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sablelab · 6 years
Covert Operations - Chapter 29
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DISCLAIMER: This is a modern AU crossover story with Outlander and La Femme Nikita. LFN and its characters do not belong to me nor do those from Outlander.
SYNOPSIS: Madeline has a new target in the White Room to interrogate and one that refuses to cooperate. Section One’s leader, Operations calls a briefing meeting to outline the Intel de Marillac has disclosed about other members of the Rising Dragons especially a Madame Cheung. Claire Beauchamp’s angst is exacerbated when her superiors outline her role in the new mission.
N.B. This chapter contains a situation of a violent nature.
THANK YOU so much for reading, taking the time to write a comment, liking this fiction and for the reblogs as well.  I love reading your comments as they give me clues in how to shape this story.  It is very gratifying to know that you are enjoying this tale of life in Section One for our two protagonists ... the good and the bad.  
Previous chapters can be found ...  https://sablelab.tumblr.com/covertoperations
Madeline made her way along the labyrinth of corridors to the White Room, located deep within the bowels of Section One, where interrogations were performed and where her newest target  ... the Canadian Ambassador ... awaited her restrained in a steel chair.
An expert at extracting Intel from hostile captives and in evaluating and manipulating Section operatives, Section One’s Second in Command, Level 9 and Chief Strategist could be positively Machiavellian at times. For the first time in days the woman who specialized in psych analysis, profiling, interrogation, and torture techniques smiled, albeit her trademark Mona Lisa smile, because of the adrenaline rushing through her body at the prospect of accomplishing what she had planned for this target.
Having worked her way up in the ranks of Section One over the past twenty years, with cunning, determination and manipulation, Madeline was a conundrum herself. Accused of killing her sister, Sarah, by pushing her down the stairs she, like most operatives was recruited from prison. She had no compunction for the terrorists who found their way to the White Room or for that matter, for any operative who tried to buck the system and would willingly manipulate anyone, including herself, to achieve her ends. Her angelic sweetness, diabolical intelligence, phlegmatic appearance coupled with her strategic patience and iced charm made her a formidable adversary. Because of her beauty and elegance Madeline was perceived to be amenable to manipulation by terrorists because she was a woman, but they soon discovered that under the facade of her persona was a measured, calculating and resolute woman who took no prisoners. Indeed her measures for torturing hostiles verged on cruelty and with utilizing the Torture Twins to motivate targets to speak was a testament to how far she would go to gain what she wanted.
Madeline’s gait was that of a confident leader as she made her way to interrogate her target in the White Room and expel any information that would lead Section One to capturing their main antagonist.  The Embassy mission had been successful and Claire Beauchamp had performed well in administering the tranquilizer that had brought on Alain de Marillac’s heart attack. The subterfuge that followed had also gone to plan and she looked forward to reading James Fraser’s debrief, but first she had a pressing appointment.
At long last the pieces of the puzzle were beginning to fall into place. Tony Wong had implicated Alain de Marillac and now he would reveal what they needed to know about furthering their quest to find Sun Yee Lok.  De Marillac had been a wild card … someone they had not suspected especially given his position of authority in the community and government.  To find out that he was a member of the Rising Dragons was certainly unexpected, but Madeline knew she should never underestimate the human person’s propensity for evil.  Terrorists came from all walks of life but they had many things in common … all were ruthless, determined and unflinching in obtaining their goals.  
Ambassador Alain de Marillac was in a position of power but he’d obviously wanted more.  Total power was corrupting and given his position of authority this is what had happened to him. Power had corrupted his moral decency … and being involved in his own daughter’s death showed just how low he would sink to obtain his ends.  It … was contemptible.  He … was contemptible.  
Madeline had thoroughly scrutinized Geillis Duncan’s and Rupert Mackenzie’s debrief about the telephone calls that de Marillac had received at the embassy.  They had provided important Intel on a mystery man that had contacted him and now Madeline would find out his connection and where this piece fitted into the bigger picture.  She couldn’t wait to meet with Ambassador Alain de Marillac. He was about to pay for the consequences of his actions and would be surprised at what awaited him, for there was no going back to the life he had before coming to Section One … in fact there was no life for him at all.
The brilliant glare of a ceiling light focused on the lone piece of furniture illuminating the man strapped in the chair.  Alain de Marillac sat shackled in the middle of a white room in a cold, metal chair. His hands and feet were manacled and there was no way that he could see to break from the restraints. He’d tried several times to loosen the binds that tied him to the chair but to no avail. There was no escaping and things looked hopeless for him unless he was able to outsmart the inquisitor he knew would eventually come.  
Like many others before him, he wondered where he was. This place was like no other he had ever experienced.  He had seen where Tony Wong had interrogated his victims, and he had seen pictures of torture chambers in books … but this room was surreal, eerie and ominously foreboding.   Casting his eyes around there was nothing to identify where he might be.  There was nothing too that he could associate with, but his imagination was overactive thinking that this room held many secrets … secrets of people in similar situations that he now found himself in.
He was aware that all was not as it should be.
So he waited.  Alain de Marillac … Canadian Ambassador to China … triad member … murderer … and terrorist … waited for whom may come through the door and for what they may want.
The sound of creaking hinges echoed in the sterile room as Madeline opened the fortified door and entered the White Room walking smartly until she stood in front of Alain de Marillac. She smiled but the smile didn’t reach her eyes on the contrary it was a foreboding smile that was tinged with a hint of a smirk.
“Hello Monsieur de Marillac … or should I say Ambassador de Marillac?”
He was taken aback by the sound of a woman’s voice and glancing up saw an elegantly dressed lady whose appearance he would soon find was deceptive. His tone was brash and laced with bravado as he replied.
“Whoever the hell you think you are you don't know who you're dealing with.”
Madeline smiled her Mona Lisa smile once more and circled de Marillac sitting in the steel chair.  As she slowly circled she observed the reaction of her guest noting the rapid breathing, the telltale throb in his neck vein and the darting of his eyes as he tried to avoid eye contact. He sat up more erect in order to give the impression of control which in fact he had none here in the White Room.
“My people will carve you up and feed you to the dogs.  I’m the Ambassador you know.  I have rights.”
Still circling the chair Madeline replied. “Yes … Let's talk about your people. They have recently been involved in multiple murders in Hong Kong with a man named Tony Wong.”
“How preposterous! I’m the Canadian Ambassador to China ... not a murderer.”
“We already know about your connection to the Rising Dragons triad. We want to know the whereabouts of your leader.”
“I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Sun Yee Lok? The man who is your Boss and Shan Chu?  The man who orders the murders of innocents in Hong Kong?”
“Never heard of the guy.”
Madeline gazed at de Marillac with her steely cold eyes, “Do you think there's anything I won't do to get this information from you?”
“You can’t touch me.  I have diplomatic immunity you know,” he stated matter-of-factually.
“And … I’m trying to be diplomatic,” Madeline replied with an undermining menace.
As she was speaking the White Room door opened again and a man and a woman entered, each bearing a sinister yellow case. The Torture Twins had entered carrying their briefcases of instruments and potions that would leave the hostile with no other choice than to impart the Intel they were after. The two people stood waiting for their instructions to begin their modus operandi.
Addressing Henry and Elizabeth, Madeline stated, “Shouldn't take long. Let me know when you're through.”
“I intend to make a formal complaint for wrongful detainment. You’ll be hearing from my lawyers. I’m the Ambassador after all.”
Ignoring de Marillac’s retort, Madeline turned to leave while Henry and Elizabeth placed their briefcases on the bench and approached the target in the chair. Nervous laughter emitted from Alain de Marillac but faded as Madeline closed the White Room door with a decisive click, leaving her torture specialists to their tasks.
His scream of agony echoed in the room.
Sometime later Henry and Elizabeth exited the White Room to find Madeline waiting for them near the viewing window into the White Room. As they passed by her with their tools of trade, they stopped and Madeline asked, “How were the new units?”
“I think you'll be pleased with the results,” Henry replied with a wry look on his face.
“Thank you.”
They both nodded and Madeline acknowledged their tacit answer then she entered the White Room again.  
Hearing footsteps approach Alain de Marillac sat more erect in the chair a beaten but proud man who refused to show how defeated he really was. Prominent twin slashes inflamed his cheeks as his face bore witness to the distinctive techniques used by the two people who had just left.
Admiring the torture twins’ handiwork, Madeline asked, “Are we ready to talk now, Monsieur de Marillac?”
Nodding his head Alain asked bravely, “What is this place? Who are you people?”
“Who is the mystery person who called you at the embassy?  What is his role with you and the Rising Dragons?”
“I can't tell you what I don't know. You can torture me all day and that won't change.”
“It's a deal.”
“Who died and made you God?” He asked indignantly.
“Perhaps this might convince you Monsieur de Marillac.”
Madeline said nothing more, but just turned and picked up a stack of newspaper clippings which she showed to him.  What de Marillac saw made his heart sink.  He was staring at his own death obituaries.
Madeline looked at him, satisfied to see real fear in his eyes. “As far as the world is concerned … you’re dead. Now … tell me what I need to know.”
Later that same day...
Operations quickly walked into the Briefing room where Jamie, Claire, Fergus and other operatives sat waiting quietly with stony faces. Madeline too, sat to one side of the briefing table knowing what Intel Operations would disclose. Without any preamble he began the meeting by activating the holographic imager while the operatives listened to all that he had to impart. Those gathered watched as information and a picture emerged on the holograph screen. Pacing back and forth each time he spoke, Dougal Mackenzie relayed the Intel Madeline had coerced from Alain de Marillac about members of the Rising Dragons and in particular that of the oriental woman whose face glared back at those assembled. “This is Madame Cheung, the only woman member of the Rising Dragons hierarchy who was personally chosen by Sun Yee Lok.” Looking at the picture of the woman, Jamie asked, “What is her role within the triad?” “Her main role is to procure women to work in prostitution and her exclusive high-class escort service. Alain de Marillac’s daughter was in her employ. Madame Cheung was planning on expanding her business but with Annalise de Marillac’s death this had set her plans back somewhat. She is now on the lookout for brunette Western women of Annalise’s age and build.” Feeling more than one pair of eyes on her, Claire inquired, “She is our next target then?” Operations’ nod towards her confirmed what Claire was thinking ... she just knew that she would be involved to snare the woman on this mission in some way. Dougal Mackenzie turned to his second in command to continue. “Madeline?” “Alain de Marillac was kind enough to reveal to us the location of his mole, and gave us a description of the mystery man who approached women on their own for this Madame Cheung of the Rising Dragons.” “I have also done a voice analysis of the mystery man who we suspect was Alain de Marillac’s contact from the audio tapes of conversation between them at the embassy.” Birkoff added confidently. “The plan's simple.” Operations stated. “Claire will meet with this man. We’ll then track and follow him to his meeting to discuss Claire. That's where we’ll find Madame Cheung.” “When and where is this meeting to take place between Claire and the informer?” Jamie requested knowing that whatever plans Operation and Madeline had that they would not bode well for his Sassenach. Operations gave no more details to answer Jamie’s question but only stated, “Details are on your panel. You’re on standby so stay close to Section until you leave. That will be all.” ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ As the field operatives left the room Madeline spoke quietly to Claire before she had time to leave the briefing table. “Could we see you before you leave?” Nodding at her, Claire Beauchamp acknowledged her request wondering what Madeline had to further add to this mission but knowing that the voice of doom was highly likely. She’d read between the lines during the briefing knowing that Madeline obviously had plans for her and this Madame Cheung particularly given her preference for western, brunette women similar to Annalise de Marillac. Covertly noting the exchange between the two women, Jamie realised that his initial inclinations about his superiors’ motives were not too far from the truth.  Madeline certainly had more in mind for Claire than what would be outlined on her PDA. He knew exactly just what she would propose to her for this mission given the Intel presented and Claire’s similar appearance to the deceased Annalise de Marillac. He would discuss it with her in privacy later at her apartment away from the prying eyes of Section One.
In Operations’ Perch, the two Section Leaders were grappling with the wisdom of their decision concerning Claire Beauchamp, hoping that she would be able to carry it off and also about Jamie Fraser’s reaction once he found out about it. 
“It’s time to put Claire to the test,” Madeline stated but her words had a double meaning which Operations failed to recognise.  
In her Machiavellian mind, she was not only testing Claire about her loyalty to Section One and what was to be asked of her, but also to see what she suspected might be true ... that Claire Beauchamp had a relationship with her partner James Fraser that was more than platonic. 
Operations, however, was not convinced and said so. “Do you think it's premature?” “No. This mission will surely grab Madame Cheung’s attention. Now it’s just a question of how far she’s willing to go.” “We knew the probabilities going in … just under sixty percent. Is that good enough Madeline?”
“If Madame Cheung is drawn to Claire as I suspect she will be given her resemblance to Annalise de Marillac … then I believe we can be confident in the outcome.” 
“And James?”
“James Fraser is Section. He will do whatever is necessary.”
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ “Come in Claire,” Dougal stated as Claire Beauchamp arrived at the Perch a little while later. She walked in and stood to attention with her arms folded in front of her. With a blank stare perfected like Jamie’s, and looking at Operations and Madeline, Claire waited for the axe to fall on her.
Without mincing words, Operations told her why she was there. “Claire, we feel that a connection to Madame Cheung can be extremely useful to us.”
“Of course.”
“However ... although the profile's already been set there are some changes.” Continuing Madeline outlined their plan. “We want you to undertake a deep cover on this assignment. It will be vital for the success of the mission. You will immerse yourself in Madame Cheung’s world and learn what you can about her dealings with the Rising Dragons and in particular Sun Yee Lok.” “Are you saying you’d like me to accept any proposal from her? “Yes.” “For how long?” “Indefinitely.” Claire’s heart dropped and her stomach was in knots. “And Jamie? ... Does he know about this?” “Not yet ... You can tell him in due course. Tell him you need to learn more about Madame Cheung and being in close proximity for some time is the best way. He’ll know this is true.” “Is that all?” Claire replied perfecting Jamie’s blank stare and not showing any emotion although her insides were churning up. “Yes.” Claire Beauchamp looked at her Section leaders while Madeline watched her closely too realising that she was internalising the fact that she was now on a deep cover mission. James Fraser had taught her well for Claire gave very little away in her stance and replies to their orders, but the fact they had asked her to go undercover with this woman was more than she could comprehend at the moment.  She needed some time to digest what the mission would entail and how she would find the strength and fortitude to endure such a deep cover assignment without Jamie.
With a blank expression on her face Claire turned and left the loft. As she walked out, Madeline looked at Operations again. The Section leaders traded a glance.
They both looked pleased.
In Munitions ...
Murtagh Fitzgibbons was fiddling with a modified cam’s expansion card seemingly lost in the task at hand; however, he looked up smiling when he heard the honeyed sounds of Claire Beauchamp’s voice as she approached his section. 
“Hey Murtagh,” she greeted him trying to appear upbeat for her friend upon coming into his area. “Hey Sugar.” She watched as he continued to fiddle with the apparatus he was working on. “I haven't seen you for over a week. Whatcha got there?” “Nothing much … just a cam I’m modifying,” he replied looking at her, “Heading out?” “Yep ... Have you seen Jamie?” “He just left.” “Oooh!” This was nothing new for James Fraser as he often left Section before anyone else. However, Murtagh failed to notice Claire’s disappointment in his reply about Jamie and continued to question her as he worked.
“So how are things? How’s the mission going?”
“So far … so good but we still don’t have Sun Yee Lok.”
“Proving to be a bit elusive is he?” “Yeah … you could say that.” “I see you have to go back to Hong Kong.” “Yeah.” This time Murtagh looked up at Claire finally noticing her reticent sigh. “Hey, why the long face then? You okay?” “I'm fine.” He put down what he was working on and gave her his undivided attention. “You don't seem so fine.” “Murtagh, it's just this place. It just gets to me sometimes, that's all.” “Is it the mission?” “Sort of … It’s another new mission within a mission.” “Well Jamie will be there to keep an eye on you.” “Maybe …” “What do you mean maybe?” “They’ve put me on a deep cover mission.” “What? ... Where?” “At Madame Cheung’s.” “Does Jamie know?” “Not yet.” “Don’t worry Claire; Jamie won’t let anything happen to you. Trust me.” “I know ...” “You know how things are, Sugar. Things don’t just “work out” around here, they happen for a business.” “Yeah ... but, I’m not sure I can go through with it though.”         “It’s only a numbers game Claire. They pull the lever, whatever comes out three cherries, that’s the jackpot.” “Murtagh ... it’s just that …” “What?”
Claire let her thoughts materialize ... “I was in bad shape this time last year. I don't want to feel that way again and ... I fit the profile again for this mission. I’m getting a bit sick of it. Tall, leggy brunettes! I wish I was shorter and blonde occasionally.”
“Oh, I see,” Murtagh replied biting his lip in mirth. He looked at Claire and his eyes crinkled with mischievousness, “Hey … come to think of it … Madeline fits THAT bill! She could take your place.” He winked at her with the cheeky, craggy grin that Claire loved, breaking her from her melancholy. “Don’t worry ... You’ll knock ‘em dead Sugar!" Laughing, she answered, “Thanks Murtagh … you always put things into perspective.” “Keep your powder dry. Sure as hell going to miss you Sugar.” “I’ll be back,” Claire replied and began to walk away but paused when Murtagh added in all seriousness. “Talk to Jamie. He’ll figure out something.” “Okay.” “Goodnight Murtagh.” “Goodnight Sugar,” he replied as he watch Claire Beauchamp walk away from his station with much on her mind and hoped in some ways that his words had given her some comfort.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ to be continued
 Should you wish to access the other chapters of this story … go to
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Woman on honeymoon becomes 10th U.S. tourist to die after Dominican Republic vacation
LULING, La. – A Louisiana woman died less than a week after returning from her honeymoon in the Dominican Republic, WWLTV reported, making her the 10th US tourist to die after visiting the Dominican Republic.
It was supposed to be a trip of a lifetime for Susan Simoneaux and her husband, Keith Williams, who had been together 10 years, when they traveled to Punta Cana shortly after getting married.
But it quickly turned into a nightmare.
Less than a week after returning home from the Dominican Republic, Simoneaux was rushed to the hospital with fluid in her lungs, according to WWLTV. She died on Tuesday.
Her husband said he did not know that at least nine other Americans had died while visiting the Dominican Republic, and dozens of others had fallen ill.
“I would have never went if I would have known,” Williams told WWLTV. “I did not know to be honest with you.”
Investigations are still ongoing and Dominican authorities say they have not found any connection between the deaths.
An autopsy for Simoneaux is planned.
So is it safe to travel to the Dominican Republic?
Many Americans may be wondering if they should cancel their upcoming trips to the Caribbean paradise after the recent deaths of several tourists there have confounded authorities and set the nation on edge.
Here are answers to some of the open questions travelers might have.
How many people have died?
Not counting the most recent death of Simoneaux, at least nine American citizens have died in the Dominican Republic over the past year, according to information from the US State Department, victims’ family members and the resorts involved.
They are:
Joseph Allen, 55
Allen, 55 of New Jersey, died June 13 at the Terra Linda resort in Sosua, Dominican Republic, his sister Jaimie Reed told CNN.
Reed said her brother had not been feeling well when he was with friends at the hotel pool. Reed said the friends told her he showered and went out that night, despite the fact that he still wasn’t feeling well. The next morning, he failed to meet up with friends. When hotel staff checked his room, they found him dead.
Jason Allen, the man’s brother, wrote in a letter that Joseph Allen’s son Amir arrived in the DR only a few hours after Allen’s body was found. The father and son were planning on spending Father’s Day together.
Allen’s family is seeking to have his body returned to the US to undergo an autopsy back home.
Leyla Cox, 53
Cox, of New York City, died in her hotel room at the Excellence Resorts in Punta Cana on June 10. The hotel gave the cause of death as heart attack, citing a forensics report. CNN has not independently confirmed the contents of the report.
Cox’s son expressed doubts over the hotel’s claims about his mother’s cause of death, saying he did not believe she died from “natural causes.”
“I truly believe if she was anywhere else in the world besides the Dominican Republic she’d be alive right now,” Will Cox told CNN affiliate WCBS.
Nathaniel Holmes, 63, and Cynthia Day, 49
The Maryland couple missed their scheduled checkout time at the Grand Bahia Principe in La Romana on May 30. When hotel employees checked them, they were dead, police said.
Both Holmes and Day had internal bleeding, including in their pancreases, according to Dominican authorities. Holmes had an enlarged heart and cirrhosis of the liver — both signs of significant pre-existing disease, the Dominican authorities said, and Day also had fluid in her brain. Both also had fluid in their lungs, Attorney General Jean Alain Rodriguez Sanchez’s office said in a statement.
Authorities said they won’t provide more details on the cause of death until toxicology results are completed.
Miranda Schaup-Werner, 41
Schaup-Werner of Whitehall township, Pennsylvania, checked into the Bahia Principe resort in La Romana — the same hotel where Holmes and Day died — on May 25.
She excitedly took pictures in the room she shared with her husband, Dan Werner. They were celebrating a wedding anniversary. She had a drink from the minibar and suddenly felt ill, family spokesman Jay McDonald told CNN affiliate WFMZ.
Shortly afterward, she collapsed and died. Schaup-Werner suffered a heart attack, pulmonary edema and respiratory failure, according to a preliminary autopsy cited by the Attorney General’s Office of the Dominican Republic.
Toxicology results are pending and the death remains under investigation.
John Corcoran
Corcoran, the brother of “Shark Tank” TV star Barbara Corcoran, died at the end of April in his hotel room in the Dominican Republic, according to a statement from his sister.
“He passed away from what is believed to be natural causes,” the statement said. “He loved and frequently visited the Dominican Republic.”
Robert Wallace, 67
Wallace, 67, a resident of Turlock, California, died after becoming ill at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Punta Cana on April 12, relatives told CNN affiliate KTXL. More than two dozen members of his family were in the Dominican Republic for a wedding.
Tommy Tickenhoff, his son in law, told the station that Wallace became sick after drinking scotch from a minibar.
David Harrison, 45
Harrison, 45, of Brandywine, Maryland, died at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Punta Cana in July 2018, according to his wife, Dawn McCoy. They were celebrating an anniversary.
She said her husband returned from a snorkeling excursion one day earlier and he said he wasn’t feeling well. Early the next morning, she said, he was sweating and unable to get up before he died.
The cause of death was listed as a heart attack and pulmonary edema by local authorities.
Yvette Monique Sport
Yvette Monique Sport died in June 2018 at the Bahia Principe in Punta Cana, her sister, Felecia Nieves, told CNN. She had traveled there with a group of friends, her first vacation in eight years.
Sport, a resident of Pennsylvania, took a shower and went to bed after having drinks with her fiance, Nieves said. Sport also had a drink from the minibar, she said.
Her fiance heard her make “a gurgling sound” in her sleep, Nieves said. The next morning, Nieves said he discovered that she was dead.
The family is still awaiting toxicology reports. The US State Department confirmed the death.
Are these deaths related in anyway?
The bottom line: Officials in the Dominican Republican or the US have not said the deaths are connected.
But there are similarities between the deaths. Three of the Americans died at the Bahia Principe resort in La Romana within days of each other. Two died at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Punta Cana.
The investigations into the deaths have included visits from health inspectors, including environmental health and epidemiology specialists, according to Carlos Suero, spokesman for the Ministry of Public Health.
The US Embassy in Santo Domingo has said it is “actively working” with Dominican authorities to ensure that American citizens are safe. It said Dominican officials have asked for FBI assistance for further toxicology analysis on the recent Bahia Principe, La Romana cases.
“These cases are very regrettable, but isolated,” Tourism Minister Javier Garcia said in a statement earlier this month.
A Colorado couple, who stayed at the Bahia Principe in La Romana last year, told CNN they became violently ill after being exposed to what they suspect were insecticides spread through the air conditioning system.
What has been the impact on tourism?
The bottom line: It’s not yet clear if Americans are canceling their trips to the country. But Dominican officials aren’t taking any chances.
Tourism last year represented more than 17% of the country’s economy, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council.
And about 6.5 million tourists visited the Dominican Republic last year, more than any other Caribbean nation, according to the Caribbean Tourism Organization. The United States accounted for 2.2 million of those tourists — more than any other country in the region.
So earlier this month many Dominican government officials started reusing on social media the hashtag #BeFairWithDR — which the officials have used before to counter negative publicity.
“Cheerful, welcoming and hospitable, our Dominican Republic, the economy that grows the most in America, with its beautiful beaches and mountains, its tasty gastronomy and hardworking people invites you to know and love it,” Marchena tweeted.
I’ve already booked a trip there. Should I still go?
The bottom line: The State Department has not issued a travel warning about trips to the Dominican Republic.
Because of crime in the country the Dominican Republic is under a Level 2 travel advisory, which means to exercise increased caution.
Matthew Bradley, a regional security director for the risk management firm International SOS, said that the Dominican Republic is still a safe destination.
“These incidents, while recent, in my mind don’t indicate Dominican Republic is any less safe than it was before,” Bradley said. “I would tell people to continue with trips.”
The concern over the deaths hasn’t stopped Bobby Minor from leading a group of people to the island nation. Minor is the head of baseball operations for the Cepeda Caribbean Classic, which has brought about 60 families from throughout the US to the Dominican Republic for a youth tournament. Minor said only one mother decided not to make the trip with her son.
If travelers do decide to go on with their trip, Robert Quigley, senior vice president and regional medical director for International SOS, said they should visit a doctor before their trip, “especially if they might have a chronic medical condition or cardiovascular disease.” He said sleep deprivation and stress can “exacerbate underlying, and sometimes asymptomatic, serious cardiovascular diseases.”
But Demetrius Lockwood, a corrections officer in Florida, canceled a late-summer vacation he had planned to take to the Dominican Republic with friends.
“Maybe this is not the best time to go,” he said.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/06/20/woman-on-honeymoon-becomes-10th-u-s-tourist-to-die-after-dominican-republic-vacation/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/06/20/woman-on-honeymoon-becomes-10th-u-s-tourist-to-die-after-dominican-republic-vacation/
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Address Not Disclosed, Morris, CT
Price: $225000
Beautiful building site with view of bantam lake. Cleared meadow with surrounding trees. This listing includers 218 bantam lake rd. Which is a 25′ direct waterfront parcel on nick’s cove. Permit in place for drainage. Well on property, no knowledge of age or depth.
142 E Shore Rd, Morris, CT
Price: $950000
The ultimate PARTY HOUSE with Bantam Lake frontage, beach, dock and boat launch. Steeped in local history, it is the earliest house built on Bantam Lake. Circa 1769 main house was once the “Alms House”, became a local jail, an Inn and finally, a youth hostel! Now fully remodeled for modern living with historical features intact. Large, eat in kitchen for entertaining. Spacious master bedroom suite with lake views, full bath and dressing room. Game room on lower level with cozy fireplace and full bar. Barn with room for two cars plus loft space and boat storage. Plenty of flat land with gorgeous trees, split rail fencing and Apple Hill trail access. This house is on White Memorial land but is grandfathered for year-round living.
97 Looking Glass Hill Rd, Morris, CT
Price: $3500000
This totally private estate is situated on 95.46 acres bordering the Bantam River. Long driveway leads to the 5 bedroom, 5 ½ bathroom main house, 2-bedroom caretakers/guesthouse and separate garage outbuilding. The property is meticulously landscaped with mature trees, perennial gardens, heated gunite swimming pool, tennis court and large pond. Including all furniture except piano.
302 Bantam Lake Rd, Morris, CT
Price: $579900
Direct waterfront complex on CT’s largest natural lake. Original home built in 1943 situated within 30′ of the shoreline. 2 additional seasonal cottages were built in the 1950’s. Each dwelling has 2BR and a full bath. One cottage has a FP and a garage. All are connected to town sewers and share 1 well. 52′ of direct waterfront with a wonderful view of the lake.
43 Hickory Hill Rd, Morris, CT
Price: $549901
Come see This custom built one of a kind home. It features an open floor plan with cathedral ceilings and gleaming hardwood and attention to detail throughout. . It sits on a partially wooded and level 3.41 acre lot in a sought after dead end street. It is also just minutes away to many amenities including Bantam Lake. You will love entertaining here for the holidays with this great flowing floorplan. There are two fireplaces, a granite kitchen with cherry cabinetry, oak hardwood floors throughout, and a beautiful spiral staircase. There is a master bedroom with Jacuzzi on the second fl oor. Full unfinished basement and bonus room above the garage that is ready to be converted into more living space if needed. Dont wait, this is the one.
259 E Shore Rd, Morris, CT
Price: $1395000
Spectacular Bantam Lake contemporary with 180 feet of frontage on the Lake. Sensational three tiered deck for entertaining while enjoying western sunset views. This dramatic custom-designed home offers direct waterfront on the largest natural lake in Connecticut. With over 4000sf this house has high ceilings, spectacular sunset views and wonderful natural light. Open first floor, kitchen, dining room and great room all have large windows facing the lake with three levels of extensive decking plus dock. Fully equipped kitchen. Great room has a stone fireplace and opens to a family room a rea with wet bar and fridge. Sunroom with hot tub and walls of windows on three sides. A full bath and a laundry room complete the first floor. The second floor has a master spacious master bedroom with bath en suite. There are two guest bedrooms that share a full bath. All bedrooms open to private decks facing the lake. 3rd floor turret has a finished space and a private covered balcony. Perfect weekend retreat less than 2 hours from NYC.
241 E Shore Rd, Morris, CT
Price: $514000
Waterfront and Summer fun on Bantam Lake. Not leased White Memorial Land. 2 Structures included! Cottage, detached 2 car garage and great room. Direct waterfront cottage on Connecticut’s largest natural lake. The property consists of 832 sq. ft. cottage with stone fireplace and enclosed sun porch. Detached oversized 2 car garage and 950 sq. ft. great room. Easement on land across the street (MLS# L10120545) provides expansion potential with approved 4 bedroom septic system! Over 80′ of waterfront. Surveyed property. Enjoy watersports, kayaking, boating, boating, swimming and fishing fro m your own dock. Amazing sunsets. First time on the market. Under 2 hrs. from NYC. —
193 Looking Glass Hill Rd, Morris, CT
Price: $569900
Set back from the road, this 4-bedroom home offers privacy and seclusion. Open floor plan on the main level connects the formal Dining Room to the Living Room with wood burning fireplace, then opens to a gourmet kitchen complete with 5-burner Wolf stove, granite countertops, Sub-Zero refrigerator, custom cabinets and large center island. Step down into the stunning great room featuring a dramatic gas fireplace, coffered 9′ ceiling, architectural windows, and French doors that lead to a patio area with mature plantings and fire pit. The upper level master wing offers a separate sitting r oom and additional office/den space before opening up to a grand master suite featuring large walk-in closets and full bath with jetted tub. Two additional bedrooms and full bath complete this level. Attached 3-car garage. Separate 977sqft outbuilding/workshop has upgraded electrical wiring with ceiling drops (for professional wood working shop, 220v), oil heat, water and over-sized doors, perfect for workshop or car enthusiast. Workshop also contains a small office with walk out double doors and a covered carport in the back. A country setting minutes to Litchfield center and less than 2 hours to NYC. Close to public and many private schools in the area.
193 Looking Glass Hill Rd, Morris, CT
Price: $569900
Set back from the road, this 4-bedroom home offers privacy and seclusion. Open floor plan on the main level connects the formal Dining Room to the Living Room with wood burning fireplace, then opens to a gourmet kitchen complete with 5-burner Wolf stove, granite countertops, Sub-Zero refrigerator, custom cabinets and large center island. Step down into the stunning great room featuring a dramatic gas fireplace, coffered 9′ ceiling, architectural windows, and French doors that lead to a patio area with mature plantings and fire pit. The upper level master wing offers a separate sitting r oom and additional office/den space before opening up to a grand master suite featuring large walk-in closets and full bath with jetted tub. Two additional bedrooms and full bath complete this level. Attached 3-car garage. Separate 977sqft outbuilding/workshop has upgraded electrical wiring with ceiling drops (for professional wood working shop, 220v), oil heat, water and over-sized doors, perfect for workshop or car enthusiast. Workshop also contains a small office with walk out double doors and a covered carport in the back. A country setting minutes to Litchfield center and less than 2 hours to NYC. Close to public and many private schools in the area.
85 Litchfield Rd, Morris, CT
Price: $399900
3.7 miles from the historic Litchfield Green, this beautiful 8-room Colonial combines formal with comfort. Eat-in kitchen, formal dining room, formal living room with gas fireplace, master bedroom with full bath and walk-in closet, 3 additional bedrooms, lower-level family room. Central-air, French doors, crown molding, hardwood floors, mahogany deck overlooking pasture and woods. Mint condition! Also for rent under MLS #L10197650 for $2,500 per month.
94 Alain White Rd, Morris, CT
Price: $350000
Sitting in an idyllic location in Morris just across from Winvian, is this gracious home on 2.14 park like acres. This home has plenty of room to entertain and for you to enjoy one of the most beautiful settings in Litchfield County. The large beamed living room features lots of windows, and space. There is a fire place, built-in book shelves and beautiful front foyer with massive windows, a kitchen with double oven and double stove tops leads to a three season sun room where you can enjoy the view of the gorgeous back yard. Heat pumps have been installed and provide economical and rapi d cooling in summer and heat in winter. Located 5 minutes from the Litchfield Green and a short walk away from White Memorial Park. There is a fully finished basement with a fireplace, wood stove, and private office. Throughout the house there is an astonishing amount of closet space. This is a difficult to find combination of a beautiful home and beautiful land, all of which is usable acreage. ATTENTION CAR ENTHUSIASTS: this home has a THREE AND ONE HALF CAR GARRAGE! There is plenty of room for your cars, toys and workshop.
20 Bantam Lake Hts, Morris, CT
Price: $199000
Cozy 7-room Ranch with lake views and historic lake access. Fully renovated and in great condition.
21 East St, Morris, CT
Price: $327800
Lovely Updated Colonial with Wrap Around Porch Situated in a Park Like 2-Acre Setting, and Surrounded by Historic Litchfield County. This Most Welcoming Home truly shows off all the Love with Updates including: New Roof, Updated Kitchen, Updated Wiring, Newer furnace, Newer Random Width Pegged Oak Floors in the Great Room, and Newer Detached 40X24 Garage/Barn w its own Electric Service. This Warm and Bright Historic Charmer radiates all the Comfort that is Sought after Today while meeting all Contemporary Functional Standards! And its Central Location provides the Gift of Church Chimes from your Deck/Front Porch, Concerts on the Green, “Poppy’s Burgers and Shakes”, with all thee Amenities of Bantam Lake and White Memorial only minutes away!
59 Hickory Hill Rd, Morris, CT
Price: $451000
WOW, This one is a gem 3928 Square feet set on nearly 3.5 acres with plenty of privacy. Built in 2006, Gourmet kitchen, first floor master bedroom, hardwood floors, Located in Quiet Morris, CT ” ****Seller has authorized a $2500 Buyer’s Agent Bonus to be paid at Closing of an acceptable offer. **** ****
243 Alain White Rd, Morris, CT
Price: $80000
Beardsley Cottage – restore this charming year-round home that sits on a small knoll on an acre of open and lightly wooded land in the midst of White Memorial. Over time, 2 shed additions were built off the rear of the dwelling and a 17′ x 8′ full bath/laundry room was added on the main floor. Large country kitchen. Wood floors throughout. Status of generator is unknown – included in sale as-is. 2-330 gallon oil tanks in basement. 200 amp service. Detached garage. Home is in need of complete rehabilitation. This property is on leased land (currently $1,800/year). White Memorial Foundati on must approve buyer. NB: Ask about financing available for the purchase of this property through a local lender.
56 Burgess Rd, Morris, CT
Price: $595000
Just the house for the car collector. 3 Bedroom, 3.5 bath, LR with gas fireplace, DR, office, sun room opening to 20X24 trex deck in rear, custom cherry cabinets with granite counters in kitchen, finished walkout basement, loft, bonus room over 3 car garage, basement garage for 7 addition cars. Hydro air/AC, central vac., 400 amp electric service. Detached 3 car garage with lift. Landscaped lot, country setting, enjoy quiet country living at its best Please click on the Virtual Tour for more photos and an important message.
189 Bantam Lake Rd, Morris, CT
Price: $895000
Spectacular year round lake views from the three-sided wrap around porch. Multilevel arches add elegance to this distinctively designed Spanish colonial home. Elegant staircase leads to a stately living room with a stone fireplace and beautifully designed crown molding. Five bedrooms including an oversized first floor master bedroom suite. Sunny family room with cathedral ceiling leads to a stone terrace. Attached three car garage. Approx. 180 ft. frontage on Bantam Lake. An exceptional home in an exceptional setting.
96 Stoddard Rd, Morris, CT
Price: $325000
This large parcel is a dream for nature lovers! The natural terrain provides a wildlife preserve for flora and fauna alike in addition to abutting White Memorial Foundation land. With selective clearing, extensive views of Bantam Lake are possible. A trail to a nice home site is already in place. Access to a rear section is via r.o.w. over a neighboring property. 1000 frontage feet will allow for subdividing while maintaining privacy for each lot. Bring your imagination and build your dream home. Located just 2 hours from NYC, 3 from Boston and minutes to Washington Depot. Enjoy all fou r active, robust seasons in Litchfield County right outside your door! Schedule your private tour. NB: taxes reflect Forestland classification.
300 Bantam Lake Rd #9, Morris, CT
Price: $465000
Charming lakeside cottage in Westover Association. One of 6 waterfront houses. Boat slips right outside your door. New stainless appliances (except refrigerator), brand new gas furnace, central air and updated bathrooms. Professional gardens as well. Wonderful screened porch overlooks the lake. Living room leads to the screened-in porch and a small deck. 3 bedrooms upstairs, entry deck leads into kitchen/dining area, crawl space has been seal in with a cement like covering so it dry under the house. There is a tennis court and beach available for the community of 11 houses of which 9 ar e up. Association fee covers garbage, snow plowing and grounds and tree maintenance. An idyllic spot on Ct’s largest natural lake. You’ll never want to leave!
325 Stoddard Rd, Morris, CT
Price: $304900
Escape from the hustle and bustle of the city to your very own private country retreat. This charming cape cod style home built in 2006 is only two hours from New York City. Sit on your back deck which runs the whole back length of the house and take in all that nature has to offer on your lovely five plus acre property. This home exudes warmth and has the quintessential charm of Litchfield County. Three bedrooms with one being on the main level of the home and two full bathrooms. The eat in kitchen and living room are all open and airy with hardwood flooring and stainless appliances, h ome is painted in neutral and tasteful tones. Your view across the street is a lovely expansive field that cannot be developed. Mechanicals are a tankless on demand hot water heater and double wall top of the line oil tank. House is wired for a generator. Driveway is made of asphalt millings which requires little maintenance and is environmentally friendly this home is truly turn key and a fabulous value! Less than two miles from Bantam Lake and some of the finest restaurants in the area
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-morris-ct/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158039541325
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Tektronix technologies meeting room management system or meeting room booking software is designed to organize your office meeting rooms by avoiding confusion and conflict and ensuring hassle-free bookings using easy to use platforms like office 365 or outlook. thus increasing the productivity of your office environment.
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Meeting room booking software.
Meeting Room Booking Software in Abu Dhabi
Meeting room booking system in uae
Meeting Room Booking Software in abu dhabi
Meeting Room Booking System in AJMAN
Meeting Room Booking Software in Dubai
Meeting Room Booking System in Dubai:
An Intelligent Meeting Room Management System is a sophisticated solution designed to streamline and optimize the utilization of meeting spaces within an organization. It leverages various technologies to enhance the booking, monitoring, and overall management of meeting rooms. Here are the key components and features of such a system
Room Booking and Scheduling:
User-friendly interface: A web or mobile application that allows employees to easily reserve meeting rooms based on availability and their specific needs.
Real-time availability: Provides up-to-the-minute information on room availability, preventing double bookings.
Automated scheduling: Allows for recurring meetings and the option to set meeting durations, ensuring efficient use of resources.
Resource Allocation:
Integration with calendars: Syncs with popular calendar platforms like Google Calendar, Outlook, or corporate calendars.
Equipment booking: Allows users to reserve AV equipment, whiteboards, and other resources alongside the meeting room.
Occupancy Monitoring:
IoT sensors: Utilizes occupancy sensors to monitor the number of people in a meeting room, helping to enforce capacity limits and social distancing rules.
Lighting and climate control: Automatically adjusts lighting and temperature settings based on room occupancy to save energy.
Access Control:
RFID or smart card access: Integrates with access control systems to grant authorized personnel access to meeting rooms.
Facial recognition: Advanced systems may incorporate facial recognition technology for a touchless and secure entry.
Notification and Reminders:
Automated reminders: Sends notifications to meeting organizers and participants before the scheduled meeting time.
Room release alerts: If a booked room remains unused, the system can release it for others to use.
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Meeting Room Booking System in Dubai
Meeting Room Booking System in Dubai:
An Intelligent Meeting Room Management System is a sophisticated solution designed to streamline and optimize the utilization of meeting spaces within an organization. It leverages various technologies to enhance the booking, monitoring, and overall management of meeting rooms. Here are the key components and features of such a system:
Room Booking and Scheduling:
User-friendly interface: A web or mobile application that allows employees to easily reserve meeting rooms based on availability and their specific needs.
Real-time availability: Provides up-to-the-minute information on room availability, preventing double bookings.
Automated scheduling: Allows for recurring meetings and the option to set meeting durations, ensuring efficient use of resources.
Resource Allocation:
Integration with calendars: Syncs with popular calendar platforms like Google Calendar, Outlook, or corporate calendars.
Equipment booking: Allows users to reserve AV equipment, whiteboards, and other resources alongside the meeting room.
Occupancy Monitoring:
IoT sensors: Utilizes occupancy sensors to monitor the number of people in a meeting room, helping to enforce capacity limits and social distancing rules.
Lighting and climate control: Automatically adjusts lighting and temperature settings based on room occupancy to save energy.
Access Control:
RFID or smart card access: Integrates with access control systems to grant authorized personnel access to meeting rooms.
Facial recognition: Advanced systems may incorporate facial recognition technology for a touchless and secure entry.
Notification and Reminders:
Automated reminders: Sends notifications to meeting organizers and participants before the scheduled meeting time.
Room release alerts: If a booked room remains unused, the system can release it for others to use.
Analytics and Reporting:
Usage statistics: Provides data on room utilization, popular meeting times, and peak booking periods.
Cost allocation: Helps organizations understand the cost associated with meeting room usage.
Integration and Scalability:
Integration with collaboration tools: Seamless integration with video conferencing and collaboration platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Slack.
Scalability: Easily scales to accommodate additional meeting rooms or locations as an organization grows.
User Feedback and Ratings:
User feedback system: Allows users to rate meeting rooms and provide feedback on the quality of equipment and amenities.
Maintenance and Support:
Automated maintenance alerts: Notifies IT or facility management when equipment or room conditions require attention.
Helpdesk integration: Links to a helpdesk system for quick issue resolution.
Energy Efficiency:
Smart energy management: Monitors and optimizes energy usage in meeting rooms, reducing wastage.
Security and Privacy:
Data protection: Ensures the security and privacy of booking and occupancy data.
Access logs: Maintains logs of room access and usage for security purposes.
Mobile App Integration:
Mobile room booking: Allows users to book and manage meetings on the go.
QR code check-in: Users can check in to meetings using QR codes for touchless entry.
Implementing an Intelligent Meeting Room Management System can lead to improved resource utilization, enhanced employee productivity, and cost savings for organizations. Additionally, it supports the modern workplace's flexibility and adaptability, particularly in a post-pandemic world where remote and hybrid work arrangements are prevalent.
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Meeting room software Abu Dhabi, meeting room management software   smart meeting room management, meeting room booking system Smart meeting room booking solutions, meeting room solutions UAE
Meeting Room Management Software application offers the following key features:
It helps you track & manage your meeting rooms schedule from anywhere & anytime.
It offers automated workflows to avoid schedule conflicts. It offers better visibility on resource & service requirements during meetings. It offers better insights on utilization, resource usage & user activity. Integration with Touch Display Panels, which makes it easy to use. It allows you to schedule multiple meeting rooms at multiple locations with varied time zones. Notifications and Reminders for meeting bookings and cancellations.
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Meeting Room Booking System uae
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The Room Manager is a beautiful touchscreen solution for all your meeting rooms. Make sure they’re getting used during a truly effective way. Forget about double bookings, confusion and interrupted meetings. With our room booking system you'll easily book conference rooms then have all information presented on the screen. Integrates seamlessly with the existing e-mail server. Now you’ll get full insight into your organization’s meeting patterns to optimize resources. Get decisions making support that really cuts costs. If you have room for improvement, get in touch with the Room Manager.
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Meeting Intelligence
Statistics can help us make wise decisions. With the  Tektron Room Manager you get all the knowledge you would like to optimize the utilization of meeting rooms and equipment. what proportion does one use your meeting rooms and are some used quite others? Was that meeting room optional for a particular group? Any broken equipment? Export full reports on to MS Excel. Get the Business Intelligence you would like with the Tektron Room Manager and cut costs.
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Multiple Book Meeting Room(s) on the fly using Smart phone , On Display, Web Or Outlook. Schedulele Meeting Rooms at Multiple Location across Multiple time zones. Create one-time, regularly recurring or arbitrarily recurring bookings Ability to request refreshment or various service from the meeting room via tablet
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 The Room Manager is a beautiful touchscreen solution for all your meeting rooms. Make sure they’re getting used during a truly effective way. Forget about double bookings, confusion and interrupted meetings. With our room booking system you'll easily book conference rooms then have all information presented on the screen. Integrates seamlessly with the existing e-mail server. Now you’ll get full insight into your organization’s meeting patterns to optimize resources. Get decisions making support that really cuts costs. If you have room for improvement, get in touch with the Room Manager.
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The Room Manager is a beautiful touchscreen solution for all your meeting rooms. Make sure they’re getting used during a truly effective way. Forget about double bookings, confusion and interrupted meetings. With our room booking system you'll easily book conference rooms then have all information presented on the screen. Integrates seamlessly with the existing e-mail server. Now you’ll get full insight into your organization’s meeting patterns to optimize resources. Get decisions making support that really cuts costs. If you have room for improvement, get in touch with the Room Manager.
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The Room Manager is a beautiful touchscreen solution for all your meeting rooms. Make sure they’re getting used during a truly effective way. Forget about double bookings, confusion and interrupted meetings. With our room booking system you'll easily book conference rooms then have all information presented on the screen. Integrates seamlessly with the existing e-mail server. Now you’ll get full insight into your organization’s meeting patterns to optimize resources. Get decisions making support that really cuts costs. If you have room for improvement, get in touch with the Room Manager.
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