theartisticapparition · 7 months
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falsefiliality · 2 months
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camouflaged-target · 7 months
It isn't n⊙rmal t⊙ feel a stirring in y⊙ur bl⊙⊙d-pusher after talking t⊙ s⊙me⊙ne ⊙nline is it?
█ think █ have c⊙me d⊙wn with s⊙mething. Maybe █ sh⊙uld lie d⊙wn. █ am feeling rather. . . <Pale>
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[✓] bl00d isn't real I g0t bitten 0nce and n0thing came 0ut [✓]
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Eu recunosc ca nu sunt tocmai cea mai inteligenta persoana, dar... de ce e nevoie sa iau adeverinta/trimitere de la medicul de familie cand am deja totul de la medicul specialist si tot el ma opereaza, iar operatia este oricum cu bani si deloc decontata?
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aita-alternia · 1 year
AITA før killing my friend før a science experiment?
hi. My caste isn't impørtant here, but I suppøse the følløwing details are: - I am relatively løw øn the caste scale. - I am a "mad scientist" - my victim før this particular experiment was in fact a fuschiablooded individual. I want tø test øut a bløød transfusiøn methød that has been sucessful seen in small lusii. I've been moving up in lusus size until I reached søme that are abøut the size øf trølls. I wøndered if this methød cøuld be sucessful if executed øn trølls as well. I figured if anyøne was tø be sacrificed før this experiment, it wøuld be a friend whø was hemøanønymøus -- as I wøuld be seen as a herø før taking care øf any suppøsed mutants. Imagine my surprise when I cracked øpen his skull and there was SEADWELLER BLøøD in there. nøw my entire friend grøup is pissed at me. AITA før pursuing my høbbies and accidentally killing a seadweller in the prøcess?
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airlock-altercations · 6 months
Completely Unrelated to my SUdden bUrSt of energy and long winded eloqUent SpeecheS doeS ANyONe fUckiNG kNOw hOw tO cOMe dOwN frOM MediciNAl SOpUr ANd fASt / I cAN feel the iNSide Of My SkUll BreAkiNG ApArt ThankS in advance!{~ ඞ}
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this mayy be a stuppid qquestion.. but myy horn ggot screwed upp in a scrapp in the ends and ill sppare u the goryy details but theres expposed nerves.. not ggreat.. and im reallyy not in a pposition to ggo to a docterrorist rigght now for.. several reasons.. so if yyou could share a tempporaryy fix beyyond bandagges thatd be bare ggreat thanks..
ok hold on so im gonna assume if you think youre seeing nerves that means the core got damaged not just the outer shit so while im not a professional or anything obviously but id say do roughly this step one: stop the bleeding as soon as possible you could lose a lot of blood and obviously you dont wanna die or be too fucked up to finish taking care of yourself step two: clean it up and then put antiseptic on there trust me dont skip this part step three: check if youre bleeding from anywhere other than your horn your skull could be fucked up make sure its not but if it is clean that up too and disinfect it and all that step four: maybe a good time to call a friend or moirail or something if you have any step five: youre probably not gonna be able to do this part yourself so itd be better to get a friend to do it but you might need to debride the horn and cut off the dead bits also if it looks like it might really really fuck up how it grows you might just wanna remove the whole horn it sucks but it could be smarter step six: bandage it up really good after that obviously youre gonna wanna probably change the bandage every day and keep an eye on it to make sure it doesnt get infected or anything if youve got a moirail now is a pretty good time to have them stay at your hive or you stay at theirs also it might never grow back or anything but if the keratin sheath starts growing back youre gonna wanna keep a close eye on it it can grow back wrong or different or fuck up the scar tissue bad you might need to trim it which feels really stupid but can be important
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@mediculling | @clownatomy | @greatest-space-pupper
yo sup
names meenah
im gonna take a stab at who all of you are for ships and wrecks cos im lazy and not gonna check every damn blog out
time = money
lets sea how wrong i am lol
outta all of you im gonna guess youre gonna bore me the most
anauter weird clown
bet you actually hilarious
iunno maybe cos i like your name the best
sounds the dumbest 38)
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catariaxoxo · 2 years
☎ !
Send “☎” for a RUSHED text.
[To: The Good Doctor]
DONT listen to anything zira is telling you
if hes texting you right now
i can S33 him smirking at his phone
whatever it is is a bold faced lie
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2hiit · 2 years
❣ Mediculling
✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧ | Sexual Attraction
✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Romantic Attraction
✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Crushing
✦✦✦✦✦✧✧✧✧✧ | Squishing
✦✦✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ | Sensual Attraction
✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✧✧ | Aesthetic Attraction
uhhhh yeah kyrril pretty. and fun to mess with.
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crepuxulum · 2 years
The names of his current equines, save for the surprise sapling Engaios, are named after celestial voids, Bootes and Fornax, the latter of which is also the Roman goddess of the forge. Engaios, meanwhile, is the masculine version of the name of daughter of Chiron.
His favorite flavor of ice cream is pistachio!
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mediculling · 2 years
// trying to doodle more kyr selfies and yall should hmu if u have any pose or outfit suggestions
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camouflaged-target · 7 months
Hi! So / YoU're into bUtchery right? Well / YoU See / To me yoU're the only bUtch I ery.{~ ඞ} ActUally / I don't know if yoU're even bUtch. Or what an ery entailS. Anyway! I am aSking yoU thiS over Anon althoUgh yoU can obvioUSly See my blog and all that I have poSted. NerveS / Am I right? BUt! RegardleSS / I waS waS wondering.{~ ඞ} WoUld yoU like to get Dinner with me?{~ ඞ}
⊙h. █ am at a l⊙ss f⊙r w⊙rds.
█ ⊙nly wish █ c⊙uld repay y⊙ur wit and clever w⊙rdplay with s⊙mething ⊙f ██ ⊙wn, but ██ minds been run blank. Maybe █ will be able t⊙ c⊙me up with s⊙mething later, but f⊙r n⊙w this sh⊙uld suffice. ⊙f c⊙urse, @airlock-altercations, █ w⊙uld l⊙ve that. <>
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until proven otherwise ⠀everyone = "seadweller"
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Cum te ajută contabilul tău să economisești bani?
Ce cred antreprenorii despre contabilitate? Mulți antreprenori și manageri au tendința să vadă contabilitatea ca pe o obligație impusă de stat. Din acest punct de vedere, ei cred că: Contabilitatea trebuie ținută pentru că așa cere legislația și pentru a evita amenzile. Este necesară doar pentru a depune declarații fiscale la ANAF. Este un set de înregistrări pe care le fac doar pentru a…
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