to be overworked and underpaid and yelled at and bored and tired and at just another day at the sickness factory and still be thoughtful and kind. Every day at work, I have to push myself to be a version of myself that I like and I respect. Sometimes I don’t manage that, and it’s feels so much worse than when I had a lazy shift as a barista. But I like having a job that pushes me to try, and to have a job that matters if I do it well. Nursing forces me to be a version of myself that others can rely on, and I love that about the job. This is not a career for everyone, but I’ve found it tremendously rewarding, even as I’ve also found it incredibly frustrating. 
If this intrigues you, maybe nursing! If it doesn’t, that’s fine. There’s lots of ways to help the world without burning yourself out.
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prettyyxprincess · 8 months
hey, do you remember how you passed maternity and med surge? i’m struggling
i will never forget maternity 😭 that class was insanity. i used a few resources, so let me break them down!
- i would skim the powerpoints for my upcoming lectures the sunday before class. i would see what diseases we were going to be discussing, and make a concept map using the textbook. just trying to get my brain familiar with the info at this point, not actually learning.
- then, i would watch a video on the topic to solidify it a bit more. this helped connect the dots more in my head so that i wasnt having to learn new vocabulary at the same time as new concepts.
- in class, i added notes to my concept maps. anything that was repeated, i underlined. anything that was not clicking, i would raise my hand and ask for clarification on. this is your education. your degree! do not be afraid to make the most of it
- after lecture, i would make a list of the topics we covered. for the remainder of that week i would review 3-4 diseases a day, since sometimes we covered 12-16 per week.
med surg is similar, but more straightforward in my opinion. i used nclex style practice questions in preparation for exams, as well as the saunders (8th?) version. its good for simplifying larger topics and helping you to compare and contrast them. i hope this helped!
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icepoptroll · 8 months
15 (+1) questions tag game! tagged by @woozysioux
1- are you named after anyone?
No. My actual first name is Erin which is a variant of the Irish word for Ireland so I guess I'm more so named for part of my heritage?
2-when was the last time you cried?
a little less than a week ago
3-do you have kids?
No, but hopefully someday after I've made a good stable life for myself
4-what sports do you play/have played?
I'm mostly made of pudding actually and not athletic at all really, but I do practice yoga and I ran track (badly) in middle school if that counts at all
5-do you use sarcasm?
Nooooo, me, using sarcasm? Never
6-what is the first thing you notice about people?
Their facial features
7-what's your eye color?
*Jane Doe voice* Savannah. . . with the greenest eyes
8-scary movies or happy endings?
I tend to hope for happy endings but I like scary movies too
9-any talents?
I'm not too bad at drawing/painting and I like to think I'm a pretty good nurse for a relatively new grad
10-where were you born?
New Jersey
11-what are your hobbies?
Art, writing, TV shows and movies, music (especially showtunes/musical theater), yoga/working out, currently exploring my spirituality, but also life's simple pleasures like having an interesting conversation with a good friend or driving to work on a clear, low-traffic night, dressed in comfy scrubs, spotify playing all my favorite jams, big iced coffee in hand. I also really love learning and researching stuff I'm curious about
12-do you have any pets?
None of my own since I've moved into my own apartment, however my family still at home does have two guinea pigs, a mouse, a hamster, and two cats (rodents kept in a separate room the cats can't access of course)
13-how tall are you?
5'2, I'm fun-sized
14-favorite subject in school?
In high school I liked art and English. More recently In nursing school I really enjoyed med-surg.
15-dream job?
I always wanted to work in animation. . . but a more practical job was more realistic for my means and circumstances. I started out doing activities in a small dementia home in hopes of working in a creative capacity, which turned into me helping out the aides, which turned into me becoming a certified caregiver, which turned into me becoming a med tech, which turned into me becoming a nurse which is where I'm at today!! I'm very very happy to be a nurse and I'm grateful I have it in me, but it would be nice to also one day have an artistic side gig too
16-what reminds you of home (doesn't have to mean house... just things that remind you of the feeling of home?
On nights I don't work night shift, I like to take a shower, turn off the lights and fall asleep with the TV on watching cartoons from my childhood all fresh and clean and cozy. Reminds me of how as a kid I would watch TV with my parents before bed at night.
tagging: @eveningbotany @butchcetacean @auberginenight No pressure of course !!
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firelord-frowny · 2 months
anyway, i gotta give huge major bigass props to "ExpressCare Urgent care."
Obligatory disclaimer that I know literally nothing about place as a company/corporation/whatever outside of the personal experience i've had with them over the last two days. so i can't speak to their overall business practices in any positive or negative way.
Additional obligatory disclaimer that i THINK my experience was specifically associated with the sect of this company that operates in Maryland specifically. so if you live somewhere else, i can't vouch for what you might expect from them.
but anyway the experience i had was fantastic tbh. even when there was a hiccup on their end, it was promptly explained and dealt with. The only other hiccup was the insurance company's fault. (the first hiccup was ALSO kinda the insurance company's fault, but expresscare was able to explain the issue and tell me what i needed to do instead.)
I first did a ~virtual visit~ with them. Signed up for a time slot at 7:20.
Ya know what time I wound up having the appointment at? 7:22.
And this was AFTER a very nice intake lady called me at 7:14 to confirm all the intake info i'd filled out beforehand.
By 7:30, I had a prescription for antibiotics, yest infection meds just incase the antibiotics caused one, and a nasal mist. By like 8ish, my meds were available for pickup at my chosen pharmacy. (didn't actually get them till TWO IN THE FUCKING MORNING THOUGH because my brother said he'd pick them up for me on his way home 'in like an hour' and decided to take 6 of them instead).
The next day, the sore throat pain was still bad that i couldn't eat/drink very much, and surely contributed to the fact that i would up having to call out sick for work bc i threw up a WHOLE LOT in the parking lot.
so i decided to do another virtual urgent care appointment to ask if i could be given something additional to ease the pain so i can eat/drink.
WELL, for some reason the insurance companies don't allow telehealth services to treat the same patient for the same ailment unless a minimum of 7 days has transpired between appointments. And i didn't find that out until literally the split second before the phone lady was about to connect me to the video call. even though i had already submitted my reason for the appointment like 15 minutes prior, and even though they obviously already had on file that i had an appointment for the same reason yesterday. the lady was very sweet about it, though, and apologized for the inconvenience, and let me know that i would have to redo the intake forms under the ~in person visit~ parameter.
So i did! frustrating, but only took like 5 extra minutes.
scheduled the in-person appointment for 7:11. (which is extra funny bc i told my parents "i have an urgent care appointment at "7-11" and they were deeply concerned at the prospect of me meeting an alleged health care professional for treatment at a 7-11 convenience store lmaoooo. i'm like noooo, not the store! the time! and they're like ohhhhhh.)
arrived at the center at like 7:15ish i guess? (which is ACTUALLY the time that i technically signed up for? i clicked the box that said 7:15 but in all the confirmation stuff they sent me, it said 7:11.)
i go and check in at the desk and the ladies were SUUUUPER SWEET and helpful and gave me all the info i needed and asked me all the questions they needed to ask.
despite the website having warned about (paraphrased) "long wait times and high volume due to surge of omicron covid patients and scheduled appointments may need to be canceled," the place only had 2 other people in there! and the desk ladies told me they were "a little slow today" and im like??? where??? how fast does stuff usually go??? omg???
so sat and waited for, i think, about 15ish minutes before being called in.
lady took my vitals and tested for covid, strip, and flu. all negative.
then i waited for a good bit, maybe like 30ish minutes? i assume mostly because that's how long it took to complete the tests.
then the nurse practitioner finally came in, asked me questions, looked in mah mouf and stuff, was sweetly concerned about how dehydrated i obviously was, and then offered to prescribe me the prednisone.
so im like! hell yeah!
and she goes, "okay, would you like to have the first shot now, and then pick up the rest at the pharmacy tomorrow?"
and im like
bee yotch, did you just say SHOT??? (i didnt really call her a bee yotch)
and she's like "mhm!"
and im like! uhhhhhhh do you happen to have that in pill form??? i am a big baby and i cant do shots.
and she was like no problem, sure!
minute later, the assistant lady brings the meds and some water.
so i take them!
they are fucking disGUSTing!!!!! the slight bit of time they were on my tongue before i swallowed was BRUTAL for my wimp lil dumb dumb tastebuds. it was only marginally preferable to a shot omg.
nurse practitioner returns with my discharge papers and tells me im good to go!
just to cover all my bases, i asked if i needed to stop at the desk for anything before i go, and she said nope! get outta here! (she didn't say get outta here.)
and then i went home!
one other slight snafu was that the desk ladies either forgot, or misunderstood that i wanted them to switch my preferred pharmacy to a different location.
but i think that won't be an issue, because i was able to change the locations via the pharmacy's website. won't know for sure if the ~system~ actually accepted it until tomorrow, i guess! (tomorrow is today because it is 6:46 am lolol).
so yeah. everyone involved did excellent work and facilitated a process that was as stress free as possible for me during such a frustrating and uncomfortable time.
10/10, would definitely recommend.
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Decoding Success: Advanced Digital Analytics in Media and Entertainment
Originally Published on: QuantzigDigital Analytics Best Practices for the Media and Entertainment Industry
The surge in digital analytics adoption has transformed industries, with the media and entertainment sector at the forefront. Embracing digital analytics best practices has become imperative for organizations looking to stay competitive in this dynamic landscape. By leveraging these practices, companies not only comprehend consumer behavior but also refine marketing strategies, cut costs, and optimize content profitability.
Key Questions Before Adopting Digital Analytics Solutions
Before diving into digital entertainment analytics, organizations must address four pivotal questions:
Media Delivery Platforms and Content Formats: What platforms and formats should be adopted to ensure effective content delivery?
Content Strategy for Profitability: What is the content strategy to maximize profitability and audience engagement?
Consumer Behavior Tracking: How can we track consumer behavior and digital footprints to predict preferences?
Infrastructural Capabilities: Do we possess the infrastructure to provide robust decision support?
Contact us to explore the world of digital analytics in media and entertainment.
Digital Analytics Best Practices 101
In the ever-evolving media and entertainment landscape, adherence to digital analytics best practices is crucial for success. These practices empower organizations to understand consumer behavior, refine marketing strategies, cut costs, and optimize content profitability.
1. Strategic Framework for Digital Analytics
Initiate the digital analytics journey with a robust strategy. Define clear objectives, identify media delivery channels, and formulate plans to maximize content profitability. A strategic approach lays the groundwork for effective analytics implementation.
2. Comprehensive Data Utilization
Unlock the full potential of digital entertainment analytics by comprehending how various solutions operate. Harness diverse data from sources like social signals and distribution channels. This holistic approach provides valuable insights into industry operations and consumer behaviors, facilitating informed decision-making.
3. Cultivating a Data-Driven Culture
Foster a data-driven culture within the organization. This cultural shift empowers teams to make strategic decisions based on data insights, enhancing creative thinking. Align content strategies with audience preferences and industry trends.
4. Revenue Monitoring and Optimization
Crucially monitor income generated by paid media assets and platforms. Identify top-performing products and content pieces to personalize content, catering to consumer preferences and maximizing revenue streams.
5. Integration of Television and Digital Platforms
Enhance audience measurement by integrating data from television platforms with consumer profiles. This ensures a cohesive approach across media channels, allowing for precise targeting and improved overall performance.
6. Continuous Performance Analysis
Digital analytics implementation is an ongoing effort. Regularly review analytics data to adapt to evolving consumer behaviors and industry trends. This allows companies to refine strategies, optimize content delivery, and stay responsive in a fast-paced media landscape.
7. Personalization Strategies
Utilize digital analytics to implement robust personalization strategies. Understand individual consumer preferences and behaviors to tailor content offerings, increasing engagement and satisfaction. Personalization contributes to building stronger connections with the audience.
Request a FREE proposal to explore how Quantzig's digital analytics solution can drive success.
Why Quantzig?
Quantzig, with over 14 years of expertise, has assisted global clients with end-to-end data management and analytics services. By embracing digital analytics best practices, companies in the media and entertainment sector can navigate complexities, deliver resonant content, and ensure stellar performances in this competitive landscape.
Contact us.
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