#medical device software development companies
skeletos123 · 6 months
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phoenixbizz · 2 months
PhoenixBizz offers custom medical device software development services in Phoenix, Arizona. We design and develop medical software for doctors, hospitals, labs, medical manufacturing companies, and medical startups.
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dashtechnologiesinc · 8 months
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Medical Device Software Development: Key Processes and Critical Factors
Medical device software development demands a meticulous approach to ensure the creation of safe, effective, and compliant products. The interplay of regulatory compliance, risk management, and thorough documentation contributes to the success of medical device software in improving patient outcomes and advancing healthcare technology.
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mariacallous · 2 months
For Ukrainian soldiers facing the near-constant threat of Russian drones, a crude-looking, pocketable drone detector has become one of the most sought-after gadgets on the battlefield. Dubbed Tsukorok, or “sugar,” by its London-based creator, the grassroots device produced by a variety of manufacturers beeps loudly when a drone enters its detection range, allowing soldiers time to run to cover or turn on their jamming devices.
“It’s amazing because it is so cheap and simple,” a mortar crewman, currently positioned in the Donbas region, said of the Tsukorok. He, like all soldiers cited in this article, spoke to Foreign Policy on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the press.
More than two years into Russia’s war in Ukraine, the Russian military still enjoys the upper hand in electronic warfare. “The Russians have powerful electronic warfare equipment. … Unfortunately, Russia is significantly ahead of Ukraine,” Ukrainian activist Maria Berlinska told Ukrainska Pravda in April. Berlinska was instrumental in pushing the Ukrainian military to develop its own drone capabilities and has trained soldiers and civilians to fly reconnaissance and attack drones.
On Ukraine’s front line, electronic warfare has largely focused on the ability to use and defend from reconnaissance and strike drones as well as long-range missiles. Small, agile first-person-view (FPV) drones, which can carry between 2 and 11 pounds of explosives, are now used extensively by both sides. The ability to detect and jam the signals sent and received by those drones is a matter of life and death.
The Russian military has successfully used elaborate truck-mounted jamming systems to reduce the effectiveness of Western-made, GPS-guided artillery shells as well as HIMARS and JDAM guided bombs, the Washington Post reported in May. More recently, Moscow has used armored vehicles and tanks mounted with jamming devices to push across the front line.
Now, with the sky on the front line saturated with drones, Ukraine is attempting to catch up. That often means employing simpler, more inexpensive equipment with smaller ranges, such as the Tsukorok, to detect signals coming from Russian drones and other guided weapons. More than 50 Ukrainian companies are engaged in producing electronic warfare equipment, from the humble Tsukorok to expensive jamming devices. Tens of thousands of drones are also produced or assembled in the country every month.
But the detection gadgets are hard to obtain. “Right now, I think the demand [for jamming equipment] is at least 10 times higher than what we can provide,” said Bohdan Danyliv, the head of the military department at the Prytula Foundation, one of the biggest organizations supporting the Ukrainian military. “Honestly, it may be 50 times bigger.” The Prytula Foundation already delivers equipment including SUVs, strike drones, rifle optics, communication, and medical equipment to the armed forces. In recent months, the organization has looked to ramp up deliveries of electronic warfare devices.
“Yes, it’s difficult right now,” said Dmytro Selin, the London-based Ukrainian software engineer behind the first model of the Tsukorok. “Deliveries [of parts for manufacturing] aren’t reliable. Parcels can get stuck for weeks at a time. … Demand is a lot higher than our team can handle.”
Soldiers and the Ukrainian companies producing electronic warfare equipment must also deal with the ever-changing nature of electronic warfare. “Both the technologies and the tactics evolve very quickly,” said Anton Veklenko, the chief instructor and co-founder of Global Drone Academy, a Ukrainian company training Ukrainian civilians and soldiers in the use of military drones and electronic warfare.
Since 2022, electronic warfare has quickly made GPS guidance, which most off-the-shelf consumer drones use to navigate, obsolete. Both sides now deploy drones that act as relays to increase the flying range of their FPV drones to distances of up to 31 miles. Russia and Ukraine have also each experimented with autonomous guidance systems, allowing drones to strike their targets even when their signals jammed.
“We also train our pilots to detect which frequencies are being jammed in a specific area of the front line so that they can quickly change the frequencies used to fly their drones,” Veklenko said. “There’s no universal jammer that can block everything, so it’s a constant game of adaptation.”
The rise in popularity of the Tsukorok in late 2023, boosted by positive word of mouth from a Ukrainian military blogger, represents one of these adaptations. The constant threat of drones created the need for a small detector that could be used by any soldier without the training that more accurate and reliable—but also more complex—spectrum analyzers require. Selin, who moved to the United Kingdom in 2019, developed the first prototype in the summer of 2022, focusing at the time on detecting signals from the Russian Orlan reconnaissance drone.
Front-line troops use the Tsukorok to know when to turn on their energy-intensive jamming devices; artillery crewmen think of it as a last-resort warning, allowing them to run to prepared shelters as loitering munitions hurl toward them. A combat medic currently serving in the Kharkiv region explained that he always leaves a Tsukorok in his olive-colored ambulance: “I use it as a guide, to know when to use the jammer.”
The surge in demand put Selin and other groups building the device in a bind, as they went from producing a handful of detectors every month to hundreds, and then thousands, facing hurdles to scale up production. “I’m in talks with manufacturers and governments in Europe, but it is complicated, in good parts because of the bureaucracy,” Selin said. “But now we’re looking to diversify as much as possible,” with a goal of producing up to 10,000 detectors every month. Currently, half of the parts of the Tsukorok are produced in China and half in Ukraine; the final product is assembled in Ukraine.
“When it comes to the production of [electronic warfare] equipment, the situation right now is similar to what we had with FPV drones a year and a half ago,” said Danyliv of the Prytula Foundation. There is an “unstructured market, few established players, and a mix of bad devices that can cost a lot of money and high-quality devices that cannot be produced in enough quantities to meet the demand.”
The Tsukorok isn’t a miracle solution, Selin admitted: It can lose effectiveness in areas saturated with drones and is meant to complement, rather than replace, other detecting and jamming devices. “It is meant as a last warning device, but on the battlefield, soldiers will get information from lots of other sources,” Selin said.
“I call them personal protectors—it’s something that every soldier should have,” Danyliv said. “It won’t solve everything, but when you have one of those things in your pocket, you feel a lot calmer.”
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heathermarielocke · 1 month
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Effective XMLTV EPG Solutions for VR & CGI Use
Effective XMLTV EPG Guide Solutions and Techniques for VR and CGI Adoption. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, effective xml data epg guide solutions are essential for enhancing user experiences in virtual reality (VR) and computer-generated imagery (CGI).
Understanding how to implement these solutions not only improves content delivery but also boosts viewer engagement.
This post will explore practical techniques and strategies to optimize XMLTV EPG guides, making them more compatible with VR and CGI technologies.
Proven XMLTV EPG Strategies for VR and CGI Success
Several other organizations have successfully integrated VR CGI into their training and operational processes.
For example, Vodafone has recreated their UK Pavilion in VR to enhance employee training on presentation skills, complete with AI-powered feedback and progress tracking.
Similarly, Johnson & Johnson has developed VR simulations for training surgeons on complex medical procedures, significantly improving learning outcomes compared to traditional methods. These instances highlight the scalability and effectiveness of VR CGI in creating detailed, interactive training environments across different industries.
Challenges and Solutions in Adopting VR CGI Technology
Adopting Virtual Reality (VR) and Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) technologies presents a set of unique challenges that can impede their integration into XMLTV technology blogs.
One of the primary barriers is the significant upfront cost associated with 3D content creation. Capturing real-world objects and converting them into detailed 3D models requires substantial investment, which can be prohibitive for many content creators.
Additionally, the complexity of developing VR and AR software involves specialized skills and resources, further escalating the costs and complicating the deployment process.
Hardware Dependencies and User Experience Issues
Most AR/VR experiences hinge heavily on the capabilities of the hardware used. Current devices often have a limited field of view, typically around 90 degrees, which can detract from the immersive experience that is central to VR's appeal.
Moreover, these devices, including the most popular VR headsets, are frequently tethered, restricting user movement and impacting the natural flow of interaction.
Usability issues such as bulky, uncomfortable headsets and the high-power consumption of AR/VR devices add layers of complexity to user adoption.
For many first-time users, the initial experience can be daunting, with motion sickness and headaches being common complaints. These factors collectively pose significant hurdles to the widespread acceptance and enjoyment of VR and AR technologies.
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Solutions and Forward-Looking Strategies
Despite these hurdles, there are effective solutions and techniques for overcoming many of the barriers to VR and CGI adoption.
Companies such as VPL Research is one of the first pioneer in the creation of developed and sold virtual reality products.
For example, improving the design and aesthetics of VR technology may boost their attractiveness and comfort, increasing user engagement.
Furthermore, technological developments are likely to cut costs over time, making VR and AR more accessible.
Strategic relationships with tech titans like Apple, Google, Facebook, and Microsoft, which are always inventing in AR, can help to improve xmltv guide epg for iptv blog experiences.
Virtual Reality (VR) and Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) hold incredible potential for various industries, but many face challenges in adopting these technologies.
Understanding the effective solutions and techniques for overcoming barriers to VR and CGI adoption is crucial for companies looking to innovate.
Practical Tips for Content Creators
To optimize the integration of VR and CGI technologies in xmltv epg blogs, content creators should consider the following practical tips:
Performance Analysis
Profiling Tools: Utilize tools like Unity Editor's Profiler and Oculus' Performance Head Hub Display to monitor VR application performance. These tools help in identifying and addressing performance bottlenecks.
Custom FPS Scripts: Implement custom scripts to track frames per second in real-time, allowing for immediate adjustments and optimization.
Optimization Techniques
3D Model Optimization: Reduce the triangle count and use similar materials across models to decrease rendering time.
Lighting and Shadows: Convert real-time lights to baked or mixed and utilize Reflection and Light Probes to enhance visual quality without compromising performance.
Camera Settings: Optimize camera settings by adjusting the far plane distance and enabling features like Frustum and Occlusion Culling.
Building and Testing
Platform-Specific Builds: Ensure that the VR application is built and tested on intended platforms, such as desktop or Android, to guarantee optimal performance across different devices.
Iterative Testing: Regularly test new builds to identify any issues early in the development process, allowing for smoother final deployments.
By adhering to these guidelines, creators can enhance the immersive experience of their XMLTV blogs, making them more engaging and effective in delivering content.
Want to learn more? You can hop over to this website to have a clear insights into how to elevate your multimedia projects and provide seamless access to EPG channels.
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elsa16744 · 4 months
The Future of Market Research: Virtual Reality and Immersive Experiences 
Market research is an integral part of customer behavior and experience personalization strategies. It provides necessary insights into consumers' product preferences and market trends. Conventional techniques such as one-to-one surveys, focus groups, or secondary data collection have been standard in this field. However, technological enhancements have equipped modern market researchers with novel tools like virtual reality. This post will discuss the future of market research, including the potential of virtual reality and immersive experiences. 
What is Virtual Reality? 
Virtual reality (VR) simulates a computer-aided audiovisual environment. It can mimic reality or include experiences from a fantasy. Its adequate implementation will resolve many customer profiling issues and data quality limitations haunting professionals in market research consulting. Moreover, immersing users in a realistic simulation allows VR projects to provide more dynamic or nuanced insights into consumer behavior. 
What Are the Benefits of Virtual Reality in Market Research? 
1| Immersive Experience and Consumer Behavior 
One of VR's key advantages in market research is the ease of creating highly immersive experiences. Unlike traditional methods, VR can simulate a complete environment. That allows researchers to observe how consumers interact with products or services in a lifelike context. Besides, this immersion can lead to more accurate and authentic responses. After all, participants are less likely to be influenced by the artificiality of a traditional research setting. The required detailed, realistic simulation is often complex to accomplish with ordinary methods. 
2| Emotional and Behavioral Insights 
Another significant benefit of VR integration is its ability to interpret emotional responses. However, you require biometric sensors to track heart rate and eye movements. The acquired data will assist in measuring physiological responses to different stimuli within the virtual environment. This data on reactions can facilitate valuable insights into how consumers feel about a product. You can also check their positive or negative sentiments toward an advertisement or brand. 
How to Utilize VR in Market Research Based on Your Target Industry? 
According to market intelligence consulting experts, several industries already leverage VR for customer insights. The following use cases demonstrate the versatility and effectiveness of this technology. 
1| Retail and Consumer Goods 
Virtual reality software can help retailers try multiple store layouts to see how customer dwell time changes. Remember, product placements and marketing tactics affect how much customers buy before the final checkout. Therefore, companies like Walmart and IKEA have experimented with virtual stores. They also intend to gather consumer feedback before making costly and permanent changes to their physical store layouts in the real world. This precaution allows them to optimize their strategies based on data-driven insights rather than intuition or guesswork. 
2| Automotive Industry 
Automotive companies utilize VR systems to offer virtual car showrooms and deliver simulated test-driving experiences. This use case enhances the customer experience. Brands get this valuable data to investigate ever-changing consumer preferences and purchasing behaviors. Consider Audi and Ford. They have developed virtual test drives, allowing potential buyers to experience their vehicles. They can configure various scenarios for virtual driving sessions. Later, they might gather stakeholder feedback influencing future car designs, collision safety measures, handling methods, or fuel-efficiency parameters. 
3| Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals 
In healthcare, clinicians and universities will leverage VR to simulate medical environments for apprentices' training and evaluating new medical devices and treatments. Pharmaceutical companies employ VR to simulate clinical trials. Doing so allows medical professionals to examine patient reactions to new drugs. Although these trials are programmatic, they enable better forecasts for real-world healthcare outcomes. As a result, the stakeholders can accelerate research and enhance the accuracy of their findings. 
Challenges in VR Integration for Immersive Experiences and Market Research 
While VR's potential in market research is immense, several challenges and considerations might hinder the effective implementation of virtual reality experiences. 
1| Accessibility and Cost 
One of the top challenges to the widespread integration of VR is the cost of equipment and the availability of reliable talent. Business leaders need cost-effective tools and experienced VR-friendly market researchers to develop and maintain virtual environments. High-quality VR headsets and sensors can be expensive, and creating a realistic and engaging virtual environment requires significant software development and design investment. As the virtual reality industry matures and its tech tools become more affordable, these costs will likely decrease. So, VR integration for market studies will be more accessible to all organizations worldwide. 
2| Data Privacy and Ethics 
Corporations' use of VR in market research and hyper-personalization raises critical questions about data privacy and ethics. Biometric data, such as heart rate and eye movement, are highly sensitive data categories. Therefore, data processing entities must handle them with care. Companies must ensure that their data protection measures are effective. At the same time, participants must know how data recipients will utilize their data legally, ethically, and legitimately. Transparency and consent are crucial to maintaining trust and avoiding potential legal issues. 
3| Technical Limitations 
Despite significant advancements, VR technology still has limitations. Motion sickness, for example, can affect some users by limiting the duration of VR sessions. Additionally, the realism of virtual environments exhibits visual artifacts or rendering glitches because of current hardware and software limitations. As technology continues to improve, these obstacles will likely diminish. However, they might be a significant problem for enterprises with smaller budgets. 
The Future of Virtual Reality in Market Research 
The future of VR and immersive experiences in market research is promising, with several disruptive projects already making the headlines, as explored below. 
1| Enhanced Realism and Interactivity 
Continuous progress in AI technologies promises better realism and more engaging interactions. Advances in graphics, haptic feedback, and artificial intelligence will create more lifelike and engaging virtual environments. Their future releases will enhance the accuracy of consumer behavior studies and provide deeper insights into their preferences and motivations. 
2| Integration with Other Technologies 
Integrating VR with other emerging technologies will open up new possibilities for market research. Consider augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), and live data streaming projects. For example, brands can use AI platforms to analyze the extensive databases from VR-powered market studies to identify unique patterns and crucial trends that may be undetectable in a standard analysis. AR can complement VR by overlaying digital information in the real world, creating a seamless blend of physical and virtual experiences. 
3| Broader Adoption Across Industries 
Affordable technologies indicate broader VR adoption in market research across various industries. The potential applications will benefit entertainment, tourism, education, and real estate. Companies that embrace VR early on will have a first-mover advantage because they will gain actionable insights into their customers before competitors. Consequently, they will successfully stay ahead of them in understanding market trends. 
4| Personalized Consumer Experiences 
VR will revolutionize market research and provide better approaches to studying consumer engagement metrics. Understandably, you want to personalize virtual experiences based on individual preferences and behaviors. This method helps create more meaningful and engaging interactions. For instance, a fashion retailer could offer virtual fitting rooms. Online customers would try on clothes and receive personalized recommendations based on submitted style and body type data. Similar customization options tell customers your business is committed to prioritizing satisfaction and brand loyalty. 
Global brands want to incorporate virtual reality and immersive experiences into market research. These tech advancements help redefine the methods for understanding consumer behavior. VR addresses many of the limitations of traditional research methods by providing a more realistic, engaging, and data-rich environment. While challenges can be tricky to overcome, the strategic benefits attract brands. For deeper insights and more accurate data to inform business strategies, companies have invested in developing solutions to those problems. 
As technology advances, domain experts expect VR to become indispensable in the market research toolkit. Companies that invest in this technology earlier will be well-positioned to reap the rewards since they acquire a competitive edge essential to thrive in their industry. The future of market research is immersive, and your competitors have merely begun exploring the possibilities.  
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Welcome to C&K Incorporated where we put the future in your hands
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Word count: 639
Warnings: distribution of illegal substances, overall shady business practices, your dealing with shady business men who have enough power and money to sway governments— what else are you expecting?
Notes: While this post is being treated like a short story it's both an introduction to my Original Character's Caine and Kaine while introducing their company.
Artwork credit: 妖男子メーカー through picrew and Krmr through picrew
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Founder information
Kaine Yone Shizka
C&K Incorporated was started by Caine Malne and Kaine Shizka in an joint partnership that blended two beloved companies into what it is today. Our founders and current CEO's welcome you to our family.
Caine Ifer Malne
Kaine Shizka was born into the royal family on Fynve-IV planetary system. After leaving he started Yone and Company, an once small distribution company that now stands as the second largest distribution and transportation company that side of the nebula. Kaine now acts as both the front of C&K Inc and one of the CEO's.
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Caine Malne was born on Pamu in the Otais system. Born into an small family he started his business from scratch, starting out in an garage he made the now used nebula wide Optix™ artificial intelligence and auto navigator. After the success from Optix he founded Mintext, an computer software and parts company. Years later he came into ownership of multiple companies that now work under the C&K Incorporated name. He now stands as one of the CEO's and head of development for the continued updates for Optix™ and other software.
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Current business and operations
Caine and Kaine incorporated has businesses on multiple planets and different nebula's. From shipping operations, manufacturing, software and physical stores alongside our online services we are sure to have what you need.
Currently we are manufacturing over 950 parts of different kinds of devices, medical parts, furniture and more. If you need assistance with your manufacturing needs email us at 𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚊 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚍.
Our shipping is the top of the line, beating most available competitors. Where others won't go we will, need to ship something to earth when our competitors say it's to dangerous? We'll do it. All we need is the receivers name, address, plant, galaxy/or equivalent and payment and your package will be on its way. Please see our other website for all your shipping needs.
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Company wide updates
Any shipments regarding Silas Quinn or Moore are to be expedited. If shipments are found under those names they are to be recorded and sent to Malne no questions asked.
We are sure you're all aware but we will no longer be seeing Malne in promotional materials or hiring process. We ask that everyone is respectful for what happened to Malne even though he is still able to work, Shizka is aware that Malne was turned into a dog, a Newfoundland in particular. If you see Malne treat him with respect, he's still very capable even.
Yes we are aware someone called him "An goodist boy" we are still very concerned and confused as to why anyone would speak to there superior in such an way. Refrain from it or dispensary action's will be taken.
Happy New Year everyone! While we are aware that the intergalactic Federation is looking into our business practices that doesn't mean anyone is getting laid off. What they are looking into will have no affects on your employment. We are exited to see you all back after the holidays.
Best wishes, Caine and Kaine.
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Intergalactic Federation correspondence
While the Federation is partners with C&K Inc we do not support there illegal affairs and active movements to hide information on wanted criminals.
In the past 30 years sense C&K Inc started working in Federation space there has been over 150 packages seized with illegal substances, weaponry, chemicals and stolen goods. It's currently unknown if this is done by the owners of C&K Inc given the records for the shipments not holding illegal goods. Contrary to belief C&K Inc has on multiple occasions willing shared the names and other information of those snuggling and selling illegal goods. Those actions helping arrest 30 people and help take down multiple drug operations.
Given the company's behavior they have received an 6/10 rating for user safety and satisfaction.
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bhuvonixx · 1 year
Tech and the Future of Fitness
The fitness industry is brimming with fresh-faced tech that continues to evolve to elevate workouts. From full-body monitoring systems built into the fabric of workout clothes (also known as smart clothing or tech clothing) to self-charging smart shoes, it’s clear that fitness technology is redefining what exercise can look like.
With more people than ever embracing the health and wellness benefits of working out, brands are continually introducing new and innovative ways to make their products more effective. The influx of new technology has enabled fitness and health companies to expand their offerings to include personalized coaching, high-quality fitness content, and advanced fitness tracking.
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The technology that’s revolutionizing the fitness industry is called wearable health tech, which refers to devices that are worn on a person’s body that allow them to track and monitor their fitness levels. These wearables typically have a sensor that is connected to an app that provides users tech ogle with data about their progress and their health status. These devices are transforming the way people work out, and they’re also having a major impact on healthcare.
Fitness trackers are some of the most recognizable examples of wearable health tech. They’re often worn on the wrist and can track a user’s physical activity, heart rate, and sleep patterns. They can sync with smartphone apps to provide users with valuable insights about their exercise and sleep habits. Some even have a small screen that displays real-time fitness coaching and encouragement during a workout.
In addition to fitness trackers, there are also hydration sensors and sweat patches that can monitor a user’s hydration level. These sensors can help athletes, military professionals, manual laborers, and individuals who are prone to dehydration understand how much water they’re losing during a workout. These sensors are useful for both fitness and medical purposes, and they’re being used by people in various fields, including sports medicine, software development, and kinesiology.
These wearables are enabling individuals to take more control of their health and wellness, which is helping them achieve better long-term outcomes. This is especially important for people who are at risk of chronic conditions, such as diabetes and hypertension. This type of technology can also be beneficial for low-income communities and individuals who don’t have easy access to quality healthcare.
Some of the most exciting innovations in fitness technology are those that provide personalized coaching and guidance during workouts. These devices can give users a one-on-one coach while they’re exercising, which can make all the difference when it comes to maintaining motivation and consistency with their fitness routines. For example, a device called the Lumo Run can connect to a smartphone and speak through it to offer real-time instructions and feedback while a user is running. In the future, these devices could be able to connect people with trainers and physical therapists who can guide them through their workouts without them having to leave the comfort of their homes.
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rakhisingh · 1 year
An API developer in DigitalAPICraft Company thinks API will revolutionize the healthcare ecosystem
The rise of digital health solutions has transformed how we approach healthcare. APIs play a major role in this transformation, enabling seamless integration with existing systems and data sources. For instance, wearable devices and mobile health applications can utilize APIs to seamlessly transmit health data to EHRs, enabling healthcare providers to monitor patients remotely and gain valuable insights into their health status. API also enables the integration of telemedicine platforms, which allows patients to easily schedule medical appointments, securely share their medical information, and receive virtual care. APIs are sets of rules and protocols that allow different software applications to communicate and interact with each other. Here's how APIs could potentially revolutionize the healthcare ecosystem:
Innovation and Development: APIs can encourage innovation by allowing developers to create new applications and services that leverage healthcare data. For instance, wearable devices and health monitoring apps can connect to APIs to provide patients and healthcare providers with real-time health data.
Data Exchange and Integration: APIs can facilitate the secure exchange of patient data between healthcare providers, hospitals, clinics, and even patients themselves. This can lead to more coordinated and efficient care, as healthcare professionals can access the information they need in real-time.
Patient Empowerment: APIs can empower patients by giving them access to their own health data. Patients can use this data to make informed decisions about their health and share it with different healthcare providers as needed.
Research and Analytics: APIs can make it easier for researchers to access and analyze large sets of anonymized healthcare data for epidemiological studies, clinical trials, and medical research.
Security and Compliance: While APIs offer many benefits, data security and patient privacy are critical concerns in healthcare. Implementing robust security measures and complying with relevant regulations like HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is essential when developing healthcare APIs.
Personalized Healthcare: APIs can enable the integration of patient data from various sources, which can then be used to provide personalized treatment plans and recommendations. This can lead to more effective treatments tailored to individual patients.
Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring: APIs can play a crucial role in telemedicine by enabling video consultations, remote patient monitoring, and virtual healthcare services. This is especially important in situations where in-person visits are challenging or not feasible.
Data Exchange and Integration: APIs can facilitate the secure exchange of patient data between healthcare providers, hospitals, clinics, and even patients themselves. This can lead to more coordinated and efficient care, as healthcare professionals can access the information they need in real-time.
Interoperability: APIs can enable different healthcare systems, such as electronic health records (EHR) platforms, medical devices, and mobile applications, to seamlessly exchange data and share information. This can lead to improved patient care by providing healthcare providers with a comprehensive view of a patient's medical history and data.
The API developer's belief in the revolutionary potential of APIs in the healthcare ecosystem is well-founded. However, it's important to recognize that while APIs offer tremendous opportunities, they also come with challenges that need to be carefully addressed to ensure the safe and effective use of healthcare data. One APIMarketplace comes with a package of features and benefits, which can totally change the way you run your organization and provide you with a much more efficient and hassle-free system, leading you to better results. So don’t wait visit DigitalAPICraft.com and get a free demo of One APIMarketplace today.
For more information: https://digitalapicraft.com/
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skeletos123 · 6 months
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phoenixbizz · 1 year
PhoenixBizz offers custom healthcare software development services. We design and develop healthcare software for doctors, hospitals, labs, medical manufacturing companies, and healthcare startups.
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dashtechnologiesinc · 2 years
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Increase Efficiency and Innovation in Medical Device Development!
Dash provides medical software development services to help get better results by optimizing medical workflows. Whether you need the full-cycle development of medical device software or only medical device software consulting, our experienced team of business analysts, developers, and QA specialists can help you
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technicaldr · 2 years
How Patient Care Is Being Improved by Technology Everyday
With technology becoming more integral to patient care in recent years, innovation in the medtech space is progressing at an unprecedented level. From streamlining long-held manual processes to creating entirely new diagnostic devices, new tech is cropping up all over the industry—resulting in a real-world impact on patients’ quality of life.
  These technologies are helping companies to enable faster and more efficient engagement with patients, improve traditional devices, incorporate more software solutions into patient care, and even launch wholly new products. Further, these modern tools help medtech companies keep up with the rapid pace of innovation, by launching new products faster and quickly extending to new markets.
As hospitals face consolidation and CIOs are asked to increase staff productivity, tech companies that can support automation with solutions that are easy to onboard are getting heightened interest.
  Streamlining quality processes for the better
  In medtech especially, quality is the name of the game. The speed at which companies can address post-market or field issues is vital to success. After all, if a product meant to improve patient care isn’t performing the way it’s intended to, there could be tangible life-saving implications.
The secret to speedy post-market action is automating and integrating what was once a manual and disparate case-to-complaint and reportability process, by using a single enterprise platform.
For instance, imagine a company that wants to decrease their issue-to-resolution times. Their cases can be automatically tied to complaints and propagate common data, enabling faster investigations, reportability determination and electronic submissions.
  The Covid-19 pandemic has forced life sciences companies to take a fresh look at how they do business. But as they reinvent their operations, companies often overlook a critical function: Their learning and development programs.
  Also, their enterprise technology enables them to capture nonconformances with batch details which can quickly trigger ship holds, dispositions, and field actions.
And many of these major innovations trickle downstream to corrective and preventive actions (CAPA), Engineering Change Orders (ECOs), and business processes.
Having the ability to close the quality loop throughout the entire enterprise value chain can not only revolutionize a necessary process, it can deliver better patient experiences and outcomes.
  Improving traditional therapies 
  While headlines about new strains of Covid-19 and Monkeypox continue to circulate, the most common chronic diseases continue to grow at alarming rates.
Technology is helping to both manage difficult symptoms of these diseases, and find proactive ways to prevent them before the onset.
Advances in technology are giving patients their independence back. Think of how much easier a diabetes patient’s day-to-day life would be by conducting therapies in their own home instead of adjusting their scheduling around trips to the hospital for recurring appointments. Not to mention the lowered cost.
Imagine a world where therapies for type 2 diabetes (T2D) have the potential to prevent or even reverse its course. In the U.S. alone approximately 30 million people are diagnosed with T2D and half of them have difficulty controlling it.
  Leveraging software as a medical device (SaMD)
  Smart technology is virtually inescapable today. We use software devices in many aspects of our lives—in our homes, in our cars, in our pockets. And our medical needs are no exception.
Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) is one of the fastest growing areas of medtech innovation, enabling tangible life-saving results from:
Remote patient monitoring Faster, more accurate disease diagnosis and treatment decisions, such as stroke and pulmonary issues
Streamlined workflows & coordination for care teams
Digital Therapeutics and Digital Companions
…and the list is increasing exponentially. SaMD has changed how patients manage their health and interact with healthcare professionals.
  Ushering in the future of care
  The pace of medtech innovation is accelerating so much it almost feels as if we’ve stepped into the future. There are groundbreaking companies focused on eradicating certain cancers that are offering comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) which provides results from a simple blood draw in days. This allows oncologists to obtain information quicker and advise the right treatment to each of their cancer patients.
This is just one example of how patients at all stages of cancer can live longer and healthier through the power of blood tests and the data they unlock.
  The secret weapon 
  The secret weapon is the ability to connect all business processes on a single platform solution. Keeping pace with top innovators requires a modern system to manage integrated change processes and cross-functional collaboration across the entire product and software lifecycle.
The critical and complex products that patients rely upon demand responsibility to ensure the best availability, quality, outcomes and uptime.
Technical Doctor's insight:
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meditech-insights · 2 years
Global Digital Behavioral/Mental Health Market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 25% by 2026
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In recent years, the healthcare industry has observed the foray of several providers that offer software for behavioral and mental health practices: EHR, teletherapy, scheduling, client engagement, billing, and digital therapeutics to prevent, manage and treat medical disorders.
The Global Digital Behavioral/Mental Health Market is set to witness an exponential growth rate of 25% in the next 5 years. Some of the key factors influencing the global digital behavioral/mental health market include Covid-19, the rising burden of mental disorders worldwide, the penetration of personal digital devices, a favorable funding environment, and growing healthcare IT infrastructure in developed and developing. However, concerns related to patient privacy and the shortage of HCIT professionals are likely to hamper the growth of the market.
Demand for Digital Behavioral/Mental Health Market Solutions Surge Amid Covid-19
With lockdowns implemented, social distancing mandated, and widespread apprehension; as a result, Covid-19 dramatically increased the burden of managed healthcare, particularly for the treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases.
The widespread use of personal digital devices like smartphones, fitness trackers, tablets, and the launch of digital solutions ensured that the digital mental health tools were accessed more frequently and by a wider demographic of patients. Benefits such as therapeutic approaches to support positive behavioral change on a large scale, anywhere, anytime accessibility, on-demand help without waiting lines, convenience, and ease of use were the key factors that fueled its demand.
Digital Behavioral/Mental Health Tools for Children and Teens Set to Open New Growth Avenues
The mental well-being of children and teenagers has been an area of concern given there are few pediatric mental health specialists in both developed and developing economies Long wait times for care and an increasing number of children being sent to the emergency room during mental health crisis situations has been a long-standing issue. Several digital health companies have entered the market to address these worries.
For instance,
In March 2022, Brightline, a leader in virtual behavioral health care for children, adolescents, and families, secured a $105M Series C funding. Brightline offers a digital on-demand platform, Connect, along with its coaching programs and clinical services including behavioral therapy, evaluation, medication support, and speech therapy
“A limited number of paediatric mental health specialists has been a persistent issue in the United States. Virtual health care exploded during the Covid-19 pandemic and this further exacerbated the mental health crisis situation among the children and youth. As a result, several companies are now targeting the behavioral health needs of children and teenagers.”- Senior Director, Virtual Behavioral Health Care Provider, United States
Explore Premium Report on Digital Behavioral/Mental Health Market @ https://meditechinsights.com/digital-behavioral-mental-health-market/
Organic and Inorganic Growth Strategies Adopted by Players to Establish Their Foothold in Digital Behavioral/Mental Health Market
The global digital behavioral/mental health market is a developing but competitive market marked by the presence of both established and new players. Players operating in the market adopt both organic and inorganic growth strategies such as new product launches, and acquisitions to garner market share.
For instance,
In April 2022, Talkspace, the leading provider of virtual behavioral health services, launched new product suite - Talkspace Self-Guided, a suite of offerings for employers designed to help executives, managers, and teams prioritize and build emotional intelligence (EQ) and mental wellness in and out of the workplace
In Jan 2022, CloudMD Software & Services Inc. acquired MindBeacon Holdings Inc., one of North America’s leading providers of digital mental health care.
The digital behavioral/mental health market is a booming market that is anticipated to gain further momentum in the coming years due to the growing occurrence & awareness levels of mental health disorders, conducive funding environment, improving healthcare IT infrastructure, and aggressive organic and inorganic growth strategies followed by players.
Competitive Landscape Analysis of Digital Behavioral/Mental Health Market
The global digital behavioral/mental health market is marked by the presence of key players such as Akili, Pear Therapeutics, Advanced Data Systems, AdvancedMD, Credible, Lyra Health, Spring Health, Brightline, Little Otter, among others.
For More Detailed Insights, Contact Us @ https://meditechinsights.com/contact-us/
About Medi-Tech Insights
Medi-Tech Insights is a healthcare-focused business research & insights firm. Our clients include Fortune 500 companies, blue-chip investors & hyper-growth start-ups. We have completed 100+ projects in Digital Health, Healthcare IT, Medical Technology, Medical Devices & Pharma Services.
Ruta Halde
Associate, Medi-Tech Insights
+32 498 86 80 79
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What Is Business Technology?
Technology is a product of the systematic application of knowledge that is extensively employed in a wide range of disciplines. Technologies include computers, the Internet, and cloud computing. These are engaged in practically every field and might even assist you in starting a business. However, how can you put these technologies to work for you?
Technology is the systematic application of knowledge to a practical aim. It has several applications. Technology is essential to corporate operations, from medical gadgets to social networking sites. Learning how to apply it correctly, regardless of its sector, is critical. Here are some ideas for making the most of it.
Businesses may use information technology to make better choices faster. This enables them to adapt swiftly to external developments and recognize client demands. It can also shorten the time it takes to market new products or services.
Computers are one of the most effective business tools since they allow individuals to discover information and data readily. They assist with meeting scheduling, file management, and data organization. Furthermore, computers are an excellent tool for educating personnel and streamlining operations. Over a billion people rely on computers to operate their companies.
Computers are also necessary to research instruments. Without considerable study, businesses would not be able to compete in a highly competitive market. Many organizations currently utilize computers for scientific research, and they may significantly lower research expenses. In addition, computers may aid in research and development and the production of new items.
Social media is altering how we interact and conduct business. It allows us to personalize our communications to our target audience better. We also have a new method to interact with one another and build a more coherent online persona. This is one of the most significant advantages of social media, but it also has drawbacks.
While social media has transformed the way we do business, it has only created a small portion of the potential value it may uncover. According to some observers, adopting social media into corporate processes can yield $900 billion to 1.3 trillion in value. They believe enhancing internal communication and cooperation holds two-thirds of the value generation potential. This has the potential to boost not just consumer happiness but also the creation of new goods and services.
Cloud computing is a novel method of storing and accessing data through the Internet. Cloud services, as opposed to older techniques that needed a physical storage device, allow organizations to access their data from anywhere around the globe. The system also aids in data loss prevention by keeping duplicates of lost data on other servers. Additionally, encryption improves data security.
Cloud computing is utilized for a wide range of corporate applications and services. It may store data, run the software, and even run apps. It is a quick and flexible method of delivering information and services. It also provides several advantages to users, such as monitoring and regulating their computer capabilities.
Increasing corporate productivity is critical, and organizations may do this through technology. However, technical advancements are not without cost, and rising expenses may obscure actual productivity increases. A recent NBER Working Paper evaluates the gain in productivity since the 1990s and concludes that it was driven mainly by greater technological use.
Productivity is defined as the number of products and services produced per hour of labor. Productivity increased for the first time in 1996 and peaked in the second part of the decade. Some observers, however, argue that the significant improvements in measured production during this era were caused by inaccurate measurement.
The expense of technology is becoming an increasing concern among enterprises. Businesses must understand and manage the costs of technology. The objective is to lower overall expenses while improving the service quality. Technology must be invested in, but the fee must be evaluated against the advantages. For example, technology may assist organizations in producing more items in less time while decreasing human expenses.
Assessing what each sector of the organization requires is a valuable method to manage the expense of technology in business. It is best to get technology readily incorporated into day-to-day business activities. Furthermore, technology should be adaptable enough to accommodate new technologies while not interfering with daily operations. A careful review of a company's present technological demands can assist choose where to invest the most money. Examples of technology that a firm may require to include:
Using technology in client communication provides various advantages for businesses, including increased customer service. It may assist organizations in resolving minor difficulties, routing client information to agents, and even resolving complicated challenges. Companies, on the other hand, must employ technology with prudence. According to studies, 35% of consumers prefer to contact the same person or agent over many channels.
Technology may also improve an organization's performance, increasing its profitability. It also enables firms to concentrate on their clients. Businesses today are focused on customer happiness and value, and some of the most well-known companies have developed over time by providing exceptional customer service.
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market-spy · 5 days
Patient Engagement Solutions Market Forecast to Grow at 17.54%  CAGR from 2024 to 2031 | SkyQuest Technology
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The Global Patient Engagement Solutions Market was valued at USD 16.58 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow to USD 70 billion by 2031, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.54% during the forecast period (2024-2031).
Market Overview
Patient engagement solutions refer to tools like online patient portals that enable medical organizations to interact effectively with their patients. The growing awareness of mobile health technologies, an aging population, and government incentives are driving demand for these solutions. Patients increasingly use technology to monitor and manage their health, particularly in cases of chronic illnesses. Innovations in health tracking, wearable devices, and remote monitoring are further boosting this market.
Get your free sample: https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/patient-engagement-solutions-market
Key Market Dynamics
Drivers: The advancement of mobile apps and wearables, increased awareness of chronic disease management, and government initiatives such as the Meaningful Use Act are propelling market growth.
Restraints: Strict regulatory frameworks like HIPAA and concerns over the protection of patient data are hindering wider adoption of patient engagement solutions.
Segmental Analysis Segmental Analysis
Software (Standalone Software, and Services
Therapeutic Area
Chronic Diseases, Fitness, and Others
Telehealth, E-Prescribing, and Billing & Payments
End Users
Providers and Payers Regional Insights
North America leads the market, driven by the widespread adoption of mobile health (mHealth) and electronic health records (EHRs). Government support and significant investments also contribute to regional dominance.
Asia Pacific is the fastest-growing region, with rising demand for modern healthcare systems, an increase in smartphone users, and government initiatives supporting patient engagement solutions.
Ask for customization: https://www.skyquestt.com/speak-with-analyst/patient-engagement-solutions-market
Competitive Landscape
McKesson Corporation (US) 
Allscripts (US) 
ResMed (US) 
Epic Systems Corporation (US) 
Orion Health (New Zealand) 
GetWellNetwork (US) 
Athenahealth (US) 
Oneview Healthcare (Ireland) 
Cognizant (US) 
Symphony Care (US) 
Harris Healthcare (US) 
Recent Developments
Engage Technologies Group Inc. partnered with APX Platform in April 2023 to create an industry-disrupting Practice Performance System aimed at improving patient engagement.
Athenahealth Inc. implemented its cloud-based EHR and patient engagement solution with LCH Health and Community Services in May 2023.
Go through the detailed TOC of the report: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/patient-engagement-solutions-market
Market Trends
The rise in personalized care and the adoption of mobile technology are major trends shaping the patient engagement solutions market. Mobile health apps and wearables are enabling patients to monitor and manage their health on their own, fostering higher patient engagement.
The patient engagement solutions market is experiencing significant growth driven by technological advancements and increasing patient awareness. Major players are competing in a rapidly evolving field, introducing innovative solutions and forming strategic partnerships to capture market share. The market is expected to expand substantially through 2031, with increasing demand for personalized healthcare solutions and remote monitoring technologies.
About Us:
SkyQuest is an IP focused Research and Investment Bank and Accelerator of Technology and assets. We provide access to technologies, markets and finance across sectors viz. Life Sciences, CleanTech, AgriTech, NanoTech and Information & Communication Technology.
We work closely with innovators, inventors, innovation seekers, entrepreneurs, companies and investors alike in leveraging external sources of R&D. Moreover, we help them in optimizing the economic potential of their intellectual assets. Our experiences with innovation management and commercialization have expanded our reach across North America, Europe, ASEAN and Asia Pacific.
Mr. Jagraj Singh
Skyquest Technology
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Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 351-333-4748
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