#meducoid mycelium
thatoneweirdo0113 · 8 months
Meducoid Mycelium Cure
So I've had this theory for quite a while and thought I would share it. I would like to clarify that I don't have any type of high education in chemistry or biology so take this with a grain of sugar. This theory doesn't cover the sugar bowl or the apples in the arboretum.
So, as a bit of context, this theory came to be when I was doing an in depth re-watch of A Series of Unfortunate Events (Netflix) and by in depth I mean pausing at least every 5 minuets to have a debate with my friend. We noticed that at 4 points rutabagas were mentioned, and mentioning something once is fine, twice is a coincidence, thrice is suspicious and quadrice means that its important. 2 of the times rutabagas were mentioned were in areas where you had to pause to see (Rutabaga River and rutabagas mentioned in 'An Incomplete History of Secret Organisations'). the other 2 times was Esme having a basket of rutabagas and Colette (or Kevin) saying how they could start a rutabaga farm.
My first thought was that it was a substitute for horseradish but because I have no culinary knowledge (and have never had horseradish, wasabi or rutabagas so I have no idea if they even tasted similar) I went to reddit to find if they knew but I only had two answers, one person said that using rutabagas to cure the Meducoid Mycelium would be useless and the other said maybe as they are both spicy vegetables.
But I wasn't satisfied so I did my own digging.
I figured that if both horseradish and wasabi cure the Meducoid Mycelium they mush share a chemical of sort so I googled it. Apparently they share a chemical called Allyl isothiocyanate (AIT). I got this from this website. so you can judge how true this is. Also on that website it mentioned that AIT is well known to prohibit bacteria and fungal growth (this is on sentence 3, this is the direct quote 'It is well known that AIT shows inhibitory effect on the growth of food poisoning bacteria and fungi.').
I then went digging and the website is right AIT is a fungicide. Also I went digging some more about other foods with AIT in it and this is the list Wasabi, Horseradish, broccoli, radish, cabbage, mustard and other cruciferous vegetables (I got this information in this website on the first paragraph of the introduction).
so I did my final bit of research of what more examples of cruciferous vegetables and here is the final list of foods that should cure the Meducoid Mycelium: Horseradish, Land cress, Ethiopian mustard, Kale, Chinese broccoli, Cabbage, Savoy cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Kohlrabi, Broccoli, Broccolini, Broccoloflower, Broccoli romanesco, Chinese cabbage, Cauliflower, Wild broccoli, Komatsuna, Mizuna, Rapini (broccoli rabe), Choy sum (flowering cabbage), Chinese cabbage (napa cabbage), Turnip roots, Siberian kale, Canola/rapeseed, Wrapped heart mustard cabbage, Mustard seeds, White mustard seeds, Black mustard seeds, Tasoi, Wild arugula, Arugula, Field pepperweed, Maca, Garden cress, Watercress, Radish, Daikon, Wasabi and yes Rutabaga.
(this is my proof of were I got these . I know its Wikipedia but I trust it with this. )
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bi-baudelaires · 5 years
Signs as how you would die in the asoue world
Perished in a fire: aries, gemini
Poison darts: scorpio, pisces
Thrown to the leeches: libra, capricorn
Thrown to the lions: taurus, leo
Crowbar: sagittarius
Meducoid Mycelium: virgo
Harpoon gun: cancer, aquarius
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