#ben hardy x reader imagines
michelle-is-writing · 7 months
Protector, Warren Worthington iii
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Word Count: 4.5k~
I had been best friends with Warren ever since I met him.
Throughout our years in school, Warren and I had always stuck by each other's side. We hung out together, ate lunch with each other, and nearly forgot about all those people around us who would point out his wings to hurt him. It was like we were in our own little world, and in a way, we were.
We met in the second grade while our class was in the library. While looking for a book, I found Warren, huddled up behind a bookshelf in the elementary school library. He was red in the face and crying as he held his knees close to him. Instantly, I noticed his wings, of course - how could I not?
However, this didn't stop me from going up and asking him what was wrong. I can still remember the way his curls bounced against his scalp as he turned his attention away from his lap and up to me, quickly wiping away his tears to cover up his emotions. Despite being so young, he knew how to expertly do this as he pretended that nothing was wrong and he wasn't crying merely thirty seconds ago.
"What's wrong?" I asked, sitting beside him. I saw him tense up, his back straightening up as he laid his legs out in front of him instead of hugging them to his chest.
"Nothing," He instantly answered me, once again, pretending as if everything wasn't as it seemed.
Instead of saying anything more, I let the boldness I had as an eight-year-old takeover and pulled him into my arms, his figure becoming even tenser. Although, he didn't pull away, and instead, just stayed in that position until I spoke up.
"The kids are mean to me too," I told him, his breath catching in his throat. "And they shouldn't be because you seem pretty cool," I explained with a smile as he turned his eyes up to look at me again. "No one else here has wings, and they're really pretty."
From then on, we were practically inseparable. We weren't seen without each other, and despite bullies picking on us, we didn't let their words bother us. Even as we got older, nothing changed, and in spite of living in an expensive house with nearly triple the amount of space that my house was, Warren chose to stay at my place most nights. His parents didn't care about what he did, and my parents were more than happy to have him over.
When we reached high school, our friendship turned into an actual relationship between two lovebirds (no pun intended). Now we really were inseparable.
However, this changed one night when he went out to grab something from the store. I was sick, and needed medicine; so, being the thoughtful boyfriend he was, he decided he would go out and get some. I guess we underestimated how much mutants were hated in the area as Warren never came back.
Now it's been three months since he disappeared.
Every night since, I went searching for him, only to return to some hotel or hostel without him. I don't know what came over me tonight though. For all my life, I've always been told to avoid putting myself in dangerous settings, and yet, all of those lessons were cast away as I heard people screaming and hollering down an empty and dark alleyway while in Munich. My searching had taken me far away from home, but I wasn't going to stop until I found Warren.
Following the sounds of excitement and fury, I found a hidden door that led to what seemed to be a fighting ring. People surround the caged area, but I push through them, ignoring their waving arms with money held high. I stop at the metal fence separating the people from the ring, only to gasp in horror as my eyes fall over the white, fluffy wings I've loved for many years.
"Warren..." I hear his name being whispered through my lips, tears forming in my eyes as I look at his hurt and pained figure. Fighting for his life against another mutant, he spits blood from his mouth as he wipes away the blood forming on the cut across his cheek. The tattered t-shirt he wears, the same thing he wore the night he disappeared, barely hangs onto his shoulders by a few strips of fabric, the band emblem on the front no longer being recognizable. His arms have fresh bruises forming all along the skin while fading bruises covers the visible parts of torso. How the hell did he get here?
Too shocked to move, I watch as Warren throws a punch at the other mutant, only to hit the fence in front of him, the silver eliciting sparks as soon as Warren touches it. "Shit!" He yells while the blue mutant seemingly teleports to different parts of the cage, only to receive the same treatment as Warren did. Hearing his voice after so long makes me nearly choke on the air in my throat, the tears now falling freely. Seeing Warren makes me want to rip through the fence and save him, but seeing that the metal fence is electric, I can't simply do that.
Blinking the oncoming tears away, I glance in every corner of the underground hideaway and try to find something that might resemble a control panel. It isn't until I see a switch box on what seems to be a surveying floor that I begin running to it, successfully climbing up the steps to the higher level and stopping in front of it. Gazing back to the fighting ring, I see Warren shouting at the dodging mutant while people standing around the cage yell out vile words of hate and absolute greed.
"Warren!" I shout his name as loud as I can, placing my hand on the handle to the electrical switch. Instantly, his head darts toward the voice calling his name, every inch of his being relaxing once he sees me. I smile at him before nodding, his eyes following my hand as it begins pushing the handle downward. Just before the electricity goes out, I see Warren's dirty wings perk up just as the entire underground arena goes pitch black.
In the darkness, the people's screams die down while the clinging sound of the fence being ripped apart follows it. Mere seconds pass before I familiar arms wrap around me and tug me close to their body, Warren's wings flapping rapidly as he lifts us into the air and to the hidden door I entered through. Once we're outside, we quickly run as far as we can before stopping in another alley, far away from the other one.
As soon as we stop, Warren wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him, his lips immediately attaching to mine in a fervent and much-needed kiss. His hand on my waist never falters in its hold on me, and instead, it squeezes the flesh there as if he were testing if I was real or not.
"I'm here," I tell him, sliding my hands down his face as endless tears fall from his cheeks and onto my hands. Staring into his tear-filled eyes, I can't help but cry tears of happiness as well. "I'm right here."
Nodding, Warren folds his wings behind him, slightly wincing at the pain of them conforming against his back. "Fucking hell," He mutters, placing his forehead against mine, his eyes closed. A few seconds pass of him just holding me before he kisses me once more. "I've missed you so fucking much."
Our sweet reunion is cut short by a black vehicle slamming on their brakes at the end of the alleyway. "Warren," I say his name, concerned at the sight in front of us. Warren turns around, only for his wings to burst out again, shielding me from seeing anything. Peeking under one of the long feathers, I see two men leave the vehicle before one of them points at Warren.
"That's him!" The man yells, "Get him!"
In an instant, Warren swings around and wraps his arms and wings around me, protecting me from the flurry of oncoming bullets. What appears to be eight shots sounds throughout the alley before the same car speeds off again as Warren begins to topple over. Was he shot?
Trying to catch him before he falls on his face, I wrap my arms around Warren and hold him up for a few seconds, only for his size to take over mine and fall to the side. Landing on his back with me on top of him, Warren waves his hand at me while shaking his head, his eyes shut. "I'm fine," He mutters, his voice now suddenly tired and drained.
Eyes wide and concerned, I turn him onto his side and look over him to see blood pouring from his wings. Between the layers of feathers, I find what seems to be four bullet wounds, causing me to practically lose it as the crimson liquid touches my hands. "No, no, no, no, no," I mutter uncontrollably as I place him onto his back. "Warren, Warren," I repeat his name, running my hand against the side of his face, his own blood smearing across his flawless cheek. "Warren, don't go to sleep!"
At my heartbroken plea, Warren opens his eyes, frowning at the sight of tears pouring from my eyes. "Don't cry, my love," He begs, his voice even weaker than before. He lifts a hand to my face, doing the same to me just as I had done to him. I quickly place my hand over his, holding it there as I feel the warmth in his skin begin slowly leaving it. "I... I love you..." He whispers, his eyes closing once again.
Just like a few seconds ago, I feel every ounce of sanity leave me as I watch the love of life wither away in front of me. "Warren, don't do this to me!" I shout, the tears now falling like a waterfall. I could barely manage not seeing him for the three hellish months when he was missing - I can't live the rest of my life without him.
"Warren!" I scream his name again, utter desperation being the only recognizable thing in my voice. Releasing a sob, I push my head against his chest and hear his still-beating heart. However, I know that if I don't get him to a hospital within the next few seconds, his heart won't continue beating like that. But what hospital will even help us?
"Ma'am?" I hear a woman's soft voice coming from the end of the alley, causing me to jerk my head up and see a blonde woman standing twenty feet away. Concerned, she walks closer to me before kneeling beside Warren and me, the knees of her pants becoming stained with his spilled blood on the alley ground. His wings are the first things that catch her focus, making me want to hold him closer.
"Please, don't hurt him," I beg her, my hand holding his hand a bit tighter. "He-he's a-" The woman cuts me off.
"He's a mutant," She points out, looking over at me. Still crying, I nod once, watching as a small smile appears on her face. Within a short second, the fair skin she once had transforms into blue flesh with darker blue scales, her eyes turning yellow and green while her hair changes into a much brighter orange/red.
"It's okay," She assures me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "I am too, and I can help."
Her words, not to mention her sudden change of looks, shock me, but I nod at her, ready to do anything this woman says if it means saving Warren.
"Where's his family?" She asks me, her hand remaining on my shoulder as she kneels on the ground beside me.
"Me," I quickly answer her, tears still falling from my eyes. "I am his family."
"You're not a mutant," She points out, shaking her head with squinted eyes as she looks at me a bit confused. "And you care for him?"
"He's my best friend, the love of my life..." I answer her, my heart clenching as the words leave my lips. "Please, you have to help us!"
The woman nods, giving me a small, encouraging smile. "Kurt!" She abruptly yells, a teenage boy with blue skin and carvings appearing behind her with a blue puff of smoke following. I instantly recognize him as the other mutant in the pin with Warren earlier, and in spite of this, he doesn't try to get back at Warren while he's down.
Pulling his hand to get closer, she makes him get on our level before wrapping his arm around her and me. The stranger, Kurt, then wraps his other arm around Warren's almost lifeless body and tugs him a bit closer as well. "Get us all to the mansion nurse's ward - now!"
With the woman's last words, Kurt somehow does so, causing us to suddenly be in a nurse's station only a second later. This all confuses the living hell out of me, but with Kurt having a tail and red eyes, and not to mention blue skin like the lady, I don't know if I should be questioning the normalcy of anything at the moment.
Immediately, three scrubbed nurses rush up to where we are and pick Warren up from the ground. "He was shot, multiple times," The blue woman quickly explains, standing up from the ground. "He'll need blood, and you need to act quick."
Listening to her, the three nurses nod before taking an unconscious Warren back to what I could guess is surgery. Numb, I sit on the cold tile floor as I reach my blood-covered hands up to cross my arms and hold myself, my eyes stuck on the swinging doors that Warren was just carried through. Beside me is Kurt as he places a consoling hand on my shoulder, giving me a small smile.
"He vill be alright," Kurt assures me, his words helping me out a little. Giving him a small nod of my head, I take his held-out hand and stand up with him. "That is Raven, by the way," He adds as the woman from before moves to stand in front of me, taking my hand in hers despite it stained crimson.
"This is the Xavier mansion," She explains to me, "You're safe; we won't hurt you."
At her words, I nod. "I know," I tell her, giving her a small smile. "I trust you."
Smiling back at me, Mystique's eyes flicker behind me before her mouth slightly parts, her hand holding mine slightly faltering. "Who is this, Raven?" I hear a soft British voice speak up, causing me to slowly turn around and see a man in a wheelchair now in front of me. His eyes quickly catch my blood-covered hands and arms, shock taking over him. "Dear heavens, what happened to you, dear?"
I go to answer him, but my voice defeats me in doing so. Instead, Mystique speaks for me. "Charles, her and a fellow mutant were shot at in an alleyway when Kurt and I were passing by. He has wings, that's where most of the bullets hit him," She explains to him, "She has no ill will toward any of us - she just wants her boyfriend to survive."
A few seconds pass before the man, Charles, nods, staring at me with a frown. "I'm sorry to hear that, love," He tells me, giving me a single nod. "Raven, help her get cleaned up and fetch some fresh clothes for her as well," With that, Charles wheels himself out of the room and into the hallway where he enters the room at the end.
In a puff of blue smoke, Kurt leaves Mystique and me, letting us head to what I presume is her room where she wets a washcloth and begins rubbing the drying blood from my arms. "He will be alright," She tells me, saying Kurt's exact words from moments ago. "Trust me."
I nod at her words, but I can't believe them myself. What if Warren isn't okay? What if one of the bullets when through his spine and he's now paralyzed? I couldn't see all of his wounds so I don't know where they all hit him, minus the few I could see in his wings. What if the nurses and doctors can't do anything and he dies on the table? I can't bear to lose him - not again.
With my arms their original (s/c) color, I change into a pair of pajama pants and matching top with a school emblem given to me by Raven before walking with her to Charles' office. Stopping in front of his desk, Mystique and I watch as the man from earlier sits at his desk with his attention stuck on the novel stuck in his hands. However, it doesn't take long for him to notice our presence and put the book down with his glasses following.
"(Y/n), is it?" Charles asks me, turning his attention up to me. Surprised, I hesitantly nod as he speaks up once more. "No need to worry, dear," He assures me with a smile despite my caution. "I'm able to read minds and communicate through them as well," Charles further explains. "Raven and I were talking while she helped you with your arms and hands,"
"I understand you've been through a lot in the past hour, so I won't force you to talk about it," Charles tells me, making me let out a small sigh of relief. "But I am a bit concerned over the fact that you were in such a predicament that your partner was shot," Holding his hand out, Charles waits for me to place my hand in his. "I won't scour through your brain and look at everything you've ever seen or done - I just want to see what all transpired tonight."
Hesitating, I bite my lip in thought before shakily putting my hand in Charles, his touch being warm and welcoming. I feel as Charles does what he told me he would do, the images of the past month flashing before my eyes. Warren's disappearance, me finding him, and helping him get out are all shown before me like a home movie shot from my perspective. Because of this, I gasp a little, shocked at Charles' ability to do such a thing.
Slowly slipping his hand from mine, Charles' eyebrows furrow in thought before flashing his eyes up to mine, confusion written all over them. "You're a human with no powers or anything," He points out, slightly pausing in his words. "And yet, you've always loved a mutant?"
His words come out as a question, but to me, they're a true statement. I love Warren - I always have - and nothing about him will ever change that. "He's human just as I am," I tell Charles, giving him a small smile. "but, with wings," I further add, my smile growing sad as I lightly shrug. "How could I not love my angel?"
My words washing over him, Charles smiles back. "I like you," He tells me, Raven putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Your friend, I think he'll pull through. After all, he has a great incentive."
Because of Charles' words, I smile and give him a nod of thanks just as a question rises to my mind. "What... what is this place?" I ask, gesturing to the overall building. I know it has to be an establishment of some sort going by the built-in medical wing and wide hallways.
"This," Charles states, pointing his finger to the ceiling while his eyes remain on mine. "Is Xavier's a school for gifted youngsters," He informs me before nodding his head once. "This is a school specialized for children with mutations such as Warren, or Kurt, whom you met earlier."
Furrowing my eyebrows together, another question comes to mind. "Why have I never heard of this place before?" I ask, receiving a small smile.
"We're a relatively small school," Charles simply explains, "Ultimately, if your boyfriend would want to join, he could - now, you're not a mutant, but the unique and understanding attitude you give off, I'm sure we could work something out for you too."
His words make my cheeks turn pink in response to the compliment as I thank him, turning my eyes toward the ground as I try to fight the ever-growing smile on my lips. Just as I do this, I see Charles put a hand to his forehead as his eyebrows furrow before looking over at Mystique with a smile. "Raven, take her back to the medical ward," he tells the fiery-haired woman. "It seems that her friend was easily operable and now they're just waiting for him to wake up."
Almost immediately, I turn and follow Mystique out of the room with my pace just a little faster than hers. Soon enough, we walk through the doors and directly to the beds where only one of them is occupied, and the sleeping body in it is Warren's. The window behind him shines down on him with the bright and early morning sun highlighting his now washed and pure white wings that lie behind him. The sight is a complete contrast to what I saw only an hour ago with the almost black sky darkening everything around us and only emphasizing the dirt and grime that covered Warren's perfect wings.
"We told you he'd be okay," I hear Mystique's gentle voice beside me say, causing me to nod with an onrush of tears rising in my eyes. They were right, and my Warren is okay.
Moving closer to him, I sit beside Warren on the bed and take his hand in mine, his unconscious body unresponsive toward my touch and his perfect face never changing. "I'll let you two be alone," Mystique speaks up before doing as she says and walking back toward the door. Once I hear the swinging door shut, the tears residing in my eyes quickly fall over the barrier and down my face as I try to hold in my sobs.
When you love someone, you never want to see them in pain or hurting, and when they're laid up in a hospital bed with consciousness being a waiting game, it hurts you. It physically hurts you to the point where your chest feels heavy with dread, and your stomach feels sick with worry. It's terrible, and I wish there was something I could've done to protect Warren from getting shot.
"I'm so sorry," I sob, turning my eyes away from him and toward the floor. Raising my free hand to cover my mouth as the sobs tumble out, I don't notice Warren's hand gently squeezing mine until I feel the bed beneath me slightly moves.
Immediately looking back over to him, I see his eyes flutter open and quickly dart to me, confusion taking over his tired face as soon as he sees my crying form. "Why..." Warren slowly starts speaking, his voice raspy and scratchy with sleep. "Why are you crying, love?" He finishes his question, now trying to sit up.
"No, no, baby," I usher him to continue lying flat, moving to stand on my knee on the side of his bed before pushing his shoulders back down onto the mattress. Despite this, he still doesn't listen and moves to wrap his arms around me before pulling me fully onto the bed and holding me to his chest. Finally, Warren does lie back down, but in a matter of seconds, his wings are fluttering around me like any other time I'd be on top of him. My eyes quickly catch sight of the now bandaged wounds, and now that I get a better look, I see that there was one more bullet-wound than I initially thought. "Warren, your stitches!"
"It's okay, love," He sleepily responds, leaning his head back to look up at me with a happy face. "I'm so damn happy to see you," Warren confesses, his eyes gazing over me as if I were a precious gem.
If it weren't for the nurses cleaning the dirt from his face and body, I wouldn't have been able to assess the full damage the fighting ring did to him. Above his left eye is a healing bruise that covers a majority of the side of his forehead, and his bottom lip is split, making it swollen. On top of all of that, his green eyes are sunken in and practically taken over by dark circles.
Still, he continues staring at me, acting as if nothing is bothering him until a look of confusion fall over his face. "Now, are you going to tell me why you were crying?" Warren repeats his question from earlier, making me shake my head as more tears rise to my eyes.
"You almost died, Warren," I inform him, his face still unchanging. "I've been without you for three damn months, and the night I get you back, I almost lost you again - for good!" I add on, raising a hand to wipe away my fast-falling tears.
However, Warren beats me to it and places his hands against my cheeks where he gently holds me, his face now soft. I guess he hasn't assessed the severity of the situation. That, or he hasn't taken the time to fully realize that he has stitched-up bullet wounds adorning his wings.
"I'm sorry," Warren apologizes after a few seconds of silence. Despite expecting those two words, it still doesn't hit me any easier as I'm sobbing once again, this time, into Warren's chest.
Holding me close, Warren waits a few moments before moving his hands back to my face and turning me to look at him directly. As soon as he gets the chance, Warren places his rough lips on top of mine, the skin chapped from the harsh things he's been put through. Despite crying moments ago, my tears ultimately stop as I come to the realization of how much I've missed the feeling of Warren's lips on mine. Chapped or not, his lips are the pure definition of Heaven, and when they're on top of mine, it's like pure ecstasy.
Pulling away for air, I pant above Warren as he does the same, his hands now sliding down to grip my waist once again. "I love you," He tells me, "And I've missed you- God, how I've missed you," Warren adds, shaking his head as a small, almost unnoticeable tear falls down his cheek. "Each day was hell without you, and I can't be without you, not again."
Smiling at him, I lean down once more and peck his soft cheek before nuzzling my head next to his on the pillow, his hold on me never changing in the slightest. "You won't have to, Angel," I tell him, watching his lips quirk up in a smile at my nickname for him. Deciding on leaving the explanation of where we're at for later, I close my eyes alongside Warren and fall asleep, finally able to relax knowing he and I can be together with no one to stop or hurt us.
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itsshawtyfellas · 2 years
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I'm still not over how fucking hot Ben looked as Roger Taylor in borhap.
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could you please do a BoRhap request? Where she looks after the guys during recording since her family owns Rockfield Farm and they love her cooking? But the guys (minus Fred who has Mary) all fancy her too?
Pairings: John + Roger + Brian x Fem!reader Summary: ^^ Warnings: none, I don't think Note: I did my best guys, I'm sorry
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a knock came to your door as you finished up breakfast
you left the kitchen and went to the front door
you opened the door to see a blonde with long hair with sunglasses on
he was wearing dark, slightly flared jeans, a yellow v neck shirt underneath a greeny grey jacket with fur
behind him was a short haired brunette with a mustache
he pushed the blonde out of the way and held out his hand
"hi, I'm paul, this is Roger, From Queen" he introduced
of course you knew Queen was coming to your family's farm, it wasn't like you didn't know who they were and wouldn't let them in, it's just that you felt Rogers gaze planted on you and it made you feel a little nervous
"you're not" Roger scoffed quietly
"yes, of course, come in, are the rest here too?" you asked, stepping out of the way to let them in
"they're sorting out their luggage" Roger answered, taking off his glasses
"well, I made breakfast..if you're hungry?" you smiled tightly
"depends what you're serving" Roger smirked and looked you up and down
"pancakes" you responded quickly
"yeah, I could eat"
he followed you to the kitchen and he took a seat, shovelling food onto the plate in front of him and started eating
a few minutes later Roger had finished his plate and went back for seconds
"ah there you are Freddie" Paul spoke up, noticing the other three band members by the door
"we're also here mate" the tall, long curly haired brunette said, seeming annoyed by Paul's presence
"should I show you boys to your rooms?" you wondered, breaking the silence that filled the room
The three boys standing at the door all turned to you
"didn't know the farm came with a pretty lady" the curly Brunette smiled
"oh I'm Y/n. this is my Family's Farm. I live in the building beside this one, I'm just here to show you around"
"are those pancakes for us?" the auburn haired one said
"oh, yes! you can have as many as you want" you pointed to the mountain of pancakes you had made on the counter
"they are delicious" Roger said with a mouthful of food
"well I'm Brian, This is Fred and John and I see you've already met Rog"
"it's a pleasure to meet you guys"
"pleasure's all ours darling" Freddie beamed
"well I'll show you your rooms then" you said taking off your apron and leading them upstairs
"it's probably not what you're used to but your manager said it was perfect to get away from distractions so" you shrugged
you turned to face the boys and see Roger first
"you're in here. mister Taylor" you looked to the first door
"right" he grunted, walking into the room with his heavy luggage
"and that's yours, Mister Mercury" you pointed to the room in the corner to the left
"thank you darling"
"Mister May, yours is right here" pointing to the right side next to the bathroom
Brian walked into the room and you noticed John still standing on the top of the stairs
"oh, sorry. mister Deacon, you're downstairs" he walks back down the stairs and you lead him down to the room.
"I know it's small but it doesn't get nearly as cold as the other rooms" you informed him
"okay..." he frowns as he steps down
"well I'll let you get settled then, i'll show you and the band around when you're ready" you smiled, starting to go up the stairs
"are there still pancakes?" he asked, putting his luggage down on the bed
"oh yeah, they'd probably still be warm too" you answered
he soon started following you up the stairs to the kitchen to find all the other members of the band eating the pancakes
"Rog really didn't lie, these pancakes are delicious" Brian hummed
"we need more syrup" Roger lifted up the empty bottle of maple syrup
"oh..ok" you walked over to the fridge as John took a seat and started eating the food
"here you go" you grinned, putting the syrup on the table in front of them
it's been a few days since they've arrived and much to your surprise, you've seen more of them then you expected
you didn't think you would see much of them, you thought thy would be very busy and you didn't have a problem with that
but Roger, Brian and John all seemed to want you around them
Roger would casually flirt with you
Brian would always start up a conversation or make you help with with a lyric
and John would subtly make eye contact and smile before coming up to you to ask for suggestions
and they would all ask if you could cook them up something when they got hungry and said they liked your cooking, so much so that there would be barely any left for Freddie or you.
Roger was currently helping you make breakfast while Brian and John sat and ate while they discussed songs
"i put my heart and soul into this song" Roger spoke up as they talked about his new song he made
"no one is disputing that" John smiled, lifting up his fork
"and you don't like it because you want your songs on the album" Roger fought
"it's not that Roger" John denied
"then what is it?" the blonde raised his eyebrows as he stopped cutting bread
"I'm in love with my car?" Brian spoke up
you fought back a laugh at the thought of the song
Brian and John both made a questionable face as silence filled the air
"maybe it's not strong enough?" Brian suggested
"what does that even mean 'not strong enough'?" Roger frowned
"I know I'm late. What did I miss?" Freddie came in and poured himself some tea
John straightened his back and looked at the singer "discussing Roger's car song"
"is it strong enough, that's all I'm asking. If I'm on my own here, then i apologise" Brian put his hands up defensively
"how does your new song go, then, hm?" Roger walked over and grabbed Brians lyrics
"you call me sweet.. like I'm some kind of cheese" the drummer read out
you stifled a laugh as you cooked bacon
"it's good" Brian defended, looking at the John who was eating a sausage with a smile and Freddie who was stirring his tea
"wow" Roger sighed sarcastically
"is that-, is that you know- when my hand's on your grease gun..That's very subtle isn't it?" Brian read Rogers back
"it's a metaphor, Brian" Roger argued
"it's just a bit weird Roger, what exactly are you doing with that car?" John spoke, waving his fork around
"what do you think, Y/n?" Roger turned to you, looking for backup
you put the now cooked bacon on a plate and turned to the boys
"don't turn to me, I'm not getting involved" you shook your head
"children please, we could all murder each other but then who would be left to record this album?" Freddie butted in
"statistically speaking, most bands don't fail, they break up" John stated mater-of-a-factly
"why the hell would you say something like that?" Freddie frowned
John shrugged and Freddie turned back to the Blonde
"Roger, there's only room in this band for one hysterical queen" Freddie informed the drummer before walking out
"you know why you're angry, Roger?" Brian began again
"...why?" Roger breathed out
"'cause you know you're song isn't strong enough" the curly headed man repeated
"boys I really don't think you should be-" you started to say but cut off by Roger throwing bacon at Brian's face
"is that strong enough?" Roger questioned
"ok" you mumbled, looking at John, who smiled at you amusingly
Roger pushed off plates and glasses off the table angrily
"what about that?!" he asked before going over to find something else
"Hey!" you yelled at Roger, who grabbed a pot of Coffee
he turned and began to swing it at the two boys before he stopped as they put their hands up
"Not the coffee machine!?" they both yelled
Roger put the coffee machine down and you sighed looking at the mess
"I'll clean this up" he sighed after a moment of silence
"you sure are" you nodded sternly
you sat in the recording room on the couch with John and Roger as Brian got ready to record his guitar
Roger slung his arm around your shoulder as Brian got set up
"so..how about we go get dinner later" he suggested
"pardon?" you wondered
"you, me, i'll take you out to dinner" he repeated
"I highly doubt she'll want to go out with you, Roger, she's too good for you" John sighed
"and what? you're better?" the drummer scoffed, looking over you to the auburn headed bassist
John stared at Roger for a moment
"how's katie? last time we saw her was right before we left to come here" the Deacon wondered
"shut it mate" Roger groaned
your thoughts were cut short as Brian started playing
you focused on the music but felt John's gaze on you, you slowly turned your head to see him staring at you, smiling
"so, do you have a boyfriend?" Roger asked
"I don't see how that's any of your business" you crossed your arms, looking back at Brian, who's still playing his solo
"what if I want to ask you out?" he shrugged
"how come you're the one that gets to ask her out?" John leans forward to argue with Roger
"because I can" the Taylor boy smirked
"Roger, do you have to be such a man whore?" John questioned, his accent become more defined and thick
"I think you're just jealous you don't get women chasing after you" Roger huffed, leaning back on the couch, seeming to be not fazed
"ah yes, because all i need is women to make me feel better about myself, all i need and want is women around me to fill a void of unfulfillment" John rolled his eyes
"oh yeah? let's see who she wants more then" Roger raises his eyebrows as he took off his glasses to look at you
John frowned "you can't pressure her into choosing either of us...that's not how relationships work, Roger"
Roger stifled a laugh "who said I wanted a relationship"
"my point exactly"
"all i'm saying" is that she's probably looking for somebody to love and i'm right here" Roger raised his hands in defense
"what makes you think she wants someone?" John glared
"children, children. leave the poor girl alone, she doesn't want either of you" Freddie butted in
you found yourself wondering how it came to this, two members of the band Queen almost practically fighting for your, to be with you
it made sense about Roger, seeing all of those tabloids of him with new girls around his shoulder almost every week
but John? he didn't really seem the type
you tuned out of the argument and soon wondered when Brian came back into the room as you looked up to find him sitting with Freddie
"I think whatever happens, it's up to her, you shouldn't be trying to force something she does not want" John fought
"what are you guys fighting about?"
"who gets to take this beautiful lady out" Roger smirked, nodding towards you
"who says either of you get to?" Brian spoke in a confused manner
"oh don't tell me you want her too?" Roger groaned
"what's so wrong about that?" the guitarist questioned
"I'm gonna go" you sighed, getting up
"are you still going to make us pasta tonight?" John perked up
you chuckled "I think you all need a break from my cooking"
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illfoandillfie · 1 year
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
Pairing: Rich Fuckboy!Ben Hardy x Fem!Reader
Summery:  An unexpected call from Ben results in an unexpected evening.
Warnings: Smut (18+), Rich kid dickishness, dom/sub dynamics, mostly dom ben and sub reader, but also a little round the other way, a fair bit of derogatory/degrading language (esp whore), edging, cockwarming, a little spanking, oral sex (m receiving), face fucking, piv sex, begging, bondage, forced orgasm. I think thats all.
Words: 12,890
A/N: Wasn't necessarily planning to write more of rich bitch Benny but then I saw some promo pics for his movie Love At First Sight and something in my brain booted up. This was written over a stupidly long time, literally months, so hopefully its okay lmao. Also please excuse any weird formatting. The way tumblr works, paragraphs can't be more than 4096 characters so some of the dialogue had to be broken up to make it postable.
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Taglist: @labessieisallama @deakyclicks @jennyggggrrr @drowseoftaylor @i-cant-hangout-im-drumming@queenmylovely @ilovequeenmorethanyou @johndeaconshands @borhapbois @stardust-galaxies @cherries-n-rocknroll @rogersslave @scorpiogemini
“You get two questions.”  “Five,” Bianca countered.  “Two. I want to have a shower.”  “Fine.” She agreed, disgruntled. Bianca had ambushed you the second you got home, having stayed up waiting on the couch to hear all about your date with Ben. She’d listened patiently, laughing or nodding and squealing a little, as you told her about the restaurant he’d chosen and the club and ending up on the yacht. But when you’d admitted you had slept with him, she got so excited you were a little worried she’d forget to breathe. Bianca thought for a moment, choosing which of her questions were most worth asking, “Okay, one, was he good? Like did you get off?”  “Yeah, he was very good,” you smiled to yourself thinking about just how good he’d been, following all your orders.  Bianca seemed a little relieved that the exceptional lover she’d fantasised about so many times could live up to the image. “Was he into any weird kinks?”  You thought for a moment, contemplating how little you could get away with saying, “Nothing super unusual. But y’know that’s stuff you don’t necessarily bring out the first time.”  “Nothing kinky? Not even like some bondage or spitting or anything?”  “You asked me about weird! Yeah there was a little bondage. Spanking too.” 
"I knew it!” she said before the loudest squeal yet and you hurried to shush her before a neighbour complained.  “He was hung right? Please god tell me he was hung.”  “Thats more than two questions.”  “Fuck, c’mon Y/N. Just describe his dick for me. I've been trying to picture it for years, it’d be mean of you not to tell me.”  You laughed, enjoying teasing her but you felt a little bad for sleeping with her celebrity crush so held up your hands to demonstrate an approximate length, “Comparisons could be drawn to horses.”  Her eyes lit up like it was Christmas, “I knew it.”  “He wasn’t super thick but he was decently long. Nothing crazy but more than enough. Very slight curve.”  She’d closed her eyes and hummed as you described him, “It’s beautiful,” she said dreamily.  Laughing, you bid her goodnight, looking forward to showering and then heading to bed, but once more she stopped you.   “Wait, are you going to sell the story?”  “Oh, I can’t. He made me sign an NDA. I’ve probably said too much already so don’t go repeating it okay.”  “So that’s why no one ever spills too many details.”  “Yeah, must be.” You felt a little bad for lying but you really wanted to shower, and you knew she’d ask more questions if you admitted you didn’t want to tell anyone now. If the night had gone more to Ben’s plan, if you’d let him be in control, you wouldn’t have had any qualms about writing to a magazine with the big scoop. But he’d obviously cultivated a particular image in the public conscious, one that didn’t necessarily align with ideas of him as a willing, even eager, submissive. The thought of selling that story made you feel dirty in a way the other versions just wouldn’t. So, at the end of the night you’d promised to keep it a secret, even if that meant remaining poor. You’d gotten to domme The Benjamin Hardy after all, what more did you need.
As it happened, it wasn’t so much what you needed, but rather what Ben did. Around two weeks after your night together, you answered a call from a private number, hoping it wasn’t a scam caller. Your surprise at hearing Ben’s voice saying your name was rivalled only by his apparent surprise that he was calling.  “Um, what’s this about?” you felt entirely caught off guard.  “I- well, I guess I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tonight?” It didn’t sound so much like he was asking you, as he was questioning his decision to call.  You laughed, stepping into your cupboard and pulling the door closed so you’d be less likely to be overheard. The darkness made everything feel more surreal than it already did, “You already bored of the airheads who just do what you say?”  He scoffed, his uncertainty falling away at the first opportunity to be a tosser, “No, actually, I’m looking for an easy shag. Most of my regular options are at this fashion thing this weekend but I knew you wouldn’t be invited.”  “Fashion event? Is that what they told you? They’re probably off trying for a different sugar daddy.”  “Good luck to them. They’ll all be back, but my cock’s hard now.”  You rolled your eyes, “C’mon Benny, you don’t have to lie to me. Just admit you liked what I did to you and want me to do it again.”  “I just liked your cunt.”  “You liked me threatening to peg you.”  He paused for a beat, “I like the idea of fucking your arse more.”  “Okay, this is cute,” you said, growing bored of his asshole attitude, “but I’ve got better things to do. Bye Ben.”  “Wait, don’t hang up.”   You let him hang in silence for a few seconds before saying, “I’m listening,” intrigued by the way the bravado had dropped from his voice.  “Would you like to get dinner with me?”  “Just dinner?”  “Yes. Your call if anything else happens.”  You hummed in thought, weighing up your options. On one hand, Bianca would freak out at even the smallest hint there was more than just a one-night stand between you and Ben. And you didn’t really feel like being paraded in front of cameras or his boorish friends again. But on the other, you’d clearly awoken something in Ben. To the point where he seemed willing to go out with you again, even without the promise of sex. And that was after just one night of being edged....imagine what you could do with more time. “Okay, dinner sounds nice. But not at that ridiculous place you took me last time.”  “You didn’t like it there?”  “It was nice, but the cameras are a bit of a buzzkill.”  “Well I can get us in anywhere else, but the paparazzi will find me wherever we go.”  “So then let me pick where we eat.”  “Do you have a standing reservation at any Michelin star restaurants?”  “No but they’re not the only places to eat in this city.” you only just managed not to call him an idiot.  “The only worthwhile ones. Michelin literally means delicious in French.”  “It’s a tire company Ben, it means jack shit. Just let me pick where we eat.”  “Fine, but only if I’m guaranteed a shag. A good one, that I get to control.”  “What happened to just dinner?”  “I think we both know just dinner wasn’t really going to happen. You liked my cock too much. But if I’m not allowed to choose where we go, you’re not allowed to dom me.”  “But isn’t that the entire reason you called?”  “Not the entire reason. I’ll have you know there were ulterior motives.”
As it happened, it wasn’t so much what you needed, but rather what Ben did. Around two weeks after your night together, you answered a call from a private number, hoping it wasn’t a scam caller. Your surprise at hearing Ben’s voice saying your name was rivalled only by his apparent surprise that he was calling.  “Um, what’s this about?” you felt entirely caught off guard.  “I- well, I guess I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me tonight?” It didn’t sound so much like he was asking you, as he was questioning his decision to call.  You laughed, stepping into your cupboard and pulling the door closed so you’d be less likely to be overheard. The darkness made everything feel more surreal than it already did, “You already bored of the airheads who just do what you say?”  He scoffed, his uncertainty falling away at the first opportunity to be a tosser, “No, actually, I’m looking for an easy shag. Most of my regular options are at this fashion thing this weekend but I knew you wouldn’t be invited.”  “Fashion event? Is that what they told you? They’re probably off trying for a different sugar daddy.”  “Good luck to them. They’ll all be back, but my cock’s hard now.”  You rolled your eyes, “C’mon Benny, you don’t have to lie to me. Just admit you liked what I did to you and want me to do it again.”  “I just liked your cunt.”  “You liked me threatening to peg you.”  He paused for a beat, “I like the idea of fucking your arse more.”  “Okay, this is cute,” you said, growing bored of his asshole attitude, “but I’ve got better things to do. Bye Ben.”  “Wait, don’t hang up.”   You let him hang in silence for a few seconds before saying, “I’m listening,” intrigued by the way the bravado had dropped from his voice.  “Would you like to get dinner with me?”  “Just dinner?”  “Yes. Your call if anything else happens.”  You hummed in thought, weighing up your options. On one hand, Bianca would freak out at even the smallest hint there was more than just a one-night stand between you and Ben. And you didn’t really feel like being paraded in front of cameras or his boorish friends again. But on the other, you’d clearly awoken something in Ben. To the point where he seemed willing to go out with you again, even without the promise of sex. And that was after just one night of being edged....imagine what you could do with more time. “Okay, dinner sounds nice. But not at that ridiculous place you took me last time.”  “You didn’t like it there?”  “It was nice, but the cameras are a bit of a buzzkill.”  “Well I can get us in anywhere else, but the paparazzi will find me wherever we go.”  “So then let me pick where we eat.”  “Do you have a standing reservation at any Michelin star restaurants?”  “No but they’re not the only places to eat in this city.” you only just managed not to call him an idiot.  “The only worthwhile ones. Michelin literally means delicious in French.”  “It’s a tire company Ben, it means jack shit. Just let me pick where we eat.”  “Fine, but only if I’m guaranteed a shag. A good one, that I get to control.”  “What happened to just dinner?”  “I think we both know just dinner wasn’t really going to happen. You liked my cock too much. But if I’m not allowed to choose where we go, you’re not allowed to dom me.”  “But isn’t that the entire reason you called?”  “Not the entire reason. I’ll have you know there were ulterior motives.”
By the time Ben pulled up you were waiting out on the street. You’d decided it was best to get out without Bianca finding out who you were going out with, just to minimize the questions and potential jealousy or excitement. You weren’t sure which direction her emotions would go in. So you’d twisted the truth a little to make it sound like Ben was a random guy you’d matched with on tinder. Bianca had been interested but not as overbearing as she might have been had she known, her questions more general ones about where you were going and how long you’d been messaging the guy. Ben seemed a little surprised when he saw you waitingbut got out and held the limo door open for you.   “Worried if I came up you’d forget yourself and just have to get my cock out?”  You snorted, “No, I just don’t want Bianca to know I’m going out with you again.”  “Bianca....why does that name sound familiar?”  “She’s my roommate. I mentioned her last time. She was with me when we met and you first asked me out.”  “Oh, right, the chick who puked.” Ben laughed, “You worried she’d be jealous? Should have invited her, she sounds easy and you know that’s my type.”  “Ben,” you said firmly, beginning to regret not just hanging up on him, “you know that sort of comment isn’t going to work on me, especially since you’re talking about my friend. Now either stop acting like such a prick, or I will go back upstairs and block your number. There is no one here who is going to be impressed by your bullshit.  “Sorry.” He said softly and surprisingly sincerely, “You look nice, by the way.”  “Sure you don’t want to tell me I should have dressed sluttier?” You waved a hand in front of yourself, indicating the dress you’d chosen. It was neither as short, nor as tight, as the dress you’d worn last time, falling to your knees, not clinging to your skin. The only vaguely revealing part of the dress was a little bit of cleavage on display and even that wasn’t much.   “No, it suits you. And you look lovely in it.”   You were a little suspicious but chose to accept the complement, thanking Ben before saying, “I did do as you asked though. No underwear.”  He tried not to look too pleased, “Can I see?”  “Not yet.”  “What if I promise to go down on you until we get to wherever you’re taking me – which is where by the way?”  You gave him the address and he passed it on to the driver.  “So?” he asked as the car began to move, “You know I know how to eat pussy.”  You rolled your eyes, though you felt that at least his tact included offering to pleasure you rather than just himself, “No. Not yet.”  “I thought you promised to be my whore,” he pouted. Ben still wasn’t used to not getting his way immediately, “My whores do what I say when I say it.”  “Well we both know that doesn’t work with me, does it baby,” you weren’t sure how far Ben would let you push him, but it was fun to test the waters. He made a low rumbly sound, almost a growl, and for a moment you wondered if he’d put his hand on your throat like last time, attempt to intimidate you into complying. Instead, he just nodded and subtly palmed the front of his pants.  “I know I let you maul me in this limo last time,” you felt confident enough that he wouldn’t try anything to continue, “but that was when I was trying to lull you into a false sense of domination. So we’re going to have dinner first and you’re going to be nice to me. And then, once we’re on the way to your place, that’s when I’ll let you take control.”  Ben was quiet for a moment, contemplating what you’d said. You could see his habitual tendencies to objectify every women he talked to were battling with his clear enjoyment of being bossed around, “Okay, deal. But you’ll be fucking in for it later.”
By the time Ben pulled up you were waiting out on the street. You’d decided it was best to get out without Bianca finding out who you were going out with, just to minimize the questions and potential jealousy or excitement. You weren’t sure which direction her emotions would go in. So you’d twisted the truth a little to make it sound like Ben was a random guy you’d matched with on tinder. Bianca had been interested but not as overbearing as she might have been had she known, her questions more general ones about where you were going and how long you’d been messaging the guy. Ben seemed a little surprised when he saw you waitingbut got out and held the limo door open for you.   “Worried if I came up you’d forget yourself and just have to get my cock out?”  You snorted, “No, I just don’t want Bianca to know I’m going out with you again.”  “Bianca....why does that name sound familiar?”  “She’s my roommate. I mentioned her last time. She was with me when we met and you first asked me out.”  “Oh, right, the chick who puked.” Ben laughed, “You worried she’d be jealous? Should have invited her, she sounds easy and you know that’s my type.”  “Ben,” you said firmly, beginning to regret not just hanging up on him, “you know that sort of comment isn’t going to work on me, especially since you’re talking about my friend. Now either stop acting like such a prick, or I will go back upstairs and block your number. There is no one here who is going to be impressed by your bullshit.  “Sorry.” He said softly and surprisingly sincerely, “You look nice, by the way.”  “Sure you don’t want to tell me I should have dressed sluttier?” You waved a hand in front of yourself, indicating the dress you’d chosen. It was neither as short, nor as tight, as the dress you’d worn last time, falling to your knees, not clinging to your skin. The only vaguely revealing part of the dress was a little bit of cleavage on display and even that wasn’t much.   “No, it suits you. And you look lovely in it.”   You were a little suspicious but chose to accept the complement, thanking Ben before saying, “I did do as you asked though. No underwear.”  He tried not to look too pleased, “Can I see?”  “Not yet.”  “What if I promise to go down on you until we get to wherever you’re taking me – which is where by the way?”  You gave him the address and he passed it on to the driver.  “So?” he asked as the car began to move, “You know I know how to eat pussy.”  You rolled your eyes, though you felt that at least his tact included offering to pleasure you rather than just himself, “No. Not yet.”  “I thought you promised to be my whore,” he pouted. Ben still wasn’t used to not getting his way immediately, “My whores do what I say when I say it.”  “Well we both know that doesn’t work with me, does it baby,” you weren’t sure how far Ben would let you push him, but it was fun to test the waters. He made a low rumbly sound, almost a growl, and for a moment you wondered if he’d put his hand on your throat like last time, attempt to intimidate you into complying. Instead, he just nodded and subtly palmed the front of his pants.  “I know I let you maul me in this limo last time,” you felt confident enough that he wouldn’t try anything to continue, “but that was when I was trying to lull you into a false sense of domination. So we’re going to have dinner first and you’re going to be nice to me. And then, once we’re on the way to your place, that’s when I’ll let you take control.”  Ben was quiet for a moment, contemplating what you’d said. You could see his habitual tendencies to objectify every women he talked to were battling with his clear enjoyment of being bossed around, “Okay, deal. But you’ll be fucking in for it later.”
“Who’s house is this?” Ben asked as he offered you a hand out of the limo, the bag of food in his other. You leant back in to grab the bottle of champagne and the glasses, able to feel Ben ogling the hem of your dress as it rose up the back of your legs, “It’s not the house we’re here for, c’mon.” You led him around the corner and up a little alley that ran behind the houses. Ben scrunched up his nose a little, “Bit…dingy isn’t it. Not really the sort of place I want to eat. Quickie during a party is a different story though.” You ignored him, leading him further down the path until it opened out into a little garden which was surrounded by trees, making it feel removed from the outside world. Ben’s dissatisfaction with the alley turned into a bemused approval, “Well this is quite nice. You set it up yourself?” “No, the lights got put up for a Christmas party a few years back and they just left them up.” Ben looked around at the twinkling white solar lights draped throughout the tree branches, “Well it’s not what I was expecting but it’s nice. Cute. Little bit romantic even with the moonlight and all. Well done.” You laughed a little and took the bag from him as you sat down in the middle of a circle of stone pavers, pulling out the few dishes you’d ordered as well as some paper plates and bamboo cutlery. Ben watched you for a while until you told him to sit down. He warily crouched down, brushing leaf litter from a patch before he sat proper. When he caught your raised eyebrow he shrugged, “This suit is worth more than you make in a year. Not even the best cunt in the world could make me ruin it.” “You think I have the best cunt in the world? I’m flattered,” you continued dishing up the food, handing a plate to Ben. “That’s not what I meant. We’ll see after tonight though. If you behave and take me the way I want, you might be in the running.” You did your best to hide a smile, trying not to give away how amusing his comment was. That is, until he took it too far and your smile turned into an eye roll. “Although, to really be sure I’d have to have all the contenders lined up for me to test out one after another. Hmmm, now that’s a thought." You cleared your throat, hoping a gentle reminder would be enough but Ben remained lost in pornographically unrealistic fantasies, the outline of his cock much more visible than it had been a moment before. “Fork Ben?” you asked, tempted to poke him with the implement.” “You’ve gotten eager but alright.” This time you did poke him, just quickly in the shoulder, emphasising correct articulation as you repeated, “Fork.” “Ow, alright.” He took the cutlery from you, “you’re the one who was talking about cunts though. Can’t blame me for mishearing.” Before you could do more than huff in response Ben quickly said, “So, you gonna explain this place to me? Because I can tell you, if we’re caught trespassing here, we’ll definitely end up in the papers and that sort of publicity is much less fun than being seen at a nice restaurant.”
You shook your head as you settled back with your own plate, “No, we have permission to be here. Hows the food by the way?” “Incredible. Can’t believe I haven’t heard of them before.” “Well they don’t have any Michelin stars so maybe that’s why. And don’t you start telling your rich friends about it. I don’t want you ruining my favourite Thai place.” Ben laughed, “So when you say we have permission to be here what do you mean?” “Well, I grew up in this area actually. One street over, but I used to come to this spot a lot. It was designed to be a little community garden, there’s still some planters over along the fence, but mostly it gets used for street parties and things, so usually it was empty. I used to come here when I wanted to be alone. It seemed so secret and secluded and, I don’t know, kind of magical I guess. I mean, now I know it wasn’t quite as secret as I thought. The house that we’re behind can see directly between those two trees,” you pointed at them, “and the old couple who used to live there were friends with my parents, so they’d keep an eye on me. And then when I was a bit older I did some baby sitting for their daughter who eventually moved back into the house to look after her parents and who still lives there now since she inherited it.” “So she can see us? Didn’t know you were into exhibitionism.” “She’s overseas at the moment. But our families have kept in contact and when I said I had a date I wanted to bring here she said it’d be fine.” “Condemning silence about exhibitionism which I’ve definitely filed away. But this place is nice. A little dirty perhaps, but nice.” He had another mouthful and then said, “So, why exactly did you bring me here?” “Isn’t that obvious?” He hummed thoughtfully, “Because you’re a dirty girl who likes doing it outside? Because you didn’t want me to have home ground advantage? Because you don’t like the idea of other women having me and this way you get me all to yourself? Am I getting close?” “I wanted to see you away from the cameras and the fawning models and the arseholes you call friends. I wanted a nice, normal sort of a night where we weren’t going to end up on the front page of every gossip website. And I wanted to see if you were a prick even without an audience.” “Please, you like it” he scoffed teasingly, “And I don’t understand what you’ve got against having your photo taken. I told you last time that being seen is half the fun. I mean, don’t me wrong, this is nice too. Just a bit boring in comparison.” “Mmm, well I’m sure there’ll be plenty of articles speculating on where you were tonight since no one’s got a picture.” Ben perked up a little at the idea, “That’s a good point. Maybe a quiet night every so often isn’t a bad idea.”
For the next little while, as you finished your dinner, Ben oscillated between total sweetheart and utter dickhead, as though he were playing Double Dutch with the line between. You’d hoped that getting him on his own would discourage some of the behaviours he’d displayed last time you’d been with him. If he wasn’t around his idiot friends, he’d have no one to objectify women with. If you weren’t at a restaurant, none of his previous or prospective conquests could remind him of wild nights that he’d then tell you all about. If he couldn’t throw money around in order to buy your company for the night, he’d have to offer stimulating conversation and a genuine reason for your interest instead. But apparently it was not as cause and effect as you’d assumed and Ben still managed to do all the things you’d hoped to avoid. And if anything, being alone with him with no other women to distract made him even more intent on getting you out of your clothes. He suggested first that dinner would taste better eaten off your tits. And then when you tried to come up with a new topic of conversation, he decided to reminisce about a time he’d seduced a TV personality on the set of a cooking show after they’d both been judging it. And every time you took a sip of champagne he’d watch as if telepathically trying to get you drunk. The annoying thing was that in between he was absolutely delightful. You knew there was a decent man buried beneath the layers of wankery his affluent lifestyle had imbued him with. But it was only after he smiled charmingly, leaned in close, and suggested you give him a quick handy if you weren’t going to lift your skirt, that you grew fed up enough to voice the opinion you’d formed about his style of flirting. “Y’know, I thought you’d be better at it.” “Better at what?” he asked suspiciously, “I can assure you I’m incredible at it, you just need a proper demonstration.” “No not that. Flirting. I mean, that is what you’re trying to do isn’t it?” “Obviously,” he said, taken aback. “I guess you’ve never had to really try have you? You were blessed with looks and money. Probably never been turned down in your life, even when you should have been.” “What are you talking about? Don’t tell me you actually are as dumb as the rest of them. And here I was thinking fucking your brains out would be an actual accomplishment.” “No, I just….it’s not good flirting. You realise that right?” “What do you mean not good flirting? It works every time.” “No, I think it’s the money that works every time. Being rich means you can get away with a lot of other bullshit.” When he seemed likely to try and contradict you, you spoke over the top of him, “Listen, I know I can’t speak for every woman you hit on but I can tell you that if an average looking guy with an average amount of money tried to flirt the way you do, he would be shot down. Very, very quickly. For the most part women don’t want to be degraded by random guys they go out with. And they don’t want to hear about all your other conquests when you’re hitting on them.” “Well what would you know,” he said, crossing his arms in sullen defensiveness.
You turned up the condescension, “Aww baby, I get it. You’ve never had to learn how to keep a girl interested without buying her attention." Ben was still pouting but his expression had changed, less cocksure. “It’s okay baby, I’ll keep you in line.” Ben gave half a nod but then paused, “Hey, wait. Stop making me feel subby, I’m meant to be domming tonight.” You laughed at how he sounded almost like he was going to throw a tantrum, “but it’s so easy and fun.” “Well turning you into a fucked out cockslut will be fun too.” There was a short pause and then Ben, much more seriously said, “But you really think my flirting is bad?” “I hate to break it to you but, kinda yeah. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s not all bad. You just need some work. Sometimes you take things a bit far with the teasy banter.” “Like when?” “Hmmm well, just before when you were bragging about how expensive your suit is – which is pretty unsexy by the way – and then I countered with a joke about having the best cunt in the world. Personally I didn’t mind your come back about making me behave or whatever. It was a little crass maybe but not too much more than what I’d said, and since we both know I’m letting you take charge tonight it was a bit hot. But then you took it too far by inventing a scenario in which you would have the chance to compare me to other women. We went from hot to ick in a matter of seconds.” “I’m pretty sure I was implying that you would win.” “Didn’t really sound like it and absolutely not the point. How can I put it? When you talk to me like I’m a normal human being not something put in front of you for your sexual gratification, when we have a proper conversation with a little bit of banter, that’s fun and enjoyable and makes me want to sleep with you. But then you’ll tell me about some other woman you had sex with or you’ll make a derogatory comment about my friend, whom you’ve not even properly met, or you’ll act like you expect me to get my tits out as, I don’t know, decoration while you eat. Basically anything to imply that the only reason you’re even here with me is to have sex.” “But that was the agreement.” “I know. And I am totally fine with having a night out with the expectation it’ll end in sex. But it would be nice, and it would make me want to fuck you more, if you acted like getting laid wasn’t the only thing you care about. Especially because sometimes it’s like you don’t even care who you have sex with as long as you get off, like you have no interest in if I enjoy it, you just want to use me cause I'm there.” “And that’s bad?” “As a flirting technique yes.” “But it’s a complement? And I’ve been with loads of women who say being used is hot.” “Well it’s not the nicest complement ever. And I’m not saying it isn’t hot in some situations. But not everyone likes it and even women who do enjoy it don’t necessarily want it all the time or with someone they’ve never slept with before.” “Lighten up, it’s a bit of fun and I always get them off." “Yeah but you imply that you don’t care if they cum or not which makes you seem like a bit of an asshole. Plus sometimes it can come off a little rapey. Less like a ‘I don’t care if you cum’ and more of a ‘I don’t care if you actually want it’ type thing. I don’t think I need to tell you why that’s unattractive.” “I- no- how,” Ben spluttered before he finally managed, “I would never!” “I’m not saying you have and I’m not saying you would. But sometimes you can come off a bit like that, even if it’s well intentioned. Last time we went out you pinned me down in the back of your car, your hand on my throat, and told me I was going to do everything you wanted. You were practically a stranger, I didn’t know where we were, I had no quick way of leaving partly because we were in your car and partly because of the stupidly high shoes I was wearing. It was kind of threatening. I mean I know that wasn’t your intention but…” you trailed off letting Ben absorb what you’d said.
“I really didn’t realise that’s how I sounded, I’m sorry.” “It’s okay. I was never scared or anything, I didn’t think you would rape me. And I don’t say this to accuse you of something or to be mean. I’m just sick of some of the things you’ve been saying, and I think you deserve to know that what you think is cheeky flirting can come across differently to the women you’re flirting with. "Um, well, thanks I guess. ‘Spose it is better for me to know. Don’t want to get cancelled or whatever, father would kill me. So, do you want me to take you home now?” “What? No, not at all.” “I don’t want you to think you have to sleep with me. If you want to end tonight early, I’m okay with that.” “Oh, baby, no, that’s not what I want. I came here knowing I’d end up in your bed and I think we can still have fun. Besides, I’m still eating.” “Are you sure? Wouldn’t think you’d still be up for it after everything you said.” “To tell the truth I'd really love to dom you now. Punish you for some of the gross bullshit you’ve said, put you in your place again. But we made a deal and I’m very happy to hold to it.” “Really? I think you killed my boner.” You giggled, “Well if you don’t want to, we can just finish dinner and you can drop me home. But I think I can get you back up.” Ben eyed you suspiciously, “How?” “I train you to behave better.” He shifted surreptitiously but didn’t say anything. “We stay here, finish dinner, finish his bottle of champagne, talk for a bit. But every time you say something I would consider bad flirting technique, I will do something to remind you to be better. Pull your hair, maybe edge you, whatever will get the message across.” “I guess that could be fun.” Ben said, trying to sound as if he didn’t mind and failing, “Not really the deal we made though.” You laughed, “Are you telling me that wouldn’t make you want revenge? Being edged and teased when you were meant to be in charge. Wouldn’t that rile you up. Make you want to turn the tables, show me who’s boss. I mean, all your cocky dom behaviour is what got me wanting to tie you up last time, but maybe it doesn’t work like that for you.” “Oh! I hadn’t thought of it like that.” “Because you like when I tell you what to do.” “No. Well maybe a bit. But mostly because I feel bad and thought I should just do what you want so you’d know I wouldn’t, like, hurt you or whatever. I mean, I would have expected another night for you to make it up to me but…” “It is tempting but I’ll admit I might have some ulterior motives for letting you dom me,” you leaned closer to Ben as if you were about to reveal a big secret, “You can learn a lot about how to control a guy by letting him control you. So I’m happy to let you do virtually anything you want to me. With a few exceptions.” “What sort of exceptions?” “I don’t mind anal play,” you dropped into a more serious tone rather than the sultry one you’d slipped into, “but I haven’t done any prep for it so none of it tonight please. Also, I would prefer any marks left are in easy to hide places. Concealer can be bloody expensive and I don’t want to waste any on whatever hickeys and bruises you want to leave. And I’m not super into choking. I don’t mind a hand on my neck but no squeezing if possible.” Ben hummed, “But everything else is on the cards? Mouth and cunt? Spanking? Hair pulling? Tying you up?” “Mmhmm. Whatever you want. As soon as we’re back in that car of yours. Of course, if you’re feeling all subby then that could be what you want.” A low rumble emanated from Ben’s throat as if he were growling and it made you intrigued and a little wet. But you did your best to play it cool, “See, looks like we’re fixing your boner already.”
Fortunately for you, it seemed to take Ben a little while to grasp just what you considered inappropriate flirting. At first you kept your reminders small, giving him firm taps and small pinches, maybe cutting him off to tell him to try again. But, when the lessons didn’t seem to be sticking, you ramped it up a little. By the time you were finished with the food and had moved on to finishing the champagne, he once again tried to describe a night he’d spent with another women, going into unnecessary detail about her figure in less than polite terms. You let him talk as you undid his zip and reached into his pants. Ben hummed as your fingers stroked along his already semi hard length, easily pulled free since he’d not worn underwear either, “Your gonna try and outdo her now are you?” he asked, seemingly having forgotten your threats, “Hope you know how to suck properly cause she was an expert.” You didn’t respond, just kept focused on the handjob as Ben went back to describing what the young woman had done to him. His voice became strained as he got more excited, his cock well and truly hard within your grasp, beads of precum at his tip. “Why’d you stop?” he groaned when you removed your hand before he could finish. “I told you I’d edge you.” “I thought you were bluffing,” he admitted, his face flushed. “Oh I never joke about edging baby. Especially when I’m using it to correct bad behaviour.” “What’s to stop me just finishing myself off?” “Well then you obviously wouldn’t need me at all tonight.” Ben’s hand hovered over his cock for a moment before he moved it aside. “Good boy. Now tell me more about that art show you mentioned. Did you say there was an auction?”
“Um, yeah.” He blinked like he was trying to get his brain to switch thought, “Father thinks I should be seen at fundraisers and charity events more than at clubs and restaurants so I mostly went to keep him off my back. It was mostly pretty boring but I ended up winning this stunning painting, only good piece of the night. Very detailed nude. The tits on her, phwoar. I even met the model who posed for it. Wanted to com-” Ben cut himself off as you began wanking him again. “Sorry.” “Thank you for apologising baby,” you sped your hand up, figuring since he’d caught himself before he said anything really bad you wouldn’t draw this one out. “You can stop, I didn’t say anything.” “Aww baby, I still have to edge you. Otherwise you’ll never learn.” Ben swore when you did release him, his breath heavy as he said, “That wasn’t fair. I wasn’t even going to say anything bad. Besides your tits are better. Not as big but I’ve touched both and yours are better. No, no, please.” “You can come up with a better complement than that.” You sighed, as if edging him was a chore you didn’t enjoy. “Fucking bitch. I know this is just cause I’ve got the best cock you’ve ever had and you wanted an excuse to touch it.” “Amazingly, that’s worse. And it’ll cost you another three edges. One for calling me a bitch. One for being so far up your own ass you think I couldn’t possibly have had better. And one because I know you’re enjoying this and that’s why you keep saying the douchiest shit.” You pulled your hand away, “Thats one.” Ben whined when you started on the next, the break between only short. “Don’t cum,” you reminded him, “it will not stop me, I’ll just overstimulate you instead. Maybe then you’ll really learn your lesson.” “Please, please, close,” Ben managed to whimper, and you pulled your hand away again to reward him. Ben whined and pounded his fist against the ground once, but he managed to keep whatever thoughts he was having to himself. He was clearly learning. “Just one more, okay baby?” Ben nodded, leaning back on his elbows. His cockhead was dark and precum dripped down his shaft. He wouldn’t last if you began another edge too soon so you decided to toy with him in other ways while you waited. Pushing yourself to your knees, you gathered the hem of your dress in your fists and slowly began to raise it. “Wasn’t sure I believed you,” Ben said, not quite managing to sound as cocky as he had before the edges but making a valiant attempt “Good to know you can follow instructions.” He reached a hand out as if to touch your naked pussy but you tutted and grabbed his wrist. “Not yet, baby.” you shuffled closer, keeping the front of your dress lifted as you placed a knee on either side of his legs. “Now edge yourself for me.” Ben groaned with longing as he looked at your cunt, but then he switched to glaring at you as he did as you’d said, slowly working his hand along his shaft, aided by precum and a little of his own spit. You’d been fully prepared to rub yourself along his cock or even against his thigh if he’d made a fuss, but he hadn’t even tried to argue. He was clearly planning your demise, if his expression was anything to go by, but you had expected that and only minded in so much as you were missing out on the subby little face he made when you’d had him last and he’d given in completely. But you let him go, occasionally instructing him, but mostly just watching his reactions, seeing if you could pick when he was close. It didn’t take long for him to get there, whining as he pulled his hand back. “Good boy,” you let your dress drop again, leaning forward to carefully tuck his leaking cock back into his pants, hoping that just your touch wouldn’t set him off.
Settling back onto the rug you continued the conversation as if nothing had happened, sipping at your champagne. Ben drank his a little faster, still staring daggers at you from over the rim of his glass, even when responding to you. But he seemed to have learnt his lesson. Once or twice he started to say something but cut himself off and changed tact, and you ended up having a genuinely pleasant chat. He was still flirty, still explicit about how much he wanted to fuck you, just less obnoxious about it. You didn’t have to hear about any more of his previous sexual escapades at any rate, and he was attentive enough to make you feel like sex was only most of what he cared about. Finally, you decided to put him out of his misery and see what he had in store for you.  “Bottles empty."  “I’ve got more back at the hotel” Ben said, catching on instantly – the bottle had been empty for a little while.   “Perfect,” you smiled and let him help you to your feet, collecting the rubbish in the bag from the Thai place and dropping it into a bin out on the street as he hurried you back to the car. The driver stubbed out a cigarette on the road when he saw you approaching and was holding the door open by the time you reached him. 
You were barely inside when Ben put his hand on your knees, pushing your legs open. “Already?” you asked, breath hitching as he exposed you. “Are you kidding? After what you did tonight, you think I’d wait?” he leaned in closer, one hand sliding up your thigh as the other remained firm on your knee so you couldn’t close your legs again, “After last time you really think I wouldn’t be itching to get my hands on you? You got something no one else has had and I’m so fucking annoyed that I liked it. I went home so pissed off after we docked because I know that you could have me on my knees, at your beck and call, in an instant. And I can’t have you out there bragging about it, telling anyone else, or I’m ruined. Especially because I also love domming sluts. Now, we did your quiet little dinner thing, I listened to you criticise me and imply I don’t satisfy my women. And then, as if that wasn’t enough, I let you have some fun at my expense. You were obviously so desperate to get my cock out that you had to make up an excuse to touch me,” his fingers stroked against your cunt and he smirked as if your wetness was proving him right, “but that’s okay. I like my whores desperate.” You wanted to interrupt him, to tell him that he was wrong, or better yet to steal control from him again, but as soon as you opened your mouth his palm was covering it. “Shhh no, it’s my turn to talk. I think it’s time for you to have a lesson, a hard lesson, in what it means to be my whore. That was our deal anyway. So you’re going to be quiet and do what I want. Nod if you consent.” You decided you must have got through to him at least a little bit since he was now trying to make consent clear, it was a far cry from when he’d last had you pinned down in his limo anyway, and you had agreed to it beforehand. So you nodded. “You’re going to be an eager and willing slut for me aren’t you?” You nodded but it wasn’t enough for Ben who moved his hand away and ordered “repeat what you are.” “You’re eager and willing slut. Sir.” “That’s what I like to hear. And you will enjoy everything I do to you. That’s not a threat, that’s a promise. Now show me your cunt again.” He sat back and you readjusted yourself in the seat, hitching your dress up as you spread your legs wider. Ben hummed in appreciation, “Touch yourself for me.” You swallowed thickly and did as he asked, stroking your fingers over your lips, already a little wet from teasing him. But Ben expected more, “Do it properly. You know how big I am, get yourself ready so I can fit.”
It made you want to roll your eyes but you resisted the urge, ready to play along like you’d promised. Instead, you kept eye contact with him as you stuck your fingers in your mouth, slicking them up with saliva before moving them back down to your cunt. On another day you might have been able to use the position to your advantage, make him so eager for you with your display that you could take charge before he realised what was happening. You were certain that if you’d made Ben watch you fingering yourself last time he would have turned submissive before you even made it onto the yacht. But he seemed determined to give you a taste of your own medicine today. He made a pleased sound and just watched. There was definitely a tension to him – something in the way he sat back from you and how his hand rested on the edge of the seat as if he were about to dig his fingers into the soft leather to keep from giving in – but he kept up the appearance of nonchalance. Which made you less sure of your assessment, and more worried about what he had in store for you. By the time you were adding a third finger, you felt very flustered and warm. Ben hadn’t looked away once. He’d relaxed more, content with watching despite how he was straining against the fabric of his pants. He’d made a couple of comments to either instruct you more specifically, or to gloat about how following orders suited you. “You like to play at taking charge, but we both know you want a man like me to control you.” You shook your head but your defiance was undercut by a whine. Ben just laughed, “you’re cunt agrees with me. I can see how wet you are. I can hear it. Don’t think you’re wet enough to handle my cock yet though. Guess I should give you a hand.” He’d been slowly rolling up his sleeve as he spoke but once it was up he quickly moved to take over. His body boxed you in against the seat and he pulled your fingers free, replacing them with his own. You half expected him to reach for your throat like last time but he didn’t. He did however shove three large fingers into your cunt, making you whine a little at the extra stretch of them. “Knew you needed help,” he smirked as he began fingering you relentlessly, his movements shallow and fast but reaching deeper. After a few rapid strokes he added in a little curl of his fingers against your front wall and you moaned suddenly. The look Ben gave you was his most insufferable yet, entirely too pleased with himself, but there wasn’t much you could do since he was making you feel so good.
Entirely too quickly he stopped and you looked around confused, wondering if you’d arrived already.  Ben didn’t answer, more concerned with getting his pants undone and pushing them down.   You were about to suggest that maybe he was the desperate one when he sat down and beckoned you over.   “You wanted it so bad, whore, here you go.” When you didn’t move straight away he clicked his fingers, “I know it's a monster but your cunt can take it. C’mon.”  You moved closer and Ben grabbed your hips, manhandling you onto his lap, groaning as you sank down he shaft.  Your back was to Ben, so you braced your hands on his knees, assuming you were meant to ride him. But he stopped you, wrapping an arm around you to keep you still, “no don’t move. You can warm me for a bit while I explain the trouble you’re in.”  You squirmed, not out of a strong desire to exhaust yourself riding him, more to show he wouldn’t have it too easy, even if you had agreed to submit. Ben’s grip remained tight but his other hand did slip down to your pussy, his fingers finding your clit with surprising ease and rubbing it lightly. Not firm enough to get you very far but enough to make you want more.   “You’re going to get a taste of your own medicine. I’m going to make you wait, and I’m going to make you beg, and I’m going to have you as much as I can tonight. And maybe again in the morning if you’re lucky.”  “How do you know I’ll beg?”  “Well if you don’t that’ll be your problem. Because you won’t be cumming until you do. But, see, I’ll get off as much as I want. Your little edging game means that even just being in you has me close already. It gave me some ideas too.” That was when he started rubbing your clit properly, his fingertips pressing against it, pulling you closer to the edge.   You knew it wouldn’t last, that he’d stop before you got anywhere near orgasm, but that didn’t change how disappointing it was when he did. Especially because you involuntarily clenched around his cock at the sudden lack of stimulation, and heard Ben groan in your ear.  “God you feel good when I deny you,” he said as he started again.   You quickly lost track of how many edges you had and how long you’d been in the car.   Ben hadn’t had the satisfaction of hearing you beg, but he’d made you whine and whimper. And he’d had more actual satisfaction than you, managing an orgasm just from the wet warmth of you tightening around him a few times. He’d gone rigid for a moment as he reached his release but then he’d recovered himself and gone right back to edging you. You’d tried to clench around him more intentionally, hoping to overstimulate him a little, but if he felt much he didn’t let on. Which meant that by the time he pushed you from his lap you could feel a combination of his cum and your slick on your thighs and dripping from your cunt.   The car pulled up as Ben said, “Clean yourself up,” tossing you a few tissues from a pocket inside his suit jacket, “Can’t have you dripping through the foyer.”  That felt more humiliating than anything else he’d done or said, especially because of how horny and wet you were, but Ben didn’t seem to notice as he tucked himself away again and smoothed out his suit.   Once you’d straightened yourself up as much as you could in the confines of the limo, Ben helped you out, once again acting the gentleman as he offered you his arm.
You tried to act as normal as possible as you walked through the foyer of what was obviously a five star hotel, an ambitious goal considering what had happened on the drive there and how fancy the place seemed.  "Do you live here?” you asked, hoping that having a conversation to focus on would help with the image you were attempting to cultivate.   Ben shook his head as you approached the lifts, “No, I have a house. Father bought it for me when I turned 18. He thought it would do me good to live on my own or something. But I never take the women I fuck there.”  You blinked, surprised, “why not?”  “If I was dating them it would be different, and in fact one of my exes did move in there with me for a while. But one night stands don’t get to see where I live. I permanently keep the penthouse suite here for getting my dick wet. That’s how you know you’re one of my whores.” He didn't give you a chance to respond, pulling you into a demanding kiss, his hands roaming over your arse until the elevator dinged at his floor.  
It was a short walk to his door and Ben already had the keycard out by the time you reached it, clearly eager for more. He took just enough time to place a do not disturb hanger on the door handle before he pushed you to your knees right there in the entry way. When you looked up he was working on unbuckling his pants again, his cock already hard as he pulled it out, his quick refractory time a result of the edges, or so you assumed.   “I’m sure you’ve got some little plan to get on top going on in your head right now, Y/N,” he said as he worked on his pants, “But I assure you it won’t be happening tonight, so I think a little test is in order. You need to prove you can submit before you go any further.”  You nodded meekly, already horny and resigned to your fate.   “Well go on, suck.”  You shuffled forward, feeling Ben’s large fingers twisting softly in your hair to guide you. Bracing yourself for his fist to tighten or for him to force you down his shaft, you pressed your lips to his tip. But he defied your expectations, his hands leaving you altogether once he had you in place. It was strange but you didn’t complain, focusing instead on his cock.  Ben sighed in pleasure as you brought a spit wet palm up to stroke his shaft, your mouth busy becoming acquainted with his tip, but otherwise he made little acknowledgement of your actions. Instead he preoccupied himself getting undressed.   You felt more than saw him shimmy out of his jacket, flinging it unceremoniously to the floor behind him. Next came the sound of his wristwatch being placed, much more carefully, on the hall stand beside you. A moment later his cufflinks joined it. When he took off his dress shirt you had to pause your bobbing, letting him fall from your lips as you pulled back to watch. He did have a very nice chest, you remembered that from last time, and you were sure he’d take your looking as a complement.   Ben flashed you a pleased look as he noticed you, allowing you to watch as he slipped the shirt from his arms and dropped it to the floor, but once it was off he considered the show over. His fist was once again in your hair, this time much more forcefully tugging you back towards his cock.   “I didn’t tell you to stop.” he drawled as you got your lips around his tip and felt his palm pushing you further down his length.   You managed okay to start but without being able to control your pace as much you couldn’t keep from gagging as you took Ben deeper.   Ben hummed, clearly satisfied with the sound, his hand loosening a little as a reward.   You took the hint and found a rhythm that pleased him, working yourself up and down his shaft, your hand stroking whatever wasn’t in your mouth. You gagged a few more times as you pushed yourself further, but Ben definitely enjoyed it when you did.  All of a sudden he stopped you, both hands in your hair to keep you from moving.   “I think you’re ready now, hands off.”  You had no idea what he thought you were ready for but you did as he said, partly because you wanted to prove him wrong about your ability to follow orders, but mostly because you were very turned on and wanted to hurry up and get to the bit where he’d fuck you for real. The thought was distracting enough that you were caught off guard as he pressed his hips forward, pushing more of his cock than you were ready for towards your throat. You gagged again and Ben groaned. 
“Good girl, just take it.” He said grunted as he thrust into your mouth again, and then again, not worrying about going slow.  Your hair was tangled tight in his fingers, keeping you from moving too far from where he wanted you. Instinct made you try to lean back a little but aside from Ben’s grip, you were too close to the door to get very far. You heard Ben’s knuckles bump against it, the solid wood an intimidating barrier behind you that made it clear you had little choice but to do as Ben wanted. You assumed that if you’d tapped out, Ben would have let you, but you didn’t want to. Ben had been right when he’d said it was hot to be used. You were already very wet but your pussy ached as he fucked your mouth, denying you what you really wanted so he could take what would satisfy him. Each shift of his hips made indecent wet sounds as saliva built up and dripped onto your chin and he pulled more gags from your throat. Tears pooled in your eyes but Ben didn’t seem to care. He kept up fucking you for longer than you might have expected if you’d been able to think clearly enough to guess. Especially with how turned on he must have been, just based on the groans and moans he made as he used you. But finally Ben seemed to reach a limit of just how much pleasure he could withstand. His hips sped up, and he grunted each word on a new thrust as he said, “Gonna fucking cum. You better fucking swallow.”  You blinked more tears from your eyes which Ben took as compliance with his wants as he got himself off, rutting against your tongue until he stopped, keeping you pinned between his hips and the door as he filled your mouth with cum. Ben pulled out quickly which you were thankful for. You’d been able to steal breaths throughout the blowjob but had unwittingly held your breath as he finished, and were eager to be free. He took half a step back, hands rising to his hips as he stared you down, daring you to recoil at the taste of his cum or worse still to spit it out. Between heavy breaths through your nose your swallowed, fighting the urge to wipe your eyes or face.  “Good girl,” Ben cooed as if he’d expected a brattier display, “I knew that fem dom shit was just a cry for attention. This was what you really wanted all along.”  You shook your head so that you could at least say you tried to disagree, but Ben was more concerned with tucking his cock away again and missed the display of defiance altogether. Once he was sorted he helped you up, taking a moment to examine your face before dragging his thumbs under your eyes to clear up the mascara that had transferred there.  “Pointless,” he muttered softly when he realised he was mostly just spreading the mascara around, “I’m sure it wont be the last you cry tonight. Unless of course you want to admit you’re nothing more than a desperate whore and beg for my cock.”  “I’m not begging,” you frowned, sure he’d be quicker to give in once he got close to your pussy.   Ben just smiled, “You will. For now I want you on the bed.”  You made to move down the hall but he stopped you before you made it more than a step.   “Wait. There’s a rule I have. Whores aren’t allowed to wear clothes past this point. I might make an exception for nice lingerie but not tonight. Not for you.” He didn’t even give you the satisfaction of stripping for him, pulling the zip of your dress down and tugging on your dress until it slipped down to join the mess of discarded menswear on the floor, quickly followed by your bra. “Mmmm,” he hummed as his eyes raked over your naked body, “Perfect. Bed, now.” A spank landed on your arse cheek and you hurried ahead of him, able to feel Ben’s eyes on your arse for the whole length of the corridor.  
The upside of being on the bed before Ben had even entered the room was that you had ample time to admire how good he looked without a shirt. You openly ogled him as he moved to the cupboard, taking a moment to dig something out, though his delicious back was blocking your view of what it was. Although your preoccupation with his naked chest also meant you weren’t as observant as you might otherwise have been. You were too distracted to notice him tuck something into his pocket, and you entirely missed it when he began speaking, only realising when he seemed to address you.  “-only fair I get to do the same to you, right?”  You blinked, knowing you’d missed something but not wanting to let on because you knew he’d be a dick about it.   As it was he raised his eyebrows and prompted you to respond, “Well? It’s a simple question. You’re not normally this ditzy, did sucking me off make you too horny to think?”  You shook your head, “No Sir, I thought it was rhetorical.”   For a moment you weren’t sure your gambit had worked but then Ben laughed, “Almost a shame you’re not so cockdumb yet. But maybe you’re right,” Ben strode around to the top right corner of the bed, squatting slightly to pull something from under the mattress, “My expectation was that you’d agree.” He grabbed your wrist and tugged it back, fitting a black loop around it.   As he tightened the restraint you realised what he’d been talking about. That this was pay back for when you’d tied him to the yacht’s bed. He’d been eager for it then, practically walked you through tying sailor worthy knots with the rope, but you couldn’t blame him for wanting to see you bound to his bed in the same way. So you just wriggled yourself into a little more comfort as he rounded the bed and restrained your other wrist too.   “Now what are you going to do to me?” you pouted at him coyly, feeling a little like you were poking a bear.   “I already told you.” he said, kneeling on the end of the bed, “I’m going to make you beg.”  That was when he revealed what he’d taken from his cupboard and tucked into his pocket. The vibrator wasn’t huge but it was powerful, making you jolt as he pressed it to your clit.  You squirmed but the wrist cuffs kept you from being able to move too far from its buzzing and you couldn’t help but moan as your long denied orgasm built.   Ben quickly stopped the toy, replacing it with his fingers, dragging them through the wetness between your lips, “Go on whore, tell me you want my cock in this needy cunt.”  You shook your head, biting your lip to keep from moaning again as his fingers entered you easily. He thrust them in and out of you a few times before bringing the vibrator back to your clit. Whenever Ben sensed you were getting close he’d stop touching you entirely. Sometimes even before you were close, preferring to hedge his bets and stop early rather than risk giving you the orgasm. It would undercut his dominance if you came earlier than he wanted, even if he ruined it. So he was careful with how he edged you. He alternated between his fingers and the vibe. When he felt you were enjoying yourself too much he’d intentionally ignore your clit. You’d be left with three of his fingers pumping into you, hearing Ben make pleased little hums when he found spots within you that made you whine or gasp. When that didn’t seem to be enough to make you give in he upped the ante, pressing the tip of the vibrator into you. It didn’t stretch you as much as his fingers (or his cock) did, but the patterns of vibrations when he turned it on made up for what it lacked in size.
While you’d already decided you’d let Ben have it his way, part of you still wanted him to have to work for it. Unfortunately, any ideas you had about withstanding his onslaught went out the door very quickly. You were way too worked up to hold out and the combination of his fingers and the toy he was fucking into your cunt had you begging in only a few short moments. At your first, “please Sir,” Ben laughed. “Embarrassing how easy that was,” he smirked, “I expected more but I guess you really are just one of my whores.” You whined as he removed the vibrator and his fingers, worried the edging would continue all night. “S’pose it’s about time I fuck you properly. Lord knows im stiff for it.” You watched as he undid his zip and finally removed his pants, his cock semi hard again, and you couldn’t keep yourself from begging again. “Only one question left. How should I do it? Flip you over and take you from behind?” He wrapped his fist around his cock and you whimpered as he stroked himself harder, “Make you ride me? I know how much you like being on top. Think I like the idea of seeing you under me too much for that. This time anyway. No, I know what I want.” His breath came a little harder as he moved onto the bed, cock still in hand as he pushed your legs open again. “I want you to watch me while I fuck you. I want you right where you are, tied up, incapable of dominating me. You’ll soon see how much you like it.” As he spoke he pressed against your hole, teasing you one final time before he finally gave you what you wanted. His cock slipped in easily, and Ben’s groan was nearly as loud as yours. At another time, with free hands and a clearer mind, you might have enjoyed that more, knowing Ben was as desperate as you were. But after so much edging and teasing, you could only focus on how good and full you felt. Ben’s eagerness extended beyond just sounds of delight too. Any plans he might have had to draw it out, go slow and deep to torment you more, went out the window as soon as he felt you clench around his shaft. His hips jolted forward, cock sinking into your audibly wet cunt, and he couldn’t help but do it again and again, falling into a rapid rhythm. Barely half his length made it in you, his thrusts too rapid to allow him to get much deeper, but it didn’t matter. The feeling of him dragging against your walls would have been enough, but Ben also added a thumb to your clit. He rubbed you messily, more concerned with how it felt to be inside you, but you didn’t need much stimulation to get close again. “Cum,” he said simply when you moaned about how good he felt. He fucked you through the first orgasm, praising you for being such a good whore, not even relenting when you were panting, no longer arching under him. “You’re going to cum again, sweetheart” he ordered, pounding into you with a particularly hard thrust that made your head spin. A slight breathlessness was the only sign he was at all worked up, which just added to his control, and all you could do was nod in agreement, sure you would cum as many times as he wanted no matter how hard it became. Ben chuckled, clearly pleased with how fucked out and compliant you were, but focused his energy into fucking you rather than any banter. You squirmed a little more, a touch sensitive after your first orgasm, but not uncomfortably so, and your second came up quickly too, your body eager for release after being denied it for so long. Ben didn’t last much longer either, the feeling of your cunt tightening round his cock again enough to undo him. He groaned more and more as he got closer, finally pressing himself as deep as you could take him as he hit his release with a satisfied moan.
Ben collapsed on top of you, his weight pressing you comfortingly into the mattress as his lips found your neck. He was breathing harder now, the puffs of warmth tickling your skin.   You groaned as you tried to shift under him, your thighs aching from being spread open, but you found you couldn’t close them since Ben was still filling you.   “Uh uh uh,” he tutted into your skin, “Didn’t say you could shut your legs.” He pushed himself back up, leaning back to look at himself disappearing into you, “You look good like this.”  You shivered as he ran a finger around where you were stretched around his length, your wrists jolting in the bonds.   Ben remained thoughtfully silent for a moment, absentmindedly touching your pussy and your thighs, as he took in your dishevelled and restrained appearance.   “I think I want to see you cum again.”   “Again?” you whimpered, partly from his touch and partly from his tone.  He answered by reaching for the vibrator again, pressing it to your clit and holding it there until he’d forced a third orgasm from you, just because he could.  It was good but a lot, your body more sensitive now, and unable to move as freely as you’d have liked. There was no escaping the stimulation, no shifting your hips to change the angle of the vibrations or to spread them over more of your cunt than just your clit. You had to take it the way Ben wanted you to, the vibrators setting higher than you would have chosen, pressed firmly in place until your toes curled and your thighs shook.   Ben pulled out as you neared the climax, so that when you came he could watch his own release dribble onto the sheets, grinning cockily at the sight.  When he was finally satisfied, he turned the toy off and let you collapse, chuckling as he leaned over to free you from the restraints. Gently he rubbed your wrists, making sure you were okay as you gathered your senses.   “What was it you said about me not caring if my whores get off?” he asked, flopping on top of you again.  You wanted to come back with something clever but your brain was still too hazy to manage anything more than, “Oh shut up.”  “You beg real fucking pretty by the way. It’s obvious I’m the best you’ve had.”   You rolled your eyes at his smirking, the insufferable way he was speaking reigniting your desire to put him in his place, “Keep being such an ass and I’ll have to pick out a toy to use on you.” You squeaked as Ben cut you off, grabbing your cheeks so your lips were pushed into a pout.  “No. Eager and willing sluts don’t threaten their Sir’s. While you’re here, you’re mine,” his hand covered your cunt possessively, “I’m going to want you again tonight and I expect you to keep being the good girl I know you secretly love being.”  You swallowed thickly, nodding in his grasp.  Ben let you go and, as if to soften his words or placate you, added, “But maybe tomorrow I’ll let you tell me some of your silly ideas, see if you can convince me they’re more fun than fucking my new toy brainless.” 
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almightyellie · 2 years
ben hardy masterlist
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titles marked with ♥︎ include smut
one shots
⇢ my type ♥︎
in which you’re a disgruntled, unorganized college student and ben is merely your neighbor just trying to pass his classes.
⇢ birds don't sing
in which you and ben have been best friends for years, but after an incident with joe, things begin to change.
⇢ mr. loverman ♥︎
in which breaking up with ben is the hardest thing you’ve ever done, especially when you’re still in love with each other.
⇢ bookends
in which ben is a lonely author who just so happens to fall in love with his neighbor.
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⇢ three hearts ♥︎
in which you can’t stand ben. really, truly, can’t stand him. it’s just your luck that he gets you pregnant.
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⇢ lazy sex ♥︎ ⇢ shower sex ♥︎ ⇢ dad ben ⇢ fifa accidents ♥︎ ⇢ ben when you’re sick ⇢ dad!ben’s birthday ⇢ spitting ♥︎ ⇢ ben x cam girl ♥︎ ➝ part 2 ♥︎ ⇢ breeding kink ♥︎ ⇢ 3h family quarantine ⇢ friends with benefits ♥︎ ⇢ choking ♥︎
all mini blurbs can be found here!
⇢ dad!ben
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george-mackay-macfine · 8 months
I'm back into the writing mood after some heavy shit.
Now opening up the requests for Will Poulter, Jeremy Allen White, Ben Hardy (and their characters) as well as the usual roster.
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Will and JAW girlies slid into the DM's
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vixemi · 9 months
Idk if anyone will know what I’m talking about but I’m trying to find a imagine about Roger Taylor played by Ben Hardy who cheats on reader with a fan I believe. Let a girl know if you find it.
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yourimagines · 3 months
Hi love👋🏻
Can you perhaps write a multiple story about Dunkirk or Pearl harbour. With the actors jack lowden, josh hartnett, ben affleck and Tom hardy. I’m so down for them 😂
If not it’s fine, I understand
Hi, thank you for your request, sorry it took me this long but here is the first part. It's going to be a slow burn ad the readers choose how this story will go, so please tell me what should happen next🧡
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: WW2, Swearing, Angst and fluff
Disclaimer: It’s a fiction based off real life events.
Part two, Part three, Part four
Jack Collins 23 years old,
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Tom Farrier 26 years old,
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Danny Walker 22 years old,
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Rafe McCawley 24 years old,
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The world was falling apart slowly as war began to spread across Europe. Most of the men who were above 16 years old joined the military, to fight for our country. I joined the military as well as a 20 year old woman, to help and take care of our men as a nurse.
“This is France.” Mrs Dawson said as she pointed at the map, that was hanging against the wall. “Some of you will go there and help our forces at the front lines, others stay here.” Most girls got excited as they heard about going to France, going to our troops. “We all move to the military base tomorrow morning, pack light because you don’t need anything else than your medical supplies at the front lines.” With that she ended her speech and we all went back to our rooms, getting ready for tomorrow.
——The next day——
It was six in the morning when they woke us up. “Let’s go ladies, time is ticking.” We all got up and got ready. “I’m so excited, I hope I’ll get picked for France.” My best friend said as she put some makeup on. “There is a war going on, you know that right?” She nodded and flashed me a smile through the mirror. “Y/n, there are the real men, not those….you know from town.” I rolled my eyes and smoothed my dress. “Right….just hurry up, I don’t want to be late.”
The train ride was quiet as everyone was nervous. “Please let them be handsome.” One of my new friends said. “Of course they are, all RAF pilots are good looking and respectful men.” A small discussion started between a few ladies. “Y/n needs a man.” My best friend said with a giggle. “No I don’t, I’m not here to find a man.” She gave me a look and shrugged me off. “Everyone is looking for a man…”
After a long travel day we arrived at the military base from the RAF. “Ladies, I want you all to behave and show your best side as captain Morty will guide us to our rooms.” Mrs Dawson said as captain Morty smiled at us. “Yes mrs Dawson.” We all said in chorus. She nodded at the captain and he guided us to our rooms as we passed through a few hangars.
Jack POV
“Nurses will be joining us.” Danny said as he joined us at the hangar. “Really?” Josh a new mechanic said as he looked up from his work. “Yes, they just arrived.” The mechanics started to whistle as they heard the new from Danny. “Calm down, they are just nurses.” Rafe said with a grin on his face, finding it amusing how the mechanics reacted to the news. “He’s right, they are here to do their job, so let’s focus on ours.” Tom our squad commander said as he was reading a book. “Of course…” they mumbled as they went back to their work.
The whole atmosphere between the mechanics was different than usual, It’s causing a bit of commotion between everyone. “Do you think we have a chance?” Josh asked As he was cleaning his work spot. “Honestly no, if they are looking for a man, they want those ground soldiers.” Danny said as he stood up, brushing off his pants. “Really? Not even the pilots?” Josh looked a bit disappointed at Danny, who just shook his head. “Josh, he’s joking around, of course we have a chance. Women like every man that is serving in the military at the moment.” Rafe said with an amusing smile on his face, as his best friend was joking around with the mechanics.
We all got send off early to our beds as we all needed those extra hours of sleep. “I heard it’s not going well for the French.” Danny quietly said as we were all lying in our bunk beds. “Do you think we are going there?” He popped his head up and leaned over the edge to look down at his friend Rafe, who was lying on his back, his arms crossed behind his head. “Maybe…” he answered, Danny nodded and laid back in his bed. “Why are you thinking about that?” I asked him. “Don’t know, I heard one of the mechanics talking about it this morning.” I hummed and rolled over to my left side, facing the wall. “We’ll see how it goes…”
The girls were excited as we saw a few mechanics and pilots roaming around in one of the hangars. “They are all so handsome.” One said as we were getting ready to go to bed. “I know…” my best friend said. I smiled and crawled into the bed. “I can’t wait to start tomorrow.” We all giggled about it, gossiping about them and talking about our future. After some time we turned the light off and laid down in our own beds. “We should get some sleep, we all need to look good in the morning.” Someone said as a few hummed and agreed. I silently nodded and turned around, facing the wall. “We’ll see how it goes…”
We all woken up by a bell going off, it was Mrs Dawson. “Ladies, it’s time to get ready.” Some of us groaned, some of us stood up without saying a word. I slowly turned around and moved the blanket away. “Come on, get up.” Mrs Dawson said as a few were still lying in their beds. “You all have 10 minutes to get ready.” She disappeared from our shared room and we all began our morning routine.
“This is the work station for you ladies.” Caption Morty said as we walked into a room, looking like a small hospital. “Our men will stop by to get their medical check ups before leaving for their missions.” We all looked around the room. “Anymore questions? If not, Mrs Dawson has the schedules from all the groups that are in this facility and she also has the time schedules for the canteen. Ladies I wish you all the best.” He gave Mrs Dawson a nod and left us alone, she started to show us the schedules and rules for our new adventure here at the RAF military base.
Jack POV
Danny went for a walk and came back with a smile on his face. “What happened to you?” Rafe asked as Danny joined us at the table. “I saw them.” Tom sighed and continued to eat his breakfast. “Is that why you went for a walk?” Danny smiles and digs into his breakfast. “Danny come on…” Rafe said annoyingly. “I only passed by, they were with captain Morty.” I shook my head and Tom shot me a well knowing glare. “I think we should leave them be, they can’t have us spying on them as well. The mechanics are already losing their minds.” Rafe pointed at me, agreeing what I just said. “See, you need to stop Walker, we are here to fight for our country. Not for the ladies…” Danny nodded, knowing what we meant. “Yeah…you’re right.” Rafe gave him a gently pat on his shoulder. “It’s all good brother.”
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drreidsconverse · 1 year
Ben Hardy x fem! reader
(a/n): been a minute since I've written anything, but I think this could be good? Hoping this gets me back into the writing mood, I also got a MacBook so I'm hoping I can write more on here.
long or short?: short imagine; I MAY elaborate later with a longer story with full detail of how we've gotten here ;)
what kind?: angst
Inspo?: Manhattan by Sara Bareilles (lyrics will be in color and italics)
(a/n 2): I SWEAR i'll write some fluff later, I used a different writing format then normal for this so I probably didn't proof read this lol.
gif by @ificanwriteiscannon
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First person POV:
You can can have Manhattan, I know it's for the best,
I packed the last of my things in a duffle bag, a weeks worth of clothes, zipping it quietly.
Hoping- no praying he didn't wake. Next, I grabbed the note and placed it on the table next to our his bed. My sneakers came next, I slip out of our bedroom without disturbing him or Frankie.
Catching a final glimpse of their sleeping forms, Taking in our Manhattan apartment in for a final time.
I'll gather up the avenues and leave them at your doorstep and I'll tiptoe away, so you won't have to say you heard me leave
Ben's POV:
you can have Manhattan cause I can't have you
"-I just feel
as if we've gone two different directions
I am so so sorry
I love you
forever yours.
you can have Manhattan ill settle for the beach and sunsets facing westward with sand beneath my feet ill wish wish this away
"What the fuck, what the actual fuck? Sh- she wouldn't just leave, She didn't get all of her things." I tried to rationalize as I paced the living room.
I put my head in my hands as I tried to find a reason for this to be happening, we were happy; Things were perfect, so perfect, and now it's just gone?
I grabbed my phone dialing her number. My thumb hovering over the 'green cell phone' icon. Pressing it I placed the phone next to my ear listing to ringing for the longest, when I finally moved to end the call she answered.
"Hi." Her voice was broken like she'd been crying. I could hear birds behind her with crashes of waves as if she was at the beach. "Hey" My voice somber and small; "Is this really what you want? For us I mean-" I barely finished my sentence before I was crying.
She took few shallow breathes before answering.
"I- I don't know..."
(a/n): I am not responsible for how you feel after reading this because it hurt me too
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megalony · 2 years
Business Arrangement- Part 2
I know I haven’t written for Ben in months but I suddenly got the urge and inspiration and any requests and feedback would be lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @thereisa8ella @qardasngan @misc-incorporated @fandomreader​
Murderer! Ben Masterlist
Part 1
Summary: (Y/n) is more than ready to take over the business from her father, but the only way he will allow her to is if she marries Ben. For the business (Y/n) and Ben agree, but she soon realises she might just need protection and being with Ben becomes more enjoyable than she first thought.
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"Thank you,"
"You don't have to thank me, I'm here to protect you."
(Y/n) could feel his hand moving to the small of her back as his soft words reached her ears and the way his fingers spread out against her back made her shiver internally. His words made a fire ignite in (Y/n)'s stomach that spread up into her stomach when she could feel his dominating presence at her side like a shadow looming over her.
Ever since the stranger had tried to strangle her last week, (Y/n) hadn't felt confident coming in early or locking up alone and after having a panic attack when opening up the club, she had to bite the bullet and ask Ben to come in with her, just for a week or so. Just until she could do it on her own without passing out on the doorstep.
She thought he would be annoyed or irritated or that he would say she shouldn't be in charge of the business if she couldn't even open the club on her own. But he didn't. Ben simply smiled in that shark-tooth way and he hadn't seemed to stop smiling since he'd started walking her to and from work like a bodyguard.
In some ways, he was. After all, her father had arranged this marriage primarily because he wanted (Y/n) to be safe. So Ben didn't mind watching over her, he quite liked the role of protector.
"I still think we should have told your dad what happened."
Ben forcefully punched in the pin code to the side entrance of the club before holding the door open for (Y/n), keeping his free hand glued to the small of her back as she walked in.
"He doesn't need another reason to panic about resigning... and I don't want him thinking I'm not capable of running the business."
(Y/n) couldn't have her father knowing about what happened last week. If Dorian knew someone had choked her to threaten her about taking over the business, he would become panicked. He might re-think resigning when it was what he wanted to do and he might say he didn't want (Y/n) to take over anymore if it was going to put her in harms way or if she was going to become stressed out and nervous.
For a brief moment, (Y/n) felt like she couldn't breathe when Ben's hand moved from resting on her back to reach up to her neck. It felt out of character for his touch to be so gentle, so nervous and caring when his whole demanour was hard, cold and brutal. But his fingers were as light as a feather when they slowly pulled down the scarf around (Y/n)'s neck and the pad of his finger traced the dark red and blue mark that went all around the front of her neck.
Their footsteps came to a stop and (Y/n) gingerly tilted her head up to look at her finance in such a way it made Ben smile subconsciously.
"I'll see you later," His deep, sensual voice flooded through (Y/n) like a drug and it made her knees weak.
(Y/n) held her breath when Ben leaned forward and surprised her with a kiss on her forehead before he turned on his heels and disappeared, leaving her stunned to the spot for a few extra seconds.
Was this how it was going to be from now on? Forehead kisses, little touches here and there, big smiles that made her feel like fainting on the spot. Were they going to fall into a nice little routine, a comfortableness together that could be the basis for a good relationship?
This was a relationship, arranged or not. (Y/n) couldn't think of it as anything less because anything else wasn't worth having. She wanted to marry for love but her head was more practical than her heart and it told her that a marriage like this, one of safety and convenience, could blossom into something more. It was still a marriage and for all intense and purposes, they were going to be close.
(Y/n) wanted this to be a real relationship someday, she didn't want a marriage where they didn't talk or interact or be cosy or comfortable around each other. She didn't want Ben to be the silent partner in their marriage where they didn't interact other than for business or safety.
She wanted to be able to talk to him about almost anything, be around him at home and go out for drinks and talk about her favourite books and movies with him. (Y/n) wanted to hug him and be close to him because if they were going to be married for an uncertain amount of time it meant- at least for (Y/n) she couldn't have another relationship.
There was no way she could have a relationship with someone else when her marriage to Ben was for safety. People were supposed to think they were in love so no one would mess with her or the business.
But maybe this marriage might just work out.
A soft smile worked its way onto (Y/n)'s face when her eyes landed on her dad. He was leaning against the far wall on the right, arms folded over his chest with a cigarette in his hand.
"What are we watching?" (Y/n) whispered quietly when she approached him, looking round to see what he was admiring or scrutinising. They were in the gym at the back of the club and (Y/n) knew her dad rarely came into the gym unless they were closed and he was talking to their staff. When her eyes did another sweep around, she realised what he was looking at.
He was stood in the middle of the boxing ring, bare chest visible and covered in sweat, suspenders clinging to his broad shoulders and his trousers pulled high on his waist. He was barefoot in the ring and (Y/n) could see his blond curls soaked in sweat and hanging in front of his eyes like curtains.
She couldn't tell who exactly he was fighting since his opponent was hunched over, clinging to Ben's left arm while his right fist was pummelling into his stomach. Ben was both holding the man up and beating him down.
"Who's he fighting?"
"Ronnie? He's gonna kill him, you know if he does we won't get the money back, right?"
Ben was going to kill him with the way he was carrying on but (Y/n) couldn't seem to look away. It was oddly captivating to watch him show off his prowess in boxing and the way his smile glimmered like the deep waters of a lake made (Y/n) want to swoon.
Ronnie was someone who borrowed money from their firm and he wasn't doing so well at paying them back. If Ben killed him then they wouldn't get any money back, they wouldn't win they would just create a big mess that needed sorting. Nothing they couldn't handle, (Y/n) had done her fair share of burning documents and passports and logging a few of their men on shift to give them alibis for cleaning up a few situations. But it was still a lot of effort to go through to teach him not to take what he couldn't give back.
"When we dump him back on the streets, our other debts will be rolling in. That boy's gonna be our new hitman."
Something twinged inside (Y/n) when she watched her father nod and smile at Ben before he patted (Y/n) on the shoulder and left the gym. The only reason Ben was here was because her father was worried about (Y/n)'s safety. And it cut something inside of her to see him actually be proud of Ben after a week of him being involved in the company when he didn't give her a lot of appraisal.
She should have walked away and continued back to her office, she knew she should have left but something inside her kept her glued to the spot. Her eyes watched Ben effortlessly throw Ronnie across the ring, leaving a trail of blood splattering across the white floor and a splashback of blood flung at Ben's chest but he didn't care.
He stood in the middle of the ring, a proud smile on his lips and and a head of curls flopping around his face that was covered in beads of sweat rolling down his cheeks and neck.
His chest heaved to make up the breaths he lost while he slowly unravelled the white tape from his knuckles that barely had any scrapes on them at all despite how many punches he had thrown.
"What's buff boy doing here?"
A shiver ran down (Y/n)'s spine and she internally cringed when the gruff voice hit her ears. Why did Owen have to be here?
When she dared to turn her head to see him, she almost groaned out loud at how close and personal Owen made himself. He appeared almost out of nowhere and he stood dangerously close to her.
"Ben? He's working for us now, he's security and kind of a partner now." It felt weird but not all that bad to say that Ben was a partner in the business.
(Y/n) couldn't help but visibly frown when Owen scoffed. Why was he acting so coldly like this? He didn't even know Ben and Owen was only a security guy for the club, he wasn't in on any of the deals. He didn't look after the accounts or do the dodgy deals or the hard dirty work like a lot of others that worked for them. He had no right to be acting like he was high and mighty and Ben had been brought in under his nose.
"Nice. Anyway, what are you doing later, I was thinking we could go out somewhere."
"I don't think so," (Y/n) shook her head as she spoke before taking a step to the side to add a little distance between them.
Owen never seemed to get the message that she wasn't interested in him, or even in dating at all right now. She had the business to think of which took up most of her time and if that wasn't enough, Ben was now in the picture. She couldn't have anyone at the firm thinking it wasn't real and if she went out with Owen and then suddenly married Ben, people would know it wasn't right.
"Oh come on, just one night off wouldn't hurt. You're always working."
"Owen, I have a business to run... and besides, I don't want to go out with you." (Y/n) had to say it, she couldn't beat around the bush like she usually did because it wasn't working or getting through to him that he was trying hard and it wasn't getting anywhere.
Just as (Y/n) turned to try and leave, she felt Owen's hand latch around her wrist and pull her towards him, causing her to collide into his chest. A gasp fell from her lips and she stumbled back a few paces, anger boiling into her blood.
"Why not?"
"Get off me, I'm not interested so get over it." (Y/n) wrenched her wrist free of his hold, rubbing her tender wrist that now hurt from his viper grip.
It shouldn't matter why she said no, he should take her answer like a man and stop harassing her for a date she clearly didn't want.
"Why're you being so uptight-"
"Everything okay here?"
Ben's chest was still heaving, trying to get back the oxygen he had burned beating Ronnie to a pulp. He could feel a bead of sweat trickling down the side of his nose which he brushed away with his bloody fingertip. His eyes were wet with cold sweat but he didn't pay it any mind, he pulled at the strap of his suspenders, snapping them back into place on his shoulders before he ticked his head to the side.
His cold, darkened eyes burned into Owen, daring him to make a comeback. Ben didn't know who the smaller man was, he only knew that it was the same man who had been bothering (Y/n) last week and he didn't like the way he had grabbed her and pulled her back when she clearly wanted to leave.
(Y/n) almost melted when Ben's cold arm slithered around her waist and his hand rested on her hip, gently pulling her back until she was resting up against his bare chest. The move was so slow, tentative but protective.
"Are you alright?" Ben's eyes drifted down to look at (Y/n)'s wrist that she was subconsciously rubbing and he felt his temper starting to flare when he noticed a redness arising on her skin.
"I'm okay, Owen just needs to go back to work."
"(Y/n) come on-"
Owen took a step forward but the moment he did, (Y/n) was suddenly pushed behind Ben's broad back with his arm curled around her side, squeezing her hip tighter than before. Her nose was almost rubbing against his skin and she could smell his fragrant cologne and his natural musty scent that made her head spin. She wasn't in danger but he was protecting her anyway, he didn't have to come to her rescue but he did.
"You were just told to go back to work so I think you'd better run along, little boy." Ben's voice was gritty and hollow and his head tilted to the side as he spoke with a menacing look in his eyes that made (Y/n) shudder.
"Who the fuck are you, anyway? Barging in and getting in the way, I wasn't talking to you."
(Y/n)'s hand pressed against her chest and she swallowed a gasp when Ben lunged forward. His hand suddenly grabbed Owen's face, his finger and thumb pressing into his cheeks and pursing his lips.
"I'm the new security of this company and it didn't look like you were talking to my girl, it looked like you were touching her so I think you'd better scuttle off back to work before you're the next body in that ring. Now fuck off."
Ben let go of Owen's mouth with a forceful shove, watching him in delight as he stumbled back a few paces before he disappeared round the corner. A look of satisfaction passed across Ben's face before he turned on his heels to face (Y/n) who couldn't hide even the smallest smile from her face.
"You okay?"
"Good." He pressed another short kiss to her forehead just like this morning and his hand briefly rubbed up and down her arm before he headed in the direction of the showers. Leaving (Y/n) stunned to the spot.
"What're you looking at, hun?"
Ben lifted his head from looking at his beer bottle to look over at (Y/n). He had come into the kitchen and bustled about for a few minutes and she had barely moved an inch, he was intrigued to know what she was doing.
"My dad, he gave me these... for the wedding." (Y/n) lifted her head enough to look over at Ben before she gingerly held out the small black box her father gave to her this morning. A smile pulled at Ben's lips when he looked over and saw an engagement ring and a wedding band in the small box.
Dorian always told (Y/n) that whenever she got engaged or married, she would be able to have her mother's wedding rings. When she died, he had kept them safe and when she was fourteen he let her have her mother's only other ring for a keepsake that she never took off. Now this arranged marriage was almost here, he knew it was time for (Y/n) to have the rings.
"Come here, then."
She couldn't help but smile when she looked up to see Ben holding out the engagement ring, spinning it between his thumb and index finger. He was gentle when he slipped it onto her wedding finger, his exterior and his demanour always made him seem harsh and cold, not soft and kind.
"I'm sorry about your mum, by the way."
"Thanks... you know?"
"I think everybody knows what happened to your mum, hun. Your dad castrated the ones that did it, it's pretty hard not to know in the underground." Ben took a swig of his beer and leaned his hips back against the kitchen island.
Almost everyone in the darker side of London knew what happened to (Y/n)'s mum. She was shot in cold blood when she was going home one evening and when Dorian found out who had done it, he castrated all three men and then killed them a week later.
He had gone off the rails after her mum passed and (Y/n) had lived with her death since she was nine. (Y/n) didn't have many memories of her mother and the few she did have, she cherished. Her mother had been depressed most of (Y/n)'s life, she lost her only son when he was three and after that she wasn't the same.(Y/n)'s memories of her were almost always of her in the house and sometimes, crying a lot.
But she was still her mother and (Y/n) missed her every day.
"Yeah, that's kinda why he wants us to marry. I'm all he has left, I had an older brother, the son they tried for years to have but he died. Then we lost mum, dad doesn't have anyone else and he doesn't want anything to happen to me."
"And I won't let anything happen to you."
"Why do you want this marriage? I mean, surely if you ever wanted to marry, you wouldn't pick this."
(Y/n) wasn't sure it could just be the business that made Ben agree to marry her. He was in the same line of business as her father and that was cut throat, not a lot of people would want to marry him and men like Ben weren't always the marrying type. It seemed strange that he would enter a loveless marriage simply to get a foot in a big business.
"Why not? I'm a fighter, that's what I do and as much as I like the business you're in, you're different. Not many girls in this line of work and I don't get time to meet people."
There weren't many girls in the crime scene and Ben had had enough of hiding his work behind a boxer façade. He was done with pretending in a relationship and then having to threaten them not to tell the police what he did. Whereas (Y/n) would be different, he would be helping to run her business and she would know all the things he got up to in the dead of night and she wouldn't be annoyed or frightened or scared by it. He would be working alongside her and he knew that she was different from everyone else. Different is good.
"Anyway, I know your mums rings are important to you and I get that, but you should have a ring from me, kind of makes it real, then, doesn't it? So pick one."
A smile beamed on Ben's face and his brows quirked before he suddenly held both his hands out in front of (Y/n) to emphasise his point. If she didn't have her mother's rings tonight he would of asked her this anyway. He wanted her to pick one of his many rings to wear so she had something of his and to make it more official that they were getting married.
(Y/n)'s eyes widened and raked over Ben's calloused hands, taking in the seven rings he was wearing. One was a dark silver skull that was almost as big as his thumb, he had a black one that looked like it was carved from a stone which was nice but it was on his thumb and would be far too big for her small fingers. He had two gold rings, one with an opal on and a thin black metal one.
But the ring that caught (Y/n)'s attention was a vast silver ring with a rose in the middle and vines curving around the top and bottom of the flower.
She didn't realise she was moving until her index finger was tracing over the petals and feeling the cold groove of the ring.
"You like that one?" Ben didn't give her time to answer, he was already slipping it off his pinky finger and sliding it onto her middle finger on her right hand. It was a little loose but it didn't move past her knuckle meaning it wouldn't accidentally fall off. "It looks good on you,"
Hs words were muttered quietly under his breath but they barely registered in her ears.
One moment (Y/n) was staring at the ring on her finger and the next, she felt Ben's hands cupping her face and gently tilting her head up to look at him. she stared up at him through hooded eyes, her breaths small and shallow before she felt his lips upon hers.
Their lips meshed together and Ben's fingers dug into her neck just beneath her hair sending a shiver through her nerves. She liked the way he pressed up against her, the feel of his deep breaths pushing out against her chest and the way his legs leaned into her and pinned her back against the kitchen counter.
And when his hands moved down to hold her thighs, (Y/n) could have melted on the spot. He easily lifted up her thighs and lifted her up onto the counter without breaking their lips apart. Ben stood between her thighs and she could feel him groan and smile against her lips when she hooked her legs around his waist, digging her heels into her lower back.
Wherever he was going with this, (Y/n) was happy to be along for the ride.
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Sarah's Fic Recs!
These are fics I've found particularly delightful and want to appreciate and share with you guys. Full credits to all authors, you guys are awesome!! Xx
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My Own Masterlist+Request Info
❗-Suggestive but SFW
The Maze Runner
Redamancy by @lilacsnid ❤️❗
"In which way you are always putting other's needs and happiness above your own. It's slowly starting to take its toll on you and Newt notices this."
Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Ten Things I Like About You by @theonewiththefanfics ❤️
"There is one rule for Y/N to accept Jason Carver's advances: if he wants to go out with her, the jock has to name ten things he likes about the resident 'Freak' Eddie Munson. Can he do it?"
Morning Newspapers and Fresh Coffee by @marvelsswansong "99%❤️ 1%💢"
"As Hawkins and the Upside Down begin to merge into one, Eddie runs to you and places a ring on your left hand. 'The moment we beat this fucking demon, I'm marrying you.' And he does. Trading weapons for morning newspapers and the scent of blood for fresh coffee for each morning."
Younger by @stranger-nightmare ❤️
"Stressing about the future is no fun, so Eddie takes you on an impulse trip to remind you to live in the moment, to remind you of just how alive the two of you are."
Needy by @steviebears ❤️💢
"Eddie comforts you when you have a panic attack."
Bohemian Rhapsody Cast
Them With Your Newborn by @mistymazzello ❤️
Harry Potter
Remus Lupin
Flustered by @acosmis-t ❤️
"hi!! Could we pls get remus like making fun of fem! reader by making her flustered?"
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michelle-is-writing · 3 months
The Dance, Warren Worthington iii
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Word Count: 1.4k~
Warren never danced, and surely, he never went to any dances in general. Other than the fact that he had wings on his back that he wanted to hide, he never felt comfortable around other people. People in the schools he went to when he was younger were always so rude to him, which ultimately lead him to being lonely and without friends.
This all changed when he arrived at X-Mansion, or to be more professional, Xavier's school for the gifted youngsters. There, Warren met some of the greatest friends he could ever ask for, and at the same time, he met the woman he would picture forever with. Because of her, Warren grew confident and soon began to see his wings as something beautiful instead of fearsome. For once, he couldn't be happier.
This evening was the night of the dance that Xavier and Mystique had planned for all of the students to enjoy and have fun for a change. Between Warren and Scott, they believed they were the luckiest guys out of the entire world to have the women they loved. Scott had Jean, and Warren had (Y/n) - both couples being strong and wonderful in their own ways.
In preparation for the dance, Jean and (Y/n) had taken the liberty to go shopping for themselves and the boys. They both knew that Warren and Scott wouldn't know the first thing to look for when trying to find a tux, but thankfully, the women they loved did.
Jean had picked out a dark red dress for herself that was sleeveless with a sweetheart neckline and reached the floor with a silky pattern. The suit she bought for Scott had a dress shirt and tie to match the shade of her dress, and ironically, his glasses. Meanwhile, (Y/n) picked out a long-sleeved sparkly, navy blue dress for herself that had a v-neck and conformed to the shape of her body, accentuating her every curve until it flowed to the floor with a split in the side. Similar to Scott's tux, Warren's was black as well except for the white vest and navy blue dress shirt to match (Y/n)'s dress.
The dance was scheduled for seven, and so far, it was six-forty-five. Jean had long finished with her appearance and was currently laying in her boyfriend's arms, smiling as he twirled her straight hair between his fingers. Meanwhile, (Y/n) had yet to come out of her's and Warren's shared bedroom, leaving Warren to sit and wait in the hall with Scott and Jean.
As he sat on the maroon couch, he began thinking about everything going on. Tonight was the night he would be attending a dance for the first time in his life, and he would have his gorgeous girl with him. Just thinking about her made him smile, imagining what she might look like when she came out of their bedroom.
Both (Y/n) and Jean made the two boys get ready in Jean and Scott's bedroom so they would be surprised to see what the girls looked like after getting ready. It reminded Warren of two people getting married, and yet, he didn't grow scared or worried about the idea. Instead, he found himself pleased at the thought of marrying (Y/n) one day. He loved her more than he had ever loved anyone else in his life, and the love was returned ten-fold.
When the clock reached, 6:55, Warren grew a bit worried. "Jean," He stated his friend's name, looking over as she and Scott looked at his bedroom door as well. "Could you go maybe check on (Y/n) to see if anything is wrong?"
With a nod, Jean got up from her boyfriend's lap, Scott protesting the entire time, and went to head toward the room, only to stop herself as the door handle began to move. Now smiling, Jean looked over at Warren and spoke up. "I think everything is alright," She told him, knowing that he was going to be speechless upon seeing his girlfriend with her hair and makeup done to the nines.
Sure enough, Warren found himself choking on his words as the love of his life exited their room, her dress showing off every part of her body that was his favorite. Meanwhile, her hair was curled and pinned into an updo with smaller curls gracing her face. She had done her makeup to match the dress as well, dark blue eyeshadow in contrast to her perfect (e/c) irises while her smiling lips were painted with a sparkly peachy lipgloss. She was perfect.
Meanwhile, as Warren looked at her, (Y/n) looked at him with almost the same awestruck stare. She loved the way his hair was naturally curly, and she loved how it looked when it was cut to frame his face. (Y/n) also loved the way the suit looked on him, tight enough to show his muscles and firm body he prided himself on. However, what (Y/n) loved most was his wings that folded against his back, cleaned from any dirt in the feathers and soft from the constant care she showed them without expecting something back. He was perfect too.
"You look absolutely stunning," Warren complimented (Y/n), walking forward to wrap his arms around her. Blushing, she embraced him back and giggled as he ran a slightly rough hand against the material of her dress. "A million dollars couldn't even compare to you."
With that, (Y/n) laughed again and pulled back to face him. She loved the way he looked when he was happy, and right now, he was practically bursting with joy. She tried to do anything she could to keep him smiling, and she was always successful in all of her efforts without fail. What she didn't realize was that all she'd have to do is be around Warren and he'd be happy.
"You look amazing too," (Y/n) told Warren, making him blush like her mere seconds ago. Her words always did this to him. "Ravishing, if I must say."
"We're still here," Scott interrupted the sweet moment between the two, smirking. Jean was quick to hit his shoulder with a smile before dragging him off to the area of the mansion where the dance would be held. This left Warren and (Y/n) to themselves as they resumed staring at each other, gently laughing as a few seconds passed.
"Although, I do need you to do one thing for me," (Y/n) admitted, turning around in Warren's hold. His eyes quickly caught the half-way-up zipper and smiled to himself, knowing what she was wanting. "Could you fix it for me?"
Without another second passing, Warren took the zipper into his hands and gently pushed it up until it reached the top, watching as the dark blue material molded against her back perfectly. He couldn't help but take the chance to wrap his arms around (Y/n) from behind when he finished, her cheeks blushing even darker as her back rested against Warren's firm chest. Her head gently rolled to the side as she felt him lean over and delicately kiss her cheek, his soft lips lingering there as he spoke up.
"I don't know how you'll react to this, but I have to get it off my chest," Warren began, watching as she tilted her head up at him with a raised eyebrow. She looked adorable when she was curious, and Warren couldn't help but swoon at this.
Leaning close to her ear, he gently rested his chin on her shoulder while nuzzling his nose into her neck, careful not to mess with her intricate curls while doing so. (Y/n) anticipated his next words with a mix of excitement and worry, hoping the confession about to leave his lips would be a good one.
"You, my love," Warren emphasized, lightly swaying her in his hold. "You are going to be the woman I marry."
In response to his words, (Y/n) felt her heart clench with love, her unbreakable smile growing as tears laced her now closed eyes. Warren noticed this and continued smiling, holding her to him with his wings mindlessly moving to surround the two in their own world. (Y/n) truly loved this man with all her heart, and once again, the love was returned tenfold.
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justiceformeplease · 1 year
Hey sooo um yes i know i have not posted for about a few months maybe since last year?? I don't even know how long it has been but i know it's been a while and I'm sorry for not posting but i have lately been kind of stressed with school and life problems and i know that isn't a good enough excuse but i really am trying my best and stuff.
Since I'm finishing exams tommorow people can send requests that i could do over the summer and stuff
People i write for :
Ben hardy
Joe mazzello
John deacon
Roger Taylor
Kirk Hammett
Eddie Munson
Tasm Peter Parker
Warren Worthington
Serj tankian
Daron malakain
Btw i usually write x FEM!readers but i can also do male as well, i will usually do fem if there is no indication that you want male!reader
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Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long fic where it’s their 9 month old baby daughter’s first Christmas and reader melts at the sight of Joe holding their daughter and showing her all of the presents she’s got and their daughter says dada and Joe and reader light up at how much of a daddy’s girl she is and reader thinks about how when she signed up to play an extra on Bohemian Rhapsody that she never thought she would end up falling in love on set?
of course!
pairings: Joe Mazzello x Fem!reader summary: ^^^ warnings: None note: y/d/n stands for your daughters name
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"oh and look at this!" you heard your husband say downstairs.
you walked downstairs and caught Joe holding your little daughter while showing her the christmas gifts she had gotten
she giggled and took it off him, throwing it on the floor
"no, no. don't throw it, play with it" Joe picked up the care bear and put in front of your daughter and waving it around
"well good morning" you yawned.
Joe looked up and you and smiled like an idiot, your daughter looked over and laughed
"good morning, darling" Joe greeted
"Merry christmas" you walked up the them, sitting on the couch, leaning down to kiss Joe who was situated on the floor, next to the lit up tree.
"how long have you been up?" you asked him and they looked like they have been there a while
"i took her down here about thirty minutes ago, I wanted her to see her presents" he shrugged
"and you couldn't wait for me?"
"not really no, you looked to cute to wake up" you looked back down and your daughter and made a silly face at Y/D/N before looking back up at you
"you should've just woken me up" you stated, looking down at your little baby, you've always noticed how much she looks like Joe. a spitting image of him, but she looked too much like him right now and it made your heart swell.
"I'm sorry, I was just too excited" he confessed, holding your daughter against his chest
you let out a breathy chuckle and closed your eyes.
"dada" Y/D/N whined, pointing at more presents under the tree
Joe pulled her away from his chest and looked at her, his mouth was agape and he looked like he was about to cry
"darling, did you hear that?" Joe asked you
you shuffled closer to them and smiled at him even though he was focused on your baby
"I did joe, I heard it clear as day"
you rubbed joe's arms from behind and rested your chin on shoulder, looking down at your little daughter, smiling at her gratefully
"I told you she was a dada's girl" he whispered to you, finally looking away from her.
"I never doubted it"
"I love you" he said kissing you softly
"I love you too" you smiled at him sweetly
"what did you want, sweetie?" Joe asked your daughter
you thought back to when you were an extra on Bohemian Rhapsody and how you two met and what would've happened if you didn't.
you were sitting down on your phone, waiting with other extras to be called on to go on in the scene, you were focused
"hey, you" you looked up and noticed the director standing front of me
"yes?" you smiled politely.
"I need you to go get joe, he's on in 5" he said.
"alright" you stood up and went out to the trailers, looking at the doors for him name written on it.
Rami, Ben, Joe.
you go up to the door and knock three times and waiting for a response
"come in" he replied through the door
he probably thought it was ben.
I opened the door slowly and peeked in, seeing him in his little couch on his phone
"the director wants you to know that you're on in 5" you stated as you entered his view
he didn't respond to you though, you though he was being rude and just ignoring you but the look on his face made you feel otherwise.
his mouth was slightly open and his eyes were relaxed, he looked sort of dazed and off in the clouds, it didn't make you uncomfortable per se, you just felt weak under his gaze.
"excuse me?" you forced yourself to say to snap him out of his daydream
"oh, right ok. just wait there" he said as he saw you were about to leave.
he put his phone away and got up. walking towards you
"who are you, exactly?" he questioned as you waked down the steps with him behind you
"I'm an extra" you responded
"no I meant your name" he chuckled
"oh um, Y/n"
"I'm joe" he smiled warmly
"I know" you took a deep breath
"do you now?" he responded in amusement
"well yeah, I feel like I have to" you smiled sheepishly
"you have a really pretty smile" he told you, looking down at your lips to your eyes.
"oh" you let out an embarrassed laugh as you looked down, tucking a piece of your curled hair behind your ear
"I'm sorry, just the way you're sweet, cute and beautiful at the same time is beyond me"
"oh my god" you muttered to yourself, you felt your cheeks turn warm and your stomach did flips.
"ok so wait other than taking my breath away what do you do for a living?" he smirked playfully. you turned you head away and covered your face with your hands.
"never heard that one before" you laughed, still looking anywhere but at him
"get used to it" he said
"this is the best christmas" Joe sighed happily
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illfoandillfie · 10 months
please could you write something with Ben getting home really late after being away for a few months for filming, and his plane was delayed or like he lost his luggage so was late and reader had planned something for him (can be smutty or not idm) and she's asleep when he gets in, feel free to end it however you want :)
Blurb Advent 2023: Day 12
Thank you for this request! I love writing soft Benny things so this was perfect
Warnings: Absolutely none other than the usual minimal editing reminder.
When you’d started dating Ben he’d made it clear there would be times when he wouldn’t be at home. He’d been nice but blunt about it, on maybe your fifth date, listing off things that might keep him away - late nights at industry functions that you wouldn’t always be invited to, days where he’d be gone from morning to night to do press for his projects, even overseas travel, sometimes being away from home for months at a time. It seemed almost rehearsed, like he’d had the conversation with others that had either been scared off by it or hadn’t been able to prove their mettle. But he’d explained, a little more gently, that he needed to know you were okay with a relationship that could become long distance at a moments notice. You couldn’t blame him for being upfront about it. He was in his thirties, possibly looking for the woman he could settle down with, a relationship that would last. It was kind of sweet if you considered he was just trying to save everyone from wasting their time on a relationship they weren’t going to be comfortable in. But you assured him there was no need to worry. Clingy had never been your brand and you could handle being alone. Ben had smiled at that and admitted that sometimes the distance was what he struggled with most so he’d be calling and texting all the time and he really wanted someone more stable than him at home so he wouldn’t feel too bad about leaving them.  
It quickly became clear you were a good match not just when you were together but when you were separated too, and within the year you’d moved in together. The first time Ben was away after that was the first time it was noticeably weird. You’d had about a month to adjust to living with someone. You’d gotten used to his presence in your bed, his food in the fridge, his voice always audible from somewhere in the apartment. And then suddenly he was gone. It was strange, just the quiet he’d left. But you were fine. You got to spread out, take over the whole bed. You chose what to watch on TV, you chose what to eat when you couldn’t be arsed cooking. The apartment felt bigger when it was just you in there. And it wasn’t like he was entirely gone. Ben was affectionate at the best of times so he never missed a chance to text you or send you a video from whatever gorgeous place he was filming in, reminding you he loved and missed you. So, it really wasn’t all that difficult to adjust to him being gone and the longer you were together, the more Ben worked, the more normal it seemed. It was just something that happened every now and again.  
Part of the routine you developed whenever Ben was away for longer than a couple of weeks, especially if he was returning from overseas, was to do something nice for him when he got back. You’d quickly worked out that the travel alone exhausted Ben, not to mention he was coming back from periods of constant work, sometimes with a crazy fitness routine on top of the acting, never getting as much sleep as he needed. So you liked to do something to treat him a bit – a massage before bed, a nice bath bomb, a good meal. Anything to help him relax, maybe fall asleep faster. And to show his appreciation, as well as how much he’d missed you, Ben was very affectionate. He’d pull you in to cuddle on the couch, play with your fingers as you tried to eat, drop unexpected kisses on you. And after a couple of days of excessive cuddliness, and sleep, Ben would feel back to normal and everything would return to how it had been before he left.  
This time was no different. Well, there was one difference – Ben wasn’t there. You’d had it all planned out. The ingredients for dinner were in the fridge, you’d made a playlist of soft songs as background noise while you ate and caught up, you’d bought some lavender scent for the diffuser in the bedroom. But then, Ben had called to let you know his flight was delayed. Not a big problem, he’d just be an hour or two later than planned. An hour or two later he’d called again to say his flight had been cancelled and he was waiting in line to get on a new one. A happy text had come through with the new flight details. But then it too had been cancelled. Ben couldn’t get a clear answer on what the problem was, but it all added up to him spending an uncomfortably long time in an uncomfortably overfull airport lounge waiting to find out when he could get on a plane. He’d kept texting you, updating you when he heard something, swearing in frustration when there wasn’t any news.  
By the time Ben finally landed in London it was around two in the morning and it took another half hour to get home. So, you were well and truly asleep as he was letting himself in, kicking his shoes off in the entrance so he wouldn’t wake you. The dinner you’d been preparing was still unmade in the fridge, there was no music playing, and the scent of lavender had dissipated entirely. But he didn't need any of that to help unwind this time. Ben was practically asleep on his feet. He’d managed a couple hours shut eye on the plane but the stress and anxiety of all the delays kept him awake longer than he’d have liked. Exhausted, he kicked off his pants and shirt, leaving them where they fell, not even bothering to find pyjamas before he climbed into bed. You were in the middle of the mattress, having spread out entirely in his absence, but you stirred as the bed dipped and shifted, recognising it was Ben without needing to see him or be fully awake. Ben groaned softly as he got comfortable, wrapping himself around you, his nose pressed to your neck.   “Missed you,” was all he managed to say, barely even hearing your sleepy hum of agreement before he drifted off. 
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almightyellie · 2 years
three hearts masterlist
in which you can’t stand ben. really, truly, can’t stand him. it’s just your luck that he gets you pregnant.
total word count: 38k
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parts marked with a ♥︎ contain smut
⇢ part i
in which you despise ben; you always have. when you find out you're pregnant after a drunken hookup, you have to decide if you can put aside your differences to raise the baby.
⇢ part ii
you and ben struggle to get along as you adjust to your pregnancy.
⇢ part iii
as your pregnancy progresses, you and ben begin to mend fences.
⇢ part iv
you struggle with your growing feelings for ben.
⇢ part v
with your friends finally in the know, you and ben run into different obstacles.
⇢ part vi
tensions are rising with you and ben living together.
⇢ part vii ♥︎
amid preparations for the baby, you begin to feel a little trepidation about pursuing a relationship with ben.
⇢ part viii
you and ben get in your first serious fight since the start of your pregnancy.
⇢ part ix
nearing the end of your pregnancy, you can't fight the discomfort you feel, but ben is enamored with you.
⇢ part x
you and ben bring the baby home.
⇢ epilogue
you, ben, and your friends celebrate a special birthday.
⇢ extras
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