#mediwhumpmay day 17
autobot2001 · 1 year
They Would Have Been OK
@mediwhumpmay: stay awake for me @themerrywhumpofmay: regret
Trying to write the style when characters are simply called whumper, whumpee, etc TW: starvation 
Whumpee had been chained in the dark room for a long time. They don't know how many days have passed. The only light they see is when whumper opens the door. The light from the hallway is enough for them to do whatever they want to whumpee. Whumpee would feed whumpee but only sometimes. What whumpee found odd is they don't get tortured in any other way or interrogated. They do know they will die if this feeding schedule continues.
"We have to find them!" Whumpee's friend argues, "it's been a week!" "We're trying to find where whimper could be." Whumpee's friend knows they'd be searching blindly if they went on a search mission now. Regretting not joining whumpee on a walk. Wondering who would want to kidnap whumpee. It's not like whumpee works for the government or anyone else with information to harm someone or a group of people. Whumpee is a teacher teaching math. Not history or language arts.
Whumper smiles, seeing their prisoner not looking so good. Believing it'll be a few days before they're dead. The mood is killer when they hear sirens. "Well, this has been fun. You still have no idea who I am and will never know." Whumpee is unaware of what's going on.
The rescue team rushes in, guns in hand. Clearing every room until they reach whumpee. The five rescuers can't believe what they're seeing. "Get those paramedics in here, now!" One rescuer takes a look at whumpee, who struggles to stay awake. "Stay awake for me," the rescuer tells them, knowing in their state, whumpee might not wake up if they lose consciousness. Whumpee stares at them like no one is home in their mind. The rescue team knows they won't be able to keep them awake. Terrified paramedics won't be able to help them before getting to the hospital.
Whumpee's friend wasn't allowed to go with the rescue team. They sit in the living room at home, waiting for a phone call. Terrified the call would have bad news. Three hours pass, and they hear the doorbell, which worries them more than waiting for the phone call. Even if the person on the porch is their friend. "They found whumpee," their friend tells them, sounding worried, "it's bad. We should go to the hospital."
The two still had to wait three hours to find out how bad of a state their friend was in. Hating hearing that whumpee likely won't survive. "We're treating them, but this will take months, and they might only have days," the doctor explains. This adds to whumpee's friend's regret. They can see whumpee even though it's not a great sight.
The two friends hate all the tubes and machines their friend is connected to. They see how skinny whumpee is. Understanding how their friend might die rather than recover. Both think only a miracle can help whumpee now. They wouldn't be in this state if I only agreed to go with them. Whumpee's friend regrets. No one knows who would want to kidnap whumpee and starve them rather than kill them. They know unless whumpee recovers, they will never know.
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faofinn · 1 year
Day 17 - "Stay Awake For Me"
Part 1 | Part 2
They'd told Harrison the surgery went well, but he hadn't had the energy to really be bothered by it. He felt drained beyond belief, but they'd brushed it off as him losing some blood during surgery - apparently he'd lost quite a bit, according to the constant fluids and bloods running.
He struggled to keep up with Fao's conversation, grumpy and tired. He snapped more than once, telling him where to stick it, and what he was going to do when he could manage to stand.
Even Steve said there was something wrong, but there'd been an emergency elsewhere and he'd had to go back for the day. He made Harrison promise to be okay until he got back, almost begged the nurses to check on him again, but he still had to leave. Harrison didn't pick up the phone when he called, his messages entirely unintelligible. He texted Fao instead, apologising to the other man, but desperate to keep up to date with his son. 
Fao was worried about Harrison too. He texted Steve as much as he could, but there wasn’t much he could do. He snooped on his obs as much as possible, and they definitely were worse than they had been. The nursing staff didn’t seem interested in doing anything about it, and the ward round had been about five seconds that morning. The registrar looked stressed beyond relief, and the consultant that was running it was the one Fao disliked. 
Once Fao had had his obs done, and they moved over to Hars, he sat up a bit more. 
“Hey, he’s been really off all day. Can you get someone in to check him over? He’s not right.”
They rolled their eyes. "He's just had major surgery. He's going to need time to recover."
“I know, but even so.”
"The consultant has already been round for today, Harrison had time to say what he felt like this morning. He was just tired, that's all."
“The consultant barely even looked at him!” Fao protested. “His notes are probably one sentence. Please, I know he’s not right.”
Harrison groaned, frowning at the nurse by him. Fao's protests were loud and annoying, disturbing what little sleep he'd managed to get.
The nurse shot Fao a look. “See? He’s just tired.”
“I’m a doctor, I know when someone isn’t right, and he’s not right.”
“No, you’re a patient. Try and get some rest and stop worrying about him.”
Fao’s face darkened. “There’s something wrong. Why won’t you check or get someone to check? What are his obs?”
"That's private, personal information."
Harrison pulled the blanket further up, over his head. "Stop bein' so loud. Jus' tell him what he wants to know."
“Please, I know he’s not right.” Fao pleaded. 
"I know you're worried, it's understandable when you're so close. We'll keep an eye on him, do some more obs, how does that sound?"
“He needs a review.”
"I need a fucking break." Harrison piped up. "A long one that I don't come back from."
“Hars, shush.” Fao grumbled. “Get some sleep.”
"I'm gonna do it. Just be done."
The nurse frowned, and Fao sighed. “He doesn’t mean it, I’ll keep an eye on him.”
"He can't be saying these things without consequence."
“Yeah, put it in your notes. Nothing will happen, it never does.”
"Don't be like that, Faolan. You've had a chip on your shoulder all day."
“Excuse me?”
"Just because you've not had the news you wanted from the consultant, doesn't mean you can interrupt everyone else's and argue the toss."
“This has nothing to do with my own issues with the consultant.”
"Could have fooled me."
“Don’t be rude.” 
"I'm not the one kicking off with everyone."
“I’ve not kicked off. Please don’t have a go at me.”
"Then mind your own business. You've got yourself to get better."
“I’m telling you there’s something not right.” He grumbled, but picked up his book, clear that this conversation was done. 
Happy he'd finished being nosey, the observations were quickly completed and the nurse headed off to the next patient, hoping they weren't like Fao. Harrison's observations hadn't been too great, but they'd not been since his operation, which was normal. 
Fao was glad they’d gone. He’d been trying to raise concerns, and yet it had been made personal against him. They’d left the obs machine in the room, as they often did, and Fao could see the tablet they used to add the obs to the system sitting with it. He’d not been able to get Hars’ obs off of the nurse, but he could get them from the system. He reached for his crutches, knowing he wasn’t supposed to be using them without supervision, but he needed his hands. He forced himself to his feet with a groan, and managed to get across the room to steal the tablet. He shoved it in his hoodie, and made it back to his chair without any drama. 
He quickly logged in, glad his account still worked for now. He flicked through the ward, quickly finding Harrison’s, and his heart sank. His NEWS was high enough, and the actual values weren’t great either. He knew he’d been justified in his concerns, but nobody was listening to him. 
Harrison struggled to get comfortable, his head pounding. He coughed, trying to clear his throat, but it just made it worse, all too dry and uncomfortable. He was freezing, too, and it seemed no amount of blankets warmed him up. 
Fao's arguing only served to make his head worse, and the nurse had just annoyed him beyond belief. 
Harrison definitely didn’t sound well. The fidgeting, the cough, the way he curled under the blankets had Fao suspicious. He watched him all day, watched as he ignored his dinner and didn’t even acknowledge Fao when he spoke to him. Fao knew full well that they should’ve repeated his obs, but they hadn’t, he’d not seen them in ages. It was getting late now, day shift would be leaving soon, and Fao’s worry only grew as Harrison got quieter and quieter. \
He’d gotten back on his bed and was considering a shower to settle down for the night when he noticed the light catch on something under Harrison’s bed. It looked like a puddle, or some water, but he’d not touched his jug to knock it over, so it couldn’t be that. Maybe a drain or something was leaking, his fluids had come undone or something. But there was something that unsettled Fao about it, though he couldn’t see well in the hazy evening light. 
He swung his legs over the bed and forced himself to stand again, groaning as he took his weight. He crossed the room, the worry building. 
“Hars?” He asked softly, eyes skimming over the IV pump. It all looked fine, it wasn’t fussing like there was a problem. Not that, then. That’s when he spotted what was on the floor. It wasn’t water, or IV fluids, or even a leaking drain or catheter. It was blood. 
“Harrison? Can you hear me?” He asked, shaking his shoulder. That was when he pulled back the covers, and found the sheets absolutely soaked, crimson stark against the white hospital sheets. His vac dressing had leaked, probably soaked and fucked the seal. Fuck. Dropping his crutch with a clatter, he put his weight purely through his good leg, he reached across to the wall, hitting the emergency bell instinctively. He scrabbled to find something to stop the bleeding with. The bedsheets were no use, soaking through so quickly. He swore to himself, hands covered in blood, and eventually managed to grab some of the personal care supplies from Harrison’s bedside table. They’d do, they’d stop the bleeding enough. 
He pushed away his own fear, the memories flooding back of the day he’d lost Alex. Harrison was okay, he was alive, he was going to be fine. They were in a hospital, they could do something about this. 
“Come on Harrison, don’t do this to me. Stay awake for me, I’ve got you.” He muttered to his friend. Why weren’t they coming? The alarm was loud enough, ringing in his ears. They should be here by now. 
The pain of Fao pressing against the wound made him dizzy, but somehow broke through the haze. His voice was cracked, throat beyond dry. "Wolfie?"
“I’m here, I’m here. You’re bleeding a bit, we’re gonna sort you out.” Fao reassured him. 
His eyes were glassy, not focusing on the man in front of him. "I'm cold."
That would be the pints of blood all over the floor, without a doubt. “I’m know, I know. We’ll get you warm in a bit, yeah?”
"Please." His voice wavered and broke. He'd been good. He didn't deserve this.
"What's going on in here? The emergency bell is for us, you guys have your buzzers." The nurse complained as she walked in. 
“Fucking hell, took you long enough.” He snapped. “He’s bleeding, you need to call the Orthos in now, he’ll need more fluids in, more blood. The closure on his wound has failed, I think, I can’t see because he’s bleeding.”
She at least had the decency to listen, sticking her head back into the corridor. "We need help in here! Bring the crash cart, we need an OR!"
Harrison flinched away from the noise, his hands pushing against Fao's. He couldn't do this again, he couldn't go through all this. He just wanted to sleep.
“It’s okay, it’s alright.” Fao soothed him, keeping his hands firm. “I know it hurts, I know.”
“Just breathe. You’re okay.” He reassured, and turned to the nurse. “Can you get some obs? He was due a repeat set hours ago.”
"He had them done." She rolled her eyes. "You shouldn't be treating."
“He didn’t, because I’ve been in here with him all day.” He snapped. “And I’ll step back when someone can take over from me, but I don’t see anyone, do you?”
"Arguing isn't going to help anyone." One of the consultants appeared, quickly followed by nurses and HCAs. "What's happened? Can someone get obs? I need two lines in him, I want him on O2, and someone get onto theatres, he needs one yesterday."
“What did I say?” Fao muttered, but didn’t move, still holding pressure over the wound. He was well aware the bleeding was internal, that he couldn’t do much about it, but he had to try. He looked up at the consultant, gripping the bedrails tightly to keep himself upright. 
“He’s been bad all day, too quiet and withdrawn, even for postop. I noticed something on the floor by the bed, came over and saw the blood. He’s lost the seal on the vac, it’s the incision. I think it’s internal, and the wound closure has just gone.”
"You're not supposed to be treating." He shook his head. "Where the fuck has this gone so wrong? Harrison, open your eyes. Come on, look at me."
He whined at the nip to his shoulder, trying to pull himself away. A scowl graced his face, his eyes struggling to stay open. 
“Yeah, nobody else was. I’m not going to just stand here and watch him bleed, am I?” He shot back. “Come on Tomcat, that’s it. Stay awake for me.”
"I'm not criticising you." He said pointedly. "Can someone take over from Major here? He needs to be resting."
“He’s not been right all day, I knew something was wrong. Nobody believed me.”
"That's a sorry state. We’ll get this sorted, get him back to health, and it'll get sorted." He muttered. "Has anyone got obs yet?!"
“Getting them now.” One of the nurses said quickly, as someone else moved alongside Fao to take over from him, nudging his hands away. 
“It’s okay, I’ve got it.” He said. 
"Harrison? Harrison, come on. Don't  do this." The doctor rubbed Harrison's sternum. "Harrison, don’t do this. Can someone get the bvm? Someone start airways, please."
Fuck. Fao couldn’t do this, he couldn’t lose Harrison. Not after all this. He felt sick to his stomach, his chest was agony, but he couldn’t stop. 
They eventually moved him out of the way, but he continued to grip the bedrail, his knuckles white as he watched them try to stabilise Hars. The room was a hive of activity, his hands were still covered in blood, and everything was going wrong. This was too much like Alex. 
There was a brief pause, the cons turning to Fao. "Do you want to say bye to him? Just before he goes to theatre?"
Fao nodded. Gripping the rail, Fao moved up to Harrison’s head, leaning over to press a kiss to his forehead. “Don’t you dare fucking die on me, alright?” He murmured. 
"We'll do our best." He promised Fao, resting a hand on his arm. "We'll keep you updated all the way."
“Thanks. Not like I’m going anywhere.” He said with a hoarse laugh. He let go of the bed, stepping back to let them go, but the pain overwhelmed him and his legs gave out under him. He realised he’d stepped through his bad leg, something he still had weeks to wait until he was allowed to do. 
The consultant grabbed him roughly, stopping him from completely hitting the floor. "Careful, yeah? Can someone get him back to bed? Get him checked over too, please."
“Shit.” He muttered. “Sorry, sorry. Just grab my crutch? I’m alright.”
"You know what he would say to you. Look after yourself."
“Yeah, I’m going back to bed. But I, uh, need to wash up first.” He said softly. 
"One of the HCAs will give you s hand, okay?"
He nodded. “Look after him for me.”
"I promise."
One of the HCAs helped Fao grab his crutches, and he leaned heavily on them as he watched them wheel Harrison out. Everything ached, burned, and he could hardly breathe with it. She was nice, though, not one of the shitty agency staff he’d been dealing with all day, and got him into the bathroom so he could shower and change and head to bed. 
The room was too quiet when he was done, the gaping space opposite him where Harrison’s bed had been just reminding him of what had happened. They’d cleaned the floor whilst he’d been in the shower, but the empty bedspace made his stomach twist in a way he didn’t like.
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Mediwhump May 2023 collection
This fun challenge by @mediwhumpmay is 31 days and 31 prompts. I'm currently behind a bit so if I don't catch up, I'll do a couple here and there even if I finish late. I'm doing some fanfic, some OCs.
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Day 1: IV/cannula - Whumpee + Caretaker + Medic
Day 2: Stitches - Supernatural fanfic
Day 3: Alternate Prompt Infection -
Day 4: Pain - Supernatural fanfic
Day 5: No Response - Hero + Sidekick
Day 6: Needlephobic - Whumper + Whumpee
Day 7: First Night in Hospital - Titans fanfic
Day 8: Scared of Blood - Super Villain + Villain + Hero
Day 9: Oxygen - Supernatural fanfic
Day 10: Short of breath - Whumpee + Whumper
Day 11: Withdrawal - Whumpee and Caretaker
Day 12: "Just one more sip" - Whumpee and Whumper
Day 13: Surgery - Hero and Medic
Day 14: Loss of Consciousness - Supernatural fanfic
Day 15: Nauseau/Vomiting combined W Alternate prompt Poison - OC Queen + Servant
Day 16: Dizzy - Titans DC fanfic
Day 17: Stay with Me - Supernatural fanfic
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faofinn · 1 year
Day 9 - Oxygen
Fao’s chest had been bothering him. It definitely wasn’t right, as much as he tried to ignore it. Some virus or another had been floating round as always, the kids bringing god knows what home from school. He’d been suffering with it, the way he always did, but he was trying to push through. He didn’t particularly have a choice, he had to work. At least he wasn’t as busy as he had been in the past. Working up to clinical lead, he’d been doing more admin and taking more responsibilities that way, which meant more time at his desk. That was no bad thing, especially when he felt like shite. 
That didn’t mean he was purely non clinical, and today he’d been picking up the slack of an understaffed service. He’d rushed down the stairs to ED, called down for a consult, and his breath caught in his chest to the point he had to pause at the nurse’s station, trying to ignore the wheeze. 
The cough wasn’t great either, and Fao winced when it started, knowing just how bad he sounded. It didn’t last long, and he paused to push some hair from his face, still leaning against the nurse’s station for a moment longer to pull himself together. 
"Wolfie. Fucking finally." Harrison rounded the corner, shaking his head at Fao. "We paged you lot ages ago."
Fao cleared his throat, huffing at Harrison. “Understaffed.” He said gruffly. “Who am I seeing?”
Harrison narrowed his eyes. "How long have you been sick?"
He rolled his eyes. “I’m fine.”
"You're not. Jamie? Which room is free at the moment?"
“Oh, don’t start, you know what my chest is like.” He said, but didn’t move. “Which patient am I seeing?”
"Yeah, fuck that. Call gensurg again for me? I'm gonna take Fao down to 6." Harrison ignored Fao. 
“Good luck trying to get someone else.” Fao said, but his voice cracked and the coughing started again, undermining him. He could feel the wheeze in his chest, the tightness across his ribs and the lingering pain under his sternum. The coughing itself made him feel dizzy, and he pressed his lips together. 
"Yeah, no.  You're not alright." Harrison moved to support Fao, his arm wrapped around the other man. "Come on, before you end up collapsing."
Fao groaned, leaning into Harrison as the room lurched and his legs gave out from under him. 
"You fucker." Harrison swore, shifting to pick Fao up. "Someone get the doors, please! We're going to resus."
People made space for them, concerned muttering as the resus doors were opened. Jamie, who had appeared not long after Hars originally called for him, found an empty bay, calling the doctor into it. 
"Right then, we all know Fao. Just collapsed, shortness of breath, multiple previous spontaneous pneumos. He decompensates very quickly. I need full obs on him please, and if someone can get the X-ray, that would be great." Harrison called to their team, moving to listen to Fao's chest.
Fao came round quickly, batting at Harrison’s hands on him. “Piss off.” He grumbled. 
"Yeah, lovely. How long has your chest been fucked?"
“Since I was 17?” He tried, but the cough that followed didn’t help him out. 
"Faolan. Don't be a dickhead."
“Ooh, full name.” He teased weakly. “I’ve had some shitty cold since last week an’ I can’t shift the cough.”
"How long have you been wheezing for? Bringing anything up?"
“Last few days? Mostly dry.” 
"Have you bothered to take your inhaler?"
Fao shot him a look. “You have to ask?”
"If Sheila doesn't kill you, I'm going to."
He rolled his eyes, turning to cough. “It’s fine, ’m fine.”
One of the nurses huffed. “Fao, can you stop fidgeting so we can get some obs? Please?”
“I’m fine, honestly. All a fuss about nothing.” He protested. 
Harrison could have smacked him. He returned to Fao's side, face like thunder. "Fao, I swear to god. When you collapse on me again, you lose the right to complain. Lie still and let us do what we have to do. You look like shit, the obs we've got have been shit, and let me guess, you feel like shit."
“I jus’ went a little faint, it happens.” He protested. “I’ll be fine.”
He glared at him. "So your sats are supposed to be in the eighties?"
Fao hesitated. “Eighties?”
"You're sitting 89."
“Oh. Deep breaths, then.”
"And oxygen. You need some nebs."
“It’s probably jus’ postural, let me sit up and I’ll be better.”
Harrison didn't bother replying, but let the nurse by his bed adjust Fao to sit up. "Can someone get me five of salbutamol and five hundred ipratropium? We'll get a litre of normal saline running, start him on a broad spectrum abx, when we get bloods back, they can change it. Have we got the ecg done? Ah, brill."
He took a moment to read over Fao's strip. "You got any chest pain? Any palpitations? How have they been the past few days?"
Fao went to answer, but quickly changed his mind as he saw Harrison’s face. "It's been a bit tight but it’s not been awful. Nothing close to what it used to be. Thought it was just the infection. Is it that bad?"
"It doesn't look like you're having a heart attack or anything, but you've got a few runs of AF I'm not too happy with." He admitted. "Nothing I'm going to run off to cardio with you for, but enough that I want you to stay on monitoring for a little bit. Chances are, it's just the infection. We'll get that sorted, and you'll be better."
Fao nodded. “I hope I’m not having a fucking heart attack.” He grumbled. “I’ve really not felt that awful, I swear.” If Harrison was worried about his ECG, then maybe things were serious. Ely was going to kill him. 
"Can we get some IV hydrocortisone too? And a gram of IVP, help with this pain, settle the temp too, hopefully." Harrison called to his team, taking stock of his observations again. He listened to Fao's chest again, and nodded. There was a slight improvement to the wheeze, but it only highlighted the crackles. God knows how long he’d had this infection brewing.
Happy things were moving in the right direction, and that the staff were sorting the things he'd requested, he pulled the chair closer to Fao's side. "Hey, sorry for being a bit pushy."
"A bit?" He managed a laugh. “Try a lot.”
"Don't be an arse." Harrison said, reaching for Fao’s hand and giving it a squeeze. "You really aren't very well at the minute. I bet this has been going on for longer than you're gonna admit, but it's gonna get sorted. 
"I know you know the medical side of things more than most of my patients, but sometimes that makes it harder for you, too." He sighed. "Right now? I think you've got a pretty nasty infection that's more than likely this cough you've got going on. Your lactate is pretty high right now, obviously your oxygen is a fair bit lower than we want, and your heart rate is fast. Part of the rate will be the nebs we're slamming into you, but at the same time, I think you're septic. 
"We're gonna keep you here, try get this wheeze sorted first and then send you down to x-ray. You've got good air entry, I'm not too worried that you've got a pneumo or anything, but with your history, I want to be safe. We'll try and get your pain under a bit more control, get you more comfortable, but I need you to tell me. We're not mind readers, although I can tell when you're bullshitting me." He squeezed his hand again. "Is there anything you want from me? Anything you want me to do? Do you want me to call Ely? Sheila?"
“Sorry, septic?” He asked, taking a moment to take in all Harrison had told him. He felt bad, sure, but he’d been convinced it was nothing more that a chest infection he was struggling to shift, a bit of a wheeze that would go in time, a nice hangover from all of his history. He’d not been expecting Harrison to be that worried. He definitely felt crap, and Hars was right, the nebs weren’t helping his heart rate to feel any better. “It doesn’t feel like a pneumo, it just feels shitty.” He admitted. “You should call both of them. I’m not going to be able to escape without an admission, am I? Have you sorted another gensurg consult for that patient of yours? I think the bleep is still in my pocket.”
"The other patient is doing a lot better than you currently are. I'll be honest, right now, I'm doing my best to keep you from HDU." He sighed,  breaking from his doctor mode. "You've really not been well, Fao. Why didn't you tell someone? You've been running after the kids like a maniac, too. They'd have got someone in to cover you, take some of the pressure off. You need to put yourself first, or at least higher up on the chain."
“You can piss off with HDU.” He told him, digging in his pockets for the hard plastic of his bleep, which he shoved at Hars. “I honestly don’t have time to be ill. I took a couple of days off last week when I felt rotten, got some rest, but then I needed to come back in. I’ve not been sniffly, just the cough, and I can manage that. Not smoked in a week. The kids have so much on, and unsurprisingly they’ve not been well either. Been doing more non clinical hours, but we’re a surgeon down today and I had no other choice.”
"Well excuse me for giving a shit about you." He retorted. "You're my best friend, I need you to be okay."
“I’ll be fine. Supposed to be picking the kids up, though.”
"Tai's off today, he'll pick them up."
“Thanks. Ely’s on nights and she can’t get them picked up and sorted before she needs to come in.” He mumbled. “Sorry I fainted on you.”
"They can come have a sleepover. It's not a problem." He dropped his gaze. "I really can't lose you, Fao. I need you, and that means you need to put yourself first."
Fao cleared his throat, pushing at Hars gently. “Shush. You’re not getting rid of me.”
"I'm not that shit of a cons."
“Oh, course not.”
Harrison smiled. "How's everything feeling now?"
“Bit better.” He admitted. 
"Can I have a listen?"
Fao nodded. “Mm, go on.”
"Thanks." He hummed, standing with a groan. He listened to Fao's chest again, taking a moment. "Good news or bad news?"
Once Harrison had finished, Fao shuffled to get comfortable again. “Bad first.”
"The infection sounds like shit."
“And the good news?” He tried, looking hopeful.
"Your wheeze has pretty much gone, you've got really good air entry - especially for your chest, I'm surprised. And your blood pressure is doing a lot better."
Fao grinned. “So no HDU?”
"We'll move you to monitoring in a bit, too. I want to keep an eye on your lactate, but it’s looking hopeful."
“Good.” He said, and after a minute. “Thank you.”
"You're welcome." Harrison returned his grin. "Even if you do make my life difficult."
“I know it’s clinically a bad picture…” He murmured. “But I’ve felt worse than this.”
"That's not something to be proud of."
“No, it’s… I honestly didn’t think it was this bad. Almost felt worse wit’ the cold?”
"I know, it's okay."
“Didn’t know the AF was bad.”
"I've seen it worse. It's probably just because of the infection, the nebs, all of that. They're not long runs, and they're not super fast, nowhere near where they have been."
Fao nodded. “Haven’t really noticed it, an’ I usually do. Haven’t been bothered for ages, cardio told me to piss off.”
"Course they did." He rolled his eyes. "Honestly, I'm not surprised you didn't. Your body was busy compensating for everything else."
He nodded again. “Yeah. Sorry. Is Finn in?”
"Should be soon. Sheila should be dropping him off, actually." He grinned. "Rock, paper, scissors for who has to call her?"
“You can. I can’t possibly. Too ill.” He said, gesturing at himself. 
"Dickhead. I'm glad you're feeling better."
He coughed, but he was grinning. “Had a good doctor.”
"I'll take the compliment. Let me go ring Sheila first, and then I'll catch Ely up, yeah?"
“Tell them both I’m fine, yeah?”
"I will."
“Hug?” He asked, trying his luck. 
"Yeah, come here." He leaned over, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before giving him a gentle squeeze. 
Awkwardly Fao lifted his arms to wrap them around Hars. “Thank you.”
"I'm always gonna be here for you."
“Here to kick my ass, more like.”
"Sometimes you need that, too."
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Day 17: Stay With Me: Medi Whump May
Medi Whump May Masterlist
Dean screamed, an animalistic sound of pure agony, as the spear was driven straight through his torso.
His baby brother's face appeared in front of him.
"Dean, hey." Sam exclaimed. "Hey, it's okay."
"S-Sam." Dean grunted, his hands reaching towards the spear.
"No, we shouldn't touch that." Sam said.
Dean, ignoring his brother, clutched the spear, slippery with his own blood, and pulled the weapon free. "Ahgh.." He grunted.
"Don- okay, okay. Just uh, let's put pressure on that." Sam pressed his hands over the wound, ignoring the fact that the blood had already soaked through his big brother's shirt.
"S-Sammy.." Dean moaned, his body writhing under the pressure of Sam's touch. "Sam, I'm.. not feeling good ."
"It's okay, Dean. Just hang in there. Stay with me, okay?" Sam begged, pressing his jacket to the wound. "Stay with me. Help is coming, you just gotta hang in there."
"Mm.. yeah." Dean mumbled, his eyes lolling in his head.
"Dean. Stay with me." Sam urged. He could see his brother fading, fast. "No, nononon. Stay with me. Dean!"
Dean's head fell back onto Sam's lap, and his eyes rolled back into his head.
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