#meddows theblondebastard imagines
Cocky Teaser (70s!Roger Taylor Imagine)
If you came across this imagine, don’t forget to comment or heart it if you like. Feedback is really helping me and giving me the power to continue what I’m doing. Hope you’ll enjoy your reading!
Also posted on AO3.
Warnings: teasing, we all like teasing, don’t lie to me, swearing and I think that’s all, ha. 
Additional details:  → Action taking place in the mid 70s or so.
                                         → 70s!Roger Taylor is how was in my mind writing this, but you can also imagine BoRhap!Roger Taylor.
                                         → There is going to be a part two coming soon. :)
PLOT: It’s nothing new for you. Just Roger Taylor being a cocky teaser in a live interview when he’s asked about the two of you. After all, could you ever complain?
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(Credits to Mel for the picture on Pinterest.)
After a hot, almost one hour long shower, you wrapped yourself in the blanket of your bed and turned the TV on. You are wearing fluffy pajamas and can’t feel any trace of cold air brushing your warm skin. The feeling is very satisfying. You let your wet hair hanging loosely over your shoulders and it smells like freshly green apples while you’re doing the channel surf. Roger texted you fifteen minutes ago to tell you that the interview will begin in a short time. Your phone almost slipped between your fingers in the water while you tried to read that message, but it turned out okay. So now, you actually found the right channel on which the interview would be broadcast and you are waiting for thr boys to be live. You wanted to watch this, Roger, Freddie, John and Brian will talk about the album they’ve just relased and it is very nice to see it. They are funny and full of jokes on TV, just like they are face to face. You thought about going to grab a snack or something to drink, but it was too late when you heard the show intro and saw the presenter. Watching carefully and already entertained, you remained on top of your bed, knees pressed against your chest.
„... As we announced last week, here we are tonight with the Queen herself.” The young women did the introduction gesturing toward the four men sitting on a couch and the camera was immediately focused on their faces. They already seem amused.
„Hello everyone.” They greeted and added something about how nice it was to be there.
„You seem very ready, what keeps you all so energic?” The beginning was always long and in slow-motion and still you had to wait until they would start the real talk. Your eyes were mostly on Roger and how he was reacting to everything. He had the usual messy, blonde hair hanging freely on his shoulders, wore a black, slightly unbuttoned shirt with matching color jeans and last but not least, a soft smile on his lips. That aspect made you smirk unwittingly.
While one after the other, each of them began to answer questions about music, future plans and concerts, you turned the volume up and searched for the brush to comb your hair. While doing that, you could hear their voices and how they would laugh ocasionally at the presenter’s choice of words. You have always appreciated that about them, how they were so natural and honest, not even trying to give tons of details to ruin future surprises. Or personal things. They are smart, classy and modest.
„Roger, may I ask you an innocent question? It’s for purely wise purposes.” Said the woman, putting her hands on the table she was sitting at. Roger was already on position and you became suddenly more concentrated than you were five minutes ago.
„Only I get to decide that, darling.” He says, but he isn’t concerned, he has a nice expression as always, trying to make everything be more true, if it was even possible. „But of course, I wouldn’t mind at all. What is it?” He continued. He’s a well-bred person, you can say, but if you reach too much of his territory – that strictly in a personal manner – he can become very observant. Distant and a little bit rude even. You got to know that about him within the time spent by his side.
„We’re all aware of the fact that you’re spending time with Y/N. You and her seem pretty close to each other, right?” Your eyebrows raised when you heard the words coming out from the woman’s mouth. Wasn’t that something too personal to ask? It is obvious that those people want to know, but is it necessary this way? Is it even polite? You sit on the bed again, your eyes being stuck on the TV’s image.
Roger didn’t even seem surprised when he heard that. He didn’t look pissed or confused, instead, he grinned. What? What is he doing?
„May I ask too, what are you trying to say?” He says.
„Oh, I bet you know it already! How are you two in terms of a relationship?”
This woman is a little too excited about that kind of detail.
„We are trying to figure that out too. It was last year when she started to study at Medical College while Roger himself was finishing it.” Freddie added, smirking in the blonde one’s direction.
„Is that so?” The presenter asked.
„Yes, mostly.”
„Oh my God.” You managed to whisper, shaking your head. He’s doing it again. Again.
„Are you two good friends?”
„We kind of fight whenever we get the chance, but otherwise, yeah, we get along pretty well. She has little interesting things in her character, it gets catchy to be around someone like her.” Roger details, looking like he was in deep thoughts. You can see the rest of the boys slightly giggle at him and the woman who asked all of this stuff seemed too content with what she was receiving.
Roger has a point. Anyway, thinking about the bound between you two is surely strange. Because you never understood how things were happening and never wanted to overthink just to make a sense. You two weren’t the absolute perfect definition of the word ‚friends’, it was always a middle point in which no one was getting closer and no one drifted away. Last year, you remember what it was like to be a proud student at Medical College. Your first days were so full, you barely had time to take breaks or meet new people. Roger was studying dentistry and came out of nowhere when you were trying to figure out your classes and where were they located. It is a big school and he helped you and said that you look new around there. He explained you almost every single detail you needed while you asked him who he was and what was his name. You would laugh right now. He couldn’t stop staring at the height difference between you two. Later on, he would’ve made fun of it without any problem. He was twenty-three that time and you were twenty. You would see him in lunch breaks and around the campus carrying different documents with him and being particularly distracted. He would’ve often offered to hang out with you in your free time, including weekends, so as you and him got to know each other. He’d told you that he’s having little performances with this band of his, in small locations around the town you were living in and one day he even got to invite you to one. From the start, Roger was a mysterious kind of guy, choosing his words with caution whenever he spoke. He was funny and always managed to have a small grin drawn on his thin lips. He is a skilled drummer, he has that spark in his eyes while he talks about music and you could always see how much he enjoys singing and playing instruments on stage. He even told you that he would’ve dropped college for a music career when both of you became comfortable enough in each other’s company. Luckily, he doesn’t have to worry about that anymore now; after settling everything with Queen, the boys get more and more recognition, they are working on the upcoming album, planning tours and … Roger’s been privileged lately.
This interview seems to be in his favor. He doesn’t avoid certain questions and isn’t afraid to speak about you, since it is clear how was it between you two. And he definitely knows that you’re watching, that’s why he has this kind of reactions.
„How well do you get along, if so?” The presenter’s voice is heard again, but you’re not so concentrated on her anymore. You watch Roger and how the boys react to his words. He shakes his head and laughs a little, then he shifts a bit on the couch.
„Honestly, she wouldn’t like me to answer this question, but I hardly ever listen to what she says. She gets red in the cheeks or starts to talk fast and all that. All we do is tease each other. Anyone of us is going to say anything.” You couldn’t believe what you heard. Actually, you could, it is just out of blue in Roger’s case. Why is he still blabbering about you? Live. While not only you yourself, but a lot of people are watching. Your relationship with him needs to be a thing of yours only.
Oh, you know him. You know him enough. He enjoys to piss you off, although it’s rare when you really do that.
„So you mean she’s watching us right now?”
„Yeah, she is.” He answered. „Hello there, Y/N.” He waved at the camera and on your TV’s screen, that was a hilarious moment. Damn.
You let yourself fall on your back on the bed, hands on your forehead and feet cold. A weak smile appeared on your lips suddenly and it was awfully wrong. No, don’t do that. You’re being a fool and you will never let Roger Taylor fool you. You were almost as good as him at this aspect. You played each other before, it is normal by now, but your ego needs to be fed. You don’t give a fuck about how that looks like, Roger doesn’t care either when it’s a win-win thing. He’s too full of himself sometimes. Well, you weren’t the kind of person to take that as it was. It was something in the air, you could say, you felt that numerous of times. And you will test that, just as Roger likes to tease you. Because he was a cocky teaser since day one. When he hangs out with you, when he’s drumming and you’re watching, when he makes you dress like him, when he gets both of you drunk … these are just a few of those moments. They’re memorable, but they show just a little part of you and him. There’s a lot more.
„We should really let these freaks alone. They’re special in their own way and you can’t understand that. Believe me, we can’t either.” You heard Brian’s voice but didn’t mind to look back at the TV.
„We can. Instead of that, we chose not to, because they might as well kill everyone around them with just a single glare.” John added and somehow, he was right. The woman laughed.
„Haha, good to know then.”
The rest of the interview was forgotten in a moment. You couldn’t concentrate on it anymore and chose to lay on the bed, underneath the blankets. But because you didn’t want to be rude, you let it finish by itself and after that, you turned off the lights and the TV and tried to sleep. Your phone buzzed somewhere in the room, it was Roger for sure. With a cunning smile on your face you ignored the sound.
You were both teasers.
The next morning, you still didn’t respond to his text. But he didn’t insist. After you woke up and ate your breakfast, you dressed in your already common black jeans, white T-shirt and leather jacket, tied your Y/H/C hair up in a not-so-neat ponytail and looked into the bathroom mirror. You never apply make-up, it’s not something you’d prefer so much. Some people along with your mother and some friends told you that you have beautiful features and that you don’t need any trace of make-up on your skin. You decided to believe that for good because it was actually true, though you never really appreciate details like these ones. Brian, John, Freddie and Roger used to compliment your clear skin when you would catch them staring at you. Besides Roger, who would try to look careless but smile after all when you would catch just a bit of him looking at you.
His house is almost an hour away and that’s a good thing right now. It would’ve been awkward to live close to each other and it would’ve gave him opportunities to try and visit you frequently. Or ‚check on you’, a comment which he used often to make you slap his shoulder or stick your tongue out.
Because you didn’t own a car, you had to simply walk the distance to Roger’s. It was good, you had the chance to think about what you needed to tell him, or how were you supposed to act. Last night, the thought of you two being  more than weird friends who fight and purposely snap at each other was the main topic which made you be convinced that your indifference and eventual avoidance doesn’t really exist. You enjoy Roger’s company, even with his ego, behaviour and way of speaking. He is the first new pal you met in your first year as a student and he made sure, somehow, to make that worth it. Your personalities fitted well. Sarcasm, dirty jokes here and there, subtle looks, crazy and loud nights with the band, bold music, trips, hangovers … As much as you could say, these boys made gold out of your most important moments going through a totally new level of your life. You took all that fun in, knowing that you need to welcome it in order to create memories and things to last. The dangerous feeling of the unknown never really pushed you away from anything and that’s why you and the blonde bud’ kind of clicked.
Needless is to say that you would never take that back under any circumstance.
As soon as you got in front of the house he lived in, you heard powerful bangs echoing all the way to the yard. Early rehearsals, that was it about. Roger usually does that on free weekends. You didn’t knock on the door because he wouldn’t hear a single thing. Instead of that, you just entered the house and went straight to the kitchen in order to reach the garage where he was. You went to the stairs passing the dishes in the sink and even from the top of them, the drums were so powerful for your ears. Slowly getting down, you could see Roger behind his drum kit. He has his eyes closed and big headphones on his head. You don’t make a sound while you remain in the back of the room, watching him. He’s always so concentrated while drumming. The veins on his neck look like they might explode in any minute and his hands move in fast motion. You like the image very much.
With one more hard bang, he stops, finally opening his eyes. He exhales and puts up a big smile dropping the drumsticks somwhere near him and taking off the headphones.
„Nice view.” You ‚welcome’.
„Thanks.” He answers and gets up from the little chair he was sitting on. He pulls on his hair with a hand, messing it a little. „You didn’t answer my text last night.”
„I didn’t, yeah. I fell asleep.”
„Oh.” He said, opening a bottle of water and taking a sip from it. „What did you think about the interview? ’You liked it?”
„No, Roger, I didn’t like it.” You answered, anger being visible in your tone. You crossed your arms to your chest when you got closer to him, looking between the drum kit in front of you.
„I see. Your eyebrows are already frowned.” He added like it was an accident or like it wasn’t something new on you.
„What was that about?” You started „It gets catchy to be around someone like her … . All we do is tease each other. You know, I figured that out already. You did that on purpose.”
„Y/N, are we going to make a scene out of that?”
„You won’t stop, right?” You weren’t pissed because his strategy got to your mind in no time. You grinned a little at him as he was about to open his mouth again. But he was anticipating you.
You moved closer to the drums and searched for the drumsticks. When you noticed them, taking them into your hands, you banged a cymbal. And then another. And another, trying to recreate the beat and sound of something Roger once thaught you. You are too curious sometimes and you definitely can’t keep that to yourself. The drumsticks feel so big in your hands, you’re not used to them and it seems odd to try and play like Roger. He’s too good at this for you and it is a strong point for him. No matter how anxious you were to learn more from him, his technique is quite difficult for you, it's an art that only he can hold onto so well and you think it's better this way. Noticing your attempt, he swallowed his words and watched how you moved your hands, somehow like a proud teacher eager to congratulate your progress. Only that, it wasn’t about progress here. You positioned yourself on the little chair, thinking about your next moves. You banged to the left and right and the beat was built-up pretty good. You were kind of proud while your eyes found Roger’s. Your breathing fastened and you bit your lower lip.
Roger suddenly came behind you, leaning down on his knees, eyes locked on your frame. These drums are hugging you, literally, because you are still a short person and the sight of you behind such powerful instruments makes him wanna clap his hands for you.
„Center.” He murmured and instinctively, you banged just above your knees. „A little bit longer to the right,” he continued, his deep accent lingering through both of your ears. „Then to the left.” Your hands did exactly what Roger said to you and knowing he was behind your back made you tense up. You straightened your back but the warmth of his body kept reaching to your skin through clothes. You felt his hands taking a gentle grip on yours and he started to guide your movements. A little more bold as you were before, along with your own hands he banged continously to the right, then center and to the left and then a cymbal to create the slightly slow beat of ‚I’m In Love With My Car’. You smiled to yourself but Roger’s breath was hitting your neck and that made you so damn distracted. Swallowing hard, you wanted to keep your body as strong as ever, not going to let him take control over you. A few more bangs and you stopped, making Roger step back, but not getting up. Anything could happen and it was very hard for you to think about it. You wipe your hands off your jeans and finally get up from the chair, but Roger has other ideas. When you turn to face him, kind of unprepared, he’s looking at you still being on his knees. His naughty hands go up you legs and he’s slowly getting up right now, resting his palms on your waist. You feel a strong pressure on your shoulders and in your chest. Roger is now, and again, taller than you, a fact which only gets on your nerves. You try to keep any specific expression away from your face with eyebrows still frowned.
He wants to do something, but he does nothing still. He is looking down at you and you won’t dare to look back. It’s about you two. It’s about teasing. It’s about everything and anything you never said to each other. Trying to explain things was boring, always boring for both Roger and you. You would just show up into the room with messed up hair, accelerated breathing, but you would never forget to smile or laugh. You would take his leather jackets and wear them in his spite. You would laugh in his face, scoff him, yell at him, punch him in the stomach playfully or stick your hands into his sweaty hair. You would argue with him about being too noisy, annoying and not too serious for his liking, but you wouldn’t have a care in the world because at the end of the day, he would still throw a hand over your shoulder to drag you closer to him. He is so, so stubborn. So heated up, so ready to knock you down just to help you get back up. He loves when you listen to his songs and drumming, he loves when you want him to learn you what he does, but in your own way, you are a little bastard. And since this feelings thing started to go on and off between you two, what you did was only to make him want to make a move just to back off shortly after that. And looking into your eyes right now, at your baby face and big, confused eyes … It was so fucking tangled. Roger could feel this in his whole body. It took a good amount of confidence to close the distance between you two. Your noses touched and you felt as nervous as you don’t even remember being before.Trying to kiss you, you lifted one drumstick up and shoved it lightly in his abdomen.
„What are you doing?” You asked, not being able to hide the smirk starting to form on your lips. Roger laughed a little and snatched the drumstick from your hand, throwing it on the floor. He wouldn’t answer. You waited. What he did was to cup both of your cheeks with his hands and smash his lips upon yours rapidly. Your breath stopped in your throat and you froze. Your eyes widened while looking into Roger’s whose weren’t still closed as you expected. You did that before. This wasn’t the first time kissing Roger, it was actually the first time it felt like this. The real first time you two kissed each other was when you were both shitfaced along with Freddie and the others and he asked Roger if he would ever just kiss you. He never even thought about it. He’s said yes and then kissed your lips sloppily, fast, just like a simple peck. You didn’t feel nothing back then, because it was nothing serious.
In this moment, his hands went to touch your neck slowly and his eyes closed. You relaxed a little, but still managed to breathe in a fast manner, too nervous to make a move by your own. The only thing you could do was to let him do whatever he wanted. At some point, he stopped, opening his eyes again, puffing cold air right in your face. He seemed unsure and somehow uncomfortable, like he was afraid that he forced the note. Oh, screw it. Just screw it.
You shook your head and places a hand at the back of his head, pulling him too close. You were the one who started the kiss this time, moving your lips and feeling a big tension building up in your stomach. You encouraged him to open his lips and then he was in control. His tongue reached yours in gentle motions, his hands finding their way back to your reddened cheeks. With fast breathing for both of you, he ended up hugging you tightly through the kiss, something which felt so unusual for the way he previously acted around you. Who would’ve thought Roger Taylor is such a sweetheart? A crazy, furious, but cute sweetheart?
The intensity of the moment almost killed you and when both of you stopped for air, your lips remained slightly parted.The first instinct that came to your mind was to slap him in the face. Then, looking into his eyes, you wanted to smile. No one was saying a word and staring was ridiculous. Roger tried to smirk, it was visible on his face, but footsteps started to be heard upstairs. In a blink of an eye, you backed away from the drums you were almost laying on while Roger looked down at his feet. This is stupid. It was stupid to let him kiss you. It was never a game and you were convinced that you could beat his own arrogances, but  now, that kiss softened you in a way which scared you. You hate the feeling.
„Did we interrupt something?” Freddie’s voice was heard in the room and when you looked in the stair’s direction, he was there with Brian and John.
„Hi boys.” You greeted them. „I didn’t know you were coming.”
„Roger invited us this morning. Hey, did you see the interview?”
„Yeah, it was funny.” You mumbled, not being in your scene anymore. Your lips were aching for a certain touch and that was beginning to piss you off. „I’ll leave. ’See each other around.” You announced and looked at Roger from over your shoulder. You could say he was analyzing you by his blue eyes glued on your body.
„Don’t you wanna stay? C’mon, we have to practice and you can watch and maybe sing with us!” Freddie added, smiling at you in a very sweet way. The boys were always excited to have you around when they were rehearsing.
„No, uh- … Maybe another time, okay? Good luck.” You wished them and then left the room. You could hear John whispering back: „What’s up with her?” to the others.
You wanted so bad to snap at Roger back there. But it wasn’t appropriate. It wasn’t okay and now you tend to overthink the situation. Really, what’s up with you? You don’t do this, you swore you would never overthink on Roger. Something burned in the back of your mind and you couldn’t name it. He would better explain himself quickly, you aren’t going to do this over and over again.
Thank you for reading! Thoughts? Are you excited for part two?
Read the other imagines that I posted if you still didn’t and don't forget that I accept requests!
xoxo, D.
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✎ imagines
I’ll post this in case you can’t reach my ‘Imagines’ page because of the theme display or something, not being available on the phone/ tablet instead of computer or laptop. I’ll update it while posting new content. 
Here it is:
Ben Hardy Imagines
‘Galileo’ or Stop Laughing At Me While I’m Filming (Bohemian Rhapsody)
‘Galileo’ For The Win (”’Galileo’ or Stop Laughing At Me While I’m Filming) (Bohemian Rhapsody)
Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor Imagines
Girl Crush 
Roger Taylor Imagines (Queen)
Cocky Teaser (Part 1.)
xoxo, D.
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Girl Crush (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor Imagine)
I wrote this after listening to ‘Girl Crush’ and broke my own heart. 
Also posted on AO3.
Warnings: angst, bits of fluff, bits of swearing, as a whole, very, very lovely. 
Additional details: → Based on the song ‘Girl Crush’ cover version by Harry Styles. It’s on Spotify if you wanna listen to it or maybe I’ll put it down there. 
           → Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor, but you can imagine Roger alone or Ben, if                  you feel like it.
           → Action taking place at present.
PLOT: You are confused as hell while Roger knows for sure that he’s in love with you. So, he puts that into a song. 
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(Credits to Greta Myklegard for the GIF on Pinterest.)
„C’mon, he wants you there more than anyone else.” Brian says, in a final attempt to make you move from the couch you are sitting in this moment. You know he’s in a rush and you are only making things worse for him, but he doesn’t give up. „Y/N, look, we have 40 minutes left and if you think about doing something, you should make a decision right about now. Forget about the argument, it’s the most insignificant thing now for you both.” So many thoughts, so little time. You thought. Brian looks up at the clock on the wall and you feel the urge to tell him to go. You just don’t want to make him be late or annoy him even more. And he, being the sweet guy he is, never admits the fact that you annoy him.
For maybe the millionth time today, your mind travelled back to a particular person. Blue eyes, beautiful blonde hair and, you should add, a big temper even though he acts like this shy boy every once in a while. And you were mad, but having his image in your head helped a bit through the phase. You are a very bad person and Roger is the last person to deserve to be treated like this. That is why staying in your pajamas in your house to spend the rest of the night was a better idea than going anywhere out . You wouldn’t hurt anyone.
„I still don’t hear you saying a single thing.” The curly one says again, somehow resisting to the impulse of pinching your arm or something like that.
„That is because I don’t feel good. I don’t feel comfortable coming tonight. I’ll ruin your moment, I don’t wanna do that.” You say with your thoughts all a mess inside your head.
„Neither does Roger. I saw him today, he clearly was pissed. But you know what? Yours and his pride shouldn’t be bigger than they way you need each other. Remember that you were there everytime.
Bloody hell. He shouldn’t have said that like that.
„I’m right here.”
„I don’t have a very good feeling about it, but I’ll be back in 12 minutes.” You say and in one second, you’re standing on your own feet. Brian smiles at you, somehow relieved that he didn’t have to spend too much time convincing you or contradict your opinions. You reached your bedroom and put on the most easier to find clothes. It wasn’t a formal thing or something which needed a significant part of care, it was just a little concert in a bar. You combed your wild hair, applied some mascara and lip gloss and you thought you were ready. Phisically, at least. You put your phone in the back pocket of your jeans and then went back to Brian, who was up from the couch, waiting impatiently for you.
„I’m okay.” You assure, but don’t know from where this comes from. You grab your house keys from the coffee table and in a few moments you are in the passenger’s seat in Brian’s car.
Roger. Your mind whispers. While you bite the inside of your cheek, his face appears in front of your eyes. He is so naive. Or, are you naive?
You didn’t have to tell him all those things. It was obvious that he didn’t need any of them, nor was his intention to confuse you. Yet, you are still so confused. Because you have no idea how you should act around him. He does these things … And you don’t know if you’re supposed to accept them or not. He has feelings for you. This is showing on him, it has been for a lot of time now. And somehow, this complicates your situation even more. Roger is a great person. He is a handsome man and an amazing friend, but is this how it should be? His actions towards you have always spoken more for him than his words. How he looks at you when you’re around him, how he tries to make you laugh and how he offers to help you so often you feel almost ungrateful. He’s so nice, it’s almost unbelieveable. You, on the other hand and in comparison, are in doubts and can only create complications with your beliefs.
„This … I think this is not right. Please, why you keep doing those things for me? I-I can’t make up for it, I don’t think I could feel the same for you, Roger. I don’t know, don’t force me.”
„I’m not trying to force you, Y/N, don’t say that. Why is this so hard for you to get? I just want you good, it’s so nice for me to see you smile and all that … But maybe that makes me a damn burden and I can totally understand it.”
Ugh, remembering this day’s events is awful. And the argument. It’s miserable.
„Remember that you were there everytime.” And Brian is right. Not just because he’s more conscious than you, but because it is true. You met Roger and the band he’s in exactly at the bar you are now heading to. It hapenned on a night when you decided to stop studying and stressing over final exams and get out of the house. Your mood was completely shitty, you reckon, and that made you give up for some hours. You entered the bar which was, back then, filled with teenagers who were almost the same age as you, drinking and simply having fun to your disadvantage. You found out that someone’s about to light up the atmosphere with some music only when a group of men became the center of attention. One held a mic, who’s name was Freddie, two of them had guitars, Brian and John and one more, Roger, positioned himself behind a drum set in the back. His messy hair back then was the first thing to catch you attention. When they started singing along with playing their instruments, there was this blast for your ears. They have totally disconnected you from your too full universe. Made you smile while admiring their talent and then cheering with the crowd when they were done. The memory makes you tremble now. It’s been almost two years since. Ever since, you were lucky enough to be present everytime they sang there. You got to know their songs in order and witness the new ones on occasions. They had power, a lot of talent, they were skilled and entertained every single person in the little crowded bar which became, by the way, more and more popular because of them. By having the courage to congratulate them, without even noticing, you became friends. It was an uncertain fact at first, but it became stable on the way. The truth was they were normal people, all in all. Normal people with a passion that brought them together to amaze the others. Music was an important hobby for them, but they have said that it would never be serious enough to make a living out of it.
Oh boy, how wrong they were.
The more people came to watch them playing on different nights and get drunk in addition, the more popular they became. And it just happened for you to be there when a man in uniform offered them the occasion to visit a recording studio. That was it. Everything went smooth, enjoyable and crazy. Absolutely crazy. Their first album followed shortly after that and now they go under the band name ‚Queen’.  
To get along with Roger was an interesting process. He was the ladie’s man with fast hands and drumsticks. But the thing was that he never looked after any woman in particular. He only looked after … Well, you. It was confusing to understand how and why, but you just assmued that you don’t have to explain everything and believed that, eventually, things will clarify. It was easy to say that Roger didn’t give up on his purpose. He never really lost any opportunity to take you out to dinner, flirt with you and smile in that way he does. Although you tried to avoid getting closer and closer, he’s always managed to pull you closer. He didn’t try anything on you still, never kissed you or tell you clearly what was that he wanted. But it was already obvious and the thought, the aspects of it scared you, if it’s to be honest. Why? Is still your question.
Why letting Roger to have you was so confusing and hard to get?
You wish you had an actual answer to that.
There were a lot of guys around you. There was this one, Anthony, who got under your skin a little, unfortunately for Roger. Not that you wanted to be rude. Only God knows, you cared about Roger too much, he earned that from you, but the way Anthony was seemed to feel right. It seemed to feel like it was appropriate for you, while when you were around your blonde one made you feel your skin burning, your stomach squeezing and your hands sweating. Could you name that?
No. You never did.
 „You seriously scare me when you are so deep into your thoughts.” Brian’s voice snaps you back to reality when you realize that you are biting your lower lip hard enough to make the blood spill out. Hopefully, that didn’t happen.
„What? We arrived?” You ask.
„Yeah, we’re here. 20 more minutes.”
You got out of the car, facing the bar. The wind blowing freshened your tenseness. Your hands are squeezed into fists, but there’s barely a thing you could do about that. Still, you manage to move, nervous. The inside of the bar is already full and the smell of alcohol and cigarettes gets to your nose quickly. It’s loud in here, mostly because everyone is excited. The boys are back from tour and decided to have a mini-show back at the bar where it all started. Like a ‚hi there again’ for everyone who watched their performances throughout the years. They were clearly important individuals now.
Brian suggested you to stay near the stage and then he rushed somwhere in the back. No one could call that a backstage because there wasn’t one. It was just a tiny space behind the stage, where they got used to encourage themselves before the show, laugh, have shots and practice a little. You know Roger use to play with his drumsticks there, hitting the air imaginary and throwing them up. Once, one of the drumsticks even hit him in the eye, but he didn’t complain, because he saw that you were secretly looking.
You ordered a glass of something strong for your state of mind and waited patiently. That is all you can do for now. The air is filled with eagerness, people are moving too fast around and there is no trace of your boys. No.
Stay. Don’t you dare to think of leaving.
The crowd started to whisper loudly when the lights dimmed and the little stage was all Freddie’s. He appeared, wearing a not so bold of an outfit as you were used to, smiling and waving to everyone. From behind, there came John, Brian and finally, the ladie’s man. He lifted his hands in the air, along with his drumsticks and smiled warmly. You suddenly felt the need to smile as well, seeing him form afar. He has his hair slightly wavy maybe from the humid air and wears black skinny jeans with a plain white, elbows-lenght shirt. This look makes him be even more handsome, with his white teeth and soft, blue eye. You bite your lip unconsciously.
They start playing and it’s pure bliss. The people are absorbed by them, singing along and dancing around like some super happy freaks. Their hands are quickly in the air, yelling from excitement and spilling their drinks on the floor without being bothered. You stand still, in a poor-lighted corner with your empty galss in your hand, wanting so hard to move and dance with the others. These boys are awesome. But you can’t move, just swing a little from left to right because Roger managed to see you at some point. He seemed a bit shocked until trying to hide it. His drumming was intense, hair being a mess, cheeks flushed and wet lips while he was looking in your direction. You tried to grin, liftting your glass in the air and making him smirk for a bit.
Yeah, your pride wasn’t bigger than the way you needed each other. It’s true, for God’s sake, but you’re a fool for the record and will never admit this.
Only looking at Roger, a last song was heard and then people started to scream again, loving the atmosphere the boys created. They stood on the stage and took all the noise, all that cheering into their souls, breathing fire and joy. You placed your glass on the the bar’s counter and exited your ‚safe’ place, approaching the stage but still being covered by the crowd.
„Alright, we’re not done just yet.” Freddie says in the mic. He looks at Roger from behind his shoulder and continues. „Our friends right here needs to do something. Come here, buddy.” You watch as Roger steps forward. His breathing is fast, you can see. A moment of silence later, he speaks:
„I’ll apologize in advance if I’ll sound like shit, I’m trying though.” His face is all sweaty and red, but he’s so beautiful. With the mic now in his hands, he looks at Brian who jusy enjoyed him. He nods, everyone becomes quiet and you tense up.
A gentle guitar sound is heard and your hands start shaking. Roger finds you in the crowd and while looking right into your eyes, he says:
„This is for my girl.”
 „I got a girl crush …”
 Your heartbeats speed up. Your feet take you right in front of the stage in a desperate attempt to understand what is happening. You know this song. You know this song and it sounds painfully good from his mouth.
 „Hate to admit it but
I got a heart rush
It ain't slowing down
I got it real bad
Want everything she has
That smile and that midnight laugh
She's giving you now”
 You pity him. It’s so lame and unecessary, but you do. Something inside of you flinches and a knot is forming in your throat.
 „I want to taste her lips
Yeah, ’cause they taste like you
I want to drown myself
In a bottle of her perfume”
 Roger is nervous too, you can see that by the way he tightens his grip on the mic. His voice can tremble in any moment, he’s so concentrated as he lays his forehead on the mic head. The lights are all on him, at a decent amount of intensity.
„I want her long blonde hair
I want her magic touch
Yeah, 'cause maybe then
You'd want me just as much
And I've got a girl crush
I've got a girl crush”
 You can barely look around to see everyone watching him in awe. It almost makes a tear drop down your cheek, but you shouldn’t do that. They lift their hands up in the air once again, moving them along with the rhythm.
Oh, Roger …
 „I don't get no sleep
I don't get no peace
Thinking about her
Under your bed sheets”
 Anthony. For a strange reason, Anthony comes into your mind. The music reminds you of how you slept with him for the first time. Roger knows nothing about this, and should never find out. But you feel guilty. On that night, Anthony, although he was hugging you from behind in his bed, wasn’t the one you thought about. Roger was.
 „The way that she's whispering
The way that she's pulling you in
Lord knows I've tried
I can't get her off my mind”
 You couldn’t breathe properly. You’re so nervous and you have any idea why. It’s so frustrating and it makes your face red with feelings. There was this day once, when you cut one of your fingers with a knife while trying to cook something alone. You’ve tried to cook before, but only simple recipes. You swore a lot when the knife slipped in your hand and cut a wound in your finger. You couldn’t stand blood, so you rushed to the hospital to get stitches. You called both Anthony and Roger, maybe one of them was willing to take you back home. And guess who came first.
Not Anthony.
Roger. And he was worried as hell. He checked your finger, the bandage and asked if you were okay. His touches on you were gentle, they were sweet and caring and you remember how warm that made you feel.
 „I want to taste her lips
Yeah, 'cause they taste like you
I want to drown myself
In a bottle of her perfume
I want her long blonde hair
I want her magic touch
Yeah, 'cause maybe then
You'd want me just as much”
 It’s so weird, you feel him so vulnerable. You can’t be pissed anymore, there’s no point in that. Everything in you tells you that you need to go up there and hug him. He doesn’t look at you anymore, he’s looking at the crowd. Some of them are crying, some of them are leaning against each other and dance in silence. Brian plays at his guitar with fine touches. Freddie and John are doing the backing vocals, they murmur together like two birds and you can swear you are in love.  But Roger loves you and he’s trying to get this right for you.
And you feel so bad for it.
„And I've got a girl crush
Oh, and I got a girl crush”
 You try to handle when Roger turns to look at you and dries his lips. His eyes glow, and seeing him this way, you try to smile as beautiful and true as you can. He swallows hard before singing the last notes of the song that made you love him so freaking much.
 „I got a girl crush
Hate to admit it but
I got a heart rush
It ain't slowing down”
 When he finishes, a silent moment goes by. He lets out a shaky breath and then, right there, the crowd begins to applaud and call out his name. And you can’t lose this chance. You clap your hands so hard while he gets your sight and smiles so little. You close your eyes and decide it is time to slow down. All these things for you. Roger Taylor is ruining you right now, but it’s fine as long as you did that too to him.
Trying to calm down from your weak moment, you wait for the bar to empty in order to catch your breath. The need for fresh air is inevitable. Still, you can hold on for a couple of minutes more. Brian, Freddie, John and Roger aren’t anywhere close so you start wandering around. Suddenly, Brian takes your hand and points you forward, where Roger is staying, unable to see you. He is holding his head down and the image is terrible. You nod to Brian and he smiles back at you, trying to send you some boldness. You walk towards Roger and when you are right behind him, your arms wrap around his warm body. He doesn’t jump taken aback, he doesn’t move. Your head creeps on his shoulder where you see him with both of his hands placed on a glass with a dark-colored liquid in it.
„’Drowning your sorrows in alcohol, huh?” You speak in his ear, his bittersweet scent hitting on your senses.
„It’s just Coke. If it was alcohol, then I would’ve been wasted by now in terms of how I’m feeling.” He doesn’t turn his head at you and you can guess it’s because he’s somewhat ashamed.
„Roger?” You whisper. „Look at me, please.”
He does. His eyes find yours and they’re a bit red. Did he cry?  
„We will stare in each other’s eyes now?” He asked with sarcasm. Still, his voice was weak.
You giggled. Then, your hands cupped his cheeks. What followed was shocking for both of you. Lips to lips, you two kissed. It was lingering, a little needy at first and then slow. Your lips were hot, feelings tangled and fingers numb on his skin. He placed his hands on your wirsts, applying pressure as he kept his lips glued to yours. A light strong taste from his tongue was now in your mouth and you immediately knew he lied earlier.
„Is that whiskey I’ve just felt in your mouth, love?”
„Just a little.” He answered, giving you that smirk which, right now, makes you lose your mind.
„Thank you so much, Roger. So, so much. You were beautiful out there. So, damn sweet.” You know your words could be meaningless compared to what he did tonight for you. But this was all you could do. You feel dizzy even tough you barely drank. You assume it’s because of what happened.
„It wasn’t a big thing. I’m not the romantic type, you know?”
„I know. I need some air, do you want to take a walk with me? We need to talk.” You say, not breaking eye-contact for a single second. He dared to intertwine his fingers with yours and then stand up. You hold his hand carefully while guiding him to the exit. The night is chilly just as it has to be to cool you down, but with Roger by your side, your whole body is burning. Confusion is lost, hopefully forever.
Let’s talk about Ben Hardy as Roger Taylor wearing a plain white, elbows-lenght shirt, okay? My heart is too weak for that. I’m nervous about this because I spent a lot of time writing it and I hope you will enjoy. Thank you so much in advance for reading! Heart, reblog, comment, whatever, it will be enormously appreciated and kind of you! Opinions really, really help me and make me wanna continue writing. :)
xoxo, D.
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‘Galileo’ For The Win (’Galileo’ or Stop Laughing At Me While I’m Filming Part 2.) (Ben Hardy Imagine)
Also posted on d-double-trouble and AO3.
Warnings: None.
                                                    Imagines / Part 1
PLOT: You’re back at Ben’s door after a difficult night out with Rockie, your boyfriend and you can definitely see the difference.
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(Credits to Nicole Partridge for the picture on Pinterest.)
It was after 10PM when you faced Ben’s apartment door. You were slightly tired, your phone was switched to ‚silent mode’ and you, yourself, had a bitter taste in your mouth. It would’ve been better if you had accepeted Ben’s offer from earlier this day. Your night out with Rockie was pretty terrible, to be honest. He liked to call it a date, but it didn’t feel like one at all. You two went to a restaurant near your house, a place you used to frequent before because you enormously enjoyed their food. Also, the place where you, Ben and Rockie hung out together for the first time. This time, Rockie acted so strange; he has questioned you, he looked at you and talked to you on a suspicious tone and he was all moody, like some particular thing really pissed him off. You couldn’t explain to yourself his behaviour, but it was certain that it ruined your night and bored you. What if Rockie found out you weren’t at work today and that you actually lied to him? No, he couldn’t have. You didn’t even spill something out, and it wasn’t a thing which should’ve worried you.
You don’t even care now.
After a few more seconds of thinking, you finally knock on the door. You can’t tell if someone’s approaching to open it, you can’t really define any sound inside the apartment. Holding your handbag over your shoulder and biting your lip, you see someone now looking at you through the opened door. It was nice to see that soft, blonde hair again.
„Oh.” He started. „It isn’t that late for you to be here, Y/N.”
„Hi.” You welcomed slowly. „So can I come in?” An answer to your question wasn’t needed, he just got out of your way and let you in without any comment. After he closed the door, his attention was all yours.
„Your night with Rockie?”
„I don’t really want to talk about this right now. I am tired and a bit angry.” You answered him. Your voice was calm, though. You were keeping your tone clean.
„Okay, sure. Everyone is in the living room, come with me. They’ll be very happy to see you.” Ben said, nodding. You let him walk in front of you while you followed him from behind. As you were approaching the living room, the voices you were hearing became more and more proeminent. Lucy’s one was subtle and cute as always while those deep masculine tones almost managed to cover it all.
Once they saw you, they stopped talking instantly. On each of their faces appeared a wide smile and they all greeted you.
„Y/N, it’s so nice to see you!” Gwilym said, but before you could start to talk, someone wrapped their arms around your waist. The sweet smell of her hair made you smile.
„Y/N!” Lucy was obviously excited to see you. You tried not to look too tensed and murmured a ,hello’ to each one of them. Then, you waved. When Lucy’s hand dragged you where she was sitting, on the couch, you had the chance to hi5 with each of the boys. They had beer bottles in their hands. Lucy had a glass full of juice, you assmued, with a straw in it.
„Lemonade, juice … And, well, I think beer is out of the discussion.” Ben suggested.
„Lemonade would be fine.” And then the boy went straight to the kitchen.
„I heard that you cannot come tonight.” The blonde girl beside you said.
„’Turns out I’m here, right?”
„You visited us today, but I didn’t get to see you.” Joe joined the conversation.”And you stole Ben in the lunch break.” He added. You smiled at him.
„It wasn’t like that.”
„It’s okay, Y/N, you don’t need to lie. Ben is not restricted to see other girls. I’m quite understanding.”
„Did I hear my name somwhere around here?” The one you were talking about had just came back with a glass in his hand. He came and handed it to you. You thanked him.
”Just Joe and his protection over you.” You said, looking at Joe with an amused expression. He winked.
„How lovely.” Ben replied while going to the place where the armchair Joe was sitting on was. „Not in front of her, please.” He begged.
This was clearly a thing for them. Joe and Ben became very friendly with each other quickly while working together on set. They had inside jokes, some of them which seemed strange for you and sometimes even making you a little jealous. All in all, it was funny to be around them and see them interacting like that. It’s a good thing they get along, especially for the bond they need to have in the movie. The others, Rami, Gwilym and Lucy were enjoying each other’s company just the same, they know how to get close to you and make you laugh, especially when they’re all together. It’s been barely three months since you met them for the first time and it has already felt like they have been your friends for years. Rami has an intelligence which makes you feel like a child when you talk to him, Joe is literally Joey Tribbiani from Friends, Gwilym acts just like a father in front of you all, not to mention how tall he is. He’s cute and knows how to play with words, always been around to make conversation with you about everything he would’ve noticed you are into. And Lucy … Lucy is a total sweetheart, always supporting, funny, a little clumsy, gentle, beautiful and incredibly good at giving advice. She helped you so much in three months with your questions about pregnancy, your messed up thoughts and with those shitty days you’ve had when everything seemed so upside down for no reason. She’s got a little obsession for dessert too and that brings you two even closer to each other. It is very exciting to be around them. Truly.
And Ben seems to be over the moon to know such persons. To see him so determinated, hard-working and eager for what future can bring him is a pleasure. He becomes more and more free around people, with you he behaves wonderfully, he makes you laugh and cheers you up everytime he has the opportunity. Being an actor fits him like a glove, it makes him glow and you can glow with him too.
You don’t realize how time passes when you, Lucy, Ben, Rami, Gwilym and Joe start talking. They continue to discuss about the upcoming scenes that need to be filmed over the next few days, debates about the movie’s relase date, future events and interviews, days off and free time and eventually, you feel the need to rest your head on Lucy’s shoulder. The glass of lemonade is still in your lap, but you don’t pay attention to it while your eyelinds become heavy enough to make your eyes close. You didn’t want to abandon the conversation with your friends, but you simply couldn’t help the fact that you were tired. This day has tired you and Rockie hasn’t helped you too much either. Sleep takes hold of you. The voices of your friends are losing intensity and you’re so comfortable.
After a good period of time when no sound is coming from your mouth, Ben finally notices that you have fallen asleep. With the eyes of the others watching his movements, he gets up from next to Rami and gets to you. His arms wrap around your waist and soon, he’s carrying you to his bedroom. It’s so hard to feel him moving, you sleep peacefully, only shifting when feeling a soft surface beneath you. Before returning to the living room, Ben looks at you once again and at the way your mouth is slightly parted whenever you’re sleeping. Smiling for himself, he turns off the lamp on the nightstand and leaves the door cracked behind him.
When you suddenly wake up it’s 3AM in the morning. That’s what your phone’s clock is saying when the light of the homescreen blinds you. Leaving it on the bed, you get up trying not to lose your balance due to fatigue and reach for the doorknob only to realize that the door is actually open. The hallway is very quiet to the living room and you can’t hear a voice while walking. In the living room, Ben is ready to lie down on the couch, with the TV on.
„Ben?”  You murmur, rubbing both of your eyes.
„What are you doing, Y/N? Go back to sleep.”
„They’re gone already?” You asked, trying to find Lucy or Joe or Rami anywhere around. Instead, the room seemed dark and empty. Ben saw the confusion on your face so he made you understand.
„It’s late. Joe was the last one to leave, but yeah. They went home.”
„I fell asleep early, but I was tired.”
„I know. I saw it. Are you okay?” He asked, as if he was unsure of your situation. You didn’t really understand what he was referring to but you wanted to make him understand as well.
„Yeah, of course I am.”
„What happened tonight?” You didn’t move from your place. He, on the other hand, got closer until he was almost next to you. Rockie returned to your mind like a boulder, but you were lucky that your nerves  were eased by now.
„You mean about me and Rockie? He is just … We went out and he was suspicious all the time. I felt him being tensed while he was talking to me. Almost angry, I can say. I don’t know, it was very upsetting . I couldn’t wait to come back home after that, so when we did, I waited for him to fall asleep and then here I was. That’s what happened.”
„Uh …” Was all Ben could say about what he heard. You knew that he didn’t want to comment about your relationship or get too annoyed at Rockie because he cared about what you could’ve thought.  He wasn’t always able to control his reactions, he was aware of how stupid Rockie could’ve been sometimes.
„He starts to get on my nerves very quickly with this phases of his. He manages to get me tired all the damn time.” You confessed while your friend could only nod in agreement. „Ben, I know what you think even if you don’t prefer to talk.”
„That’s good because I won’t say it. You’re right, it’s annoying, but as you said today at the cafe, he has to understand.”
„Faster if possible.”
„Don’t ruin your rest with this now. Go back and sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow morning, okay? I’m gonna make sure to wake you up with the smell of coffee.” And he was right. You didn’t have to think about your childish boyfriend everytime you got into some kind of fight with him. And the most important, not now. Maybe he has to think about his behaviour too, if it isn’t too much to handle.
„You’ll sleep on the couch?” Only you could thing about somethink like that in this moment.
„Don’t worry about it.”
„I honestly don’t get how can you handle all my drama.” You were a little ashamed of Ben and of how many times he had to witness your life turning into a soap opera. Good for you, he never thinked like that about you and will never be able to. As long as he could help, it was more than fine for him. And unlike Rockie, he really knew you.
„I wish you a good night. Now go back to bed!” He even gestured you back to the hallway. You lifted your hands up in defense and turned around to go back to the bedroom. All the while, you wore a sheepish smile on your face.
You were lying on your back, half-asleep when a strong, kind of sweet smell awoken all of your senses. You stretched your arms in the air and you blinked several times to get used to the image in front of your eyes. You took a deep breath and sealed your lips, which were parted because of your weird habit. Getting up, you got scared when you saw Ben just by the edge of the bed holding a cup of coffee in one of his hands.
„I hope not to find saliva on my pillow.”
„Aw, good morning to you too.” You cooed at him, not even taking in consideration his comment.
„As I promised …” He said, giving you the cup of coffee. „I had to let it cool down, as you prefer iced coffee.” Hearing him saying those words was funny and beautiful in the same time. A nice thing to wake up to.
„An observer. Sweet.” Your voice was definitely not normal in the morning. The sound of it almost made you cringe. However, you took a sip from your coffee.
„I’ll be back in the kitchen. My coffee is there.” Not long after he was out of the room, you took another sip from the cup and placed it on the nightstand near the bed. You searched for your phone on the mattress and when you found it, the first intention was to unlock it.
Oh no.
20 calls and 10 messages from Rockie were popping on the homescreen and you knew you were terrified and screwed. You bit your lip, not really feeling the guilt while you got up from the bed, following Ben in the kitchen. On the window, you could see the sun and the clear, blue sky. It seems like an amazing day. You certainly don’t want to ruin it with anything from an ugly text to an annoying boyfriend.
„I’m in so much trouble.” You said once you were facing Ben. He stood in front of the kitchen counter holding a white mug in his right hand. He didn’t seem to understand, that until you handed him your phone. He reluctantly took it, starting to tap the screen, probably scrolling through messages. Suddenly, you felt like this was all your fault.
„Your phone is on silent mode.”
„I did that last night, right after I left my house.”
„You know, it’s not such a big deal.”
„It is. But I didn’t want to talk to him. I was angry. And I can still be angry if I fully read those texts.”
„You know he exaggerates. You two need to talk, and that before you get to call him a loser.”
„Ben - …”
„No, in fact, he acts like a loser.”
Ben approached you and gave your phone back. You put it in the back pocket of your right now too-tight jeans and crossed your arms to your chest.
„I will clarify the situation, but I will not feel compelled to explain him anything more than it’s needed. Nothing happened and that’s all.”
„I’ll say something.” He kind of warned. „If you were my girlfriend, I certainly wouldn’t mind if I realized you’re spending more time with Joe than with me. Sincerely. It would’ve seemed funny to me.”
„We’re friends, that’s why you’re saying this right now.” Ben is used to always find an explanation, no matter how pointless it is.
„Not really. I trust you enough on that part.” He said back.
„Ben, you need to tell those things to somebody.” You started, feeling so fond of him all of a sudden. He was too sweet for this hour, this situation and even too sweet for a person like you. „Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate you so much for everything, but there should be someone out there only for you who really needs you. More than I do. You totally deserve it.” The corners of his mouth curled when he heard what you’ve just said. He hestiated for a start, but then he came straight to you and dragged your whole body into o bear-alike hug. You were a bit surprised, but you’d never think of rejecting him or his pretty, sudden reactions. „Why isn’t there any lucky girl by your side?” Your words were muffled by your face being stuck in the fabric of the shirt he was wearing. Which, by the way, smelled like a candy shop for an unknown reason.
„’You mean you don’t feel lucky enough?” He looked at you from above, his eyes teasing a palyful exchange of expressions. „How can you ask me about a potential girlfriend while you’re being tucked up in my arms in this moment?
„Don’t do that. You should look for someone permanent.”
„Well, I happen to know that you’ll be giving birth in five months from now and unfortunately, I’m not in need of a grilfriend for the time being. I have to take care of someone, have you forgotten?”
„Stay right where you are, dear, I’m all good.”
„Anyway, if you’re still in doubts about the small bean’s name, I can help.” He suggested. Crazy how he manages to change topics.
„I’m still curious to hear them.” But after saying this sentence, you stopped in your tracks. „You’re definitely not going to call him Galileo.”
„Hey, but it is a smart ass name and how the hell did you know I was thinking about it?” He laughed and eventually broke your hug.
„You know, it was on your face.” It was actually, but another creepy detail about you was the fact that you could guess your friend’s next words, in some situations like this one, for example. Especially when he’s excited about something.
„And what if I would’ve said Patrick?”
„My baby’s name will never, ever be Patrick. This is a fact.”
„You’re mean.”
„And you’re terrible at picking names. But actually, you can, if you want, of course, do something for me.”
„I’d fancy a ‚cool mom’ badge.”
„Oh, I know.”
It was a better idea to stay here with Ben and drink your coffees together rather than trying to get something good out of your relationship with Rockie. In fact, it wasn’t a thing to abandon speaking with him, just not a thing to do now. It could’ve sound selfish, but Ben was firmly a better companion.
„So you want to do that.”
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“Galileo” or Stop Laughing At Me While I’m Filming (Ben Hardy Imagine)
Also posted on d-double-trouble and AO3. 
Warnings: Should I say none or should I say that things will get serious by the end of this? 
                                                Imagines / Part 2
PLOT: Your friend, Ben is hilarious while filming for Bohemian Rhapsody movie and that makes both of you distracted. (+)
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(Credits to Alena Abbazova for the picture on Pinterest.)
It was literally too hard to abstain your smile when you visited Ben on set. Everyone around was simply so nice to you, Ben’s new friends were hilarious and to have the chance to see him being completely transformed into the one and only Roger Taylor from Queen was beyond words as an experience and above all of that, the role fitted him so well. You would’ve skipped days at work for those kind of opportunities, which weren’t so common, but somehow, Ben had managed to invite you here to spend some time together. Bohemian Rhapsody was the best thing that has ever happened to him in a long time. I mean, yeah, he was an incredible actor and you knew it very well, but for him to be part of such an important project with such dedicated cast and crew meant very much. The world, actually. You could see the excitement in him from miles away and the way he talked about every detail, the way he would call you everytime to tell you about how his day went, recreate moments and jokes made by his mates and how he would ask you to come and see with your own eyes how amazing is to do that day by day … You were so glad for him. Glad that he was having a great time and for the fact that he was living his best dreams of all. You’ve been lucky enough to be among his old friends from home, he is a special person for you because it’s been a long time since you’ve known each other. Right before graduation, when he had just started to go to University, you were there even when he got the role of Peter Beale in Eastenders. He certainly worked hard to become what he is today, even though he thinks he still has a lot more things to learn in order to feel like a real actor. To be honest, he is sometimes too insecure to admit that he ended up where he is now because he liked acting and being involved with people on the stage. He just had this passion and went on with it until it became something to be proud about.
At least, you felt very proud of him.
„Galileo, Galileo … Galileo, Figaroo!” In an attempt to muffle your laughter when you watched Ben trying to imitate Roger’s falsettos while the scene where the boys were supposedly recording Bohemian Rhapsody was being filmed, you held your palm just over your mouth. You discovered that it is almost impossible to hold back some giggles when you see him acting in this part. The script is good, no doubt, it’s just the blond haired here, and his profound skills.
„Higher.” Gestured Joe who was playing John Deacon.
„Jesus, how many more Galileo’s do you want??” Ben bursted, deep into his role. Even so, you couldn’t stop laughing … Or half-choking-half-laughing. You knew he shouldn’t have seen you, but that was hard enough when you were behind the cameras at a decent distance from the director. Every person from the edge of the filming area was watching carefully and entertained except from you. And like it was written in the stars, Ben cought your action and the look on your face. Surely, your face was red with amusement and that was the thing that made him shot you a grin and then let out an innocent laugh. The next thing you knew was the director yelling a ‚cut’.
„Was that in the script?” The question followed. Immediately after that, you moved away from set, it was your fault for that  and you didn’t want to be observed. Walking quickly past some other people responsable with the costumes and sound you ended up at a table filled with snacks brought by everyone. You grabbed a salty biscuit and ate it nervously. Some moments went by and Ben didn’t seem to be around so you tried to turn around and go back to where you were standing. Insteand of doing that, you were taken aback by his own figure which was now right behind you. He smirked in your face. Okay, so you didn’t cause that much of a trouble.
„Y/N.” He said, with a voice which didn’t inspire threat at all. „Stop laughing at me while I’m filming.”
And because you have always tried to be a devoted friend of him, an innocent expression was all you could give back in response.
„You know I’m not complaining, but they might want to kill me otherwise.”
„I’m so sorry.” You started with a short giggle. „You all were so funny and so concentrated to get it right out there. Besides, it’s even funnier that you are supposed to reach some high notes of someone who is famous for them.”
„Oh, really? Well, just so you know, I handle it pretty damn well.” Said Ben while trying to dramatically push some stands of his blonde wig from near his right cheek away. Instead of doing that, he only managed to move the wig from its perfect place on his head.
„Now you should be careful with Roger Taylor’s hair.” You noted, stopping any of his movements. „Please.”
„Don’t you worry, darling.” He teased, slowly letting a grin take over his lips. Seconds later, someone called his name from somwhere back on set, maybe. „I gotta go, but let’s grab a coffee in the lunch break. I’ll have a whole hour.”
„Sure. Why not?”
„Stay away from the set, Y/N.” He smiled at you and stepped back. When he wasn’t in your sight anymore, you shook your head being amused and then tried to come up with something you could do to make time fly.
„I don’t really get why you prefer iced coffee over simple coffee. Coffee should be a hot beverage.” Sitting at a table at the cafe, you needed to answer to Ben’s foolsih question. And for the record, you weren’t planning on spending the hour he had with this kind of debate.
„Can you not?” You said, raising your eyebrows at him.
„I will never understand.” Ben continued. „So how comes that you were on set today? Was your boss in a good mood to give you a day off?”
„Well, he didn’t really give me a day off.” You trailed your own words. „I think I told him a little white lie.” You were working at a company in charge with planning different kind of events and most of your days at work were kind of full. It was either going from place to place, either making phone calls all day long. A little disturbing thing of yours was the fact that you were too dedicated in comparison with the rest of the employees and unfortunately for you, the boss had noticed. It became hard trying to find an excuse for a day off, even to explain why you were, for example, half an hour late. But you always work it out, one way or another.
„You lied to see me, as I hear.”
The guy in front of you surely knew how to turn things in his favor. Bad for him that you were already used to that, so you knew how to trick the rules.
„Yeah, I told him that a close friend of mine is in the hospital for a knee surgery.”  You answered.
„Knee surgery? What kind of reason did you give him for that?”
„He fell off the bike.”
„You should be grateful that I didn’t told him I was going to visit Ben Hardy on the set of Bohemian Rhapsody, not that he would’ve known you.” You shot back, taking a sip from your iced coffee.
„We all are Queen fans, Y/N, it would’ve been a thing, trust me.” Of course he wasn’t going to drop it because he’s such a proud winner. At least he acts like one.
„Okay, okay. Let’s change the subject. How was your day before me coming in and ruining your opera moment?” He tasted his warm coffee as well while answering to your question.
„Awesome. We filmed some scenes in just one take, which was pretty intense. How’s Rockie?”
Rockie was your boyfriend since college and right now, Ben just wanted to keep the conversation going by asking about him. He’s never been his type of a person and Rockie glared at him whenever the three of you would hang out. Although he never said it, he is jealous of your friend. He thinks he spends too much time in your presence and doesn’t like when you two have inside jokes which seem too much for his understanding. This is the only thing that upsets you about Rockie. He can’t tell you with who you should hang out with and with who you shouldn’t. But being your boyfriend for almost four solid years was beautiful. When there’s just you and him, he’s gentle, reserved and loving. He looks after you and speaks very fondly of you to his relatives and friends. And maybe, maybe there is one more thing which keeps you settled.
„He’s fine, at work I suppose. For the record, he knows that I’m in my office right now and it should stay this way.” You looked right in Ben’s eyes after that sentence, but he seemed confused.
„Oh, so he’s still an asshole too.”
„Well, he tries not to.”
„He keeps on with being upset that we see each other from time to time and that makes him a big asshole in my eyes. We’re friends, Y/N. You should remind him that you’re pregnant with his baby, at least, if he magically forgot that.” Ben’s words were a bit harsh for your ears, but he didn’t totally mean it. You can see that in his eyes when he realizes how it sounded falling from his lips.
„No, no, I- … I didn’t want to say it that way.” The subject wasn’t that flexible and easy to reach, not that you wanted to reach it. Your pregnancy with Rockie happened, as uncomfortable as you were saying or even thinking about it, as an accident. And it did scare you at first, when you were panicking around about what were you supposed to do, but eventually, you calmed down. He was happy about it, your parents were kind of shocked when you told them, Ben was … Ben almost choked on his sandwich when you decided to tell him. He was the first one to find this out and you will never explain yourself to anyone who tries to rudely point this out. No one was really calm in the first place; you were undoubtedly frightened, you cried and cried and then ate a lot because of those cravings … It was crazy to accept this change in your life, but you had support. That was really important. Ben tried his best to keep you company when you were alone and comfort you about the insecurities you had and about that small bean inside of you. That’s how he called it. You are still young and things aren’t as perfect as they seem, but your final decision was to keep the baby. You couldn’t think of another option and your intention isn’t to hurt anyone. So you need to accept it and embrace it. You don’t know anything more yet, but you’ll do it. Because you know you’re not alone.
„Ben, it’s alright. You’re not rude to me.” Your voice wasn’t showing any hurt feelings or anything alike, so he shouldn’t be sorry. He’s just angry with Rockie being too possessive over you. And for the fact that he’s imagining things.
„It’s awful that you need to lie to him because he can’t simply understand.” Ben muttered, eyes glued on his coffee cup.
„I know. I guess he has to accept it, our friendship. I told him already that I’m not going to cut certain people out of my life for his love. I don’t want to fight with him. He has to be realistic.”
„Yes, exactly. Anyway, you can always count on me. Whenever you need it. For real, I’m here for you and I know that you’re going through a rough time …”
„Do not pity me, Ben, you know I hate it. I’m cool. I’ll be a cool mom.”
You should make that a badge, yeah, right.
„That’s for sure.” He smiled at you revealing his white teeth. „Hey, if you want, we are gathering at my place tonight. Rami, Joe, Gwilym, Lucy, they will be there. Would you want to come?”
„I’d like to, but I’m going out with Rockie. Sorry.”
„Don’t be sorry, it’s fine. Though we’ll be there if you change your mind. Or if he doesn’t see you sneak up.” You grinned when you heard his response. Continuing to drink your coffee, you though how much time did he have left.
„I have to be back in like, ten minutes. If you’re coming with me, promise me I will not see your face behind the cameras. I still have to pretend that I’m recording the most famous single of the 20th century. I won’t mess that up.” Nonsense, you knew he was actually begging you not to mock him or make fun of him. Hmm, you thought.
„Chill out, pretty face. You already rock.”
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