#bohemian rhaposdy imagines
pheita · 1 month
WIP Playlist Tag
I was tagged by @forthesanityofstorytellers
Rules: Choose 10 songs that remind you of your WIP or which overall fit the story's plot, aesthetic, or vibe 🌟
That is easy. For Blood Night
Save me - Globus
Toss a Coin to Your Witcher - Joey Batey
Iron sky - Sunrise Avenue
Bohemian Rhaposdy - Queen
Wire to Wire - Razorlight
Because the Night - Pattie Smith
Who You are- Lunatica
Play Minstrel Play - Blackmore's Night
Save me from myself - Christina Aguilera
Enemy - Imagine Dragons
Tagging @dreaminggoblin-yells @writernopal @cljordan-imperium
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Cocky Teaser (70s!Roger Taylor Imagine)
If you came across this imagine, don’t forget to comment or heart it if you like. Feedback is really helping me and giving me the power to continue what I’m doing. Hope you’ll enjoy your reading!
Also posted on AO3.
Warnings: teasing, we all like teasing, don’t lie to me, swearing and I think that’s all, ha. 
Additional details:  → Action taking place in the mid 70s or so.
                                         → 70s!Roger Taylor is how was in my mind writing this, but you can also imagine BoRhap!Roger Taylor.
                                         → There is going to be a part two coming soon. :)
PLOT: It’s nothing new for you. Just Roger Taylor being a cocky teaser in a live interview when he’s asked about the two of you. After all, could you ever complain?
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(Credits to Mel for the picture on Pinterest.)
After a hot, almost one hour long shower, you wrapped yourself in the blanket of your bed and turned the TV on. You are wearing fluffy pajamas and can’t feel any trace of cold air brushing your warm skin. The feeling is very satisfying. You let your wet hair hanging loosely over your shoulders and it smells like freshly green apples while you’re doing the channel surf. Roger texted you fifteen minutes ago to tell you that the interview will begin in a short time. Your phone almost slipped between your fingers in the water while you tried to read that message, but it turned out okay. So now, you actually found the right channel on which the interview would be broadcast and you are waiting for thr boys to be live. You wanted to watch this, Roger, Freddie, John and Brian will talk about the album they’ve just relased and it is very nice to see it. They are funny and full of jokes on TV, just like they are face to face. You thought about going to grab a snack or something to drink, but it was too late when you heard the show intro and saw the presenter. Watching carefully and already entertained, you remained on top of your bed, knees pressed against your chest.
„... As we announced last week, here we are tonight with the Queen herself.” The young women did the introduction gesturing toward the four men sitting on a couch and the camera was immediately focused on their faces. They already seem amused.
„Hello everyone.” They greeted and added something about how nice it was to be there.
„You seem very ready, what keeps you all so energic?” The beginning was always long and in slow-motion and still you had to wait until they would start the real talk. Your eyes were mostly on Roger and how he was reacting to everything. He had the usual messy, blonde hair hanging freely on his shoulders, wore a black, slightly unbuttoned shirt with matching color jeans and last but not least, a soft smile on his lips. That aspect made you smirk unwittingly.
While one after the other, each of them began to answer questions about music, future plans and concerts, you turned the volume up and searched for the brush to comb your hair. While doing that, you could hear their voices and how they would laugh ocasionally at the presenter’s choice of words. You have always appreciated that about them, how they were so natural and honest, not even trying to give tons of details to ruin future surprises. Or personal things. They are smart, classy and modest.
„Roger, may I ask you an innocent question? It’s for purely wise purposes.” Said the woman, putting her hands on the table she was sitting at. Roger was already on position and you became suddenly more concentrated than you were five minutes ago.
„Only I get to decide that, darling.” He says, but he isn’t concerned, he has a nice expression as always, trying to make everything be more true, if it was even possible. „But of course, I wouldn’t mind at all. What is it?” He continued. He’s a well-bred person, you can say, but if you reach too much of his territory – that strictly in a personal manner – he can become very observant. Distant and a little bit rude even. You got to know that about him within the time spent by his side.
„We’re all aware of the fact that you’re spending time with Y/N. You and her seem pretty close to each other, right?” Your eyebrows raised when you heard the words coming out from the woman’s mouth. Wasn’t that something too personal to ask? It is obvious that those people want to know, but is it necessary this way? Is it even polite? You sit on the bed again, your eyes being stuck on the TV’s image.
Roger didn’t even seem surprised when he heard that. He didn’t look pissed or confused, instead, he grinned. What? What is he doing?
„May I ask too, what are you trying to say?” He says.
„Oh, I bet you know it already! How are you two in terms of a relationship?”
This woman is a little too excited about that kind of detail.
„We are trying to figure that out too. It was last year when she started to study at Medical College while Roger himself was finishing it.” Freddie added, smirking in the blonde one’s direction.
„Is that so?” The presenter asked.
„Yes, mostly.”
„Oh my God.” You managed to whisper, shaking your head. He’s doing it again. Again.
„Are you two good friends?”
„We kind of fight whenever we get the chance, but otherwise, yeah, we get along pretty well. She has little interesting things in her character, it gets catchy to be around someone like her.” Roger details, looking like he was in deep thoughts. You can see the rest of the boys slightly giggle at him and the woman who asked all of this stuff seemed too content with what she was receiving.
Roger has a point. Anyway, thinking about the bound between you two is surely strange. Because you never understood how things were happening and never wanted to overthink just to make a sense. You two weren’t the absolute perfect definition of the word ‚friends’, it was always a middle point in which no one was getting closer and no one drifted away. Last year, you remember what it was like to be a proud student at Medical College. Your first days were so full, you barely had time to take breaks or meet new people. Roger was studying dentistry and came out of nowhere when you were trying to figure out your classes and where were they located. It is a big school and he helped you and said that you look new around there. He explained you almost every single detail you needed while you asked him who he was and what was his name. You would laugh right now. He couldn’t stop staring at the height difference between you two. Later on, he would’ve made fun of it without any problem. He was twenty-three that time and you were twenty. You would see him in lunch breaks and around the campus carrying different documents with him and being particularly distracted. He would’ve often offered to hang out with you in your free time, including weekends, so as you and him got to know each other. He’d told you that he’s having little performances with this band of his, in small locations around the town you were living in and one day he even got to invite you to one. From the start, Roger was a mysterious kind of guy, choosing his words with caution whenever he spoke. He was funny and always managed to have a small grin drawn on his thin lips. He is a skilled drummer, he has that spark in his eyes while he talks about music and you could always see how much he enjoys singing and playing instruments on stage. He even told you that he would’ve dropped college for a music career when both of you became comfortable enough in each other’s company. Luckily, he doesn’t have to worry about that anymore now; after settling everything with Queen, the boys get more and more recognition, they are working on the upcoming album, planning tours and … Roger’s been privileged lately.
This interview seems to be in his favor. He doesn’t avoid certain questions and isn’t afraid to speak about you, since it is clear how was it between you two. And he definitely knows that you’re watching, that’s why he has this kind of reactions.
„How well do you get along, if so?” The presenter’s voice is heard again, but you’re not so concentrated on her anymore. You watch Roger and how the boys react to his words. He shakes his head and laughs a little, then he shifts a bit on the couch.
„Honestly, she wouldn’t like me to answer this question, but I hardly ever listen to what she says. She gets red in the cheeks or starts to talk fast and all that. All we do is tease each other. Anyone of us is going to say anything.” You couldn’t believe what you heard. Actually, you could, it is just out of blue in Roger’s case. Why is he still blabbering about you? Live. While not only you yourself, but a lot of people are watching. Your relationship with him needs to be a thing of yours only.
Oh, you know him. You know him enough. He enjoys to piss you off, although it’s rare when you really do that.
„So you mean she’s watching us right now?”
„Yeah, she is.” He answered. „Hello there, Y/N.” He waved at the camera and on your TV’s screen, that was a hilarious moment. Damn.
You let yourself fall on your back on the bed, hands on your forehead and feet cold. A weak smile appeared on your lips suddenly and it was awfully wrong. No, don’t do that. You’re being a fool and you will never let Roger Taylor fool you. You were almost as good as him at this aspect. You played each other before, it is normal by now, but your ego needs to be fed. You don’t give a fuck about how that looks like, Roger doesn’t care either when it’s a win-win thing. He’s too full of himself sometimes. Well, you weren’t the kind of person to take that as it was. It was something in the air, you could say, you felt that numerous of times. And you will test that, just as Roger likes to tease you. Because he was a cocky teaser since day one. When he hangs out with you, when he’s drumming and you’re watching, when he makes you dress like him, when he gets both of you drunk … these are just a few of those moments. They’re memorable, but they show just a little part of you and him. There’s a lot more.
„We should really let these freaks alone. They’re special in their own way and you can’t understand that. Believe me, we can’t either.” You heard Brian’s voice but didn’t mind to look back at the TV.
„We can. Instead of that, we chose not to, because they might as well kill everyone around them with just a single glare.” John added and somehow, he was right. The woman laughed.
„Haha, good to know then.”
The rest of the interview was forgotten in a moment. You couldn’t concentrate on it anymore and chose to lay on the bed, underneath the blankets. But because you didn’t want to be rude, you let it finish by itself and after that, you turned off the lights and the TV and tried to sleep. Your phone buzzed somewhere in the room, it was Roger for sure. With a cunning smile on your face you ignored the sound.
You were both teasers.
The next morning, you still didn’t respond to his text. But he didn’t insist. After you woke up and ate your breakfast, you dressed in your already common black jeans, white T-shirt and leather jacket, tied your Y/H/C hair up in a not-so-neat ponytail and looked into the bathroom mirror. You never apply make-up, it’s not something you’d prefer so much. Some people along with your mother and some friends told you that you have beautiful features and that you don’t need any trace of make-up on your skin. You decided to believe that for good because it was actually true, though you never really appreciate details like these ones. Brian, John, Freddie and Roger used to compliment your clear skin when you would catch them staring at you. Besides Roger, who would try to look careless but smile after all when you would catch just a bit of him looking at you.
His house is almost an hour away and that’s a good thing right now. It would’ve been awkward to live close to each other and it would’ve gave him opportunities to try and visit you frequently. Or ‚check on you’, a comment which he used often to make you slap his shoulder or stick your tongue out.
Because you didn’t own a car, you had to simply walk the distance to Roger’s. It was good, you had the chance to think about what you needed to tell him, or how were you supposed to act. Last night, the thought of you two being  more than weird friends who fight and purposely snap at each other was the main topic which made you be convinced that your indifference and eventual avoidance doesn’t really exist. You enjoy Roger’s company, even with his ego, behaviour and way of speaking. He is the first new pal you met in your first year as a student and he made sure, somehow, to make that worth it. Your personalities fitted well. Sarcasm, dirty jokes here and there, subtle looks, crazy and loud nights with the band, bold music, trips, hangovers … As much as you could say, these boys made gold out of your most important moments going through a totally new level of your life. You took all that fun in, knowing that you need to welcome it in order to create memories and things to last. The dangerous feeling of the unknown never really pushed you away from anything and that’s why you and the blonde bud’ kind of clicked.
Needless is to say that you would never take that back under any circumstance.
As soon as you got in front of the house he lived in, you heard powerful bangs echoing all the way to the yard. Early rehearsals, that was it about. Roger usually does that on free weekends. You didn’t knock on the door because he wouldn’t hear a single thing. Instead of that, you just entered the house and went straight to the kitchen in order to reach the garage where he was. You went to the stairs passing the dishes in the sink and even from the top of them, the drums were so powerful for your ears. Slowly getting down, you could see Roger behind his drum kit. He has his eyes closed and big headphones on his head. You don’t make a sound while you remain in the back of the room, watching him. He’s always so concentrated while drumming. The veins on his neck look like they might explode in any minute and his hands move in fast motion. You like the image very much.
With one more hard bang, he stops, finally opening his eyes. He exhales and puts up a big smile dropping the drumsticks somwhere near him and taking off the headphones.
„Nice view.” You ‚welcome’.
„Thanks.” He answers and gets up from the little chair he was sitting on. He pulls on his hair with a hand, messing it a little. „You didn’t answer my text last night.”
„I didn’t, yeah. I fell asleep.”
„Oh.” He said, opening a bottle of water and taking a sip from it. „What did you think about the interview? ’You liked it?”
„No, Roger, I didn’t like it.” You answered, anger being visible in your tone. You crossed your arms to your chest when you got closer to him, looking between the drum kit in front of you.
„I see. Your eyebrows are already frowned.” He added like it was an accident or like it wasn’t something new on you.
„What was that about?” You started „It gets catchy to be around someone like her … . All we do is tease each other. You know, I figured that out already. You did that on purpose.”
„Y/N, are we going to make a scene out of that?”
„You won’t stop, right?” You weren’t pissed because his strategy got to your mind in no time. You grinned a little at him as he was about to open his mouth again. But he was anticipating you.
You moved closer to the drums and searched for the drumsticks. When you noticed them, taking them into your hands, you banged a cymbal. And then another. And another, trying to recreate the beat and sound of something Roger once thaught you. You are too curious sometimes and you definitely can’t keep that to yourself. The drumsticks feel so big in your hands, you’re not used to them and it seems odd to try and play like Roger. He’s too good at this for you and it is a strong point for him. No matter how anxious you were to learn more from him, his technique is quite difficult for you, it's an art that only he can hold onto so well and you think it's better this way. Noticing your attempt, he swallowed his words and watched how you moved your hands, somehow like a proud teacher eager to congratulate your progress. Only that, it wasn’t about progress here. You positioned yourself on the little chair, thinking about your next moves. You banged to the left and right and the beat was built-up pretty good. You were kind of proud while your eyes found Roger’s. Your breathing fastened and you bit your lower lip.
Roger suddenly came behind you, leaning down on his knees, eyes locked on your frame. These drums are hugging you, literally, because you are still a short person and the sight of you behind such powerful instruments makes him wanna clap his hands for you.
„Center.” He murmured and instinctively, you banged just above your knees. „A little bit longer to the right,” he continued, his deep accent lingering through both of your ears. „Then to the left.” Your hands did exactly what Roger said to you and knowing he was behind your back made you tense up. You straightened your back but the warmth of his body kept reaching to your skin through clothes. You felt his hands taking a gentle grip on yours and he started to guide your movements. A little more bold as you were before, along with your own hands he banged continously to the right, then center and to the left and then a cymbal to create the slightly slow beat of ‚I’m In Love With My Car’. You smiled to yourself but Roger’s breath was hitting your neck and that made you so damn distracted. Swallowing hard, you wanted to keep your body as strong as ever, not going to let him take control over you. A few more bangs and you stopped, making Roger step back, but not getting up. Anything could happen and it was very hard for you to think about it. You wipe your hands off your jeans and finally get up from the chair, but Roger has other ideas. When you turn to face him, kind of unprepared, he’s looking at you still being on his knees. His naughty hands go up you legs and he’s slowly getting up right now, resting his palms on your waist. You feel a strong pressure on your shoulders and in your chest. Roger is now, and again, taller than you, a fact which only gets on your nerves. You try to keep any specific expression away from your face with eyebrows still frowned.
He wants to do something, but he does nothing still. He is looking down at you and you won’t dare to look back. It’s about you two. It’s about teasing. It’s about everything and anything you never said to each other. Trying to explain things was boring, always boring for both Roger and you. You would just show up into the room with messed up hair, accelerated breathing, but you would never forget to smile or laugh. You would take his leather jackets and wear them in his spite. You would laugh in his face, scoff him, yell at him, punch him in the stomach playfully or stick your hands into his sweaty hair. You would argue with him about being too noisy, annoying and not too serious for his liking, but you wouldn’t have a care in the world because at the end of the day, he would still throw a hand over your shoulder to drag you closer to him. He is so, so stubborn. So heated up, so ready to knock you down just to help you get back up. He loves when you listen to his songs and drumming, he loves when you want him to learn you what he does, but in your own way, you are a little bastard. And since this feelings thing started to go on and off between you two, what you did was only to make him want to make a move just to back off shortly after that. And looking into your eyes right now, at your baby face and big, confused eyes … It was so fucking tangled. Roger could feel this in his whole body. It took a good amount of confidence to close the distance between you two. Your noses touched and you felt as nervous as you don’t even remember being before.Trying to kiss you, you lifted one drumstick up and shoved it lightly in his abdomen.
„What are you doing?” You asked, not being able to hide the smirk starting to form on your lips. Roger laughed a little and snatched the drumstick from your hand, throwing it on the floor. He wouldn’t answer. You waited. What he did was to cup both of your cheeks with his hands and smash his lips upon yours rapidly. Your breath stopped in your throat and you froze. Your eyes widened while looking into Roger’s whose weren’t still closed as you expected. You did that before. This wasn’t the first time kissing Roger, it was actually the first time it felt like this. The real first time you two kissed each other was when you were both shitfaced along with Freddie and the others and he asked Roger if he would ever just kiss you. He never even thought about it. He’s said yes and then kissed your lips sloppily, fast, just like a simple peck. You didn’t feel nothing back then, because it was nothing serious.
In this moment, his hands went to touch your neck slowly and his eyes closed. You relaxed a little, but still managed to breathe in a fast manner, too nervous to make a move by your own. The only thing you could do was to let him do whatever he wanted. At some point, he stopped, opening his eyes again, puffing cold air right in your face. He seemed unsure and somehow uncomfortable, like he was afraid that he forced the note. Oh, screw it. Just screw it.
You shook your head and places a hand at the back of his head, pulling him too close. You were the one who started the kiss this time, moving your lips and feeling a big tension building up in your stomach. You encouraged him to open his lips and then he was in control. His tongue reached yours in gentle motions, his hands finding their way back to your reddened cheeks. With fast breathing for both of you, he ended up hugging you tightly through the kiss, something which felt so unusual for the way he previously acted around you. Who would’ve thought Roger Taylor is such a sweetheart? A crazy, furious, but cute sweetheart?
The intensity of the moment almost killed you and when both of you stopped for air, your lips remained slightly parted.The first instinct that came to your mind was to slap him in the face. Then, looking into his eyes, you wanted to smile. No one was saying a word and staring was ridiculous. Roger tried to smirk, it was visible on his face, but footsteps started to be heard upstairs. In a blink of an eye, you backed away from the drums you were almost laying on while Roger looked down at his feet. This is stupid. It was stupid to let him kiss you. It was never a game and you were convinced that you could beat his own arrogances, but  now, that kiss softened you in a way which scared you. You hate the feeling.
„Did we interrupt something?” Freddie’s voice was heard in the room and when you looked in the stair’s direction, he was there with Brian and John.
„Hi boys.” You greeted them. „I didn’t know you were coming.”
„Roger invited us this morning. Hey, did you see the interview?”
„Yeah, it was funny.” You mumbled, not being in your scene anymore. Your lips were aching for a certain touch and that was beginning to piss you off. „I’ll leave. ’See each other around.” You announced and looked at Roger from over your shoulder. You could say he was analyzing you by his blue eyes glued on your body.
„Don’t you wanna stay? C’mon, we have to practice and you can watch and maybe sing with us!” Freddie added, smiling at you in a very sweet way. The boys were always excited to have you around when they were rehearsing.
„No, uh- … Maybe another time, okay? Good luck.” You wished them and then left the room. You could hear John whispering back: „What’s up with her?” to the others.
You wanted so bad to snap at Roger back there. But it wasn’t appropriate. It wasn’t okay and now you tend to overthink the situation. Really, what’s up with you? You don’t do this, you swore you would never overthink on Roger. Something burned in the back of your mind and you couldn’t name it. He would better explain himself quickly, you aren’t going to do this over and over again.
Thank you for reading! Thoughts? Are you excited for part two?
Read the other imagines that I posted if you still didn’t and don't forget that I accept requests!
xoxo, D.
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bowieandqueen11 · 6 years
Hey! Since you were asking for request is it possible to write a Brian x reader where, the reader and Brian like one another but are to shy to say it. So the rest of the band try to get them together (which involves Roger flirting with the reader to make Brian jealous) You can add whatever you like or take out what you don’t! I hope you have an awesome day! :D 🥰
Hey thank you for the request! This is so cute!!
Brian the Bewildered
It had been a long, hard day in the studio, and as the dazzling and flashing flickers of colourful lights surround you, and you hear the whipping wind of roller coasters roar past above your head as Roger leans gently upon your shoulders in the line to enter the haunted house, you recollect just how strange a day it had been.
Lying on the cream coloured couch, your head gently tilted over the edge of the armrest so your gaze settled easily on the mass brown curls of Brian’s hair, you close your eyes in bliss as the elegant, and almost magical notes strummed from the Red Special float towards your ears like stars bursting with every note. Your eyelids gently lift every so often, being drawn to Brian’s long, strong fingers delicately plucking his strings, and subconsciously your hands gently start running up and down the goosebumps of your folded arms, wishing your hands were his instead. As you close your eyes again, feeling too sick in your heart to properly hear the incessant whispering of Freddie from the drum riser, and John’s hesitant but confirming grumbles every so often in return, you also miss, once again, Brian’s gaze.
His eyes constantly lock onto your cheeks with a burning heat, willing the blush crawling up his neck to disappear as he sees Roger enter the room and walk over to Freddie, staring at Brian and giving him a sly grin with every step. As his fingers dance over the guitar, he can’t help but watch your breath rise and fall in time with the music, or see the way the rays of light fall through the window and light up the soft locks of your hair spread over the settee, bathing you in a halo of light, which he thought was rather fitting. As the sound faded from the amp with his last note, he was disturbed from the awe-struck look he was desperately giving you, his head which was tilted slightly suddenly snapping up as he heard Roger’s footsteps stamping towards him.
You woke up with a start as you heard a loud twang echo throughout the room, a drumstick landing with a thud on the floor behind Brian’s feet. As you swiftly sit up, slightly in shock as you swear you can feel the hot steam coming out of Brian’s ears and hear the incomprehensible babble come out of everyone’s mouths, catching snatches of ‘just do it you coward’, ‘not the right time’, ‘let’s just go to the pub’, ‘it’s now or never darling’, you quietly walk over to Brian, gently placing your hand on his shoulder, not knowing that action alone had left him short of breath, and suggesting you all go to the funfair that had just come into town to give everyone a chance to let off some steam.
As Roger grabs your hand, dragging you into the haunted house and snapping you out of your daydream, the darkness envelopes you both and hides Brian’s frustrated frown. As you walk through the set, gently jumping as skeletons pop up to spray water on you, you feel Roger’s hand tighten around yours, before he wraps one arm around your waist ferociously as a plastic zombie falls out of a coffin, the growling sound effects and distant screams of young children enjoying the night hide Brian’s small growl as he walks behind you with Freddie and John. 
As you step out, raising your hand to shield your eyes from the whirling lights illuminating the Ferris wheel standing bold in front of you, Roger leans down, and to your surprise gently kisses your cheek, before pulling back and asking ‘would you do the honour of joining me on the ferris wheel, love. I would love to have some time alone with you,’ turning slightly to Brian and stretching out the next few words, ‘just the two of us and the stars. It is awfully romantic.’ As he winks at you, a cheeky grin spreading across his face, John and Freddie silently sneak off together to join the queue for the dodgems, trying to escape the oncoming wrath as they see the back of Brian visibly shake, his hands in tight fists by his sides.
You’re about to decline Roger’s offer, asking instead if you should all go get some cotton candy, when a hand snatches your own and tugs you softly but determinedly away from Roger’s grasp to the bright lights of the Ferris wheel, neither of you seeing the smug look on Roger’s face as it recedes into the distance.
As the seats rise with a squeaky creek, lifting you and Brian into the cool night air, surrounding the two of you only with the burning stars and the distant sounds of delighted children, Brian slowly turns to face you, your expression shocked and concerned as his hand still grasps yours in a death lock, his knuckles white. ‘I-I owe you an explanation for my actions y/n’ he starts, his voice cracking ever so slightly with each word, and his face contorting in a mixture of emotions, before finally settling on one of unbridled devotion. As you look into his eyes, bright and beautiful in contrast with the darkness behind him, properly looking and understanding the unspoken love that pours out with his gaze, you realise how foolish you’ve been to have missed it before. And as he opens his mouth to speak again, you grab him by the cheeks and pull him onto your lips, the soft and tender embrace conveying every feeling you’d locked up inside you in fear of being rejected. As his hands curl into your hair and you separate to breathe, the airless, gasping laugh he gives against the side of your mouth before pulling you in again makes you understand in your heart that you would have waited forever for this moment.
Thank you for reading!
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jkprkerz · 6 years
writing ideas:
alright so listen, i want to get into writing again but i have no inspiration and ideas so! if anyone out there is itching for some type of story, head canons, or one shots, lmk and i’ll see what i can do!
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blueandsunny-morn · 6 years
Imagine dancing around your kithcen to ‘and I love her’ by the Beatles in your underwear and a baggy tee shirt one morning with Brian how SOFT IS THAT jdkeksc
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superrman · 6 years
Just before I can continue to enjoy Bohemian Rhaposdy as a great flick I just need to say a couple things 
Freddie wasn’t the only one to break up Queen (and they didn’t technically break up)
Brian May and Roger Taylor both release Solo Albums 
All members stated they almost “broke up” multiple times 
Queen still played together despite solo projects
They toured together for months before Live Aid 
Freddie wasn’t diagnosed for another couple years before live Aid - i.e. he got together with Queen not because he was dying but for whatever personal reasons he had 
And he was very private about his personal life, so as much as we can imagine how he felt we don’t know
Just keep in mind this is a movie, a dramatized movie, like don’t act as if you know if Freddie Mercury would have wanted this -- even though his band members helped write and produce the movie. Tbh it makes it as much their story as it was his, Freddie didn’t get his say - he didn’t get to write it and as such this is just that a dramatized version based on his life, not his story. Respect that. because as in any movie these are characters not real people. 
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asfeedin · 4 years
BTS, Beatles, Madonna, Taylor Swift, More
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BURBANK, CALIFORNIA – JANUARY 27: (L-R) Jin, Jungkook, RM, Jimin, and J-Hope of “BTS” speak onstage … [+] at iHeartRadio LIVE with BTS presented by HOT TOPIC at iHeartRadio Theater on January 27, 2020 in Burbank, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for iHeartMedia)
Getty Images for iHeartMedia
Upbeat songs are having a surge of popularity in this time of coronavirus gloom. “Happy“ by Pharrell Williams and “Get Lucky“ by Daft Punk are among the most-played tracks of the last decade. The optimistic “Lovely Day” and “Lean On Me” by the late Bill Withers are enjoying a boost on YouTube and other file-sharing and streaming sites.
Here is a list of some musical medicine – songs that are doing well in lockdown, and some alternative cheer-up suggestions.
Recent Songs Doing Well: It is no coincidence that the song doing best in recent weeks is as upbeat as possible. Tones and I’s hit “Dance Monkey“ continues to dominate the YouTube charts and in the top slot on the Global Top Songs chart for the fifth straight week and 20th week overall with 75 million hits. It is followed by the likes of “Don’t Start Now” by Dua Lipa, whose new collection Future Nostalgia set a number of Spotify steaming records, including the most streamed album in a day globally by a British female artist. These songs are followed by more pure pop by the likes of Ariana Grande, Beyoncé, Britney Spears, Rihanna, the Sugababes and Katy Perry. “Say So” by Doja Cat tops various happy 2020 playlists, as does “Stupid Love” by Lady Gaga. Among other tracks picking up plays: “Red Light, Green Light” by Duke Dumont, plus the slightly older songs “Green Light” by Lorde and “Can’t Stop The Feeling” by Justin Timberlake.
BTS: Songs by the K-Pop sensation have been doing well. The septet’s online concert Bang Bang Con had 50.5 million views last weekend. Even some of the group’s older and more obscure tracks are picking up hits, such as “Just One Day” off the Skool Luv Affair EP from 2014, in which each group member imagines one day with his love. The song has topped playlist ideas, and quietly racked up 24 million views on YouTube.
Be Happy: Not surprisingly, people wanting to be happy seek out songs with the word in the title. Apart from “Happy” by Pharrell Williams, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” by Bobby McFerrin is back on top of the Spotify playlists. “Happy” tops a YouTube equivalent playlist along with “Shots” by Imagine Dragons.
“Shiny Happy People” by R.E.M., which Michael Stipe said he wrote for children, is also finding its way into radio and internet playlists. The Georgia band’s “It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)” returned to Billboard charts last month, while Stripe did his own solo version, adding some tips to avoid coronavirus. Also recommended is R.E.M.’s “I’m Gonna DJ” with its insane lyric: “Death is pretty final/ I’m collecting vinyl/ I’m gonna DJ at the end of the world!”
Not everyone likes singles that force joy, but if you do, try any version of “Happy Days Are Here Again” or “Oh Happy Day,” such as that by Spiritualized. Sting’s remake of “Spread a Little Happiness,” Captain Sensible’s “Happy Talk,” “Happy Together” by The Turtles, and “Happiness” by Goldfrapp are all ripe for a comeback.
Sunny Songs: “Lovely Day” returned to the charts (along with “Lean On Me”) after the death of Withers. Lyrics with optimistic meteorological metaphors do well: “I Can See Clearly Now” by Johnny Nash; U2’s “Beautiful Day”; “Here Comes The Sun” or “Good Day Sunshine” by the Beatles; “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves; and “Rainbow” by Kacey Musgraves.
Reggae Joy: “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley has been much played for its universal message: “Don’t worry about a thing, ‘cause every little thing is gonna be all right.” For more reggae joy, there is always Marley’s “One Love,” his own version of “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” and “You Can Get It If You Really Want” by Jimmy Cliff.
Some Kind Of Wonderful: Another Cliff song, “Wonderful World, Beautiful People,” reminds us that even at the time of COVID-19, listeners still know that life can be wonderful. The words of Otis Redding have been ringing out online (“If you love me too, oh what a wonderful world this could be”) as well as Louis Armstrong (“I hear babies cry, I watch them grow, they’ll learn much more than I’ll ever know/ and I think to myself, what a wonderful world.”). Singles such as “Wonderful Life” by Black and Hurts, two different songs, have also gained some traction.
Material Girl: Madonna’s upbeat 1980s hits such as “Holiday” and “Lucky Star” have been much mentioned in 2020 playlists.
Lightening Up: Bob Dylan’s long and downcast comeback “Murder Most Foul” has a modest 192,000 hits so far on YouTube after its surprise release amid lockdown last month. Still, the Nobel laureate’s “Subterranean Homesick Blues,” “Leopard-Skin Pillbox Hat” and “Highway 61 Revisited” all are witty and fast-moving and recommended to raise a smile. Simon & Garfunkel are getting played for “Cecilia,” “59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy),” the bittersweet “I Am A Rock” and Paul Simon solo tracks such as “Loves Me Like A Rock” or “Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard.”
For all the gl0om of “The End” and “When The Music’s Over,” Jim Morrison of The Doors had his lighter moments and “Hyacinth House” has a false cheer a bit like Elvis Costello’s later “Other Side of Summer” or The Flaming Lips song “Do You Realize?”
David Bowie provides cheer with “Fill Your Heart” and “Kooks,” though probably not “The Laughing Gnome.” His “Heroes” is one of the anthems for frontline workers, with 9 million YouTube views, and has enjoyed a new lease of life with the cover version by Motörhead racking up 36 million views.
Kanye West: Yeezy’s can-do anthem “Stronger,” and his “American Boy” with Estelle, are enjoying playlist success. So has his “Runaway,” as is the Linkin Park song of the same name.
Kids’ Stuff: The lockdown proved to be an ideal time to launch Disney+ in new regions. It was announced this month that the channel reached 50 million subscribers in just six months. A lot of its songs are uplifting for children and others: much of The Jungle Book (“The Bare Necessities”) or Mary Poppins (“Let’s Go Fly a Kite”.)
Elsewhere, listeners of all ages may enjoy Jonathan Richman’s child-like “Ice Cream Man,” “The Tag Game” and “That Summer Feeling.”
Love Songs: “Sex on Fire” by the Kings of Leon came at No 10 in the list of most-played songs of the last decade. Most people have their own personal romantic smile inducer, with those recently mentioned online including James Brown’s “I Got You (I Feel Good)” and Carole King’s “You’ve Got a Friend.” The Killers’ “Mr. Brightside” has shown up in a few lists, even though it is a song about jealousy. Others include Motown classics “My Girl” by The Temptations and “My Guy” by Mary Wells; Sam Cooke’s “You Send Me”; and Van Morrison’s “Brown Eyed Girl.”
Good Times: Van Morrison’s “St. Dominic’s Preview” is an example of a feel-great-right-now song. Trending tracks with a similar vibe include “One Day Like This” by Elbow; “Perfect” by The The; “(Sittin’ On) The Dock Of The Bay” by Otis Redding; or Eric Clapton’s “Wonderful Tonight.” “I Got a Feeling” by Black Eyed Peas says “I gotta feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night.” Prince has much the same sentiment in “It’s Gonna Be A Beautiful Night,” while his “Let’s Go Crazy” has brought happiness to 15 million via YouTube. Prince died exactly four years ago, so expect his streaming numbers to rise on the anniversary.
Rock The Trouble Away: When times get tough, the tough get rocking. Think Elvis Presley, Nirvana, AC/DC, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, or Guns N’ Roses, if they make you punch the air. Bon Jovi has also popped up on fan playlists for COVID-19 tunes with “Livin’ On A Prayer” and “It’s My Life.” He declares: “I ain’t gonna live forever, I just want to live while I’m alive.”
‘On The Rise’ Pick-Me-Up Songs: Primal Scream has also been popping up on fans’ playlists with “Movin’ On Up” and “Loaded,” both off the album Screamadelica. Also recommended: “Up!” by Shania Twain and “The Only Way Is Up” by Yazz.
‘I Am The Greatest’ Music: Spirit-raising tracks include “We Are The Champions” by Queen, especially popular since the Bohemian Rhaposdy movie; “The Best” by Tina Turner; “So What,” by Pink; and “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga. Also recommended: “The Greatest” (Ringo Starr and Cat Power, two very different songs.)
Songs Relevant To COVID-19: “Don’t Stand So Close To Me“ by The Police has surged as lockdown became a reality, even though it is really about a school romance. Just because of the titles, “Splendid Isolation,” by Warren Zevon, “Isolation“ by Joy Division and “Isolation“ by John Lennon have all got extra plays, though none are particularly cheery.
The streaming and file-sharing sites also see boosts for defiant-mortality songs, really just based on their titles. Gloria Gaynor’s “I Will Survive” from 1978 has been a standout, an anthem for strength, with the singer taking to TikTok to rework it and inspire others to properly wash their hands.
“Stayin’ Alive” by Bee Gees and “Don’t Fear The Reaper” by Blue Öyster Cult have also added plays, as has “Stronger” by Kelly Clarkson, with its words “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”
“Resistiré” (I Will Resist), originally by Dúo Dínamico in 1988, has been redone for 2020 and has had 19 million hits on YouTube. The equally defiant “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift is also the YouTube happy songs playlist, Natasha Bedingfield’s “Pocketful Of Sunshine” also raises spirts with its message “Do what you want, but you’re never gonna break me.”
More COVID-19 relevant titles boosting hits are “Work From Home” by Fifth Harmony and “Down With the Sickness” by Disturbed, which has surged 31% in digital song sales, according to Nielsen Music/ MRC Data; and “Quarantined” by At the Drive-In, which is up 70%.
COVID Spoofs: There are many memes out there but it is hard to fault Chris Mann with “My Carona,” spoofing “My Sharona,” and “Stay At Home Vogue,” parodying Madonna’s “Vogue.”
Songs In Response To The Virus: Not necessarily so bubbly are Bono’s “Let Your Love Be Known” and Randy Newman’s “Stay Away.”
A three-minute single won’t doesn’t erase the tragedy of COVID-19, its threat to jobs and economy but helps to lighten our load. As the record and radio-industry slogan says, “life sounds better to music.” Some relentlessly light tunes are madly irritating to some people and inspiring to others. Based on listening to 1,000 new albums a year and thousands of singles, here is a personal choice: “Reasons to be Cheerful, Part 3” by Ian Dury and the Blockheads; “My Favorite Things” from The Sound Of Music; “Pure” by The Lightning Seeds; “Make Me Smile (Come Up and See Me)” by Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel; “Candy” by Paulo Nutini; “It’s Gonna Be Okay, Baby” by MUNA; “Song 2” by Blur; and “One More Time” by Daft Punk.
Maybe add to the playlist a few pieces of 1960s psychedelic pop such as “Itchycoo Park” or “Lazy Sunday” by the Small Faces; “Sugar Sugar” by The Archies or “Marrakesh Express” by Crosby, Stills and Nash. If you are making a playlist, hopefully these suggestions will help boost your “quarantune” spirits.
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Tags: Beatles, BTS, coronavirus, covid-19, happy music, lockdown, Madonna, quarantunes, Spotify, swift, Taylor, Taylor Swift, Youtube
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Oh, wait: Hello
Helloo, helloo dears. I don’t know in which terms should I write this, but I made a whole new blog, a side one for d-double-trouble, on which I decided to post only Queen related stuff, including my last two imagines posted on my main blog. I’ll be moving them on this one, but I won’t delete them from the first one, only that I won’t be posting Queen related imagines there. Only here. 
It is a sudden decision that I made, I think it’s funnier to have a side blog on which is running just one, main topic. As I said before, I love the Queen/ BoRhap fandom, it’s making me feel very proud of the people out there who are dedicating so much to Freddie, the band, the cast and crew of Bohemian Rhapsody. I want to be a part of you and I want to gather you on my blog to have fun together! I promise you that you won’t regret. :)
Until I fully update this blog, check the main one in case you are confused about the imagines, to undestand what I’m talking about. If you want, you can follow this one and stick with me. That would be very kind and very nice of you, thank you so much.
What can I say? I hope I won’t disappoint you. See you around.
xoxo, D.
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bowieandqueen11 · 6 years
could you write a roger x reader who is a big girl? like more than chubby, cause whenever I see plus sized fics they are always just a little chubby and i cant relate :[
Sorry this took so long, hope you’re doing well beautiful! Gazing up serenely towards the scorching heat of the sun, letting its rays fall down upon the blazing blush covering the warm roundness of your cheeks, you sigh contently as you see the emerald green and white striped kite Roger’s guiding fly over your field of vision, dancing high and restlessly in the wind in sunlit silence, which you break as you start laughing at Roger being pulled through the tufts of grass by the strong breeze, his short wheat coloured hair madly blending in with the bushes of the meadow, blowing his locks up in spikes in every direction, his shouts of glee mixing with the wisps of the wind as the kite spiralled was exactly what you wanted to hear after a long week at work. Turning towards your laugh with a wide grin spreading across his face, knowing his eyes are bright with laughter even through his dim sunglasses, he winds in the reel of the kite, walking over to the plaid blanket you’re lying upon whilst you stay there, appreciating the way his light white half-unbuttoned shirt ripples with each step, allowing you full view of the slightly tanned skin of his chest. As his footsteps draw nearer, crunching the thin summer blades of grass and daisies with each step, he slowly flops down beside you, pulling himself up onto one elbow in order to appreciate the way the flowing dress you were wearing hugged your skin perfectly. His hand crawls over your thick waist slowly, teasing you, each inch of skin tingling with goosebumps as his fingers gently twirl across until he finally wraps his arm around you, snuggling his head into the bountiful curve or your neck, making use of the plentiful skin along your arms that he loves to hold so much to place hot ardent kisses on every free space he can. He snuggles up against you, loving how safe he feels in your ample, strong arms that can make him relax with just one touch, no matter how many arguments he had with Brian or how many drumkits he had tripped over in a rage; as soon as he felt the fulsome, lavish embrace that he always longed for so dearly he felt, at once, at home. He rolls you both over so he can run his hand up and down the plushness of your side, pushing the ticklish fabric of your dress up with his fingertips so he can place his palm against your plump thighs, loving the way your skin flushes in reaction to his meaningful touches. He gazes at you with such compassionate devotion as you reach up to pull the sunglasses away from his face, giggling slightly as his face turns into a silly mock frown at the loss of them, before the crinkles at the side of his eyes rise once more and he pulls you tightly against him, placing a soft kiss against the tip of your nose, before tracing a path to the side of your mouth. He pauses for a moment, and you see the rays fall down upon the slightly dazed, far away look in his crystal blue eyes, intense with understanding and desire, before he murmurs against your plump lips, ‘you’re so incredibly beautiful, you know that love? So incredibly smart, and independent, and warm and loving and it honestly aches in my heart sometimes how an angel like you could fall for a man like me.’As the burning tears well in your eyes, you savour the kiss he yields willingly to you, as the soft sun bathes your entangled bodies in a halo of light.
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bowieandqueen11 · 6 years
can i request some fluff with joe mazzello or roger taylor (either is fine) and their s/o has a biology or maths exam coming up and their panicking ?? because this is me right now and i need something to help
Hello darling sorry this is late but don’t panic you’ll smash it and anyway there are so many more important and beautiful things in life so don’t worry!!
Joe, the big soft dork, knocks on the hard wood of your shut bedroom door, brows furrowed in worry and slight crinkles starting to form in the corners of his dipped doe eyes as he hears frustrated groans and loud thumps echo and vibrate against the milky walls
Tapping his knuckles again, he dips his head against the frame, calling ‘love, I’m coming in now’, before quickly hiding the fist that clenched a beautiful bouquet of flowers, dazzling hues of maroon and violet so bright they twinkled in the straggling light of dawn like little pieces of stardust Joe had spent the day collecting for you
You had told him that you had needed space to revise, and like the gentleman he was he decided to grant you your wish for a few hours, his outstretched arm gradually letting go of your entangled fingers before running back to place quick pecks against your knuckles gently. He had slid out of the door, making you chuckle by walking backwards and staring at you, eyebrows wiggling, before deciding to go out into the garden and spend the afternoon picking all the blooming spring flowers that kissed up towards the ocean-blue sky he felt were worthy enough to show you how much you were the light of his life
Coughing nervously, he turns the bronze handle of the door and steps into the room, his footsteps hard against the cream carpet as he runs over to your figure flung over the top of the desk
Scraping your desk chair back, he squats down in front of you, his thick fingers coming up to softly tuck straggling pieces of hair behind your ear. His fingertips softly trace the paths of the hot, frustrated tears that ran down your cheeks like icy winter dewdrops, his lips twitching as his eyebrows furrow together.
You place your hand gently on top of his head, sighing lightly as you run your hand through his soft ginger locks, short between your fingertips as he gives you a sad smile. ‘I’m so screwed for this test, Joe’, you heave out between breathless sobs, before collapsing into the arms he holds out in front of you
His strong arms circle your waist, his purple button up shirt smooshing familiarly against your jaw as his short ginger stubble tickles your chin, making you smile slightly against his skin. His hands pull delicately at the corners of your shirt before tracing tickling patterns up and down the curve of your shaking back, before he squeezes his eyes shut and just holds you tight against his chest, whispering lightly against the tip of your ear, ‘you know what y/n, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if you fail, even though I know you won’t because literally all of the boys gush about how clever and kind and brave you are, and even if, if, it doesn’t go as planned I’ll still adore you anyway.’ He smirks lightly, his breath tickling warmly against the side of your neck as he says, ‘heck, you could be a banana and I’d still love you.’
You snort lightly, missing the brilliant light that fills his face at the sound as you push him away with a light punch to the shoulder from your closed fist, making him fall onto his butt with a small thump. ‘Shoot!’ 
You look up, eyebrows furrowed and eyes bloodshot as you watch Joe gather the flowers that lay tossed on the floor, your shoulder shaking with laughter as he comes to kneel before you, grasping your hand before dramatically bowing his head and saying, ‘m’lady’
As you take the bouquet, stopping to breathe in the scent that reminded you of fragrant summers spent bathing in the warm orange rays of the summer sun, your fingers dancing over the snowy petals, you miss Joe’s knowing look as his head bops slightly up and down, a wide grin showing off his pearly teeth as he understands in his heart that he’s never going to leave you alone for another second of his life
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bowieandqueen11 · 6 years
Are ships open? If they are could I possibly get one? I'm blonde, plus size, 5"2, I play Cello and guitar, I absolutely love cats and I love fashion but I don't think I'd ever be able to create any of my own. I'm really sarcastic and have an odd sense of humor but I'm really nice when you get to know me, and I love to cuddle. If I know someone well I'll spend all day cuddled up with them! I really don't know what else to put 😂 thank you so much, I love seeing what you come up with on these
Hello beautiful I hope you’re doing well and thank you for the lovely words!
I ship you with: Roger Taylor!
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(Gif credit goes to: @queenmandyy)
Being a fellow blonde, Roger would appreciate the golden beauty of your hair, loving nothing more than to run his rough tired fingers through his strands as he sits on the sofa in the studio. It had been a rough day, with quite a few drumsticks having been thrown, so your small plush body is exactly what he desires to help himself calm down and relax. As his arms wrap tightly around your middle, pulling you against his thumping heart, he feels at home when he places his chin on the tip of your head, your hair reflecting bright and calming light into his eyes
Seeing as Roger’s first instrument was in fact the ukulele, he would absolutely love when you surprise him with your guitar talent, loving it even more when he steals Brian’s Red Special out of his hands and gives it to you. He starts cheering loudly and jumping on the spot next to a groaning Brian when you show Brian up with your talent, making Roger immensely proud of you. He would be incredulous when he finds out later on that you can also play the cello, amazed at how incredibly talented you are and how he was so lucky to have an angel like you
Loving all animals, you and Roger make a game of trying to spot as many cats when you two are out walking in the park, chasing each other with soft giggles like children to try and pet the cat first, Roger gently shoving you into bushes from time to time. Freddie would also love you as you made sure to take a picture of every cat you two come across to bring into the studio the next day.
As the king of incredible fashion and sunglasses, you could bring some new outfits into this poor boy’s life, spending the mornings dressing him in new and bold outfits to surprise the boys, soft caresses and loving touches being shared in the warm dawn light
His sense of humour would be perfect for you! The boys would groan so much during nights out or trips down to the pub as you two sat next to each other, Roger becoming enamoured as you cracked a sarcastic zinger directed at John, who was trying his hardest as king salty boi to retaliate, before Roger jumps in with a cheeky wink in your direction and tinged blush on his cheek at how perfect you are
Roger would love nothing more than to spend a lazy weekend afternoon with cups of steaming tea on the bedside tables and you wrapped in his arms, clinging onto you like a koala bear, his legs entangled in yours and pulled up to your chest. He would constantly rub his legs up and down yours for comfort and warmth, sighing contently into your ear as he enjoyed the feeling of being the big spoon, before peppering a kiss onto your knuckles tightly held by his own. before floating in and out of consciousness
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bowieandqueen11 · 6 years
If you’re doing Queen shipping could I ask for one ? I’m Alex, I’m 5’3 and I’m plus size. I have long platinum blonde hair, dark brown eyes and I’m fairly tan. I study drama and English. I’m quite confident and loud but I am a great listener. I also enjoy doing makeup in my free time as well as playing the piano.
Hello Alex love! Hope you’re doing well darling
I ship you with: Freddie Mercury!
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(gif credit goes to @rogerstaylor)
When Freddie’s had a long day, and returns to Garden Lodge feeling insecure about his songwriting and piano compositions, you are the perfect snuggle height! He always feels so safe when he can envelop you in his arms, loving to squish you tightly against his chest, loving the feel of your bountiful frame against his strong arms as he just closes his eyes and takes in the serenity that always seems to surround you
When he takes you out for dinner, he loves to end the night by taking you out into the garden underneath the blazing stars. He falls even more in love when he plucks a beautiful rose from the bush and tucks it behind the glowing blonde curls of your hair. Easily getting lost in your dark, intense eyes, loving that they’re so similar to his own and yet full of so much more wonder, he wants nothing more than to kiss the plush tan skin of your arms before placing a soft kiss against your lips
Being so dramatic himself, he would so amazed at your incredible drama skills, always teasing that he could help you with your homework, and annoying Roger to no end by poking fun and saying that Roger would also be perfect to help you instead. But be prepared for his constant begging for you to help him write the lyrics to his new songs, trusting in your incredible English skills and being thrilled that you both share a similar passion 
You two would have the most incredible fun at his parties, constantly being the talk of the night by all the guests as you confidentially strutted around the room, arm in arm with Freddie and bringing him, as well as all the guests so much joy with your vibrant and interesting conversations. However, he would realise you were perfect for him when you could see and understand that is in fact very shy and quiet within himself, wanting nothing more than to hug his arms around you in bed, stroking circles into your hip as he calmly talks to you about what’s been worrying him or made him sad lately
Whenever he’s sitting at the piano stool, he’s always throw hungry eager glances your way until you finally cave in and fall into his lap. Laughing breathlessly against your cheek, his favourite pastime would be the two of you dabbling at the piano, making each other giggle in childlike fits way into the night
He would adore your bold makeup looks, begging you to try them on his skin, both because they would look stunning on them and a nice bonus feeling your fingertips glide over the curves of his eyes and cheeks giving him welcome warm chills before he goes on stage
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