faofinn · 1 year
Day 12 - "Just One More Sip"
Kieran had, all things considered, settled in well at secondary school. Sure, he had Alfie, who helped no means to an end, but they both had their own struggles the other couldn’t understand. 
Tai helped, able to break everything down and explain their diabetes in a way he understood. He hated that his son had diabetes, but he was glad that he could help.
It had been a long day at school, maths first thing followed by history and english and then double PE. Ever the worrier, Kieran was already convinced he was coming down with something, but it was football so he didn't want to sit out. He adjusted his insulin, grabbed some dextrose tablets and headed out of the changing room with Alfie by his side. 
They had fun, still off the age where they enjoyed PE and causing chaos. The class were in high spirits as they headed back in to get changed. The twins had verb getting slightly more independence too, much to the fraying of Harrison's nerves. They were allowed to walk to the carpark at the end of the street by themselves, but the pair would be picked up by someone from there. 
Kieran was lagging as they left school, a headache starting to brew. He kept chatting away to Alfie though, figuring he probably just needed a drink when they got home. There was no point worrying his brother when their dads were just around the corner. 
"Kieran?" Alfie tried for the third time. "Kieran!"
He turned to him, snapping. "What?!"
Alfie pulled a face. "Don't yell at me. You've just stopped walking and you're ignoring me. Are you alright?"
"Just don't want to talk to your stupid face." He spat, arms folded with no intention to move. 
"Kieran? What have I done? You don't look too great. Where's your phone?"
"Why do you care?"
"Because you're my brother, idiot." He muttered, grabbing Kieran's phone from him and swiping his arm. 
"Hey! Give it back."
"No. Where's your glucose tablets? You had them in PE."
Kieran frowned. He'd left them in his pe kit, and the kit was in his locker. "School."
"Idiot. Do you have any more?"
"How am I supposed to know?" He spat.
"Because it's your bag!" Alfie replied, exasperated. He knew it wasn't his brother, that the hypo was messing with his head, but it always hurt when he spoke to him like that.
"Here, drink this." Alfie shoved a can of pop in his face, rummaging through his own bag - he always kept spares somewhere.
"I'm not thirsty."
"I don't care. Drink it." Alfie snapped, authority in his tone. 
Kieran was slightly taken aback, and did as he was told. He screwed his face up at the taste, moving to put it down. "I'm not drinking it. I don't like it." 
"Kieran, please. You're having a hypo. Just keep drinking it, just one more sip, yeah?"
He grumbled, tears suddenly overwhelming him. He felt rubbish anyway and now Alfie was yelling at him and making him drink things he didn't want to and it just wasn't fair. Kieran shoved his bag away, not caring as the contents spilled across the pavement. 
"Kieran!" Alfie hissed. "Just drink your drink, it'll make you feel better. I need to call dad too, he'll be able to help."
With one hand calling their dad, the other continued to rummage through his bag. He gave a triumphant noise as he grabbed his tablets, shoving several into Kieran's hand. "Chew these."
They seemed better than the drink, so he did as he was told, the wall propping him up more than he was sitting. "Fine."
"Thank you. Keep chewing them and then swallow, yeah? They'll make you feel better." Alfie continued muttering, though he wasn't sure who he was trying to comfort. "Let me check your levels again, hopefully they'll be better."
As he swiped, the phone connected, and relief rushed through him. "Dad." He breathed. "Kieran's having a hypo. I need your help."
Tai had been waiting for the boys, on an early finish at work. When he saw Alfie calling, he assumed it was just to say they’d been caught up or forgotten something and they’d be there soon. He didn’t even get a chance to speak before his son did, and frowned. 
“Okay, where are you?”
"By the shops." 
“I’ll be a minute, yeah? Have you got some sugar into him?” Tai asked, already getting out of the car. 
"I'm trying!"
“It’s okay, you’re doing great.” He said, tucking his phone under his ear as he grabbed his stuff from the glovebox and headed in their direction. “I’m coming, just hold on a minute, yeah?”
"Okay." Alfie turned abxk to Kieran. "Come on, have another tablet, another drink."
Kieran groaned and swiped at Alfie's hands. "I don't feel well."
"Yeah, cause you're having a hypo. This will make you feel better, honest. Please, just one more sip?"
Kieran let himself rest against Alfie, absolutely exhausted. He did as he was asked, though, chewing on another dextrose tablet as he drank. "What am I at?"
"You were 2.8 the second time."
"That's low."
"It was lower. Drink." He encouraged, praying for his dad to hurry up. "You need to finish it all."
Kieran grumbled at his brother. “Can’t you drink it if you’re so obsessed with it?”
"No, I'm not having the hypo. Have another tablet."
He huffed, rolling his eyes, but sipped his drink and obediently reached for another tablet. 
Tai arrived after a few moments, crouching next to his sons. “I’m here.”
"He was 2.2 and he's 3 now but he's all grumpy still."
“That’s good, it’s going in the right direction.” Tai told him. 
"We were playing football and he didn't eat his biscuits at lunch."
“Well, that was daft, wasn’t it?” Tai said gently. “We all make mistakes.”
"Alfie won't stop pestering me." He grumbled. "And he stabbed me? I have my arm thingy for a reason."
“Oh my god, did he?” Tai couldn’t help but tease. “That was mean.”
"I had to!" Alfie protested, suddenly doubting himself. "Because the arm sensor is delayed and he might have been even lower. Right?"
Tai turned to him. “It’s okay, you’re right. You did the right thing.”
"Is he gonna be okay?"
“Of course he is, his sugars are coming up. You did good.”
"I was worried." He whispered to his dad, trying to keep Kieran from hearing it.
“You did great, kid. Don’t worry.” Tai told him quietly, but turned his attention back to Kieran. “I’m gonna need to stab you again in a bit, I’m sorry.”
"You're kidding me."
“I wish I was. I don’t like it much either, but we need to make sure.”
"I feel rubbish."
"Yeah, because you're an idiot." Alfie nudged him. 
"You're the idiot." He replied with a grin.
“You sound better.” Tai joked. “Can you have some more drink for me?”
"Can we buy better pop? I really don't like this one."
“What’s wrong with it?” Tai asked him. “I’ve got some orange juice?”
"Tastes bad."
“Here, try the orange juice.” He offered it to him. 
"Mm, okay."
“Are you starting to feel better?”
"My head is pounding." He admitted. 
“Not surprised. We’ll get you home soon.”
"Am I gonna have to stop PE?"
“No, you’re just going to have to be careful.”
"I didn't mean to."
"Accidents happen."Tai said softly. "I still have them."
"But you're old." Kieran frowned, before blushing. "Not like that!"
"I see how it is." He laughed.  
“I know.”
After a few minutes, letting Kieran sip at the orange juice, Tai squeezed his leg. “Need to check again, and then we’ll get home, alright?”
"Okay. I feel better now, though." He said, offering his hand as the other reached to squeeze Alfie's. 
“Good, that’s good. It’s gonna be a bit of a stab.”
"I know." He sighed heavily, overly dramatic as his dad took the sample. 
“Sorry, I know it sucks.” Tai said, watching the machine. It had come up more now, to a nicer level, and he grinned. “Much better.”
Alfie breathed a sigh of relief from beside them, passing Kieran his phone too. Kieran grinned back. "What is it?"
“Nearly 4, now.”
"So I can stop drinking?"He asked hopefully. 
Alfie shook his head. "You gotta finish it, right dad?"
“He’s right. Finish it please.”
"Okay." He dragged it out, quickly downing the rest of it. "Finished."
“Thank you.” Tai said. “Where’s your stuff?”
"He kicked it over the road." Alfie admitted. "I got most of it back, here."
Tai shook his head. “Of course. Give it here, I’ll carry it.”
"Thanks, dad." Alfie murmured. 
“It’s okay. You’ve got plenty to carry, I’ve got my hands free.”
"Alfie?" Kieran asked quietly. 
“Yeah?” Alfie asked, his attention on his brother. 
"Thank you." He said softly. "Means a lot you were there."
“I’m always gonna be there, idiot. I’m your brother.”
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autobot2001 · 1 year
@mediwhumpmay​: just one more sip @themerrywhumpofmay​: panic attack
TW: Implied violence w/ gun and sword, murder. 
"What was I thinking?!" Crosshairs rages, "humans are right; you're scrap!" Jamie didn't think Crosshairs would slap her across the face. She runs out of the room crying. Jamie runs down the hall before bumpkin into Drift. She falls onto the floor before feeling pain. Drift had stabbed her in the abdomen. Crosshairs catches up to them and aims his gun at her head.
Crosshairs and Drift are woken up, hearing whimpering from Jamie. Both hate how quickly Jamie starts hyperventilating. They've dealt with Jamie having anxiety attacks but never a nocturnal panic attack. They stick with the same routine except for the additional step of getting Jamie to drink water. Both notice Jamie's grip on Drift's shirt, something they've never seen before. They don't like it, even if this is due to her nightmare.  
"Just one more sip,' Crosshairs tells Jamie, who is calming down. He knows the water isn't calming her but helping. Jamie is breathing normally. The two mechs don't like the tears rolling down her face, and they don't have to say anything to the other to know they can't skip the conversation this time once Jamie is asleep. They worry Jamie's nightmare was more than her fear the two will abandon her. It's been twelve years since we met, but her mental health is getting worse. Drift worries. Jamie will think we're making an empty promise to her, and I don't know what we can do.
"I don't want to talk about it," Drift says once Jamie is asleep, "I know we need to since this isn't typical, but..." Crosshairs didn't think Drift would hug him. Drift tries to keep quiet. What can I even say? Crosshairs wonders. We're both terrified we'll lose Jamie. Hate how her mental health has been, and there's nothing we can do to help her. The two mechs eventually go back to sleep. Both hope the other doesn't have a nightmare that terrifies them. Happy nightmares they have aren't frequent, even if it's annoying when they suddenly happen.
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