faofinn · 1 year
Day 28 - Poisoning (alt 3)
It was Jess that raised the issue first, Finn having let slip confided in her. He'd been in hospital for a week, his seizures somehow apparently uncontrolled with all his usual medication. Seventeen saw him in the adult ICU, with new rules and less freedom. Steve kept up with him, doing his best to help Finn transition smoothly. It didn't make sense to Steve hoe Finn wasn't recovering, no infections or otherwise, but the repeated status and too many recurring seizures screamed something was wrong. It seemed odd, though, after so long of his current medications working so well, but talks were had of switching. 
After a particularly rough day, Finn mainly out of it on benzos, he muttered to Jess about the food. He'd spent the better part of half an hour pushing the food around the plate, his fork putting in the miles but not once making it to his mouth.
"You've got to have something,Finn." She hummed, trying to encourage him. "You didn’t have lunch either. Just have a little bit?"
"Not hungry." He lied, pushing the table away. "You eat it if you're so concerned."
"It's not mine to eat."
"Probably for tbe best."
She narrowed her eyes. "Why?"
"I don't want you to die."
"I know hospital food is bad, but it's not that bad." She tried to joke.
"No, it’s poisoned." He said, as if it was common knowledge.
"Finn, no. It’s not poisoned, I promise." She said gently. "I think that's just the ICU messing with your head."
"No, I know when that is, when they give me my meds, but I've not taken them so it's alright."
Jess frowned. "What do you mean, you've not taken them?".
"I spat them out." Finn said. "So I don't get poisoned as much. But then they still put it through my cannula and cause my seizures."
"Hold up, wait a second." She held her hand up. "You've not been taking any of your meds? Even your normal ones?"
He shook his head. "But you can't tell anyone. They're not my meds, they're just poisoning me, Jess. You've got to believe me."
His face fell. "You don't believe me, do you?"
"I know the icu messes with your head, but i promise you, they're safe. Not taking them will be why you're still in here. That's why Steve can't get on top of things."
"No! It's because they're poisoning me!" Finn was close to tears. "Please, Jess, please."
"Finn, they're not, honestly. You know I'd tell you the truth."
The tears were quick to fall, but Finn refused Jess' comfort immediately. He felt betrayed, beyond betrayed, and he turned to her with tear tracks down his face. 
"Get out." His voice was hard. 
"Finn, come on. I'm back at school tomorrow, I'm not going to be able to stay as long as normal."
"Good. Leave."
She sighed. "Are you sure? You're not just being mad at me and you'll regret me going later? I can't come back in once I'm gone."
"No. You're on their side. You can tell mum and dad not to bother too. I'm going to sleep."
"Alright then. I'll text you later. Please try and eat something. They've not poisoned it. They've not tampered with your meds either, Finn. They're the same they've always been."
He didn't grace her with an answer, rolling over as she collected her stuff. She didn't understand what they were doing to him, to his meds and food. How she didn't see what was so painfully obvious, Finn couldn't work out. She was normally smart, normally understood him when nobody else did, but now she was just a bad as everyone else. 
"I'll see you later, Finn. I love you." She tried, hesitating in the doorway. 
She sighed, but left, knowing she wasn't going to get anywhere with him. She headed to the nurse station first, to tell them about the situation. She knew she had to tell someone, but she couldn't help shake the feeling she was snitching in him. 
Steve was there too, a stroke of pure luck, and she was glad she could explain it to him face to face. He wasn't expecting her admission, though, but after a few moments he remembered a few of his early admissions, and it was clear that history was simply repeating itself.
It wasn't common, but it wasn't entirely unheard of either. He thanked her for telling him, aware of the inner turmoil her face told him she was going through.
Jess left after that, choosing to drive home and take some time to decompress instead of hang about in the hospital lobby on the off-chance he changed his mind, or in case of emergency. 
The drive home helped, but as she pulled into the driveway, she groaned. Finn’s parents had a right to know, too, and she owed it to them. She took a moment to breathe, head resting against the steering wheel. After recomposing herself, she sat back up, straightened her jumper, and started the drive to Sheila and Fred’s.
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